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UNCANNY! FBI Predicted Those Jan 6 Riots They Instigated

“Violent extremists” would be “very willing to take action” on Jan 6, the FBI correctly predicted two months before the riots the Bureau helped organize and instigate....

Politics | Interesting Links

Tucker Carlson’s DEEP-STATE dive on what happened with Nixon and the CIA a DAMNING must-watch

Nixon ... Trump ... now Biden? Hrm.

Politics | Interesting Links

Don't Look Now But Democrats Are Gaining

With the primary season nearly over and the candidates for federal office mostly set, Republicans should be optimistic.

Politics | Interesting Links

A Remedial Lesson on a Republic Versus Democracy in This Era of Revisionist History

In the face of so many employing the term, we need to readdress how this country is not a democracy.

Politics | Interesting Links

Letter from a J6 Political Prisoner › American Greatness

Below is the text of a letter to American Greatness by Ethan Nordean, who has been incarcerated awaiting trial for more than a year.

Politics | Interesting Links

‘I was just wherever I could adding queerness’: Christopher Rufo has video from Disney’s all-hands meeting; Updated

Disney supports having "many, many, many LGBTQIA characters" in its stories.

Politics | Interesting Links

Nancy Pelosi’s S.F. event interrupted by the loudest ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ shout we’ve ever heard

This one must still be echoing around the City by the Bay.

Politics | Interesting Links

Kronicles of Kwanzaa › American Greatness

“Michelle and I send our warmest wishes to all those celebrating Kwanzaa this holiday season,” said President Obama in a December 26, 2011 statement.

Politics | Interesting Links

EPIC Gutfeld vs. Tucker Debate: Who's Dumber? Chris Cuomo or Don Lemon?

People tune in for presidential debates, but this debate was pure fun. On Wednesday night's Gutfeld! show, Fox's Greg Gutfeld and Tucker Carlson had a debate over which CNN host is dumber, Chris Cuomo or Don Lemon? There's so much evidence for both sides.

Politics | Interesting Links

In 2020, Americans Paid More In Taxes Than They Spent For Health Care, Food, Entertainment, And Clothing Combined

The average American spent more in taxes last year than on health care, clothing, food, and entertainment expenses combined.

Politics | Interesting Links

'Cobra Kai' Turns Bullying on Its Head and Gets Back to Things We All Once Understood

Those of us of a certain age remember The Karate Kid for many things. Pat Morita’s starring run as Mr. Miyagi was a revelation after his bit-part comedic work on Happy Days.  He won an Oscar nom...

Politics | Interesting Links

NYU Prof in WashPost: Minority Trump Supporters Guilty of ‘Multiracial Whiteness’

Soon, in the dictionary you could see a rewritten definition of “white” as meaning “multiracial.” Why not?

    Politics | Interesting Links

    A Short History Of How Anthony Fauci Has Kept Failing Up Since 1984

    The media buried long-standing concerns that Anthony Fauci had been ‘sucking money away from work to understand and counter natural disease outbreaks.’

    Politics | Interesting Links

    Great American Clint Eastwood Marks a Milestone

    On May 31, Clint Eastwood will turn 91, but 2021 also marks another milestone for the actor and director, active since the 1950s. In 1971, after making a name…

    Politics | Interesting Links

    Georgia State Rep. Vernon Jones: I am a lifelong Democrat who is joining the Republican Party. Here's why

    I am an outgoing State Representative in Georgia, a lifelong Democrat and newest member of the Republican Party.

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    These 12 Graphs Show Mask Mandates Do Nothing To Stop COVID

    No matter how strictly mask laws are enforced nor the level of mask compliance the population follows, cases all fall and rise around the same time.

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    The Morning Briefing: ACB Is In, Now Let's Savor Watching Liberals Freak Out Over Nothing

    How fitting that those of us of a certain political persuasion have something to celebrate this morning, just one week away from what is almost certain to be an absolute you-know-what-show of an election.

    Politics | Interesting Links

    The Antifa Industry at Work - American Greatness

    When, in 2008, then-candidate Barack Obama’s career as a community organizer was lampooned at the Republican National Convention, few understood what the words…

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    'Call Me Mike'

    A long time ago I was one of the executive producers for the Laura Ingraham Show. We were on more than 300 stations with a total audience of about 5 million, making us a top-five national show and the largest helmed by a woman.

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    Is The National Anthem Racist? | PragerU

    The Star-Spangled Banner, long a treasured symbol of national unity, has suddenly become "one of the most racist, pro-slavery songs" in American culture. Why is this happening? And more importantly, is it true? USA Today columnist James Robbins

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    ‘Absolute legend’: Ricky Gervais takes a break from skewering Hollywood to call out the humorless scolds in the media

    Watching Ricky Gervais skewer Hollywood at the Golden Globes this past weekend was an unadulterated delight. So you can no doubt share in our joyousness at watching him skewer the journalists who are outraged on Hollywood’s behalf:

    Politics | Interesting Links

    ‘It’s gonna be lit’: Suppose Mitch McConnell schedules an impeachment trial a week before Iowa

    Mitch McConnell could have some fun with the scheduling of an impeachment trial.

    Politics | Interesting Links

    New Shirt Takes a Direct Shot at Kaepernick and His Hate for the Flag

    With an unapologetic flag front and center and the words 'Just Stand For It' right underneath, this new shirt's message is crystal clear.

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    A Fine Time to Become an American | PragerU

    Renowned Oxford-trained historian Niall Ferguson recounts his recent experience of becoming an American citizen. His unique impressions are both moving and surprising — even to him.

