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Climate Change | Politics

Politics | Climate Change

'NEVER Seen a More Dysfunctional Process': Local Officials Decried Biden's Top-Down Imposition of Wind Farms

As the Biden administration accelerated offshore wind development plans, it received vigorous and surprising pushback from local governments in a Democratic state as well as from federal officials, according to internal documents reviewed by the Washingto

Politics | Climate Change

Climate Data Refutes Crisis Narrative

On September 16, with great fanfare, California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced his office had filed a lawsuit against five major oil companies.

Politics | Climate Change

We Know Exactly What ‘De-Development’ Means

“The climate crisis,” said Al Gore at the U.N. a couple of days ago, “is a fossil fuel crisis.” “What climate crisis?” you might be asking, and you would be…

Politics | Climate Change

1,600 Scientists Humiliate the Climate Ghouls Once and for All –

The report starts with a proposition everyone with an ounce of gray matter agrees with: Scientists should study science and politicians should stay out of it.

Politics | Climate Change

CNN reports hottest world in 120,000 years but accompanying photo isn't convincing

 You have without a doubt noticed that the media has made it quite clear that when it comes to global warming, this July is the most July in the history of Julys going way back in time.

Politics | Climate Change

Solar Panels Don’t Help the Environment; They Help Our Enemies

A new report reveals that solar panels are nearly as carbon-intensive as natural gas, while investment in solar benefits America’s number one enemy.

Politics | Climate Change

U.N. To Seize Global ‘Emergency’ Powers With Biden’s Support

The proposal might be the biggest attempted power grab in the history of the U.N. If approved, the U.S. as we know it could cease to exist.

Politics | Climate Change

About That Claim That July 3-4 Were the 'Hottest Days on Record'...

The headlines were stark and specific. Reuters claimed, “World registers hottest day ever recorded on July 3.”
Well, “ever recorded” is misleading since the records have only b...

Politics | Climate Change

Climate Change Hysteria Is America's Biggest Mental Health Crisis

Top O’ the Briefing
Happy Monday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Krenwell’s desire to make the perfect pinwheel sandwich was continually hampered by his abiding fear of Pergo....

Politics | Climate Change

Bloomberg reporter wants to know if everyone is ready to take climate change seriously now

It's a forest fire.

Politics | Climate Change

‘No Correlation’: Steve Milloy Slams Climate Alarmists’ Extreme Weather Claims

As usual, climate alarmists need to chill out. Junk Science’s Steve Milloy slammed recent scare-mongering that man-made climate change is supposedly causing increasing extreme weather events. “There i...

Politics | Climate Change

Police helicopters under attack for ‘global climate crisis’

LOS ANGELES -- Just when you thought there were no new ways to attack law enforcement, a new study being conducted

Politics | Climate Change

How Climate Alarmism Killed Real Environmentalism

The environmentalist movement is a political weapon. It unites the most powerful special interests in the world behind an agenda that will further centralize…

Politics | Climate Change

Greta Thunberg deletes 2018 tweet that gave humanity five years to stop using fossil fuels

Even AOC gave us a good 12 years.

Politics | Climate Change

5 Reasons Biden's Electric Vehicles Are A Boondoggle

President Joe Biden touted electric vehicles as the solution to climate change again Tuesday night during his State of the Union address.

Politics | Climate Change

The Climate Alarmist’s TRUE Fear

By Andy May Is it just me, or are the climate alarmists more unhinged than usual lately? Al Gore screaming about boiling oceans and rain bombs is just part of it. As Eric Worral has reported, the BBC blamed global warming for the lack of snow, just after

Politics | Climate Change

Is There Really a Climate Emergency?

The climate is the most complex system on Earth. Is it really possible to project with any precision what it will be like 20, 40, or even 100 years from now?…

Politics | Climate Change

U.S. Reverses Course, Agrees to Pay Climate Extortion Money to Poorer Nations

It had been an article of faith since the 1990s when the idea of “climate reparations” was first proposed that the United States would never participate in such an extortion scheme.

Politics | Climate Change

The Myth of Clean Energy

"Clean", like "smart", has become the prerequisite for all technology. Both are myths. Smart technology is surveillance technology. It is not smarter because of its inherent qualities, but because it sends and receives data that allows it to be "smarter"

Politics | Climate Change

Electric Cars Are Not “Zero-Emission Vehicles”

By James D. Agresti September 2, 2022 While praising California’s decision to ban the sale of new gasoline-powered cars by 2035, Governor Gavin Newsom declared that this will require “100% of new car sales in California to be zero-emission vehicles” like

Politics | Climate Change

SMART yet brutal thread on the ‘insanity of Pseudo-Science’ makes climate change and its believers look even MORE … insane

Gosh, climate change sure sounds like Pseudo-Science to us. But we’ll let you read this thread, dear reader, and decide for yourself. This is actually one of the most fascinating threads this…

Politics | Climate Change

China Preps For War With Coal As US Self-Destructs With Green Energy

The West's insistence on the widespread implementation of green energy may backfire as China continues to use coal in preparation for war.

