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Second Amendment | Politics

Politics | Second Amendment

Kurt Russell Is Straight-FIRE Taking Woke 'Writer' APART on Gun Control and It's GLORIOUS (Listen)

 Full transparency, Kurt Russell is not a conservative, as far as we understand it, he is a libertarian. That being said, we love it when someone in Hollywood surprises people ... and you can tell this interview on gun control surprised the 'writer'.

Politics | Second Amendment

The CDC Buried a Study That Conflicted With the Left's Gun Control Narrative

The pandemic brought to light some unsettling truths about the individuals in charge of our government’s reaction to health issues in this country. Not only are they incapable of doing their jobs, but they are also susceptible to political pressure in the same way that politicians are. Before the pandemic, most of us probably assumed that the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was a competent and apolitical institution. How wrong we were.

Politics | Second Amendment

Visa Caves, Will Recategorize Gun Purchases as Democrats Requested

Visa caved to the demands of NY Democrats and gun control groups and will recategorize gun purchases in a way that allows them to be flagged. 

Politics | Second Amendment

Why Americans Are Buying Guns | PragerU

In the aftermath of every mass shooting, we hear calls for “commonsense gun control.” But how do you determine which gun laws are commonsense? Jason Riley,…

Politics | Second Amendment

Two new academic studies claim that gun owners are racist

Former slave-owning counties have more gun owners.

Politics | Second Amendment

Why Do So Many Mass Shootings Involve an AR-15?

Why do so many mass shootings involve an AR-15? I saw an NRA spokesman on CNN address this question—very badly, as often is the case with the pro-gun side—by…

Politics | Second Amendment

You Can Tell Democrats' Gun-Control Goals Based On Which Tragedy They Exploit

Democrats pick and choose which tragedies to milk for their anti-gun agenda based on how much political leverage firearm deaths grant them.

Politics | Second Amendment

Progressives Shocked to Find Gun Buybacks Don’t Decrease Gun Crime

Who would have thought gun buybacks were a ridiculous way to curb gun violence?

Politics | Second Amendment

Ukraine Arms Its People; Americans Say 'Way Ahead of You'

Imagine you’re a Democrat for a minute – to fully experience the effect, invent some pronouns and forget which bathroom to use – then think of the cognitive dissonance you

Politics | Second Amendment

New CA Bill Would Force Parents Of Schoolkids To Reveal Firearm Ownership, Storage Locations

The key sponsor of this bill not only shows his utter disrespect for the rights of others, but his monumental hypocrisy when it comes to supposedly caring about history and the extermination of approximately a million Armenians.

Politics | Second Amendment

Biden Admin Has Records on Nearly One Billion Gun Sales

The Biden administration is in possession of nearly one billion records detailing American citizens’ firearm purchases, far more than Congress and the public has been aware of, according to new information from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, an

Politics | Second Amendment

BREAKING: Biden Announces Executive Order Crackdown On Guns, New Anti-Gun ATF Director

Democrat President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday evening the administration's new far-left Executive Order aimed at cracking down on the Second

Politics | Second Amendment

Biden Won’t Rule Out Using Executive Orders To Crackdown On Second Amendment Rights: White House

President Joe Biden reportedly won't rule out using executive orders to crackdown on Americans' constitutionally protected Second Amendment rights.

Politics | Second Amendment

Nearly Five Million Americans Became Gun Owners in First Half of 2020

Nearly five million Americans became first-time gun owners in 2020, according to a new report.

Politics | Second Amendment

REPORT: Leftists Shocked To Discover Guns Are Heavily Regulated, Gun Control Preventing Coronavirus Panic Buys

According to a report from RedState, based on a personal interview with a California gun retailer, leftists visiting gun shops are shocked and dismayed to learn that there are strict gun control laws on the books, and that their vision of an American wher

Politics | Second Amendment

Nets Ignore Massive Gun Control Defeat: VA Rejects Assault Weapons Ban

The liberal broadcast networks did all they could to smear gun rights advocates who gathered in Virginia’s capital last month. They framed the advocates as terrorists, white supremacists, and generally violent. When they were proven wrong, they still invo

Politics | Second Amendment

Fake-News MSNBC Host Claims 'Thousands' of 'White Nationalists' Are 'Swarming' Virginia 2A Rally

MSNBC host Craig Melvin claimed on television Monday that "thousands" of "white nationalists" and "militia groups" are "swarming the state capitol in Richmond," with "guns rights activists." I'd like to know what "white nationalists" and "militia groups,"

Politics | Second Amendment

Armed churchgoer takes out shooter during deadly attack in Fort Worth, Texas

Shooting at church in Fort Worth, Texas.

Politics | Second Amendment

Lies the Left Tells About Guns

Congress reconvenes this week after a summer fraught with multiple mass shootings. Reportedly, legislation implementing tighter gun control is on the table, with rumored support by some in the White House. The rhetoric surrounding guns continues to escala

Politics | Second Amendment

San Francisco Has Beclowned Itself By Labeling The NRA A ‘Domestic Terrorist Organization’

As The Daily Wire reported yesterday, the comically leftist Board of Supervisors for the city of San Francisco took it upon itself to deem the nation's oldest continually operating civi

Politics | Second Amendment

Vox Confirms Gun Owners' Fears: They Want To Take Our Guns

In the wake of mass shootings, Democrats call for "common sense gun control." But Vox just admitted what gun owners have long known about this euphemism: they want to take our guns.

Politics | Second Amendment

Let’s Call The Liberals’ Second Amendment Militia Bluff

The Second Amendment is so clear and simple that only .07/15/2019 0:08:41AM EST.

Politics | Second Amendment

Why So Many Mass Shootings? Ask The Right Questions And You Might Find Out

This past weekend, Americans learned of another mass shooting, this time by an employee who decided to murder as many of the people he had worked with for

Politics | Second Amendment

BACKFIRE: Anti-Gun Group Faces Backlash For Politicizing Vigil For School Shooting | Daily Wire

The radical gun control group Moms Demand Action, founded by far-left activist Shannon Watts, is facing mounting backlash on social media after the organization politicized a vigil on Wednesday night for the STEM School Highlands Ranch shooting.

Politics | Second Amendment

HAMMER: Here Are Three Core Reasons To Oppose A Ban On ‘Assault Weapons’

With Democrats lining up to seek the presidency quicker than socialists lining up for rationed pieces of bread, the gun issue will once again soon find itself percolating through the p

Politics | Second Amendment

New CPRC Research: How a Botched Study Fooled the World About the U.S. Share of Mass Public Shootings: U.S. Rate is Lower than Global Average - Crime Prevention Research Center

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Politics | Second Amendment

New CPRC Research: How a Botched Study Fooled the World About the U.S. Share of Mass Public Shootings: U.S. Rate is Lower than Global Average - Crime Prevention Research Center

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Politics | Second Amendment

Knife Attacks Propel London To Outpace NYC's Murder Rate For First Time In Modern History

London, lauded by the Left for its strict gun laws and embrace of multiculturalism, is not the haven it's cracked up

Politics | Second Amendment

An Open Rant Aimed at Those Who Would Repeal the Second Amendment | National Review

When liberals say that we need to get rid of the Second Amendment, they are reflecting the views of a small but vocal portion of Americans. And they mean it.