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"Apartheid" State? | Politics

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Israel Is Not Very Good At Apartheid Or Genocide

Israel may be good at a lot of things, including exhibiting and reaffirming its ancient connection to the land, but it’s not very good at apartheid or genocide.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Is Israel Really an ‘Apartheid State’?

As pro-Palestinian demonstrations take place on campuses all across the nation, the idea is persistent and pervasive: yes, the Hamas attacks on Oct. 7 were terrible, but Israel had it coming because i...

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

How NGOs Fabricate the Legal Definition of Apartheid to Attack Israel

Salo Aizenberg is the author of Amnesty International’s Cruel Assault on Israel: Systematic Lies, Errors, Omissions, and Double Standards (2022) and A Threshold Crossed: Documenting HRW's 'Apartheid...

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Amnesty’s “Apartheid” Video: 15 Lies in 15 Minutes

Amnesty International repeatedly lies and distorts to sell its slur that Israel is guilty of 'apartheid.'  If Amnesty had a good case, why would

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Elder Of Ziyon - More "Apartheid:" Israel helps free Israeli Arab anti-Zionist activist from UAE prison

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Apartheid slander is latest verbal weapon against Israel

Two reports, one by Amnesty International and the other by Human Rights Watch add to the slander accusing Israel of apartheid.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

The history of apartheid proves Israel is not an apartheid state

The apartheid defamation is another example of antisemitic demonization.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Anti-Zionists advocate a global apartheid

Those who accuse Israel of apartheid want to make the Jews second-class citizens of the world.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

The truth behind the anti-Israel 'Apartheid' smear

The Apartheid smear was not created to bring peace. Nor is it about human rights. It was explicitly created to deny Israel the right to exist

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Israel: Where's the apartheid?

In Jerusalem, I was surprised to see a Muslim man praying in Machane Yehuda market. How could Amnesty International accuse Israel of apartheid?

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Israel to Host 25,000 Non-Jewish Ukrainians ‘Until Danger Subsides’

Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked delivers a statement to members of the media, at the Knesset in Jerusalem, Nov. 19, …

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Amnesty International’s Problematic Israel Report: Calling Israel an apartheid state is not legally accurate, but it’s strategically useful for Israel’s enemies.

The term “apartheid” evokes horrific images from nearly half a century of South African oppression. Given how charged a word it is, it’s imperative that those applying it to other contexts substantiate the allegation with solid evidence. A recent report from Amnesty International fails in that regard.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Who are the Arabs of Jerusalem?

Are they a unified and united society or are they made up of different groups with different and sometimes even contradictory affiliations and loyalties?

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

There’s no apartheid in the West Bank

The policies that Israel has enacted in the West Bank are not apartheid and this charge is being used to delegitimize Israel.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

'Apartheid' Myth: The Improper Use of False and Misleading Claims Regarding Israel

Anti-Israel activists throughout the world are spearheading a full-blown assault on the Jewish state by disseminating outright lies.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

New York Times Seizes on Tutu Death to Push Israel-Apartheid Narrative

Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu attends the unveiling ceremony of a statue of Nelson Mandela at the City Hall in Cape …

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

The Baseless Charge that Israel Is an Apartheid State, Again

Advocates of the Israel-apartheid libel hope that their campaign will lead to Israel's eventual replacement with a Palestinian Islamic entity. - The Baseless Charge that Israel Is an Apartheid State, Again

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Apartheid libel is a cover to target Jews

If Israeli apartheid is so easy to disprove, why is it prominently featured in contemporary discourse about Israel?

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

No, Israel Is Not an Apartheid State

As Hamas rains rockets down on Israel, members of the Squad in Congress and other left-wing enemies are using the occasion to amplify their accusation that Israel is an “apartheid state.”

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Israel Is Not An Apartheid State

HRW’s exploitation of the apartheid image in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a cynical appropriation of the suffering of the victims of the actual apartheid regime.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

‘Our History Has Been Stolen From Us’: How South African Community Organizer Clive Mashishi Confronts Antisemitism, Holocaust Denial and Hatred of Israel

South African community organizer and Israel advocate Clive Mashishi. Photo: Cuerius Mosala. “Our history has been stolen from us,” Clive …

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

No one seems to criticize the Palestinian one-staters as “apartheid”

Yesterday’s “Day of Rage” demonstrations were ostensibly against Israel’s plans to “annex” parts of Judea and Samaria. The chants, however, told a different story: the message was to destroy Israel and replace it with a Palestinian state.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Israel Apartheid Week: The Smear Disguised as a Human Rights Campaign

  Every spring,  the annual "Israel Apartheid Week," hate-fest hits students on university campuses in North America and Europe.  In a bid to dupe

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Apartheid Fails Everywhere in Follow-Up Story on Murdered Arab-Israeli Alia Maasarwe | Israellycool

Remember Arab-Israeli student Aiia Maasarwe who was murdered in Melbourne, Australia in January of this year, and whose death was grotesquely politicized by the likes of then ABC Australia journalist Jennine Khalik?

