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Media Watch | Politics

Politics | Media Watch

They Just Keep Digging: CBS Instructed Staff Not to Refer to Jerusalem as Being in Israel

 We're having a hard time determining who has had the worst week: Kamala Harris or CBS News.

Politics | Media Watch

VILE: The Onion Makes a Joke About Corey Comperatore’s Death

 Look, this author’s sense of humor can be very dark, very NSFW and very transgressive. But this is beyond the pale.

Politics | Media Watch

Politico: JD Vance 'Tries to Tether Harris' to the Biden-Harris Administration

Politico reporter Mia McCarthy tried to attack JD Vance for linking Kamala Harris to the failures of President Joe Biden's administration. The dishonest headline quickly backfired on her. | Politics

Politics | Media Watch

BUSTED! Newsweek Changes BULLS**T Headline About Trump Needing a Doctor at Rally After Getting WREKT on X

 There is spin from the media, which we expect of course, and then there's this. Luckily, people on Twitter/X had already started talking about the poor woman at Trump's North Carolina rally who had fainted, and how he had immediately stopped the rally to ask for medical assistance for the woman. He also stepped out from behind the protective barrier to check on her himself.

Politics | Media Watch

Glaringly Leftist Newsweek Harpy Claims Trump Might NOT Have Been Shot and HOO BOY Was THAT Ever Dumb

 Anyone else wondering if Newsweek wants to get sued into oblivion because this is what you do when you want to get sued into oblivious.

Politics | Media Watch

The Gaslighting Begins: CNN Reporter Says It's a Lie Biden Vowed to Pick Black Woman As VP

 Earlier today, we told you how Axios is attempting to gaslight us on Kamala Harris being the nation's 'border czar.'

Politics | Media Watch

CNN's Gen Z Correspondent Explains Ties Between Kamala Harris Campaign and ‘Brat Summer’

 First, note CNN's Jake Tapper slipping up and calling CNN's viewers their "voters."

Politics | Media Watch

Joy Reid: If 'Elderly' Biden Recovers from COVID, It's 'Same' Sign of Strength as Trump Recovering from Being Shot

During MSNBC's coverage of the third night of the Republican National Convention on Wednesday, MSNBC host Joy Reid argued that if the "elderly" President | Clips

Politics | Media Watch

As America Teeters on Brink of Chaos, WaPo Highlights Taliban Climate Change Initiatives

The Washington Post failed to assuage critics on Monday, when the once-respected paper's published a front-page story touting the Taliban's efforts to fight so-called climate change in Afghanistan. The repressive terrorist group hosted an "international c

Politics | Media Watch

Newsweek's Misleading Headline on GoFundMe for Families of Shooting Victims Is PROOF Media Are GARBAGE

 Today we learned the man who was killed at the Trump rally in Butler, PA is former fire chief Corey Comperatore.

Politics | Media Watch

'Loud Noises,' Trump 'Falls': CNN, WaPo Downplay Assassination Attempt

CNN and the Washington Post are facing backlash for publishing headlines that did not say Donald Trump was injured after shots were fired.

Politics | Media Watch

CNN Freaks Out Over MAGA Republicans Calling US a 'Republic'—and the Big Problem This Exposes

 There's an old story that Benjamin Franklin was approached after exiting the Constitutional Convention, and he was asked what sort of a government they had created. His response was, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Politics | Media Watch

How Did a Former IDF Spokesperson Not Laugh During This BBC Interview?

 The liberal media’s aphasia concerning Hamas and supposed civilian casualties remains a source of frustration and entertainment. It’s going to be annoying watching all these pro-Hamas media members seethe and cry over some 200 dead Palestinian civilians who were allegedly killed by Israeli forces when they rescued four hostages this weekend.

Politics | Media Watch

USA Today Changes Headline On Trump Abortion Stance After Biden Campaign Complains During Press Call: Report

USA Today appeared to cave to pressure from Team Biden after the campaign called out the news outlet during a Monday press call for publishing what it viewed as a “particularly egregiously false” headline on former President Donald Trump’s abortion statement.

Politics | Media Watch

15 Facts About E. Jean Carroll's Case the Media Don't Want You to Know

Serious concerns have fallen under the radar regarding E. Jean Carrol's entire lawsuit against Donald Trump.

Politics | Media Watch

The Media: Lying Liars | PragerU

How many times can someone lie to you before you stop believing him? Popular podcaster Tim Pool applies this question to a source you might be trusting a…

Politics | Media Watch

CNN 'Fact-Checking' Biden Campaign's Claim That Trump Is Using Nazi Rhetoric

 It was a big news story in mid-November when Donald Trump at a rally used the word "vermin": "We pledge to you that we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists, and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country," Trump told a New Hampshire crowd.

Politics | Media Watch

MSNBC Sidelines Muslim Journalists as Ratings Collapse During Israel War Against Hamas

 Is it Islamophobia or pragmatism? It appears left-wing propaganda outlet MSNBC has been caught doing a bigotry – or perhaps they are just trying to salvage their ratings. A new report suggests that the network is silently pushing some of its Muslim journalists to the side as the war in Israel rages on.

Politics | Media Watch

Whose Side Is Fox on Anyway?

The Fox Business GOP presidential debate was a total trainwreck—and that’s putting it mildly.
If you watched, you were treated to nearly two hours of left-wing talking points from the mod...

Politics | Media Watch

Rolling Stone Sets Journalistic Ethics on Fire in Latest Attack on Ron DeSantis

As RedState reported, a group of self-proclaimed neo-nazis marched in Florida on Saturday. Naturally, that meant the press went wild reporting on it because giving neo-nazis attention is obviously how you diffuse their ideology or something.

Politics | Media Watch

Photos Show Barack Obama Playing Golf With Bandaged Hand, Black Eye

Last week, the Obamas' private chef drowned near the former president's Martha's Vineyard estate. Now, photos show Barack Obama golfing with a bandaged hand and what looks like a black eye.

Politics | Media Watch

Biden WH might give the NYT a Loyal Water Carrier Award for THIS doozy of a paragraph

 As we told you earlier, the New York Times has published "a tale of two families," a story that revolves around "what it means to have the Biden birthright"

Politics | Media Watch

NBC News Covers For Activists' 'Coming For Your Children' Chant

NBC offered no definitive proof that ‘we’re coming for your children’ has been used ‘for years at Pride events.’

Politics | Media Watch

When LGBT Activists Flood Target With Bomb Threats, Media Pretend Conservatives Did It

Media are so desperate for LGBT victimhood, they're pretending threats of violence from pro-'pride' perpetrators are threats against them.

Politics | Media Watch

Fox News 'Is Dead,' and Tucker Carlson Is Already Living Large With a Job Offer

Fox News “is dead,” and Tucker Carlson already has his first job offer. It came within hours of the shocking announcement that he and Rupert Murdoch’s Fox Corporation were “par...

Politics | Media Watch

CBS News Bans Reporters From Using the Word 'Transgender' To Describe Transgender Nashville Shooter

CBS tells staff to 'move on' from transgender descriptions

Politics | Media Watch

How Corporate Media’s Top Dogs Box Out Real Reporters From Asking The White House Tough Questions

Of the 49 seats in the White House briefing room, just nine are occupied by right-leaning news outlets. Five are seated in the back rows.

Politics | Media Watch

'Anonymous Sources' Are How Media Launder Smear Operations

It happened with the Russia hoax, it happened all during Trump's time in the White House, and it happened again with the Chinese spy balloon.

Politics | Media Watch

MSNBC Spreads Fake News About Trump and Chinese Spy Balloons

MSNBC's Mehdir Hasan spent an entire segment on the debunked claim that Trump failed to shoot down a Chinese spy balloon. Scarborough later repeated the claim.

Politics | Media Watch

MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Interrupts Her Own Network’s Reporter to Scold Him for Using the Term ‘Pro-Life’

MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell interrupted her colleague Garrett Haake over his use of the phrase "pro-life" while reporting on recent comments by Rep. Nancy Mace.

Politics | Media Watch

The Press Kicks Off a New Year of Distemper With January 6 Misinformation

Unable to let go of the issue most have walked away from, our journalists prove they are only getting worse regarding January 6.

Politics | Media Watch

MSNBC, CNN Ignore 'Twitter Files' Revelations Exposing FBI Collusion

The far-left networks MSNBC and CNN have ignored revelations from the "Twitter Files" about the FBI colluding with Twitter employees.

Politics | Media Watch

Victor Davis Hanson: How Corrupt Is a Corrupt Media?

The current “media”—loosely defined as the old major newspapers like the New York Times and Washington Post, the network news channels, MSNBC and CNN…

Politics | Media Watch

TWO YEARS LATER: CBS Acknowledges Authenticity of Hunter Biden’s Laptop

Over two years after the 2020 election, another major media outlet has finally conceded that Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop is, in fact, real. The New York Post…

Politics | Media Watch

BREAKING: NBC Retracts Report Exposing New Details in Pelosi Home Invasion Story

On Friday morning, NBC News reported on some new details on the Pelosi home invasion — details that raised new questions about what exactly was going on when police arrived.

Politics | Media Watch

MSNBC's Beschloss: GOP Midterm Victory Will Bring 'Brutal Authoritarian System,' Our Children Will Be Arrested, Killed

MSNBC presidential historian Michael Beschloss said Wednesday on "All In" said that if Republicans take the majorities in Congress, American democracy will end, and "our children" will be jailed and killed by a "brutal authoritarian system." | Clips

Politics | Media Watch

MSNBC’s Mehdi Hasan asks if the 2024 election will be free and fair if black people are denied the right to vote

Hasan can't comprehend Trump winning in 2024 without foul play.

Politics | Media Watch

NYT carefully considers the social justice angle in story of black man attacking a white woman and killing her dog

"A psycho vagrant attacked a woman in Prospect Park, sprayed her with urine and killed her dog. And this is how the New York Times writes about it."

Politics | Media Watch

The latest BBC reporting on the Munich Olympics terror attack

All but one of five BBC radio and written reports relating to the Munich Olympics massacre carefully avoided the words terror and terrorist.

Politics | Media Watch

Media credits Biden for al Qaeda leader's death after attacking Trump for similar counterterror ops

Recent strike ordered by Biden targeting al Qaeda chief receives praise, while Trump strikes deemed illegal, destabilizing.

Politics | Media Watch

Florida’s ‘vile’ new ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ license plate ‘stirs controversy,’ media says

One reporter at one TV station found two tweets against it.

Politics | Media Watch

TV station puts out a casting call for people of ‘diverse and cultural backgrounds’ to interact with reporters

The station wants to showcase the diversity of its news team.

Politics | Media Watch

Check out the photos ABC News used of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar being arrested

From that angle, it sure looks like AOC and Ilhan Omar were handcuffed.

