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Healthcare | Politics

Politics | Healthcare

The Mainstream Media FINALLY Admits Obamacare Is a Failure

 The Affordable Care Act (ACA), more commonly referred to as Obamacare, was signed into law by then-President Barack Obama in March 2010.

Politics | Healthcare

Federal judge strikes down key ObamaCare requirement as 'unlawful'

A federal judge in Texas on Thursday ruled that a narrow but essential part of ObamaCare is unlawful in a ruling the Biden administration says could upend the entire U.S. health care system.

    Politics | Healthcare

    US medical model: ‘sick, overmedicated, and shaped by Big Pharma’

    The United States is the most medicated country in the world, with 70 percent of Americans using at least one prescription drug daily.

    Politics | Healthcare

    Canada: the Country of the Long Wait

    A few days ago my wife and I brought her mother, who was suffering from a serious leg infection, to the local ER. We were worried about the possibility of gangrene, which an acquaintance some years ba...

    Politics | Healthcare

    FACT CHECK: More People Delaying Health Care Over Costs Now Than Pre-Obamacare

    A common myth being presented during the Amy Coney Barrett hearings is the notion that many Americans who couldn’t afford healthcare before the Affordable Care Act was passed and implemented suddenly could.

    Politics | Healthcare

    Italians over 80 'will be left to die' as country overwhelmed by coronavirus

    Coronavirus victims in Italy will be denied access to intensive care if they are aged 80 or more or in poor health should pressure on beds increase, a document prepared by a crisis management unit in Turin propose. Some patients denied intensive care will

    Politics | Healthcare

    Orthopedic Surgeon: Princess Diana Would Have Lived If It Weren’t For Socialized Medicine

    Speaking at CPAC on Thursday on a panel discussion called “Prescription for Failure: The Ills of Socialized Medicine,” an orthopedic surgeon ripped socialized medicine, stating that Great Britain’s Princess Diana would still be alive today if she had not

    Politics | Healthcare

    Thousands Of Elderly Patients Go Blind In Britain Due To Eye Surgery Rationing | Daily Wire

    Healthcare rationing is a regular part of the United Kingdom, which has nationalized healthcare in a way Democrats in America want to bring here.

    Politics | Healthcare

    Obama: He Was Honest, Eventually

    Last week, Barack Obama finally did what Democratic activists had been desperately hoping he would do—he reproached his successor ahead of the midterm election. It was a long, discursive oration, as Obama’s orations usually are, and it contained lots

    Politics | Healthcare

    Yes, It Was The 'Affordable' Care Act That Increased Premiums

    It turns out that across the board, for all ages and family sizes, for HMO, PPO, and POS plans, premium increases averaged about 60% from 2013, the last year before ACA reforms took effect, to 2017. In the four years preceding the ACA, premium increases

    Politics | Healthcare

    Why Is Health Insurance so Complicated? | PragerU

    Why is health insurance so complicated, while car insurance and life insurance are so simple? Can health insurance be more like, well, insurance? Lanhee Chen, fellow at the Hoover Institution, explains.

    Politics | Healthcare

    NPR and Harvard Say: Obamacare Is a Complete Failure | Power Line

    National Public Radio collaborated with Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to survey Americans' recent experience with health care. As to the Affordable Care Act, the survey's findings are damning. They sugg

    Politics | Healthcare

    NPR and Harvard Say: Obamacare Is a Complete Failure

    National Public Radio collaborated with Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to survey Americans’ recent experience with health care. As to…

    Politics | Healthcare

    You're about to pay A LOT more for health insurance

    Health insurers are seeking steep rate increases, saying their new customers under the Affordable Care Act turned out to be sicker than expected.

    Politics | Healthcare

    CBO: Repealing Obamacare would boost economic growth |

    Repealing Obamacare would boost economic growth by an average of 0.7 percent after several years, according to an analysis by the Congressional Budget Office released on Friday. CBO has determined what many in Congress have known all along, Republican Sen

    Politics | Healthcare

    White House, HHS: We Want Your #HealthySelfie | Truth Revolt

    The social media president is once again capitalizing on trending hashtags, and the latest, #HealthySelfie, has been seized to promote Obamacare and healthy lifestyles.

