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Judaism | Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous | Judaism

13 Facts You Should Know About the Book of Esther - Chabad

The biblical book that tells the story of Purim, reading it from a handwritten scroll is one of the four mitzvahs of the holiday.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

13 Facts You Should Know About the Book of Esther

The biblical book that tells the story of Purim, reading it from a handwritten scroll is one of the four mitzvahs of the holiday.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Secret to Crushing Antisemitism

To battle evil, we first must understand its source, and then tread carefully so we are not sucked into the vortex of hate.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Is Gaza Jewish?

I had mixed feelings upon seeing the Jewish communities of Gaza and their 9,000 residents being uprooted in 2005. There was the hope of an improved security situation, but on the other hand it seems wrong to declare a region "Judenrein." Anyway this all left me wondering if Gaza is really part of Jewish history?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Chanukah Miracles - Chabad

Open your eyes. See the miracles and goodness in every coincidence of your day.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How Did David Defeat Goliath?

In the famous narrative, young David slays Goliath, the giant Philistine warrior, using a round pebble he collected from a brook.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

More Than Just Commentary: Rashi with the Rebbe - Chabad

Go to any synagogue in the world and you will find numerous copies of the Five Books of Moses. Beneath the primary text on every page, there lies a subscript penned in an unfamiliar alphabet. This is Rashi - the greatest Torah commentary of all time. What

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Is the Jewish Approach to the Apocrypha?

The 24 books of the Bible were
canonized by the Anshei Knesset Hagedolah. Any later works are not
considered Divinely inspired.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Can You Learn From the Letter Chet?

Before marrying my grandmother, Rebbetzin Chava Hecht, my grandfather, Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht, told her, “I, being a ‘Yanky,’ an old-fashioned American boy, will marry you only under the following condition: I must be the head of the house.” My grandmother responded, “You can be the head, but I will be the neck, and wherever the neck turns, the head has to follow.”

Miscellaneous | Judaism

14 Facts You Should Know About Kabbalah

Kabbalah is Jewish mysticism, an ancient tradition of Divine wisdom.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Spiritual Space - Chassidic Masters

The deeper meaning behind the different opinions in the Talmud and commentaries regarding the menorah’s spatial alignment inside the Temple, and regarding the identity of its miraculous “western lamp.”

Miscellaneous | Judaism

17 Facts You Should Know About the Five Books of Moses

Dictated by God and transcribed by Moses, these books convey God’s instructions on how we can fulfill our life’s mission.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Does Amen Mean?

Read on to learn more about what 'Amen;' means. Learn about the significance of this phrase, its meaning, and origins.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Jews Still Cry Over the Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem

Why continue mourning over the destruction of a building that happened so long ago?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Should Jews Celebrate the Fall of Evil?

Is it kosher to take joy in the death of evil people?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

30 Life-Changing Stories of the Rebbe

Since the dawn of the Chassidic movement and before, telling and internalizing stories has had a special place in our culture and ethos.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

We, the Jewish People, Are a Single Body

We’re human beings. How can the Torah expect you to not hold a grudge against someone who has hurt you?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Faithful and Fortified: The Rebbe and the IDF

The inside story of the Rebbe’s involvement in Israel’s security, as told by its defense and government leaders.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Where Is the Ark of the Covenant Today?

The Ark of the Covenant is the holiest item in Judaism. What happened to it?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

When a Young Hero Dies - Chabad

There are long lives with little meaning. And there are short lives that never cease to shine.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

12 Facts Every Jew Should Know About the Western Wall - Chabad

The Temple Mount's sole remaining structure, visited by millions worldwide for prayer and inspiration.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Prevailing Power of Holiness

A federal court’s ruling and the everlasting celebration of ‘Hei Teves’

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What’s Special About the Fifth Night of Chanukah?

