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Biden Administration/Congress | Politics

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden's State Department Used Data from Anti-Israel Org To Compile 'Report Card' on Jewish State, Internal Emails Show

The Biden administration produced an internal "report card" on Israeli activities in the West Bank based on data from a United Nations organization closely linked to the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, according to government emails obtained

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

White House: Biden's threat to Netanyahu over Iran strike “proof of fitness”

White House aides told the New York Times that Biden threatened to abandon Israel if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu launched a large-scale retaliation to Iran's April 13 attack.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden admin ‘effectively withholding seven weapon systems’ from Israel

The House Foreign Affairs Committee chair said that he signed off on the weapons, and Congress appropriated them.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Judge Rejects Biden Admin Bid To Dismiss Lawsuit Over 'Illegal and Dangerous' $1.5 Billion Palestinian Payment Plan

A U.S. district court rejected the Biden administration’s bid to dismiss a landmark lawsuit alleging it engaged in an "illegal and dangerous $1.5 billion terrorism subsidy program for the Palestinians." The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

White House Temper Tantrum: Why Did The White House Cancel Its Meeting With Israel?

 The White House decided to cancel a high-level U.S.-Israel meeting after Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu posted a video claiming the U.S. has been withholding weapons and ammunition to Israel.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

White House stresses Gazan pain on Islamic holiday, contradicts Israel's war aims

"Jill and I wish American Muslims—and Muslims around the world—a very blessed Eid al-Adha," the U.S. president said.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden WH Responds to Israel Rescuing Hamas Hostages in a Maddeningly Predictable Way

 There was some good news this morning when the IDF announced that four people who had been taken hostage during the October 7th Hamas attacks inside Israel had been rescued.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

US announces another $90 million in aid to Gaza

Samantha Power, the USAID administrator, announced the additional $90 million on the same day that the Pentagon said the temporary pier will cost $90 million less than projected.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The Biden Policies That Are Killing Israeli Soldiers

Three soldiers from Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were killed on May 28, when they encountered a Hamas booby trap in a building in Rafah. In a separate incident, three other soldiers

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Does Biden reject Israel’s right to self-defense? (Spoiler Alert: Yes, He Absolutely Does)

The administration’s effort to stymie military action, coupled with its continued criticism as to how Israel is conducting a just war against a terror group, puts the Jewish state at risk in the region and the world.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

US blocking European efforts to introduce IAEA resolution against Iran

The Biden administration is the "difficulty" in moving ahead with the resolution at the quarterly meeting next week, say European officials.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Congress Continues Antisemitism Theater With Northwestern, President on the Hot Seat

 There was another performance of antisemitism theater during a hearing by the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The Seeds of Biden’s Betrayal of Israel Were Planted A Long Time Ago

 Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned Israel on Thursday against cutting off Palestinian banks and spoke about the need to increase aid to Gaza, that is, Hamas, even further.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Nearly 70% of Gaza aid from US-built pier stolen

No aid was delivered to the UN warehouse from the floating pier on Sunday and Monday.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden claps for ‘immediate, permanent ceasefire’ at Morehouse graduation

The commencement speaker also said that "both sides have suffered heavy casualties since Oct. 7."

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden and the Danger of Hitting the First Domino

The spin cycle regarding President Biden’s decision to withhold certain weapons from Israel seems to have settled on the idea that it’s mostly symbolic. It won’t put Israel in existential

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden's arms embargo against Israel is a national disgrace

The President of the United States hasn’t just abandoned Israel, he’s abandoned common sense

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden's Bomb 'Pause' Will Cause Israeli Soldiers to Die in Booby-trapped Buildings

Biden's decision to withhold bombs will cause more IDF soldiers to die in booby-trapped buildings that would otherwise have been bombed.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Hid Israeli Weapons Stoppage Until After Holocaust Speech

President Joe Biden signed off on a pause in weapons supply to Israel last week but kept the decision out of the public eye until after his speech on Tuesday to mark Holocaust Remembrance Day.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Admin Officials Coordinated With Anti-Israel Group To Isolate Israeli Jews in West Bank, Emails Show

Senior Biden administration officials have been coordinating since at least early 2022 with an outside anti-Israel group to isolate Jewish Israelis living in the West Bank, internal government emails show.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Lloyd Austin Confirms U.S. Withholding Arms from Israel over Rafah

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin confirmed that the U.S. is withholding a shipment of weapons to Israel over concerns about Rafah.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden betrays Israel with Hamas ‘deal’ that wasn’t

Joe Biden betrayed Israel last night.

Hamas announced with great fanfare that it had accepted a ceasefire proposal. There were celebrations in Gaza, and the White House said it was “reviewing” the deal.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Report: Biden administration failed to inform Israel before Hamas truce announcement

Jerusalem was surprised to hear of the terror group's acceptance of a proposal that was different from the latest one on the table.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden’s duplicitous history against Israel –

  Joe Biden is, once again, at loggerheads with Israel. This has been brewing for decades. Biden infamously admitted telling

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Judicial Nominee Honored by Anti-Israel Group Whose Board Member Cheers Hamas

Biden judicial nominee Amir H. Ali in November received a "Justice Tribute" award from an Arab-American civil rights group that supports the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, and whose board member has praised Hamas and other terror

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

FTC Chairwoman Linked to Organization Supporting Columbia Protests

FTC Chairwoman Lina Khan has ties to a Marxist-organization that has supported the pro-Palestinian protesters at various universities.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Report: ICC mulling Israeli arrest warrants with US consent

Senior officials associated with the tribunal in The Hague said that the Americans had green-lit the move.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Terrorists Launch Attacks on Americans Building Biden’s Gaza Pier

 Terrorists operating in the Gaza Strip launched a series of attacks on Americans building President Joe Biden's "humanitarian pier" this week.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden's Bad Advice for Israel—And America

As I write, Israel has yet to respond to last week's Iranian drone and missile attack. The situation is fluid, but we do know that President Biden opposes an Israeli response. He's told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu not to escalate against Iran. "You

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Let Sanctions Against Iran Expire Before Attack on Israel

In the aftermath of the unprecedented Iranian strike against Israel over the weekend, Joe Biden’s policies towards Iran have come under greater scrutiny…

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Tells Bibi No US Offensive Action, US Dinging Israel Behind Scenes

 As we reported earlier, there was an official statement released in the name of Joe Biden on the Iran attack on Israel condemning Iran for their actions and saying how the U.S. had helped Israel take down the drones and the missiles of the attack.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Republican Legislators React Strongly to Iran's Attack on Israel

 Iran’s Saturday attack on Israel has introduced a new focal point in Middle East geopolitics against the backdrop of the war in Gaza. Speculation about America’s possible response to the development has taken center stage on the airwaves and interwebs.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

HOLY CRAP: Joe Biden Approved Iran's Assault on Israel 'Within Certain Limits'

 On Saturday, Iran initiated a barrage of drones and ballistic missiles at Israel.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden said to tell Netanyahu US won't support Israeli response to Iran attack

The U.S. president will convene G7 leaders to coordinate a "united diplomatic response" to the Iranian assault.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Are the American Hostages American Enough for Biden?

