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The Original Series | Entertainment

Entertainment | The Original Series

Pic of remaining Star Trek: TOS' actors on the Enterprise garners over 2M views

Picture of the remaining Star Trek: TOS' actors on the bridge of the Enterprise garners over 2M views

Entertainment | The Original Series

Pic of remaining Star Trek: TOS' actors on the Enterprise garners over 2M views

Picture of the remaining Star Trek: TOS' actors on the bridge of the Enterprise garners over 2M views

Entertainment | The Original Series

Pic of remaining Star Trek: TOS' actors on the Enterprise garners over 2M views

Picture of the remaining Star Trek: TOS' actors on the bridge of the Enterprise garners over 2M views

Entertainment | The Original Series

"The Cage" director wanted an older, more timeworn version of the Enterprise

When Star Trek: The Original Series debuted its second pilot in 1966, the sets looked brand new as did the uniforms. Essentially, it looked like a new show, which is what it was, but Robert Butler, the director for the original pilot, "The Cage" had a different idea in mind for Captain Kirk and his crew.

Entertainment | The Original Series

The 12 Darkest Endings on Star Trek: The Original Series

For a show that had a reputation for optimism, TOS sure knew how to twist the knife when needed.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Star Trek: How Did McCoy Get The Nickname 'Bones'?

Dr. Leonard McCoy is a fan-favorite character, but why does Captain Kirk so rarely use his dear friend's given name?

Entertainment | The Original Series

Why does the Star Trek Mirror universe resonate with fans?

We've heard a lot about guys thinking about the Roman Empire, Star Trek fans think about the Mirror Universe.  Why we fans think about the Terran Empire.

Entertainment | The Original Series

These Classic STAR TREK: THE ORIGINAL SERIES Bloopers Are Still Hilarious Decades Later

These bloopers from the original Star Trek series show William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and the rest of the cast cracking themselves up.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Watch: Rare Star Trek: The Original Series footage

Watch: Rare Star Trek: The Original Series footage of behind-the-scenes with William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, and DeForest Kelley

Entertainment | The Original Series

Star Trek: Recurring Franchise Plot Devices That Started With The Original Series

The Star Trek franchise owes everything to its humble beginnings, and that includes these plot elements that have become series staples.

Entertainment | The Original Series

What Happened To Kirk & Enterprise Crew After Star Trek: TOS?

The cast of Star Trek: The Original Series have become cultural icons, but the ultimate fates of some of the crewmembers are clearer than others.

Entertainment | The Original Series

A Maddening Loop of the Star Trek Intro That Never Gets to the Main Theme

Auralnauts assembled a slightly maddening loop of the distinctive Star Trek intro that never gets to the main theme.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Star Trek: The Original Series has connection to new sci-fi series

Star Trek: The Original Series has connection to new sci-fi series, The Ark, which will premiere on the Syfy channel on February 1.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Star Trek Reveals The Fate Of Kirk's Enterprise Shuttle

Star Trek: Prodigy's visit to a planet that worships Captain Kirk and the Starship Enterprise reveals what happened to the shuttlecraft Galileo.

Entertainment | The Original Series

The 21 Best Star Trek Original Series Episodes, Ranked

The original Star Trek series carries many memorable episodes, but only 21 have made the cut here as the best of the best.

Entertainment | The Original Series

56 years ago, Star Trek established a canon rule — then immediately broke it

Remember when phasers made you talk in slow motion? When the first 'Star Trek' episode aired on September 8, 1966, the way phasers worked was very different. Let's unpack those stunning phasers in "The Man Trap."

Entertainment | The Original Series

12 Reasons Why The Original Series Is The Best Star Trek

It's been almost 60 years, and Star Trek has yet to top the adventures of James T. Kirk, Spock, Bones, and the rest of The Original Series cast.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Star Trek: The Story Behind The Enterprise’s Iconic Design

From warp cores to smooth hull, how did the USS Enterprise come into its unforgettable look?

Entertainment | The Original Series

A Sobering Compilation of Red Shirt Deaths in the Original 'Star Trek' Series

John DiMarco put together a sobering compilation of the characters who met an untimely end wearing a red shirt in "Star Trek".

Entertainment | The Original Series

Listen to an excellent 1966 radio commercial for Star Trek: The Original Series "At the edge of the universe, 400 men and women are probing the immeasurable blackness of space," the announcer says with great drama. "Their leaders are an earthman with no fear and a stranger with no heart." S

Entertainment | The Original Series

A Somber Compilation of Dr. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy Stating 'He's Dead, Jim' in the Original 'Star Trek' Series

John DiMarco put together a somber compilation of Doctor Leonard "Bones" McCoy of Star Trek simply stating "He's dead, Jim".

