Jlife is a creative, rich in content and thought provoking publication. Our goal is to display the variety and vitality of Jewish Orange County.

JLife OC

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Family & Relationships | Family & Parenting

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

Kosher Dog | Jlife

This is Darla. She is a rescue dog.

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

The Healthy Mind Platter | Jlife

As parents, how much time have we spent obsessing over sunscreen re-application, paid double for the organic grapes, or attempted veggie-concealing recipes? (I’m right there with you!)

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

Mensching Around | Jlife

Menorah trees, gingerbread houses and sweaters are the latest additions to the ancient tradition. These new customs not only prove to be another way to include non-Jewish friends and family in the Festival of Lights but are also a way to reinforce Jewish identity during this time of year.

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

Kosher Dog | Jlife

Teddy Bassman was “knighted and crowned” the summer of 2013 when his family hosted three teenagers from Great Britain for the JCC Maccabi Games and Artsfest.

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

Teaching Gratefulness | Jlife

“Who is rich? Those who rejoice in their own portion” – Pirke Avot 4:1.

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

Building Family Connection | Jlife

Creating a peaceful, supportive and loving home can be a challenge. We routinely come home after long days only to tackle endless “to do’s” that includes homework, laundry, cooking and schlepping to activities.

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

Kosher Dog | Jlife

This is Stanley Silverman, he is our 3-year-old rescue lab.

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

My Birthday | Jlife

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

Praise-worthy Praise | Jlife

“You are so smart!” my friend said to her 11-year old the other day. I didn’t blink an eye. We’ve all said it. It was the boy’s response that surprised me. With a look that screamed “duh!” he told her, “That’s like me saying ‘wow, congratulations, you’re tall.’”

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

Rachel Goes Rogue: My Relationship with my Grandmother | Jlife

I was raised very close to both sets of grandparents, but I was closest, easily, to my mother’s mother, Beatrice Dankner.

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

Keeping Promises | Jlife

When we promise to behave in a certain way, to keep a confidence, to support or assist someone with a project, or to care for them as part of a family or community, the expectation is that the promise will be kept. We learn to trust one another by keeping promises, by holding true to our relationships and by standing alongside one another in good and bad times.

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

When Good Enough Is Perfect | Jlife

I know a woman who shows her 30-year-old wedding album to every visitor who crosses the threshold. She loves to describe finding that perfect gown and Jackie-Kennedy veiled pillbox hat...

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

Teshuva | Jlife

As we grow through life, we continue to learn from our experiences, our interactions with others, our teachers and our families.

Family & Parenting | Family & Relationships

Matchmaker, Matchmaker | Jlife

An old Jewish tradition becomes new.