Joe Biden knows something about accusations of dual loyalty. In 2016, then-Vice President Biden delivered a speech at Dublin Castle heralding the “progress” Catholic Americans have made since John F. Kennedy

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Blinken, in Pandering Eid Message, Links Palestinians to Uyghurs in Chinese Concentration Camps

Secretary of State Antony Blinken compared Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza to Uyghur Muslims forced into Chinese concentration camps.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

USAID gave nearly $1M to Gaza charity tied to Hamas, up to six days before Oct. 7 attack on Israel

A charity tied to Hamas has received nearly $1 million from US Aid over the past seven years, with a grant arriving just days before Oct. 7 terrorist strike on Israel.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden would rather Israel surrender than defend itself

President Joe Biden has tried to pretend that he supports Israel, but he has made it clear he would rather Israel surrender than win its war against Hamas.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

How Biden Brought Israel to the Brink of Failure

Biden opposed Israel winning the war because he wanted a Palestinian state, and forced Israel to accept responsibilty for Gaza civilians.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Admin Takes Cues From Hitler to Label Jewish Goods From ‘Occupied Territory'

 Is anyone still pretending that Joe Biden supports Israel? I’ve never actually believed Biden was ever really on Israel’s side. From the earliest moments after the October 7 terrorist attack by Hamas, Biden’s actions have spoken louder than words.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden is conciliating, rather than confronting, pro-Hamas Democrats

Netanyahu is blamed for worsening U.S.-Israel relations, but the problem is that the president thinks anti-Israel hecklers “have a point” and that their cause is “really important.”

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden to pressure Israel on alternatives to Rafah op

The U.S. is trying to avoid a clash over the last Hamas stronghold • Most Israelis support a Rafah offensive.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Israeli officials blast new Biden admin sanctions over 'settler violence'

Gush Etzion Regional Council mayor calls the sanctions "another scandalous decision from the chairman of Joe Biden's election campaign."

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden admin reportedly delaying arms shipments to Israel

U.S. officials claimed there is no change in policy or any deliberate slowdown in delivering promised military aid.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden's 'Trojan pier' for Gaza

The pier is not temporary or about delivering aid, it's about giving the terrorists a permanent gateway to the world.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden’s Alienating Strategy

Joe Biden is used to talking to Israel-skeptics who insist their beef isn’t with the Israeli people but with their government, and claim that their resentment isn’t aimed at the

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Because of Biden, the captives’ return is going to take longer

  The airdropping of aid to Gaza – and soon, also the special pier – solves a problem for President

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Elder Of Ziyon - Biden parrots Hamas propaganda in State of the Union speech

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Joe Biden: The Hostage President

In the weeks leading up to President Biden’s State of the Union address, aid packages to two of our allies, each in the middle of a war they didn’t start,

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Just WOW: Biden's DAMNING Hot Mic Moment After SOTU Shows What He REALLY Thinks About Israel (Watch)

 Biden said a lot of things last night during his SOTU.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden administration shifts tone, calls Israeli ministers ‘obstacle’ to Gaza aid

“The convoy last week really encapsulated the frustration by the White House and much of Congress, especially Democrats,” the Atlantic Council’s Jonathan Panikoff told JNS.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Slams America's Conduct During WWII in Attempt To Criticize Israel

President Joe Biden slammed America's conduct during the Second World War in a conversation with Israel's war cabinet, arguing that the Allied bombings of Nazi Germany led to the "United Nations and all these rules" that preclude the use of such tactics t

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Hamas-Sheltering Qatar Cashes In on Biden Natural Gas Pause

President Joe Biden’s pause on liquefied natural gas production is already turning into a major financial windfall for Qatar, even as the Gulf regime undercuts the United States and its allies by funding terrorists and sheltering fugitive Hamas leaders. Q

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

House bill calls for US to refer officially to ‘Judea, Samaria,’ not ‘West Bank’

“The term ‘West Bank’ is used to delegitimize Israel’s historical claim to this land,” stated Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-N.Y.).

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Why is Biden pushing for an immoral hostage deal?

Pressure on Israel to agree to pay an exorbitant ransom for the hostages that will grant victory to Hamas isn’t just politically motivated. It’s a betrayal of American interests

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

No, Joe Biden, most Palestinians support Hamas

Though not all Palestinians are members of Hamas or even support it, most of them agree with its basic ideology.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Brutally Fact Checked on Palestinian Support for Hamas

 In an effort to continue pandering to the pro-terrorism branch of the Democratic Party, President Joe Biden sent a tweet last week attempting to differentiate between the "overwhelming majority" of Palestinians and Hamas.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden’s ‘help’ at the UN will put Israeli lives at risk

The veto of a U.N. Security Council ceasefire resolution prevented the world body from dictating a Hamas victory. Still, the administration’s alternative is almost as dangerous.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Blinken Meets With Brazilian President Who Just Compared Israel to Nazi Germany

 If we were Secretary of State Antony Blinken, we'd think twice about posting a photo smiling and warmly embracing the hand of a man who just compared Israel to Nazi Germany and the war against Hamas to the Holocaust.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden to go to UN Security Council to force temporary cease-fire on Israel, halt Rafah offensive

Israeli leaders are ignoring Biden administration requests for them not to invade the last big Hamas stronghold of Rafah in Gaza, an area packed by displaced Palestinians, and likely Israeli hostages.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Shameful Biden tries to reward Hamas terror with a Palestinian state

It’s amazing how long bad ideas take to die. That’s certainly the case with one of the least successful ideas in the world. The idea of the two-state solution in the Middle East.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

What exactly is Biden's issue with Israeli law enforcement?

