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JLife OC

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Not Your Typical High School Club | Jlife

Many teens have been a part of the Bureau of Jewish Education’s (BJE) community since childhood… for some it may be their first experience with the organization. Either way, BJE wants everyone to know just how welcome they are.

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In Our Own Back Yard | Jlife

Twenty years after the gavel heard around the world acquitting O.J. Simpson of murdering his former wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, Jewish Federation & Family Services and Nicole’s youngest sister Tanya Brown are giving a voice to women who are victims of domestic violence.

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The Maccabi Games | Jlife

Team OC sent a team of 81 teens (ages 13-17) and 14 coaches to the 2015 JCC Maccabi Games and ArtsFest in Fort Lauderdale. Team OC was successful in both competition and in spirit. Winning accolades for being the most animated (and loud!) team at the Games.

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Orange County’s Jewish History: The House of Hippolyte | Jlife

Hippolyte (pronounced “Hippo-leet”) Cahen was born in Oran, Algeria in 1847 and emigrated to the U.S. as a young man. He lived for a short time in San Francisco before moving to Anaheim, and ten years later, in 1878, he became a naturalized citizen.

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A Shooting Schmiracle! | Jlife

Most people don’t know the history of bagels. Beginning as a simple piece of bread, it wasn’t until Moses shot a 9mm bullet through the center of the doughy-delicacy, piercing an aesthetically pleasing hole, that the first “holy” breakfast food for the Hebrew people was created. Now a staple in every Jewish kitchen, we often forget to appreciate the history of what has become synonymous with Jewish soul food.

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OC Jewish Arts Festival 2015 | Jlife

Featuring 12 scintillating events in just 15 days, the OC Jewish Arts Festival 2015 promises to be the biggest yet.

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    Thriller Writers Come to the OC | Jlife

    Just about anyone who is a mystery buff, knows the name Kellerman. Faye and Jonathan Kellerman have been best-selling mystery writers for nearly three decades, and their son Jesse joined the “family business” in 2006 when he published his first novel. All three Kellermans will be guests at University Synagogue, Sunday November 8.

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    Tikvah Hospice | Jlife

    “We couldn’t have taken care of my dad at home without hospice.”

    “You made it possible for our family to stop being our mom’s medical team and just go back to being her kids.”

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    Return & Renewal | Jlife

    Close to 900 people gathered on the hot Sunday afternoon to fill Temple Beth Sholom’s (TBS) new sanctuary and celebrate Retrun and Renewal. Attendees were met with a festive atmosphere a year and a half after a kitchen fire decimated the synagogue.

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    Tracking Our Ancestors | Jlife

    Dodging sprinkler systems and cleaning dirt, leaves and mud from grave markers, is all a part of what the intrepid members of the Jewish Cemetery Project of Orange County face as they attempt to take pictures of Jewish graves.

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    Comrades & Conversation on the Court | Jlife

    Recently, i had the honor and privilege of speaking with a few great guys who have kept up with a wonderful tradition all their own. For the past five or six years, a dozen community seniors meet every week on Friday at 10:30 a.m., most attend University Synagogue. These friends and comrades converge on local tennis courts for an hour and a half. Following the games they gather at a local restaurant for lunch and discuss the news of the day. This has been a very special tradition that these men look forward to every week.

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    Orange County’s Jewish History: Hellman Ranch | Jlife

    Isaias Hellman’s Seal Beach Ranch

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    Jewish National Fund | Jlife

    Language and conflict aside, California and Israel have a lot in common. Both were pioneer destinations; desert land intent on becoming an agricultural mecca; areas of vast expanse rife for adequate and comfortable living conditions, yet so many insist on cramming into the better-known cities.

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    No Longer A Shanda | Jlife

    This past June was the first meeting of the OC Jewish Substance Abuse Task Force. Community members and professionals came together and agreed that increasing substance abuse education and resources is a pressing issue in the Jewish Community. Here are a few things that they focused on:

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    The Reggio Emilia Philosophy | Jlife

    The Reggio Emilia teaching philosophy is the belief that children are highly capable learners with extraordinary inborn abilities, potential, strength, and creativity. We, as teachers, focus on the process of learning by leaving worksheets behind and surrounding our kids with opportunities to explore—encouraging questions, hypotheses, and analyses.

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    A 21st Century Educator | Jlife

    Developing programs that meet the unique and individual needs of children has been a hallmark of Penn’s approach to Jewish education; and the five programs she oversees, provide opportunities for a wide range of congregants and their families.

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    Shpilkes | Jlife

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    Orange County’s Jewish History | Jlife