Registered Nurse, passionate about healthcare informatics, complimentary and alternative therapies, and patient education and advocacy.

Seanna, BSN, RN, LVN

Articles 31
Views 17.2K

Transforming Healthcare | Health & Fitness

    Health & Fitness | Transforming Healthcare

    Medicaid Safety Net Stretched To Pay For Seniors' Long-Term Care

    Medicaid was never intended to cover long-term care for everyone. Now it pays for nearly 40 percent of the nation's long-term care expenses, and the share is growing.

      Health & Fitness | Transforming Healthcare

      Discounts Aren't Enough to Halt Outrage At High EpiPen Prices

      EpiPen, the new poster child for prescription drug price gouging, may find that offering discount coupons isn't enough to mollify its critics in Congress and online.

        Health & Fitness | Transforming Healthcare

        Employees Are Paying A Bigger Chunk Of Health Insurance Costs

        Bosses are passing more of the cost of health insurance on to workers in an effort to keep spending under control. But that can be unfair to lower-income employees, who pay disproportionately more.

          Health & Fitness | Transforming Healthcare

          How Telemedicine Is Transforming Health Care

          The revolution is finally here—raising a host of questions for regulators, providers, insurers and patients.

            Health & Fitness | Transforming Healthcare

            Why Doctors Need a Minimum Wage

            Doctors are endlessly accused of being overpaid, but when you break down the math, primary care physicians get the crap end of the stick. Is it time to give them a minimum wage?

              Health & Fitness | Transforming Healthcare

              One of the biggest problems with Obamacare is only getting worse

              It's going to be a lot easier for people to pick an Obamacare plan in 2017, if only because there...