Among the many challenges facing Israeli leaders, there is no choice but to go to battle over Biden's Executive Order targeting individual Israelis with sanctions.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

US obsession with two-state solution is ‘delusional’ -

It's “shocking" that a U.S. administration would push for a Palestinian state under ordinary circumstances, let alone after Oct. 7, said former U.S. Middle East envoy Jason Greenblatt.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Top Biden aide tells US-Arab leaders in Dearborn he has no confidence in Israeli government (and tells a bunch of lies along the way)

In recorded meeting in Dearborn, deputy NSA Jon Finer also says administration finds some Israeli leaders 'somewhat abhorrent'; constituency is key to Biden's reelection hopes

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Senior Biden Admin Official Refused To Meet With Israeli Ambassador During 2021 Hamas Conflict, Internal Emails Show

A senior Biden administration official refused to meet with Israel's ambassador in 2021, during the last conflict with Hamas, until the Jewish state reached a ceasefire with the Iran-backed terror group, according to internal government emails reviewed by

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Disagreements over war driving Biden towards 'breach' with Israel

Biden's frustration with Netanyahu has led White House aides to suggest that the president ramp up public criticism of the Jewish state.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden: Response in Gaza Strip 'over the top'

"There are a lot of innocent people who are starving, a lot of innocent people who are in trouble and dying, and it's gotta stop," said the U.S. president.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

'Pro-Israel' Biden Would Veto Standalone Israel Bill: White House

President Joe Biden would veto a standalone bill to aid Israel during its war against Hamas terrorists, according to the White House, which insists on linking Israel aid to spending on the war in Ukraine, as well as Democrats' immigration funding bill. |

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

360 degrees of hostility: The Biden administration and Israel

Why is the United States continuing to hamper the ability of the Israel Defense Forces in Gaza?

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Israeli banks freeze accounts after US sanctions over ‘settler violence’

Under President Joe Biden's executive order, U.S. individuals and companies are barred from providing any assets or services to Yinon Levi, David Chisdai, Einan Tanjil and Shalom Zicherman.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Surrender: Blinken Tells Netanyahu Israel Can't Defeat Hamas

Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week that Israel cannot defeat Hamas.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

As Hamas plays sick games with hostages 100 days in, Biden whines he's losing patience with Israel

Sunday marked 100 days since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, White House national-security spokesman John Kirby declared it was “the right time” for Israel to scale back its military operations in Gaza.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Redesignating Houthis, Biden admin hopes terror group will become ‘constructive actor’

“If the Houthis cease their attacks in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, the United States will immediately reevaluate this designation,” the U.S. national security advisor said.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

In Ramallah meeting, Blinken calls for Palestinian state

Mahmoud Abbas demanded the secretary of state push Israel to unconditionally release all tax revenue it collects on the PA's behalf

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

White House forcefully defends UNRWA amid alleged terrorism ties: 'They do great work in Gaza'

The White House defended the United Nations Relief and Works Agency Thursday as Republican lawmakers are demanding investigations into reports that the aid body's staff has embedded with Hamas and aiding the terror organization in Gaza and throughout the

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden is abandoning Israel

America is distancing itself from the IDF's military action, even as their hostages remain in peril

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden’s Spiteful and Fatuous “Settler Blacklist

The UK is marching in lockstep with America's disastrous Middle East policy

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The Curious Case of the Biden Administration and Hamas

Hamas is currently fighting to keep on ruling Gaza and the opportunity to regroup, rearm and destroy Israel -- which is why it is pleading for a ceasefire. Hamas's eyes are now set on the Biden administration and the United Nations, which they hope will

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Iran has accessed $10b it received under sanctions waiver, US official

Iran had made two “transactions” for humanitarian purposes from an account in Oman, said Elizabeth Rosenberg, an assistant treasury secretary.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

BREAKING: Joe Biden refuses to allow American families of Hamas hostages to attend Hanukkah event

It’s being reported tonight that Joe Biden has refused to allow the American families of the hostages being held by Hamas in Gaza to attend the White House Hanukkah event. The families asked …

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

A flawed paradigm: Why the US approach endangers Israeli troops and will only prolong the war

  “The center of gravity is the civilian population and if you drive them into the arms of the enemy,

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden is risking Israel’s security, future to boost his, Kamala Harris’ 2024 re-election hopes

The White House is so serious about pushing Israel to make nice with Gaza’s civilians that it sent, drumroll please, Vice President Kamala Harris to deliver the message.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Admin Turns Its Back on Israel

White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby stated that the White House doesn't support Israel operating against Hamas in the southern portion of Gaza "unless or until they have factored in all those additiona

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Court Orders Biden to Disclose U.S. Taxpayer Funds Going to Hamas

Trump alumni at America First Legal representing Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) won a court order forcing Biden to disclose American taxpayer money funding Hamas terrorists at war with Israel.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden must be reminded Hamas is a terrorist group as he panders to Muslims in secret, publicly backs Israel

No American should need to be reminded that our government has designated Hamas a terrorist organization. But apparently one very important American does need to be reminded.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden is the primary obstacle to Israeli victory

Polling shows that the overwhelming majority of Americans support Israel in this war and want it to destroy Hamas; the overwhelming majority of lawmakers from both parties share that view.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden admin accused of aiding Palestinian 'pay for slay' as terrorists profit in Hamas deal, experts claim

Amid a cease-fire deal between Israel and the Palestinian terrorist entity Hamas, scores of convicted Palestinian terrorists and criminals were released and will embolden more terrorism, say experts.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden’s Appeasement of Iran Continues After Hamas Attack on Israel

Incredibly, after the horrific October 7 attack against Israel by Hamas (Iranian terrorist proxy), new aggression against Israel by Yemen’s Houthi rebels (also…

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

These Mosques Pray for the Annihilation of Jews. They Also Receive Money From the Biden Administration.

