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Debunking Lies | Politics

Politics | Debunking Lies

They All Knew: The Gaza Famine That Never Was

New evidence indicates that, contrary to claims by top U.S. officials and international media, the Gaza Strip is not on the precipice of a widespread famine that Western experts claimed would endanger millions of innocent Palestinians.

Politics | Debunking Lies

Gaza: The Famine Has Been Canceled

Hamas’s desire to maximize Palestinian suffering is well known, but there’s an easy way to tell whether supposed pro-Palestinian advocates share that revolting instinct: How do they react to good

Politics | Debunking Lies

It’s high time to quash the Palestinian lies about Jerusalem

  Now, on Jerusalem Day, marking the 57th anniversary of the reunification of the holy city, the unforgivable trivialization of

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Unraveling the false branding of Israel as a settler-colonial state

This platform is built on two fundamental falsehoods to justify atrocities, at least against Jews, and suspends justice and morality that has corrupted many liberation movements in recent centuries.

Politics | Debunking Lies

▶️ Israel Didn’t Target a Safe Zone in Rafah. So What Happened?

Almost eight months into the Israel-Hamas war, and the media have learned nothing in regard to blindly reporting Hamas’ propaganda. Although the

Politics | Debunking Lies

The case against Israel has just collapsed

By rights, this should be the moment that the humanitarian case against Israel’s campaign in Gaza goes into terminal collapse. From now on, there can be no equivocation. Those who persist in opposing the war based on the number of civilian casualties are

Politics | Debunking Lies

Gaza Health Ministry Cannot Provide Names for More Than 10,000 It Says Have Died

The Gaza Ministry of Health cannot provide names of more than 10,000 of the 34,000 individuals it says have died during the war between Israel and Hamas. While the Health Ministry conceded earlier this...

Politics | Debunking Lies

This Is No Genocide

Under no definition is Israel committing genocide. According to John Spencer, Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at West Point, "Israel has implemented more precautions to prevent civilian harm than any military in history".

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The surreal echo-chamber of lies

As Israel braces for yet more horrors, the world has turned against it.

Politics | Debunking Lies

The new blood libel

The tragic, accidental killing of those aid workers has revealed the depths of Israelophobia.

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Hamas, Al Jazeera silently retract claims of IDF soldiers raping Gazans

Although the Qatari mouthpiece has yet to officially refer to the retraction, all content related to the allegation has been deleted.

Politics | Debunking Lies

Israeli FM condemns ‘settler violence' narrative as ‘blood libel'

A Samaria Regional Council report found the U.N. massaged the numbers to present a false picture.

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Elder Of Ziyon - A tsunami of anti-Israel stupidity

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

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    Five lies US young adults tell themselves about Israel

    Here are five misconceptions held by some American young adults that a survey revealed and the necessary information to set the record straight.

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    The Perennial Power of the Nakba

    How generations of Arab thinkers and leaders tried to turn the humiliation of their losses to Israel into a springboard to launch their nations into an enchanted new age.

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    Civilian Casualties in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Compared to Other Conflicts Involving Western Forces

    Israeli forces must often engage in missions designed to eliminate immediate threats that pose a clear and present danger. - Civilian Casualties in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Compared to Other Conflicts Involving Western Forces

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    Deir Yassin: The 'Massacre' That Never Was

    The April 1948 attack on Deir Yassin was not a premeditated massacre but a military operation that went tragically awry.

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    The colourful Twitter history of Palestine

    A look at the Twitter history of Palestine. And how across social media a lack of real evidence led to a colourful (but very fake) creation

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    Palestinian cries of Israeli 'occupation' are an oxymoron

    If Israel is “occupying” Arab territory, then Arab violence seems justified or at least understandable.

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    Four Arab-Israeli conflict myths shattered by one terror incident

    The confrontation between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian Arab terrorists in Jenin on May 29th might seem to have been a routine incident.

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    Stop the lie: Israel never ethnically cleansed Palestinians

    The Palestinians repeatedly make the false claim that Israel expelled 700,000 of them en masse—and stole their homeland.

