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History | History
History | History
27 Untold Facts about the Declaration of Independence
The declaration of independence is a document that changed the course of U.S history forever. In the year 1776, the continental congress declared the independence of 13 US countries from Great Britain. Here are 27 facts about the declaration of independen
History | History
Why Is the Capital of Ukraine Now Called Kyiv, Not Kiev?
‘Kyiv’ is not a new name for the capital of Ukraine—and the Kyiv-or-Kiev discussion isn’t new, either.
History | History
George H.W. Bush’s Broccoli Ban, George Washington’s Cherry Tree Debacle, and 44 More Presidential Misconceptions
Did George Washington really chop down a cherry tree? Did William Howard Taft really get stuck in the bathtub? Those answers and more.
History | History
When Abraham Lincoln Tried His Hand at Being a True Crime Writer | Mental Floss
In another era, Abraham Lincoln could have made for a great 'Dateline NBC' producer. The future president once penned a true crime tale based on a murder case he worked on as a lawyer.
History | History
The Reason Supreme Court Justices Wear Black Robes
The tradition of judges wearing black robes goes back centuries, but the meaning behind it is as timely as ever.
History | History
NASA Names Headquarters for 'Hidden Figure' Mary Jackson
Mary W. Jackson, NASA’s first Black female engineer, was an unsung hero of the Space Race in the 1960s.
History | History
A Brief History of the White House Bunker
Pearl Harbor prompted the White House to build a bomb shelter, and 9/11 might have prompted the construction of another.
History | History
Victorian Women Worked Out, Too—They Just Did It Wearing Corsets
Victorian women weren’t exactly doing HIIT workouts—in fact, they were trying not to break a sweat at all.
History | History
10 Facts About the Aberfan Disaster of 1966| Mental Floss
Learn the history of the tragic, shocking story behind the Aberfan mining disaster—an event recreated in season 3 of 'The Crown.'
History | History
Meet Margaret Hamilton: The Woman Behind the Apollo Project | Mental Floss
When Neil Armstrong stepped foot on the surface of the Moon in July of 1969, software was a relatively new development. In fact, the Moon mission was one of the first times this kind of engineering was used in such a fundamental way. History was being wri
History | History
A Pair of Dutch World War II Shipwrecks Have Disappeared Off the Coast of Malaysia | Mental Floss
A pair of Dutch shipwrecks that have been on the ocean floor for decades were stolen. Scrap metal thieves are to blame.
History | History
Think Trump Is Ruining the Fourth of July? The Founders Couldn’t Even Agree on How to Celebrate It. - POLITICO Magazine
Thomas Jefferson used the holiday to burnish his legacy; others used it to jeer at George Washington; John Adams thought it was commemorating the wrong date.
History | History
Nest Just Sent Out This Email and It's a Reminder of Why People Just Don't Trust Google
Nest is now sending marketing emails for Google products, in the surest sign that it is officially dead as an independent brand and product.
History | History
13 Incredible Facts About Frederick Douglass | Mental Floss
The list of Frederick Douglass's accomplishments is astonishing—respected orator, famous writer, abolitionist, civil rights leader, presidential consultant—even without considering that he was a former slave with no formal education.
History | History
‘The Invisibles’ Tells the Amazing Tale of Four Holocaust Survivors
A scene from “The Invisibles.” Photo: Courtesy of Greenwich Entertainment. When death knocked at her door, Hanni Weissenberg refused to …
History | History
How Anti-Semitism’s True Origin Makes It Invisible To The Left
Americans are tuned to deplore racism that punches down. But we must broaden our perspective if we want to reverse the progress of anti-Semitism.
History | History
What Happened to the Physical Copy of Martin Luther King's 'I Have a Dream' Speech? | Mental Floss
For two decades, it was kept inside of a Harry Truman biography for safekeeping.
History | History
VR Tech Is Playing A Key Role In Holocaust Education And Awareness | Social Awareness
Israeli initiatives are harnessing advanced technologies to capture the stories of survivors for Holocaust remembrance.
History | History
Archaeologists Are Excavating Sheffield Castle, One-Time Prison of Mary, Queen of Scots | Smart News | Smithsonian
The Scottish queen spent 14 years imprisoned at the medieval stronghold
History | History
Did FDR End the Great Depression? | PragerU
Did FDR help end the Great Depression? Did his New Deal improve an otherwise hopeless economy? Lee Ohanian, Professor of Economics at UCLA and consultant to the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, explains.
History | History
Do We Actually Know What Shakespeare Looked Like? | Mental Floss
Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on MentalFloss.com.
History | History
Newly discovered photo suggests Amelia Earhart survived crash-landing
The photo, found in the National Archives, shows a woman who resembles famed aviator Amelia Earhart and a man who appears to be her navigator, Fred Noonan.
History | History
23 Of The Oldest Color Photos Ever Taken
Here's what the world looked like in color, over 100 years ago.
History | History
Catching Up With (A Real Life) "Rosie The Riveter"
Seventy-five years ago, during World War II, Dr. Frances Carter worked in a Birmingham, Alabama, defense plant, helping to build B-29 bombers—some of the largest aircraft in service during the war. She is "Rosie the Riveter," and today, we're catch
History | History
Here's How British and American Spelling Parted Ways | Mental Floss
Test your knowledge with amazing and interesting facts, trivia, quizzes, and brain teaser games on MentalFloss.com.
History | History
12 Facts About Shirley Chisholm, The First African-American to Run For President
Before Hillary Clinton's historic rise, Shirley Chisholm lead a revolutionary campaign as the the first African-American to run for president for a major party.
History | History
A Better Depiction of Shakespeare May Be Hiding Beneath This Portrait
Retouches have altered the portrait from its original state.
History | History
This Short Film Brings Historical Photos To Life
By animating historical photographs from the early 1900s, artist Alexey Zakharov offers a new way to see history.
History | History
Hemingway’s Paris, Seen Through the Eyes of His Last Assistant
Valerie Hemingway, who later married the novelist’s son, gives an intimate tour of the cafes and other Lost Generation haunts immortalized in A Moveable Feast.
History | History
MFA Opens the Paul Revere, Sam Adams Time Capsule - This Day in History - Boston.com
The second historic Boston time capsule to emerge in months, a Revere-era time bundle discovered in a cornerstone of the Massachusetts State House on December 11, was revealed to the public today during a press conference at the Museum of Fine Arts.
History | History
45 Years Ago We Landed Men on the Moon
July 16 marked the 45th anniversary of the July 16, 1969 launch of Apollo 11, the NASA mission that first landed human beings on the Moon
History | History
Tin of marbles belonging to Anne Frank turn up in Amsterdam
Marbles that belonged to Holocaust victim Anne Frank have turned up over seventy years after she gave them to a friend for safekeeping before she and her family went into hiding.