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Liberal "Tolerance" | Politics

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

DIGNITY?! CA Judge Rules Male Housed in Female Prison Be Called She/Her During Trial for Raping Inmates

 We guess that -- according to the Left -- female inmates don't deserve privacy, safety, or dignity.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Left-Wing Journalists Celebrate Murder of Health Insurance CEO Brian Thompson

Many social media users are celebrating the murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson on Wednesday, implying that he got what he deserved.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Right. In. Our. Veins! Mark Cuban Pisses Tolerant Lefties OFF Pushing for Free Speech on Bluesky and LOL

 Turns out Bluesky is even more intolerant and bigoted than big mean X. Whoda thunk a thousands (millions?) of angry Leftists who didn't get their way in a presidential election might be raging, bigoted, unwelcoming, hate-filled, divisive a-holes on their own platform?

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Politico Stops Hiding Desire to See Donald Trump Assassinated

Nolte: Far-left Politico, a blog dedicated to disinformation and lies, is no longer hiding its desire to see former President Donald Trump assassinated.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

AWFL ALERT: Democrat Women Most Likely to Block Friends Over Political Differences

 This is the least surprising news, like, EVER.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Lefties Begin Denying Service to Trump Supporters

Depending on your point of view,  the Supreme Court’s Friday decision in 303 Creative v. Elenis was either a great moment in American jurisprudence or a day that will live in infamy. There are a...

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

NYC college professor freaks out at pro-life students, tossing their property and cursing: 'Get this f***ing s*** out of here!'

Students peaceably advocating on behalf of the unborn at a taxpayer-funded Manhattan college appear to have been attacked earlier this month by a leftist adjunct assistant professor who accused them of violence and "triggering" her students.Students for L

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Opinion: Why Free Speech Is Important

We have just lived through a respiratory virus epidemic and many are wondering, Why did our government and the social media platforms block any intelligent discussion of the virus that was making its way around the globe? In an ideal world, doctors would

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Kathy Hochul's call for 5.4M Republicans to leave New York is dangerous

It’s time to put partisanship aside for the good of the state and its residents. Those who still live here are all New Yorkers — even the ones the governor disagrees with.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Professor asks that white people please not ask if they can come to the Juneteenth cookout

For white people, it should be Reparations Day.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

'Sick Son of a B***h!': Watch 'Soulless' Beto O'Rourke Shamelessly Crash Texas School Shooting Presser

It wasn’t the time or the place. The blood was still pooled on the floor of the Uvalde, Texas school grounds where a sick and twisted 18-year-old got his hands on an AR-15, shot his grandmother,...

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Riot in Los Angeles as Pro-Abortion Activists Confront Police

Violent demonstrators attacked police, vandalized a sidewalk, and smashed a local business during a portest against overturning Roe v. Wade.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Twitter Locks Changes To Site To Stop ‘Rogue’ Employees From Sabotaging Platform After Musk Buy Out

Twitter reportedly locked down changes to the platform on Monday to prevent employees who might be mad that Elon Musk bought the company from being able to sabotage the platform.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Police are forced to protect conservative debater at Yale Law FREE SPEECH event from woke students shouting 'I'll fight you b*tch': Victim warns 'future of legal profession in America is in dire straits'

The students screamed profanities at Kristen Waggoner, including one who threatened they would 'literally fight you, b***h'. Others chanted 'protect trans kids' and 'shame, shame'.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Scared For My Life’: Police Hide Texas Student In Closet From Black-Clad Mob Amidst Trans Directive Outrage

Black-clad protestors screamed and heckled at a college student and Jeff Younger, the father of a child at the center of national disputes over transgenderism, forcing police to rush the student and Younger to safety, according to interviews and video footage obtained by The Daily Wire.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

No Matter How Peaceful The American Freedom Convoy Is, Our Corrupt Regime Will Demonize It

Like those who only peacefully protested on Jan. 6, the truckers will be smeared as domestic terrorists by the administration and media.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

2 of 3 Democrat Voters Approve of Canadian Fascism

A new poll reveals that a disgraceful two-thirds of Democrat likely voters are A-OK with the sad outbreak of fascism among our Canadian neighbors.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Official in D.C. Mayor's Office: It's a 'Necessary Evil' to Allow 'Darwinism to Kill off' the 'Foolish' Unvaccinated

