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Covid 19 | Politics

Politics | Covid 19

Fauci Admits That He ‘Made Up’ COVID Rules During Bombshell Testimony

 According to bombshell testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci, the architect of America’s COVID-19 response, he completely made up the six-foot social distancing rule and other policies under the guise of protecting Americans during the pandemic.

Politics | Covid 19

New York Times admits the truth about COVID school closures and the long-term harms of fear-based decision-making

The New York Times is admitting to the extensive, long-term damage of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on schoolchildren and their learning.Four years after politicians shut down schools, the New York Times published a new analysis on Monday admitting there is

Politics | Covid 19

Rolling Stone Investigates What Type of Mask We Should Be Wearing Right Now

 We had to check the date on this tweet to make sure it was current, a sure enough, it was posted Friday. Rolling Stone says we should be wearing masks again, but which ones? N95 or KN95? It has to be an N95, because those cloth masks we were all wearing were "nothing more than facial decoration. You shouldn't need one if you and everyone else have had the vaccine.

Politics | Covid 19

Study: CDC-Recommended Double COVID/Flu Shots Induce Strokes

The hits just keep on coming exposing the Public Health™ lies.
Common sense might dictate that one not receive flu and COVID shots at the time same – yet that’s exactly the recommendation of the CDC....

Politics | Covid 19

Whistleblower alleges CIA offered officials money to change view of COVID origins

FIRST ON FOX: A CIA whistleblower told Congress that the agency offered officials on a COVID Discovery team “significant monetary incentive" to change their position on the origins of the virus from originating in the Wuhan lab to “unable to determine" th

Politics | Covid 19

The Government Censored Me and Other Scientists. We Fought Back—and Won.

Last week, a federal appeals court confirmed that science cannot function without free speech. Dr. Jay Bhattacharya reflects on a victory for himself—and every American.

Politics | Covid 19

Ohio congressman alleges COVID-19 relief funds were stolen by and for US adversaries

Wenstrup demanded in his letter specific documents and communications related to the investigation into international COVID-19 relief fraud.

Politics | Covid 19

It Sure Looks Like Mask Mandate and Vaccine Requirement Plans Are in the Works

 Recently, RedState warned everyone that COVID scolds and the brain-dead "public health" zombies who want to mask everyone, including your unborn child, or so it seems, are starting to make some noise again

Politics | Covid 19

Were COVID lockdowns worth it? 49,500 people in the US died by suicide last year

 There were MANY problems with COVID lockdowns and many of us tried to sound the alarm at the time. We screamed about the lack of mental health and addiction services. We yelled that losing businesses, income, savings, and support groups were all going to hurt people, but nobody was listening.

Politics | Covid 19

Military Notes a Spike in Myocarditis Cases — Wonder Why?

A top Pentagon official has confirmed what many of us have suspected known all along; myocarditis cases in the military have soared since service members were forced to take the shot....

Politics | Covid 19

Unfollow the Science: 300 COVID Articles Pulled, Many Over Lack of Ethical Standards

More than 300 COVID-19-related articles have been retracted — long after they’d done their damage — due to a lack of scientific truthfulness and ethical guidelines, according to Retraction Watch...

Politics | Covid 19

Shameless Anthony Fauci tries to completely rewrite history on his starring role in COVID shutdowns

"Pretty sure he's just mocking us at this point."

Politics | Covid 19

Fauci Knew: New Emails Show He ‘Prompted’ Paper To Shoot Down Wuhan Lab Leak Theory Of COVID-19

The U.S. Energy Department reportedly concluded that the COVID virus likely leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China. Even though the agency said it was a “low confidence” conclusion, the pronouncement elevated the once-conspiracy theory and appeared to vindicate those who had at least questioned the virus’s origin.

Politics | Covid 19

Covid Origins: The Energy Department Lab Investigating Covid Knows What It’s Talking About

Why would the U.S. Department of Energy be weighing in on an investigation into the origins of Covid-19?

Politics | Covid 19

Fauci Blames Attacks On China – Not China – For COVID Origins Impasse

Dr. Anthony Fauci is offering a defense of Chinese officials who have repeatedly been accused of denying access to scientists working to determine the origins of COVID.

Politics | Covid 19

Techno-Hell: The Rise of the 'COVID-19 Influencer'

At the toxic intersection of lockdown politics and social media, a new sort of internet star has risen: the “COVID-19 influencer.”
The now-entrenched “Zero COVID” subculture is...

Politics | Covid 19

Pfizer Exec Appears To Admit There Are ‘Concerning’ Impacts On Female Reproductive Health From Vaccine In Round Two Of Project Veritas Sting

Project Veritas released a video Thursday allegedly showing a Pfizer executive expressing concern about his company’s mRNA vaccines and their impact on female reproductive health.

