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News | Fun With Islam
Meet the CAIR-Linked Group That Aims To Place Muslim Americans in Federal Jobs
Muslim Americans in Public Service is a Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit that coordinates with federal agencies to help Muslims obtain and advance careers in government. To do so, it partners with Islamic organizations, including the Council on American-I
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Qur'an-Burning Islam Critic Assassinated While Livestreaming in Sweden
Islam critic Salwan Momika shot dead just hours before he was due in court for the Swedish govt's prosecution of him for burning Qurans.
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A World-Historical Transformation Is Taking Place in Britain, Yet Few Have Noticed
A world-historical societal transformation is taking place before our very eyes, and yet few have taken notice. Britain, the erstwhile leader of the Western world and the foundation and source of English-speaking civilization, is in its last days as a free society, and will soon become an Islamic state.
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CAIR Teaches Mosques How To Obtain Taxpayer-Funded Grants Meant To Protect Against Terrorist Attacks
The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), known for its ties to the terrorist group Hamas, is teaching mosques and Islamic groups how to rake in taxpayer funds through a grant program aimed at protecting houses of worship against terrorist attacks
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Is Diversity Really Our Strength? An Incident in Minnesota Suggests Otherwise
Third grade used to be about learning to write in cursive and mastering multiplication tables. In the America that the left has given us, it’s a different story, as we can see from a ghastly incident that just took place in Savage, Minn.
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Islamic Preachers in US Escalate Antisemitic Rhetoric Amid Gaza War, Campus Protests
Several Islamic preachers and other authority figures in the US have been leveraging their positions in recent weeks to disseminate hateful messages about Israel and the Jewish people, contributing to a global surge in antisemitism that has reached record
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'London Has Fallen': Pro-Muslim Immigration Mayor Saddiq Khan Is Reelected for Third Term
London Mayor Sadiq Khan has been reelected for a third term in the United Kingdom's capital city.
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How Atrocities, Beheadings, and Carnage ‘Heal Muslim Hearts’
In a recent communique, the Islamic State called on its followers to slaughter and terrorize every single Western person they could reach. A snippet follows:
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Election Jihad: Islamic Groups are Hijacking Our Elections
A Freedom Center report exposes the threat and shows how we can fight back.
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Elder Of Ziyon - The Palestinian honor killings of thousands of women and children
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | Fun With Islam
Britain Can’t Protect Its Own Government Ministers from Islamists
Mike Freer—a gay, conservative justice minister—is leaving Parliament because of threats to his life. He speaks to The Free Press.
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The myth of ‘the Muslim world’
The Israel-Hamas War has exposed the danger of Islamic identity politics.
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Elder Of Ziyon - A fatwa shows that only Israeli strength deters Arab genocide against Jews
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Nighttime Riots in the Streets of Dublin After Man Rumored to Be Algerian Immigrant Stabs Three Children
Violence raged in Dublin Thursday night as protesters took to the streets and lit cars on fire after a man stabbed four people (five in some reports), including three children, earlier in the day. Rumors had spread that the suspect was an Algerian immigrant, but police have not released his identity, and the motive remains unknown.
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50 Years of Excuses for Palestinian Terror Are Enough
The one question that unravels them, every time, is: “What kind of Palestinian state do you want?” They don’t know.
News | Fun With Islam
‘We Will Drink Your Blood and Eat Your Skull’: A Legacy of Islamic Savagery
What’s the deal with Muslim calls for not just violence, but eating the flesh or drinking the blood of their infidel enemies?
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Muslim Doctors in America Celebrates Hamas Massacre (UPDATE) - RAIR
What kind of medical care can Jewish and Israeli patients anticipate from Muslim doctors who openly endorse Hamas and its violence?
News | Fun With Islam
It’s Not About Politics or Israel, It’s About Islam and Always Has Been
The latest Islamic attack conducted by Hamas was not about the politics surrounding the Gaza Strip. It wasn’t even about Israel; those are just the two most recent excuses for a bloodletting that, in...
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Exclusive Video: Pro-Palestinian Insurrectionists Occupy Federal House Office Building in Washington DC
About one hundred pro-Palestinian insurrectionists occupied a federal House office building in Washington, DC, on Wednesday, chanting "ceasefire now" and "let Gaza live."
News | Fun With Islam
First Hamas 'Day of Rage' Attacks Occur, at Least One Dead After Shouts of 'Allahu Akbar'
As RedState reported, a Hamas official called for a global "day of rage" to occur on Friday, and the attacks are already beginning.
News | Fun With Islam
Targeted for Termination: Dogs and Infidels
On Aug. 25, 2023, a video appeared of Muslim girls covered from head to toe in all-black burqas and dancing to a song that praised Islam and cursed “infidels,” that is, all non-Muslims. The video — wh...