This night is reserved for celebration and (extra) gelt. Here’s the reason why.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Does HYD Stand For? - Chabad

The abbreviation, often appearing after the names of those who have been murdered, stands for Hashem yikom damam—may God avenge their blood.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Signature Element of Chabad Psychology that Few Understand

The signature metaphor in Tanya to describe all human activity, popping up in some form or another on almost every page, is clothing. Life, according to Tanya, is less about who you are and more about what you wear.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

21 Talmud Facts Every Jew Should Know

The bulk of the Talmudic texts contain analysis of Biblical verses and Torah law, but it’s interspersed with everything from medical advice to stories, from folk sayings to fabric dying tips.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

It Is Time to Declare the Truth About the Jews and Israel

The Torah grants Israel to the Jews and obligates them to protect her people

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Psalms for Times of Distress - Chabad

"...if we only knew the power of verses of Psalms and their effect in the spiritual realms, we would recite them constantly." – The Tzemach Tzedek

Miscellaneous | Judaism

7 Paradoxes About the Sukkah That Help Us Break Through Illusions

We depend on our touchstones: psychological security, a stable income, protection from crime. Clothing, food, warm shelter

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Is Sukkot?

Sukkot is a Jewish holiday celebrated by taking off work, celebrating in a hut, and waving unusual bouquets. This video will give you the whole story.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Can Prayer Really Change Your Reality?

Our very own Queen Esther teaches us that while practical actions are necessary to succeed in any endeavor, spiritual efforts have the real impact in drawing down God’s blessings.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

5 Ways the High Holidays of 2023 Are Unique

The 2023 High Holidays feature a full week of Selichot, and Rosh Hashanah over a weekend.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Rosh Hashanah: What’s It Really All About?

How the Jewish New Year is celebrated and what it tells us about every human being and our relationship to God.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The 96-Year-Old Survivor Who Did a Last (and First) Mitzvah

The younger of the two boys shared a story. “You know, it seems very quiet now, but this past Friday I experienced the greatest moment of my life.”

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Are Tefillin Square?

The Talmud gives no actual reason but the Kabbalah provides clues.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

20 Amazing Converts to Judaism You Should Know -

Throughout history the Jewish nation has been enriched by
converts—upstanding men and women who opted to enter the covenant and become
part of the Chosen Nation.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Is Tisha B’Av?

Why do we mourn on Tisha b'Av? A historical overview and a digest of the day's laws.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why On Earth Do We Need a Third Temple? - Chabad

The Third Temple is not a building, but a state of harmony between God, humanity, and nature.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Is Kosher? - Chabad

What do you know about kosher? What makes some foods kosher, and what does kosher mean? Get the answers here!

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Rebbe Writes to George Bush About July 4th - Chabad

"It is well to remember that
the founders of this Nation considered Independence Day as 'a day of
deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to G‑d Al-mighty'"

Miscellaneous | Judaism

21 Talmud Facts Every Jew Should Know

The bulk of the Talmudic texts contain analysis of Biblical verses and Torah law, but it’s interspersed with everything from medical advice to stories, from folk sayings to fabric dying tips.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Judaism's Stance on Gender Is Clear, Despite Attempts To Rewrite Torah

Judaism teaches that G-d Created male and female so that they might partner with Him in creating a next generation.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

18 Facts About the “12 Spies”

Moses sent 12 spies to Canaan; 10 gave negative reports, causing 40 years of wandering.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Menorah: Its Story and Mystery

Explore the design, positioning, lighting rituals, and rich symbolism.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Is there anything wrong with taking animals from the wild and confining them to restricted living quarters. In other words, are zoos “kosher”?

It could well be that their goal in visiting the zoo was not (only) for simple entertainment or leisure, but to be able there to marvel at the wondrous creation of Hashem’s world.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Who Made G-d? - The Classic Jewish Answer in Clear Modern English

The Creator of all boundaries is unbounded by any definition. Otherwise, He too would require a creator.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Is the Significance of a Rainbow in Judaism?

It is a beautiful and colorful aspect of G‑d’s world, but it’s also a reminder of tragedy. We are taught not to stare at it, but we do make a special blessing when it appears in the sky. Let’s see what the Torah has to say about the rainbow.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

11 Shavuot Myths and Misconceptions

Ready to challenge some things you think you always knew? Let's go!

Miscellaneous | Judaism

May the Morning Shema Be Recited All Day?

