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Conservatism | Politics

Politics | Conservatism

Explaining Conservatism

There are a number of reasons many young people shy away from conservatism. The most obvious is that they have been exposed only to left-wing values—from…

Politics | Conservatism

Poll: Republicans Take 9-Point Lead with Hispanics, Support from Black Voters More than Doubles to 27 Percent

Republicans have taken a 9-point national lead among Hispanic voters and more than doubled support in the black community to 27 percent, a Wall Street Journal survey shows.

Politics | Conservatism

DeSantis Signs Columbus Day Declaration As Left Vilifies Explorer

Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL) on Monday signed a declaration promoting Columbus Day in the state of Florida.

Politics | Conservatism

Conserving Conservatism Is Conserving Defeat › American Greatness

The first thing we have to accept about the culture war is that the Republican Party and the conservative movement have lost. As it is for a battered alcoholic…

Politics | Conservatism

California Redistricting Could Aid GOP’s Chances Of Retaking House In 2022

Redistricting in California could deliver several crucial House seats to the GOP in 2022 as the state’s congressional districts are redrawn.

Politics | Conservatism

I Was There the Day of Rush Limbaugh's Debut

It is hard to say something about Rush Limbaugh that hasn’t already been said, but I’ll try.
I was there on the day of his debut.
I was working at WPBR, an ocean-front radio station in Palm Beac...

Politics | Conservatism

From impeaching incitement to canceling conservatism

It wasn’t just President Trump’s detractors who felt a sudden sense of relief when they heard that Twitter was blocking his feed after the storming of the Capitol and the disruption of the reading of the Electoral College results on Jan. 6. While Trum

Politics | Conservatism

Wednesday's Riot Is No Pass For Republicans To Surrender

With a few brave exceptions, the Republican response to this onslaught has been the equivalent of bringing notes of apology to their political hangings.

Politics | Conservatism

Pennsylvania Sheriff Changes To Republican After Violent Riots: ‘Democratic Party Has Left Me’

Westmoreland County Sheriff James Albert announced this week that he has changed his party affiliation from Democrat to Republican following months of violent riots and attacks on law enforcement by leftists. “It was a really difficult decision and I’

Politics | Conservatism

5 Examples of How the Conservative Movement Is Leading the Way

As the stock market swings wildly up and down, as a virus casts a shadow across the country, and as politics resemble mud-wrestling more with each passing day...

Politics | Conservatism

When Will Conservatives Understand That It’s Not a Contest of Ideas? – American Greatness

Even as Donald Trump continues to frustrate #TheResistance after three years of ceaseless fabrication and hysteria, conservatives must not forget just how close they are to the edge. We have a defender in the White House, but the social ideas of the Left

Politics | Conservatism

Demographics and the American Prospect – American Greatness

In the summer of 2018, journalist Vivian Yee amused herself with the thought that Orange Country, California, was once an agricultural, “conservative (think Richard Nixon and the John Birch Society) and white (very, very white),” slice of America. But “Ch

Politics | Conservatism

Texas Republicans Hide From Saving Kids Like James Younger From Trans Insanity

Despite Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s assertion that “we won” on the bathroom bill, evidence grows that Republicans are failing in “social issues.”

Politics | Conservatism

Liberals Were Very Wrong About Tax Cuts. Again.

Once again, tax relief has spurred economic growth, stimulated higher productivity, and created jobs. The experts were wrong.

Politics | Conservatism

The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party | PragerU

When you think of the Republican Party, what comes to mind? If you’re like many Americans, you may associate the GOP with racism, sexism, and general inequality. It’s a commonly pushed narrative by left-leaning media and academia, but as former Vander