Elliot Tommingo, director of the D.C. Mayor’s Office of Veterans Affairs, said it is a "necessary evil" to allow "Darwinism to kill off" the unvaccinated.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

‘Sooo … he wants to go out of business?’ Penzeys Spices sends hateful email advertising ‘Republicans Are Racists Weekend’ sale; Update: It’s REAL

Penzeys. Never heard of them. But seems he has issues with people who disagree with him politically.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Student Leaders Petition University to Evict 'Wealthy and White' Attendees, Give Their Houses to LGBT and Others

Rob from the rich, give to the poor.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

California Diner Kicks Out Uniformed Police Officers to Create 'Safe Space'

The staff of a San Francisco restaurant denied service to three uniformed police officers, claiming the officers' weapons made them feel "uncomfortable."

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Allen West Has COVID and the Left Can't Contain Its Glee

Texas Republican candidate for governor Allen West announced that he and his wife Angela had tested positive for COVID-19.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

WATCH: Left-Wing Activists Harass Senator Sinema During Flight And At Airport

Far-left activists harassed Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) during a flight on Monday and at the airport in their attempts to get her to pass Democrat President Joe Biden’s agenda.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

FDA Employee Caught on Tape Advocating for Nazi-Like Registry for Unvaccinated, and Shooting Blacks With COVID Blow Darts

A U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) employee was caught on tape advocating for a Nazi-like response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with forced vaccinations…

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

‘Kill everything white in sight’: Speaker at National Black Power Convention calls for ‘death to capitalism’ and maybe more

The mainstream media seems to have missed the National Black Power Convention in Tulsa.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Tasteless Jeopardy! clue is actually ‘a damning indictment of the UK Left’s basic humanity’


Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Illinois Teachers Shamed For Color Of Their Skin In Taxpayer-Sponsored ‘Antiracist’ Training

The Countywide Equity Institute featured 10 speakers alleging 'white privilege.' Illinois has just mandated this kind of instruction in all public schools

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

CA Gender Prof: COVID Revealed The ‘Tragedy Of Heterosexuality’

A professor at the University of California, Riverside who teaches sexuality and gender asserts that the coronavirus pandemic revealed the “tragedy of

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Armed Antifa Occupy Hotel, Shout at Cops: 'Pigs in a Blanket, Fry 'Em Like Bacon'

Armed homeless activists in antifa black bloc occupied a hotel in Olympia. When the cops came to restore order, protesters hurled death threats.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Ex-'Jeopardy!' Champ: Ashli Babbitt's 'Nazi A**' 'Feeding the Worms' Is a 'Good Thing'

A former "Jeopardy!" champion and prominent Twitter leftist stated that the death of a pro-Trump protester and military veteran on Wednesday was "one of the few good things that happened as a result of the Capitol 'protest.'"

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Lawyer Who Worked On Trump Pennsylvania Effort Placed Under Official Protection, Report Says

A Philadelphia attorney who was representing President Trump’s campaign has been reportedly placed under official protection after threats were made

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Tolerant leftists just can’t keep their hands off this Trump supporter’s American flag at MAGA march

First, they steal her MAGA hat and then go after the American flag.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Left-Wing Groups Drag Feinstein Over Barrett Hearings, Demand She Step Down From Committee

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the highest ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, has riled up the political Left with her demeanor in the

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Chris Hayes Floats ‘Truth And Reconciliation Commission’ To ‘Deal With’ Those Who Question COVID-19 Protocols

MSNBC host Chris Hayes raised eyebrows when he floated the idea of a "truth and reconciliation commission" as "the most humane and reasonable way to deal"

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

‘Anti-Racist’ Author Claims ‘White Colonizer’ Amy Coney Barrett Adopted Children To Shield Herself From Accusations Of Racism

"Anti-racist" author and diversity consultant Ibram Kendi attacked Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barett Saturday by suggesting that Barrett had adopted

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Senator Rand Paul and Others Attacked by Rioters After Trump RNC Speech

“Peaceful protesters” rioted, assaulted, intimidated, and blocked VIPs and others who were attempting to walk back to their cars about a block away from where President Trump had just delivered his GOP nomination acceptance speech on the White House lawn.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