News | Fun With Islam
U.S. Army Private Converts to Islam — Guess What Happened Next
If our culture had any sane values, ISIS might not appear so attractive. In the meantime, however, we will see many more young men like Cole James Bridges.
News | Fun With Islam
The 'Great Replacement' Is a Fact: Baby Muhammads Overrun the West
Newborn baby Muhammads are taking Western Europe by storm — with Berlin being the latest target. According to a May 8, 2023, report in the German weekly newspaper Junge Freiheit:...
News | Fun With Islam
Oh Yes, He Did: Iraqi Cleric Blames Israel for the Death of Muslim Leader… in the Year 661
In a world where Palestinians accuse Israel of training cows as spies, al-Khazali doesn’t look quite as crazy as he does to those who are outside of his milieu.
News | Fun With Islam
Boston Marathon Bombing Anniversary Marked by Silence as to Motive
On the tenth anniversary of the Boston Marathon bombing, no one wants to discuss why it happened. Media retrospectives don’t even attempt to discuss the motive.
News | Fun With Islam
France: Half of the bestselling children’s books are about Islam
What will France be like in ten years? Twenty? Thirty? The answer is quite obvious. "Among the 8 bestselling 'children's books' from Amazon France, 4 books are on Islam," translated from "Dans les 8 meilleurs ventes “livres pour enfants” d’Amazon France,
News | Fun With Islam
'Unconstitutional': In Massachusetts, Leftists Want to Give Islam Privileged Status
In the authoritarian state toward which the Left is working, the more who believe they have a duty to obey the ruler, the better. Muhammad commands just that.
News | Fun With Islam
UN Secretary-General: ‘For Well Over a Millennium, Islam’s Message of Peace Has Inspired People’
When is the United Nations day to combat the dislike of Christianity? Of Judaism? Of Hinduism or Buddhism? Don’t ask questions like that, you Islamophobe.
News | Fun With Islam
California: Hamas-linked CAIR and Muslim prisoners complain over having to give up beards and kufis
Going to prison used to mean being inconvenienced and losing some rights, but this won't be true for much longer in California, if the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) gets its way. "California mulls statewide standards for religi
News | Fun With Islam
Is the UK Turning into Something Extremely Different?
In 2013, British journalist Vincent Cooper wrote: "By the year 2050, in a mere 37 years, Britain will be a majority Muslim nation."
News | Fun With Islam
Whatever Happened to Linda Sarsour? New York Times Says Russian Trolls Got Her.
What next for Sarsour? If the Times article does its job, she’ll be running for office after all. She couldn’t be worse than what New York is already electing.
News | Fun With Islam
A California Mayoral Candidate Shows Again the Democrats' Readiness to Ally with Radical Groups
Ammar Campa-Najjar is a committed Leftist. His record also reveals the Left’s uncritical and indiscriminate readiness to ally with the most unsavory groups.
News | Fun With Islam
Alaa Mohd Abusaad, University of Alabama student, sentenced for hiding funding to al Qaeda
The former college student told the agent to use fake names and addresses when sending electronic transfers to avoid detection by police.
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From Colleyville to Fort Hood
The FBI, Joe Biden, and willful blindness about Islamic terror.
News | Fun With Islam
UC Berkeley Study Explains Why It's Wrong to Defend Muslim Women
This UC Berkeley study is yet another academic inversion of reality, in the tradition of Orwell’s War Is Peace, Freedom Is Slavery, and Ignorance Is Strength.
News | Fun With Islam
While the Feds Go After School Board Dissidents, Miami Imam Ridicules Women’s Rights and Calls for Sharia
This is a call to replace the U.S. Constitution and to make the United States an Islamic state. But calling for Sharia arouses little or no notice in the FBI.
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Biden Will Open the U.S. to Jihad; His Supporters Don't Care
The Left sees all Islamic terrorism as a reaction to “Islamophobia,” and so can't and won't oppose that terrorism.
News | Fun With Islam
Biden’s Debate Comment About 'Allah Willing' May Not Have Been as Innocent as Some Claim
During the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, while the president was saying that he would release his tax returns once an ongoing IRS audit ends, Biden interrupted him by saying, “When—insha’allah?”
News | Fun With Islam
‘Diversity’ and ‘Inclusion’ Come Back to Bite a University
The idea that Muslims might stage jihad massacres for their own reasons, stemming from Islamic texts — even to consider that possibility would be Islamophobic.
News | Fun With Islam
Imam on Terror Watch List Offers Prayer at Utah State Senate
In a new display of just how enlightened and woke flyover country can be, the Utah State Senate has had Yussuf Awadir Abdi, imam of the Madina Islamic Center of Utah in Salt Lake City, deliver the opening prayer at one of its sessions.
