Patti Taylor, GCDF, RMT, Inspiring presence and pathways for fulfilling health and work goals.

Patti Taylor

Articles 222
Views 320.9K

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

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7 Strategies for Marketing When You Haven't Got Any Money. |

If your budget is tiny you need to be brave and roll up your sleeves.

Business & Finance | Business & Finance

How to Start a Business with No Money and No Employees - The Next Scoop

Are you planning to start your own business? Are you not sure where or how to start? For many people, starting a business and being their own boss is a dream.  But this is not easy as you think; you require employees, money and time.  Getting a business

    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

    11 Ways to Grow Your Holistic Business ⋆ Small Business Marketing Consultant | Small Business Branding

    Calling this article “11 Ways to Grow Your Holistic Business” implies that the ways to grow holistic businesses are different than for traditional ones. That’s not really true. The ways to grow are…

    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

    Self Awareness and the Bottom Line - Vibrant Training Group

    A Forbes article titled  “Return on Self Awareness” reported that public companies with a higher rate of return (ROR) also employed leaders who exhibited higher levels of self-awareness.  The self awareness was measured by the degree to which the l

    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

    12 Reasons To Hire Employees Who Make Mistakes |

    Far from being undesirable, employee mistakes are the lifeblood of excellence.

    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

    12 Reasons To Hire Employees Who Make Mistakes |

    Far from being undesirable, employee mistakes are the lifeblood of excellence.

    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

    The Science of Building a Lasting Social Media Community

    What research tells us about how social media community is built and how relationships are best created and maintained.

    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

    The 4 Questions To Ask Students Who Don’t Know What They Want To Do | Improving Job Placement Outcomes | Better Weekda

    Some students enter, or even graduate, their university without a clue as to what they want to do, which industry to pursue, and how to go about making that

    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

    How Leaders Create and Use Networks

    Successful leaders have a nose for opportunity and a knack for knowing whom to tap to get things done. These qualities depend on a set of strategic networking skills that nonleaders rarely possess.

    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

    Getting Your Business Started On Social Media.

    Not having your business on social media is probably one of the not so smart a move you can make. The world currently revolves around the digital communication axis, if I should call it that. And t...

      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

      Elephant That's Always In The Interview Room: The Question

      To the ear it may come off as the easiest question anyone could ask you. I don't know about you but until about a year ago that was my most dreaded question whenever going for interviews crossed my...

        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

        Before You Quit Your Job, Try These 10 Strategies

        Got a case of the Mondays every day? You can always quit your job -- but first, try these strategies to make work more enjoyable or earn more money.

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Master Resume for Your LinkedIn Profile -

            Susan Ireland, Job-Hunt's Resumes Expert, describes how to create a master version of your resume to use as the basis of your LinkedIn Profile.

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Hobbies, Passion Projects, Skills to Help Your Career:

            Some people think passion projects are indulgences, something to squeeze in only when daily work is done. Others feel hobbies detract from on-job performance, preventing us from building skills we need now. But “hobbies are essential for healthy

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Optimism: The Hidden Asset • Six SecondsSix Seconds

            Bruna Martinuzzi, a specialist in bringing EQ into leadership, provides a practical view of optimism as a leadership asset. She offers 17 concrete action steps to develop and apply this key competence. The article includes links and references to numerous

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            What's Preventing You From Getting the Job?

            The Squires Group staffing firm provide job search advice and discuss what you're doing wrong in your job search, as well as how to correct your mistakes.

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            5 wearables to get you going at work |

            Bad back, idle mind, forgetfulness -- whatever your problem is, there's probably a wearable for it.

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Free online summer courses that will advance your career - Business Insider

            Consider any of these 43 free online career-advancing course that you can start (and finish) this summer.