Politics | Covid 19

From colds to commotio cordis, medical pundits desperately ruling out COVID vax in health scares

MSNBC host's doctor blames her consecutive heart-inflammation hospitalizations on "overactive immune response" to cold.

Politics | Covid 19

Randomized controlled trials: masks do nothing

Cochrane Library, an extremely well-regarded service that aggregates a database of high-quality medical studies and analyzes them, has published a new analysis of randomized controlled trials on physi...

Politics | Covid 19

Elon Musk says he suffered 'major side effects' from booster shot, felt like he was 'dying for several days' — but his healthy cousin fared worse

Elon Musk admitted Friday evening to suffering "major side effects" after he received his second COVID booster shot — a shot he indicated was obligatory on account of business travel.This admission came after Rasmussen Reports published recent survey resu

Politics | Covid 19

Attention Please, COVID Is Not Over. We Repeat, COVID Is Not Over.

Well, for most of us it is, but not for the Biden administration. Because, well, reasons. On Wednesday, HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra announced that the COVID-19 state of emergency has been extended an...

Politics | Covid 19

The Covid Regime Is Quietly Reviving The ‘Forever Pandemic’

The Covid regime’s grip may have loosened during the heat of the 2022 election cycle, but the 'forever pandemic' fearmongers are back.

Politics | Covid 19

Science™ finds that unvaccinated people are a lot more likely to be involved in serious car crashes

"Is there anything the COVID vaccine can't do? Other than stop the spread of COVID, of course?"

Politics | Covid 19

Fauci Says He Dismissed Lab Leak Theory to Placate China

In the early days of the pandemic, Dr. Anthony Fauci often dismissed the theory that the coronavirus came from a biological lab in China. He testified last week his reluctance was out of fear that speculation about the virus origins would "increase tensio

Politics | Covid 19

'We can no longer say this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated': CDC data indicates vaccinated, boosted people together make up majority of COVID-19 deaths

President Joe Biden last December warned of a "winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated." But new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention highlighted a trend that would suggest that the greater share of COVID-19 deaths this

Politics | Covid 19

‘An Anti-Science Institution’: Long After End Of COVID Pandemic, Notre Dame Imposes Vaccine Mandate On All Students, Even Remote Ones, For 2023-24 School Year

All students at the University of Notre Dame will have a COVID vaccine booster mandate imposed on them for the 2023-24 school year.

Politics | Covid 19

Myocarditis Risk From COVID-19 Vaccines Up To 3 times Higher From Moderna Than Pfizer

Myocarditis cases hit levels two-to-three times higher in people with a second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine than the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, research shows.

Politics | Covid 19

Guess Whose Net Worth Skyrocketed During the Pandemic?

You may have lost your business or your job during the pandemic, but the architect of our nation's COVID-19 strategy, Dr. Anthony Fauci, saw his net worth skyrocket while the nation suffered.

Politics | Covid 19

Former EcoHealth Alliance VP says Fauci-funded group 'developed' COVID-19

Former Army infantryman, DHS research fellow Andrew Huff says Wuhan lab funder laid out "the process of developing" SARS-CoV-2 for Fauci's NIAID before it received funding.

Politics | Covid 19

Ad Council Attempts To Emotionally Manipulate Low-Risk Young People To Get The Covid Jab

Instead of featuring experts sharing evidence about vaccine efficacy and addressing safety concerns, they lean on young people's emotions.

Politics | Covid 19

CDC Admits Post-Vaccine Myocarditis Concerns That Were Labeled Covid Misinformation Are Legit

The CDC's latest numbers about post-vax myocarditis represent a significant departure from last year's narrative.

Politics | Covid 19

Former Trump COVID Honcho Birx Admits to Deceiving the White House and Just Making Stuff up to Push Her Personal Agenda

The Trump administration didn't have a COVID response policy, an unelected bureaucrat did whatever the hell she wanted.

Politics | Covid 19

Dr. Fauci Took Some of His Own Medicine, and It Didn't Go Well

Dr. Fauci took a bit of his own recommended medicine and it didn't cure what was ailing him. It made it worse.

Politics | Covid 19

WHO Chief Now Says He Believes COVID Did Leak From Wuhan Lab After an Accident in 2019

World Health Organization Director-general Tedros Adhanom has been playing the toady for the Chinese Communists since the pandemic

Politics | Covid 19

NYT analysis finds school closures harmed students, especially in major cities ‘which tend to be run by Democratic officials

"An unprecedented, disastrous social experiment on kids with no upside and so much loss. And it was obvious in 2020."

Politics | Covid 19

Joe Biden Keeps Mask Mandates for Americans Traveling, Ends Coronavirus Restrictions for Border Crossers

Joe Biden is extending the federal mask mandate for Americans traveling while ending coronavirus restrictions for border crossers.

Politics | Covid 19

Why Are So Many Democrats Comming Down With COVID?