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    WATCH: Students Celebrate Che Guevara, Then Told About His Treatment Of Gays | Daily Wire

    In a new man-on-the-street video by PragerU, Will Witt visits the University of California San Diego to see what students think about Marxist revolutionary Che Guevara.

    Politics | Interesting Links

    SICK: Gucci Makes 'Abortion' The Theme Of Its Paris Fashion Show

    After a series of social justice mis-steps, luxury retail brand Gucci is apparently trying to find its way back into the good graces of the progressive left.

    Politics | Interesting Links

    If you thought New Zealand’s gun ban was fast, check out their new social media laws –

    It's amazing how quickly you can get things done when individual rights aren't a concern.

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    So, Does AOC Really Have an Economics Degree From Boston University?

    The internet has questions, we have answers.

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    Leader Of New Zealand Mosque Blames Jews For Massacre

    On Saturday, at a rally for the victims of the Christchurch massacre in New Zealand, where 50 people were murdered at a mosque, a well-known mosque leader accused Jews of being responsible for the massacre.

    Politics | Interesting Links

    Meet The Man Who Fled Iran To Embrace Judaism, Freedom, And Conservatism In The U.S.

    On November 9, 2016, an Iranian man arrived in the United States on his search for freedom, only to be welcomed by the sight of tens of thousands of Americans exercising their freedom of speech and assembly in protest of

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    We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China

    We Are Going To Lose The Coming War With China - Kurt Schlichter: Nations famously tend to always try to fight the last .03/21/2019 0:34:13AM EST.

    Politics | Interesting Links

    Reagan at CPAC | National Review

    Edwin Meese recalls Reagan’s speeches at CPAC. An excerpt from a new book.

    Politics | Interesting Links

    The Democratic Double Standard for Anti-Semitism

    Ralph Northam’s racist offense prompted Democrats to call for his resignation, but anti-Semitism scandals do not result in a similar united front.

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    Ocasio-Cortez, Adviser Caught Making False Statements About Documents They Published

    Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her team were caught making false statements about a document on the "Green New Deal" that they published on the congresswoman's website after Ocasio-Cortez was widely mocked across the political spe

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    Ocasio-Cortez Hearing Goes Viral. Here's What The Video Didn't Show.

    Socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her minions in the media clipped a 5-minute video of a House Oversight and Reform Committee on Wednesday which quickly went viral — but excluded a follow-up response that put a damper on Ocasio-Cortez&#

    Politics | Interesting Links

    The Inconvenient Truth About the Republican Party

    When you think of the Republican Party, what comes to mind? If you’re like many Americans, you may associate the GOP with racism, sexism, and general inequality. It’s a commonly pushed narrative by left-leaning media and academia, but as former Vander

    Politics | Interesting Links

    The only way to unify America is to kick California out

    The 2000 election was boring. With both candidates trying to out-moderate each other, they were almost indistinguishable. The biggest breach of civility was Democratic candidate Al Gore’s very practiced sighing during the debates. The campaign did not b

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    Slate’s chief political correspondent finds racism even when he walks his dog –

    Or it could just be that people in general just find dogs more approachable than people.

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    What Trump Knows That Obama Didn’t

    We now know why President Obama had to struggle so hard to spur the economy and allow it to grow more than 2 percent a year. And that was the high-water mark. In the last quarter of his presidency, growth had slipped to 1.5 percent. Today it’s obvious w

    Politics | Interesting Links

    US takes a stand against anti-Semitism that Obama didn’t

    Colleges that tolerate such illegal conduct and the activities of anti-Jewish hate groups — as some have under the guise of facilitating a debate about Israel — need to be held accountable.

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    Is Islam a Religion of Peace?

    Is Islam a religion of peace? Is it compatible with Western liberalism? Or does Islam need a reformation, just as Christianity had the Protestant Reformation...

    Politics | Interesting Links

    SURVEY: 52% Of Voters Cannot Name A Single Supreme Court Justice | Daily Wire

    According to a C-SPAN/PBS survey of 1,000 likely voters conducted between August 13-15, a staggering 52% of Americans cannot name

    Politics | Interesting Links

    Dems Attack GOP Rep For Calling Ocasio-Cortez ‘This Girl’. They're Full Of It.

    Democrats are feigning outrage over a GOP rep using the term "this girl" to describe their latest economically illiterate heartthrob: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, an open socialist running for Congress. Rep.

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    Explaining American Leftists: Part I - The Dennis Prager Show

    As I watch a great number of my fellow Americans and virtually all of the mainstream media descend further and further into irrational and immoral

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      You Know Those Studies That Say Conservatives Are More Authoritarian Than Leftists? They’re Basically Garbage.

      You’ve undoubtedly seen those preening headlines from major outlets about how conservatives are more “authoritarian” by nature than Leftists.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      POLL: 85% Of Conservatives Say Social Networks Censor Their Political Speech | Daily Wire

      A shocking new poll from Pew Research shows that a vast majority of conservatives who regularly post on social networks believe technology companies and websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Google regularly censor political posts and silence conservative

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      MERICA! Patriot who loves this country SO HARD writes most EPIC thread about Independence Day maybe EVER

      This patriot GETS IT.

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      Michael Knowles Explains What The Republicans Can Learn From Elvis

      In today’s episode of The Michael Knowles Show, Michael explains how Elvis’s comeback in 1968 has some lessons for the Republican Party.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      What Is Intersectionality?