    Politics | Healthcare

    ‘Does the @WhiteHouse even know how Obamacare works?’ All signs point to NOPE | Twitchy

    With all due respect, White House, shut up. This afternoon, the House passed a bill banning abortion — with notable exceptions — after 20 weeks of pregnancy. And that was enough to prompt the White House to weigh in like so:

    Politics | Healthcare

    Rising Health Insurance Costs Thanks To Obamacare Hit Liberal Harvard Faculty, And They Are LIVID

    Faculty at Harvard University are complaining that they will have to pay more for their health insurance under Obamacare, even though overall costs to faculty remain modest and employees of the Ivy Le

    Politics | Healthcare

    Why You Can't Keep Your Plan Under Obamacare, in 3 Minutes

    In a video Robert Graboyes of George Mason University's Mercatus Center explains in simple language why insurers cancel plans under the Affordable Care Act.

    Politics | Healthcare

    Congresswoman Lummis’ Heartbreaking Speech At Gruber Hearing [VIDEO]

    WASHINGTON - Republican Wyoming Rep. Cynthia Lummis made a powerful personal speech in Tuesday's House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing that featured testimony from disgraced Obamacar

    Politics | Healthcare

    Jonathan Gruber quotes contradict Obama promise -

    Who is the MIT economist at the center of a new Obamacare scandal and why should you be paying attention?

    Politics | Healthcare

    Barney, Frank: Admits Key Obamacare Clause Before Supreme Court Was 'Mistake'

    Barney Frank lived up to his last name, and might live to regret it in Dem circles. Appearing on this morning's Up with Steve Kornacki, Frank admitted that the key Obamacare clause that the Supreme Court just agreed to consider was a "mistake."

    Politics | Healthcare

    Majority Say They No Longer Trust, Believe in Obama After Obamacare Fiasco | Mediaite

    The White House could not be happy with the results of the latest CNN/ORC survey. The poll shows that, as a result of the problematic implementation of the Affordable Care Act, majorities no longer believe in President Barack Obama’s competency or trust

    Politics | Healthcare

    Foreigners hacked Obamacare website on July 8 but HHS only discovered it 10 days ago | Mail Online

    HHS says 'was not specifically targeted' and it's beefing up security, but the embarrassing episode shows critics had well-reasoned fears before the site's disastrous launch.

    Politics | Healthcare

    Obamacare Now Pays for Gender Reassignment - The Daily Beast

    The nation’s health law opens the door for transgender people to gain coverage for gender reassignment surgeries they previously could not afford.

    Politics | Healthcare

    If You Like Your Obamacare Plan, It'll Cost You

    Consumers could be hit with major price increases, without even knowing it, if they don't switch their health care plans.

    Politics | Healthcare

    Doctors Begin To Refuse Obamacare Patients

    Obamacare plans have shrunk payments to physicians so much that some doctors say they won't be able to afford to accept Obamacare coverage, NPR reports. Many of the eight million sign-ups in Obama

    Politics | Healthcare

    Women-Owned Businesses Hit Hard By ObamaCare Tax

    What’s the harm in hitting businesses with another tax and regulation? Conservative economists lecture about costs rippling through, hitting consumers and employees as well as business’s bottom-lines. But their estimates are just numbers on a

    Politics | Healthcare

    Video: Long wait times in ERs due to ObamaCare - Hot Air

    Wait times for seeing doctors have become an issue even outside the VA, which was a totally predictable outcome of ObamaCare. What wasn’t predicted was that the impact on wait times would be seen in emergency rooms, since one of the arguments for ObamaCare was to shift patients out of ERs and into clinics with an expansion of coverage.

    Politics | Healthcare

    Obamacare Employees Behind Failed Oregon Exchange Now Getting Cushy Bonuses

    Now that Oregon's Obamacare exchange has entirely given up on fixing or running its own Obamacare website, the state exchange is handing out hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer funding as bon

    Politics | Healthcare

    Obamacare's Exchanges Fall Well Short of Enrollment Target

    Fewer than 4 million newly insured “doesn’t put much of a dent in the problem,” says an Obamacare supporter. The Obama administration hoped for 26 million.

    Politics | Healthcare

    SC Woman Refused Medicine Because ObamaCare Says She Is a Man

    SC Woman Refused Medicine Because ObamaCare System Says She Is a Man

    Politics | Healthcare

    A Doctor's Declaration of Independence

    In The Wall Street Journal, Daniel F. Craviotto writes that It's time to defy health-care mandates issued by bureaucrats not in the healing profession.