A federal program to help nonprofit groups protect against terrorist attacks has given millions of dollars to mosques and Islamic groups that have praised terrorists and called for the destruction of Israel, according to a Washington Free Beacon review.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Unlocks Fresh Funds to Iran Totaling Billions

The Biden administration on Tuesday reapproved a sanctions waiver that will allow Iran to access upward of $10 billion in frozen assets, the State Department confirmed to the Washington Free Beacon.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

If This Is True, Biden's Incompetence Cost American and Israeli Lives

 While this question has become peripheral, it’s still relevant and needs answers. There have been pieces here and there pointing to the intelligence failures that occurred leading to Hamas’ barbaric October 7 terrorist attack against Israel.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The Scandal of Robert Malley

When he was a much younger man, Robert Malley worked in the administration of Bill Clinton in the 1990s as an adviser on the peace negotiations between Israel

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

WHAT? Kamala Harris Uses a Lot of Words to Say Nothing About Anti-Israel Protests

 Another day in America brought with it another anti-Israel protest -- this time in New York City. And by "anti-Israel" this is what we're talking about:

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Admin Isn't Sanctioning Hamas for Use of Human Shields, Drawing Bipartisan Ire

The Biden administration is not enforcing U.S. sanctions on Hamas’s use of shields, drawing bipartisan concerns in Congress as the Iran-backed terror group uses civilians to shield itself from Israeli military attacks.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

State Department Employee Accuses President Biden of Being Complicit in Israel's “Genocide”

An employee in the State Department’s Near Eastern Affairs Bureau has accused President Joe Biden of being complicit in a genocide as Israel defends itself against Hamas terrorism and says the Biden administration’s robust support for the Jewish state wil

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Admin Warns Israel Against Cutting Off Hamas Internet, Money and Propaganda

"Internet access needs to remain viable for people of Gaza.”

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The Biden DOJ Just Tapped This Anti-Israel Group for a ‘United Against Hate’ Initiative. They Say Israel is Guilty of Genocide.

The Biden administration tapped an anti-Israel advocacy group that accuses the Jewish state of genocide to participate in a forum on the surge in hate crimes following Hamas’s attacks.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Priorities: Biden Administration Has Laser-Like Focus on Islamophobia

 Twitchy has covered, extensively, the antisemitic protests, attacks, and death threats that have been happening on American college campuses and in cities across the globe.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden State Department Won't Fire Notorious Anti-Semitic Foreign Service Officer

An outspoken anti-Semite who maintains a blog that states "Jews are the enemies of God and the children of the devil" has faced no professional repercussions as a State Department diplomat, communications obtained by the Washington Free Beacon reveal.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden’s Hamas conundrum

The president’s continued reliance on his anti-Israel, pro-Iran officials is not merely a policy disaster. It is a political problem.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Why is Biden Protecting Hamas?

 Joe Biden and White House validators are counseling the Israelis not to make the same mistake US leadership did after 9/11 by lashing out angrily and without a long-term plan. But that’s not Israel’s real problem. Jerusalem’s strategic dilemma is that it

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Second day in a row, Karine Jean-Pierre trivializes Jew-hatred

The White House press secretary, who began the daily press conference ostensibly to correct her pivot to Islamophobia the day before when asked about Jew-hatred, began discussing Muslims again.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The Biden Administration Tries to Hide What It Knew About an Impending Massacre, While Leaving U.S. Backing for Iran Untouched

The D.C. blame game is about avoiding responsibility while protecting a policy that is written in blood

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

State Department Tells Palestinians, 'We See You, We Grieve With You'

 As Twitchy reported earlier Saturday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken held "listening sessions" for Muslim, Arab-American, and Jewish staffers who didn't care for the way the war in the Middle East was playing out and President Joe Biden's tough talk about Hamas.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Warns Allies Against Islamophobia and Antisemitism

Biden used his speech to warn the nation -- and his Muslim and Jewish supporters -- against hatred as Israel prepares to smash Hamas.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

‘Breaking Biden’ Author: All the Ways Joe Biden Has Harmed Israel

He has been a horrendous ally to Israel, the world’s lone Jewish state, a beacon of democracy and freedom in a region of the world known for anything but.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Despite US admission Hamas ‘may seize’ aid to Gaza, Biden announces $100m in Palestinian aid

"We know Hamas is going to commandeer that money, and Hamas is going to use it to advance terrorism," stated Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a presidential candidate.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Report: Joe Biden Turns Down Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Invite

President Joe Biden reportedly turned down Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's invite for a "solidarity visit."

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Restored over $700 Million to Jihadist-Linked U.N. Palestinian Agency

President Joe Biden restored funding for the UNRWA, an agency facing accusations of fueling radical Islam and antisemitism in Gaza.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Elder Of Ziyon - Joe Makes the Sign of the Cross to Ward Off the Jew Netanyahu (Judean Rose)

When Biden made the sign of the cross as Netanyahu spoke, was he also signing disrespect, antisemitism, dementia, or perhaps all of the above?

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

SHOCKING Document Regarding Biden’s Involvement in the Yom Kippur War REVEALED

Purchase the Israel Book of Psalms: marked 50 years since the Yom Kippur War, when Egypt and Syria surprised Israel wit...

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Dementia or Disrespect? You’ll Never Believe What Biden Did When He Met with Netanyahu

On Wednesday, Old Joe Biden finally invited Benjamin Netanyahu to the White House, after refusing to do so for nearly nine months while his regime did everything it could to undermine the Israeli prim...

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Backdoors Israel in the U.N., Rescinding Trump’s Recognition of Sovereignty over the Golan

In a move from the Obama playbook, the U.S. is advancing a stealth agenda in the Middle East at the expense of its allies

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

When the US refuses to say ‘Palestinian’, the condemnation is irrelevant

Condemnations matter only if the Biden administration is prepared to name the party that is being condemned.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The Deadly Cost Of Joe Biden’s Israel Policy

Since coming to office, the Biden administration has directed more than a billion dollars to the Palestinian Authority, both directly and via UN organizations. Palestinian terrorism, meanwhile, has only intensified—as evidenced by the murder of an Israeli police officer in Tel Aviv last weekend. Victoria Coates and Congressman Chip Roy comment:

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Elder Of Ziyon - PA prime minister Shtayyeh tells members of Congress a litany of lies

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden’s “Slimmest Possible Majority”

Let's unpack the statement surrounding "the slimmest possible majority."

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

On Israel, Biden Surrenders to the Left

All the chatter in Washington ahead of Israeli president Isaac Herzog's visit to the White House on Tuesday was about the dust-up in the Democratic caucus over Rep. Pramila Jayapal's (D., Wash.) remark that Israel is a "racist state."

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden State Department Did Not Consult Anti-Semitism Office on Israel Boycott, Cruz Says

The Biden State Department did not consult with its anti-Semitism watchdog before ending taxpayer funding for Israeli research projects, a move that casts doubt on the department's insistence that the policy was noncontroversial. The Biden administration

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden's State Department goes BDS

The State Department boycotts Jews in Judea, Iran ramps up its terrorist & nuclear ambitions and Israeli official's invitations to US Embassy July 4th party...