      Intersectionality is the newest fad in political activism. What is it? Who’s involved? And, what does it even mean? Nobody is better prepared to answer these questions than Daily Wire editor-in-chief and podcast sensation, Ben Shapiro. He breaks it all

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Brendan Fraser Alleges He Was Groped By Former HFPA President | Daily Wire

      So, what happened to Brendan Fraser, whose starring role in 1999's "The Mummy" propelled him to international stardom before falling into relative obscuri

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Jimmy Kimmel Duped Twice By Porn Star In 'Sexist' Anti-Trump Stunt

      Like many of his fellow celebrities and the entire Democratic Party, Jimmy Kimmel has gone all in on #resisting President Trump — and, like his ideological peers, has done so in a way that is doing damage to his craft and credibility.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      'Star Wars: The Last Jedi': The Full Shapiro Review | Daily Wire

      On Saturday night, I went with my wife and dad to see the new Star Wars film. I’ll save my general rating for the end of this review, but it’s very difficult to put an overall grade on such a chaotic film. There are great parts, there are terrible par

      Politics | Interesting Links

      WATCH: Comedian Owen Benjamin On Why He Hates ‘The Left’ | Daily Wire

      On Wednesday, comedian Owen Benjamin uploaded a video to his YouTube channel titled: "Why I Hate The Left." In the video, Benjamin explains what he means by "the Left." He also talks about political debate, and the idea that if debate

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Researchers Were ‘Very Surprised’ to Discover Few Right-Wingers Sent Anti-Semitic Hate Mail, but Here’s Who Did

      "We thought that most of the letters would be sent by right-wing extremists."

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Tucker Carlson: The Bow-Tied Bard of Populism - The Atlantic

      Tucker Carlson’s latest reinvention is guided by a simple principle—a staunch aversion to whatever his right-minded neighbors believe.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      No, Muslim Refugees Are Not Jewish WWII Refugees. Here Are 5 Reasons Why.

      In a desperately misguided attempt to placate the palpable fear of allowing thousands of Muslim refugees into United States without proper security screenings just days after an Islamic terrorist attack, several left-leaning media outlets have fallen back

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      Trump’s Executive Order on Refugees — Separating Fact from Hysteria

      Slow down and look at the facts about President Trump’s executive orders on refugees.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      The Nordic Democratic-Socialist Myth

      The American Left dreams of importing the Nordic democratic-socialist model, but much of what they believe about the system is a myth.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Trump Tells Us How He’ll Hurt America

      Take Donald Trump’s word for it. He’ll make America embarrassed again.

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      A guide to the allegations of Bill Clinton’s womanizing - The Washington Post

      Donald Trump says that former president Bill Clinton has a history of abuse toward women. What is he referring to?

      Politics | Interesting Links

      How Government Killed the Medical Profession

      I am a general surgeon with more than three decades in private clinical practice. And I am fed up.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Hillary Clinton's Islam Comments -- Saying It Has Nothing to Do with Terrorism Is a Lie | National Review Online

      Dear Reader (Including those of you stunned by the news that Charlie Sheen has a sexually transmitted disease. Not since Jim J. Bullock announced he was gay have I been more shocked),

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Internet myth: Ronald Reagan regretted amnesty (he didn't) | The Daily Caller

      Americans often bolster arguments with quotes from Founding Fathers or other U.S. political icons. Unfortunately, this practice often leads to quotes being invented to support a weak case. One such invention made its way into Thursday’s Wall Street Journal in an op-ed by Rep. Tom Cotton (R-AK).

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Sorry, Paul Krugman: The Minimum Wage Won’t Cure Poverty

      Studies Paul Krugman ignores show minimum wage increases significantly reduce the probability of low-skill workers reaching the middle class.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      EVERYONE Needs To Watch This Monologue On Race In America. EVERYONE. - Chicks on the Right

      This chick is AMAZING! When can she run for president? Seriously - I wanna know where I can donate to the Kira Davis SuperPAC.Take notes, Obama. This is what you could have been, but chose not to.(h/t The Right Scoop)

      Politics | Interesting Links

      What Makes America Different? - Prager University

      Is America really that great? Or is the United States just like any other nation? Outsiders tend to be the best judge of character, and Nick Adams, a best-selling Australian author and political commentator, gives an outsider's view of the USA.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      WATCH: Obama Supporters Sign Petition to Nuke Russia

      In a recent political "experiment," journalist and political activist Mark Dice asked fellow San Diegans if they'd be willing to sign "President Barack Obama’s new plan" to nuke Russia. The result Dice described as "disturbing." To his surprise, nearly every "Obama zombie" went along with it.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      George Will to Grads: Universities Owe You an Apology | Truth Revolt

      In a new video for Prager University, Pulitzer Prize-winning Washington Post columnist George Will offers the commencement address no college will ever allow. The first thing an honest commencement address needs to give students is an apology—for saddli

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Should America be the World's Policeman? - Prager University

      Should America be the world's policeman? Does the world even need a policeman? Or would humanity be better off if America weren't the dominant military superpower? Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and foreign affairs expert Bret Stephens weighs in.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Fights Break Out Over $30 Hot Dog Price at Stand Near Ground Zero: Officials | NBC New York

      Meet Ahmed Mohammed. He might be the most expensive hot dog vendor in New York, especially if he thinks you're a tourist.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Obama: No Red Line for Assad This Time | Truth Revolt

      The Washington Times reports that Syrian President Bashar Assad has again used chemical weapons in his country’s ongoing civil war, and unlike the first time, when Assad ​unleashed sarin gas and other chemical agents, and President Barack Obama wa

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Heather Mac Donald UNLEASHED: Scholar drops truth bombs on liberals at UCLA

      ANALYSIS: With wit, wisdom and bold one-liners, conservative scholar takes down leftist tenets Well-known author and scholar Heather Mac Donald recently visited UCLA to talk about the idea of “microaggressions” on college campuses, but before she even

      Politics | Interesting Links

      1995 Video: Obama Praises Communist Mentor Frank Marshall Davis | Truth Revolt

      Video of Barack Obama in 1995 has surfaced online from the vault of Cambridge Public Library where a discussion of his book Dreams from My Father was hosted. Speaking to the crowd, Obama reveals that "Frank," whom he mentions "schooled"

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Clorox's misunderstood tweet sparks racial outrage

      Clorox apologized after tweeting that it wanted bleach added to Apple's emojis.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Iran’s Persian statement on ‘deal’ contradicts Obama’s claims | New York Post

      “Iran Agrees to Detailed Nuclear Outline,” The New York Times headline claimed on Friday. That found an echo in the Washington Post headline of the same day: “Iran agrees to...