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Do Arab Israelis Really Suffer From Apartheid? | HonestReporting

The claims of “apartheid” regarding Arab Israelis often heard in college campuses and parliaments around the world ignore just one point – the facts. The 

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Israel Haters Show They Are the Ones Trying to Enforce Apartheid | Israellycool

The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of the Occupation has attacked Israeli high-jump champion Hanin Nasser for planning to represent Israel in the European Athletics U23 Championships, following a similar statement from anti-Zio

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

WATCH: Arabs Saving Lives Under the Star of David

Just another video showing the truth about Israel

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

I'm a South African Activist Who Used to Fight Against Israel—Until I Went There - The Tower

TSHEDISO MANGOPE had been an anti-Israel boycott activist until he actually visited the country.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

On edge of Jerusalem alongside security barrier, Jews and Arabs shop at new mall

'I've waited for this for many years,' says supermarket mogul and founder Rami Levy, on site for the first day of business as his shopping center prepares to open fully in 3 weeks

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Video: Is Israel an Apartheid State? | HonestReporting

College campuses and other organizations all over the world promote an annual “Israel Apartheid Week". They say they work to raise awareness of Israel’s

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

WATCH: Hundreds of Immigrants from India Arrive in Israel

Hundreds of 'Bnei Menashe' immigrants from northern India arrive in Israel as new citizens.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Does Israel Discriminate Against Arabs? | PragerU

Does Israel discriminate against Arabs? Is it today's version of apartheid South Africa? Olga Meshoe, herself a South African whose family experienced apartheid, settles the question once and for all.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Why Israel Is Nothing Like Apartheid South Africa -

Among critics of Israel, it has become ever more common to accuse the Jewish state of imitating apartheid South Africa. This month, an obscure United Nations agency, the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, whose membership comprises 18 Arab states, caused an uproar when it issued a report accusing Israel of applying the same racism in its conflict with Palestinians that made South Africa an international pariah.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

I’m a Jew of Color and Accusing Israel of ‘Genocide’ Disgusts Me - Opinion –

The Movement for Black Lives is erasing the experience of Jews of color and the whole Jewish people’s connection to Israel, Philip Mehdipour argues.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

OPINION: There’s only one country in the Middle East that could produce a soldier like me - Jewish News

In the last few weeks, students across the UK have been involved in Israeli Apartheid Week. Some have supported it. Others have opposed it. Invited by the Zionist Federation UK, last week I was able to attend campuses up and down the country specifically to address and counter some of the claims involved.

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

New Job Opportunities For Arab Women In “Apartheid” Israel & “Concentration Camp” Gaza

Meet Suhaila Padilla, Israel’s only female Muslim bus driver. She has been doing it for 3 years already, loves her job and wants to be a train driver one day

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Mizrahi Music’s New Arab Israeli Muslim Queen – Tablet Magazine

Is Israel ready for an Arab Mizrahi singer? When I posed the question to Nasreen Qadri, the 28-year-old vocalist, in the sleek offices of the Tel Aviv PR firm that represents her, she put her hands on the table and raised her voice in exasperation, cuttin

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

Israel's election: Arab parties have high hopes with united front - LA Times

Ayman Odeh was running late, as usual. But like the charismatic politician he is, Odeh lingered over handshakes and looked constituents meaningfully in the eye, sometimes placing his hand atop his own tousled head while he listened carefully to their ques

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

A Black South African on Israel and Apartheid - Prager University

Is Israel an apartheid state, as its enemies claim? Who better to answer that charge than a Black South African who lived through apartheid? Kenneth Meshoe, a member of the South African parliament, fits that bill. He examines the evidence against Israel

Politics | "Apartheid" State?

BDS: The Attempt to Strangle Israel - Prager University

The latest strategy employed by those who wish to strangle Israel is called BDS. It may sound harmless, but do not be fooled. It stands for Boycott, Divestment�and Sanctions, and not only is it poisonous for Israel, but for the world as well. Israel is on

    Politics | "Apartheid" State?

    Christian Arabs to receive IDF voluntary enlistment notices

    “We have a joint fate in this land, because whatever happens to the Jews here will happen to us,

    Politics | "Apartheid" State?

    List of Arab members of the Knesset - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    There have been Israeli Arab members of the Knesset since the first Knesset elections in 1949. The following is a list of the 69 past and present members. Some Israeli Druze dispute the label "Arab" and consider Druze a separate ethnic group. However, they are still included in this list.