But the real super spreader event occurred on Saturday night at the annual Gridiron Dinner as more than a dozen politicians and media types have all reported

Politics | Covid 19

The Omicron Variant Was Created In a Lab, Scientists Say

Many scientists who have studied the Omicron virus believe that the fast-spreading COVID variant was mistakenly or perhaps purposefully released from a lab.

Politics | Covid 19

Biden Administration Gave Teachers Union ‘Unprecedented Access’ To Shape National COVID-19 Guidelines, Report Says

The Biden administration gave teachers union officials “unprecedented access” to view and shape national COVID-19 guidelines, according to a new interim report by House Republicans.

Politics | Covid 19

Follow the Science, or Follow the Money?

When Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. published his book The Real Anthony Fauci in November, the fact that it was met with near-total silence from the media was hardly…

Politics | Covid 19

Quarantine Slaughterhouse: Numbers Are Coming in on Non-COVID Deaths During Lockdowns

As the nation all-too slowly emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic nightmare we’ve endured for over two years, we are only beginning to get data back on the myriad horrors brought about by shortsig...

Politics | Covid 19

New Hampshire House Passes Bill Allowing Pharmacists to Dispense Ivermectin Without a Prescription

New Hampshire may become the first state to allow the antiparasitic drug ivermectin to be obtained without a prescription. A Republican-sponsored ivermectin…

Politics | Covid 19

The Final Nail in the Coffin of Mask Hysteria Emerges

But will those who view masks as religious observance accept reality?

Politics | Covid 19

The Mask Falls

“Why is the Government so obsessed with killing, starting with abortion, euthanasia, forcing those vaccines on people, even those who don’t want them?” asks a trusted correspondent in a personal lette...

Politics | Covid 19

Well, Well, Well … CDC Slashes Child COVID Deaths by 24% AFTER They Advised Vax For Kids

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) sheepishly lowered the number of kids killed by/with COVID-19 by a whopping 24%, and de-listed tens of thousands of adult deaths as well. Of course, this “m...

Politics | Covid 19

Thailand paid $45 million in Covid-19 vaccine injury claims; US has paid $0 | Sharyl Attkisson

Thailand’s National Health Security Office (NHSO) as of March 8 has paid 1.509 billion baht (the equivalent of $45.65 million) to settle Covid-19 vaccine injury compensation claims.

Politics | Covid 19

From 15 Days to Two Years › American Greatness

On Saturday morning, my daughter in college texted me: “I got sent home two years ago today. Feels like a dream.” After I responded…

Politics | Covid 19

Teachers Union Will Force L.A. Kids to Wear Masks Even as Mandate Ends

The teachers union will compel children in the LAUSD to continue wearing masks to school Monday even as the county's mask mandate expires.

Politics | Covid 19

Did a Va. Pediatrician Post a Warning About the COVID-19 Vax Putting Kids in Sports at Risk of Cardiac Arrest?

A viral post on Facebook shows a sign purported to be posted in a Virginia pediatrician’s office that says the following:
Sports physicals are done primarily to make sure you are not at high ris...

Politics | Covid 19

L.A. Teachers Union Wants to Preserve Masks in Schools as State Ends Mandates

Students in Los Angeles County public schools will no longer have to wear masks at school, though the teachers union wants masks to stay.

Politics | Covid 19

Axios *finally* discovers there are limits to ‘following the science’ on Covid

"It took you two years to figure this out?"

Politics | Covid 19

Fortress Australia Lowers Drawbridge to the World: Reopens After Two-Year Isolation

Australia's borders reopened on Monday as tearful Aussies embraced at airports some seeing loved ones for the first time since March 2020.

Politics | Covid 19

FDA Exec Says on Hidden Camera That Yearly COVID Shots Will Be Mandatory for all Americans–Including Toddlers

The Biden administration plans to make yearly COVID shots mandatory for all Americans, including young children, a Food and Drug Administration executive told a…

Politics | Covid 19

Austria to Repeal Almost All 'Corona Apartheid' Rules Targeting Unvaxxed

In what amounts to a seismic u-turn in policy, Austria is to relax all 'Corona Apartheid' rules targetting the nation's unvaccinated

Politics | Covid 19

Quebec Drops Coronavirus Mandates After Rejecting Trudeau’s Emergency Decree

Quebec begins lifting coronavirus restrictions while rejecting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's invocation of emergency powers.

Politics | Covid 19

Project Veritas Drops Explosive FDA Video About Plans for Future on COVID Shots

This is the kind of information that needs to get out there before the midterms...

Politics | Covid 19

Trudeau Invoked 'Emergency' Act Only After Biden Administration Urged Canada to Use 'Federal Powers'

Canadian PM Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act just days after the Biden administration urged him to use "federal powers."

