In the era of mainstream media controlled narratives, alternative facts, "fake news," and the unadulterated cancer of "Woke-ism," America - and the world - is in need of a straightforward voice, anchored in common sense, where facts and truth mandate the narrative, not the talking heads of the privileged and elitist classes.

Read and listened to across 47 US states and 23 countries, I cover the facts of the matter (a throwback to the days of real journalism) and then take it a step further: I explain why the story is important and I expound on that.

​The podcast offers even more insight into the topics covered here but does so in a casual, everyman, "corner of the bar" type feel that allows for speaking freely, without fear, and barring political correctness.

​Both national political parties are a disgrace. The American people deserve better.

Let's go Underground...

Underground USA

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Views 661.3K

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PODCAST | The Lie That Is Biden’s Support For Israel

Before I get into anything, I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me and offered up prayers and well wishes during my time under medical care. I appreciate each one of you. And before we get into the meat of what I want to address, now comes n

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The Communist Chinese Influence in America's K-12 Education System

In recent months, US officials have raised concerns over the communist Chinese’s concerted efforts to extend its global influence – and especially its propagandistic influence into the United States – through what it terms “soft power.” This inf

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Ignoring Cries For Freedom; Pandering To Ungrateful Haters

The United States is supposed to be the beacon of freedom for all the world to see, at least that’s how the story goes. But time and time again, when opportunities present for the United States to come to the aid of those risking their lives to cry out

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PODCAST | We Really Have To Confront The Radical Thinking Of The Far-Left

As a lead into today’s America’s Third Watch program – in which we discuss at length Chuck Schumer’s shameful but full-throated endorsement of interfering in another sovereign nation’s election, among other things – I wanted to play a clip tha

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The Problem With A Gaza Ceasefire

As the Biden administration and the terminally misinformed and under-educated of the GenZ and Millennial generations push for a ceasefire between Hamas and the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in Gaza, two glaring truths seem to be falling through the cracks;

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PODCAST | The Cheney-Kinzinger Scam Exposed

Before we get to the subjects of President Biden, his arrogance transmitted to the Middle East, and the troublesome floating pier he wants to put on the coast of Gaza, I wanted to shed some light on the crime committed by the so-called January 6th committ

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PODCAST | The Screeching Of A Delusional Man

Before we get deeper into the screamfest that was Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech (Is that what that was? It sounded a hell of a lot more like a campaign speech full of rainbows and unicorns…oh, and by the way, it’s all our fault for not appre

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Telegraphing The Unconstitutional Disenfranchisement Of American Voters

As we progress into the thick of the silly season we will hear a lot more about election integrity, election interference, and voter fraud, and we’ll we should. Although some states moved to reinforce voter registration procedures and laws overseeing th

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With 11 Million ‘Newcomers' It’s Time To Get Serious About Securing The Vote

Merrick Garland’s flippant remarks about securing our nation’s vote for its citizens are both ignorant and infuriating at the same time. As record numbers of minority citizens successfully cast votes in every corner of the country, great care should b

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When Dreams Become Nightmares

LISTEN TO THIS BONUS SEGMENT OF UNDERGROUND USA ON AMERICA’S THIRD WATCH US Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced that he is stepping down as Senate Minority Leader after the November General Elections. But, in true Nancy Pelosi style, he will remain in

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    PODCAST | Turning The Page On Ronna McDaniel

    Before we head into this segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to touch on the announcement that Ronna McDaniel is stepping down as the RNC chair after the Super Tuesday primary contests. Quite frankly, the move is overdue.

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    Democrats: The Party Of ‘So What?’

    As the silly season sprouts into full bloom toward the November General Elections, we are going to be on the receiving end of a very well-funded disinformation campaign – bankrolled by the billionaires of the political Left (the same ones bankrolling Ni

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    PODCAST | Cultural Appropriation By Any Other Name…

    Before we get to this segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to touch on a hypocrisy everyone is letting slide. It may sound insignificant to you at first, but the more you contemplate the double standard being applied here, the more you see that on

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      The Only Honest Way Forward Is Through Stand Alone Legislation

      Now comes the news that Democrats have a brand new strategy to deflect from doing nothing for 3-plus years but promoting identity politics while purposely degrading the state of our Republic. They are going to blame Republicans for the crisis on the US so

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      PODCAST | Yeah, I Have A Problem With Presidents' Day

      As we get into this Presidents' Day edition of America’s Third Watch, I want to go on record as saying I was never a fan of homogenizing Washington’s Birthday and Lincoln’s Birthday together and then enjoining all of the presidents into that me

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      PODCAST | Voting ‘Present' On Condemning Rape & Sexual Assault?

