The Rant

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History | History

The Palestinian Flag: As Inauthentic as the Palestinian People

 On Saturday morning, a man went to the Beth Yaacov synagogue in the seaside French resort of La Grande-Motte, where he set two vehicles on fire.

History | History

Assassination Attempt: An Uncanny Repetition of Political History

Like all of America, I was shocked to hear about the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump—although, unfortunately, not surprised. Not since George W. Bush have we seen such hateful, vicious rhetoric aimed at a Republican candidate: “an existential threat to democracy,” “a dictator,” “a fascist,” and a modern “Adolph Hitler,” according to outlets like The New Republic and Vox.

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Elder Of Ziyon - Israel Belongs to the Jews (Judean Rose)

The Jews aren't white people who came back to Israel from Europe. There has been a continuous Jewish presence in the Holy Land, the Land of Israel.

History | History

Victor Davis Hanson: What the Fourth of July Was Not

Our national Fourth of July holiday—currently the nation’s 247th since the first in 1776—marks the birth of the United States. The iconic Declaration of…

History | History

The Party of Civil Rights | National Review

This magazine has long specialized in debunking pernicious political myths, and Jonah Goldberg has now provided an illuminating catalogue of tyrannical clichés, but worse than the myth and the cliché is the outright lie, the utter fabrication with ...

History | History

1786: America's First Brush with Islamic Jihad

Exactly 237 years ago today, on March 28, 1786, two of America's founding fathers documented the United States' first exposure to Islamic jihad in an important letter to Congress. One year earlier, in 1785, Muslim pirates from North Africa, or

History | History

Franklin Roosevelt: The Great Depression | PragerU

To rescue America from the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt attempted to steer the country on a new economic course. He called his plan the New…

History | History

In Protecting The KGB, Gorbachev Laid The Foundation For Putin’s Gangster-State

Gorbachev has died, but the KGB that he nurtured and protected lives on under an ungrateful Vladimir Putin.

History | History

Not Just The Mufti - the real extension of the Palestinian-Nazi collaboration | by Adin Haykin

When did the Palestinian Nazi connection really begin?
Was it limited only to the famous encounter between the Mufti and Hitler?
And how much did this connection affect Palestinian nationalism in the…

History | History

Why Dec. 7 Is Nothing Like... That Other Date

One sleepy Sunday morning, nearly 200 Imperial Japanese dive bombers, torpedo bombers, and Zero fighters appeared as out of nowhere in the skies over Hawaii.
Their target: The American Pacific fleet s...

History | History

The Historical Falsification of Columbus’ ‘Crimes’ | The American Spectator

The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history. Then...

History | History

Why It's Ignorant To Pretend U.S. Lands Still Belong To Native Tribes

Like most new racial history exercises, land acknowledgments are less about a true reflection of the past than grievance politics and superficial gestures.

History | History

Six Other Times People Broke Into the U.S. Capitol

Pro-Trump protesters broke into the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday. In doing so, they joined an infamous list.

History | History

The Left Says America Was Built On ‘Stolen Land’; Here’s The Reality That Narrative Ignores

The latest monument to come under fire by the Left is one that they’ll probably need more than a chain and a small band of vandals to pull down. Mount Rushmore, a symbol of “white domination” and “white supremacy” — and, even worse now, the site of a Pres

History | History

Progressive Racism and the Tulsa Massacre of 1921

resident Trump was roundly criticized for scheduling a rally in Tulsa on a day celebrated by many African-Americans as “Juneteenth,” which commemorates Union General Gordon Granger’s announcement on June 19, 1865 in Galveston that those held as slaves in

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You Know Who Else Colonized 'Indigenous Peoples'? Native Americans

The 'settler' argument exacerbates racial tensions by projecting a historical narrative that white persons are always aggressors, never victims.

History | History

How Different Is The U.S. From Pre-War Germany?

Is it really inconceivable for such evil to unfold here in the U.S.? Most would dismiss the question out of hand as ludicrous, arguing that we are blessed by a constitution and a politically-moderate electorate. But so was Germany – until it wasn’t.

History | History

The Lessons of the Declaration of Independence

The colonists’ quest for independence from the British in 1776 began with a goal: “to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them.” Declaring independence me

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The silence about black slavery in the Arab world | David Meir

In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in the US about a demand by certain black organizations (like Black Lives Matter) for a financial compensation by the “white” people for slavery.

History | History

The Ever-evolving Fraudulent Palestinian Narrative

Guilty of imperialism and shamed of their colonialism, the world turns extra-sensitive to those claiming victimhood. Welcome to the palestinian narrative.

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Arabs are torch-bearers for Nazi anti-Semitism |

The myth of the Arabs as innocent bystanders, who had no responsibility for the Holocaust—and indeed, paid the price for a European crime when Israel was established—is widely believed.

History | History

Goodbye, Columbus Day

Even though it remains a national holiday, many cities no longer celebrate Columbus Day. They celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day instead. What’s behind the switch? Contrary to what you might think, it’s not about paying homage to America’s original in

History | History

What Was the Cold War? | PragerU

The decades-long “Cold War” (1947-1989) between the United States and the Soviet Union was so named because the two global powers never came to direct blows. Yet, the war was not without its victims. In fact, millions of Cubans, Koreans and Vietnamese

History | History

LARRY ELDER: Slavery - What They Didn't Teach in My High School | Daily Wire

A man I have known since grade school changed his name, years ago, to an Arabic one. He told me he rejected Christianity as "the white man's religion that justified slavery." He argued Africans taken out of that continent were owed reparations.

History | History

Why the 3/5ths Compromise Was Anti-Slavery | PragerU

Is racism enshrined in the United States Constitution? How could the same Founding Fathers who endorsed the idea that all men are created equal also endorse the idea that some men are not? The answer provided in this video by Carol Swain, former professor

History | History

Covering Up Robert Kennedy’s Palestinian Murderer – Sirhan Sirhan, the assassin of Robert F. Kennedy, is one of the best-known killers in American history. Yet...

History | History

Parkland Shooting & Second Amendment: What the Right to Bear Arms Means Today | National Review

While the Second Amendment identifies an individual right, it does so with a public purpose in mind.

History | History

In defense of Andrew Jackson

Twitter is a poor place to go if you want to understand Andrew Jackson and the sum of Native American frontier history.

History | History

Christopher Columbus: Hero or Villain? | National Review Online

Can we still celebrate October 12 as an American holiday? Yes.

History | History

The Truth about the Vietnam War - Prager University

Did the United States win or lose the Vietnam War? We are taught that it was a resounding loss for America, one that proves that intervening in the affairs of other nations is usually misguided. The truth is that our military won the war, but our politici