      Politics | Healthcare

      Liberals in rose-colored glasses consider ObamaCare a ‘victory’

      Ever since ObamaCare supposedly hit the arbitrary target of 7 million sign-ups by March 31, its supporters have been taking the most premature victory lap since conservative proponents of the…

        Politics | Healthcare

        Opinion: "Sebelius' term was a disaster"

        Newt Gingrich says Kathleen Sebelius presided over a dysfunctional and extra-legal rollout of Obamacare; she was right to resign

          Politics | Healthcare

          The Charts That Obama and Sebelius Don't Want You to See

          Heritage’s newly updated Obamacare in Pictures has 15 charts that show the law’s effects on Americans.

            Politics | Healthcare

            Latest ObamaCare surprise: Most won't be able to buy health insurance until end of year

            There is yet another ObamaCare surprise waiting for consumers: from now until the next open enrollment at the end of this year, most people will simply not be able to buy any health insurance at all, even outside the exchanges.

              Politics | Healthcare

              Can Anyone Tell How Obamacare Is Doing?

              Does Obamacare really deserve credit for making people buy insurance when it caused them to lose it?

                Politics | Healthcare

                PLUNGE: New poll shows Obamacare support at 26%

                A new poll shows that just 26 percent of Americans support Obamacare, but at the same time only 13 percent think the law will be completely repealed.

                  Politics | Healthcare

                  Doctor Wait Times Rise As Obamacare Rolls Out

                  Patients are waiting an average of 18 days to schedule an appointment for a doctor, according to a study of appointments for commonly used specialty physicians in 15 major U.S. cities. see photosDwight Nadig/Getty ImagesClick for full photo gallery: Citie

                    Politics | Healthcare

                    Report: Obamacare’s regulatory costs more than double benefits

                    The annual costs of Obamacare regulations come in at $6.8 billion a year so far -- around 2.5 times the total benefits of its heavy-handed regulations, according to study released Monday. The feder

                      Politics | Healthcare

                      Study: Emergency room visits up under Obamacare-like Mass. law

                      A recent study of Massachusetts emergency care departments may imply more crowding under Obamacare, according to its lead author. President Obama and other advocates of Obamacare claimed that incre

                        Politics | Healthcare

                        White House turns to cat pictures to sell Obamacare

                        With the deadline for enrolling in the Obamacare exchanges just days away, the White House is scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas — including turning to cat GIFs, or animated videos made of multiple still photos.

                          Politics | Healthcare

                          Unlike Kudlow, Networks Ignore Newest ObamaCare Delay for Those With 'Hardship' | NewsBusters

                          None of the network evening news casts have yet mentioned President Obama’s delay of the individual mandate for anyone claiming

                            Politics | Healthcare

                            Obama Just Guaranteed ObamaCare's Failure

                            Two years ago, President Obama's solicitor general told the Supreme Court that without the individual mandate, ObamaCare would fail. Last week, the administration itself effectively killed the mandate

                              Politics | Healthcare

                              Obamacare is definitely NOT as cheap as your cellphone bill

                              One of President Barack Obama's favorite new Obamacare sign-up pitches is that young enrollees, which the law banks on for sustainability, can get health insurance for the price of a monthly cellphone

                                Politics | Healthcare

                                Fourth Georgia hospital closes due to Obamacare payment cuts

                                The fourth Georgia hospital in two years is closing its doors due to severe financial difficulties caused by Obamacare's payment cuts for emergency services. The Lower Oconee Community Hospital is,

                                    Politics | Healthcare

                                    Average wait times to see doctors in U.S.

                                    How long do you typically wait to see your doctor? Well if your physician is in D.C., you will most likely wait about 17 days to schedule an appointment. A survey of physicians nationwide found the average wait time for a new patient is nearly 19 days.

                                      Politics | Healthcare

                                      Watch: Employees in Pennsylvania Company Learn of Increased Health Costs Due to Obamacare

                                      Read conservative news, blogs and opinion about Barack Obama, Costs, Health Care, insurance and Obamacare from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine available in online edition.

                                          Politics | Healthcare

                                          Millions of Young Americans Refusing to Enroll in Obamacare - Tea Party

                                          Feds use social networks, Lady Gaga to sell unpopular healthcare program (Info Wars) – Poll after poll indicate young people are disillusioned with Obamacare. In early December, a Harvard University Institute of Politics poll found that 56% of Ame

                                            Politics | Healthcare

                                            ‘Lie of the Year’ – aided and abetted by media

                                            Larry Elder shows how Obama could count on reporter 'watchdogs' looking the other way

                                            PolitiFact has awarded their “Lie of the Year” to President Barack Obama for his promise that “if you like your health care plan, you can keep it.”