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Muslim Call To Prayer To Be Blasted Over Major U.S. City Five Times A Day
A Minneapolis neighborhood, which lies in controversial Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar’s district, will begin broadcasting the Muslim call to prayer five times a day over outdoor loudspeakers throughout the month of Ramadan, reports say. The move is “be
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Multiple Victims Reported In ‘Islamist-Related’ Mass Stabbing London Terror Attack
Law enforcement officials in London shot and killed a man on Sunday who allegedly went on a mass stabbing spree in a “terrorist-related” attack. “Three victims have been taken to south London hospitals,” Deputy Assistant Commissioner Lucy D’Or
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That Time Linda Sarsour Felt “Hurt” By Capture of Mass-Murderer
Another comment of Sarsour's that hasn't aged well
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Why you shouldn't fall for bogus claims of ‘Islamophobia’
'The taunt of Islamophobia is used to silence any criticism of the Islamic world, including Islamic extremism.'
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The failed lessons of the London Bridge attack
The failed lessons of the London Bridge attack on Coffee House | Some readers have been asking me to comment on the latest London Bridge terrorism incident.
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Brooklyn: Man Arrested for Egging Synagogue Turns Out Not to Be a White Supremacist
The New York Post reported Thursday that “a teenager who threw an egg at a Brooklyn synagogue and chucked another one at a woman in Borough Park has been arrested on a number of hate crime charges, police said.” https://twitter.com/NYPDHateCrimes/status/1
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Philadelphia Commission Looks the Other Way on Islamist Anti-Semitism
When Representatives Lee Zeldin (R-NY) and Scott Perry (R-PA) wrote to the Philadelphia Commission on Human Relations (PCHR) in September to discuss a horrifying instance of anti-Semitism, they did so with good reason. Some months earlier, in May, local
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In Whitewashing Islamism, Some K-12 Programs Advance Jihad : Middle East Forum
You may have read about the proposed ethnic studies curriculum developed for California public high schools, which caused an uproar because of its biased treatment of Jews and Israel, support for the BDS movement, and fear that it fomented anti-Semitism
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Captain Morgan Website Asks Visitors to Affirm They're Not Muslim
In a possible example of creeping Sharia, the Captain Morgan website asked visitors to affirm they're not Muslim. Why? Because Sharia law forbids Muslims from drinking alcohol, and jihadis have gone on crusades against beer and beer-drinkers.
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Trump Warns UNC and Duke They Will Lose Funding Over Islamic Teachings - David Harris Jr
President Trump has notified the University of North Carolina and Duke that he will pull federal funding over their Islamic propaganda. The two schools held a symposium that turned out to be a Jewish bash-fest.
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British Jewish Newspaper Buckles to Hamas
On August 23, the Jewish Chronicle (JC), Britain's largest Jewish newspaper and one of the oldest Jewish newspapers in the world, published an apology and handed 50,000 pounds (more than $60,000) to Interpal, a British Muslim charity linked closely to
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Exposé of American Muslims for Palestine: Antisemitism and Terror Support | Israellycool
This video adds to things you may already have known about AMP from Israellycool, including how they are now partnering with US Jewish groups like Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow
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FBI: Hamas Supporter Arrested for Plotting to Bomb Trump Tower, Aiding Terror Organization
Federal authorities arrested a 20-year-old Hamas supporter they say posted an Instagram poll about whether he should bomb Trump Tower in New York City.
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Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: Egyptian newspaper reminds readers that Ramadan is a great time for war
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
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Washington school district wants teachers to bless Muslim students in Arabic during Ramadan
A religious liberty advocacy group is threatening to slap a Seattle-area school district with a lawsuit unless it revokes a letter urging teachers to bless Muslim students in Arabic during the holy month of Ramadan and give them preferential treatment, in
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Designating The Muslim Brotherhood A Terrorist Group Is Very Long Overdue | Daily Wire
The Trump administration is apparently nearing a formal designation of the international Muslim Brotherhood, which is the ideological progenitor of modern radical Sunni Islamism throughout th
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Arab Music Videos Mocking Jews And Making Light of Terror | Israellycool
Depicting religious Jews in grotesque fashion and making fun of the fact we are living under constant threat of terror
News | Fun With Islam
Why Islamic Terrorism Remains The World's Greatest Threat To Peace
No modern movement has created more mayhem, terrorism, and oppression than political Islam. The Sri Lankan massacre is just another harrowing reminder.
News | Fun With Islam
Al-Arabiya slams Linda Sarsour as Muslim Brotherhood ally | The Jerusalem post
Written by Huda al-Saleh and published on Sunday the article seeks to expose what it calls “details of calls to attack Trump by US ‘Muslim Sisters’ allied to the Brotherhood.”
News | Fun With Islam
Ilhan Omar Uses Iconic Words From George Bush To Defend Her 9/11 Comments. The Internet Erupts. | Daily Wire
Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) used iconic words former president George W. Bush made at Ground Zero atop a heap of rubble in New York City in September 2001 to defend her widely-criticized remarks trivializing the 9/11 terrorist attack that claimed thousands of
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Ilhan Omar’s outrageous writeoff of 9/11’s horrors
How pathetic: A member of Congress can’t acknowledge what happened on one of the most horrific days in US history. In a March 23 speech, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) complained of “the discomfort of b…
News | Fun With Islam
Is it dangerous incitement to mention that Rep. Ilhan Omar said something easily debunked?
