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Parenting | Family & Parenting

Family & Parenting | Parenting

Ronda Rousey’s Comments Are a Reminder of the Dangers of Misplaced Self-Worth

Family & Parenting | Parenting

What Kids Need From Grown-Ups (But Aren't Getting)

Author Erika Christakis mounts a spirited defense of a four-letter word that, she says, isn't used nearly enough in early classrooms: play.

Family & Parenting | Parenting

How to Homeschool Like Elon Musk - WHS 177

Elon Musk is the founder of several innovative companies which include Tesla, SpaceX, and PayPal. He’s also decided to homeschool his 5 children, sort of. He’s started an innovative private school for his 5 kids and 15 others that has no grade

Family & Parenting | Parenting

Start Homeschooling | TheHomeSchoolMom

Although the idea of homeschooling can be overwhelming, know that you can do it. Learning takes place all the time, and just as your child learned to walk and talk with you as their teacher, they can continue to learn at home in a relaxed, loving environm

Family & Parenting | Parenting

'All Hands On Deck': Mike Morath On Being The Next Texas Education Commissioner

Mike Morath got the nod Monday to be the next Texas education commissioner.

Family & Parenting | Parenting

Time Not Toys

Dear beloved friends and family,   My life is a mess. The dishes aren't done. The laundry is never-ending. Literally. I haven't vacuumed in weeks. I'm ashamed of the state of my bathroom. And ...

    Family & Parenting | Parenting

    Discovering the Best Ways to Educate Your Child (Part 2 of 2)

    Author Carol Barnier offers practical suggestions for how parents can help their children learn and succeed in school. (Part 2 of 2)

      Family & Parenting | Parenting

      Discovering the Best Ways to Educate Your Child (Part 1 of 2)

      Author Carol Barnier offers practical suggestions for how parents can help their children learn and succeed in school. (Part 1 of 2)