      Politics | Interesting Links

      What Is the University Diversity Scam? - Prager University

      America's campuses, particularly those in California, spend tens of millions of dollars on administrators and programs to combat issues like sexism, homophobia, and racism on campus. But are these problems in any way prevalent at our universities? Or is t

      Politics | Interesting Links

      What Is the University Diversity Scam? - Prager University

      America's campuses, particularly those in California, spend tens of millions of dollars on administrators and programs to combat issues like sexism, homophobia, and racism on campus. But are these problems in any way prevalent at our universities? Or is t

      Politics | Interesting Links

      If You’re Reading This, You’re Racist | FrontPage Magazine

      Mother Jones, the leftist magazine not the long dead co-founder of the Wobblies, unveiled its latest blow for social justice, an article claiming that lunch was racist. “Why You Should Stop Eating Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner,” the venerable leftist publication bleated.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Why America Invaded Iraq - Prager University

      Why did America invade Iraq in 2003? Was it for oil? Or was it because Saddam Hussein was a mass-murdering dictator who harbored terrorists and threatened the region with Weapons of Mass Destruction? If it was the former, wouldn't it have been a lot easie

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Did Obama threaten to shoot down Israeli planes if they attacked Iran? « Hot Air

      The Zbigniew plan?

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Feminism vs. Truth - Prager University

      Women in America are the freest in the world, yet many feminists tell us women are oppressed. They advocate this falsehood through victim mentality propaganda and misleading statistics, such as the gender wage gap myth. In five minutes, American Enterpris

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Map shows how ISIS tentacles now reach from Algeria to Afghanistan | Daily Mail Online

      ISIS began as 'Al-Qaeda in Iraq' in 2004 when they formed part of an armed insurgency against the British and US troops who toppled Saddam Hussein as the country's leader in April 2003.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Do the Rich Pay Their Fair Share? - Prager University

      Do the rich pay their fair share of taxes? It's not a simple question. First of all, what do you mean by rich? And how much is fair? What are the rich, whoever they are, paying now? Is there any tax rate that would be unfair? UCLA Professor of Economics,

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Shoot or don't shoot: Police scenarios prove eye-opening for civil rights leaders | Fox News

      A distressed man with a baby in tow was pacing back and forth in a manic state and shouting incoherently. The responding police officer calmly addressed the man in an attempt to calm him down and defuse the situation, but the man suddenly pulled an object from his side and lunged toward the officer. Instinctively, the officer raised his Taser and squeezed the trigger. It turned out the man was armed with a knife...

      Politics | Interesting Links

      The Worst of Brian Williams: Marking His 10 Years as Anchor of NBC Nightly News

      Brian Williams marks ten years as anchor of NBC Nightly News on December 2 and it’s been a decade full of absurdly softball interviews with Barack Obama and trashing of Republicans and Tea Partiers. 

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Flipping Hollywood’s Blacklist Narrative

      Once on a British talk show in the early 1970s, anticommunist actor John Wayne startled the host by acknowledging that there was indeed a Hollywood blacklist.  Wayne's follow-up, however, made the ...

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Truth Hurts? NY Times Admits Fox's Megyn Kelly Is a 'Breakthrough Artist'

      Sunday’s New York Times Magazine includes a generally favorable story on "The Megyn Kelly Moment" by Times reporter Jim Rutenberg (once a media-beat specialist). Rutenberg acknowledged how throroughly Kelly dominates her time slot and is battl

      Politics | Interesting Links

      ‘That’s gonna sting’: WH deputy press secretary’s warning against censorship hit with a flashback [photo] | Twit

      Self-awareness isn't among their strong suits.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Whole Foods: America’s Temple of Pseudoscience - The Daily Beast

      Americans get riled up about creationists and climate change deniers, but lap up the quasi-religious snake oil at Whole Foods.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      How Obama Dumped Hagel - Glenn Thrush - POLITICO Magazine

      When President Obama first summoned Chuck Hagel to the Oval Office in October, he wanted to know how his Pentagon chief planned to cope with the dangerous new threat posed by the Islamic State that had drawn the reluctant president back into war in the Mi

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Hirsi Ali slams feminism's 'trivial BS' |

      Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a harsh critic of Islam’s treatment of women, said Wednesday that modern American feminism is focused on “trivial bullshit” and needs to be reclaimed. Speaking at the Independent Women’s Forum Women of Valor dinner, where she rece

      Politics | Interesting Links

      This amazing performance of the National Anthem by trumpeter Chris Botti caused NFL Colts W. R. Reggie Wayne to tear up

      This amazing performance of the National Anthem by trumpeter Chris Botti on Monday Night Football caused the Colts' wide receiver Reggie Wayne to tear up – listen to it for yourself.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      The Progressive Income Tax: A Tale of Three Brothers - Prager University

      The Progressive Income Tax is one of those economic terms that gets bandied about, but few actually know what it means or how it works. This tale of three similar brothers with three different incomes (but one shared expense) helps explain the tax system

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Lefties manufacture outrage over Kimberly Guilfoyle’s comments | Twitchy

      Did Fox News personality Kimberly Guilfoyle “tell young women not to vote” on The Five?