Politics | Covid 19

Citizens Protest Canadian Trucker Vaccine Mandates in Buffalo: ‘The World Is Paying Attention’

Demonstrations against Canada's trucker vaccine mandate have spread to Buffalo with a gathering set for Sunday at the Peace Bridge.

Politics | Covid 19

Doctor Says She Was Pressured to Make Omicron Sound More Dangerous

Dr. Angelique Coetzee is the South African responsible for alerting health officials about the omicron variant of COVID-19 back in November. At the time of the discovery, she observed that it presente...

Politics | Covid 19

[WATCH] NY Dad Assaulted and Dragged Out of School Board Meeting for Not Wearing Mask

Dave Calus was sitting quietly without a mask at a Webster, N.Y., school board meeting on Tuesday night when he was roughly assaulted on camera by several men, not in uniform, who dragged him violentl...

Politics | Covid 19

L.A. County to Keep Indoor Mask Mandate Despite State Dropping Its Own

Los Angeles County will retain its indoor mask mandate past the Feb. 15 date set by Gov. Gavin Newsom as the date to end a statewide mandate.

Politics | Covid 19

Sean Ono Lennon: Isn’t it weird how some people would be upset if ivermectin turned out to be an effective COVID treatment?

Isn't ivermectin that horse dewormer that Joe Rogan tried?

Politics | Covid 19

Woman Sneaks Ivermectin Into Hospital, Saves Husband's Life

Florida families of severely ill COVID-19 patients are flocking to Dr. Eduardo Balbona.
Florida hospitals, like the Mayo Clinic, have a COVID protocol for their patients with the Bat-Stew Flu, and ive...

Politics | Covid 19

Prominent Doctors Argue Masks For Kids Should Be Optional

New CDC guidance on the effectiveness of masking has just changed the dynamic of the mask debate in schools. Now, masking can be made optional in schools

Politics | Covid 19

Covid Vaccines: AN URGENT WARNING - by Alex Berenson

The world's most mRNA vaccinated countries now have shockingly high Covid infection rates. Hospitalizations and deaths are rising fast too. The mRNA experiment needs to stop. Immediately.

Politics | Covid 19

New York Supreme Court Judge Strikes Down Democrat Governor’s Mask Mandate

A New York state Supreme Court judge on Monday struck down Democrat Governor Kathy Hochul’s mask mandate for schools and public locations.

Politics | Covid 19

New poll finds 45% of Democrats want the unvaccinated sent to internment camps, 59% okay with just house arrest

"...if these results are even approximately correct, the authoritarianism is horrifying."

Politics | Covid 19

Two Omicron Studies Are Fantastic News That Should End Mandates and Restrictions

Omicron appears to be a lamb compared to the lion of delta. It is time for public health policy to mirror the threat.

Politics | Covid 19

COVID con, part 1: How the pandemic became a gold mine for fraudsters | Just The News

Lax government oversight of billions in COVID-19 relief funds led to vast criminal fraud.

Politics | Covid 19

Minneapolis mayor: Kids between 2 and 5 need to show a negative COVID test done in a lab to enter restaurants

Minneapolis is trying to kill off any family restaurants that survived the first wave of lockdowns.

Politics | Covid 19

Victor Davis Hanson: Politicizing COVID-19 From the Start

From the moment COVID-19 appeared, the pandemic became inseparable from politics. Political frenzy was inevitable since the SARS-CoV-2 virus likely escaped from…

Politics | Covid 19

Berkeley, CA Will Force Kids To Wear KN95 Masks In School

This week, the Berkeley Unified School District in leftist Berkeley, California, announced they intend for students in their district, including elementary school children, to wear KN95 masks in school.

Politics | Covid 19

Tom Elliott takes a look back at the COVID vaccine narratives that media and experts would prefer we forget [videos]

These days, media are fine acknowledging that the COVID vaccine doesn’t prevent illness or transmission. But it wasn’t always that way.

Politics | Covid 19

UPDATE: US Military Report States COVID-19 Was Created by a US-Funded EcoHealth Alliance Program at Wuhan Institute of Virology

Bombshell report also reveals that the government covered up the lab leak and suppressed information about known curatives ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

Politics | Covid 19

A Pandemic of The Uneducated: COVID "Logic" From the left

Omicron is the Stephen Baldwin of the China flu family. People say, “Aw, how cute,” and then no one really expects much.
Hospitalizations and deaths from omicron are low. How low? Hard to...

Politics | Covid 19

This Is Why Biden Is Wrong to Say We’re in a ‘Pandemic of the Unvaccinated’

Joe Biden has been relying on fear to boost vaccination rates. He’s been saying for months now that this is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” However, the CDC hasn’t been very...

Politics | Covid 19

Experts Make Stunning Admission About Cloth Face Masks

For most of this pandemic, you’ve been told to mask up because masking will protect you and others from getting COVID.
But suddenly the ball game has changed. New studies show that the commonly...