Politics | Media Watch

Salon Mag on the 4th of July: Hey, You Know What? Joe Biden Is Just Like the Founding Fathers

Monday being Independence Day, the Leftist media is full of ridiculous hot takes, but none are more overheated or ridiculous than that of Salon’s Matthew Rozsa.

Politics | Media Watch

SHAPIRO: A Complete Betrayal At Fox News

Fox News highlighted the story Friday of a biological girl whose family encouraged her to identify as a boy, as part of its “America Together: LGBTQ+ Pride Month” series.

Politics | Media Watch

NBC News’ Yamiche Alcindor obviously has ZERO intention of loosening grip on Left’s Georgia election law narrative

"She is ostensibly a reporter."

Politics | Media Watch

Will the Lies and Smears Ever Stop?

Without fail, when there’s a mass shooting, the mainstream media will collude with the Democratic Party to blame conservatives.
In 2019, a deranged man named Brenton Tarrant shot and killed 50 people...

Politics | Media Watch

The Media's Big Lie About the 'Great Replacement Theory' and Conservatism

This week, a racist mass shooter massacred 10 people and wounded three others at a Buffalo, New York, supermarket. The shooter was a white supremacist; his hate-filled 180-page screed about why he had...

Politics | Media Watch

Media Working Hard with Amber Heard's PR Team to Keep the #BelieveWomen Narrative Going

#MeToo activist and “Magic Mike XXL” actress Amber Heard, who is being sued for defamation by Johnny Depp, fired her PR team last Friday because the headlines were just too devastating to...

Politics | Media Watch

What a Coincidence! 60 Minutes Spotlights a Disinformation Absurdist as DHS Launches 'Disinformation Governance Board'

By an amazing coincidence, CBS news show 60 Minutes aired a segment on Sunday night highlighting how easily disinformation can be created and spread. It’s incredible that they just happened to h...

Politics | Media Watch

Washington Post Seeks to Blacklist Libs of Tik Tok with Wildly Dishonest Story

The Washington Post wrote one of the most dishonest stories you'll ever read about the woman behind the viral Libs of Tik Tok Twitter account.

Politics | Media Watch

Media Bias Works: Ketanji Brown Jackson Is Widely Popular

Gallup has published a new poll showing that Americans just love Ketanji Brown Jackson and want her on the Court. This shows that the media still has power.

Politics | Media Watch

MSNBC Commentator Likens Ted Cruz's SCOTUS Questioning to a 'Hate Crime'

MSNBC commentator Chai Komanduri claimed Tuesday that Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz questioning Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson about whether she supports critical race theory was like witnessing

Politics | Media Watch

Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

The New York Times, CNN, MSNBC and many others falsely reported that the Hunter Biden laptop scandal story was "unsubstantiated" and/or "Russian disinformation."

Politics | Media Watch

Don’t Worry, CBS Says Biden Policies ‘Are Not Hurting Oil Production’

Immediately following President Biden’s announcement late Tuesday morning that the U.S. would finally ban Russian oil over the ongoing war in Ukraine, CBS went to work spewing White House propaganda that the administration’s left-wing environmental agenda

Politics | Media Watch

In Olympics coverage, NBC should stand for 'National Beijing Corporation'

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., condemns NBC for allegedly reciting Chinese Communist Party talking points in its coverage of the Winter Olympics.

Politics | Media Watch

Why Aren’t Media Covering The Car That Smashed The Freedom Convoy?

Legacy media is trying to memory hole the attack on the Freedom Convoy because it doesn’t fit the narrative.

Politics | Media Watch

‘Escalating by the hour’: CNN reporter notes dangerous Freedom Convoy protest could spread to the U.S., and ‘the fear is real’

"CNN has literally become Soviet-era state media."

Politics | Media Watch

Supercut: The Hyperbolic ‘End of Democracy’ Prophecies

‘If they take over 2022, that is the end of democracy and we’re going to have authoritarianism’

Politics | Media Watch

The Likely Cause of the Media Blackout on Imploding Whitmer Kidnapping Plot

Once upon a time in America, a high-profile federal prosecution imploding amid credible accusations of FBI entrapment would earn wall-to-wall headlines in the…

Politics | Media Watch

‘It Flipped Overnight’: Glenn Greenwald Points To The One Moment That Changed The Pandemic And Destroyed Trust In Media

Journalist Glenn Greenwald said in a Tuesday Twitter thread that there was one single moment that changed media coverage of the coronavirus pandemic — and that when it “flipped overnight,” it destroyed trust in media.

Politics | Media Watch

USA Today Columnist Calls Allowing Noncitizens to Vote ‘Smart Policy’ ‘Rooted’ in ‘American Tradition, Ideals’

Allowing noncitizens to vote is "smart policy” and “rooted in both American tradition and ideals,” according to a USA Today columnist.

Politics | Media Watch

Is This the Real Reason Chris Cuomo Got Fired?

When CNN fired its star anchor Chris Cuomo Saturday night, the network revealed in a statement that, during their internal review, “additional information” had “come to light” and that the...

Politics | Media Watch

The Media Can't Stop Lying About Kyle Rittenhouse

When it comes to the liberal media, there seems to be an unspoken rule to never abandon the narrative, even when it’s been proven false.
We’ve seen this before, of course. Even after it wa...

Politics | Media Watch

No Mainstream 'Journalist' Is More Racist Than MSNBC's Joy Reid

Joy Reid is at it again. She continues her anti-white bigotry each day, including Tuesday night.

Politics | Media Watch

Retract Every Russian Collusion Story and Fire Everyone Who Wrote Them › American Greatness

As the Democratic National Convention descended into chaos in July 2016, Glenn Simpson and Peter Fritsch, co-founders of Fusion GPS, high-tailed it from…

Politics | Media Watch

MSNBC’s Joy Reid Melts Down Over Youngkin Win: ‘Education’ Is Code For ‘White Parents Don’t Like The Idea Of Teaching Ab

MSNBC’s Joy Reid went into meltdown mode on Tuesday night as Republicans scored upset victories in statewide elections in Virginia, at one point claiming that parents being concerned about “education” was really just “code for ‘white parents don’t like the idea of teaching about race.'”

Politics | Media Watch

NBC Reporter Asks Secret Service If ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ AR-15 Part Is Threatening

In the last 24 hours a former Clinton administration press secretary has equated people who say “Let’s Go, Brandon” with ISIS members, ex-CBS News anchor Dan Rather has warned the phrase may lead to “violence,” and an NBC reporter has contacted the Secret Service to determine if novelty AR-15 parts bearing the anti-Biden phrase should be considered a threat to the president’s safety.

Politics | Media Watch

Clown World: Fake News Is the Only Approved News, While Real News Gets You Banned on Social Media

We all understand that freedom of the press is an integral part of the Constitution, and for good reason. Communist countries decide what their citizens read. It’s all about controlling the mass...

Politics | Media Watch

‘The agent swung his whip menacingly,’ reports the El Paso Times, and major national outlets pass it on

As Twitchy recently reported, PBS News’ Yamiche Alcindor helped the Left forward the “Border Patrol rounding up Haitian refugees with whips” narrative by tweeting passages from The El Paso Times, including one about a Border Patrol agent swinging his whip

Politics | Media Watch

Smear Campaign Against Larry Elder Reveals Fraud by Woke Media

Larry Elder was smeared continually by California media at the behest of the left in the most absurd and often quite offensive ways.

Politics | Media Watch

CBS, NBC Fully Back Milley’s Act of TREASON, Promised to Warn China

If a military general tried to insert himself into the chain of command in an attempt to usurp power from a civilian Democratic president and promised America’s chief adversary they would warn them if we were going to attack, the liberal media would be sc

Politics | Media Watch

On 9/11 Anniversary, CNN Publishes Article Designed to Make Sure You Think Only Positive Thoughts About Islam

Why would Islamists need to engage in violent jihad when they have so many of America’s great institutions promoting their cause?

Politics | Media Watch

MSNBC: Taliban Takeover of Afghanistan 'Relatively Peaceful'

MSNBC's Tehran bureau chief Ali Arouzi reported Sunday on the "The Mehdi Hasan Show" that the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan had been "relatively peaceful" as Americans were evacuating the chaos in helicopters. | Clips

Politics | Media Watch

CNN's Cooper: Rand Paul Disrespecting 'Medical Science' by Confronting Fauci on COVID Origins

During an interview with Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) on Tuesday's broadcast of CNN's "AC360," host Anderson Cooper reacted to Sen. Rand Paul's (R-KY) exchange | Clips

Politics | Media Watch

MRC's Tim Graham Blasts Liberal Media's INSANE Double Standard on Kerry Bombshell

Appearing on Wednesday's post-midnight Eastern edition of Fox News @ Night, NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham railed against the liberal media's purposeful lack of interest in recordings purporting to show Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif braggi

Politics | Media Watch

Reid Warns Trump Is Just Like Osama bin Laden, GOP Voters Are the New al-Qaeda

Closing out Wednesday’s ReidOut, MSNBC conspiracy theorist and host Joy Reid re-upped an ugly, venomous suggestion that Republicans are the modern-day incarnation of al-Qaeda looking to terrorize the United States with former President Trump as their Os

Politics | Media Watch

The Morning Briefing: Project Veritas Confirms CNN Is a Cesspool of Biased Lies

Top O’ the Briefing
Can We Arrest Everyone At CNN?
Happy Wednesday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. “Crab cakes” are something completely different at an outdoor music festiva...

Politics | Media Watch

BOMBSHELL: CNN Director Admits That Their Coverage of Matt Gaetz Is 'Propaganda' to Help Democrats

Project Veritas has struck again with a second video of CNN technical director Charlie Chester admitting how his network is using propaganda to help the Democratic Party....

Politics | Media Watch

Media Dismissed Trump's April Vaccine Goal, Now Announced by Biden

President Biden said all adults shoud be eligible for vaccine April 19 -- a deadline the media suggested was impossible when Trump set it.

Politics | Media Watch

CBS Deceptively Edits Reporter’s Interaction With FL Governor Ron DeSantis. Here’s What He Really Said.

CBS's "60 Minutes" deceptively edited an exchange that reporter Sharyn Alfonsi had with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) two weeks ago about the way the Sunshine State has rolled out its vaccination program.

Politics | Media Watch

Cookout: Nets Cover-Up Wasteful Pork Spending in COVID Relief Bill

With the broadcast networks refusing to critically analyze President Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief bill, they were intentionally refusing to tell their viewers about all the wasteful pork-barrel spending Democrats stuffed into it.

Politics | Media Watch

Drew Holden’s megathread comparing media obits for Rush Limbaugh to Iran’s Soleimani (and others) speaks VOLUMES

"What propaganda?"