      Not really.

      She did express some frustration about how young women tend to vote and said, “They don’t get it.” Her opinion seems to be based on her former career as a prosecutor and experience with young women on juries. She said she “excused them” which is clearly an allusion to the jury selection process.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Who Are the Racists: Conservatives or Liberals? - Prager University

      To call someone a racist is a serious charge. A racist is someone who believes that one person is superior (or inferior) to another person simply based on their skin color. It's a belief that is both foolish and stupid. But conservatives are accused by pr

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      Socialists Wants $20 Wage, Offer $13 | The Daily Caller

      Freedom Socialist Party in Seattle that wants $20 per hour minimum wage but advertises job for experienced web developer paying $13 per hour

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Money in Politics: What's the Problem? - Prager University

      Is campaign finance reform a good way to regulate money in politics? Nationally syndicated, Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist and best-selling author George Will shows that, despite the innocent name given by its proponents, campaign finance reform is real

      Politics | Interesting Links

      How to Solve America's Spending Problem - Prager University

      Everyone complains about America's debt, and rightly so, but how do we get out of it? As Cato's Michael Tanner explains, spending on entitlement programs -- Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid -- has exploded in recent decades. We must slow their growt

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Ben Affleck Slams Bill Maher for "Racist," "Ugly" Views in Heated Islam Debate - Yahoo TV

      From Yahoo TV: "It's like saying, 'Oh, you shifty Jew' "

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Feminism vs. Truth - Prager University

      Women in America are the freest in the world, yet many feminists tell us women are oppressed. They advocate this falsehood through victim mentality propaganda and misleading statistics, such as the gender wage gap myth. In five minutes, American Enterpris

      Politics | Interesting Links

      School to fingerprint students to ‘monitor their diets.' What can go wrong???

      The Express & Star reports students at Redhill School in Stourbridge, England will be fingerprinted in an attempt to reduce lunch lines and “monitor pupils’ diets.”

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Kerry: America Not at War with ISIS

      Thursday on CNN in an interview with Elise Labott in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Secretary of State John Kerry said America is not at war with ISIS.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Barack Obama, September 11th, 2001: 'A Failure of Empathy'

      "We must also engage, however, in the more difficult task of understanding the sources of such madness. The essence of this tragedy, it seems to me, derives from a fundamental absence of empathy on the part the attackers: an inability to imagine, or

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Kid’s Oval Office face-plant goes viral

      A bored kid planted his face into a couch while his parents met Obama.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Don’t look now State Dept.’s Marie Harf, you are being schooled! (Her latest idiocy is enraging) [photos] | Twitchy

      State Dept. sets its laser-like focus on ... (Hint: Not ISIS)

      Politics | Interesting Links

      $15 Minimum Wage Would Hike Fast Food Prices by 38%

      A minimum-wage increase would result in fewer hours of work overall at fast-food restaurants and higher prices for all.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Thousands of Americans surrendering their passports due to huge hike in government fees

      Large tax bills faced by Americans who have not lived in their country for years are forcing US citizens to renounce their nationality - but only at a cost

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Andrew Klavan: Democrats at War

      In which our host, Andrew Klavan, discusses the lies, double-speak, failures and foibles of Democrats at War. TRANSCRIPT: RT - DEMOCRATS AT WAR! I’m Andrew Klavan and this is the Revolting Truth! Today, in a Revolting Truth special, we bring you a story

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Andrew Klavan: How to Speak Leftist | Truth Revolt

      In which our host offers a helpful guide to right-wingers on the true meaning of popular leftist phrases. Behold, the Leftese Dictionary! TRANSCRIPT: RT:  The Leftist to English Dictionary, Part One I’m Andrew Klavan and this is the Revolting Truth.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      How the Liberal University Hurts the Liberal Student - Prager University

      Are most college professors liberal? Yes, says Penn State Associate Professor of Political Science and Philosophy Matthew Woessner. Perhaps surprisingly, however, his research shows that liberal bias does not seem to influence right-leaning students. Rath

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Obama Stands Alone: Even the media are baffled by his deepening isolation

      All the criticism about him playing golf and being at Martha’s Vineyard is kind of a code for his supposedly being unplugged from the job.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      'Dead broke' Hillary's lavish extravagance on the speakers' circuit | RedState

      Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Laura Myers spills the beans on Hillary’s extravagance. According to documents obtained by the Las Vegas Review-Journal, this is what Hillary requires for a speaking engagement: A $300,000 speaker’s fee; Hillary insists

      Politics | Interesting Links

      How These Terrorists Are Using Twitter to Grow

      Islamic State uses social media to recruit both men and women from the West.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      A Japanese View of the Palestinians

      If you are so sure that ” Palestine , the country, goes back through most of recorded history,” I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of Palestine :

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Minnesota Restaurant Adds 'Minimum Wage Fee,' Angers Idiots

      Capitalism is mean. Turning a profit is bad. If you give people more money, they'll have more money. More money is good. And if you tell your customers that

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Al-Qaeda prefers Android over Apple's iOS (really)

      A new report by intelligence firm Recorded Future examined Al-Qaeda's changes in encryption in response to the Snowden leaks, noting "an increased pace of innovation, specifically new competing jihadist platforms and three major new encryption tools from three different organizations - GIMF, Al-Fajr Technical Committee, and ISIS - within a three to five-month time frame of the leaks."