Analysis of the argument that kriat shema may be recited the entire day.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How the Universe Came to Be: Torah and Science

Religion is often accused of explaining a scientific discovery after the
fact. But the record on how the universe came to
be presents a different sequence of events.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Chabad Lubavitch: The Rebbe’s Lesson From an IDF Emblem

Official homepage for worldwide Chabad-Lubavitch movement that promotes Judaism and provides daily Torah lectures and Jewish insights. Chabad-Lubavitch is a philosophy, a movement, and an organization. Chabad is considered to be the most dynamic force in

Miscellaneous | Judaism

18 Facts About Rabbi Akiva - Chabad

Akiva started at the very beginning, learning the Hebrew alphabet alongside his son, and went on to be foremost rabbi in the post-Temple era.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

10 Songs in Jewish History

The Midrash tells us that there are 10 songs of praise (shirot) in the history of our people, culminating with the song of the Final Redemption.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How Moses Saved Egyptian Civilization

Wherever your soul has taken you, there must be something of profound value that you uncovered there.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Pursuit Of Meaning | Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks z"l

For each of us G-d has a task: work to perform, a kindness to show, a gift to give, love to share, loneliness to ease, pain to heal, or broken lives to help mend.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Pesach: What’s Up With the Mnemonic Detzach Adash Be-achav?

The three words, attributed to Rabbi Judah, we say while spilling wine at the Seder, teach deep insights about the 10 plagues.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Is Meditation Kosher? - And if so, why aren’t we doing it? - Chabad

Is it possible to be a good Jew, do mitzvahs, study Torah and pray to G‑d without ever thinking too deeply about who He is and what’s my relationship with Him?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Where Did Moses Get His Staff & What Happened to It?

Moses’ staff figures prominently throughout the story of the Exodus from Egypt and our ancestors’ subsequent sojourn in the desert. But Scripture doesn’t tell us the history of the staff.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

17 Jewish Calendar Facts - Chabad

The Jewish calendar is the structure upon which all Jewish holidays are based. It follows the lunar cycle, which means that the year is comprised of 12 lunar months (of approximately 29.5 days each).

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Should We Use Gender Neutral Language for G-d?

Judaism has been understood as the effort to reunite the feminine and masculine aspects of God.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Total Transformation: The Shema Prayer Meditation - Chabad

While the prayers preceding the Shema are important, it is the Shema prayer itself that transforms the animal soul into loving G‑d.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Chabad: Purim Backwards

On Purim, it’s a mitzvah to hear the story of Esther read from a scroll—called a “megillah”—both by day and by night.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Purim: 14 Facts About Mordecai

Mordechai was the leader of the Jews and cousin of Queen Esther, his co-hero in the Purim story.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Tu BiShvat in a Minute - Chabad

When’s the last time you wished a tree Happy New Year? The 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shevat is a great opportunity. It’s known as Tu BiShvat, the New Year for Trees.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Is the Authentic Ancient Hebrew Alphabet? - Ketav Ivri vs. Ketav Ashurit

I recently read about some ancient writings that were in a
script called Proto-Hebrew, which the Jews supposedly used to write in before
the current Hebrew script.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How Do Mezuzahs Work? - Chabad

How on earth does a parchment scroll with Hebrew inscriptions increase your personal safety? Here is how the great rabbis understood it.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

20 Maimonides Facts You Should Know

1. He Was Born Into a Prestigious Spanish Family

Maimonides was born circa 1135, in Cordoba, in the Andalusia region of Spain. His family traced their ancestry to the compiler of the Mishnah, Rabbi Yehudah HaNassi, and through him, to King David.1 Encouraged by his father—a judge on the Cordoba rabbinical court and a student of the famed Ri Migash—he pursued studies in Jewish law, philosophy, and medicine.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Jewish Wisdom: Joseph's Message - Vayigash

It was not enough for Jacob to discover that Joseph was still alive physically. He needed to hear that he was also alive spiritually.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Is Chanukah 8 (Not 7) Days Long? - 13 answers to an age-old puzzle - Chabad

The 8 days are because it either took 8 days to become pure or to travel to Tekoa to get new oil. But why is the first day celebrated? Here are 13 reasons.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Light and Shadows: What Is Divine Reciprocity? - Chabad

We don't have to take on an army in order to experience miracles.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

16 Menorah Facts Every Jew Should Know - Chabad

The word menorah is Hebrew for “lamp,” and generally refers to the eight-branched candelabra that we light on the Jewish holiday of Chanukah.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Can There Be Judaism Without Torah?