Politics | Media Watch

CNN, NBC Paid Left-wing Capitol Rioter $35,000 Each for Footage of Violence

CNN and NBC each paid left-wing filmmaker John Sullivan $35,000 for footage of violence during the Capitol riot, according to his attorneys.

Politics | Media Watch

‘You Are Bloodthirsty For Ratings’: Trump Attorney Tears Into Media, Rips Off His Mic

Speaking with CBS News' Lana Zak Saturday following the acquittal of former President Trump in the impeachment trial in the U.S. Senate, Trump’s attorney

Politics | Media Watch

Hot Take: That 'Genius' Who Put Gorilla Glue in Her Hair? NBC Blames 'Opression,' 'Trauma of Black Beauty Standards'

"Black female beauty standards and the societal pressure to accept that beauty is pain."

Politics | Media Watch

CNN’s Ratings Tanked 44% The Week After Trump Left The White House

CNN’s ratings may be crashing now that former President Donald Trump is out of office, depriving the network of their largest punching bag.

Politics | Media Watch

‘You’re in withdrawal’: CNN’s Brian Stelter now filling the void by telling us what President Trump would have tweeted

We already did one post on CNN hall monitor Brian Stelter bemoaning President Trump’s suspension from Twitter, which was something he lobbied for. What’s going on? Who’s in charge? The president is M.I.A. The vice president is almost invisible. Members of

Politics | Media Watch

Nets Ignored Cuomo Order Caused Hospitals to Toss Out Vaccine Doses

While broadcast networks like CBS were bashing Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) last week for shifting coronavirus vaccine doses from slow hospitals to

Politics | Media Watch

The Eight Worst Media Lies About Trump’s COVID-19 Response

I have to say I’m shocked at a new Rasmussen Reports survey that found that 50 percent of American adults rate the media coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic as good or excellent. Really? Half of America...

Politics | Media Watch

The Top Five Most Suppressed News Stories Of 2020

There's no way that even as recently as four years ago anyone would have predicted just how abysmally irresponsible the media would become by 2020.

Politics | Media Watch

Seriously? As Trump Announces Another Mideast Peace Deal, Biden Named Person of the Year

President Trump has delivered another rebuke to the failed foreign policy establishment that is poised to get back in the saddle and start failing some more.

Politics | Media Watch

So, Hunter Biden's Laptop Was Real After All, Huh?

The journos knew the story was trouble for Joe Biden, so they straight-up lied about it.

Politics | Media Watch

NPR: Waitresses are being asked to remove their masks so men know how much to tip

It's almost like One Fair Wage has an agenda they want NPR to amplify.

Politics | Media Watch

ABC Finally Reports on Dems Violating Their Own COVID Rules...But Won't Call Them 'Democrats'!

After NewsBusters noted last night that the big three networks have refused to cover the many incidents of arrogant Democrat politicians disobeying their own coronavirus lockdown orders,

Politics | Media Watch

O’Keefe CNN Tapes: Execs Discussed Burying Hunter Biden Story, Advocated Helping Biden With Miami Cubans

Newly released videos by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas on Tuesday allegedly showed CNN executives discussing burying the Hunter Biden laptop story that

Politics | Media Watch

The Morning Briefing: Whaddyaknow—Enemy of the People CNN Finally Admits China Lied About Bat Flu

CNN’s Moment of “Duh”
Happy March 276th, 2020, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. None of this is real.
Remember way back around March 90th or so when we were all so optimistic t...

Politics | Media Watch

‘Can you BE more out of touch?!’ AP tries to paint pandemic-induced isolation as a good thing (self-care!) and fails MISERABLY

Remember when the AP was something you could trust? Good times.

Politics | Media Watch

Teen Vogue: ‘America’s Values Are White Supremacy and Capitalism’

In an essay published on Friday, Teen Vogue columnist Kandist Mallett blasts America while calling for a range of radical motions and criticizing any | Politics

Politics | Media Watch

Fox News: Giuliani’s Presser 'Bold and Baseless' -- 'So Much of What He Said Was Simply Not True'

Fox News White House correspondent Kristin Fisher reacted to Rudy Giuliani’s press conference alleging fraud in the 2020 election results on Thursday's broadcast of "The Daily Briefing." | Clips

Politics | Media Watch

Nolte: New York Times' Kevin Roose Calls Accurate Stories About Election Integrity Fight 'Misinformation'

New York Times' tech writer Kevin Roose attacked Facebook for allowing 100 percent accurate stories to rise to "the 10 most-engaged

Politics | Media Watch

WATCH: Fox News Cuts Off Kayleigh McEnany as She Details Alleged Voter Fraud

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany was explaining voter fraud issues during a press conference. Fox News was actually covering the press conference, that was until Neil Cavuto decided to cut her off. “Whoa, whoa, whoa. I just think we have to be very clear,” Cavuto interjected. “She’s charging the other side as welcoming fraud and illegal voting. Unless she has more details to back that up, I can’t in good countenance continue to show you this.”

Politics | Media Watch

MELTDOWN: CBS Blames Trump for Possible Riots, Wonders About ‘Repercussions’ for Speech

Early Wednesday morning, CBS went DEFCON-1 in reaction to President Trump’s controversial remarks, asserting that not only did he “castrat[e] the facts of the election results,” but his “rhetoric” could be to blame for businesses boarding up in

Politics | Media Watch

NBC News Claims Obama Has Refrained From Attacking Trump. That’s Not True.

Does NBC News read NBC News? The outlet reported Saturday that former President Barack Obama hasn’t been attacking President Donald Trump since the latter

Politics | Media Watch

‘Is this a romantic novel?’ Barack Obama removes his mask ‘as if ripping away a metaphorical muzzle’

The press fell right into its old habits when Barack Obama reappeared.

Politics | Media Watch

Adam Housley says to keep your eye on the Hunter Biden hard drive, not the fake ‘dossier’

NBC News is covering the Hunter Biden dossier that no one's heard of but still ignoring the laptop.

Politics | Media Watch

CENSORED: Nets Maintain Bobulinski Blackout Despite Bombshell Interview

Even after Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski sat down for a hour-long Fox News interview Tuesday night in which he provided credible evidence corroborating his

Politics | Media Watch

Here Are Ten Moments from the Bobulinski Interview the Liberal Media Will Ignore

With the Wall Street Journal’s news side having gotten cold feet and the rest of the liberal media engaging in one of their most brazen cover-ups, Tony Bobulinski took his story of the Biden family’s rank corruption to the Fox News Channel on Tuesday

Politics | Media Watch

Slimy CBS Protects Biden from Scrutiny: Hunter Emails Are 'Russian Disinformation,' Right?

During Norah O’Donnell’s portion of 60 Minutes Sunday evening where she spoke to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, the CBS anchor brushed past Biden’s corruption scandal, only asking one measly and highly biased question about it to the Democratic candi

Politics | Media Watch

‘60 Minutes’ Host Tells Harris She Is The Most Far-Left Member Of U.S. Senate. Harris Struggles To Respond.

Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) struggled to respond during a "60 Minutes" interview that aired on Sunday when she was

Politics | Media Watch

Now We Know Why Trump Decided to Air the Leslie Stahl Interview Before '60 Minutes'

Did Trump release his interview with 60 Minutes' Leslie Stahl because she told him CBS News wouldn't air the Hunter Biden scandal?

Politics | Media Watch

NY Times Keeps the COVID Panic Porn Going but Admits 'Pandemic Fatigue' Has Set In

Never let it be said that the brain trust at The New York Times is incapable of getting around to noticing the obvious from time to time.

Politics | Media Watch

DNI Shoots Down CBS, NBC ‘Speculation’ Russia Behind Hunter Biden Scandal

Late last week, CBS tried to get out in front of the Hunter Biden email and laptop scandal by claiming, without evidence, that the bombshell information

Politics | Media Watch

The Morning Briefing: Savannah Guthrie Was a Good Pet for Her DNC Masters During Trump Town Hall

We got dueling town hall events last night to replace the debate that was canceled because President Trump wouldn’t agree to a virtual encounter. That was a wise move on his part, of course. Biden probably would have been awash in cue cards and cheat sheets during a virtual debate.

Politics | Media Watch

New York Times’ ‘1619 Project’ Named to ‘Top Ten Works of Journalism of the Decade’

The "1619 Project," which falsely claimed that the American Revolution was fought to preserve slavery, made NYU's Top Ten of the Decade.

Politics | Media Watch

ABC Covers for Biden on Court-Packing, Push Harris’s Abe Lincoln LIE

To his own dismay, former Vice President Joe Biden made headlines Thursday when he echoed Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) ObamaCare pitch and told voters they needed to elect him to find out his position on packing the Supreme Court with liberals.

Politics | Media Watch

‘This Is Disqualifying’: Controversial Pick For Second Debate Moderator Ignites Critics With Tweet

C-SPAN host Steve Scully, who was selected to host the second presidential debate, sparked controversy on Thursday night over a tweet that he sent to Trump opponent Anthony Scaramucci.

Politics | Media Watch

Media Spent Trump’s COVID-19 Diagnosis Pushing Conspiracy Theories About Photos Of Trump Working, His Health, Commonly Prescribed Drug

Media outlets spent the weekend following President Donald Trump’s COVID-19 diagnosis pushing irresponsible and biased reports that stood out within an

Politics | Media Watch

CNN Reporter Complains About Trump Taking Mask Off; Trump Campaign Shows Her Taking Her Mask Off Inside WH

CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins bemoaned President Donald Trump taking off his mask when he returned to the White House from Walter Reed Medical Center late

Politics | Media Watch

Corporate Media Is Vomiting Trump Coronavirus Reporting All Over The Bed

The news cycle over Trump's COVID-19 diagnosis illustrates yet again how destructive corporate media are to unity and a clear understanding of reality.

Politics | Media Watch

Washington Post’s Karen Tumulty says President Trump is now claiming COVID-19 ‘is a youth elixir’

Karen Tumulty, that's not at all what he said.

Politics | Media Watch

Chris Wallace Faces Intense Backlash, Including From Colleagues, Over Bias During Debate

Fox News host Chris Wallace, a registered Democrat, faced intense backlash on Tuesday night for what was widely deemed as bias in the debate in the favor

Politics | Media Watch

Dangerous: ABC, CBS Spread COVID Vaccine Misinformation, Cheer Cuomo Gaslighting

Showing no concern for or faith in the country’s scientific community, ABC’s World News Tonight and the CBS Evening News tag-teamed on Thursday to nudge Americans to become anti-vaxxers on a potential coronavirus vaccine due to the current occupant of

Politics | Media Watch

ABC Town Hall Masquerades Anti-Trump Activists as 'Uncommitted' Voters

Multiple voters characterized by ABC News as undecided—and selected to pepper President Trump with questions during a town hall—are longtime Trump critics.

