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Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
Why is the Covid-19 Death Rate So Low?
INSTANT DOWNLOAD: http://drberg.com/covid-waves (Covid-19 First and Second Wave) Here are the references: 1. Swedish study about memory T-cells and long-term...
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks
Over 70 percent of the case-patients who were contaminated with the virus fell ill despite "always" wearing a mask.
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
5 More COVID Charts Democrats — And The Press — Don’t Want You To See – Issues & Insights
Where is all the outrage about Europe’s failure to contain this disease?
Health & Fitness | Health & Fitness
After This Declaration, No One Can Say 'Science' Demands Lockdowns
While left-leaning media and pundits claim that evidence and science guide their decisions, the Great Barrington Declaration proves their dishonesty.
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News | News
Facebook censorship board is comprised mostly of foreign nationals with ties to George Soros – The Buffalo Chronicle
The recently appointed Facebook oversight board tasked with deciding which posts get blocked from the world’s most popular social networking website is stacked with leftists and foreign n…
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Moptu - Mary Newcome - Business Owners Boarding Up In Case Part...
U.S.—Business owners in Democrat-controlled cities are boarding up in preparation for an onslaught of mostly peaceful demonstrations should Trump win the election Tuesday.The real concern is that the party of love and tolerance loses the election.&q
News | News
Some Texas-style humor prompts Karen-style howls from Biden campaign
Texas is a state that loves humor and can laugh at itself. Just look at the names of some of its cities -- you can feel it in names like Corsicana, Indianola, Texarkana...nobody else's state has names like those. And of course, there's t...
News | News
Twitter is running a blackmail operation — cooperate or no traffic for you
For all their talk of “neutral platforms,” the Big Shots at Big Tech — Twitter, Facebook and Google — are running a protection racket.
Politics | Politics
Politics | Politics
Five Indicators of the Trump-Biden Outcome | RealClearPolitics
A few people have asked for my analysis of the 2020 presidential race, particularly because I was one of the few national journalists who consistently predicted (see the 2:42 mark in this clip) that...
Politics | Politics
Maxine Waters: Black Trump Voters Are 'Shameful' -- 'I Will Never Ever Forgive Them'
Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Friday on SiriusXM’s “The Joe Madison Show” that Black voters intending to cast ballots for President Donald Trump are "shameful." | Clips
Politics | Politics
‘Enforcement Error’: Facebook Reinstates ‘New Jersey Women For Trump’ Page After Trump Complains | The Daily Wire
Facebook reinstated a pro-Trump Facebook page with more than 29,000 members after President Donald Trump slammed them for taking it down days before the
Politics | Politics
The ‘Lockdown vs. Herd Immunity’ Debate Has Nothing To Do With Science | The Daily Wire
This past summer, I discussed COVID-19 with two different kinds of people. The first wore a mask and stood no fewer than 10 feet away, warning me that