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Reagan Addresses America After Russians Shoot Down Airliner

      On September 5th, 1983, President Ronald Reagan addressed the American public after a Soviet fighter jet shot down a Korean airliner for 'invasion of airspace'.

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      Reagan's 'Peace Shield' Saves Israeli Lives Today: Looks Like The Left Was Wrong (Again)

      Israel's Iron Dome defensive missile system has intercepted nearly 90% of the Hamas rockets it has targeted. It's time the free world followed their example.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Elisabeth Hasselbeck Defends Herself From Joy Behar's Attack -- With Instagram Reply

      Jordan Zakarin at The Wrap reported that Fox News host Elisabeth Hasselback shot back at Joy Behar – a hand-written note on Instagram!

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Cesar Chavez: Anti-Immigration to His Union Core

      Call it the whitewash of Cesar Chavez. Yes, that Cesar Chavez: the late farm worker unionizer (he died in 1993) honored repeatedly by President Obama. The man the Left loves to name drop for his role in organizing all-those grape and lettuce and melon pi

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Chicago Resident: 'Obama Will Go Down as Worst President'

      In the midst of an immigration crisis, the Obama administration is deflecting scrutiny by putting blame elsewhere. The latest example is Attorney General Eric Holder who claimed that “racial animus” is behind some of the opposition.

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Chuck Todd: WSJ/NBC Poll ‘Disaster for the President’

      NBC’s Chuck Todd described the latest WSJ/NBC poll  as a “disaster for the president” and argued that the American public is essentially saying Obama’s “presidency is over.”

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Democrats on Hobby Lobby: ‘Misspeaks,’ ‘opinion’ and overheated rhetoric

      All too often, rhetoric gets ahead of the facts when Democrats discuss the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby ruling.

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      Daily Beast’s Goff: There is a ‘Secret War on Black Republicans’

      Give credit to The Daily Beast for highlighting an issue that conservatives have noted for decades: the Left’s war on black Republican politicians.

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      Ten of the Most Hysterical Hobby Lobby Reactions

      American women have plunged into a bottomless dungeon of servitude -- by the Supreme Court no less -- in the new ruling that Hobby Lobby can be exempted from paying for employees’ abortifacients. Or so the liberal media and

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      24 things that require a photo ID | Mobile Washington Examiner

      Voter-ID laws continue to get a lot of attention, and proponents of the law are being drowned out by opponents claiming the laws discriminate against certain voters. Rather than getting IDs to the people who are supposedly disenfranchised, opponents spend

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      Homeless People Shower on New Bus in San Francisco

      In May, San Francisco introduced the

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Poll: Liberals More Interested in World Cup than Conservatives

      Liberals are more interested in soccer and the World Cup than conservatives. 

      Politics | Interesting Links

      Three Biggest Lies Liberals Spread about the Hobby Lobby Ruling

      As predicted, Monday’s Supreme Court ruling 5-4 in favor of Hobby Lobby, Conestoga Wood Co., and other family-owned businesses who filed against the contraceptive requirements provided in the HHS Mandate raised howls of outrage from the left. American w

        Politics | Interesting Links

        The Truth about the Vietnam War - Prager University

        Did the United States win or lose the Vietnam War? We are taught that it was a resounding loss for America, one that proves that intervening in the affairs of other nations is usually misguided. The truth is that our military won the war, but our politici

        Politics | Interesting Links

        Newspaper Reversal: 'We Were Wrong' -- Obama Worse than Bush

        "The Billings Gazette," a Montana newspaper that endorsed President Obama over John McCain in 2008 (but went with Romney in 2012) admitted Friday that they were wrong -- Obama is in fact worse than his predecessor, George W. Bush.

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        I've held off on writing about soccer for a decade -- or about the length of the average soccer game -- so as not to offend anyone. But enough is enough. Any growing interest in soccer can only be a sign of the nation's moral decay.

        Politics | Interesting Links

        Another liberal myth bites the dust - Hot Air

        When they were first introduced, they represented a threat to humanity. Today, the first phase of their quiet death was completed, without them ever having fulfilled what so many said would be their destiny as weapons that would ignite the first sparks of WWIII.

        Politics | Interesting Links

        Gallup: Obama now rated below Bush and Carter

        Americans view each of the four former living former presidents more favorably than unfavorably, contrasting with President Barack Obama, whose image now tilts negative. The public rates Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush most positively.

        Politics | Interesting Links

        12 Trademarks Declared Less Offensive Than Redskins

        In a ruling Wednesday morning, the United States Patent and Trademark Office cancelled six federal trademarks for the name of the Washington Redskins. (RELATED: US Patent Office Cancels 'Redskins' Tra

        Politics | Interesting Links

        Agency Aims to Regulate Map Aids in Vehicles

        In an effort to curb distracted driving, a measure in a proposed bill would specify that Transportation Department could regulate smartphone map apps and systems built into cars.

        Politics | Interesting Links

        Hillary Clinton: "We Came Out Of The White House Dead Broke"

        DIANE SAWYER, ABC NEWS: It has been reported you've made $5 million making speeches, the president's made more than $100 million. HILLARY CLINTON: Well, if you -- you have no reason to remember, but we came out of the White House not only dead b

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        NRA says Open Carry Texas demonstrations 'downright scary'

        The National Rifle Association has issued a strongly-worded criticism of a fellow gun rights group, calling its practice of so-called open carry demonstrations downright scary.

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        Sharyl Attkisson on Journalism's Very Dangerous Trend

        Sharyl Attkisson, an award-winning investigative reporter who resigned from CBS News this year, says the news media are heading down a dangerous path.