Politics | Media Watch

The memo’s gone out: Media firefighters and darlings further debase themselves by using 9/11 to score the cheapest of points against Trump

Today is the 19th anniversary of the deadliest terrorist attack carried out on American soil. It’s a day for solemn remembrance of innocent lives lost. A day to recognize America’s triumph in recovering from an unspeakable evil.

Politics | Media Watch

Fauci Crumbles Woodward Narrative, ABC & CBS Ignore

Even as Dr. Anthony Fauci completely dismantled the anti-Trump narrative being pushed by Bob Woodward regarding the President’s handling on the coronavirus pandemic, on Thursday, the Democratic Party shills at ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This M

Politics | Media Watch

Atlantic Editor Admits Key Detail of Anti-Trump Hit Piece May Be Untrue

Jeffrey Goldberg, the editor-in-chief of The Atlantic, admitted that a key detail of his article about Trump could be wrong during an interview with CNN on Sunday.

Politics | Media Watch

10 Witnesses Go On The Record Stating Atlantic Report On Trump Denigrating Troops Is A Lie

Four more witnesses have gone on the record to say that The Atlantic’s anonymously-sourced report claiming President Donald Trump called dead soldiers “losers” and “suckers” is false, bringing the total to 10. Mick Mulvaney,

Politics | Media Watch

Here's How We Know The Atlantic's Hit Piece on Trump Is Pure Fiction

A report published Thursday by The Atlantic cited anonymous sources claiming that President Donald Trump didn’t want to visit the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018 because the troops there who died in battle were “losers” and “suckers. The media has largely reported on this story as though it were true or at least likely to be true.

Politics | Media Watch

‘Where’s the lie?’ Reporter shocked that President Trump suggested Kyle Rittenhouse acted out of self-defense

Where would Trump get the idea it was self-defense? Maybe from all the videos?

Politics | Media Watch

Joe Biden barely made it through his speech today without injuring himself, and Ana Navarro was moved to ridiculousness

While most people saw Joe Biden speak today and were dismayed not Ana Navarro, who wants the script sent to the Smithsonian.

Politics | Media Watch

Insanity Wrap #38: Tapper Lies, No One Dies

Insanity Wrap needs to know: Do you remember back when Jake Tapper wasn’t a scaremongering hack for the Dems?

Politics | Media Watch

Liberal 'Fake News' Site Spends Millions on Deceptive Facebook Campaign 

Courier Newsroom, a "news" site bankrolled by a major Democratic fundraising network, has undertaken a seven-figure ad campaign to push flattering pieces about vulnerable House Democrats, garnering an estimated million-plus impressions on social media.

Politics | Media Watch

ABC Reports US Just Had ‘Highest Single-Day of COVID-19 Deaths.’ That’s Not True.

ABC News erroneously reported last week that the United States had reported its “highest single-day of COVID-19 deaths.” That was the headline on a segment aired August 13 that was shared on Good Morning America and elsewhere. Reason editor-at-large Nick

Politics | Media Watch

‘Enemy of the people indeed’: WaPo’s spin on Portland BLM/Antifa thugs robbing and beating man senseless is something else

This past Sunday night, Portland BLM/Antifa thugs forced a man to crash his truck, robbed him, and left him bloody and unconscious.

Politics | Media Watch

Woke Insanity: CNN Decides That Saying a Black Person's Name Is Racist

On Tuesday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, host John King decided with Washington Post White House Reporter Toluse Olorunnipa that naming a black person and criticizing a sports league is racist. The woke hacks insanely declared that President Trump was using

Politics | Media Watch

New York Times' fact-check of AG Bill Barr on black-on-black homicide is just as bogus as the Washington Post's

Now they're fact-checking people on what they didn't say as well as what they did.

Politics | Media Watch

What the Media Won't Tell You About the United States' Coronavirus Case Fatality Rate

Without fail, the media seems intent on making America out to be the lone failure in the world in the battle against the coronavirus.

Politics | Media Watch

Sweden's Death Toll Hits Zero, Media Calls It a Failure

The narrative is official, if you don't lock down your country, destroy civil liberties and the economy, you're a failure. Success in fighting the Wuhan Virus is measured in indefinitely prolonging the crisis, not in actually dealing with it.

Politics | Media Watch

Brazen Lying Is Media's Latest Escalation In Campaign Against Trump

As if orders went out from a central director, nearly every major media outlet flat-out lied about President Trump's speech.

Politics | Media Watch

Black Lives Matter Was Violent From The Start, And Media Knew It

By the end of a year five police officers were killed and dozens wounded by Black Lives Matter radicals, BuzzFeed fondly looked back on 2016.

Politics | Media Watch

CBS Edits Out Atlanta Mayor Saying Cops Blameless for Weekend Killing

Mr. Secoriya Williamson probably said it best when addressing the Fourth of July murder of his eight-year-old daughter, Secoriea Turner, in Atlanta: “They say black lives matter. You killed your own.”

Politics | Media Watch

‘Quite the mic drop’! Kayleigh McEnany hammers WH press for what WASN’T asked at today’s press conference

"I'm a little dismayed..."

Politics | Media Watch

Falling Daily COVID-19 Deaths Avoided in Most Media Virus Reports

If the daily deaths from COVID-19 were rising, it is a pretty safe bet that almost all of the mainstream media would be highlighting that statistic. Most likely you would see it in either the headlines or the first paragraphs of reports about the virus. I

Politics | Media Watch

PBS Links GOP to Racism, Wrongly Implies George Wallace Was Republican

On Thursday evening, PBS NewsHour displayed the latest example of journalists and other liberals suggesting that segregationist former Alabama Governor George Wallace was a Republican when he, in fact, was a lifelong Democrat. In a pre-recorded piece by c

Politics | Media Watch

Media Misleads About 'Peaceful' BLM Mob Harassing Armed St. Louis Couple

After a Black Lives Matter mob entered a gated community and shouted threats on their way to the home of St. Louis’s Democrat mayor Sunday, a couple who brandished firearms while protecting their home has been targeted by the media as the real villains

Politics | Media Watch

Nets Ignore Dems Shooting Down Tim Scott’s Police Reform Bill

After turning a blind eye to the roll-out of the Justice Act from Senator Tim Scott (R-SC), the only black conservative in the chamber, and

Politics | Media Watch

‘COMPLETE INCOMPETENCE’: CNN’s Chris Cuomo Uses Obama-Era Stats To Attack Trump Economy

CNN host Chris Cuomo was mocked late this week after he attempted to use statistics from the Obama-era to try to make the case to viewers that there was systemic economic racism currently in the economy under President Donald Trump. Cuomo’s segment

Politics | Media Watch

Airhead Fox reporter, anchor don't realize the man interviewed threatened to burn down the Diamond District

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | Media Watch

MELTDOWN: Lemon Goes on Insane Rant Defending Riots as ‘Mechanism’ for Change

CNN Tonight host Don Lemon suffered a meltdown for the ages Saturday night, spending almost 11 minutes unloading his disdain for America in 2020 and, except for a mealy-mouthed condemnation, giving support for the rioting and other criminal acts supposedl

Politics | Media Watch

Passerby’s own footage of no-mask-shaming MSNBC reporter Cal Perry makes MSNBC’s faceplant even more spectacular [video]

As Twitchy told you earlier, MSNBC’s Katy Tur tried but couldn’t save reporter Cal Perry from being called out for a passerby for criticizing people not wearing masks despite the fact that Perry’s own cameraman wasn’t wearing a mask.

Politics | Media Watch

Stephanopoulos Gets SCHOOLED on Administration’s Early COVID Response

In a feisty appearance on ABC’s This Week on Sunday, White House trade adviser Peter Navarro, who has proudly described himself as a national quartermaster during the pandemic, took ABC chief anchor and Clinton lackey George Stephanopoulos to school on ho

Politics | Media Watch

Reporter Implies Trump Is Racist And The Anti-American Media Run With It

The media has become a clown show, with CBS News White House correspondent Weijia Jiang cast as the ringleader during Monday's press briefing circus.

Politics | Media Watch

NBC Cheers Task Force Quarantines as a Rebuke of Trump and Reopening

Over the weekend, three of the nation’s top health officials and members of the Coronavirus Task Force, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, began their two weeks of at-home quarantine after they came in contact with someone with the virus. NBC’s Sunday Today, us

Politics | Media Watch

Journalists Rush to Share Debunked Jimmy Kimmel Clip of Pence Delivering Empty PPE Boxes

Even when the Trump administration is visiting hospitals, the media finds a way to spin it as controversial. ABC late night host Jimmy Kimmel continued his petty crusade against Mike Pence, Thursday, by mocking the vice president for delivering boxes of p

Politics | Media Watch

James O'Keefe: CBS Faked a Line of Cars to Make Corona Tests Seem Harder to Get

Did CBS fake a line of cars in Michigan in order to make it seem like COVID-19 testing was even more difficult? That’s what Project Veritas creator James O’Keefe claims in a new video. Footage of the May 1 CBS This Morning shows a long line of vehicles wa

Politics | Media Watch

NYT Pushes Alleged Report Showing 3,000 COVID Deaths Per Day By June 1. White House: That’s Not True.

On Monday, rumors circulated that the United States is predicted to have 200,000 new confirmed cases and 3,000 novel coronavirus deaths daily by June 1. The New York Times, for example, ran with the report, suggesting the modeling figures were attributed

Politics | Media Watch

Yahoo News Reporter Literally Gets Taken to School on Testing by Birx, Trump

President Trump didn’t host a formal White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing on Tuesday, but he twice took questions from reporters after coronavirus-related events. It was after a pool spray with Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis that Trump an

Politics | Media Watch

CURL: Media’s COVID-19 Coverage Has Been Disastrous For America

When the postmortem is done on the media’s coverage of COVID-19 (and it will be), it will be clear that the virus was no Black Plague — rather, it’s more on par with the flu on a bad year. SARS-CoV-2, which causes COVID-19, has killed 56,749 Americans as

Politics | Media Watch

Reporter to Trump: Do You ‘Deserve’ Reelection Since More Died from Virus Than in Vietnam?

After some uncertainty about the future of White House Coronavirus Task Force briefings, Monday’s episode went off without a hitch in the Rose Garden and the questions were relatively fair and uncontroversial. That was until New York magazine’s Olivia Nuz

Politics | Media Watch

Politico Quietly Updates Article After Claiming Trump Currently ‘Owes’ Millions To Bank Of China

Politico quietly updated its story after first claiming that President Donald Trump currently "owes millions to the Bank of China" Friday.