Other than Torah observance, what can we teach the next generation to inspire them to stay Jewish?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Play "Jewish History True or False" - Chabad

Who anointed King David? Where did the story of Purim take place? Test your knowledge of early Jewish History!

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Judaism: When Does the Soul Enter the Body? - Chabad

Traditions vary from the moment of conception or 40 days thereafter, to various childhood milestones. They can be synthesized by understanding the nature of our two souls.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Take the Yom Kippur Quiz

See how familiar you are with the most sacred day on the Jewish calendar…

Miscellaneous | Judaism

19 Yom Kippur Facts Every Jew Should Know

Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, when we are
closest to G‑d and most connected to the essence of our souls.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

9 Yom Kippur Myths and Misconceptions - High Holidays

Here’s your chance to rethink some things that “everyone knows” about the holy day.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

RoshHashanah: 7 Tips for Making and Keeping New Year's Resolutions

Here are a number of suggestions to keep our resolutions long-lasting and meaningful.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

When Blessings Come Cloaked in Darkness

A distillation of the Rebbe's talk on Jewish indignation, 1966.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Can You Travel Back in Time? Kind Of… - Parshah

One of the most powerful tools we humans possess is the ability to rewrite our own past by reframing the story.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How Were the Priests Divided? - On the 24 Clans of Kohanim

The Torah dictates that the descendants of Aaron (the Kohanim) be separated from within the tribe of Levi and be prepared to serve in the Holy Temple (or Tabernacle).1

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Levite Choir and Orchestra: What, Who and How?

During the time of year that we mourn the destruction of the Holy Temple, it is customary to learn the laws of the Holy Temple as a means to hasten its rebuilding during the final redemption.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Cover the Head With a Tallit During Prayer? - Mitzvahs & Traditions

One should make preparations before praying, including preparing special garments, as if one were meeting an important dignitary.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Judaism: 14 Facts About the Book of Psalms

Psalms is a most beloved book, filled with prayers, praises, and prose. Compiled by David, it is an essential part of the Jewish Canon.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

23 Tallit Facts You Should Know - Mitzvahs & Traditions

A tallit is a four-cornered, fringed garment worn by Jewish men during prayer.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why No Paschal Offering for 39 Years in the Desert? - Jewish History

As strange as it may seem, the Israelites seem to have only observed Passover once during their 40-year sojourn in the desert.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

11 Kippah Facts Every Jewish Guy Should Know - Mitzvahs & Traditions

A kippah is a head-covering traditionally worn by Jewish men
and boys as a sign of reverence and respect to G‑d.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Jewish Holidays: What Is Shavuot?

Unpack layers of Biblical and rabbinic text to understand the inner mechanics of this sometimes-overlooked but super-important holiday.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Halacha (Jewish law) is not pro-choice

To state that Halacha is pro-choice is the equivalent of claiming that Halacha is pro-theft or pro-lying concerning the Torah’s prohibition to steal and its requirement to be honest.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Is There a Flawless Proof That Torah Is True?

Years ago I attended a seminar where we were presented with logical proofs that the Torah was delivered to us by Moses at Sinai. I was convinced and began a path towards complete Jewish observance.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How to Celebrate Lag BaOmer

Here are the tools and tips you need to have a rip-roaring inspiration-heavy Lag BaOmer celebration like no other.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Seven Things People Get Wrong When Learning Kabbalah - …and how to get on the right track

1. Myth: Nobody goes to a Kabbalah class expecting to actually understand anything.

Truth: Kabbalah is about the human mind grasping the ungraspable.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Judaism: The Halachic Parameters of Taking Vengeance or Holding a Grudge

This class explains the prohibition of revenge (nekamah) and the prohibition of bearing a grudge (netirah). Exploring exactly when and how these prohibitions apply, and how it’s possible to bend one's thoughts in a positive direction and avoid these prohi

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Is Ahavat Yisrael?

We all know the mitzvah to love your fellow Jew, but how do you love another as yourself?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Spiritual Physics - Jewish Prayer

What do you do with this powerful love and desire for G‑d, awakened during prayer as a result of our challenges?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Judaism: Does Hell Exist?