Politics | Covid 19

Doctors Finally Get Real About Covid Hospitalizations Amid Omicron Spike

Now that Dr. Fauci has made some much-needed admissions about Covid, other frontline doctors are chiming in to agree.

Politics | Covid 19

Horowitz: 6 important COVID data points that destroy the prevailing narrative

“When you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health, that of the family, but also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community. And in other words, you become a dead end to the virus.” ~D

Politics | Covid 19

Adorable: Communist Children Dress as Hand Sanitizer, Dance and Sing to Educate Comrades About COVID

In the United States, the sight of smiling communist children perfectly performing a propaganda routine should always make us uncomfortable.

Politics | Covid 19

New Vaccine Study Suggests mRNA Vaccines Actually Increase Probability of Being Infected With Omicron After 90 Days

We certainly know the vaccines are nowhere near as effective as they claim, but could they put you at a higher risk of infection with Omicron? This data says yes.

Politics | Covid 19

About That Guy in Texas Who Supposedly Died of Omicron...

“Public officials and media reported that a man in Texas became the first American to die from the Omicron,” reporter Dan Cohen reminds you, but it “turns out that’s not true....

Politics | Covid 19

FOIA Emails Reveal Doctors Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins Worked to Smear Anti-Lockdown Scientists

Fauci and Dr. Francis Collins launched a smear attack against a group of scientists who warned about the health dangers of public lockdowns.

Politics | Covid 19

Biden's Claims About Omicron Transmission and South Africa Are Demonstrably False

He blasts those promoting "fake news" about the virus, then goes on to spread more of it himself.

Politics | Covid 19

Dr. Fauci says we may need masks on planes FOREVER

"I think when you’re dealing with a closed space… you want to take that extra step."

Politics | Covid 19

New York Reports Highest Daily Coronavirus Case Rate Despite Vaccine, Mask Mandates

New York on Friday reported the highest daily coronavirus case rate to date, despite the prevalence of vaccines and mask mandates.

Politics | Covid 19

COVID-19 Reality Check: Omicron Spreads Rapidly But Does Not Cause Death

The dynamics of the pandemic have not changed; if you’re elderly, immunocompromised, or have comorbidities, you have a higher risk with the coronavirus.

Politics | Covid 19

Fauci: Fourth Shot Could Be Needed In Near Future

The top immunologist in the U.S. says that a fourth dose of a vaccine to battle COVID-19 and various variants that keep appearing may be needed in the near future.

Politics | Covid 19

Why Are More Vaccines The Answer To Covid Outbreaks Among Vaccinated People?

The vaccines were supposed to help end COVID-19, and now the pandemic is always framed in a way that serves vaccines, no matter what the data tells us.

Politics | Covid 19

Atlas: The Nation’s ‘Top Scientists’ Lied About COVID And Got Away With It

After watching this debacle on TV, I knew full well what was coming later that day. The media would latch on to this and create even more public panic.

Politics | Covid 19

How COVID Lockdowns Handed Global Warming Extremists The Tools To Crush Freedom

Wouldn’t it be grand, our technocrats think, if they could turn the COVID-19 emergency into a permanent emergency over climate?

Politics | Covid 19

Masked-Up California Reporting 4x More Daily Cases than Florida

California, which has certain mask mandates in place, has a daily average of Chinese coronavirus cases four times that of Florida's.

Politics | Covid 19

ALERT: A Third of a Million Americans Have Died from COVID-19 on Biden’s Watch

A third of a million Americans have died from COVID-19 on President Joe Biden's watch, another grim milestone for a commander in chief who pledged to "shut down the virus" and has seen his job approval rating plummet 10 percentage points since July.

Politics | Covid 19

Senator Paul Unloads On Fauci Over New Report: Americans ‘Very Disturbed At How Much He’s Lied’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) slammed Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the Chief Medical Advisor to the President, on Sunday over a new letter from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) about whether the NIH ever funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Politics | Covid 19

As Florida COVID Cases Plummet, Media Falls Silent

Florida now has one of the lowest COVID case rates in the nation. Our media has long had an obsession with the Sunshine State due to its Republican governor.

Politics | Covid 19

CDC Director Says Children Should Continue To Wear Masks In School, Even When Vaccinated

Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Dr. Rochelle Walensky, said Wednesday that she believes children should continue to wear face masks in school even after they have been vaccinated against COVID-19, even as the Biden administration ramps up a national effort to roll out the vaccine to children between the ages of 5 and 11 as soon as the Federal Food & Drug Administration (FDA) gives emergency use approval.

Politics | Covid 19

IL Gov. Pritzker Keeps Mask Mandate in Place as Cases Drop in Maskless FL

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) on Tuesday said he is hopeful he can lift the statewide mask mandate before the holidays.