CAIR wasn't founded in response to some people doing something on Sept. 11, 2001.
News | Fun With Islam
Feminists Couldn't Get Trans Out Of Public Schools, But Muslims Did
The parents' protests included pulling more than 600 Muslim children from school, and were incredibly effective. The LGBT lessons have stopped.
News | Fun With Islam
Judge Jeanine Pirro Is Right: The Hijab Reflects 'Adherence to Sharia Law'
Muslims who slavishly follow the outer minutia of Islam are most prone to following the more “radical” teachings.
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Intersectionality showdown: Muslim parents prevail over elementary school's LGBT-friendly curriculum
So the homophobes won out over the Islamophobes this time?
News | Fun With Islam
Ilhan Omar to speak at terror-linked banquet
CAIR has a long history of affiliation with Hamas and Hezbollah. It was reportedly a co-conspirator in the largest terrorist financing case in US history, which went unindicted.
News | Fun With Islam
Money in politics? Ilhan Omar will fly to LA for fundraiser with … terror-tied CAIR
It's all about the Benjamins baby
News | Fun With Islam
Breaking: Ilhan Omar to Speak Alongside Charity Official who Praised Killing of Jews
Despite battling accusations of anti-Semitism, Representative Ilhan Omar (D-Minn) is due to speak this month at a fundraising event alongside a senior charity official who has published social media posts praising the killing of Jews. Islamic Relief USA
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England: Muslim school will not allow girls to eat lunch until after boys have finished, Ofsted chief says
A Muslim school will not allow girls to eat lunch until after boys have finished, an Ofsted chief has told MPs.
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France Gives Muslim Killer of Elderly Jewish Woman a Pass | Frontpage Mag
Every other Muslim terrorist or killer in Europe has his actions blamed on mental illness or drug use. This just continues the pattern.
News | Fun With Islam
WATCH: Women’s March Organizer Linda Sarsour Calls For ‘Jihad’ Against Trump | Daily Wire
Speaking at the Islamic Society of North American Convention last weekend, Women’s March organizer Linda Sarsour ripped into the Trump administration and called for “jihad” against Trump. ISNA itself has a long history of ties to Islamic extremism.
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Afghan teen refugee shouting 'Allahu Akbar' goes on train rampage with axe
The teenager was shot dead as he attempted to leave the train having injured a number of people
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Marseille synagogue to be converted into mosque
A synagogue in Marseille is to be converted into a mosque, reflecting demographic shifts in the southern French city, a Jewish leader has told AFP. A Muslim cultural association, Al Badr, is to purchase the Or Thora synagogue, which is used less and less
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Parents Question Choice To Sing ‘Allahu Akbar’ At Holiday Concert « CBS Minnesota
Some parents in the Anoka-Hennepin School District are questioning a choir teacher's decision to use a song about Ramadan performed in Arabic at a holiday concert.
News | Fun With Islam
New York Times Praises "Diverse" Muslim Attacks on Jews | Frontpage Mag
Diversity is awesome. Especially diverse attempts at killing Jews. Even if they're not really that diverse.
But the New York Times headline is "Palestinian Protests Turn Up Intensity and Draw a Diverse Crowd". The piece is from notorious propagandist Diaa Hadid of Electronic Intifada and is straight up glamorization of Muslim terror attacks on Jews. Hadid caught a lot of flak when she outrageously described the Muslim murder of a Jewish man as an "accident".
News | Fun With Islam
TN Hits Back Against 'Islamic Indoctrination' in Schools with New Bill
Swarms of protests erupted across Tennessee last month when middle schoolers studied and were assigned to write the five pillars of Islam during a three-week study of the world religion. Now, a state Republican has introduced a new bill that would end re
News | Fun With Islam
Obama Administration Bans All Pork Products From Prison Menus
(CNSNews.com) - The federal Bureau of Prisons, a subdivision of President Barack Obama's Justice Department, has banished all pork products from the menus in all federal prisons, according to a report in the Washington Post.
News | Fun With Islam
Shilling for Ahmed: Al Jazeera Refused to Show 'Clock' to Viewers
Media analysis of the situation surrounding the Texas Muslim boy who brought a device to school that resembling a bomb reveals that Al Jazeera chose to never show what the 'clock' looked like to their viewers in a report on the matter. The boy, Ahmed Moha
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64 soldiers killed in ISIS attack on Egyptian Army's Sinai checkpoints
Islamic militants on Wednesday unleashed a wave of simultaneous attacks, including suicide car bombings, on Egyptian army checkpoints in the restive northern Sinai Peninsula, killing at least 38 soldiers, security and military officials said.