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    A new low in Israel-bashing

    The French Foreign Ministry and the United Nations refuse to acknowledge that Israel does not target civilians.

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    The Nakba Narrative: A History of Deception

    A look at the Palestinian Nakba narrative and how it moved from the sidelines to becoming the dominant discourse throughout the Western world.

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    Erdan: ‘Tlaib’s ignorance and hate toward Jews and Israel know no bounds’

    The Israeli ambassador to the United Nations responded to the congresswoman’s tweet accusing Israel of “ethnic cleansing.”

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    When ‘Fact-Finders’ Don’t Care About Facts: A Case Study on Amnesty International

    Last week saw the leak of an internal report that was sharply critical of Amnesty International’s conduct and conclusions related to an August 2022 press release, which claimed that Ukrainian forces were illegally endangering civilians. For those who foll

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    Israel made the desert bloom – this is fact, not racism

    Contrary to what anti-Israel figures try to say, the Jewish people transformed this region in the Middle East into a prosperous country.

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    No, Israel Did Not Rig the 2016 Election

    Journalists' writing about American intelligence is fraught with danger. They usually have few, if any, unauthorized, active-duty sources. Rarely do they have access to working-level officials, especially within the Central Intelligence Agency, the D

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    The ‘occupation’ myth is the engine of antisemitic terror

    The biased reactions of U.N. officials and corporate media to attacks on Israelis as well as to disputes over Jerusalem’s Temple Mount are rooted in leftist lies about Zionism.

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    New documentary spreads false facts about US anti-BDS laws

    Major American media outlets promote the film and amplify its patently false claims and narrative.

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    Just where on earth was 'Palestine'?

    Exposing the media myth: Palestine - a land of authentic 'splendour' filled with indigenous Palestinians. Or was it? Have a read inside.

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    Of course there Is no Arab “Palestinian” People and there never was an Arab “Palestine.”

    The dizzying repetition of that Big Lie for so many decades causes people who should know better to speak of a “Two-State Solution.” Op-ed.

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    Deconstructing the Israeli Genocide Libel

    Deconstructing the pernicious lie that Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians and its Arab citzens.

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    Netflix's ‘Farha’ and the Perils of Propaganda

    What is the difference between art and propaganda? Well, among much else, propaganda tells you what to think. Art, meanwhile, is meant to teach you how to think—even to think for yourself. One result from that is that propaganda tells you that the world i

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    Elder Of Ziyon - No, Israeli rescuers didn't "steal" a megillah from Turkey

    Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

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    Don’t Buy Into The Anti-Israel Movement’s Pack Of Lies

    The gaggle descending on Los Angeles this month, with their desire to destroy and expel their “enemies,” must represent the past and not the future.

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    There Is No Such Thing As Palestinian Refugee Camps. It's a SCAM!

    Biggest scam of the century. These cities full of settled Arabs are called refugee camps in order to get YOUR money. Find out how.Please like and subscribe. ...

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    The Earthquakes in Turkey & Syria: Israel Provides Aid, Haters Demonize Israel

    Following the earthquakes in Turkey & Syria, Israel organized humanitarian aid while haters used the opportunity to demonize the Jewish state.

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    NGOs Blame the Victims: A False “Massacre” in Jenin and “Legitimate Resistance” outside a Jerusalem Synagogue

    NGO responses to the terrorist attack in Jerusalem and counter-terror operations in Jenin reflect an immoral agenda that stands in direct contradiction to the human rights mandate that they and their funder-enablers claim.

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    No! The Jews were not 'living happily' in Arab lands

    Those that say Jews used to live in harmony in Arab lands are rewriting history and denying a brutal persecution that went on for centuries.

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    From the River to the Sea, Palestine is already free

    ‘Palestine’ derives from ‘Israel’, and has nothing to do with the word ‘Philistine.’ Debunking a myth. Op-ed.

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    The Israeli-Palestinian fight for Jerusalem's history continues

    What is going on here is not so much a battle over Jerusalem’s history as much as a battle over historical narratives.