WATCH: Leftists Assault, Harass Elderly People Leaving RNC Convention

Videos posted to social media on Thursday night following the fourth and final night of the Republican National Convention at the White House allegedly showed elderly people being harassed and assaulted by left-wing protesters. “The protests started

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Yamiche Alcindor craps on Madison Cawthorn after he literally rises from his wheelchair to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

"Madison Cawthorn with the best moment of the RNC (so far)"

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Iowa Professor’s Syllabus: You’ll Be Dismissed If You Oppose Pro-Choice Or Black Lives Matter Positions

A professor of English at Iowa State University issued a syllabus for her class asserting that any student who opposes the pro-choice perspective or the Black Lives Matter movement will have created “grounds for dismissal from the classroom.” Chloe Clark 

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Media, Some Democrats Use Death Of Trump’s Brother To Attack The President: ‘The Wrong Trump’ Died

Some media organizations, partisan talking heads, and Democrats used the death of President Donald Trump’s brother, Robert Trump, to attack the president on Saturday night. “It is with heavy heart I share that my wonderful brother, Robert, pea

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

British Women’s Studies Professor: I Don’t Want Oxford’s Vaccine To Succeed. Too Much Patriotism And White Men.

A female professor who “teaches on the women’s studies masters course at University of Oxford,” according to Huffington Post,” published an opinion piece in HuffPo over the weekend in which she asserted a litany of reasons that she did not want the Oxford

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Daily Wire’s Elisha Krauss said grocery store security worker advised her not to wear this ‘controversial shirt’ there again [photo]


Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Miami Herald Columnist Tweets Her Wish That More Republicans Would Die Of Coronavirus

America needs responsible journalists who will report facts especially during the coronavirus crisis. But the media we have is comprised of too many who still hate viscerally Trump supporters and others who disagree with them.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Praises ‘Violent Criminal Attack’ On Rand Paul

Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s daughter appeared to praise a violent attack on Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on Sunday after Paul announced that he had contracted the coronavirus, which originated in China. Pelosi’s daughter, Christine

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Denver Democrat Candi CdeBaca Stands In ‘Solidarity’ With Wanting To Use Coronavirus On Trump Supporters

Far-left Denver City Democrat Councilwoman Candi CdeBaca stated from her government Twitter account on Monday that she stands in “solidarity” with someone who posted a graphic stating that if they became infected with the coronavirus, they wan

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Hollywood Celebs Convulse Over Limbaugh’s Medal of Freedom

Cruel media leftists absolutely cannot stand Rush Limbaugh having a joyful moment even after his late-stage cancer diagnosis. President Donald Trump invited conservative radio legend Rush Limbaugh as one of his guests of honor at Tuesday's State of the Un

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Charles C. W. Cooke skewers Jennifer Rubin’s disdain for those who didn’t go to college

Cooke argues the Democrats have forgotten that going to college does not make you a better person.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Prof. Jonathan Turley says he’s been inundated with threats and demands that he be fired

Prof. Jonathan Turley is afraid his call for civility and dialogue fell on deaf ears.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Whole Foods Magazine Declared Mitch McConnell Their 'Person Of The Year' And Confused Whole Foods Shoppers Are Furious

Whole Foods Magazine, which has no connection to the grocery store chain, Whole Foods Market, declared Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell its “Person of the Year,” but confused Whole Food shoppers, who are, apparently, mostly le

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Chick-Fil-A Closing First U.K. Location After Pressure From LGBTQ Activists

Just a little over a week after Chick-fil-A opened its first location in the United Kingdom, the restaurant will be closing because the shopping center will not extend the restaurant’s six-month lease in response to the protests of LGBTQ activists.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Charity Event for Slain CA Police Officer Canceled Because Trump Supporters Were to Be in Attendance

A Los Angeles-area charity event commemorating slain police officer Sgt. Ron Helus was cancelled because Trump supporters were scheduled to speak at it.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Report: Family Of Slain Couple In El Paso Met With Trump. Now They Say They’re Getting Death Threats. | Daily Wire

According to the family of the couple who died protecting their baby from the El Paso shooter on August 23, they have received death threats because they met with President Trump, according to a new report.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