Politics | Covid 19

DeSantis Administration Fines County $3.5 Million for Firing Employees over Vaccine Mandate

The Florida Department of Health, under Gov. Ron DeSantis's (R) direction, fined Leon County over $3.5 million this week.

Politics | Covid 19

Colorado Hospital Denies Kidney Transplant for Unvaccinated Patient

On Tuesday, the University of Colorado’s hospital system declared that it will no longer allow organ transplants for patients who have not yet received the…

Politics | Covid 19

Report: Man Dies From COVID-19 After Hospital Rejects Court Order For Ivermectin

A 75-year-old New York man died last weekend after a hospital refused to give him the drug Ivermectin in a last-ditch effort to save his life, despite an order from a judge, an exclusive report from News10NBC’s Jennifer Lewke revealed.

Politics | Covid 19

Los Angeles City Council Approves Vaccine Mandate for Indoor Restaurants, Bars, & More

The Los Angeles city council approved restrictions to require proof of COVID-19 vaccination or a negative test within 72 hours to enter indoor restaurants, bars, gyms, malls, and other businesses.

Politics | Covid 19

More Americans Have Died This Year From COVID-19 Than In All Of 2020

More Americans have died this year from the coronavirus than died from the coronavirus last year, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

Politics | Covid 19

Sebelius: Unvaccinated Are 'Like Secondhand Smoke' -- They Can Make Me and My Family Sick

Former Obama administration Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said Wednesday on MSNBC's "All In" that Americans who have not received a coronavirus vaccine are like "secondhand smoke" in that they can make people sick. | Clips

Politics | Covid 19

WATCH: Gov. Kathy Hochul Says the Unvaccinated 'Aren’t Listening to God'

Individuals who have not received the coronavirus vaccine "aren't listening to god," New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) declared.

Politics | Covid 19

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla: 'Most Likely Scenario Is Annual Revaccination' for COVID

Pfizer CEO Dr. Albert Bourla said Sunday on ABC's "This Week" that he believed "the most likely scenario is annual revaccination" against the coronavirus. | Clips

Politics | Covid 19

Biden admin opposes move to give honorable discharge to troops who refuse the COVID-19 vaccine, demands keeping dishonorable discharge on the table

The Biden administration thinks U.S. service members who refuse to comply with the military's COVID-19 vaccine mandate should be subjected to the potential of a dishonorable discharge.What are the details?In a statement issued Tuesday, the White House for

Politics | Covid 19

Workers Without Vaccine Passport Won’t be Paid in Italy

The Italian government has announced that unvaccinated workers will have their pay withheld but will not be suspended or fired.

Politics | Covid 19

The Unintended Consequences of Biden's COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

With the vaccine mandate, Joe Biden may cause a key voting block to stay home in 2022 according to Morning Consult. There is already an enthusiasm gap.

Politics | Covid 19

‘The happiest day of my life’: Here are photos of people really enamored with the COVID vaccine

How sad is your life when the highlight was getting the COVID vaccine?

Politics | Covid 19

Only 18 Months Late: 'The Lancet' Finally Publishes a Letter in Support of the Lab-Leak Theory

Eighteen months into the COVID-19 pandemic, The Lancet publishes a letter in support of the lab leak theory indicating rigorous scientific inquiry might be revived.

Politics | Covid 19

California Recall Exit Poll: Pandemic Top Concern, Homelessness Second

The California recall election exit polls show a plurality of citizens in the Golden State consider the pandemic their number one issue.

Politics | Covid 19

[WATCH] Video Shows Hospital Staff Plotting to 'Scare' the Public on COVID-19

A leaked Zoom call between doctors and marketing staff at Novant Health New Hanover Regional Medical Center in North Carolina has gone viral. It shows staff plotting to “scare” the public...

Politics | Covid 19

The CDC Just Made an Orwellian Change to the Definition of ‘Vaccine’ and ‘Vaccination'

For your entire life, you’ve known that when you get vaccinated, you’re protected from a particular disease. You’ve probably been vaccinated for such diseases as polio, tetanus, meas...

Politics | Covid 19

Daily Coronavirus Cases Up over 300% from Last Labor Day Despite Vaccines

Daily coronavirus cases are up by over 300 percent compared to last Labor Day despite the prevalence of vaccines, data shows.

Politics | Covid 19

Natural Immunity for the WIN! Israel Study Suggests COVID-19 Vaccine and Mitigation Policies Should Change Now

Thankfully, one nation in the world recognized natural immunity to COVID-19 and has now produced a definitive data set proving it is strong and effective.

Politics | Covid 19

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown announces that masks will be mandated in most outdoor settings, regardless of vaccination status

The mandate doesn't cover "fleeting encounters," like two people walking past each other.

Politics | Covid 19

The CDC Only Tracks a Fraction of Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections, Even as Cases Surge

A May 1 decision by the CDC to only track breakthrough infections that lead to hospitalization or death has left the nation with a muddled understanding of COVID-19's impact on the vaccinated.

