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Iran | Politics

Politics | Iran

Someone Is Still Hacking the Trump Campaign, Probably Iran

 It's not enough that the Iranian theocrats want to kill Donald Trump. They are continuously trying to read his mail, which is not only extremely impolite but in the context of Trump running for president, malicious and annoying as well.

Politics | Iran

Biden-Harris Admin Fails To Produce Congressionally Mandated Report on Iranian Human Rights Abuses

The Biden-Harris administration failed to produce a congressionally mandated report on the Iranian regime’s mass human rights abuses and possible avenues for fresh sanctions, fueling accusations the United States is unwilling and afraid to confront Tehran

Politics | Iran

Victor Davis Hanson: Are Iran’s Nine Lives Nearing an End?

The theocracy of Iran has been the world’s arch-embassy attacker over the last half century. So it has zero credibility in crying foul over Israel’s April 1…

Politics | Iran

High-Level Iranian Spy Ring Busted in Washington

The trail that leads from Tehran to D.C. passes directly through the offices of Robert Malley and the International Crisis Group

Politics | Iran

Victor Davis Hanson: Does Iran Realize Its Own Growing Danger?

Iran understandably believes it is riding quite high. It is flush with cash. It hints it almost has the bomb—and might use it soon. The Iranians are bragging…

Politics | Iran

Iran Has Made $80 Billion in Illicit Oil Sales Since Biden Took Office

Iran has made around $80 billion from its illicit oil sales since the Biden administration took office and relaxed sanctions on the hardline regime, cash that has helped Tehran keep its terror allies like Hamas afloat.

Politics | Iran

Biden Admin Planning to Evade Congress with Secret New Nuclear Deal with Iran

The secret, unwritten Iran nuclear deal is consistent with many other examples of the Biden administration ignoring the law and Congress to achieve its policy…

Politics | Iran

Iran’s Illicit Oil Sales Help Fuel Mass Military Buildup

The Biden administration’s lax enforcement of sanctions on Iran’s illicit oil trade has allowed the hardline regime to infuse more than $15 billion into its military and terrorist proxies during the past two years, according to analysis by a watchdog grou

Politics | Iran

Iranian Terrorists Will Get Billions of Dollars Before Congress Can Review New Nuclear Deal

Iran will gain immediate access to billions of dollars in cash assets on the day a new nuclear accord is signed, money that will flow to Tehran's top terror organizations before Congress has a chance to review the deal, former senior U.S. officials and ex

Politics | Iran

Biden Pursues Deal Handing World’s Largest State Sponsor Of Terrorism $1 Trillion

President Biden, like his predecessor former President Barack Obama, is eager to placate the leading state sponsor of terrorism on the planet, and this time the despotic Iranian regime will get $1 trillion by the year 2030 if the nuclear deal Biden is pursuing goes through.

Politics | Iran

Arab press blasts US plan to remove IRGC from terror list

  In response to reports that the Biden administration is considering removing Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps from the list

Politics | Iran

Three Republicans Defect To Advance Biden Nominee Accused of Lying About Iran Deal

Three Senate Republicans shattered party unity to advance the nomination of a State Department nominee who has been accused of lying to Congress about the terms of a new nuclear agreement with Iran.

Politics | Iran

Which Side Are We On? Biden's New Iran Nuke Deal Gives Russia $10 Billion

Providing Rosatom $10 billion is just another example of how Biden is undermining his anti-Russia rhetoric with concessions that keep Putin and Russia afloat.

Politics | Iran

New Iran Nuclear Deal Will Create ‘Sanctions Evasion Hub for Putin’

A new nuclear deal will create a "sanctions evasion hub for Vladimir Putin based in Iran," according to a new policy brief circulating around Capitol Hill and obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Politics | Iran

West is on verge of signing 'surrender pact' with Iran

  Everyone involved in the Iran nuclear talks in Vienna is "releasing promos" ahead of an impending formal declaration, which

Politics | Iran

Biden Lifts Sanctions On Iranian Missile Producers As Iran Nears Having Enough Nuclear Fuel For Bomb: Report

President Joe Biden’s administration has reportedly lifted sanctions on two Iranian entities involved in Iran’s missile program just as Iran is believed to be closing in on having enough nuclear fuel to build a nuclear bomb.