                                                Politics | Healthcare

                                                Another ObamaCare Lie: Protecting Those With Pre-Existing Conditions

                                                President Obama promised to protect people with pre-existing conditions and help the uninsured. Yet these vulnerable groups are getting clobbered. Congress needs to act.

                                                    Politics | Healthcare

                                                    No security ever built into Obamacare site: Hacker

                                                    It could take a year to secure the risk of "high exposures" of personal information on the federal Obamacare online exchange, a cybersecurity expert told CNBC on Monday.

                                                      Politics | Healthcare

                                                      ObamaCare's Plans Are Worse

                                                      The Wall Street Journal explains how the Affordable Care Act raises prices and limits medical choices.

                                                        Politics | Healthcare

                                                        CBS's Major Garrett Grills President on ObamaCare Debacle: Where's the Accountability?

                                                        CBS journalist Major Garrett grilled Barack Obama at a White House news conference, Thursday. On the subject of ObamaCare's disastrous rollout, the reporter repeatedly zeroed in on what the President knew and when:

                                                          Politics | Healthcare

                                                          Dianne Feinstein joins push to keep health plans

                                                          It’s not just red-state Democrats who want to take aggressive steps to mend controversial provisions in Obamacare. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said Tuesday that she will co-sponsor a bill by Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) to require insurance compa

                                                            Politics | Healthcare

                                                            Government awards more contracts to company that created glitchy ObamaCare website

                                                            CGI Federal Inc, the company that created large parts of the error-plagued ObamaCare exchange website, which it says it is scrambling to fix, has recently been awarded several other government contracts.

                                                              Politics | Healthcare

                                                              Free Market Healthcare Ramps Up As ObamaCare Self-Destructs

                                                              Nancy Pelosi’s flippant remark to “pass the bill first, then find out what’s in it,” has led Americans to the discovery that ObamaCare is indeed a “nightmare,” fraught with bureaucratic tangles, the risk to personal privacy, and the real possi

                                                                Politics | Healthcare

                                                                Obamacare Faces A 'Death Spiral' -- But It Turns On The Declining Participation Of Health Plans, Not Just Rising Premiums

                                                                Given the failed launch of Obamacare, there’s a real chance that the entire scheme falls into an “insurance death spiral” -- but not as visibly (or rapidly) as the way these sorts of unsuccessful insurance pools usually unravel. A death

                                                                  Politics | Healthcare

                                                                  At the White House: Obamacare success stories that aren't

                                                                  President Obama invited a number of people to stand behind him as he delivered his speech on the state of Obamacare at the White House Monday morning. One of them, Janice Baker, a small business owner from Delaware, introduced the president, and Obama spo

                                                                    Politics | Healthcare

                                                                    Thousands get health insurance cancellation notices - NBC

                                                                    Health plans are sending hundreds of thousands of cancellation letters to people who buy their own coverage, frustrating some consumers...

                                                                      Politics | Healthcare

                                                                      'So much wrong': Aetna CEO blasts Obamacare tech debacle

                                                                      Aetna chief Mark Bertolini gave a harshly critical review of the federal government's insurance marketplace.

                                                                        Politics | Healthcare

                                                                        A job engine sputters as hospitals cut staff

                                                                        Hospitals, a reliable source of employment growth in the recession and its aftermath, are cutting thousands jobs amid falling insurance payments and in-patient visits.

                                                                          Politics | Healthcare

                                                                          Obamacare's winners and losers in Bay Area

                                                                          For years the nation has been embroiled in the political rhetoric of Obamacare, but this past week the reality of the new health law sank in as millions of Americans had their first look at how the law will affect their pocketbooks.

                                                                            Politics | Healthcare

                                                                            Will Obamacare hurt job creation and marriage? Diana Furchtgott-Roth

                                                                            The Affordable Care Act appears to create substantial disincentives both to hiring and marriage, potentially changing the fabric of American society in serious ways, writes Diana Furchtgott-Roth.

                                                                                Politics | Healthcare

                                                                                Study: Young people better off not enrolling in Obamacare

                                                                                Millions of young Americans could save money by simply paying Obamacare penalties rather than buying insurance when the controversial health-care law is implemented in 2014, according to a new study.

                                                                                    Politics | Healthcare

                                                                                    John Fund - Obamacare’s Branch of the NSA

                                                                                    Community organizers will use a Federal Data Hub to sign up people for subsidies — and even ballots.