News | Fun With Islam
Pro-Islam Billboard Campaign Launching Across America | Truth Revolt
A new evangelizing campaign by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) has launched in California and is expected to cross America in the coming weeks with billboards inviting the public to come to Islam and "discover" the Muslim prophet Muha
News | Fun With Islam
Why Do People Become Islamic Extremists? - Prager University
What makes someone become an Islamic extremist? Is it poverty? Lack of education? A search for meaning? Haroon Ullah, a senior State Department advisor and a foreign policy professor at Georgetown University, shares what he discovered while living in Paki
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‘I’m the hunted one': Pamela Geller shames CNN for using Southern Poverty Law Center to ‘slime’ her | Twitchy
Geller also clarified her goal is not to be beheaded by a radical jihadist.
News | Fun With Islam
ISIS "Moron" Who Posted Selfie Led U.S. Air Force Right to His Headquarters | Truth Revolt
ISIS’s use of social media and the internet to recruit operatives worldwide has been widely reported as one of the terror group’s biggest advantages, but, in one case at least, online showmanship has led to its downfall. An ISIS member in Syria appare
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Video: Minneapolis Muslims prefer Sharia, want blasphemy laws in US
Note the unanimous opposition to the freedom of speech and support for criminalizing criticism of Islam — and even for murdering those who insult Muhammad.
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Geller: Conversation on Freedom of Speech 'Morally Inverted' - Breitbart
Geller: Conversation on Freedom of Speech 'Morally Inverted'
News | Fun With Islam
Muslim migrants threw Christians overboard, police say - CNN.com
Muslims trying to get from Libya to Italy in a boat threw 12 fellow passengers overboard, killing them, because they were Christians, Italian police say.
News | Fun With Islam
Muslim Students Demand that University Cancel Showings of ‘American Sniper’ | Top Right News
A Muslim student activist started the campus controversy when she declared showing the film on campus would make her feel “unsafe” and demanded an “apology and explanation” as to how and why the movie was even selected for Mizzou audiences.
News | Fun With Islam
Isis: Muslim preacher calls for demolition of pyramids and the Sphinx of Giza
Kuwati preacher Ibrahim Al Kandari says that the ancient Egyptian monuments should be "destroyed".
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Mayor de Blasio: Muslim Holidays Now Recognized by NYC Public Schools | Mediaite
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced today that New York City public schools will now recognize Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr, the two most important Muslim holidays, and that all students will get those days off school.
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UCLA SJP: #JewHaters | FrontPage Magazine
The world recently watched in horror as a Muslim terrorist murdered shoppers at a Kosher supermarket in Paris. On another February in 1969, two Jewish students from Hebrew University were murdered when a Kosher supermarket was bombed in Jerusalem. Both supermarkets were targeted before the Sabbath by racist killers who wanted to kill as many Jews as possible.
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‘It’s our fault’? Obama: When we ‘spew hatred … it feeds into terrorist narratives’ | Twitchy
"When do we send our new envoy to the Middle East to solve the problems with the Islamic State? "
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Al Jazeera English bans terms 'terrorist', 'Islamist' | Fox News
In the wake of Tuesday's attack on the Corinthia Hotel in Libya, an Al Jazeera English executive reportedly sent an e-mail to employees banning the use of terms including terrorists, extremism, and Islamist. Fox News' Todd Starnes blasted the network for
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We must not call Charlie Hebdo killers 'terrorists', says BBC boss - Telegraph
Tarik Kafala, the head of BBC Arabic, says using the term 'terrorism' is too 'loaded'
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Facebook Agrees To Block Material Critical Of Mohammed In Turkey
Though Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu joined world leaders in Paris just weeks ago in solidarity against Islamic extremism and in defense of the freedom of expression, the Islamist Turkey government has reportedly demanded that Facebook block user
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Journalist Denied Entry Into 'Stand With The Prophet' Conference in Texas
Watch Jesse Watters, who paid for a ticket and was credentialed, try to get into the "Stand With the Prophet" rally in Garland, Texas. They freaking simply wouldn't let him in. So Watters, doing what he does, interviewed all sorts...
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Palestinian cartoons celebrate horrific Tel Aviv bus stabbings; Hamas praises, Netanyahu blasts enablers [photos]
On Wednesday morning in Israel, a knife-wielding Palestinian stabbed 10 people on a Tel Aviv bus. Hamas-linked cartoon jihadists took to social media to celebrate the attack. Here is a photo of the...
