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Google's AI Can Dream, and Here's What it Looks Like
Software engineers at Google have been analyzing the 'dreams' of their computers. And it turns out that androids do dream of electric sheep... and also pig-snails, camel-birds and dog-fish.
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Why Early-'80s Babies Are Different Than Other Millennials
Anyone born in the late '70s or early '80s probably has memories of huddling around a bulky desktop with five (or more) friends to play Oregon Trail. This article, titled
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12 Haunting Facts About The Titanic That You've Never Heard Before. #9
Blew My Mind
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Tipster recounts what made RV look sketchy in sex abuse case
The observant trucker who notified authorities when he suspected something was amiss at a truck stop has gone public with his story.
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Meet the Girl Who's Crowdfunding Her Abortion | VICE United States
Bailey says she’s 23, likes to read and go to shows, and really, really doesn’t want to be a mom. We asked her about her plans to kickstart the termination of her fetus.
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We are about to find out if our universe really is a hologram
What could be the most important scientific experiment of our lifetime is about to begin. The so-called Holometer Experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory aims to determine whether our perception of a three-dimensional universe is just an i
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Urinating in the ocean is harmless and is GOOD for marine life
According to a video by the American Chemical Society in Washington DC people should not feel guilty about going to the loo in the ocean (stock image shown).
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Kurt Cobain death scene: Seattle police release dozens of new photos from the scene of Cobain's suicide
The pictures were taken by Seattle police almost 20 years ago at the death scene of the rock legend and Nirvana frontman, and were only recently developed
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16 Children And Their Bedrooms From Across The World. This Truly Opened My Eyes...
Where you sleep says a lot about the world you live in.
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Turn Into a Tree When You Die with This Biodegradable Urn
This Eco-friendly urn allows cremated remains to sprout into a bio-dynamic tree.
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Woman's auto-payments hid her death for 6 years | KSL.com
Woman's body found mummified after being dead for six years, and nobody noticed she was missing.
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WATCH: Meet the guy who built a nuclear fusion reactor in his basement
Doug's pursuit for a limitless source of clean and self-sufficient energy takes place in what he calls his 'den of creative chaos'
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Update Your iPhones
People who have Apple mobile devices are being advised to update the software ASAP
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Florida student kicked out of school for performing in porn
A Central Florida student who turned to pornography to help his family pay bills tells Local 6 that his high school has expelled him.
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PHOTOS: Snellville sisters wed hours before mother passes away
Newly-released pictures shared by a photographer show the beautiful wedding shared by three Snellville sisters back in October.
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5 Questions to Ask Before Posting To Social Media
Some guidelines for thinking before you post.
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I Always Thought I Was Getting The Best Deals At Costco…But Then I Saw This!
If you shop at Costco hoping for big savings, you must read this now!
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Died in House™ answers 'Has Someone Died in Your House?'
Here's How To Find Out If Anyone Has Ever Died In Your House
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Target Data Breach Update
Target says that personal information � including phone numbers and email and mailing addresses � was stolen from as many as 70 million customers
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2014 Is Going To Be My Year Now That I Know These 89 Genius Solutions To Simple Problems.
Unless you enjoy difficulties, you're gonna want to see this.
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It Looks Like A Crazy Guy Just Walking Around In The Snow. Then You Zoom Out And.. Whoa.
Well, this is definitely unique.
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These 20 Photographs Will Leave You Speechless. Especially The 6th One. There Are No Words.
Some moments are unforgettable. And sometimes there's a camera there.
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Noahs Ark Has Been Found. Why Are They Keeping Us In The Dark?
The Ark of Noah has been found. Its real. Ill describe the evidence in some detail and end with the historical and religious implications. Your daily dose of happy, positive, feel good news stories from around the world
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'Vaginal Knitting' Is Feminist Art - But Does It Open Discussion Or Close It?
Meet Casey Jenkins, the feminist performance artist - or 'craftivist' as she prefers to be known - taking the internet by storm with her latest work 'Casting Off My Womb', where she spends 28 days knitting from her vagina. Yes, you read th
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59 More Slang Phrases From The 1920s We Should Start Using Again
In terms of vocab, the 20s got all of us beat.
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Bride Whose Father Died Gets Unforgettable Surprise at Her Wedding (VIDEO)
Maaaan, viral wedding videos are a dime a dozen these days. And everyone seems to think their First Dance, Mother/Son Dance, Father/Daughter Dance was...
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This Video Uses Jelly Beans To Show You How Much You're Wasting Your Life (Video) | Elite Daily
This video will show you the importance of making the most out of your free time and your daily routine.
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Cocaine Addiction Study
Fathers using cocaine might protect their sons from becoming addicted
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The Single Most Mind-Altering Photograph Humanity Has Ever Taken
Everyone you've ever heard of has had the same thing in common.
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This Is What New York City Could Look Like In 2033
Architectural renderings allow us to peer into the future of our beloved city without a crystal ball. New York City has some big changes coming, and here are 17 future attractions that will transform the Big Apple as we know it.
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Marriage Isn't For You
Having been married only a year and a half, I've recently come to the conclusion that marriage isn't for me. Now before you start making assumptions, keep reading. I met my wife in high school when...
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Lost Fido? There's an App for That
(Photo Credit: Getty Images) Besides papering the neighborhood in fliers when your
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What Mount Rushmore Should Have Looked Like. (View Here)
Lack of funding forced construction to end in late October 1941.
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I Noticed This Tiny Thing On Google Maps. When I Zoomed In... Well, Nothing Could Prepare Me.
This blew me away. I can't believe this exists.
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The Printer That Can Print A 2,500 Square Foot House In 20 Hours.
We have seen huge advancements in 3D printing. We’ve even seen oversized wrenches printed that measure 1.2 meters in length. Now, we can print an entire 2,500 sqft house in 20 hours. In the TED Talk video below, Behrokh Khoshnevis, a professor of In
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A Big Butt Is A Healthy Butt: Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier | Elite Daily
Scientists from the University of Oxford have discovered that women with larger than average butts are not only increasingly intelligent but also very resistant to chronic illnesses.
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21 Reasons Why Being A Redhead Is Awesome
We're a fiery gift to the world, basically.
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What A Week Of Groceries Looks Like Around The World
It seems as a people, we have a fascination with photographing our food. From Henry's series of riders, to looking on instagram we cant help but document what we consume. Photographer Peter Menzel ...
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Baby's Emotional Reaction to Mother's Song | Storyful - Yahoo Screen
Nothing is stronger than the bond between mother and child. This certainly rings true at the Leroux household in Ontario, Canada. Their daughter loves one of her mom’s songs so much, it send sher into floods of tears, every time she hears it. Mom Amanda
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Rare Zapruder footage: Multiple JFK assassins
A Free Press For A Free People Since 1997
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Men’s health maintained by seeing buddies twice a week, study claims
Good news, guys! You now have an excuse to go out drinking with your buddies twice a week. An informal study commissioned by beer company Guinness claims that men have improved physical health when they get enough social time with … Continue reading →
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The Pumpkin Tap Kit
There are a lot of good pumpkin beers on the market (Check out 8 new ones here) that are available for purchase, but there's something to be said for doing it yourself. Unfortunately, it's too clos...
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What is the difference between women and men?
There are many funny differences between women and men. You can see them in everyday situations. Next time, when you have a fight with your couple, try to remember these...
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Horrifying Halloween Decorations Terrify Neighborhood, Prompt 911 Call
Johnnie Mullins' neighbors love Halloween as much as the next heathen, but they think his decorations this year crossed the line from fun-scary to scary-call-the-cops-there's-a-dead-body-in-our-neighbor's-driveway.