Politics | Covid 19

5 Months Pregnant, I Face Losing My Job And Health Care For Choosing Not To Get A COVID-19 Injection

The state of Oregon is forcing me to contradict what I think is best for myself and my baby or face losing my job and health coverage when I need it most.

Politics | Covid 19

The 14-day change in COVID-19 cases in Dukes County, MA (Martha’s Vineyard): +2,050%

"...where employees often live in close quarters and work in multiple establishments."

Politics | Covid 19

Vaccine And Mask Coercion Is A Purge, And The GOP Letting It Happen

Republicans are allowing their own voters to be purged from employment based on their evidence-informed convictions that oppose leftist groupthink.

Politics | Covid 19

Rand Paul Implores Americans To ‘Choose Freedom’ Over Potential Lockdowns: ‘Time For Us To Resist’

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) urged Americans to resist potential forthcoming lockdown measures, saying that the country could not go back to the state that it was in last year.

Politics | Covid 19

Texas Borderland Doctor States the Obvious: The COVID Surge Is Coming From Biden's 'Grossly Irresponsible' Border Policies

The mainstream media, (other than the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, notably) which isn’t reporting on the border much these days, says in unison that the current surge in COVID cases is not linked t...

Politics | Covid 19

Republicans Hedged On Banning COVID Passports. Now They're Back

Defending the vulnerable from private pressure to surrender control over their own medical treatments apparently doesn't fit into their philosophies.

Politics | Covid 19

The Morning Briefing: Who Are the Idiots Who Still Think the CDC Has Any Credibility?

Top O’ the Briefing
Have the CDC Geniuses Been Right About Anything?
Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Crudités and wine on the mezzanine at 3:42 PM sharp. Pants optional....

Politics | Covid 19

Corrupt Corporate Media Are Profiting Off Of Shaming, Mocking Unvaccinated COVID Patients

Viral stories about unvaccinated individuals highlight the media's willingness to boost narratives that serve no purpose but to advance their agenda.

Politics | Covid 19

The ‘I just left the ER’ variant is multiplying on Twitter, warning people they’re back to getting crushed by COVID-19

A lot of people just left the ER, where they're getting crushed by the Delta variant.

Politics | Covid 19

As Ratings Continue to Swirl Down the Toilet, Mainstream Media Pushes Panic Porn Over New COVID Variant

"Paradoxically, you must get vaccinated and continue doing all the things that failed to work for the other variants!"

Politics | Covid 19

The Media's Wuhan Lab Scandal Looks Worse and Worse

You’d think that after the Covington kids disaster and the Steele dossier calamity the American news media would get the message. Which is to say, report facts, not liberal narratives.

But of course, ain’t happening.

Politics | Covid 19

BREAKING: Wuhan Lab Funder Daszak Emailed Fauci, Thanking Him for Dismissing Lab Leak Theory

"Your comments are brave, and coming from your trusted voice, will help dispel the myths being spun around the virus' origins."

Politics | Covid 19

Amid Recall Threat, Gov. Newsom Announces ‘$116.5 Million Giveaway for Vaccinated Californians’

On Thursday, California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom announced a new incentive program to motivate residents of the Golden State to get vaccinated

Politics | Covid 19

Pompeo: Fauci Had the Same Information I Had When He Dismissed Lab Leak Theory

On Monday's broadcast of the Fox News Channel's "America's Newsroom," former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo stated that he was outraged to see government | Clips

Politics | Covid 19

New Study on Texas Reopening Puts the Nail in the Coffin of Fauci's Credibility

Two and a half months ago, when Texas Governor Greg Abbott axed the state’s mask mandate and other COVID-related restrictions on businesses and people, Joe Biden called the move a “huge mistake” and “...

Politics | Covid 19

The origin of COVID: Did people or nature open Pandora’s box at Wuhan?

If the case that SARS2 originated in a lab is so substantial, why isn’t this more widely known? As is now obvious, there are many people who have reason not to talk about it.

Politics | Covid 19

Tucker Carlson: How many Americans have died after taking the COVID vaccine?

"Tucker Carlson Tonight" explores the potential side effects of taking the COVID-19 vaccine, and asks why no one seems to care

Politics | Covid 19

Fauci Rejects Pandemic Being Close To Ending: ‘In The Bottom Of The 6th Inning’

Speaking with CNN host Wolf Blitzer on Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci continued pushing against any thoughts that the end of the coronavirus may be near,

Politics | Covid 19

HS Runner Forced by State to Wear Mask Collapses at Finish Line

She suffered "complete oxygen debt," and finally Gov. Kate Brown did the right thing.

Politics | Covid 19

The Biden Administration's Latest Incoherence on COVID Will Blow Your Mind

None of what they are saying or doing makes any sense, and that may be the point.

