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Lee - another Holocaust movie without Jews
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Netflix Epic on Moses Platforms Biased Scholar Who Expressed Joy on Oct.7
A newly-released Netflix documentary series on the biblical story of Moses has given a platform to an Egyptian scholar who referred to the biblical
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WATCH: Ordinary New Yorkers, Police Clash With Hamass Sympathizer Tearing Down Posters
Let’s start with the awesome video. We have all seen the videos of people who are objectively pro-Hamass tearing down posters reminding people of the over 200 hostages taken and kept by Hamass—including by British police.
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Palestinian: 'our parents always trusted Israeli leaders more than our own' • Point of No Return
You might have heard of Quora – this is a website where anyone can pose any question (usually related to politics), and anyone who feels qualified to give an answer can do so. This particular question, by one Anne Frank, caught my eye: Are most Palestini
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Israel: Special course teaches drivers how to respond to terror attacks
Shurat Hadin holds course teaching Israeli drivers what to do if they face stone-throwers, shootings, and tire burnings.
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One Fall Away from Oblivion: An Interview with Victor Davis Hanson
Dr. Hanson, who analyzes geopolitical topics from the lens of an historian, elucidates the ills of today’s society. In doing so, he demonstrates that there is nothing new under the sun.
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Israel’s Negev Desert Is Full of Animals. But You’ll Never See Them
Striped Hyenas, Caracals, Wild Asses and Honey Badgers Throng Israel's Deserts but They Flee From Tourists. An Israeli Researcher Installed Cameras by Springs in the Wilderness and the Result Is Here: Spectacular Videos of a Hidden World
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Elder Of Ziyon - Happy Nakba Catastrophe Day! Celebrate with cuisine that was stolen from others!
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Elder Of Ziyon - How many could have been saved if Israel was reborn in 1938 instead of 1948?
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Why that Ohio town is named 'East Palestine'
Towns such as East Palestine, Ohio, were established by 19th-century religious Christian settlers; they chose those names to express their spiritual attachment to the land and people of the Bible, not today's Palestinian Arabs.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: The Secret Jewish History of "Gilligan's Island"
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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The Mossad's Top 10 Operations | Honest Reporting
From capturing Eichmann to rescuing Ethiopian Jews, a guide to the top 10 operations undertaken by Israel's notorious spy agency, the Mossad.
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America’s Holocaust failure through the lens of 21st-century politics
Ken Burns’s new documentary focuses on immigration law and anti-Semitism in ways that both illuminate and distort the lessons of history while largely giving a pass to FDR.
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Hey American businesses: Hanukkah is not the Jewish Christmas
Hanukkah celebrates Jewish freedom from assimilation; it doesn't need Jewish-Christmas decorations or Jewish-Christmas movies or Jewish elfs-on-the-shelf
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On visible and invisible Jews
We all know that raw prejudice among Jews against those who are visibly Jewish—that they are loud, rude, unwashed, contemptuous towards outsiders and all the rest of that baggage—is our community’s dirty secret.
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Jerusalem Stone: What Is It, and Why Is It Used?
I saw that Jewish organization will be built with “Jerusalem stone.” What exactly is it and is there a custom to specifically use Jerusalem stone?