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What Is Zionism?

The bond between Jews and the Land of Israel has been a vital element of Jewish history for over thousands of years. Learn more about what Zionism is here.

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Israel Under Fire – The Attempt to Deny the Foundational Legal, Historical, and National Rights of the Jewish People

False Arab claims attempt to nullify Jewish historical and legal rights to the Land of Israel. - Israel Under Fire – The Attempt to Deny the Foundational Legal, Historical, and National Rights of the Jewish People

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What Is the Meaning of “Nakba”?

This loaded Arabic term has a long and surprising history.

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The Case Against UNRWA

THE CASE AGAINST UNRWA How UN schools use our tax money to teach Palestinian children to hate and kill Jews  Posts Videos Social Media Reports UN WATCH LIVE EVENT International Summit for a Future Beyond UNRWA

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How Muslims and westerners have spread the myth of Jewish-Arab coexistence

Muslims have long promoted myths about their harmonious relations with Jews that they allege had always prevailed in Arab lands. These myths strongly resemble those elaborated by elites in the American South about relations between whites and blacks. Both

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A point or ten about the Palestinian flag

Jews have every reason to see the Palestinian flag as a flag of hate. Waved by antisemites, the flag always celebrates the spilling of innocent blood.

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Elder Of Ziyon Another large set of Palestinians who proudly trace their ancestry from elsewhere

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

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Who are the Palestinian Arabs? | ערוץ 7

Palestinian Arab nationalism originated in Zionism, as a tool to fight Israel's existence. It has no historical or ethnic past. Op-ed..

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Things you really need to know on 'Nakba Day'

The anti-Israel crowd make a lot of noise on Nakba Day. Here a some key things to know about the lies that they tell

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A Modern History of Palestinian Rejectionism

Ben-Dror Yemini argues that media, academia, and the Israeli and global left have committed a huge deception in hiding the fact that the Palestinians have consistently rejected every serious Israeli p...

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Why “Foreign Aid” to Israel is bonanza for the US

The U.S.-Israel strategic relationship constitutes a classic case of a mutually- beneficial two-way street. Op-ed.

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Are Jews Indigenous to the Land of Israel? Yes.

Discover the archaeology, genealogy, and history that supports Jewish claim as the indigenous peoples of Israel.

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The Palestinian myth explained and analyzed

Are Palestinian historical claims to the geography a lie? Read and decide for yourself. Opinion.

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Why and when were the Palestinian people invented?

Why and when were the Palestinian people invented? We answer this question using mostly Arab sources and lots of maps. Please like and subscribe. This helps ...

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Facts most Arabs and a hostile world would rather not admit

Jews were the indigenous inhabitants of the Land for millennia long before the Islam was created. There were always Jews in the Land. Op-ed.

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Challenging the false anti-Israel narrative with facts

They demonise Jews for telling the truth while they spread fake narratives. This is our history. We must defend it or it will be stolen away.

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The Evil of Holocaust Denial | PragerU

Why would anyone deny the single most documented genocide in history? This week, Dennis responds to strong opposition he received from his recent column, If…

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The Truth About Israel

Interestingly, VICE News shows concern for the civilians on only one side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Wouldn't a true humanitarian be equally worrie...

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The Status Quo on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount Has Greatly Changed since 1967

The parameters of the status quo have changed, mainly in favor of the Muslims - The Status Quo on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount Has Greatly Changed since 1967

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Sheikh Jarrah: The Facts | CAMERA

A long-simmering controversy over the fate of Jewish-owned land and Palestinian tenants in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Jerusalem has once again become frontpage

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Lies in the cognitive war against Israel (and how to counter them), pt. 1

A list of the major tropes which serve to perpetuate the false narrative about Israel and how to counter them to yourself and others. Op-ed.

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Lies in the cognitive war against Israel (and how to counter them), pt. 2

A list of the lies spread by anti-Israel activists and how to counter them. Part 2 of 2.Op-ed.

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Make Yourself Heard! 5 Tips For Getting Your Letter to the Editor Published | HonestReporting

With some newspapers receiving dozens and even hundreds of letters to the editor each day, you face severe competition in having your letter published.

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BDS: Myths and Facts | HonestReporting

What is BDS, the "Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions" movement against Israel? BDS myths characterize the campaign as grass roots social justice fighting

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End the Hoax: There Are No Palestinians

President Trump’s “Deal of the Century” was a brilliant illustration of his mastery of the art of the deal. This extravagantly generous proposal, and the Palestinians’ contemptuous rejection of it, severely damages the international Left’s claim that the Israelis are the obstacles to peace, and exposes the Palestinian leadership for the genocidal warmongers they are.