Who isn’t terrified at the notion of being in a fiery furnace for all eternity?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Do Jews In Exile Celebrate Passover?

Ever since the Exodus, every Jew possesses that innate, unbreakable sense of freedom.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How to Prepare Your Seder Plate Items Quickly & Easily

Preparing the Seder plate items can seem overwhelming, but it needn’t be.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

What Is Passover (Pesach)?

The eight-day Jewish holiday of Passover is celebrated in the early spring, from the 15th through the 22nd of the Hebrew month of Nissan, April 15 - 23, 2022.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

If the Haggadah Is Right, We’ve Got Education All Wrong - How the Haggadah turns education on its head

From a child's answers, you might know something about what the child knows. From a child's question, you know who the child is.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Passover: What Have the Anti-Semites Done to the Jews?

Anti-Semitism bears testimony to the Almighty’s watchful eye which continues to guide us through our providential mission on earth.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Redesigned and Updated,’s Haggadah Brings a Classic Text to Life

Second edition tops Amazon’s charts for both “Haggadahs” and “Jewish holidays” categories

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why No Chad Gadya? - Why Doesn’t the Chabad Haggadah Include the Post-Seder Songs?

Many have the custom to sing various post-Seder songs at the conclusion of the Passover Seder.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Agony and Ecstasy of Jewish Sovereignty - Has the State of Israel been a success?

A critical analysis of Israeli statehood, Jewish identity and Middle East politics since 1948.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Agony and Ecstasy of Jewish Sovereignty - Has the State of Israel been a success?

A critical analysis of Israeli statehood, Jewish identity and Middle East politics since 1948.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Fascinating Facts: 15 Facts About Queen Esther

Learn all about the heroine of the Purim story, Queen Esther!

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Will the Synagogue Ever Go Virtual Reality? Why a metaverse minyan is not okay

Is it possible to create a virtual synagogue where everyone would join for prayer online? How about virtual reality, where you literally feel like you are in the same room with your fellow avatars? Could this be a legitimate replacement for group prayer at the synagogue?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why No Tefillin at Night or on Shabbat? - Tefillin

Tefillin are worn daily by Jewish men and boys aged 13 and older, except for on Shabbat and Torah holidays.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

How Did David Defeat Goliath? - Jewish History

In the famous narrative, young David slays Goliath, the giant Philistine warrior, using a round pebble he collected from a brook.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

13 Ways the Lubavitcher Rebbe Changed the World Forever - Impact

How one man in Brooklyn. N.Y., shattered misconceptions and predispositions about Judaism—and forever changed the world.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Aren’t Shellfish Kosher?

Shellfish do not have kosher signs. But what if they did?

Miscellaneous | Judaism

The Jewish People Prepare for Sukkot, the ‘Season of Our Rejoicing’

The outdoor, seven-day holiday approaches with safety and unity again top of mind

Miscellaneous | Judaism

9 Yom Kippur Myths and Misconceptions - High Holidays

Here’s your chance to rethink some things that “everyone knows” about the holy day.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

19 Yom Kippur Facts Every Jew Should Know - High Holidays

Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, when we are
closest to G‑d and most connected to the essence of our souls.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Faith After Surfside - Questions & Answers

It is a pain we must feel, a pain that must be healed, until we have healed humanity itself. Until no such tragedy could ever happen again.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

14 Kosher Myths and Facts

Are you ready to challenge some of the things you’ve always thought to be true about the Jewish dietary laws? Let’s begin!

Miscellaneous | Judaism

A Deeper Look at the Menorah Blessings - Chanukah, 5743

The three blessing we recite before kindeling the menorah carry deep inside them the timeless Chanukah lessons for our service of God, specifically in our times.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

An encounter with Rabbi Sacks, a Jewish leader who inspired a generation

My spiritual and intellectual development were very much crystallized by his words and perspectives.

Miscellaneous | Judaism

Why Do We Fast on Yom Kippur?

What is Yom Kippur all about? Unpack layers of meaning embedded in the requirement that we neither eat nor drink for the duration of this most holy and solemn of days.