Politics | Climate Change

The Green Surrender

I sometimes wonder which policy of President Biden's has been or will be the most destructive of them all. There are so many possibilities.

Politics | Climate Change

‘Ridiculous Edict’: Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin Blasts California’s Gas Car Phase Out

Governor Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) blasted California’s new electric vehicle plan that will ban sales of new gas-powered cars in 2035, saying he will push to block the effort from spreading to the Old Dominion.

Politics | Climate Change

Rep. Massie SHOCKS Buttigieg When He Shows What’d Happen if Everyone Used Electric Cars

Rep. Thomas Massie just SHOCKED Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg when he showed what would happen if everyone used electric cars. WATCH Doocy leave Pr...

Politics | Climate Change

Want to see *actual* collusion? Michael Shellenberger details how Russia’s collaboration with climate activists has helped fuel the global energy crisis

"Funny how the Russia Collusion junkies never want to talk about Russian (and Chinese) collusion with the climate change movement."

Politics | Climate Change

BJORN LOMBORG: Misguided climate panic ignores human ingenuity

Governments and climate activists have been talking of impending catastrophe for 50 years, rather than focusing on realistic solutions such as adaptation and innovation

Politics | Climate Change

Climate Change Is Not a Crisis

President Joe Biden contends that the recent hurricanes that hit the United States prove we’re in a “climate crisis.” It’s a “code red” for the world, the president...

Politics | Climate Change

Six Facts the Left Doesn't Want You To Know About Climate Change

President Biden implores us that climate change is an “existential threat” to humanity. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry preaches to us that “[t]he climate crisis as

Politics | Climate Change

On Behalf Of Environmentalists, I Apologize For The Climate Scare

Climate change is happening. It’s just not the end of the world. It’s not even our most serious environmental problem.

Politics | Climate Change

No, Antarctica Is Not ‘Rapidly Melting’

he BBC, which in September 2018 announced its decision to censor any reports by climate skeptics, continues to propagandize for climate alarmists. On March 12, BBC “Science Correspondent” Jonathan Amos published an alarming article entitled “Greenland and

Politics | Climate Change

United States Led Entire World In Reducing CO2 Emissions In 2019

The United States led the entire world in reducing CO2 emissions last year while also experiencing solid economic growth, according to a newly released report. “The United States saw the largest decline in energy-related CO2 emissions in 2019 on a c

Politics | Climate Change

Elizabeth Warren: To Deal With Chinese Coronavirus We Must Fight Climate Change

Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren released a plan on Monday to deal with infectious disease outbreaks at home and abroad in part by fighting climate change. Warren’s new plan came in response to the Chinese coronavirus, which has

Politics | Climate Change

Treasury Secretary Just Stated The Obvious About Teen Environmental Oracle Greta Thunberg & the Left Is Melting Down

You'd think Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin had pulled a Harvey Weinstein, Jeffrey Epstein, or Bill Clinton, judging by the reaction by the Left. But no. Reporters and other Leftists were scandalized – How Dare You! –that Mnuchin stated what all the worl

Politics | Climate Change

Climate Expert Shreds Claims Made By Ocasio-Cortez, Thunberg In Congressional Testimony

Michael D. Shellenberger, President of Environmental Progress, ripped the far-left extremist rhetoric parroted by fringe activist Greta Thunberg and socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) during his testimony in front of the House Committee On Sci

Politics | Climate Change

Environmentalists Caused Australia’s Fires, Not ‘Climate Change.’ This is why.

“These greenies and the government don’t want to burn s— off. We’re going to lose all our houses and properties because of you useless pieces of garbage will not burn off when its supposed to, through the winter time like we used to do years ago out in th

Politics | Climate Change

Greta Thunberg Is a Joke | National Review

Far from being the historic figure she and Time magazine imagine her to be, the climate-change spokeschild, Greta Thunberg, is attracting mockery.

Politics | Climate Change

Elizabeth Warren tells young child that yes, she’ll stop global warming as president

Elizabeth Warren will do "absolutely everything that a president can do by herself" to stop climate change.