Politics | Media Watch

Real News, Mr. President: CNN’s graphics department still running with bogus COVID19 narrative to own Trump at presser

At today’s White House COVID19 presser, Donald Trump denied responsibility for people choosing to ingest disinfectants as a COVID19 remedy:

Politics | Media Watch

Facebook Fact-Checker: Trump ‘Did NOT Urge People to Inject Disinfectants’

A Facebook fact-checking partner determined that President Donald Trump did not tell people to inject themselves with disinfectants to cure the coronavirus. Lead Stories, a fact-checking outlet run by former CNN employees, took a video from popular Facebo

Politics | Media Watch

Media Claims Calls To Poison Control Have Increased Due To Trump’s ‘Disinfectant’ Comments. That’s Not True.

After President Donald Trump’s Thursday comments regarding UV light and disinfectant went viral (with left-wing pundits and media outlets claiming he told people to inject themselves with disinfectant and drink bleach), multiple news agencies reported loc

Politics | Media Watch

Despicable NBC Blames Trump (“Surprise”) for ‘Growing Discrimination’ Against Asian Americans

During a nearly six-minute long report on Friday, NBC’s Today show tried to directly lay blame for “growing discrimination” against Asian American at the feet of President Trump. The coverage suggested that Trump’s use of the phrase “Chinese virus” in the

Politics | Media Watch

ABC Manipulates Video of Fauci Defending Trump, Insists He Killed People

During Monday’s coronavirus press conference, Dr. Anthony Fauci rebuked the media for pouncing on an out of context quote pulled from an interview he gave to CNN the previous day. The liberal media had been using the quote to suggest President Trump was r

Politics | Media Watch

‘Don’t even imply that’! Dr. Anthony Fauci shuts down CBS News’ Paula Reid — and gives her ‘a death stare’

Dr. Anthony Fauci was at today’s White House COVID19 press briefing, where he didn’t waste much time busting media narratives.

Politics | Media Watch

WATCH: CBS News Posts Fraudulent Video Of ICU Nurse Crying Over Poor Working Conditions

CBS News posted a video of a nurse who claimed she quit her job after being asked to work in a coronavirus ICU without a face mask. 

Politics | Media Watch

Greg Gutfeld has some news for WaPo’s Dana Milbank after Milbank complains that Trump and ‘the Right’ are turning Dr. Fauci, the WHO, and the Jews(?) into COVID19 scapegoats

WaPo syndicated columnist Dana Milbank is fed up with the wrong people being blamed for the COVID19 crisis. So he wrote a column defending them:

Politics | Media Watch

Reporter Presses Trump To Shutdown Grocery Stores, Fast Food Restaurants

A reporter in the White House press corps pressed President Donald Trump on Sunday on why he has not directed a shutdown of all businesses nationwide, including grocery stores. “Obviously, we know anyone can spread the disease unwittingly,” EW

Politics | Media Watch

Media Rush to Reject That Impeachment Slowed COVID-19 Response

Since Tuesday, liberal journalists on CNN and MSNBC have been teaming up with elected Democrats to shoot down the notion that their collective obsession with impeaching President Trump slowed the federal government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Politics | Media Watch

The Corporate Media’s Coronavirus Propaganda For China Is Finally Catching Up With Them

Now that news of China's lies is beginning to seep out, will it make a difference? Will there even be corrections? Don't count on it.

Politics | Media Watch

Media Peddle Bogus Wuhan Virus Stats To Bash America

Many in the media enthusiastically relish the claim that the United States has more people infected with the Wuhan virus than China does.

Politics | Media Watch

CNN faces backlash for suggesting Obama is calling for social distancing, not Trump

CNN was blasted on Thursday over a "terrible headline" that suggests only President Obama is calling for everyone to continue social distancing instead of President Trump. 

Politics | Media Watch

Column: Railing Against the Fox Virus?

The extra-large pack of journalists who equate liberalism and professionalism in their work product cannot stand that Fox News exists. They believe everything elected Republicans do should be effectively “fact checked” and routinely punished. For Democrat

Politics | Media Watch

Thirsty for Division: Nets Mislead in Trying to Divide Trump, Task Force on Lifting Restrictions

It’s like some of this is fun and games for the press. On Tuesday night, the “big three” broadcast networks used their flagship evening newscasts to erect walls between President Donald Trump and his Coronovirus Task Force, falsely treating the President’

Politics | Media Watch

SCARY: @RedSteeze DROPS ‘good little media soldiers’ after Chinese State Info Minister retweets their efforts to censor

No big thing, just the media pushing to censor Trump and the basic head of Chinese propaganda retweeting them. Psh.

Politics | Media Watch

Media Embarrassing Themselves Over Trump's Use Of 'Chinese Virus'

In this moment of global crisis and pandemic, it would be nice if the mainstream media could contain their faux outrage for a minute.

Politics | Media Watch

‘Our media is broken’: NYT firefighters team up to feed bogus narrative deliberately mischaracterizing Donald Trump’s COVID19 response; UPDATED

Donald Trump is nothing if not cold and cruel when it comes to dealing the COVID19 outbreak. Like, can you believe what he told governors on a conference call today? New York Times national correspondent Julie Bosman sure can’t:

Politics | Media Watch

NYT Turns Story About Project Veritas Into Another Hoax About Trump

When the Old Grey Lady says something ‘is unclear,’ watch out. She’s telling you the evidence doesn’t justifying the reporting, so innuendo shall suffice.

Politics | Media Watch

Column: The Old Media Pushes Facebook to the Left

The “news” media routinely exhibit a badly disguised loathing for the social media. Journalists calling themselves the “mainstream” expect the social media to bend their platforms to their liberal talking points. Any rogue information that doesn’t match t

Politics | Media Watch

Teen Vogue: Trump Should Be Impeached for ‘Racism and Islamophobia’

Teen Vogue continued its streak of misinforming youth about the politics and other issues of the day on Thursday. The liberal magazine dedicated to Gen Z declared in an op-ed, “Trump’s Racism and Islamophobia Should Have Led to His Impeachment,” arguing t

Politics | Media Watch

CNN Suffers MELTDOWN After Alexander Says He'll Oppose Witnesses

Tennessee Senator Lamar Alexander was the last of four moderate Republicans the liberal media had held out hope for voting to hear more witnesses in the impeachment trial. But shortly after the Senate trial ended the question and answer portion, the Senat

Politics | Media Watch

CNN Don Lemon panel faces intense backlash for mocking Trump supporters as illiterate 'credulous rubes'

A CNN panel is facing intense backlash on Monday night for mocking Trump supporters as "credulous boomer rubes," even sparking fierce condemnation from President Trump and his presidential campaign. 

Politics | Media Watch

WATCH: ABC Anchor Caught Making ‘Throat-Slit’ Gesture Cutting Off Trump Lawyer, Realizes He’s Live; Clip Goes Viral

An awkward moment from ABC News’ coverage of the Senate impeachment trial Thursday has gone viral and sparked all kinds of commentary online. ABC News Chief Anchor George Stephanopoulos —who once served as a senior advisor to the only other living i

Politics | Media Watch

CNN Hacks: Adam Schiff Gave a ‘Dazzling,’ ‘Forceful,’ ‘Powerful,’ ‘Remarkable’ Speech!!

The liberal hacks at CNN were like kids on Christmas morning during Wednesday’s first break in the Senate impeachment trial, offering themselves up not as journalists but valentines for lead House Impeachment Manager Adam Schiff (D-CA), calling his presen

Politics | Media Watch

Liberal Media Forced to Concede: Trump Was Right About Puerto Rico's Government

President Donald Trump’s strategic silence on Puerto Rico’s earthquakes, while greenlighting billions of dollars in aid and a new major disaster declaration for the stricken U.S. territory, is forcing the liberal media into a most uncomfortable

Politics | Media Watch

Hypocritical ‘News’ Media Have Done a Complete Flip-Flop on Impeachment

It doesn’t take a skilled code-breaker to figure out the liberal networks’ stance on President Donald Trump’s impeachment: There’s no doubt we need witnesses if the Senate is going to conduct a fair trial; impeachment is necessary to prove that nobody — n

Politics | Media Watch

Liberal NY Times RIPS Competitor New York Post for Actually Reporting on Street Crime

Wednesday’s signed lead editorial by Mara Gay of the New York Times editorial board attacked a conservative news rival the New York Post while demading that New York Democrats to buck up on the newly instigated "bail reform," despite the street violence t

Politics | Media Watch

Nets Glorify Dem Impeachment Managers, Gush About Walking

After Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s master plan to delay the Senate impeachment trial ended in failure after a month, House Democrats finally got up and walked the articles of impeachment against President Trump over to the Senate for trial. It was that transfer

Politics | Media Watch

Nets Warn That Russia Is Trying to Steal the Election for Trump “Again”

Despite the fact, there was no evidence that Russian meddling in the 2016 election had any influence on the result, the evening newscasts of ABC, CBS, and NBC warned they were at it again with a hack of the Ukrainian energy company that hired Hunter Biden

Politics | Media Watch

TV’s Trump News: Three-Fourths Impeachment and 93% Negative

In the first 100 days since House Democrats began their impeachment push, ABC, CBS and NBC have aggressively aided the effort. An MRC analysis finds the Big Three evening newscasts battered the President with 93% negative coverage and promoted impeachment

Politics | Media Watch

NYT Reporter Applauds Iran For Showing ‘More Restraint’ Than U.S.

Appearing on MSNBC Live With Ali Velshi Monday afternoon, New York Times foreign correspondent Rukmini Callimachi slammed the United States as a country that takes action “outside the law,” while praising Iran for supposedly showing “more restraint” amid

Politics | Media Watch

‘MSM memo has gone out’! @neontaster notices media hacks like CNN’s Susan Hennessey using this word to help Iran shift blame for downed flight onto Trump

Our media Guardians of Truth can’t afford to waste any time when it comes to shifting the blame for the Ukrainian flight that went down in Tehran off of Iran (despite the fact that an Iranian anti-aircraft missile was reportedly what took down the plane).