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If You Hate Israel, You're No Friend of the Jews | PragerU

It’s one thing to criticize Israel. It’s another thing entirely to be against the very existence of the Jewish state. In this clarifying video, Dennis Prager defines the difference and explains why anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism are one and the same.

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Must Read: The Myth of 'Occupied Palestine'

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Monday that the United States will no longer consider Israel's settlements in the West Bank an inherent violation of international law. This policy shift comes in the wake of last week's ruling by the European

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Here’s A List Of All The Muslim Countries That Ban Jews

Fake news infected the body politic this week as liberals lost their minds over President Trump’s falsely-labeled “Muslim ban,” which bars refugees from seven high-risk Muslim majority countries (previously identified by President Obama’s own Department o

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The Golan Heights - The History, Present, and Future Explained | HonestReporting

Situated high up on Israel’s northern frontier with Syria and Lebanon, the Golan Heights' importance to Israel cannot be understated. Learn more about the

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Birthright Israel: Why the Controversy? The real story. | HonestReporting

In recent years, controversy about Birthright-Israel has been making headlines. What is Birthright, why the controversy, and is it accomplishing its goals?

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Everyone needs to know the truth about the West Bank - and here it is

People refer to the West Bank as "occupied." But is that even what it's called? Are the Jewish people occupying their own land? Here are all the answers!

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Rabbi Sacks on the Intrinsic Link Between Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism | The Jewish Press

This video explores the connection between Jews as a people, Judaism as a religion, and Israel as a state. It also shows how this connection is intrinsic to the link between antisemitism and anti-Zionism; something too often overlooked or misunderstood.

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The Five Commandments of Successful Israel Advocacy | HonestReporting

Guest Post by Dr. Michael Harris It often happens in the middle of an otherwise pleasant day -- you’re shopping, or walking across a college campus-- and

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Anti-Israel Lobbyists Dwarf Pro-Israel Lobbyists. Here Are The Facts.

As AIPAC kicks off its 2019 conference in Washington, D.C., it is worth reviewing some basic statistics about this pro-Israel lobbying group.

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How Much Does AIPAC Spend on Lobbying? Less Than Beer Sellers, Public Accountants, and Toyota

Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s controversial comments, repeatedly suggesting that the relationship between the United States and Israel is fueled by vast sums of lobbying money, have been condemned by several of her fellow Democrats. Still, her allegations

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Why Can't Palestinians (Not Israeli Arabs) Vote? | HonestReporting

Critics blame Israel for the failure of the Palestinians to vote. A closer look at PA elections raises questions about Hamas-Fatah

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Geography Now! ISRAEL

Well. This is it. North Korea is going to be a breeze after this. I talked to a lot of Israeli and Palestinian Geograpeeps for help with this video and I tri...

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You Won't Win: 5 Reasons No One Wants to Go to War with Israel | The National Interest

Here are five of the most deadly systems that the Israeli Defense Forces currently employ.

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Cutting Through the Hysteria Surrounding Israel’s Nation-State Law – Israellycool

The world is up in arms over Israel’s new nation-state law, decrying this so-called inevitable march towards apartheid. But are they right?

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Debunking the Palestine Lie

This video debunks the Palestinians' claim and shows that Abbas has been lying about the origins and history of the conflict.

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An Arab Muslim in the Israeli Army | PragerU

Why would an Arab Muslim serve in the Israeli military? Because he, like many Israeli Arabs, proudly defend the nation that has given them freedom and opportunity. Mohammad Kabiya, Israeli Air Force reservist, shares his remarkable story.

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Why Is Pakistan More Legitimate than Israel?

Whenever I have received a call from a listener to my radio show challenging Israel’s legitimacy, I have asked these people if they ever called a radio show to challenge any other country’s legitimacy. In particular, I ask, have they ever questioned t

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The video that makes anti-Zionists sorry they ever opened their mouths – Israel Video Network

Today the world wants to claim that anti-Zionism is NOT anti-Semitism.


It is anti-Semitism, and this video lays out why.