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    Tom Friedman’s lies, damned lies and statistics

    No, Tom, Biden ought to be told that the Jewish state isn’t “changing its fundamental character.

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    “Temple Mount Crisis” Awash with Misinformation

    In the Middle East, the culture and language of power, honor, self-confidence, and resilience are concepts that Israel's adversaries and new regional allies understand. - “Temple Mount Crisis” Awash with Misinformation

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    Israel War of Independence veterans protest 'defamatory' Netflix movie

    Five ex-soldiers demand streaming service immediately remove film depicting them and their comrades killing Palestinian children and babies in cold blood

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    The myth of Israeli oppression

      While so-called “progressives” and biased media in the United States level a relentless stream of accusations against Israel, these

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    How academia omits facts to make Palestinians the perpetual victim

    Opinion: Academics have personal opinions and agendas like the rest of us, but erasing evidence only because it contradicts researchers' political positions is wrong and misleading

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    Thomas Friedman’s Latest Israel Column Is So Wrong It’s Funny

    New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman. Photo: Charles Haynes via Wikimedia Commons. So wrong it’s funny. That’s one way to …

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    A New Israeli Film Purports to Expose the Story of a Massacre That Never Happened

    Beginning this evening, the Manhattan Jewish Community Center is hosting its Other Israel film festival. Featured movies include Boycott, described as an “inspiring tale of everyday Americans” engaged in “legal battles that expose an attack on freedom of speech across 33 states in America”—namely, legislation that prevents states from doing business with entities that discriminate against and boycott Israel. Another film featured at the festival is about smugglers who help Palestinians evade Israeli soldiers, while a third film focuses on Mizraḥim who were “denied their right to a better life in Israel” by the Israeli government.

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    An Inconvenient Truth: The Jewish People Never Left the Land of Israel

    A general view shows the plaza of the Western Wall in Jerusalem, amid the coronavirus pandemic, May 6, 2020. Photo: …

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    The Noxious Anti-Semitism Of “European Settler Colonialism”

    There are some narratives that simply boggle the mind. Some are completely nonsensical and easily disproven. Others are seemingly spat out of desperation to belittle an enemy's position. And a few are so twisted, they must have been hatched and sanctified

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    Ken Burns distorts FDR's policy on Jewish Refugees

    Burns' claim that FDR took in more Jews during the Holocaust than other country is simply false. Is the rest of the movie the same? Op-ed.

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    False and Malicious Catchphrases and Buzzwords in the Israeli-Palestinian Context

    “The State of Palestine, illegal occupation, settler violence, and 1967 borders” are all misused and false terms. - False and Malicious Catchphrases and Buzzwords in the Israeli-Palestinian Context

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    Palestinian lies - built upon Jewish blood

    The Jerusalem Airport story is a microcosm of the conflict and the Palestinian propaganda war against the truth.

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    The Israel Guys: Joe Biden LIED About Israel & Jerusalem

    President Joe Biden visited the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Friday as one of his last stops in Israel before leaving for Saudi Arabia. I...

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    The UN Commission of Inquiry: An Exercise in Historical Revisionism

    Attempts at the ethnic cleansing of Jews from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea is the ultimate violation of human rights. - The UN Commission of Inquiry: An Exercise in Historical Revisionism

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    The Nakba myth hijacks Congress

    Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) has taken to Twitter to announce that she will introduce a House resolution that calls

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    At Harvard, Facts Are For Losers - by Dara Horn

    It turns out that nobody’s SAT scores can provide immunity to propaganda.

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    The Temple Mount travesty and poor US policy

    The falsehood that Israel is storming and trying to take over the Aqsa Mosque is an ongoing antisemitic propaganda ploy with multiple aims.

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    Al-Aqsa Mosque Is by No Means Under Threat

    Palestinians walk at the compound that houses Al-Aqsa Mosque, known to Muslims as Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple …

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    Ukraine is not Palestine, no matter what celebrities say

    Perhaps the best takedown of Gigi Hadid's reprehensible linkage comes from Noa Tishby.