Politics | Climate Change

Grist says that ‘Ford v Ferrari’ is a ‘climate change horror film’ brimming with white masculinity

There are some disturbing images of cars being filled with gasoline in "Ford v Ferrari."

Politics | Climate Change

HuffPost says ‘you may want to consider’ ruining your Thanksgiving in order to reduce your carbon footprint

Listen up, everybody. Before you get too excited about Thanksgiving this year, there’s something you should know: you’re basically killing the planet. But don’t take our word for it. Just listen to HuffPost, who spoke with experts. Experts who care:

Politics | Climate Change

New Report Reveals Climate Change Protesters Are Being Paid, May Be in Trouble Because of It

We’ve been bringing you some of the outrageous actions of the climate change gang, particularly Extinction Rebellion, the group that has been incredibly annoying to the general populace in London and who has flexed their ability to annoy in the United States as well.

Politics | Climate Change

Trump Trolls Greta Thunberg Over ‘Mass Extinction’ Speech, Internet Explodes | Daily Wire

President Donald Trump hilariously trolled far-left climate extremist Greta Thunberg on Monday night after Thunberg gave a widely criticized speech at the United Nations.

Politics | Climate Change

5 inconvenient truths about the 'climate strike'

Thousands of students around the world are leaving class Friday, going on "strike" to demand immediate action against climate change. But critics say they miss these important big-picture facts.

Politics | Climate Change

What AOC & co. get horribly wrong about Dorian, climate change

With Hurricane Dorian striking the Bahamas and the East Coast, the climate blame game is now in full swing again: Global-warming activists, newspaper columnists, TV commentators and politicians are…

Politics | Climate Change

Summer Heat Wave? It's Global Warming... Or Is It?

Democrats are likely to seize on the summer heat wave as proof of climate change or global warming. Here's why they're dead wrong.

Politics | Climate Change

‘You going to be OK?’ Female journo cries sexism after meteorologist Ryan Maue calls her climate ‘expertise’ into question

Emily Atkin writes about climate for the New Republic. Which automatically makes her an expert and de facto scientist and if you disagree with that, then obviously you’re a sexist.

Politics | Climate Change

National Parks Toss Signs Warning Of Melting Glaciers After Glaciers Fail To Melt

The National Parks Service has quietly removed signs warning visitors to Glacier National Park that they should take their selfies with the glacier now, since it would be gone by 2020 — a victim of climate change.

Politics | Climate Change

The Education of Greta Thunberg: Naivety Meets Reality for the Teen Climate Alarmist | News and Politics

Since she first stood alone in front of the Swedish parliament last August protesting insufficient action in fighting climate change, 16-year-old Greta Thunberg has literally become the poster child for a worldwide student movement. Holding a "school stri

Politics | Climate Change

Science's Untold Scandal: The Lockstep March of Professional Societies to Promote the Climate Change Scare

When we started our careers, it was considered an honor to be a member of professional societies that helped practitioners keep up with the latest developments in their fields through relevant meetings and publications. Senior author Dr. Jay Lehr had the

Politics | Climate Change

Don't Tell Climate Change Fanatics This Piece Of News

Global warming and climate change fanatics, stop now before you read any further.

Politics | Climate Change

An Incoherent Sequel

In his sequel to An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore never mentions his a financial interest in the technologies of dubious practicality and utility that he is promoting ...

Politics | Climate Change

Climate forecasts may be flawed, says study

Predictions of unprecedented rainfall extremes in the 20th century driven by global warming turned out wrong, a study said Wednesday, casting doubt on methods used to project future trends. A massive trawl of Northern Hemisphere rainfall data for the last

Politics | Climate Change

Peer-Reviewed Survey Finds Majority Of Scientists Skeptical Of Global Warming Crisis - Forbes

Maybe a scientific consensus exists concerning global warming after all. It is becoming clear that not only do many scientists dispute the asserted global warming crisis, but these skeptical scientists may indeed form a scientific consensus.

Politics | Climate Change

EXCLUSIVE: NOAA Relies On ‘Compromised’ Thermometers That Inflate US Warming Trend

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s reliance on poorly-sited weather stations to calculate surface temperatures is inflating the warming trend of the U.S. and maybe even the rest o

Politics | Climate Change

Climate Change Will Not Be Dangerous for a Long Time - Scientific American

Slower warming than predicted gives the world time to develop better energy technologies

Politics | Climate Change

For The Last Time, No, The Syrian Crisis Was Not Caused By Climate Change - Breitbart

Is there nothing green ideologues won't do to try to breathe pseudo-scientific life into their bankrupt climate change thesis?