Politics | Iran

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Officials: Iran Is Giving Us The Rockets We Use To Attack Israel

Multiple officials with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a designated terrorist organization, have said in recent days that the rockets and weapons

Politics | Iran

Biden Is Already Rewarding Failure

When Sundown Joe takes office on Wednesday, the old gang will be back: the foreign policy establishment hacks who have done nothing but fail.

Politics | Iran

Democrats Erupt After Scientist Behind Iran’s ‘Clandestine Nuclear Ambitions’ Is Killed

Democrats lashed out on Friday in response to the news that the scientist who was at the center of Iran's clandestine nuclear ambitions had been killed in

Politics | Iran

How Iran’s regime spread coronavirus to the Middle East

Iran has known for five days that there were likely more cases concentrated in the holy city of Qom, where religious pilgrims gather.

Politics | Iran

Nancy Pelosi (And All Democrats) Need To See These Videos From Iran

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi won't support the Iran protesters. She needs to see the videos of protesters chanting, "Death to the dictator!"

Politics | Iran

Iran Opens Fire On Demonstrators. Protesters Chant: ‘Our Enemy Is Right Here; They Lie To Us That It’s America’ |

The Iranian government opened fire with live ammunition against demonstrators who were protesting the Islamic regime for shooting down a Ukrainian passenger plane last week and lying about it for days. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which i

Politics | Iran

U.S. Forces Followed Soleimani On Road During Airstrike, Reveal What They Found On Him | The Daily Wire

U.S. Special Operations forces were only a few hundred yards behind Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force (IRGC-QF) commander Qasem Soleimani last week when an American Reaper drone shot a hellfire missile at his vehicle, killing him, as he and oth

Politics | Iran

Trump Just Dropped a Bombshell in His Ohio Rally Speech, Revealing Soliemani's Other Planned Targets

During his Ohio rally speech on Thursday night, President Donald Trump revealed some of Qasem Soleimani's planned targets, including the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad.

Politics | Iran

People Are More Important Than Paintings – American Greatness

Over the weekend President Trump tweeted that if Iran retaliates against Americans for the killing of General Qassem Soleimani we would hit back against 52 targeted Iranian sites, including some “important to . . . the Iranian culture”—and the mainstream

Politics | Iran

Trump's Iran Policy Isn't the Problem. Barack Obama's Was.

This week, President Donald Trump launched a global round of teeth gnashing when he ordered the killing of the greatest terrorist leader in the modern Middle East, Iranian Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani. Soleimani was unquestionably responsible for the deaths

Politics | Iran

Wait. Didn't Obama's 'Amazing' Shrink-Wrapped 'Iran Deal' Outlaw the Missiles the Ayatollah Used?

That's an excellent question, one that many people may be asking right about now. Word on the tweet is that the Ayatollah Khameini is going all LBJ and picking targets at U.S. positions in Iraq in 2020 with his missiles. We're told the Supreme Leader is c

Politics | Iran

Haley Blasts Democrats: They Are ‘The Only Ones That Are Mourning The Loss Of Suleimani’

Former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley blasted the Democratic Party in a Fox News interview on Monday, saying that they are the only ones mourning the loss of Iranian terrorist Qassim Suleimani. “What the president did left the Ira

Politics | Iran

Petraeus on Soleimani Airstrike: 'This is Bigger Than Bin Laden' and Baghdadi's Death

Former CIA Director David Petraeus characterized the U.S. drone airstrike that killed Iran's top military commander, Qassem Soleimani, as "bigger" than the raid that killed former Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and the death of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the

Politics | Iran

Democrats, Media Attack Trump For Killing Terrorists Responsible For Killing U.S. Soldiers

Democrats and journalists attacked President Donald Trump on Thursday for killing a notorious terrorist who was responsible for murdering hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq. “U.S. forces killed Qassem Soleimani, leader of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary G