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    Behind the Scenes of Amnesty International’s Report on Israel

    I wish to address the report itself, particularly at the methodological level.

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    Debunking Lies: Amnesty USA Director Paul O’Brien’s remarks to the Woman’s National Democratic Club

    In response to claims from O'Brien regarding Jewish Insider’s reporting, JI is publishing the audio of his remarks and excerpted transcripts.

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    CBS News Uses Ukrainian Refugee Crisis to Push Debunked 5.7 Million 'Displaced' Palestinians Claim | Honest Reporting

    By including UNRWA's discredited figure of displaced Palestinians, CBS News feeds into a culture that normalizes PA rejectionism.

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    On Amnesty’s car-crash interview in Israel

    When the two most senior Amnesty officials presented their new report in Israel they struggled to answer the most basic questions. Their responses, writes Shany Mor, were ‘a mix of exasperation, ign...

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    Learn the facts: Countering the sham Amnesty Report with truth

    Spencer’s, The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the ME Peace Process counters the sham Amnesty Report with truth. Op-ed.

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    The Jewish people alone created Israel, not the Holocaust and not the UN

    Four facts that put the lie to the tidy narrative that the creation of Israel was a result of European guilt. Op-ed.

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    Amnesty International’s Big Lie about Israel | CAMERA

    Amnesty International has a long history of leveling maliciously false charges against Israel, and its leader Agnès Callamard had to apologize after her bizarre

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    The lie of the “Gaza blockade”

    The UN, the Palestinian Authority and others are apparently devoted disciples of Mark Twain, who reputedly once quipped: “Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.”

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    Israel: What Those Who Accept the ‘Stolen Land’ Myth Don’t Understand

    The entrance to the Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah. Photo: Tamar Hayardeni/Wikimedia. – One of the tragicomic if all …

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    Palestinian Leaders' Fabrications About Ancient Israel Go Unchallenged By Media

    As a growing body of evidence confirms the Jewish people's ancient connection to Israel, Palestinian leaders continue to distort history.

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    The ‘indigenous Palestinians’ lie

    Lovers of Israel must explain and document the truth repeatedly, because so many people still haven’t heard - and the lies travel fast. Op-ed.

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    The Palestinian assault on Jewish history and heritage

    Hundreds of cherished Jewish sites in the Land of Israel which survived 2,000 years are being systematically destroyed right under our noses by the Palestinians. 

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    J Street Falsely Charges Israel with Restricting Food, Medicine to Gaza

    An email sent by J Street and signed by its president, Jeremy Ben-Ami falsely charged Israel with blocking food and medicine to the Gaza

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    Make no mistake - Wikipedia is at war with the Jews

    Wikipedia is overrun with antisemitic editors -rewriting history - and demonising Israel Make no mistake - Wikipedia is at war with the Jews

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    Debunked: Those Maps of 'Palestinian Land Loss' Are Misleading. Here's Why.

    If you've spent some time reading about the Arab-Israeli conflict on the internet, you have most likely encountered a series of maps supposedly outlining

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    The myth of the Al-Aqsa 'siege' continues to ignite Palestinian violence | TheHill

    Hamas saw the need for a pretext to elevate its standing among Palestinians and proclaimed the Mosque to be under attack.

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    The 3 Biggest Anti-Israel Myths On Social Media, Debunked

    With the help of the corporate media, leftist celebrities, and politicians, these three anti-Israel myths have been spreading on social media.

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    The Lie of the Palestinian ‘Right of Return’

    If Israel can't be eradicated though war, it can be destroyed through demography.

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    Why AOC's Disgusting Slanderous Attack Against Israel Falls Apart

    An Arab Israeli refuted AOC's slanderous claim that Israel is an "Apartheid state" oppressing Palestinians.

    Politics | Debunking Lies

    Israel Releases Car Ramming Footage After Palestinian ‘Lynching’ Attempt in Jerusalem

    Footage of the attack released by Israeli police. Photo: Screenshot The Israeli government released a police video on Monday in …