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            10 Habits of Ultra-Likeable Leaders | Dr. Travis Bradberry | LinkedIn

            If you want to be a leader whom people follow with absolute conviction, you have to be a likeable leader. Tyrants and curmudgeons with brilliant vision can command a reluctant following for a time, but it never lasts. They burn people out before they ever

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Social sharing and psychology: 7 levers for more shares

            Social sharing and psychology are linked: psychological drivers behind why content gets shared go beyond tricks like including an image, choosing the right time to share, and crafting a click-worthy headline.

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Overcoming Burnout: Five Ways To Get Back On Track At Work

            Burnout is a chronic, psychological condition characterized by exhaustion, cynicism and a lack of professional efficacy. If you feel like you’re on the path to burnout, here are five ways to get back on track, according to Chris Ebberwein, Ph.D., and Ch

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            3 Signs Your Job Is Not Aligned With Your Purpose -

            A few months after college graduation, I found myself working as a middle school Spanish teacher. Despite the fact that I was pretty good at my job, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            How To Figure Out When And What You Need To Delegate | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

            It may seem like it's easier to do things yourself rather than teach someone else, but it's a surefire way to ruin your work environment.

            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

            Changing Careers: What You Need To Know - Career Waymark

            The average person will change career seven times in their life. Wrong! It is often falsely assumed that the average person will change career several times during their lifetime, though there has never been any study to confirm this. The basis of this cl

              Business & Finance | Business & Finance

              Interviewing for a job? It takes almost twice as long now - CBS News

              The average job seeker now spends 23 days in the interview process, an 80 percent jump from 2010

              Business & Finance | Business & Finance

              Americans prefer male bosses, even though women are better for business - Quartz

              A new Gallup poll found that American men and women prefer a male boss to a female one. Though the popularity of women bosses has improved since the 1950s, it hasn't changed much in this century. Instead, the number of people who say they prefer men has

                Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                Kotter's 8-Step Change Model - Change Management Tools from Mind Tools

                Learn how Kotter's Change Model can help you prepare for change thoroughly so that you can implement it successfully.

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  How strong storytelling can help you nail a job interview |

                  Describe your experience in a way a recruiter will remember.

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  6 Ways To Show Your Value Without Being A Jerk | CAREEREALISM

                  In order to achieve success, you need to show your value. So, how can you do that without the rest of the team feeling like you are a jerk (or worse)?

                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                  Best Jobs in 2015 - 25 Best Jobs in America for 2015

                  We're not saying you should give up on becoming Ben & Jerry's chief flavor developer/the person who spritzes Jamie Dornan with Evian in between takes, but there's probably a dream job out there that's just a little more…realistic.

                    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                    Super Summer Savings: 7 People Share Their Best Budgeting Strategies

                    Sure, the beach is calling—but while everyone else is kicking back, you could get ahead by tackling these career-boosting moves.

                    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                    18 Best Places To Find A Job

                    Discover the best places to find a job. Recommended by top career bloggers and experts to help people currently searching for a job.

                    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                    7 Takeaways for Senior Talent Leaders from the White House Upskill Summit

                    In late April, nearly 200 employers, labor leaders, foundations, nonprofits, educators, workforce leaders, and technologists came together at the White House Upskill Summit, dedicated to helping develop and promote frontline employees.  

                    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                    There’s Someone I’d Like You to Meet…How To Use Introductions to Strengthen Weak Ties and Advance Your Career

                    Have you ever been the beneficiary of an introduction that changed your life? Maybe you got a new job because someone introduced you to the owner of a bu

                    Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                    5 Crazy Career Changes That Will Inspire You Not to Settle

                    5 Crazy Career Changes That Will Inspire You Not to Settle: A winding career path isn't a bad thing—take it...

                      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                      7 Tips For Giving Constructive Feedback To Your Employees

                      Tips on giving constructive feedback to your employees

                      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                      10 Best LinkedIn Influencers To Follow For Job Search and Interview Advice

                      Getting a job isn't easy in these tough times. The right advice can make it easy, such as how to answer a tough interview question. Let LinkedIn's experts help you out.

