Jlife is a creative, rich in content and thought provoking publication. Our goal is to display the variety and vitality of Jewish Orange County.

JLife OC

Articles 133
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No Longer Silent | Jlife

The Segerstrom Center for the Arts welcomed back the esteemed Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater this past April, with an incredible piece by Artistic Director Robert Battle, “No Longer Silent.” Originally created in 2007, it was part of a concert of choreography that brought to life long-forgotten scores by composers whose work the Nazis labeled “degenerate” and banned. The piece is set to “Ogelala,” a piece that Jewish Czech composer, Erwin Schulhoff, composed between 1922 and 1925.

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Dance Your Way Fit | Jlife

Jlife magazine recently had the pleasure of catching up with dancer and celebrity fitness trainer Ilyse Baker to get the “skinny” on all things fitness related. Here are just a few of her pearls of fitness and dance wisdom.

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Woman in Gold | Jlife

Jlife had the opportunity to speak to Mr. Schoenberg about his historic case.

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Dennis Ross | Jlife

Ambassador Ross talks about Israel, the Middle East, and more.

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A Conversation with Rabbi Artson | Jlife

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Lainie Kazan | Jlife

When you are a young Jewish girl growing up it is basically essential that you watch Funny Girl. I’m not ashamed to admit that my VHS tape was on repeat for most of my childhood, and then once again in college, on a DVD this time. So for me, to be speaking with someone who actually got to perform in the title role of Fanny Brice on Broadway, feels like I had just died and gone to heaven. Then to find out that she was the understudy to the one and only Barbara Streisand?

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The Secret of Chabad | Jlife

The white truck was parked on 49th Street just west of Fifth Avenue. As I peered into it I saw a young bearded man putting phylacteries on another young man. Just then, I heard a voice asking me if I was Jewish. I turned to see yet another young man.

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Dennis Prager | Jlife

A Conversation with an American Icon

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Lessons From “Maura” | Jlife

Jeffrey Tambor knows who he is. Born and raised in San Francisco, CA he is the second son of Eileen and Bernie Tambor. Like the Pfeffermans, Tambor grew up a West Coast Jew and understands being a West Coast Jew. When asked what he is like as a dad, Tambor makes it clear he is nothing like the dads he plays on television and in film.

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What About Bob? | Jlife

Introducing himself as “Bob” I almost forgot with whom I was speaking. Bob Saget: actor, comedian, musician, and advocate, had called me! Yes, it was scheduled, but still… Bob Saget.

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An Angel (Investor) Among Us | Jlife

Roni Michaely is putting Israel on the map in a major way—and it is not through politics or agriculture.