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        What Every Graduate Should Know - Prager University

        As a college graduate, the commencement speech is something that you can take with you into the world. America's universities have attracted some of the most successful and famous people to speak to graduates. Some commencement speakers deliver grand and

        Politics | Interesting Links

        Marine Vet Watches Robbery Unfold, Intervenes; One Dead

        A Marine Corps veteran was eating lunch at a sandwich restaurant in Houston on Thursday when he saw two men pull up hoodies, tie on bandanas and enter a video game store. The 28 year-old had a conc

        Politics | Interesting Links

        Google: Memorial Day Does Not Rate a Tribute Doodle on Search Page

        Memorial Day did not get the tribute Google Doodle on Monday.

        Politics | Interesting Links

        Why America's Military Must Be Strong - Prager University

        Over the past century there have been periods when the American military has been dominant and periods when it has not. Renowned British historian Andrew Roberts examines the consequences of a weak America versus a strong America and what each means to th

        Politics | Interesting Links

        What is Social Justice? - Prager University

        Social Justice is a term you hear almost every day. But did you ever hear anybody define what it actually means? Jonah Goldberg of the American Enterprise Institute tries to pin this catchall phrase to the wall. In doing so, he exposes the not-so-hidden a

        Politics | Interesting Links

        Have You Noticed the Left’s Destruction of Freedom of Speech?

        Conservative viewpoints are being framed as out of the mainstream, out of touch and at worst hate-speech in Obama's America. The American left, with a good deal of help from the biased press, is succeeding at almost criminalizing speech. Have you not

        Politics | Interesting Links

        17-year-old high school student beats sitting W.Va. lawmaker in GOP primary

        After Tuesday's GOP primary, a 17-year-old is one election away from becoming the youngest state lawmaker in West Virginia history.

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        Marco Rubio cites abortion to defend climate comments

        Marco Rubio said his liberal critics show their “hypocrisy” when they cite science and label him a climate-change denier when they decline to embrace the science of human life beginning at conception. In an interview with Sean Hannity on Wedne

        Politics | Interesting Links

        Iran and the Bomb - Prager University

        Many countries have nuclear weapons, and many more want them. Only one, though, has its neighbors and the world terrified. That country is Iran. Why is everyone so concerned? Because the Islamic theocracy has repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel, spons

        Politics | Interesting Links

        Why Liberals Think Conservatives Are Racist

        Liberals need racist foes to vanquish. Most of the time they have to resort to finding them where they obviously aren’t there.

          Politics | Interesting Links

          The twin dangers of the Ukraine crisis

          Newt Gingrich says the stakes are high, and the U.S. needs to develop an approach that checks Russian expansion but doesn't blunder into war

            Politics | Interesting Links

            18 spectacularly wrong apocalyptic predictions made around the time of the first Earth Day in 1970, expect more this year

            On the 30th anniversary of the first Earth Day in 1970, Ronald Bailey wrote an excellent article in the May 2000 edition of Reason Magazine titled “Earth Day, Then and Now.” In that article, Bailey...

              Politics | Interesting Links

              Diversity and Dishonesty

              Mozilla and Brandeis may preach pluralism, but it’s a sham.

                Politics | Interesting Links

                The 77% Lie — And Why Obama Keeps Telling It

                President Obama continues to falsely assert that employers rip off female employees by paying them 23 cents less per dollar than men for doing the same work.

                  Politics | Interesting Links

                  This second grader’s revenge against Common Core math will make your day

                  The litany of frighteningly stupid Common Core math worksheets never ends. Perhaps now, though, kids are starting to fight back in satisfyingly creative ways. An alert reader sent The Daily Caller

                    Politics | Interesting Links

                    The strange revival of Republican America -

                    For years people have predicted the Republican party’s demise. The decline of whites as a share of the US population and the spread of tolerant values, such as support for gay marriage, would gradually snuff out its appeal. Yet the Grand Old Party

                      Politics | Interesting Links

                      Susan Rice Forbids Israel from Criticizing Kerry

                      Who the hell does National Security Advisor Susan Rice think she is? Does she believe in freedom of speech? How else to explain her disdainful tweet

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                        Make college students take (real) history

                        Several years ago I gave a lecture at the University of Washington on the situation of women in ancient Rome.  Afterwards, two co-eds asked me about the Roman Empire.

                          Politics | Interesting Links

                          Put the Sex Back in Sex Ed | TIME

                          When public schools refuse to acknowledge gender differences, we betray boys and girls alike

                            Politics | Interesting Links

                            Condoleezza Rice: The U.S. must lead again

                            Will America heed the wake-up call of Ukraine?

                            By Condoleezza Rice, Published: March 7

                            “Meet Viktor Yanu­kovych, who is running for the presidency of Ukraine.” Vladimir Putin and I were standing in his office at the presidential dacha in late 2004 when Yanu­kovych suddenly appeared from a back room. Putin wanted me to get the point. He’s my man, Ukraine is ours — and don’t forget it.

                              Politics | Interesting Links

                              Journalism Review Explores Fox's Liberal Pundits, Confesses Fox Is More Balanced Than MSNBC | NewsBusters

                              Alexis Sobel Fitts at the Columbia Journalism Review has tackled the subject of paid liberal analysts at Fox News, perhaps nudged by their hiring of conservative hate object James Carville.