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The Biden Administration’s Antisemitism Statement Gets Worse

The Jewish communal strategy of looking to the Democratic establishment for protection faces another challenge, as the party embraces CAIR as its partner in fighting Jew-hatred

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

White House: No scientific cooperation beyond Green Line

The move is a return to an Obama-era policy prejudiced against Israeli control of Judea and Samaria.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

How The Biden Administration Is Empowering Iran's Deadly Regime

Since the Biden Administration assumed office, the Iranian regime has been steadily gaining more power, funds, and becoming more emboldened to export weapons, advance its nuclear program, deepen its presence in Latin America, and spread its radical

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

ZOA to Biden: Rescind ‘horrific, frightening’ Holocaust museum council appointments

Leaders of anti-Israel groups don’t belong at the helm of a museum whose founding principles call for “support for a Jewish homeland,” according to the Zionist Organization of America.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden & Co. keep funding Palestinian terror in defiance of Congress

US Permanent Representative to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield condemned Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' antisemitic statements that equated Israelis to the Nazis.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

ZOA to Biden: rescind ‘horrific, frightening’ Holocaust Museum council appointments

Leaders of anti-Israel groups don’t belong at the helm of a museum, whose founding principles call for “support for a Jewish homeland,” according to Zionist Organization of America.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

White House consulting CAIR on antisemitism is like inviting ‘butchers to National Vegetarian Day’

“I’m disappointed and appalled that CAIR—an organization that has peddled antisemitic tropes and has ties to extremist, anti-Israel groups—played any role in the U.S. national strategy to counter antisemitism,” Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) told JNS.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Caroline Glick: Why is the Biden administration Funding Terrorism?

Amb. Nides approves money to get Israel, the new "strategy" to fight antisemitism with antisemites and an update on the Netanyahu trial. In Caroline Glick’s ...

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Israel shouldn’t make concessions to Biden for Saudi normalization

Expanding the Abraham Accords is vital. But given the administration’s desire to appease Iran, coupled with the Saudis’ unpopularity, Washington won’t pay the price to make it happen.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Is the Biden Admin Interfering in Israeli Politics?

JERUSALEM—The Biden administration is picking fights with the Jewish state over its opposition to a controversial new Iran nuclear deal, Israel's efforts to reform its judiciary, and build settlements in the disputed West Bank territory, veteran

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Team Biden Mainstreams Terror Financing in Lebanon

Fifteen years of U.S. aid to ‘state security’ arms like the LAF and ISF have cost American taxpayers billions while harming Israel and strengthening Hezbollah

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Israeli FM: Harris could not name one clause on judicial reform

The U.S. vice president called for an "independent judiciary" during a speech at the Israeli Embassy in Washington in honor of Israel's 75th anniversary.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden’s antisemitism program defends antisemites

More significantly, the administration made no commitment of money to this new strategy.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Asking the wrong question about Biden’s flawed antisemitism plan

Cheers from failing Jewish leaders enabled the administration to pose as a defender of the Jews even as its policies enable a toxic ideology that spreads Jew-hatred.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

White House Caves to Anti-Israel Pressure on Anti-Semitism Rollout

The Biden administration in its long-awaited report on combating Jew hatred is making a concession to anti-Israel activists by embracing a watered-down definition of anti-Semitism that says it's OK to hold the Jewish state to higher standards than other c

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Anti-Israel Groups Push White House To Weaken Recognized Anti-Semitism Definition

Left-wing groups are reportedly lobbying the White House to water down its official definition of anti-Semitism, as the Biden administration prepares to release a major strategy report on combating anti-Jewish bigotry.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Joe Biden’s empty words about antisemitism

The president’s tribute to Jewish heritage featured a pledge against hate that is undermined by his DEI orders and refusal to mention the IHRA definition.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Joe Biden Makes VERY CLEAR His Disregard for Israel

Purchase the Israel365 Bible here:

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden insults all Americans in using race hustler Al Sharpton to get re-elected

Aside from Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, Al Sharpton is the only recognizable figure from outside the Biden administration.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Justice Department's Holocaust Remembrance Day Speaker Has an Affinity for Anti-Semites

Justice Department civil rights chief Kristen Clarke, who in college rubbed shoulders with at least two anti-Semitic scholars, spoke at the agency's Holocaust Remembrance Day event on Tuesday.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The US administration seeks regime change in Israel

The Biden Administration has jumped into the Israeli domestic political controversy by supporting the small (but well-funded and very loud) minority of radical anti-Israel progressive-left parties.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden’s Mideast Mess

Think it’s impossible to screw up two countries at once? You’ve never seen President Joe Biden in action. On March 27, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that his government would pause the progress through the Knesset of a controversial

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

A new phase in U.S.-Israel relations

The Biden administration’s statements and actions this week, coupled with its overall policies towards Israel since entering office, indicate a sea change.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

NASA scientist forced to cancel appearance at Israeli meeting amid tensions with US

An astrophysicist with the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration has been forced to pull out of a conference in Israel amid tensions with the Biden administration over the judicial overhaul being pushed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Why Did the Biden Administration Oppose Israeli Judicial Reform?

Ignore Washington's hypocritical talk about protecting democracy. They want a weak government that won't make trouble when it comes to Iran, and they won't stop until they get one. Washington made no secret of its efforts to directly intervene in a

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Why did the Biden administration oppose Israeli judicial reform?