Politics | Media Watch

MSNBC’s Katy Tur Upset Over Trump ‘Flanked By Stern White Military Men’ During Iran Speech

In a truly bizarre attempt to be woke – even by liberal media standards – at the top of her 2:00 p.m. ET hour show on Wednesday, MSNBC anchor Katy Tur bitterly complained about President Trump being “flanked by stern white military men” during his White H

Politics | Media Watch

CBS Huffs: ‘Unfounded’ That Money Obama Sent Iran Helped in Attack

In his address to the nation on Wednesday regarding Iran’s missile attack on U.S. bases in Iraq, President Trump made reference to the fact that the Obama administration handed over roughly $1.7 billion to Iran as a ransom for American hostages and said i

Politics | Media Watch

MSNBC Host Celebrates Iranian Attacks On American Troops

On Tuesday night, the Pentagon confirmed that more than a dozen ballistic missiles were launched against U.S. military and coalition forces in Iraq from inside Iran, hitting at least two Iraqi military bases at Al-Assad and Irbil, which host U.S. military

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‘Austere Religious Poet’: NYT Reporter Shares Video Of Soleimani Reading Poetry, Gets Roasted

Hours after it was confirmed that top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani was killed via a Trump-ordered airstrike, New York Times reporter Farnaz Fassihi sought to humanize the deceased by posting a video of the terrorist reading poetry. Soleimani, who is r

Politics | Media Watch

CBC Cuts Donald Trump's 'Home Alone 2' Cameo Out of Broadcast

Home Alone 2: Lost in New York is full of violence that, in my opinion, exceeds the physical comedy of the original film and is borderline barbarism. The main antagonists were subjected to bricks thrown at them from atop a building, being shot with a stap

Politics | Media Watch

OBSESSED: CBS Spent Entire Evening News Program Pushing Impeachment

For 20 minutes and 25 seconds, the entirety of their Wednesday evening airtime, that’s how much time CBS Evening News dedicated to hawking impeachment to their viewers. The time was used to gush about Democratic speeches, mock White House spin, decry the

Politics | Media Watch

Media Go Gaga Over Eric Holder Trashing AG Barr as ‘Unfit’

On Thursday, hosts on MSNBC and CNN were thrilled by Barack Obama’s former Attorney General Eric Holder – who famously politicized the Justice Department – penning a profoundly hypocritical Washington Post op/ed in which he accused current Attorney Genera

Politics | Media Watch

Weird. TIME left out one important detail from its opening paragraphing championing climate-hypocrite Greta Thunberg

"@GretaThunberg is TIME's 2019 Person of the Year"

Politics | Media Watch

Cooper Claims FBI Was ‘Doing Their Best’ Despite Exposed Misconduct

With the release of the Inspector General’s report exposing FBI misconduct in pursuing the Trump campaign under the suspicion of Russian influence, the liberal media were more interested in bashing President Trump than criticizing the abuses of the FBI. C

Politics | Media Watch

Newsweek, Suckered by Trump, Grudgingly Corrects Thanksgiving Story

It's Thanksgiving, and we have the usual holiday stories: the Pilgrims, Turkey pardons, how to talk to your reprobate #deplorable parents, and how President Trump is failing the nation by not observing Thanksgiving correctly.

Politics | Media Watch

The Atlantic suggests meeting your imperfect Trump-supporting relatives at their level this Thanksgiving

Here's another guide to talking about President Trump and impeachment this Thanksgiving.

Politics | Media Watch

When the villain is Obama, not Trump, news suddenly becomes not worth reporting

Every time you read something from AFP and Reuters (and CNN and The Washington Post), you should be thinking, not “this is fake news” but: “What’s the agenda?” To paraphrase Chuck Schumer’s infamous, and instructive, comment on the CIA, news outlets have

Politics | Media Watch

‘Journalism’! Here’s MORE proof the media’s ‘trying so hard to make glamorous stars’ out of some impeachment witnesses

"What the hell does that have to do with anything?"

Politics | Media Watch

Palestinian Terrorist Killed In Israeli Airstrike. AFP Calls Him Simply 'Palestinian.'

A Palestinian terrorist leader was killed in an Israeli airstrike Tuesday morning, yet the Agence France-Presse referred to him simply as a “Palestinian.” In a tweet thread announcing  the death of Baha Abu al-Ata, a senior leader of the militant group Pa

Politics | Media Watch

‘Just when you think they can’t sink any lower’: AP’s take on murdered Mormon family ‘is some truly next-level blame-the-victim’ garbage

Was there some memo that went out to media after three Mormon women and six of their children were slaughtered by members of a Mexican drug cartel?

Politics | Media Watch

ABC And CBS Just Colluded To Fire A Whistleblower. The Hypocrisy Is Breathtaking.

Remember this the next time you hear someone in the media fret about “protecting whistleblowers.” After footage leaked of an ABC reporter complaining about higher-ups killing her Jeffrey Epstein story and preventing her from reporting on it fo

Politics | Media Watch

‘A tale of two memes’: Peter J. Hasson notices that the NYT has quite a double standard when it comes to tweeting doctored images

As Twitchy told you yesterday, the New York Times seized (yes, seized) on Donald Trump tweeting out the Daily Wire’s Photoshop of him awarding the Medal of Honor to Conan, the dog who helped take down Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Politics | Media Watch

Media Tries To Suggest Katie Hill Did Nothing Wrong, Even Though Congress Passed Bill Last Year Banning What She Did | T

Some in the media have tried to suggest that Rep. Katie Hill (D-CA) resigned because of consensual affairs she had while married. The problem is that, consensual or not, Hill was in a position of power and according to the Left’s #MeToo rules, no person i

Politics | Media Watch

Washington Post Changes Headline About Terrorist Leader’s Death, Calling Him An ‘Austere Religious Scholar’

On Saturday night, the world’s top terrorist killed himself before the United States could take him into custody. On Sunday morning, The Washington Post seemingly struggled to come up with a headline for Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s obituary. The original headl

Politics | Media Watch

FAKE NEWS: Liberal Media Falsely Claims White House Admitted to Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine

If you were watching CNN or other liberal media outlets Thursday afternoon, you might have heard the bizarre claim that the White House has admitted to a quid pro quo with Ukraine. CNN even had a breaking news banner saying as much: This is fake news. Wha

Politics | Media Watch

WATCH: CNN Employee Appears To Say He Wants Trump To Die 'Hopefully Soon'

In a new undercover sting video released on Thursday by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas, a production supervisor at CNN suggested that he wants President Donald Trump to die “hopefully soon.” The remarks were included in a nearly 1

Politics | Media Watch

Media Outlets Ignore Schiff's Fake Quotes From Trump Ukraine Transcript

Taxpayer-funded radio stations NPR and PBS, along with TV networks ABC, CBS, and NBC ignored Adam Schiff's fake quotes from the Trump Ukraine transcript at the center of the Democrats' impeachment inquiry.

Politics | Media Watch

WaPo columnist: It’s a ‘lingering wound’ that Brett Kavanaugh never just said he was young and dumb and drunk

If Brett Kavanaugh had just admitted he was young and dumb and drunk his confirmation would have sailed through.

Politics | Media Watch

Now Mollie Hemingway is waiting for The Atlantic to correct its piece on Brett Kavanaugh

As Twitchy reported Sunday, The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway was spending the day reading the new book on the Brett Kavanaugh hearings and “actually kind of enjoying how bad” it was. We already know that the adaptation of the book published by The New Yo

Politics | Media Watch

Is It True That 'Getting Killed by Police Is a Leading Cause of Death for Young Black Men,' as the LA Times Claims?

Centuries from now, when archaeologists unearth the long-buried cities of the United States of America, they may find artifacts of what by then will be the forgotten craft of journalism. Just as we look today at the medical practices of antiquity and wond

Politics | Media Watch

News of ICE detaining hundreds of illegals in Mississippi leaves Fox News’ Shep Smith pretty upset [video]

This sounds like something that AOC might have said.

Politics | Media Watch

Trump Supporters Clean Up West Baltimore And The Liberal Media Are Irritated | Daily Wire

On Monday, a group of Trump supporters led by conservative activist Scott Presler went to West Baltimore for a massive clean-up operation following tweets sent by President Donald Trump highlighting the dire conditions in the area.

Politics | Media Watch

THUD: Journos rushing to roll out quote from Mueller on Russia meddling trip HARD over Obama

Maybe they didn't notice back then due to the media's hibernation status.

Politics | Media Watch

‘Based on what?’ CNN legal analyst Susan Hennessey declares Mueller hearings ‘just devastating to the president’

Apparently CNN natsec and legal analyst Susan Hennessey was watching today’s Mueller hearings in the Upside-Down, because this is her takeaway:

Politics | Media Watch

The Media's Lionization Of Megan Rapinoe Shows How They Truly Are The Enemy Of The People | Daily Wire

Sane Americans are all sick of hearing about women’s soccer, but apparently our national media isn’t.

Politics | Media Watch

Salon Attacks The Declaration Of Independence. Here’s Why They’re So Wrong. | Daily Wire

The leftist ingrates at Salon have decided to "celebrate" Independence Day — which is celebrated on July 4th for the sole reason that our beautiful republic's Declaration of Independence was ratified on that day in Philadelphia in 1776 — today in a rather

Politics | Media Watch

Moderators Ask Zero Questions About National Debt In First Two Democratic Debates Combined

Moderators for the first two Democratic debates asked a combined zero questions about the rapidly expanding national debt.

Politics | Media Watch

Free Beacon: MSNBC Mangles Facts on Trump's Rally, Biden's Segregationist Pals

The Washington Free Beacon reported two fact-manglings at the scene of MSNBC on Wednesday. Reporter Vaughn Hillyard weirdly claimed President Trump didn't mention abortion in his re-election campaign launch in Orlando on Tuesday night. MSNBC host Kasie Hu

Politics | Media Watch

Steve Scalise Was Shot Two Years Ago Today. Why Is The Media So Silent On The Anniversary?

Today marks the two-year anniversary of the nearly fatal shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA) on a baseball field in the Virginia.

Politics | Media Watch

The Nasty Media Lies About Trump Continue

In this era of Brexit, the European parliamentary elections, and a host of other matters of great geopolitical urgency and mutual interest, President Trump has embarked upon a state visit to America’s closest ally, Great Britain.

The focus of America’s p

Politics | Media Watch

‘TOO PARTISAN’: New York Times Bans Reporters From Certain CNN, MSNBC Shows

The New York Times has started cracking down on the shows that its reporters can appear on as the newspaper has recently decided to ban reporters from multiple shows on hyper-partisan cable news networks CNN and MSNBC.

Politics | Media Watch

PROPAGANDA: CNN Spreads Deceptive Info On School Shootings, Calls For Gun Confiscation | Daily Wire

CNN has repeatedly spread false information in the wake of the Colorado school shooting last week in an attempt to destroy the Second Amendment which culminated with the far-left network championing national gun confiscation on Tuesday.

Politics | Media Watch

Media Lies: The ‘Packed White Nationalist’ Rally That Wasn’t

It’s no secret that the mainstream media is biased to the left. A 2018 survey conducted by researchers at Arizona State found that only 4.4 percent of journalists consider themselves “right-of-center.” A similar 2014 study found that only 7.1 percent of j

Politics | Media Watch

WaPo, Atlantic Rush To Change Stories After Labeling Louis Farrakhan ‘Far Right’ In Facebook Ban Story

Two major media outlets on Thursday described Nation of Islam founder Louis Farrakhan as "far right" in stories about Facebook's most recent platform ban. 