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WATCH: UCLA Continues Muslim Call To Prayer | Wounded American Warrior
This video in which the Muslim Call to Prayer can be heard all over the UCLA campus on Friday, was taken in front of the student activities center near the athletic field off Sunset Boulevard. DUKE University might have cancelled its idiotic plan to blast
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Christians Burned Alive: Muslim Persecution of Christians Muslims Continues
"They picked them up by their arms and legs and held them over the brick furnace until their clothes caught fire. And then they threw them [alive] inside the furnace." — Javeed Maseeh, family spokesman, concerning a Christian couple in Pakista
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New ISIS video appears to show child executioner killing alleged Russian spies | Fox News
A horrifying new video released online on Tuesday appears to show ISIS using a young boy to execute a pair of captives the terror group claims are Russian spies.
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Students FORCED To Wear Islamic Garb On School Outing, Parents IRATE
A Colorado school district has come under fire from parents in the community when a local middle school told girls that they will have to submit to sharia-
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French Muslims Claim “Shape Shifting” Jews Carried Out Paris Attack to Make Muslims Look Bad | FrontPage Magazine
80 percent of his students didn’t want to observe the moment of silence
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Nine days later, bodies still litter bushes from Boko Haram's 'deadliest' massacre - CNN.com
The scale of the attack -- the death of hundreds, possibly thousands -- defies belief.
News | Fun With Islam
The Koran Does Not Forbid Images of the Prophet
In the wake of the massacre that took place in the Paris offices of Charlie Hebdo, I have been called upon as a scholar specializing in Islamic paintings of the Prophet to explain whether images of Muhammad are banned in Islam.
News | Fun With Islam
French Islamist mini-states grow into problem beyond government control
A backdrop to the massacre in Paris on Wednesday by self-professed al Qaeda terrorists is that city officials have increasingly ceded control of heavily Muslim neighborhoods to Islamists, block by block.
News | Fun With Islam
French Islamist mini-states grow into problem beyond government control
A backdrop to the massacre in Paris on Wednesday by self-professed al Qaeda terrorists is that city officials have increasingly ceded control of heavily Muslim neighborhoods to Islamists, block by block.
News | Fun With Islam
10 Times Western Cowards Trashed Free Speech to Defend Islam - Breitbart
On Wednesday, Islamic terrorists murdered 12 people at the leftist French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo, including the editor-in-chief and three cartoonists. The motivation was clear: the terrorists shouted “Allahu Akhbar!” during the attack and screa
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Howard Dean: Don't Call Paris Shooters 'Muslim Terrorists'
Howard Dean—that celebrated scholar of Islam—has weighed in on today's murderous rampage in Paris, declaring that he refuses to call the shooters in this and similar cases "Muslim terrorists." According to Dean, the disregard for the lives
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Islamic State: Yazidi girls kill themselves to escape rape - Telegraph
Women and girls from Iraq's Yazidi minority captured by Islamic State militants have been trafficked as sex slaves, forced into marriage and imprisoned
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Driver attacks pedestrians in French city, shouting 'God is great' in Arabic
A driver deliberately slammed his car into crowds around the city of Dijon in eastern France on Sunday.
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THREE DEAD IN BLOODY END TO SIEGE: Two hostages dead and Muslim gunman killed as police storm Sydney cafe
An Iranian-born gunman was killed, two of his hostages are dead and four injured after a dramatic and chaotic firefight brought an end to a terrorist siege at a Sydney cafe.
News | Fun With Islam
Britain's Unrequited Love For Islam
Willing to be endlessly open and hospitable, Britain finds itself at a loss when that hospitality is neither respected nor returned. It is worth asking why British Muslims should have their scripture represented in the coronation of the new monarch, when
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LA Public School Teaching Kids “Allah is the One True God”
If this spreads, America is screwed.
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Erdogan says Muslims, not Columbus, discovered Americas - Yahoo News
From Yahoo News: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Saturday that the Americas were discovered by Muslims in the 12th century, nearly three centuries before Christopher Columbus set foot there. Muslims discovered America in 1178, not Christopher
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8-Year-Old Brings Home Nation of Islam Printout from Teacher's Desk | Truth Revolt
Controversy is brewing over why an 8-year-old student found a Nation of Islam printout on his teacher's desk.
News | Fun With Islam
Report: ISIS Captures, Beheads Kurdish Female Fighter 'Rehana' in Kobane
The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) reportedly beheaded a famous female Kurdish freedom fighter known only as
News | Fun With Islam
ATTENTION: You Can’t Walk Your Dog in Islamic Areas. Muslims Don’t Like Dogs. – Dc Gazette
We have all seen by now the hypocrisy of Muslims expecting everyone else to cater to their religious beliefs, while refusing to be considerate of others.
News | Fun With Islam
BREAKING: Muslims Shout “Praise Allah!” Surround OK Police Following Press Conference on Beheading | The Gateway Pun
Wow! Muslims shouting 'Praise Allah' surround Oklahoma cops after a press conference on the beheading in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Muslims read from the Koran during the press conference. 2-3 local OK muslims are reading passages from their Qurans outloud on the
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Islamic State recruiting women to 'have kids and cook' - LA Times
Months after declaring an Islamic caliphate, Islamic State , which has seized large swaths of Syria and Iraq, is seeking to address a need of any viable nation: women.