                                Politics | Interesting Links

                                Having a wife and child at age 23 is now an “alternative lifestyle,” according to NBC

                                Big thanks to Mollie Hemingway at The Federalist for yet another reason I'm glad I did a Snake Plissken and escaped from the District of Columbia. Check out this utter nonsense: David Wise's alter

                                  Politics | Interesting Links

                                  The Real War on Women: a ex-Clinton Aide Explains Why Hillary Represents the Actual War on Women

                                  A Free Press For A Free People Since 1997

                                    Politics | Interesting Links

                                    Woody Allen Speaks Out

                                    I naïvely thought the accusation would be dismissed.

                                      Politics | Interesting Links

                                      Almost One in Four 26-Year-Olds Still Live with Parents

                                      According to the survey titled “Where Are They Now,

                                        Politics | Interesting Links

                                        3 books to take your mind off of last night’s #SOTU

                                        Blaze Books sat down with George Gilder, President Reagan's most quoted living author, pioneer of supply-side economics, winner of the White House Award for Entrepreneurial Excellence presented by President Reagan, author of over a dozen books includ

                                          Politics | Interesting Links

                                          Broken dreams of my father
                                          Exclusive: Dr. Gina Loudon notes radical shift in psychology of tyrannical left

                                          The Association for Psychological Science released a study that says liberals tend to have a false sense of uniqueness, and conservatives tend to have a false sense of consensus. Liberals tend to fancy themselves the rebel or minority, even when they are clearly not. Conservatives tend to think that most people with common sense probably agree with them, even when they do not.

                                            Politics | Interesting Links

                                            The Republican 'agenda' – and youth vote

                                            Michael Steele, then-chair of the Republican National Committee, criticized Obama’s stimulus plan as “a wish list from a lot of people who have been on the sidelines for years … to get a little bling, bling.” Steele, who wanted to expand the GOP’s appeal to young voters, used the expression to, in Steele’s words, “take the party to the streets,” while making the GOP more “relevant” to “urban-suburban hip-hop settings.”

                                              Politics | Interesting Links

                                              The rich do not pay the most taxes, they pay ALL the taxes

                                              A new report from the Congressional Budget Office shows the wealthiest 40 percent of Americans pay 106 percent of all taxes.

                                                Politics | Interesting Links

                                                Obama To Americans: You Don't Deserve To Be Free

                                                Obama's speech argues that freedom has been tried but has failed, so we have to forget about rights and turn our lives over to the government.

                                                  Politics | Interesting Links

                                                  MSM Glosses Over Irony of Global Warming Scientists Trapped in Antarctic Ice | NewsBusters

                                                  Somewhere far, far to the south where it is summer, a group of global warming scientists are trapped in the Antarctic ice. If you missed the irony of that situation, it is because much of the mainstream media has glossed over that rather inconvenient bit

                                                    Politics | Interesting Links

                                                    Intervention to cure friend’s addiction – to liberalism

                                                    At an out-of-town memorial service for my dear friend and mentor, Alan Schonberg – a business titan known for his warmth, grace and generosity – I saw “Paul,” a man I’ve known some 30 years. It had been a long, long time. Paul, like me, is a black attorney. Unlike me, he is a Democrat, active in local politics.

                                                      Politics | Interesting Links

                                                      How the West was lost by the selfie president

                                                      My bookshelves sag with encyclopedic volumes arguing that America and the West are in decline. But proving that a picture is worth a thousand books, the “selfie” seen ’round the…

                                                        Politics | Interesting Links

                                                        Che Guevara in 10 (Not So) Great Quotes - The Libertarian

                                                        Ten not so great quotes from every teenager's favourite freedom fighter. Share this link, and spread the truth about Che Guevara!

                                                          Politics | Interesting Links

                                                          No More Che Day

                                                          Brave college students across America today will take a stand against a leftist hero/mass murderer.

                                                              Politics | Interesting Links

                                                              Community Post: 12 Completely Unnecessary Government Shutdown Events

                                                              Twelve unprecedented, completely unnecessary actions made by the Obama administration during the government shutdown.

                                                                Politics | Interesting Links

                                                                Barack Obama: A Divider, Not a Uniter

                                                                Obama's biggest failing has been his inability to build relationships and make deals on Capitol Hill.

                                                                  Politics | Interesting Links

                                                                  Senator John McCain: Russians deserve better than Putin

                                                                  When editor, Dmitry Sudakov, offered to publish my commentary, he referred to me as "an active anti-Russian politician for many years." I'm sure that isn't the first time Russians have heard me characterized as their...

                                                                    Politics | Interesting Links

                                                                    State seeking Bridgepoint Education (Ashford University) records on the possibility of misleading sales efforts

                                                                    California has asked a court to order San Diego’s Bridgepoint Education to turn over information about its sales efforts, including hundreds of thousands of recordings of telephone calls, as part of an investigation into complaints of false advertising by for-profit colleges.

                                                                      Politics | Interesting Links

                                                                      The Chilling History of How Hollywood Helped Hitler (Exclusive)

                                                                      In devastating detail, an excerpt from a controversial new book reveals how the big studios, desperate to protect German business, let Nazis censor scripts, remove credits from Jews, get movies stopped and even force one MGM executive to divorce his Jewis

                                                                        Politics | Interesting Links

                                                                        JFK assassination: Docudrama examines if Secret Service agent's bullet hit President Kennedy

                                                                        Weeks before the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's assassination this fall, ReelzChannel will take another look at the killing in a docudrama that suggests a Secret Service agent fired one of the bullets that felled Kennedy.

                                                                          Politics | Interesting Links

                                                                          Ten Mainstream Media Stars More Bigoted Than George Zimmerman

                                                                          Though there is absolutely no evidence that George Zimmerman has ever said or done anything bigoted, the same cannot be said for a number of America's top mainstream media stars. And so, in no particular order, here are the top ten media stars provabl