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Is the UN Fair to Israel? | PragerU

Israel is a vibrant democracy with full rights for women and gays, a free press and independent judiciary. You would think that the United Nations would celebrate such a country. Instead, the UN condemns Israel at every turn to the point of obsession. How

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Dispelling the Myth that Israel Is the Largest Beneficiary of US Military Aid

Many American detractors of Israel begin by citing that Israel receives the lion’s share of US military aid. The very suggestion conjures the demon of an all-powerful Israel lobby that has turned the US Congress into its pawn. But these figures, while r

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5 Things to Know about U.S. Military Aid to Israel - AJC: Global Jewish Advocacy

To enhance the well-being of the Jewish people and Israel, and to advance human rights and democratic values around the world. Combating anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry; Promoting pluralism and shared democratic values; Supporting Israel's que

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Ten Deadly Lies about Israel

As Israeli civilians are butchered by Palestinian terrorists, the truth about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is also being butchered by a campaign of vicious lies. Here are 10 of the most pernicious myths about the current attacks:

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16 Things That Give Israel a Bad Name But Aren’t Really True – Israel Video Network

If you want to be a defender of Israel, you need to learn the facts! So let's take a look at some of the commonly told lies about Israel.

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Why Palestinians Cannot Make Peace with Israel

Americans and Europeans fail to acknowledge that in order to achieve peace, the leaders must prepare their people for compromise and tolerance. If you want to make peace with Israel, you do not tell your people that the Western Wall has no religious

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Ten Ways Israel Is Treated Differently Internationally | David Harris

The old advertisement proclaimed that you don't have to be Jewish to love Levy's Jewish rye bread. Well, surely, you don't have to be a pro-Israel activist to be troubled by the grotesquely unjust treatment of Israel. All it takes is a capacity for moral

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Anti-Semitism 101 - for "Anti-Zionists" | Eric Blumenthal | The Blogs | The Times of Israel

“I am not anti-Semitic, I just don’t support Israel! I love the Jews, I have been to Shabbat dinner before! I just think Zionism is wrong.”

As a senior graduating this May from Binghamton University, the above statement is quite common to hear on my campus and around the world. The line between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism seems to be blurry for many people, but this should not be the case.

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Why We Must Stop Iran From Getting The Bomb - Prager University

Many countries have nuclear weapons, and many more want them. Only one, though, has its neighbors and the world terrified. That country is Iran. Why is everyone so concerned? Because the Islamic theocracy has repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel, spons

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▶ Dr. King's pro-Israel Legacy (in 5 minutes) - YouTube

For more or to donate visit: Correction: Dr. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968 (not April 6) Directed by: Sara Washington Music: Randy ...

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Are Israeli Settlements the Barrier to Peace? - Prager University

Is Israel's policy of building civilian communities in the West Bank the reason there's no peace agreement with the Palestinians? Or would there still be no peace even if Israel removed all of its settlements and evicted Israeli settlers, as it did in Gaz

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Israel Supporters: Stop Using these 13 Phrases! | United with Israel

Mainstream Western media coverage of Israel is laced with expressions intentionally crafted to delegitimize the Jewish State. The good news is that these terms weren’t written in stone 3,300 years ago, but are post-Israel independence creations. By using this language, we forfeit our history. Here are 13 phrases we must stop repeating.

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List of Anti-Israel Middle East Studies Professors Calling to Boycott Israel

How can these Middle East Studies professors who are so biased against the Jewish state accurately or fairly teach students about Israel or the Arab-Israel conflict?

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ISRAEL - JUST THE FACTS: Let's Get The Facts Straight About The Gaza Strip

The Gaza strip has always been a problem area and not just for Israel. If we go back to Biblical times, the Philistines whose name comes from the hebrew word intruders, caused tremendous amount of problems for Israel until Samson took them all down.

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Israeli Products Home

Who We Are BIG is a consumer guide for the retail purchase of Israeli products brought to you by the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce (AICC) and StandWithUs (SWU). We formed a relationship along with other like-minded organizations in order to join in this effort to support Israel when you Buy Israeli Goods.

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Israel : Hamas Interior Minister admits Palestinians are not from Israel (Apr 02, 2012)

From their OWN Mouth, in desperation and greed for fuel from Egypt. The Hamas Interior Minister spilled the beans on their TRUE Identity. It's been in histor...

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    Operation Protective Edge Fact Sheet

    Once again, Israel has been forced to launch a military operation to protect its
    citizens.The operation began on July 7, one day after Hamas fired over 80 rockets in a 24 hour period.