Politics | Media Watch

WATCH: MSNBC's Brian Williams Challenges Trump's Lawyer On 'No Collusion,' Gets Smacked With Direct Quotes From Mueller

On Thursday, MSNBC's Brian Williams attempted to poke holes in Attorney General William Barr's summary of the newly released redacted report by Special Counsel Robert Mueller.

Politics | Media Watch

Attorney General William Barr Fires Back At Reporter Over ‘Unprecedented’ Defense Of Trump - The Daily Caller

'Well is there another precedent for it?'

Politics | Media Watch

How Qatar infiltrated The New York Times

The New York Times published an article from an author tied to money from the Qatari government.

Politics | Media Watch

Far-Left Activists, Democrats, Media Spread Deceptively Edited Clip Of Trump Calling MS-13 Gang Members 'Animals'

Democrat politicians, alleged journalists, and far-left activists spread a deceptively edited video clip from last year that they falsely claimed showed President Donald Trump calling immigrants and asylum seekers "animals," when, in fact, he was referrin

Politics | Media Watch

61 Hacks Who Peddled Collusion And Should Never Be Trusted Again

Now that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has closed the door on Russian collusion hysteria, let’s take a look back at the Most Mistaken People in America.

Politics | Media Watch

Mueller Madness: The media pundits who got it most wrong

Special counsel Robert Mueller has definitively put to rest the collusion theory of President Trump’s election. That’s not a little embarrassing for the many journalists, talking heads, celebrities…

Politics | Media Watch

‘Blatant lie’: CNN replaces #FakeNews with #FakeHistory, uses a distorted James Madison quote in its #RealityCheck s

"The Electoral College is just the latest chew toy for our embarrassing pundit class."

Politics | Media Watch

Reuters Admits They Sat On Bombshell Beto O'Rourke Story For 2 Years

Reuters reported late on Friday night that their reporter who broke the story about Democrat Beto O'Rourke belonging to a hacker group had the story for two years and agreed to sit on it until after O'Rourke's Senate race against Sen. Ted C

Politics | Media Watch

'What child wrote this?' CNN not even trying to hide their mad love for racist Rashida Tlaib

"Don't let your interns draft your tweets if you have pretensions toward being a serious news agency."

Politics | Media Watch

Why Does the MSM Keep Falling for Obvious Hoaxes?

Could it be "magical thinking," confirmation bias, malice, or just plain stupidity?

Politics | Media Watch

WaPo Headline Dings Trump For Installing Golf Simulator. There’s More To The Story.

Honestly, the whole story is a big “who cares,” but leave it to the left-wing media to produce a headline and social media post that makes things seem more sinister than they are.

Politics | Media Watch

Politico Fact-Checks Trump, But This Is Ridiculous

Politico, in its fervent desire to impale President Trump on his own rhetorical spear, offered the transcript of the president’s State of the Union address along with commentary

Politics | Media Watch

68 Media Mistakes in the Trump Era: The Definitive List | Sharyl Attkisson

Politics | Media Watch

Andrew Breitbart Was Right About the Media

Andrew Breitbart was right: WAR.

Politics | Media Watch

WATCH: Joy Behar Admits Why Media Keeps Falsely Reporting Stories Related To Trump

Joy Behar, a leftist co-host on ABC's "The View," admitted on Tuesday that the reason the media keeps falsely reporting stories related to President Donald Trump is "because we’re desperate to get Trump out of office."

Politics | Media Watch

John Lott: BuzzFeed and me – The incredible thing the site's CEO did using my name without permission

BuzzFeed’s culture of fake news starts at the top with founder and CEO Jonah Peretti, who has a history of knowingly spreading false information. He has used fraudulent websites and email accounts to pose as people he wished to defame. I was one of his

Politics | Media Watch

Nathan Phillips Lied. The Media Bought It. | National Review

There was far more than met the eye to the Covington Catholic story, but that didn’t stop the popular press from vilifying its students.

Politics | Media Watch

Here's What You Need To Know About The Confrontation Between Covington Catholic Students And Native American Protesters

On Saturday, a video went viral, seemingly showing a group of Catholic high school students confronting and harassing a Native American protester who appeared to be peacefully playing a drum, but by Saturday night, it was clear the confrontation wasn'

Politics | Media Watch

New York Times whitewashes anti-Semitism of House Democrat Ilhan Omar

In a glowing profile of representative-elect Ilhan Omar, the New York Times portrays her critics as merely scared of somebody different, all the while glossing over her misrepresentation of her position on Israel and record of unapologetically peddling an

Politics | Media Watch

New York Times Celebrates Christmas With Hezbollah

A New York Times article about how the blood-drenched terrorists of Hezbollah celebrate Christmas is drawing intense criticism from readers...

Politics | Media Watch

Reporter Thinks She Hung Up Phone, Lets GOP Senate Candidate Know What She Really Thinks About Him | Daily Wire

Michigan Republican Senate Nominee John James received an interesting voicemail on Monday from a reporter for the Huron Daily Tribune who thought she hung up the phone after leaving his campaign a message.

Politics | Media Watch

The Pipe-Bombs Story: Another Example of Why No One Trusts the Media | National Review

At this point, there is no evidence whatsoever that provocative words from the president had anything to do with the sending of bombs.

Politics | Media Watch

MSNBC analyst finds Cherokee Nation's statement disavowing Elizabeth Warren 'problematic'

Yes, let's make the Cherokee Nation the bad guy in all of this, bullying poor Elizabeth Warren.

Politics | Media Watch

Trump Hammers NBC News For Saying He Praised Robert E. Lee As ‘Incredible’

The mainstream media has one clear, unified message for their watchers and readers, day after day: President Trump is racist.

Politics | Media Watch

WATCH: CNN Anchor Lies About Remarks Made By Trump, Trump Jr.

CNN anchor Ana Cabrera falsely claimed on Sunday that President Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. made racial remarks over the last week that white men have a lot to fear.

Politics | Media Watch

WATCH: CNN's Brooke Baldwin Has Freakout Over 'M-Word' | Daily Wire

CNN's Brooke Baldwin refused to let one of her guests refer to rowdy far-left activists who opposed Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh as a "mob," saying that she did not want to use the "m-word."

Politics | Media Watch

Journalistic malpractice as it’s never been malpracticed.

A reasonable, objective, establishment media would have spent far more time than it has in delving into Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s background and credibility, and her veracity under oath — especially if they think it relevant to endlessly parse Brett

Politics | Media Watch

AMAZING: Lindsey Graham Sets Trap By Quoting Clinton Defender James Carville. The Left Falls In Head-First.

On Wednesday, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) made an audience of liberals gasp when he paraphrased prominent Democrat operative James Carville, a rabid defender of alleged sexual assaulter and former President Bill Clinton, while speaking at The Atlantic F

Politics | Media Watch

Idiot Partisan Reporters Make Everything Worse | National Review

On nearly every question and issue, the tenor of the press — shockingly — mirrors the tenor of the Democrats who insist that it falls to Kavanaugh to disprove these allegations. This is morally grotesque.

Politics | Media Watch

Joe Scarborough Owes the President - and the Country - an Apology | RealClearPolitics

September 11 should not be about politics, nor about Donald Trump, and surely not about Joe Scarborough. Only 17 years separated from that incredibly painful day, the solemnity of our national...

Politics | Media Watch

David French: The Ideological Blindness at the Heart of Media Bias | National Review

Most mainstream-media newsrooms are overwhelmingly populated by progressives who think alike.

Politics | Media Watch

WATCH: MSNBC Reviews Trump's Approval Rating. Freak Out Ensues.

A panel on MSNBC's "MTP Daily" appeared to panic on Monday after reviewing President Donald Trump's approval rating — which stayed the same — despite the negative news that broke last week about Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen.

Politics | Media Watch

WATCH: CNN Gives Most Insane Defense Of Antifa Ever. Twitter Explodes.

CNN analyst Jeffrey Toobin claimed on Tuesday that any criticism of the violent far-left group, Antifa, was based on President Donald Trump's "appeal to racism."

Politics | Media Watch

WATCH: Former Governor Slams CNN's Reporting. CNN Host Goes Nuts. | Daily Wire

CNN's Alisyn Camerota lost her mind on Monday after former New Hampshire Governor John Sununu criticized CNN's notoriously inaccurate reporting and political bias.

Politics | Media Watch

CNN's chyron doesn't quite match up with what Sarah Huckabee Sanders said about 'the n-word'

The news media was so excited to report what they thought Sarah Sanders said they might have read a little into it.

Politics | Media Watch

ABC News Makes Announcement About Trump's SCOTUS Nominee, Gets Slammed

ABC News' "Nightline" made an announcement about President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee on Monday night before the pick had even been announced, calling the unknown nominee "controversial."

Politics | Media Watch

Co-Founder of Vox Media Calls Ben Shapiro 'Jew Who Helps Other Jews Onto the Train'

Vox Media co-founder Joshua Topolsky called conservative writer Ben Shapiro the equivalent of a treacherous Jew collaborating with the Nazis in a tweet sent Saturday.

Politics | Media Watch

Media Outlets Attack Sen. Marco Rubio For Saying It's Bad To Use The 'F-Word'

Several outlets are attacking Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) for noting on Twitter that it's bad to use the “f word” and accusing Rubio of being insensitive in the wake of the Capital Gazette shooting.

Politics | Media Watch

AP Buries Immigrant Abuse During Obama Admin

The Associated Press published a story on Thursday about alleged abuse of child immigrants that buried the fact that the abuse began during the Obama administration.

Politics | Media Watch

The Media Are Lying About Trump Separating Illegal Immigrant Families. Here’s The Truth.

Over the weekend, the media went insane over the supposed Trump administration policy of separating illegal immigrant parents from their children.

Politics | Media Watch

Mark Levin: The Media 'Have Blood On Their Hands'

Conservative author and radio host Mark Levin blasted the mainstream media’s coverage surrounding Israel's response to the Palestinians' violent protests following the opening of the US Embassy in Jerusalem.

Politics | Media Watch

Flashback: Obama Congratulated Putin on His 2012 Election | National Review

Lost in all the controversy over President Trump’s congratulatory call to Putin is the fact that Obama made a nearly identical call six years ago.