                      Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                      Essays About Work and Class That Caught a College’s Eye

                      Few students applying to college write about their family financial situations. But those who take the risk — whether poor or well-off — can stand out from the crowd.

                        Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                        The surprising danger of being good at your job

                        Science confirms what high performers have known for years: It's not easy being so competent. A...

                          Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                          11 Tips for Rejoining the Workforce After a Career Break

                          Before you start your new chapter, take a minute to read about a few tips for getting back in the flow without breaking stride.

                            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                            24 Charts Of Leadership Styles Around The World

                            From structured individualism in the U.S. to ringi-sho consensus in Japan, different cultures can have radically different leadership styles.

                            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                            DDI Blog | Leadership. All welcome. | DDI

                            What if we provided leadership skills development the same way Steve Jobs provided technology—to everyone?

                            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                            Genes may influence leadership in the workplace, research finds

                            The right genes may help you become an organization's next president or CEO. But the same genes may also hinder your leadership path, according to Kansas State University psychological sciences research.

                            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                            Tim Cook tells graduates to find work with meaning - The Washington Post

                            There are few CEOs leading giant companies today who could say that and still come off as authentic.

                            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                            15 Great Jobs That Don't Require A Four-Year Degree

                            After earning a Bachelor’s degree from a rabbinical college in New York and then two Master’s from Loyola University in Chicago, Jay Wengrow was working as an intern at, a discount dog product retailer in Chicago. Though he’d learned p

                            Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                            Twitter Co-founder Stone Inspired By Star Trek

                            News - Did you know that Twitter co-founder Biz Stone's feelings about leadership were deeply influenced by a Star Trek: The Next Generation episode? has details.

                              Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                              10 Free Online Courses That Can Benefit Every Entrepreneur

                              Enrolling in an online course is always a good way to improve your knowledge and has never been easier or more affordable.

                                Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                                Why the business card is thriving - Business Insider

                                THE details may vary. Americans sling their business cards casually across a table; the Japanese make the exchange of cards as elaborate as a tea ceremony. Some cards are discreet.

                                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                                  Letting Learners Choose Their Own Path: Designing for Different Learning Styles - Clarity Consultants

                                  The ultimate goal of any effective instructional endeavor is to impart knowledge or skills onto a learner, right? Some teachers and course developers think

                                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                                  Home : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

                                  The Occupational Outlook Handbook is the government's premier source of career guidance featuring hundreds of occupations—such as carpenters, teachers, and veterinarians. Revised every 2 years, the latest version contains employment projections for

                                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                                  Exploratory Interviews: How to Land Them and Make Them Work for You

                                  Exploratory interviews are a high-value way to network, obtain information and leave a good impression in a workplace that might interest you.

                                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                                  Want to Build a Mobile App? These 5 Factors Matter |

                                  Understanding the components that significantly impact the cost of building your mobile app will help you get to the market quicker and with minimal investments.

                                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                                  The Perspective Gap Is Killing Your Business. Here’s How to Fix It |

                                  Empathy is a basic quality that we all crave. So why is it so difficult to demonstrate ourselves?

                                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                                  Moptwo - Merz Newz - The 41 Best Resume Templates Ever

                                  The 41 Best Resume Templates Ever: Writing a resume is hard enough—so we've made m...

                                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                                  How To Get The Best References - Forbes

                                  When Sarah Stamboulie worked in human resources at Morgan Stanley and then at Cantor Fitzgerald, she routinely checked job applicants’ references. They were not always positive. “You know it’s bad when you ask about the person, and then there’s th

                                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                                  Tracking Your Professional Journey: How to Move Through the 10 Stages of Your Career

                                  Learn more about the different career stages you’ll experience and how to prepare for which stage might come next.

                                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                                  Collaborative Economy Honeycomb 2 –Watch it Grow | Web Strategy by Jeremiah Owyang | Digital Business

                                  Business & Finance | Business & Finance

                                  50 Example Mission Statements

                                  Mission Statement (What You Do): A one-sentence statement describing the reason an organization or program exists and used to help guide decisions a