Politics | Climate Change

Cold sun rising - Climate Models Wrong Again

New studies flip climate-change notions upside down. The sun will go into "hibernation" mode around 2030, and it has already started to get sleepy. At the Royal Astronomical Society's annual meeting in July, Professor Valentina Zharkova of Northumbria University in the UK confirmed it - the sun will begin its Maunder Minimum (Grand Solar Minimum) in 15 years. Other scientists had suggested years ago that this change was imminent, but Zharkova's model is said to have near-perfect accuracy.

Politics | Climate Change

Party of Science at work: Democratic congressman uses his car's thermometer to prove global warming is real [photo]

Politics | Climate Change

What They Haven't Told You about Climate Change - Prager University

Since time immemorial, our climate has been and will always be changing. Patrick Moore explains why climate change, far from being a recent human-caused disaster, is, for a myriad of complex reasons, a fact of life on Planet Earth.

Politics | Climate Change

Advanced Climate Station Data Shows U.S. In A Cooling Trend | The Daily Caller

Data from America’s most advanced climate monitoring system shows the U.S. has undergone a cooling trend over the last decade, despite recent claims by

Politics | Climate Change

FLASHBACK: ABC's ’08 Prediction: NYC Under Water from Climate Change By June 2015

New York City underwater? Gas over $9 a gallon? A carton of milk costs almost $13? Welcome to June 12,  2015. At least those were the wildly-inaccurate predictions made by ABC News exactly seven years ago. Appearing on Good Morning America in 2008, Bob

Politics | Climate Change

'Hide the Hiatus!' How the Climate Alarmists Eliminated the Inconvenient 'Pause' in Global Warming - Breitbart

There has now been no "global warming" for 18 years and six months.

Politics | Climate Change

White House doom: Climate change causes allergies, asthma, downpours, poverty, terrorism |

Stepping up his war on global warming and bolstering the Environmental Protection Agency's plan to put new restrictions on coal-fired energy plants, President Obama Wednesday issued a new report warning that the phenomenon can cause allergies, asthma and

Politics | Climate Change

Antarctic Sea Ice Did The Exact Opposite Of What Models Predicted | The Daily Caller

Climate models can be good tools for predicting future sea ice levels -- unless, of course, they are completely wrong.

Politics | Climate Change

▶ Climate Change vs. Wiener Dogs - YouTube

If you like this video please SUBSCRIBE to my Channel! Also, check out my wicked awesome Facebook Page!!! at

Politics | Climate Change

Bad News for the alarmists: 'Missing Heat' from Non-Existent 'Global Warming' isn't Hiding in the Ocean After All

The cause of climate alarmism has been struck another near-fatal blow by a new study from a NASA research team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

Politics | Climate Change

Climate Science Is Not Settled - WSJ

Climate change is real and affected by human activity, writes a former top science official of the Obama administration. But we are very far from having the knowledge needed to make good policy.

Politics | Climate Change

West Coast warming linked to naturally occurring changes - LA Times

Naturally occurring changes in winds, not human-caused climate change, are responsible for most of the warming on land and in the sea along the West Coast of North America over the last century, a study has found.

Politics | Climate Change

Climate change skeptics call out marchers’ ‘hypocrisies’ | New York Post

Manhattan’s flood of green protesters had climate-change skeptics seeing red Sunday. “Their love for the Earth is so real, they couldn’t even use a trash can,” tweeted a disgusted @chelsea_elisa, a...

Politics | Climate Change

Arctic Ice Cap Expands by 41 Percent in Two Years; Al Gore Thought It Might Be Gone by Now | NewsBusters

Ice, ice baby. That's what they have a lot more of in the Arctic. The UK Daily Mail, one of those British tabloids the left has despised going back to the Clinton administration and its paranoia about a right-wing media conspiracy, reports from authoritat

Politics | Climate Change

World's top PR companies rule out working with climate deniers

Ten firms say they will not represent clients that deny man-made climate change or seek to block emisson-reducing regulations

Politics | Climate Change

Daily Beast Finds New Excuse to Clang 'Climate Change' Alarm Bells: Tequila!

If the liberal media's penchant for finding new, creative ways to bluster about runaway climate change is driving you to drink, might I suggest a shot of Patron for this one.

Politics | Climate Change

NHL outlines plan to fight climate change

The commissioner said climate change is impacting the next generation of players.