Politics | Covid 19

15 months too late, Vox now reports that travel bans can work to ‘keep COVID-19 out’

Trump was right. Again.

Politics | Covid 19

Texas COVID Rates Continue to Plummet Despite Warnings That the Apocolypse Was Nigh

Texas is doing well and the left can't stand it.

Politics | Covid 19

WATCH: NBC’s ‘Today Show’: Some States With Stricter COVID Policies Experiencing Surge While Others That Reopened Seeing Drop

On Thursday, NBC News’ Today show reported on what it called a "COVID conundrum": "Some states with stricter rules are now seeing surges in COVID-19 cases, while many others that rushed to reopen are experiencing sizable drops."

Politics | Covid 19

Watch Rand Paul Challenges Dr. Fauci Over Mask Wearing: 'You Parade Around in Two Masks for Show'

Things got heated between Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and Dr. Anthony Fauci on Thursday during a hearing on the nation’s COVID-19 response, when Paul, a doctor himself, called Fauci out for wearing t...

Politics | Covid 19

Court orders padlocks on CA bar’s doors over COVID violations, so owner removes doors

Los Angeles Superior Court ordered padlocks and the power shut off for Tinhorn Flats Saloon & Grill after it was accused of operating despite COVID orders.

Politics | Covid 19

W.H. COVID Adviser Slavitt: By July 4, I Think Everyone Will Have Chance to Be Vaccinated and We’ll Be Able to Do ‘Many’ But ‘Not All’ Things

On Thursday's broadcast of MSNBC's "The Last Word," White House Senior Adviser for COVID Response Andy Slavitt stated that "everyone is going to have a | Clips

Politics | Covid 19

Super Bowl Celebrations Were Not COVID-19 Super Spreader Events, Health Officials Determine

Despite warnings that Super Bowl 55 celebrations in Tampa, Florida would lead to a massive spike in new COVID-19 cases, Hillsborough County health

Politics | Covid 19

Lockdowns: Which ‘Experts’ Were Right? A year later it’s clear that most media and government experts were dead wrong.

It has now been nearly a year since “public health experts” began appearing on television talk shows insisting that, to...

Politics | Covid 19

Buttigieg: We’re In ‘Active Conversation’ With CDC About Requiring COVID Test Before Domestic Flights

Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said during an interview on Sunday that the Biden administration is in active conversations with the

Politics | Covid 19

Why We Must Unmask - American Greatness

We often refer to lockdowns as a proxy for failed COVID interventions, but I contend that masks are a more prominent symbol. It’s frightening to think that…

Politics | Covid 19

Dismounting the COVID Tiger - American Greatness

Riding fear of COVID-19, our oligarchs persuaded millions of Americans to join in masked pantomime, to deliver themselves to something like house arrest…

Politics | Covid 19

Dr. Fauci needs to be held responsible for COVID-19 mistakes

At the very least, the nation’s top infectious-diseases expert and chief medical adviser to Biden is loose with the facts and is prone to changing his mind.

Politics | Covid 19

The 'new strain' of COVID propaganda - The Dossier

The unaccountable elite justify their failures to “stop the spread,” while continuing an unabated power grab.

Politics | Covid 19

Why Do We Continue to Follow Nonsensical COVID Rules?

COVID-19 lockdowns have caused far more harm than any good they might have done. It's time to stop following ridiculous rules.

Politics | Covid 19

EXCLUSIVE — Rand Paul Busts Fake Science Behind Mask Mandates

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told Breitbart News that mask mandates -- ostensibly issued for public health purposes -- "are all about submission."

Politics | Covid 19

Florida Is Open, New York Is Closed: The Weaponization Of Covid

Despite larger populations, freer peoples, and a media that screams otherwise, there are far, far fewer deaths in Texas and in Florida than in New York.

Politics | Covid 19

The Morning Briefing: Americans Revolt Against Life in COVID-19 East Berlin

Better Revolt Before the Curfew Tanks Arrive 
Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. My go-to core workout involves a keg of beer.
I feel almost conversational at times when leading o...

Politics | Covid 19

COVID MELTDOWN: Hero Takes Bullhorn and Drops Some Lockdown Truth in the Costco Menswear Department

It comes as a surprise to me, and probably most of you, that this story isn’t about me. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been walking through a grocery store in the apocalyptic m...

Politics | Covid 19

De Blasio Threatens To Shut Down Non-Compliant Orthodox Synagogue ‘Once And For All’

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio warned an Orthodox synagogue in Brooklyn on Tuesday that he will shut them down "once and for all" if they continue to flout his lockdown orders.

Politics | Covid 19

California Sheriff Eviscerates Newsom's 'Dictatorial' Rules

Riverside Sheriff Chad Bianco eviscerated Gov. Gavin Newsom's "dictatorial" and "ridiculous" COVID-19 orders, saying he won't enforce them.