Ignore Washington’s hypocritical talk about protecting democracy. They want a weak government that won’t make trouble when it comes to Iran, and they won’t stop until they get one.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Administration Pushing Arabs Towards Iran

Today, China is victorious by sponsoring the historic agreement between Saudi Arabia and Iran, while the US has a new president who comes to destroy agreements reached by his predecessor, and even brags about it during his election campaign and his

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Blame Biden for Iran’s diplomatic triumph

It’s not the fault of the Saudis or even Chinese interference. America’s contempt for its Middle East allies is the main obstacle to expanding the Abraham Accords.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Is Delivering the Middle East to China

The new Beijing-brokered deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran is a warning sign of things to come

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The Biden Administration's Delusional Plan to Combat Palestinian Terrorism

[T]he Biden Administration officials recently proposed a plan "to provide 5,000 Palestinians with commando training in Jordan" and then deploy them to areas under the control of the PA. The 5,000 officers will bring with them 5,000 rifles to Palestinian

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Still Hasn’t Extended White House Invite to Netanyahu Five Months into New Term

President Joe Biden has failed to invite PM Benjamin Netanyahu to visit the White House for “a number of reasons,” an Israeli official said.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Blinken Builds a Palestinian Hezbollah in the West Bank

Not content with fueling street demonstrations against Bibi in Tel Aviv, the Biden administration looks to ‘Lebanonize’ Israel with a new, U.S.-funded terror army

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Admin Awards Grant to Palestinian Activist Group Whose Leaders Hailed Terrorist as 'Hero Fighter'

The Biden administration gave a $78,000 grant to a Palestinian activist group whose leaders attended an anniversary event celebrating the founding of a terrorist group and praised the murderer of a U.S. military attaché as a "hero fighter," according to a

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Israel Under Attack: Biden's Coup to Get Iran the Bomb

"U.S. support for demonstrations in Tel Aviv isn't about the future of Israel's judiciary. It's about handcuffing Israel while Iran gets the bomb." — Lee Smith, Tablet Magazine, March 2, 2023. In reality, Iran's mullahs will most likely blackmail the

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Stop subsidizing the murder of Americans, Mr. President

Instead of interfering in Israel’s domestic affairs, the administration should focus on protecting U.S. citizens from Palestinian terrorists.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The US does nothing about another American murdered by Palestinians

147 Americans have been killed by Palestinian terrorists since 1968, but not one of the killers has stood before a U.S. court.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden’s ambassador to Israel: ‘I spend 60% of my time trying to help the Palestinian people’

Amid the controversy over the Biden administration's interference with the internal affairs of the State of Israel, about which Jihad Watch posted here, US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides is boasting about how he spends the lion's share of his time "trying

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Admin State Department Is Blocking Attempts To Designate Iran’s Paramilitary As A Terrorist Group: REPORT

Elements of the Biden administration's State Department are trying to thwart the United Kingdom's move to proscribe Iran's paramilitary organization.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

State Department gives $41,000 to non-profit Hamas partner

Fares Al-Arab started in 2006, the same year Palestinians voted Hamas into power.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Ignores Iran Deal, Israel Entirely in State of the Union

President Joe Biden completely ignored the Middle East -- including the failing Iran nuclear deal, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Republican Congressman Slams Biden Administration for Giving Palestinians Money in Wake of Terror Attacks

Rep. Ronny Jackson, April 17, 2018. Photo: REUTERS/Joshua Roberts/File Picture. Congressman Ronny Jackson (R-TX) slammed the Biden administration Friday for …

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

What Blinken refuses to see

The U.S. secretary of state's statements on his visit to Israel demonstrated how deeply blood libels have seeped into the Biden administration’s thinking about the Jewish state.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

'Unacceptable': Biden Administration Opposes Jewish Prayer at Jerusalem Holy Site

The Biden administration says it would be "unacceptable" for Israel to end the restriction on Jewish prayer at the Temple Mount and it would oppose any effort to disrupt the "historic status quo" that only allows Muslims to pray at the site. The stance is

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Joe Biden’s condescension toward Israel

It is time to call out President Joe Biden and his crew for the implicit contempt they demonstrate for Israel and its democratically elected leadership.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Where’s the outrage over Biden comparing illegal immigrants to Holocaust victims?

Millions of economic migrants crossing the U.S. southern border want a better life. But most are neither refugees nor analogous to Jews fleeing Nazi slaughter.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Is Failing to Deliver in the Fight Against Antisemitism. This is why.

The Biden White House had announced last spring (and even before that), that the Education Department's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) would deliver an important proposed regulation in December 2022.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Killing Terrorists? Hmmm. Biden State Dept Tongue-Tied About Support for Soleimani Assassination

Three years after the elimination of one of the world's most notorious terrorists, President Joe Biden's State Department is tongue tied when it comes to articulating its support for President Donald Trump's decision to take out Iranian general Qassem Sol

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Fails to Defend Israel at U.N. Security Council over Temple Mount Visit

The Biden administration declined to defend Israel at a UN Security Council meeting on a Jewish minister visiting the holiest site in Judaism.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Administration Delays Civil Rights Protections Against Antisemitism to December; Palestinian Group Lauds Move

US President Joe Biden delivers remarks during a welcoming ceremony at Ben Gurion International Airport in Lod, near Tel Aviv, …

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Dan Pollak: Joe Biden’s Antisemitism Roundtable Was a ‘Sham’

Dan Pollak spoke with Breitbart News about how Biden’s efforts to address antisemitism are a “sham” because his admin is full of antisemites.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The Biden Administration's Hostility to Israel

The January 28, 2021 appointment as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs of Hady Amr, a man who wrote "I was inspired by the Palestinian intifada" and who falsely accused Israel of "ethnic cleansing," was a significant step that

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden is turning on Israel to satisfy progressives

The president knows he needs the Israel-hating left in 2024, and is acting accordingly.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Rewards Palestinians for Terrorism, Incitement

The Biden administration's recent decision to upgrade its relations with the Palestinian Authority (PA) is yet another sign of how the US is rewarding the Palestinians, as they are the Iranian regime, for their ongoing toxic incitement and terrorism

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Admin Probed Over ‘Illegal Efforts to Undermine Israeli Sovereignty Over Jerusalem’

A legal advocacy group says the Biden administration is violating U.S. law by funneling more than half-a-billion dollars to the Palestinian government and is demanding the administration release a slew of internal documents that the group believes will re

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Elder Of Ziyon - U.S. Ambassador Tom Nides: I Work Every Day to “Eliminate” Jews from Judea and Samaria

Tom Nides tells the JTA he works every day behind the scenes to eliminate any Jewish presence in Judea and Samaria.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Orthodox Jews say they were excluded from White House hate-crimes summit

President Biden slammed antisemitism at the "United We Stand" summit against hate crimes, but he is being accused by some Orthodox Jewish leaders of excluding them from the event.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Joe Biden Uses U.N. to Call for Palestinian State: They Are 'Entitled' to It

President Joe Biden told the United Nations on Wednesday that the Palestinians are "entitled" to their own state.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Administration Preparing To Send Billions More To Afghanistan