New Hollywood Film Depicts Trump Supporters Being Hunted for Sport by Liberals

Kathy Griffin claims she can’t get work following her photoshoot with a decapitated and bloody Trump head, but don’t let that fool you. Hollywood clearly still finds the idea of promoting violence against people who aren’t good and obedient leftists, beca

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Far-Left Protesters At Mcconnell’s Home: ‘Just Stab The Mother F***er In The Heart’ | Daily Wire

Far-left demonstrators appeared at Mitch McConnell's home in Louisville on Monday night and protested the 77-year-old who is recovering from a broken shoulder after he fell. A short clip of the protesters was posted to Twitter by Ben Goldey, a life-long

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Mario Lopez Proves Yet Again That It Never Pays To Apologize To The Left-Wing Mob | Daily Wire

I often think about a certain scene near the end of Robert Bolt's "A Man For All Seasons." Thomas More is on trial for treason (a phony charge stemming from More's refusal to acknowledge the king as the Supreme Head of the Church), and he has just been de

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

‘It’s payback’: NYC man claims he was assaulted for wearing a MAGA hat — and these fine people think he totally deserved it

A New York City art gallery owner claims that he was physically attacked by a group of teens because he was wearing a MAGA hat

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Victor Davis Hanson: Woke Racism – American Greatness

Well before Sigmund Freud formalized the idea of “projectionism”—the defense of one’s own shortcomings and sins by attributing them to others—it was a common theme in classical literature and the New Testament: the ridiculing of the mole on someone else’s

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

‘Hope Dems run on this’! Ca. Dem Party regional director says rural white Americans are just ‘not grateful enough’; UPDA

"This thread is a perfect example of why Democrats aren't winning anytime soon."

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Tolerant Megan Rapinoe accuses Trump and MAGA of ‘excluding people’ before retreating to the safety of her liberal ‘echo chamber’

These days, Megan Rapinoe is a lot more famous for bashing Donald Trump than she is for playing soccer. The media seem intent on making sure it stays that way. So last night, Anderson Cooper had her on his show to sound off some more:

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

‘Absolutely disgusting’: Little girl behind viral ‘Mini AOC’ videos reportedly targeted with harassment and death threat

If you’re unfamiliar with “Mini AOC,” she’s the alter ego of a little girl named Ava Martinez who has starred in a series of viral videos mocking Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Frederica Wilson: People ‘Should Be Prosecuted’ For ‘Making Fun Of Members Of Congress’ Online | Daily Wire

Democrat Rep. Frederica Wilson led a congressional delegation to inspect an immigrant detention facility on Tuesday and following her visit she said that people who are "making fun of members of Congress" online "should be prosecuted."

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Washington’s LGBT community alerted to kick Trump’s deputy press secretary out of gay bars –

He's gay, but one of those self-hating gays who promotes oppression against himself.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

EXCLUSIVE: Google Leftists Panic About Leaks, Threaten Employment of Colleagues

Left-wing employees at Google are threatening the employment of their colleagues amid a panic about frequent leaks revealing political bias in the company’s products and working atmosphere.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

'Captain America' Chris Evans Gets SLAMMED For Daring To Meet With Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw

"Captain America" star Chris Evans was on Capitol Hill last week, lobbying for veteran's issues, when he ran into real-life Captain (err...Lieutenant Colonel?) America, Republican R

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Yikes! Chris Evans' tweet about 'VERY cool' picture with Dan Crenshaw TRIGGERED an outrage brigade


Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Report: Ocasio-Cortez Threatens Democrats, If You Vote With Republicans You'll Be Put On A List

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), who recently declared, “I’m the boss!” is taking her power-hungry dreams to stomp on some of her fellow Democrats, reportedly informing them on Thursday that if they vote with Republicans she will “put them on a list” for a primary challenge.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Why Disdain For Jews Is The Sinew Of Identity Politics

Hate is the great unifier of mass movements. Its power is neither to be dismissed nor underestimated.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

College Newspaper Says 'White Boys' Should Not Be 'Allowed To Talk'

A blatantly racist opinion piece penned by a Pennsylvania college student says "white boys" should not "be allowed to talk."

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Left Opens War On All Religious Schools By Targeting Karen Pence

‘Karen Pence, wife of Vice President Mike Pence, started at a job this week teaching art at Immanuel Christian School in Northern Virginia.'