Politics | Iran

‘Unprecedented’: Iran Kills Hundreds Of Unarmed Protesters, Quran Expert Warns It May Kill Thousands In Crackdown | The

A brutal crackdown by the Iranian government has left at least 180 demonstrators dead after they participated in protests that were initially sparked by an unexpected increase in fuel prices. “Altogether, from 180 to 450 people, and possibly more, w

Politics | Iran

BREAKING: Trump Takes New Action Against Iran In Response To Attacks | Daily Wire

President Donald Trump announced a new executive order on Monday adding even more sanctions against Iran — the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism — in response to Iran shooting down a U.S. military drone in international airspace last week.

Politics | Iran

BREAKING: Trump Approved Military Action Against Iran, Strike Called Off With Planes In Air, Report Says

President Donald Trump reportedly approved a military strike against Iran on Thursday, and, with planes in the air and ships in position, the strike was reportedly pulled back at the last minute.

Politics | Iran

Victor Davis Hanson: We Hold All the Cards in the Showdown with Iran

In May 2018, the Donald Trump Administration withdrew the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran, popularly known as the Iran nuclear deal.The United States then ramped up sanctions on the Iranian theocracy to try to ensure th

Politics | Iran

The Iran echo chamber tries to save its nuclear deal

Whatever the opposite of a rush to war is—a crawl to peace, maybe—America is in the middle of one.

Politics | Iran

OF COURSE: Tlaib, Omar Serve As Shills For Iran’s Bloody War In Yemen

With the new Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman continuing the crackdown on the kingdom's old exporting of Wahhabist/Salafist fundamentalist Sunni Islam, many who are more sympathetic to the Muslim Brotherhood and political Islam, more generally, have

Politics | Iran

Iranian Nuclear Chief Again Confirms Iran Flagrantly Violated Nuclear Deal

In yet another confirmation of Iran's blatant violation of the terms of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which is committed to

Politics | Iran

Iranian Deal Disaster from Start | National Review

The Iran deal was born in deceit, sold through deception, and kept alive by willful blindness. The more we were told it could not be nullified, the more malodorous it became. Nothing since its death has proven it wise.

Politics | Iran

Ben Shapiro: Obama Administration’s Lies and More Lies Anout the Iran Deal — Jewish Journal

So, the Iranians lied. So did the Obama administration. On April 30, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu revealed that in a stunning intelligence cou

Politics | Iran

Obama’s hidden Iran deal giveaway - POLITICO

By dropping charges against major arms targets, the administration infuriated Justice Department officials — and undermined its own counterproliferation task forces.

Politics | Iran

Remember Iran’s Role in 9/11

Former Sen. Joseph Lieberman writes about Iran’s role in 9/11 and other support for terror and says that 15 years after the 2001 attacks, forgetful U.S. officials should not be rewarding Tehran for its deadly actions with gifts like sanctions relief.

Politics | Iran

Iran Nuclear Deal: Obama Administration's New Secret Side Deal | National Review

We have new evidence that Obama deceived Congress and the American people in his effort to ram through the unpopular Iran nuclear deal.

Politics | Iran

Iran Deal Lies Have Consequences | commentary

The Iran deal lies told by Ben Rhodes matter because of they helped strengthen a dangerous regime, not because of the impact on the reputation of the press.

Politics | Iran

Dennis Ross: Critics were right about Obama, Iran and Israel - The Washington Post

Dennis Ross, former senior adviser to President Obama, arguably should have come out strongly against the Iran deal — and advised Hillary Clinton (he served in her husband’s administration) that the administration was not leveling with the American people. His interview with the Times of Israel is revealing.

Politics | Iran

Krauthammer: How Obama Swindled Americans on Iran

Congress is finally having its say on the Iran deal. It will be an elaborate charade, however, because, having first gone to the U.N., President Obama has largely drained congressional action of relevance.