The Biden administration has moved $3.5 billion in frozen Afghan money to a dedicated fund for eventual transfer to Afghanistan.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Admin Mum After Abbas Claims Israel Commits ‘50 Holocausts’ on Palestinians

The State Department will not say if it is considering any repercussions for the Palestinian Authority after the authority's president, Mahmoud Abbas, accused Israel of committing "50 Holocausts," comments that sparked an international diplomatic scandal.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Joe Biden rewrites Israel’s history

It’s no secret why Biden chooses to promote the falsehood that the Palestinian Arabs have “deep and ancient roots” in the land. Op-ed.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The strategic fallout of Biden’s failure in Israel

While his contradictory pandering was sufficient to render the president’s trip a bust, the unbridgeable gap between his words and his administration’s policies made it strategically catastrophic.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Administration Funds Anti-Israel Curricula, Hate Messages

US taxpayer money, thanks to the Biden administration, is now once again going directly to an international agency that promotes messages of hate against Israel and denies its right to exist. The claim that the UNRWA services contribute to maintaining

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Fallout from Biden’s Visit Undermines Israel in Area C, Eastern Jerusalem

The PA Arab bourgeoisie told the visiting Americans they prefer to let their population live in poverty rather than be disloyal to the folks in Ramallah.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden staff removes Israeli flag from presidential vehicle - in Israel’s Capital, Jerusalem

'PM Lapid receives 'failing' grade for this visit,' Danny Danon responds. 'Scary to think what future diplomatic visits might look like.'

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Reps. Omar and Tlaib among Democrats tied to group with alleged links to Hamas slaying

At least eight Democratic members of Congress share close ties to a nonprofit group that is now subject to discovery in a landmark federal civil lawsuit that seeks to hold the group financially liable for the terrorist slaying of an American teenager in 1

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Honoring Joe Biden, dishonoring Taylor Force

That the U.S. president who reversed the freeze on American aid to the “pay for slay” Palestinian Authority is receiving Israel’s Presidential Medal is worse than ironic.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

US leaks of Israeli covert ops against Iran eroding trust, security ahead of Biden visit to region

Many observers believe leaking this information is tied to the Biden administration's efforts to revive the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Will Biden Visit Palestinian Sites Honoring Killer of his Friend’s Niece?

The Palestinian Authority worships the terrorist who murdered Gail Rubin in the 1978 Coastal Road Massacre.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

‘The Jewish Factor, It’s Money’: Biden Ambassador Pick Under Fire for Anti-Semitic Tirade

The Biden administration’s nominee to serve as the U.S. ambassador to Brazil spoke at length about the influence of Jewish money in politics, claiming the “Jewish lobby” exerts undue influence over the Democratic Party with its “major money.”

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Admin Takes Major Step To Roll Back Trump’s Jerusalem Embassy Move

The Biden administration elevated diplomatic relations with the Palestinian government, in what diplomats warn is the first step to walking back the United States’ historic recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Blinken promotes an immoral Israeli-Palestinian moral equivalence

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken seems to think that his job entails creating moral equivalence where it doesn’t exist.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

How the Palestinians Pay Terrorists as Biden Pumps Millions of Aid Dollars Into Their Government

The Palestinian Authority allocates hundreds of millions of dollars to terrorists and their families even as the Biden administration pumps U.S. taxpayer funds into the Palestinian government, according to a non-public State Department report issued to Co

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The Biden Administrations Flirts with Dangerous Moves to Weaken U.S. Veto Power in the United Nations

The U.N. General Assembly is debating a move to weaken veto power in the Security Council, and the Biden administration is supporting the draft. But weakening the veto is clearly against U.S. interests. 

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The White House seder makes a mockery of Passover and Jews

  "Good evening to the thousands of you who are joining us from around the country," Doug Emhoff, the Hollywood

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden’s Israel ambassador tells BDS group he wants Jews out of Jerusalem

“Your agenda is where my heart is,” is what Nides told APN, which opposes Jews living in Jerusalem and opposes anti-BDS legislation. Op-ed.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The US ambassador to Israel calls pay-for-slay 'martyr payments'

U.S. Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides sees his job not as promoting good relations but telling Israelis what they can and cannot do.Op-ed

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

How the Biden Administration Is Funding the Effort To Delegitimize Israel

The Biden administration is offering nearly $1 million for groups to investigate alleged human rights abuses in Israel, the West Bank, and the Gaza Strip, an effort that will delegitimize Israel, according to sources who spoke to the Washington Free Beaco

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Watchdog Sues Biden Admin Over Funding for Palestinian Government

A watchdog group is suing the Biden administration for refusing to turn over internal documents that could show it violated the Taylor Force Act, a bipartisan law that bans sending money to the Palestinian government until it stops using aid money to pay

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Obsessed with Israeli settlements, Americans and Europeans turn blind eye to Palestinian violence

“Instead of focusing on all the obstacles and identifying the most important ones, they are singling out the settlement issue and defining it as the most critical,” says Professor Eytan Gilboa of Bar-Ilan University and a senior fellow at the Jerusalem In

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

White House Releases Statement On Synagogue Hostage Situation, Leaves Out Major Details

The Biden administration released a statement about the hostage situation at a synagogue in the Dallas-Fort Worth area on Saturday and subsequently faced backlash for leaving out major details.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Administration Continues to Show Its Disdain for Israel and Support of Iran

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it” is a quote often misattributed to Nazi Joseph Goebbels. But the true authorship (it is actually anonymou...

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

‘Obsessed’ Biden administration put ‘settlements’ on par with Iran nukes

Blinken insisted on the devotion of equal time to Iran and settlements in his meeting with Gantz.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Israel must adjust to a weak US

  If you need an indication that nothing is going to come out of the Vienna talks other than total

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The National Endowment for the Humanities Spends $250K to Fund a 1619 Project for Israel

“To say that Jews were subject to restrictions that would not allow them to prosper and live in the Middle East is just nonsense.”

