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Parenting Humor | Family & Parenting

Family & Parenting | Parenting Humor

Parenting: Are We Getting a Raw Deal?

Summer 1974. I’m 9 years old. By 7:30 am, I’m up and out of the house, or if it’s Saturday I’m up and doing exactly what my father, Big Jerry, has told me to do. Might be raking, mowing…

Family & Parenting | Parenting Humor

'Frozen 2' Officially Announced

Breaking: At today's Disney Shareholder's Meeting in San Francisco, California, Disney Animation Chief Creative Officer John Lasseter announced that Frozen 2 is currently in development. It is the ...

Family & Parenting | Parenting Humor

The Most Hilarious Parenting Tweets Of 2015

If you want to end 2015 laughing, come check out the funniest parenting tweets of the year!

Family & Parenting | Parenting Humor

What Would My Mom Do? (Drink Tab and Lock Us Outside)

​ I’m about to tell you the truth: parenting has become very precious in our generation. This very morning, a mom posted how on her son’s birthday, she assembles a...

Family & Parenting | Parenting Humor

19 Brilliant Hacks That Will Make Potty Training So Much Easier

Pretty soon their business won't be your business.

Family & Parenting | Parenting Humor

The Funniest Tweets From Parents This Week

Kids may say the darndest things, but parents tweet about them in the funniest ways. So each week, we round up the most hilarious 140-character quips from moms and dads to spread the joy. Scroll down

Family & Parenting | Parenting Humor

Dear perfect Elf on the Shelf parents, an open letter. - Jon Acuff

Dear perfect Elf on the Shelf people, stop it. Seriously, quit it. You’re making the rest of us parents look horrible. It’s only December 8th and do you know what our Elf did last night? I’ll show you: That’s right. He’s in a

      Family & Parenting | Parenting Humor

      Brave Soul Snaps Grinning Selfie While His Wife Is Giving Birth In the Background

      This week, a man took a delivery room selfie at the exact moment his wife was giving birth to their daughter and posted it to Reddit, as one does.