Politics | Iran

Pew: Just 21 Percent Support Iran Deal | The Weekly Standard

Read conservative news, blogs and opinion about Barack Obama, Iran Deal, National Security, nuclear weapons, Pew poll and Polls from The Weekly Standard, the must read magazine available in online edition.

Politics | Iran

Obama Claims 'Not a Smidgen of Evidence' of Anti-Semitism Despite His Record of the Opposite

For a guy who's feelings are hurt by charges of anti-Semitism, Obama has sure surrounded himself with and honored many anti-Semites, and made policy declarations that can be read anti-Jewish. 

Politics | Iran

Sen. Booker ends the myth of bipartisan support for Israel

Bipartisan support for Israel is a myth.

Politics | Iran

Cheney: Obama Will Regret ‘Train Wreck’ Nuclear Deal - Washington Free Beacon

Deal ‘will never be forgotten in the Middle East’

Politics | Iran

Vet TEARS APART Iran Deal: Obama Is ‘Selling Out The Country’ [VIDEO]

Recalling the Iranian bomb that cut through his armored vehicle in Iraq in 2005, “my scars are the direct result of Iran,” says Sgt. Robert Bartlett.

Politics | Iran

CNN: DNC Not Backing Iran Deal ‘Big Embarrassment’ for Obama

President Obama suffered an “embarrassment” with the Democratic National Committee not passing a resolution over the weekend in support of his Iran nuclear deal, CNN panelists said Sunday. Acco

Politics | Iran

Donald Trump Would Not Rip Up The Iran Deal

Unlike most of his fellow rivals for the Republican presidential nomination, real estate mogul Donald Trump would not rescind President Barack Obama's nuclear deal with Iran.

Politics | Iran

Why Obama's Wrong: Iran Deal Would Make War More Likely

The Iran agreement does not stop Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

Politics | Iran

AP Exclusive: UN to let Iran inspect alleged nuke work site

VIENNA (AP) — Iran, in an unusual arrangement, will be allowed to use its own experts to inspect a site it allegedly used to develop nuclear arms under a secret agreement with the U.N. agency that normally carries out…

Politics | Iran

No Military Site Inspections? - WSJ

A key adviser to Iran’s leader says U.N. access is ‘absolutely forbidden,’ the Wall Street Journal writes in an editorial.

Politics | Iran

Obama admits some unfrozen Iran cash will fund terror - Yahoo News

From Yahoo News: Washington (AFP) - President Barack Obama acknowledged Wednesday that Iran might use cash coming its way under sanctions relief to fund "terrorist organizations" but argued this is preferable to allowing it to develop nuclear ar

Politics | Iran

Iran Already Sanitizing Nuclear Site, Intel Warns - Bloomberg View

That leaves lawmakers wondering if Tehran intends to comply with the accord.

Politics | Iran

GOP Congressman Confronts Obama on Twitter About ‘Secret’ Iran ‘Side Deals,’ Gets This Response Back | TheBlaze.

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise directed a tweet at President Barack Obama over the Iran deal on Wednesday — and he received a response back. "Mr. President, Americans deserve to know the details about the secret side deals," the Louisiana c

Politics | Iran

Obama: Israel Rightly Skeptical of Iran Deal, But 'Wrong' Nonetheless | Truth Revolt

President Obama continued to defend his nuclear deal with Iran in yet another speech Wednesday, in which he rattled off several doozies, including comparing the GOP with those Iranians who chant "death to America." But what the president had to

Politics | Iran

Kerry: We Don't Have 'Access' to the 'Actual Agreement' on Iran Side Deals - Breitbart

Kerry: We Don't Have Access to the 'Actual Agreement' on Iran Side Deals

Politics | Iran

Video: Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Reveals His ‘Military Advice’ on Iran Deal Ignored by Obama Admin. | Video | T

The Obama administration ignored advice from Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Martin Dempsey regarding details of the nuclear deal with Iran. That's according to Dempsey, who appeared before a congressional committee on Wednesday, and said his military adv

Politics | Iran

Millennials Support Iran Deal | Cato Institute

The polls are in: A majority of Americans supports President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran. But in what is emerging as a significant new element of the political landscape...