Entertainment | The Original Series

Star Trek: Why Kirk Wore A Wrap-Around Uniform (And Sideways Badge)

Star Trek's uniforms have changed many time throughout the franchise, but Kirk's wrap-around uniform and sideways badge has always been a mystery.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Assignment: Earth, the Star Trek spin-off that never happened In this Channel 73 video, Eddie discusses Assignment: Earth, the Star Trek spin-off that never happened. You might remember "Assignment: Earth" as the March 29, 1968 final episode of season 2 (starring Robert Lansing and Terri

Entertainment | The Original Series

10 Unmistakable Captain Kirk Character Traits In Star Trek

James T. Kirk is the most famous character in all of Star Trek, thanks to a set of particular traits that made him the legendary Captain fans love.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Star Trek: Why Ellison Wanted His Name Off 'City on the Edge of Forever'

It took over ten months to produce a final script for one of Star Trek's best episodes, with unpaid rewrites and changes infuriating Harlan Ellison.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Star Trek: The Original Series' Theme Had Lyrics (And They're Terrible)

Though they never aired, lyrics did exist for the iconic Star Trek theme, and they're almost as bad as the history behind them.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Star Trek: Why the Enterprise Was Originally the Yorktown

Behind the original name for Star Trek's Enterprise is American history, though this hasn't made Yorktown a major player in the franchise's canon.

Entertainment | The Original Series

How Martin Luther King Jr. Kept 'Star Trek' Flying High | Mental Floss

Civil rights activist and stealth Trekker Martin Luther King Jr. had an intense conversation with one of the show's main cast members in order to keep the series intact.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Live Long and Prosper! Here Are 15 Fun Facts About Star Trek to Celebrate the Show's 55th Anniversary

The original Star Trek TV series celebrates its 55th anniversary in 2021. Here are some fun facts about the series, which starred William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Nichelle Nichols and DeForest Kelley.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Trekkies Can Thank Herb Solow For The Most Famous Star Trek Plot Device

Famed producer Herb Solow recently died at the age of 89-years-old. But, did you know he created Star Trek's Captain's Log?

Entertainment | The Original Series

The Quarantine Stream: Over 50 Years After it Aired, 'Star Trek' Remains One of the Greatest TV Shows of All Time

(Welcome to The Quarantine Stream, a new series where the /Film team shares what they’ve been watching while social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.) The Series: Star Trek Where You Can Stream It: Netflix, Amazon, and CBS All Access The Pitch: Cap

Entertainment | The Original Series

We’re Gonna Put The Bag On You: Tarantino Star Trek Mobster Movie Could Reconnect The Series' Two Timelines

The mobster planet from the classic 'Star Trek' episode "A Piece of the Action" could be a sneaky link to more than one continuity.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Star Trek: The Original Series Needs A Real Origin Story | Den of Geek

The first year of Kirk, Spock, and Bones' mission on the Enterprise has never officially been explored in Star Trek canon.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Star Trek: The Original Series’ Must-Watch Episodes

Star Trek. It’s one of the most quintessential pieces of science-fiction television around. And there’s a whole damn lot of it, even if you cut it down to the current eight different shows in the franchise (there’s even more on the way!). Want to start, b

Entertainment | The Original Series

Geniuses Determine How Long It Would Take for Star Trek's Tribbles to Completely Fill the Enterprise

Scientists made a growth equation for Star Trek’s tribbles—those purring balls of fluff that rapidly multiply aboard the Enterprise in a classic episode.

Entertainment | The Original Series

How Lucille Ball Helped Star Trek Become a Cultural Icon

The journey to get Star Trek: The Original Series on television was a long and arduous one, but series creator Gene Roddenberry had help from an unlikely heroine. Without the help of this woman and her studio, the franchise may have stalled and never seen

Entertainment | The Original Series

Star Trek: I, Mudd Turns 52 Today

“I, Mudd,” written by “Mudd’s Women” scribe Stephen Kandel, is a fun and entertaining hour of Star Trek: The Original Series.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Star Trek: What Happened To Bones After TOS & Movies?

Star Trek's Dr. Leonard McCoy's (DeForrest Kelley) Starfleet career continued after the TOS movies. Here's what Bones did in the 24th century.

Entertainment | The Original Series

Happy 88th, William Shatner: We're toasting the 'Trek' legend's birthday with a look at Kirk's best moments!

William Shatner — the man, the legend, Star Trek's original Captain James T. Kirk — turns 88 years young today, and there's just no stopping him! He’s still acting, singing, writing books, riding horses, raising money for charity, and traversing

Entertainment | The Original Series

'Star Trek: Year Five' to Explore Hidden Chapter of Enterprise History

The comic book from IDW Publishing will look at the final year of the crew's original mission.

Entertainment | The Original Series

For William Shatner, Early 'Star Trek' Was Far From Glamorous

William Shatner had a difficult time the first few years after 'Star Trek' premiered, as it wasn't popular yet.

Entertainment | The Original Series

In defense of "Spock's Brain," which is not the worst 'Star Trek' episode

The third season premiere shows up on many Worst of 'Star Trek' lists, but is it really so bad?

Entertainment | The Original Series

Here's what Spock was originally going to look like on 'Star Trek'

"Wagon Train to the stars." That was famously the basic pitch from Gene Roddenberry when he was explaining his science-fiction series Star Trek. While the voyages of the Enterprise certainly share some narrative similarities with that wandering Western show, the influences behind Star Trek run a little deeper.