News | Fun With Islam
Saudi Woman Fined for Driving Herself to the HOSPITAL
A Saudi woman was pulled over by police, then fined, for driving while she was rushing herself to the hospital to receive treatment for a medical condition, a Saudi newspaper reported. Aliyah Al-Farid, a member of Saudi Arabia’s National Society for Hum
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U.S. Nets Join British Authorities in Hushing Muslim Sex Abuse Scandal
Imagine a sex scandal centered on a small area, involving decades of abuse, with hundreds of children raped, assaulted and prostituted. Authorities suspected or knew of the crimes but did nothing, preferring to protect the abusers than aid their victims o
News | Fun With Islam
The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority
Over the weekend, former President Jimmy Carter attended the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) conference in Detroit. There, he assured Muslims that the “principles of Allah” were designed to “bring peace and justice to all.” ISNA’s ties t
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Where are the marches against the Islamic State? - The Washington Post
Why aren’t Muslims protesting against the actions of the Islamic State?
News | Fun With Islam
Terror-Supporting Islamist Finds 'Humor' in Saying '9-11, 7-7, 3-11' During Mic Check Before CNN Interview | NewsBusters
When last seen in coverage at NewsBusters, Anjem Choudary was sparring with Sean Hannity while claiming that ISIS atrocities are a Western "falsehood" and that one day Islamic Sharia will be implemented "in the whole world one day." Be
News | Fun With Islam
Muslim Rape Gangs: the Disturbing Role of Britain's Leading Child Welfare Charity
Among the more nauseating spectacles of the Rotherham child rape scandal has been the squirming evasion and shameless attempts at face-saving by the various authority figures whose job it supposedly was to prevent such horrors happening
News | Fun With Islam
Saudi religious police beat up Brit | The Times of Israel
Long-time kingdom resident reportedly attacked for paying a female supermarket cashier.
News | Fun With Islam
Racism fears let 1400 children in 1 town exploited by Muslim Sex ring
How fear of being seen as racist stopped social workers from saving up to 1,400 children from sexual exploitation at the hands of Asian men in just ONE TOWN ...
News | Fun With Islam
British ex-boxer defends Foley beheading [VIDEO] - Allen B. West
If this doesn't enrage you, you're an apologist as well.
News | Fun With Islam
Forced to watch crucifixions, stonings and beheadings and taught to fire machine guns as big as they are: How Islamic State training camps for children are swelling its ranks with junior jihadis
The footage released by the terror group shows small children learning how to assemble the machine guns and also fire them, despite the weapons being as big as them.
News | Fun With Islam
Sister of Boston Marathon bombers arrested … for making bomb threats | Twitchy
"Coming from her, it's not just a threat, it's a promise."
News | Fun With Islam
Oslo to get first (PUBLIC) Muslim primary school - The Local
Plans to launch Oslo's first Muslim-only primary school have been given the go-ahead by Norway's education ministry in the face of cross-party criticism.
News | Fun With Islam
Mohammed is now the most popular name: IN OSLO
For the first time in the capital city's history, Mohammed is the most common name for boys and men, said a study on Thursday.
News | Fun With Islam
The Horrific Muslim Infiltration Of Britain - Luton 2012 - YouTube
SHOCKING footage of the incredible transformation that the UK is experiencing.
News | Fun With Islam
Robin Williams Emmys tribute led by Billy Crystal criticised for including 'racist'
"He could be funny anywhere. We were such close friends," Billy Crystal said of Robin Williams in a special tribute to the comedian aired midway through the Emmy Awards ceremony in Los Angeles last night (25 August).
News | Fun With Islam
UK Police Arrested Parents Trying to Stop Muslims from Raping their Children
A man pulled the hair of a 13-year old and called her a "white bitch"
News | Fun With Islam
#NapaQuake: ISIS Hijacks Napa Earthquake Hashtags to Spread Terror
NAPA, California -- Islamic militants, including supporters of ISIS or Islamic State, have hijacked the #napaquake and #napaearthquake hashtags on Twitter in their latest social media strategy to spread their terrorist propaganda across the Internet and t
News | Fun With Islam
The ISIS Online Campaign Luring Western Girls to Jihad - The Daily Beast
Some of the European women already in the ranks of the Islamic State are trying to lure their ‘sisters’ to the marriage beds of the caliphate’s holy warriors.
News | Fun With Islam
Isis accused of ethnic cleansing as story of Shia prison massacre emerges
As many as 670 prisoners thought killed in Mosul with other abuses reported in Iraq amounting to 'crimes against humanity'
News | Fun With Islam
Vermont Restaurant Removes Bacon Sign Due to Muslim Opposition and Safety Concern
Local Winooski, Vermont restaurant Sneakers Bistro has removed a sign that read, "Yield Sneakers Bacon," citing opposition from a Muslim community member and safety concerns.
