The Rant

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Political Humor | Humor

Humor | Political Humor

Kamala Harris Quotes As Motivational Posters

Post these on Twitter to show everyone how much you admire strong women and love paying more money for gas and groceries.

Humor | Political Humor

Analysis: Bald Weirdos To Play Outsized Role in 2022 Election

The Democratic Party's hopes of preserving President Joe Biden's agenda by retaining control of Congress in 2022 could rest on a unique demographic poised to play an outsized role in the upcoming midterm elections. According to a Washington Free Beacon an

Humor | Political Humor

EXCLUSIVE: Ben & Jerry’s Targets Anti-Semite Demographic With Audacious New Ice Cream Flavors

Ben & Jerry's, a left-wing ice cream company owned by Unilever, announced Monday that it will stop selling its products in the so-called Occupied Palestinian Territory, more commonly known as the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Humor | Political Humor

Oscars To Have New Inclusion Rule To Ensure Absolutely No One Cares About Oscars [Satire]

The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences has developed a new inclusion requirement for Oscar-nominated films. The Academy says it wants to make sure the winning films contain significant roles for groups who are under-represented in Hollywood, lik

Humor | Political Humor

How to Celebrate July 4 Without Getting Canceled for Glorifying White Supremacy

The United States of America turns 244 this weekend. Normally that would be cause for celebration, but not anymore, now that the prevailing cultural sentiment demands that athletes issue statements to explain why they didn't take a knee during the nationa

Humor | Political Humor

Let's all share our heartfelt, totally woke, and absolutely real conversations with TSA agents

And then the TSA agent asked me, "Why are Democrats so opposed to securing the border?"

Humor | Political Humor

WATCH: Ben Shapiro Finally 'Interviews' Ocasio-Cortez | Daily Wire

Fresh off the hysteria over a conservative media personality posting an obviously satirical fake interview with Democratic candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro posted an obviously satirical fake interview with America

Humor | Political Humor

WALSH: Mankind Will Be Extinct Within 50 Years If We Do Not Abolish Plastic Straws

I thought I had witnessed the zenith of human courage when Billy Joel recently announced in an interview that "Nazis aren't good people." Joel is risking his career, perhaps even his li

Humor | Political Humor

WALSH: 13 Words That Are Even More Offensive And Sexist Than 'Mankind' | Daily Wire

At a recent town hall, Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau explained that the word "mankind" is not inclusive enough. "Peoplekind" is the acceptable form.

Humor | Political Humor

Where are the anti-war protesters? Nobody knows. . . | Twitchy

Come out, come out wherever you are.

Humor | Political Humor

Obama's Latest Executive Order | Mad Magazine


Humor | Political Humor

MMFA attempted smear of Fox News gets debunked by 'commie girl'

Left wing propaganda factory Media Matters for America is sometimes a little too eager to attack Fox News. Couple that with a blogger who doesn’t understand the concept of sets and subsets and it can get comical.

Humor | Political Humor

Remy: Working 9 to 5 (Obamacare Remix)

The new health care law shakes up Remy's employment situation. Approx. 1:50 minutes. Written and performed by Remy. Musical Arrangement by Ben Karlstrom. Vid...