This page is dedicated to the idea that information is power: we want everyone to have access to accurate, factual and up to date information about Israel.

Stand With Israel

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Action Items | Politics

Politics | Action Items

TAKE ACTION NOW: Sign the Petition, Demand Accountability from the AP | Honest Reporting

Does it matter who reports on Israel? The facts are simple, right? Hamas massacred over 1,300 Israelis in a surprise attack that targeted civilians. They

Politics | Action Items

Israel Emergency Relief Fund - We must act now to help our brothers and sisters!

With over 1,000 murdered, thousands more wounded, and entire families taken captive in Gaza, the people of Israel need our help.

Politics | Action Items

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Stop Anti-Israel Hate in California Public Schools

The State of California is currently reviewing a model Ethnic Studies curriculum, which openly promotes hateful boycotts against Israel and omits antisemitism as a form of bigotry.

Politics | Action Items

ACT NOW! Don’t Let Amnesty Bully Companies into Boycotting Jewish Towns in Judea and Samaria!

Amnesty is urging international travel and tourism companies to boycott Israeli towns in Judea and Samaria. This must be stopped!

Politics | Action Items

Petition against the Co-op boycott of Israeli companies - We Believe In Israel

We, the undersigned, deplore the Co-op Group’s discrimination against Israeli suppliers. Egregious human rights abuses by dictatorships around the world do not trigger a boycott under the Co-op Group’s Human Rights and Trade policy. However, compa

Politics | Action Items

Please Sign The Petition: Get Hamas Off Twitter | CIJA

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs is a non-partisan organization that serves as the advocacy arm of the Jewish Federations of Canada.