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Scott Yeager

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History | History

History | History

America's 10 Tallest and Shortest Presidents

The average height of the U.S. presidents is 5 feet 10 inches, but there have been plenty of outliers in American history.

History | History

New Jersey Estate Owned by Napoleon’s Older Brother Set to Become State Park

In 1815, exiled Spanish king Joseph Bonaparte fled to the U.S., where he lived in luxury on a sprawling, 60-acre estate

History | History

George Washington's Final Years—And Sudden, Agonizing Death - HISTORY

The Founding Father left the presidency a healthy man, but then died from a sudden illness less than three years later.

History | History

Apollo in 50 numbers: The cost

If the US was to beat the Soviets to the Moon, it had to spend large. The Apollo programme would end up costing many billions.