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Leftists PANIC After Discovering Coachella Owner Donates Thousands To Republicans | Daily Wire

Although the high-profile, star-studded music festival has been going on for years, it seems leftists only just realized — this week — that Coachella, which draws decidedly liberal headliners like Beyonce and Eminem, is owned and managed by ... a Repu

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

WATCH: Male Feminist Roundhouse Kicks Pro-Life Woman | Daily Wire

See update at the bottom of this story

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

University Of Georgia Journalism Dean Forced To Apologize For Having A Republican Friend

The dean of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Georgia was forced to apologize, Campus Reform reports, because he tweeted out a congratulatory message to a friend, who just so happens to be the state's Republican candidate

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

SHOCK REPORT: Feds Say Anti-ICE Protesters Hurled Racial Slurs At Non-White Officers In Portland

Federal officers, charged with handling an "Occupy ICE" protest on the lawn of Portland's Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices, were subjected to a "barrage of hateful and at times racially-charged invective" during both the month-long demonst

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

‘Burn in hell, Facebook’: The liberal exodus begins with news that Mark Zuckerberg congratulated Donald Trump

We knew Mark Zuckerberg was a huge MAGA guy all along … you could just tell.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

So, You Think You're Tolerant? | PragerU

Are you tolerant? You probably think so. But who is tolerant in America today? Is it those on the left, or those on the right? In this video, Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report analyzes this question and shares his experience. Click here to take a brief surve

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

No Whites Allowed At Vermont College Racism Workshop

For 'students of color only'

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

HuffPost Contributor Says She's Puzzled By A Black Man In A BMW With An NRA Bumper Sticker. Ben Shapiro Owns Her With One Word.

On Thursday, a woman who is a contributor for The Huffington Post offered a tweet (which she later deleted) that came straight out of the Left’s narcissistic belief that all blacks in America must be leftists. Catch this:

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

'Boys will be boys' sweatshirt pulled from stores after being accused of sending a 'sexist' message

The backlash over the shirt from an Australian sleepwear brand involved complaints that it excused boys' bad behavior.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

‘Keep it up, COWARDS’! Lefty protesters HARASS Elaine Chao (just like Maxine Waters wanted) [video] –

Congratulations, Maxine Waters! It looks like people are taking your recent advice to heart!

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Feminists: It’s Wrong To Harass A Woman, Unless She Is A Republican

If that woman is named Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen, it's not only acceptable to drive her out of a restaurant -- it’s to be applauded.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Actor Andrew Garfield: Bake The Cake! | Daily Wire

On Sunday evening, actor Andrew Garfield won a Tony Award for playing a young man with AIDS in Angels in America – the single most overrated work of theater and television in modern history – and decided to lecture Americans about his political priori

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Melania Bullied For Her Looks, Accent After Anti-Bullying Speech | The Daily Caller

First Lady Melania Trump revealed her signature campaign to combat bullying and drug use Monday afternoon at the White House, and the internet reacted by making

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

California Progressives Launch (Another) Attack on Free Speech | National Review

A California bill would criminalize conservative speech about gender.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

College’s ‘no whites allowed’ pool party postponed after backlash – twitchy

A college group's pool party for people of color only has been postponed after a national media backlash.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Danish tourist mugged at knifepoint in NYC over MAGA hat: report | TheHill

A Danish tourist traveling in New York City says he was mugged at knifepoint by two men angered by a "Make America Great Again" hat he had purchased.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Leftists Triggered Over 'White Male' Jon Favreau Being Hired On 'Star Wars' Series

According to the logic of the Left, only black people can write and direct movies about black people, only women can write and direct movies about women, and white males need to check their privilege.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

NO ONE At The Oscars Clapped When Gary Oldman Thanked America -- Guess Who They Did Cheer For

Gary Oldman took home the Oscar for Best Actor at Sunday night's 90th Academy Awards, but the Los Angeles audience withheld applause for one particular part of his thank you speech. Oldman delivered a

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Alan Dershowitz on defending Trump: 'My liberal friends don't invite me to dinner anymore'

Dershowitz said his family is no longer proud to be associated with him.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