News | Fun With Islam
'I’m ready to behead next enemy': Chilling message from Briton willing to kill for Jihad
ISIS fighter Abu Abduallah al-Britani, who fled the UK for Syria, said "Allah make it easy" to behead people and that he is willing to die for the Islamic State.
News | Fun With Islam
“Long live the Intifada”: Pro-Hamas thugs block pedestrian traffic on Brooklyn Bridge
A group of several hundred pro-Palestinian protesters managed to shut down large portions of the pedestrian pathway on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City on Wednesday making it nearly impossible for bicycle commuters and tourists visiting from around the world to traverse the iconic span.
News | Fun With Islam
'Twice as Many' British Muslims Fighting for ISIS as UK Armed Forces
There are now at least 1,500 British Muslims fighting for Islamic State, according to a British MP
News | Fun With Islam
Islamic State message to America: 'we will drown all of you in blood'
From Yahoo News: The Islamic State militant group that has seized large parts of Iraq and drawn the first American air strikes since the end of the occupation in 2011 has warned the United States it will attack Americans "in any place" if the ra
News | Fun With Islam
Fears growing for Yazidi women held by Isis | Mail Online
Witnesses in the town of Sinjar say Al Qaeda-inspired Islamic State fighters separated the younger women from the rest of the local population and most were shunted off in buses or trucks.
News | Fun With Islam
Yazidis tormented by fears for women and girls kidnapped by Isis jihadis
Despair for one Yazidi father as he is told that his daughter will be sold as a slave by Islamists who rampaged through Sinjar • Who are the Yazidis?
News | Fun With Islam
Don’t stop sharing this until every Mother has seen it!
Shocking video of a Hamas Mother whose son is being treated in Israel.
News | Fun With Islam
Women should not laugh in public, Turkish deputy PM says - POLITICS
Women should not laugh out loud in public, Arınç has said while complaining about “moral corruption”
News | Fun With Islam
Meriam Ibrahim expected in New Hampshire this week | WashingtonExaminer.com
Meriam Ibrahim, the 27-year-old mother of two sentenced to death in Sudan for being Christian, is expected to arrive in New Hampshire this week, CNN reports. Ibrahim flew to Rome in secrecy on Thursday as she and her family fled Sudan following the overtu
News | Fun With Islam
Pro-ISIS Rally Calls for Massacre of Jews and ‘Down, Down USA!’ — but It’s Where It Happened That’s the Real Shock
Video has emerged of a July 4 rally by a group of Muslims in the Hague in support of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria where slogans were chanted promoting the downfall of the U.S. and violence toward Jews. Holding black flags associated with ISIS and w
News | Fun With Islam
Thousands Demand Mayor of The Hague Resign for Allowing ISIS Rally
The Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, is taking advantage of the anti-Semitism in Europe to recruit new members to achieve its dream of a worldwide Caliphate. Protests that start as pro-Palestine slip into violent ant-Israel rallies, and it is a perf
News | Fun With Islam
A word to rioting Muslims
We don't care if you're offended, and we never will. Get used to it. US warns citizens not to travel to Pakistan http://dawn.com/2012/09/20/us-warns-citizens...
News | Fun With Islam
First American Suicide Bomber in Syria Featured in Video
The al-Nusra Front, a terrorist group in Syria, released a video of the first American to participate in a suicide attack in the war-torn country. Monar Mohammed Abu-Salha, 22, grew up in Florida and dropped out of college to join the jihad. In the video,
News | Fun With Islam
More Brits signing up to join ISIS than UK Army Reserve - Allen B. West - AllenBWest.com
Across the pond in England, there are also two concurrent calls for support. One is for Army Reservists. The other one is not so jolly – in fact, it’s a disturbing reflection of the policies of multiculturalism and coexistence.
News | Fun With Islam
Harry Potter actress was beaten and branded a prostitute by her brother after dating man 'who was not a Muslim'
Afshan Azad, 22, who appeared in the blockbuster movies as Padma Patil, was attacked and branded a ‘slag’ when Muslim relatives found out about her boyfriend.
News | Fun With Islam
UK Islamist Teachers Said Boston Bombings Were a Hoax
Teachers at the centre of an Islamist plot to take over British schools exchanged messages saying that the Boston Marathon bombings and the murder of soldier Lee Rigby were hoaxes.
News | Fun With Islam
British Isis fighter al-Britani threatens executions in Trafalgar Square
British extremist Abu Rahin Aziz believed to be using the alias Abu Dugma al-Britani used Twitter to threaten that the Islamic State would capture Downing Street and hold executions in Trafalgar Square
News | Fun With Islam
The title of this post is a pretty compelling quote, wouldn't you agree?
Watch this, and take it from the man to whom the quote is attributed.