Politics | Media Watch

Parkland Student Details Exchange With CNN Producer He Claims Fed Him Scripted Questions

Fox News' Tucker Carlson snagged an interview with Colton Haab, a survivor of the Parkland, Florida school shooting who claimed this week that CNN tried to feed

Politics | Media Watch

Juliet Huddy slams 'reckless, incompetent media' for hyping Trump kiss story - Washington Times

New York radio host and former Fox News anchor Juliet Huddy ripped internet trolls and the "reckless, incompetent media" for sensationalizing a story she recalled "lightheartedly" on-air about President Trump trying to kiss her in an e

Politics | Media Watch

O'Keefe video shows CNN's Van Jones calling Russia story a ‘nothingburger’ | TheHill

Conservative provocateur James O'Keefe of Project Veritas released Wednesday another secretly recorded tape of a CNN employee, this time featuring political commentator and host Van Jones saying the network’s heavy coverage of possible collusion between Trump administration officials and Russia during the 2016 presidential election “is just a big nothingburger."

Politics | Media Watch

Three CNN Employees Resign Over Retracted Russia Story

Thomas Frank, Eric Lichtblau, and Lex Haris have resigned in the wake of the story.

Politics | Media Watch

Kellyanne Conway White House Couch Controversy Highlights ‘Double Standard’

A picture of Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Trump, with her feet tucked up underneath her on the couch in the Oval Office while the president met with the heads of the country’s historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), has th

Politics | Media Watch

Even FOX Thinks Hannity Went Too Far Shilling for Trump This Time | RedState

Fox News deep thinker Sean Hannity finally went too far even by their standards in his tireless and embarrassing shilling for Donald Trump, and they had to put a stop to it. Every night on Fox, Hannity runs an hour-long Trumpfomercial. He constantly holds

Politics | Media Watch

Dang! Brit Hume OUTS all the Fox News Trump-supporters!!

Brit Hume struck back at a Trumpeter on Twitter about Mitt Romney’s support at Fox News compared to Donald Trump, and he inadervantly (or not) listed the pro-Trumpers: Wow LOL!! I know Eric B…

Politics | Media Watch

Blog: I'm done with Fox News

When Fox News debuted in 1996, it was a breath of fresh air, seemingly unadulterated by the leftist bias that had long characterized the three mainstream networks and CNN. But that initial commitment to balance has gone by the wayside, sacrificed on the altar of Donald Trump.

Politics | Media Watch

The Fox News Channel: Full Time Enablers Of Donald Trump | RedState

Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Donald Trump appeared on The O’Reilly Factor tonight in what must have marked appearance (including all of the times he has dialed in) number 9,374,384 since last June when Trump announced he was going to seek the GOP Presid

Politics | Media Watch

CBS Refusing To Air 'Truth' TV Commercials Is Priceless Advertising For The Movie It Opposes - Forbes

'Truth' image courtesy of Sony As was reported yesterday, CBS made news yesterday by refusing to accept advertising for the Sony Pictures Classic feature Truth. On its face, that's not terribly surprising. The film is technically about a rather unfortuna

Politics | Media Watch

PBS Anchor Mocks Netanyahu After Dems Secure Obama's Iran Deal | Truth Revolt

Gwen Ifill, news anchor on the taxpayer-funded PBS’s Washington Week and PBS Newshour, flouted her media bias on Twitter today when she mocked Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after Dems secured enough votes to pass Obama's deal that paves the

Politics | Media Watch

Rolling Stone Writer: Charleston Massacre Proof That GOP ‘Has Weaponized Its Supporters’ and ‘Made Violence a Virtue

Anger, sadness, and disgust have been nearly universal responses to Wednesday night’s apparent act of racist terrorism in Charleston, S.C., but Jeb Lund doesn’t think such reactions make sense coming from conservatives. In a Friday screed, Lund argued

Politics | Media Watch

Andrea Mitchell: Hillary Is ‘So Good and Adept’ At Handling the Press

Yet again, MSNBC has revived the narrative that Hillary Clinton is good at dealing with the press and answering questions. Making an appearance on Monday's Rachel Maddow Show, Andrea Mitchell talked up Hillary as being “so good and adept” at handling

Politics | Media Watch

NBC and ABC Gush Over ‘Celebrity-Packed Secret Soiree’ at White House

While NBC’s Today and ABC’s Good Morning America ignored longtime Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal testifying before the House Benghazi Committee on Tuesday, both morning shows eagerly touted a “celebrity-packed secret soiree” at the White House “

Politics | Media Watch

Dallas Police Association Calls Out CNN For Anchor's 'Flippant Non-Apology'

The Dallas Police Association isn’t taking any of CNN’s anchor Fredricka Whitfield’s attempts to downplay a comment she made Saturday (link to NB article) referring to an attempted cop killer as “courageous and brave.” After immediate backlash

Politics | Media Watch

Even Liberal NPR Covers EPA Fracking Study as ABC, NBC Punt

NPR's Morning Edition on Friday actually covered the EPA's new report that found that fracking for oil and natural gas "has not caused widespread pollution in drinking water," as host Renee Montagne put it. The liberal public radio network's rep

Politics | Media Watch

Media: Never Mind Hillary's Scandals, Let's Talk About Marco Rubio's Wife's Driving Habits - Breitbart

For some reason, the New York Times decided to devote two reporters to the urgent task of reviewing Senator and presidential candidate Marco Rubio's driving record over the past 18 years. And they still couldn't make much of a story about it, so they deci

Politics | Media Watch

Mika: Sanders' Rape Remarks Irrelevant, But OK to Attack Santorum If He Had Written Them

Mika Brzezinski just can't contain her liberal bias. On today's Morning Joe, Mika admitted that the the MSM has a double standard when it comes to reporting controversial things that Democrats and Republicans have done or said. Yet she promptly

Politics | Media Watch

Mika: Sanders' Rape Remarks Irrelevant, But OK to Attack Santorum If He Had Written Them

Mika Brzezinski just can't contain her liberal bias. On today's Morning Joe, Mika admitted that the the MSM has a double standard when it comes to reporting controversial things that Democrats and Republicans have done or said. Yet she promptly

Politics | Media Watch

‘Extra double standards’: This pitiful pro-Hillary spin means somebody owes Romney an apology

Romney wealth bad. Hillary wealth good!

Politics | Media Watch

The sexism that propels Carly Fiorina’s candidacy - The Washington Post

By what standard does a failed business career and no political experience qualify her as president?

Politics | Media Watch

CBS: Iran ‘Chants Death to America, But More Habit Than Conviction’

On CBS This Morning: Saturday, reporter Elizabeth Palmer did her best to channel the sentiments of Iran following the preliminary nuclear agreement between them and the United States. The CBS reporter proclaimed that “at Friday prayers there was the us

Politics | Media Watch

CNN Suddenly Worried About Experience of Presidential Candidates

On Sunday's State of the Union, CNN's Dana Bash broke away from typical liberal media bias and expressed concern about the experience of a presidential candidate. She read the following description in her interview with the Republican presiden

Politics | Media Watch

Fury: MSNBC Fumes Over Netanyahu's Win

MSNBC hosts and guests reacted with fury over Benjamin Netanyahu's victory on Tuesday night, describing it as

Politics | Media Watch

Bitterly Disappointed CNN Downplays Netanyahu's Likely Upset - Breitbart

All day long CNN has been relentlessly beating the drum and practically celebrating the forgone conclusion that sitting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was about to lose today’s elections. Every move Netanyahu made over the past few weeks that

Politics | Media Watch

The New York Times CROPS OUT George W. Bush from their SELMA front page picture

The totally objective and completely unbiased New York Times made sure that their readers didn't see George W. Bush and Laura attend the Selma 50th Anniversary by awkwardly cutting them out of thei...

Politics | Media Watch

Megyn Kelly Blasts MSNBC's Perry For Cringe-Worthy Interview Question (VIDEO)

When MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry asked U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to quack since she calls him "the duck", Megyn Kelly cringed and blasted Perry for asking such a humiliating question.

Politics | Media Watch

Simpering Obama fanboy Ronan Farrow will creep you out [Vine]

A well timed one-liner from dear leader is all it takes for the Obama cult to forget the November elections and six years of feckless leadership and failure.

Politics | Media Watch

CBS This Morning Blames Cancellation of Muslim Prayer Event at Duke on Franklin Graham

On Friday, CBS This Morning reported on news that Duke University had cancelled plans to have a Muslim call-to-prayer projected from the school’s famous bell tower at the Duke Chapel and, while Duke suggested that there were “several factors” th

Politics | Media Watch

CNN's Jim Clancy Deletes Twitter Account after Anti-Israel Rant

Senior CNN international correspondent Jim Clancy appears to have deleted his Twitter account following a firestorm over a bizarre anti-Israel tirade last week.

Politics | Media Watch

First Western Journalist To Embed With ISIS Blames Bush For Its Rise

The first known Western journalist to embed with the ISIS terror group blames former President George W. Bush for its rise to power.

Politics | Media Watch

FBN’s Melissa Francis: ‘I Was Silenced’ When at CNBC for Criticizing ObamaCare

During her Fox Business Network (FBN) show on Friday afternoon, Melissa Francis told viewers that she “was silenced” by executives at CNBC when worked there after she criticized ObamaCare on-air and told viewers that the “math of ObamaCare simply

Politics | Media Watch

When Democrats Lose Elections the Media Push to Annihilate the Constitution

Although I have no idea what will happen tonight, based on the insane, anti-Constitutional, and un-American proposals being floated by the New York Times,, and CNN, I do know what the media believe will happen: a historic shellacking is in store f

Politics | Media Watch

CBS Insists Midterms Are Indictment Of Both Political Parties

On Tuesday, the folks on CBS This Morning did their best to downplay the significance of a potential GOP-controlled Senate in this year’s midterm elections. Unlike ABC and NBC who provided mostly straightforward coverage of today’s elections, CBS made

Politics | Media Watch

Chris Matthews Pouts at GOP Landslide

A picture is worth a thousand words. Chris Matthews was not happy last night as results from the 2014 election filed in. Below, is a screen capture that says it all.

Politics | Media Watch

5 Hilariously Stupid Reactions By Liberals In The Media After Last Night's GOP Tidal Wave

By any account, the GOP gave the Democrats a serious shellacking in the midterm elections last night... gaining at least 7 Senate seats; 12 in the House; and mopping the floor in numerous Governor races. Politico has a great breakdown here.

Politics | Media Watch

On PBS: Watch Hippie-Hypocrite Neil Young Sing 'End Fracking Now'

On Thursday, Charlie Rose invited singer-songwriter Neil Young on his PBS show to promote his latest album and played a clip of the Woodstock-generation singer’s first single - basically an anthem against Big Oil called “Who is Going to Stand Up?” I

Politics | Media Watch

Meet The Press Insists Repealing ObamaCare Is ‘So Retro’

On Sunday, Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.) spoke with Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd to discuss the future of the Republican Party. Following the conclusion of the interview, the MTP panel eagerly criticized the Kentucky Republican for daring to call for