ANTI-TRUMP INTERNATIONAL: 'Resistance'-Themed Hotel Coming To D.C. For Leftists Who Want A Safe Space On Vacation | Dail

If one hotelier has her way, leftists visiting Washington, D.C. to do business or while on vacation, will have a "safe space" to gather, even as the rest of the city transitions to the Trump era.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Chicago 'Dyke March' bans Jewish pride flags: 'They made people feel unsafe' - U.S. News -

Dyke March organizers removed participants waving Jewish Pride flags because they were 'triggering'

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Democratic strategist defends 'Hunt Republicans' tweets |

Jim Devine is defending his use of the hashtags #HuntRepublicanCongressman and #HuntRepublicans, saying they are meant to be a metaphor

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Progressive Writers Agree: Those Republicans Deserved To Get Shot

A shooter targeted Republican lawmakers playing baseball on Wednesday, and several progressive media personalities declared the Republicans deserved it.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Charlotte Pride rejects Gays for Trump | Charlotte Observer

Charlotte Pride refuses to let a Gays for Trump group enter a float in this summer’s Pride Parade in uptown Charlotte.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Leftists Destroy Female Business Owners' Burrito Stand Because They're White | Daily Wire

Two women were recently driven out of business for serving burritos while white. 

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Leftists Destroy Female Business Owners' Burrito Stand Because They're White | Daily Wire

Two women were recently driven out of business for serving burritos while white. 

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Dem Platform Calls For Prosecuting Global Warming Skeptics | The Daily Caller

Democratic operatives responsible for creating their party’s platform this year adopted a provision calling for the Justice Department to investigate skeptics.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Obama Jokes about SCOTUS Pick: 'Yeah, He's a White Guy - Sorry!' | MRCTV

During a question and answer session at University of Chicago Law School, President Obama joked he is “sorry” his U.S. Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland, is white.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

AG Lynch Testifies: Justice Dept. Has ‘Discussed’ Civil Legal Action Against Climate Change Deniers |

Attorney General Loretta Lynch testified Wednesday that the Justice Department has "discussed" taking civil legal action against the fossil fuel industry for "denying" the "threat of carbon emissions" when it comes to climate

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Stacey Dash reads 'mean tweets' about her Oscars appearance

"You sucked on the Oscars like you do on Fox News."

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Shakespeare's Works -- Too Hard, Too White

A veteran teacher at Luther Burbank High School, the biggest high school in Sacramento, Calif., is proposing that high-school teachers stop teaching Shakespeare because he’s just some old white guy who died a long time ago so what could he know about anything.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

HuffPo Blogger: ‘I Sometimes Don't Want to Be White Either’

The media are lending an ear – and a platform – to those who believe “being white” can “drive you to do the weird and unthinkable,” as exemplified by former NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal. University of Pennsylvania Professor Ali Michael recently

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

MSNBC’s Dyson Implies Rachel Dolezal Is More Black Than Clarence Thomas

On Monday’s The Ed Show, Michael Eric Dyson, MSNBC Political Analyst and frequent guest host on the "Lean Forward" network, used the ongoing controversy surrounding Rachel Dolezal claiming to be African American to smear Supreme Court Justice

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Spike TV to Censor Clint Eastwood's Jenner Joke - Breitbart

Spike TV is supposed to be a manly man’s network but in the face of the left’s fascist political correctness crusade to ensure Bruce “Call Me Caitlyn” Jenner doesn’t face anything that isn’t gushing and celebratory , the so-called Man

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

‘Burn in hell': Drake Bell branded ‘transphobic idiot’ after posting ‘still calling you Bruce’ | Twitchy

The social justice warriors of Twitter are very serious about respecting gender choices.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Drake Bell sparks outrage with Caitlyn Jenner comment | Page Six

"Sorry....still calling you Bruce," the "Drake & Josh" actor tweeted.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

University union officer who wrote 'kill all white men' tweet will remain in post

Bahar Mustafa claims she can not be racist because she is an ethnic minority woman

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

NYC School Wants To Segregate 3rd-graders. Really. | New York Post

“Can racism be stopped in the third grade?” That’s the question asked in this week’s New York Magazine cover story by journalist Lisa Miller. The short answer, of course, is...