Politics | Climate Change

BBC admonished for giving climate change skeptics equal air time

BBC journalists are being schooled in how to cover science after report finds the news service gives

Politics | Climate Change

It's politics not science that is driving the climate change mania

Despite the best efforts of the UN Panel on Climate Change their computer models consistently get it wrong when it comes to predicting global warming.

Politics | Climate Change

Government Data Show U.S. in Decade-Long Cooling

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s most accurate, up-to-date temperature data confirm the United States has been cooling for at least the past decade.

Politics | Climate Change

NOAA Reinstates July 1936 As The Hottest Month On Record

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, criticized for manipulating temperature records to create a warming trend, has now been caught warming the past and cooling the present. July 20

Politics | Climate Change

Al Gore Denounced in Australian Press as Money Hungry 'Ferengi' for Suspicious Mining Magnate Alliance

Imagine if in America there were a coal mining magnate as famous as Donald Trump who was the founder of a political party named after himself (Trump United Party?). In addition, this well known person would be strongly opposed to a carbon tax. Obviously s

Politics | Climate Change

NYT: Scientists 'Startled' at Great Lakes' Rise; Another Warmist Prediction Is Biting the Dust

An undated but clearly recent page at the National Wildlife Federation breathlessly warns readers, in a section entitled

Politics | Climate Change

Antarctica sets new record for sea ice area

by Harold Ambler The sea ice surrounding Antarctica, which, as I reported in my book, has been steadily increasing throughout the period of satellite measurement that began in 1979, has hit a new a...

Politics | Climate Change

EDITORIAL: The SCOTUS and Rigged Global Warming ‘science’

A fractured Supreme Court on Monday largely upheld the Environmental Protection Agency’s radical rule designed to shut down the power plants that produce the most affordable electricity. The justices continue to accept the EPA’s labeling of ca

Politics | Climate Change

Obama Proclaims: 'Hurricane Intensity' to Increase 'As Climate Continues to Warm' (even as the U.S. is in the midst of a record hurricane hiatus)

Pres. Obama warns "hurricane intensity" will increase due to global warming, even as the U.S. is in the midst of a record hurricane hiatus and there's been no global warming in the past 17 years.

Politics | Climate Change

John Kerry: Protecting Oceans from Climate Change a 'Vital Security Issue'

With the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) advancing rapidly through Iraq and posting images of their brutal mass executions, plans have begun to evacuate America's embassy in Baghdad. In Washington, however, Secretary of State John Kerry hosted

Politics | Climate Change

'I Recant' Says Author of Infamous Seventies Newsweek 'Global Cooling' Article

The author of a much-quoted 1975 Newsweek article predicting catastrophic global cooling now says it was a big mistake and the earth was warming all along. (H/T Climate Depot)

    Politics | Climate Change

    The 30 US landmarks most likely to be obliterated by climate change

    The Left is almost completely insane at this point.

    Politics | Climate Change

    20 Years of Winter Cooling Defy Global Warming Claims

    Winter temperatures throughout the United States are in a 20-year cooling trend, defying alarmist global warming predictions and debunking claims that warmer winters are causing environmental catastrophe.

    Politics | Climate Change

    Sacrificing Africa for Climate Change

    In The Wall Street Journal, Caleb Rossiter writes that Western policies seem more interested in carbon-dioxide levels than in life expectancy.

    Politics | Climate Change

    Katie Pavlich - Polar Bears Face Threats to Survival Thanks to TOO MUCH Ice

    polar bears in Alaska are facing a major problem: too much ice.

    Politics | Climate Change

    Greenpeace co-founder: No scientific evidence of man-made global warming

    There is no scientific evidence that human activity is causing the planet to warm, according to Greenpeace co-founder Patrick Moore, who testified in front of a Senate committee on Tuesday. Moore a

      Politics | Climate Change

      Rodney Hide: Heat gone out of climate claims - Opinion - NZ Herald News

      Future historians may point to this one ironic event as the trigger that finally ended the public fear of global warming. The Australasian Antarctic Expedition was stuck fast over - New Zealand Herald

        Politics | Climate Change

        Rodney Hide: Heat gone out of climate claims - Opinion - NZ Herald News

        Future historians may point to this one ironic event as the trigger that finally ended the public fear of global warming. The Australasian Antarctic Expedition was stuck fast over - New Zealand Herald

          Politics | Climate Change

          Forest needed to cover carbon footprint of icy rescue - National - NZ Herald News

          The hapless Australasian Antarctic Expedition is finally homeward bound - and thousands of trees will have to be planted to offset the carbon footprint from the prolonged rescue effort - New Zealand Herald