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The US establishing a consulate in Jerusalem for Palestinians would violate international law

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Why the US really wants a Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem

The Biden administration knows it does not have domestic support to completely "unrecognize" Jerusalem, so it is catering to far-left demands by undoing the natural consequences of recognition.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Admin Dismisses Yom Kippur as ‘Local Holiday’

The State Department’s Palestinian Affairs Unit has come under scrutiny for a tweet stating that its office would be closed on Thursday for a "local holiday"—the Jewish religion’s holiest of days known as Yom Kippur.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Israel Opposes US Plan to Reopen Jerusalem Consulate as ‘Destabilizing’

Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid speaks during a news conference as he meets with Moroccan Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita in …

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Admin Walks Back U.S. Recognition of Golan Heights as Israeli Territory

The Biden administration is walking back the United States' historic recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the contested Golan Heights region along Israel’s northern border, a significant blow to the Jewish state and one of the Trump administration’s si

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The Biden Administration's Orwellian Erasing of the 'Abraham Accords'

Imagine being so anti-Trump that you would throw even historic peace agreements between Israel and neighboring Arab nations down the memory hole just because President Donald Trump brokered those deal...

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

State Department Shuns Term ‘Abraham Accords’

The State Department prohibits employees from referring to the historic peace agreements signed by Israel and its Arab neighbors by its official name, the Abraham accords, according to one source with direct knowledge of the Biden administration’s interna

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Senate Dems Confirm Anti-Israel Activist To Top Spot at US Postal Service

Just before the Memorial Day weekend, Senate Democrats quietly confirmed a longtime anti-Israel activist to serve on the United States Postal Service’s Board of Governors, raising further questions about the Biden administration’s embrace of those who ser

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

‘Take Off Your Kippah And Hide Your Magen David’: The Hypocrisy Of Blaming Trump, But Not Biden For Anti-Semitism

Responding to the spike in domestic anti-Semitic assaults by alleged pro-Palestinian activists following the terrorist attacks launched against Jews in

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress


Secretary of State Tony Blinken met in Ramallah with Issa Amro, a Palestinian activist with a history of radical, even antisemitic rhetoric.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

What Joe Biden Demanded of Israel in Exchange for a Cease-Fire Will Infuriate You

Some ally we are.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Pelosi Slams Pro-Israel Group Over Ads Calling Out Ilhan Omar, Ocasio-Cortez

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (CA) slammed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) this week for an ad calling out various Democrats — including Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (MI) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

‘We Need Accountability’: Omar And Tlaib Say Ceasefire Isn’t Enough, Accuse Israel Of ‘War Crimes’

The ceasefire wasn’t enough for outspoken pro-Palestinian activist, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), who implied that Israel was guilty of crimes against humanity, and that the U.S. is failing to “end the occupation.”

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Democrats Reject Measure To Provide Funds For Israel’s Iron Dome, Block Attempts To Sanction Hamas: Reports

House Democrats voted against a measure on Thursday that would have provided Israel, America's top ally in the Middle East, with funding for replenishing

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

House Democrats block consideration of bill sanctioning Hamas financial supporters

House Democrats rejected a Republican push on Tuesday to expedite legislation that would apply sanctions on Hamas militants amid an escalating military conflict with Israel.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Ocasio-Cortez drafts resolution to block $735m sale of missiles to Israel | The Times of Israel

Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has drafted a resolution aimed at blocking the $735 million sale of precision-guided missiles to Israel that was approved by the Biden administration.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Praises Anti-Semitic Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib: 'Thank You for Being a Fighter'

While visiting Michigan on Tuesday, Joe Biden praised Squad member and prominent critic of Israel Rep. Rashida Tlaib and told her he was praying for the safety of her family in the West Bank as Israel...

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Tells Israel To ‘Deescalate’ With Hamas. Meanwhile, Rockets Strike Israel From Another Front.

On Wednesday, President Joe Biden reportedly told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he wanted “a significant de-escalation today” in the battle between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Might Biden be turning America into Israel’s foe?

Israel needs strategic genius to defend itself against Obama’s surrogate third term

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Israel Tells Biden To Back Off After Palestinian Rioters Attack Police

Israel pushed President Joe Biden to refrain from getting involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, saying Biden could make it worse.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Why We Can't Trust John Kerry’s Denial Of Betraying Intel About Israel

Iran's foreign minister might be lying, but Kerry’s record of appeasement, closeness to Zarif, and disdain for Israel give reason to think otherwise.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden DOJ Nominee Conceals Ties To Anti-Semitic Professor

Archived copies of a scholarly journal show Justice Department nominee Kristen Clarke listed on the masthead alongside an anti-Semitic writer with whom she claimed under oath she has never collaborated.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

New Explosive Detail About John Kerry Discovered In Leaked Audio Tape Of Iran’s Foreign Minister, Report Says

A new report on Thursday night revealed that Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif seemingly had no idea that Israel was behind hundreds of

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden’s Team of Israel-Haters

After just a few months in office, it was clear that Joe Biden’s handlers’ administration was shaping up to be the most anti-Israel presidency since the founding of the modern State of Israel.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

John Kerry, Enemy of Israel

Let’s pause to reflect on how monumentally stunning it is that the former U.S. secretary of state allegedly tattled on Israel to Iran.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

The Biden administration is embracing the 20th anniversary of the antisemitic UN Durban conference (Obama boycotted the 10th)

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

GOP Rebuffs Biden Move to Resume Funding for Jihad, Anti-Semitism-Linked U.N. Palestinian ‘Refugee’ Agency

A group of GOP senators came out against the Biden administration's move to resume funding for a U.N. Palestinian refugee agency.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

NYT -- John Kerry Disclosed Israeli Military Operations in Syria to the Iranian Foreign Minister

Iranian Foreign Minister's Comments likely set back efforts to restore nuclear arms deal with Iran.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Report: Biden quietly transferred $75 million to Palestinian Authority - Israel National News

The Biden administration is quietly ramping up assistance to the Palestinian Authority, according to The Associated Press.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

How The Equality Act Would Legalize Religious Bigotry

The Equality Act explicitly targets the Bible, calling it a bigoted document filled with discriminatory stereotypes. It would also ban religious ceremonies.

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

Biden Appoints Another Israel-Hater: Uzra Zeya

First, there was Maher Bitar, a Palestinian-American and anti-Israel BDS activist, whom Biden has appointed to be the senior director of intelligence programs at the National Security Council. In this key intelligence role, Maher Bitar will be ideally sit

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

New hate-mongering scandals at UN agency that Biden means to send millions

President Biden, in his obsession with reversing every Trump policy, means to reinstate funding to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency — hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars a year for an agency that teaches Palestinian children to hate “the E

Politics | Biden Administration/Congress

WATCH: Psaki Asked If Israel Is Important Ally Of U.S.; She Doesn’t Answer

On Friday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked flat-out if Israel was an important ally of the United States. Psaki would not give an answer to that question.