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Gay Couple Demand Name Change for 'Homophobic' Road - Breitbart

Married couple Phillip and Ian Tucker have written to their local council to complain about the decision to name a new road Bangays Way, because they consider it homophobic. Despite the name of the new cul-de-sac having been arrived at

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Indiana pizzeria closes after threats | TheHill

Memories Pizza had said it would not cater gay weddings, provoking a fury. The family-owned pizzeria in Indiana closed on Wednesday following backlash over its support of a controversial religious freedom law.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

The Way a Jewish Student Was Treated While Running for UCLA Student Gov’t Left at Least One Person ‘Sickened’ | Vi

Rachel Beyda was running for a seat on the judicial council at the University of California in Los Angeles when members of the student government questioned whether her Jewish background would be a "conflict of interest." "The first questio

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

French court convicts three over homophobic tweets, in case hailed as a 'significant victory' by LGBT rights campaigners

A French court has handed out convictions for anti-gay hate crimes on Twitter for the first time, after three people used the hashtag “let’s burn the gays”.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Response to Joni Ernst giving State of the Union reply shows sexism alive and well |

It’s no secret that conservative women are held to a different standard than liberal women. That bias becomes most obvious when a conservative woman rises to a prominent position. Shortly after it was announced that Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, would delive

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance" and Victor Paul Alvarez Yuk It Up Over Man's Foiled Plan to Poison John Boehner

Victor Paul Alvarez's LinkedIn profile says that he's an "Associate Editor - at The Boston Globe," with previous stints at East Bay Newspapers and the Baltimore Sun. He was a copy boy at the Sun in 1994 while he was also a student at

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

U Michigan Department Chair: We Should ‘Hate Republicans’ | National Review Online

A University of Michigan department chairwoman has published an article titled, “It’s Okay To Hate Republicans,” which will probably make all of her conservative students feel really comfortable and totally certain that they’re being graded fairly

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Gays Force San Francisco Wedding Photographers to Close Shop

A small photography business run by a husband and wife has closed their business, due to intense media scrutiny, threats and pressure from the gay community in their Bay Area home town.  According to the SF Gate, husband and wife team Nang and Chris Mai

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Hey Washington Post! You can take this lollipop from our cold, dead hands! | Twitchy

Is there nothing libs won't take from us?

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Liberal Diversity: All Four 'View' Hosts Bash Catholic Church

For a show called The View, the program's hosts on Friday all have the same opinion: The Catholic Church needs to change. Co-host Whoopi Goldberg highlighted pop singer Ariana Grande's decision to leave her church because of alleged intolerance towards he

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Parents in 'Purple Penguin' School District Say Their Objections Are Getting Quashed | National Review Online

Parents in 'Purple Penguin' School District Say Their Objections Are Getting Quashed - School is not listening to concerns about controversial transgender training, families of schoolchildren say.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

‘2 more white guys? I’m out’! Diversi-tools cry foul over new True Detective stars | Twitchy

"Guess all that talk about representation was fifty shades of bullsh*t."

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Yale Students 'Disrespected' That Ayaan Hirsi Ali Is Speaking On Campus | Truth Revolt

The Muslim Students Association at Yale University has written a letter expressing concern that the William F. Buckley, Jr. Program on campus is hosting women’s rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali to speak about Islam. The Somali-born Hirsi Ali is an outspo

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Liars Lie: 'Sherlock' Actor Benedict Cumberbatch - 'Christian Far Right' is 'Very Homophobic'; Wants Gays 'Cured,' Castrated

The “Christian Right” is not only “homophobic”  but also actively experiments on gays with science, according to “Sherlock” actor Benedict Cumberbatch.                                                            �

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

News of Chick-fil-A founder's death brings out the hate

Twitter brings the hate.

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Is banning 'fringe views' from the media how liberals want to deal with conservatives?

First they came for freedom of speech (speech codes on campus). Then it was freedom of religion (employers can't practice their religious beliefs at work). Is freedom of the press for fringe voices next?

Politics | Liberal "Tolerance"

Costco removing D’Souza’s ‘America’ from shelves

NEW YORK – The retail giant Costco Wholesale has issued an order to remove all copies of Dinesh D’Souza’s bestselling book, “America: Imagine the World Without Her,” from the shelves of its stores nationwide, WND has confirmed.