      Before we get into the meat of this America's Third Watch segment, I just had to comment on the absolute abdication of humanity exercised by US Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) in her “present” vote addressing Hamas' use of rape and sexual assault

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      It’s Not Left v. Right…It’s Elitism v. Freedom

      As we stampede into the 2024 General Election, we hear – and rightly so – that our country has never been more divided. Republican and Democrat, Conservative and Liberal, people are anchored in their ideology and it will be a gargantuan effort to reco

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      PODCAST | Unsportsmanlike Conduct & A Horrible Role Model

      I didn’t watch the Super Bowl so I am making my points based on the extensive social media coverage of Kansas City Chiefs' Travis Kelce going unhinged on his coach. Kelce – or as I like to refer to him, Taylor Swift’s boyfriend – exhibited no

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      PODCAST | Excuse Me? Trump Has Already Been Acquitted on Insurrection Charges

      With the release of special counsel Robert Hur’s report on President Biden’s handling of classified documents, it appears we are once again facing a Hillary Clinton-James Comey moment. Where everyone was outraged that Clinton wouldn’t be held to acc

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      PODCAST | George Stephanopoulos Exposes His Partisan Constitutional Illiteracy

      On a recent edition of ABC News This Week, host George Stephanopoulos abruptly ended an interview with US Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), because Vance wouldn’t take a knee to the idea that the Executive Branch bureaucracy has autonomy outside the pleasure of the

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      Take It Easy…No One ‘Hates' Taylor Swift

      I find myself sitting at my keyboard – stunned and incredulous – that I am writing about the over-marketed pop star Taylor Swift. Strange times, indeed, as they say. But the controversy brewing around Swift (or her manufactured persona) is starting to

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      PODCAST | A Couple Of Things To Understand Before Your Opinion On The Middle East Matters

      I’d like to touch on a subject that GenZers and GenZ Alphas – and maybe even some later Millennials – wouldn’t fully understand from experience. The subject matter is what most people mistakenly call “radical Islam.” It is important for a coup

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      PODCAST | Letting The Days Go By: This Is Not My Beautiful House

      Before we get to this morning’s segments on America’s Third Watch with Kyle Warren, in which we discuss both how our federal government got to this level of dysfunction, and a pathway to rectifying this serious issue, I wanted to to point out a prime

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      PODCAST | It’s Official…The GOP Primary Season Is Over

      I wanted to play Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' presidential campaign suspension speech. It is just five minutes long, but it illustrates the humble modesty of a true leader. Far from utilizing the typical “blame everyone else” political move th

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      VIDEO | January 6th: A Timeline Of Events That Raises Many Questions

      Many narratives were crafted about the protest that occurred at the US Capitol Building on January 6, 2021. Almost all of the ones produced by Congress and the mainstream media shop the narrative of a violent mob that, unprovoked, stormed the Capitol Buil

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      Insurrection: Does The Left Understand The Meaning Of The Word?

      In The Princess Bride, Vizzini constantly uses the word “inconceivable” as an exclamation, whether the word fits the moment or not. At one point, another character, Iñigo Montoya looks at Vizzini after he misuses the word for the umpteenth time and s

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      PODCAST | The Errors In Biden’s Speech Were Many…But This Is The Most Egregious

      Before we get to Monday’s segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to make a few comments about Joe Biden’s disgraceful Valley Forge speech. To put it bluntly, there was so much disingenuousness in that speech – so much politically driven propag

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      PODCAST | He’s Hitting The Mark…Too Bad The Media Is Ignoring Him

      In recent days, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has made some very dangerous statements for someone in his position. He is speaking the truth and the establishment, Deep State political apparatus doesn’t like it. How can they? They hat

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      We Are Losing Generations To Inept Parenting & The Transitioners

      In my more recent articles, I have been critical of GenZ, so much so that some of the more thin-skinned free subscribers have dropped their subscriptions to my Substack (I chalk that up to issue bandwagoning). But the fact of the matter is this. I am not

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      PODCAST | You Can’t Toss Someone Off Of A Ballot Without Due Process

      Now Maine. The election “authority” in that state, Secretary of State Shenna Bellows, has decided – unilaterally – that Donald Trump should be removed from the federal election ballot in Maine because he is an insurrectionist.

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      How We Should Be Pushing Back Against The Propagandistic Left

      As the clash between the terrorist organization Hamas and the sovereign nation of Israel rages on, the neo-fascist Left’s propaganda machine is in full whir, their special interest operatives whipping the ignorant GenZers and late-to-reality Millennials

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      Peace On Earth Goodwill Towards Men…If Only

      “Peace of earth, goodwill towards men.” We hear this phrase every year during the holidays, albeit less and less thanks to the marketing-driven “reimagined” Christmas. But it wasn’t too long ago that people – if only for a month – put some w

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      PODCAST | Phobias…The Woke Left’s Got ‘Em

      In this segment of America’s Third Watch, we discuss – among other things – the woke Left’s neverending list of phobias. Oh, sure they present as being these confident social justice warriors, but the fact of the matter is this. That confidence is

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      The Woke's Shallow Crusade Against US History Continues

      Just when you thought the stupidity of erasing history had stopped, now comes news that the poison of wokeism is inside the gates at Arlington National Cemetery. That this story isn’t front-page news is disgusting. As Americans, we should be ashamed for

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      PODCAST | Oh, You’re A Change-Agent Activist? (Yawn)

      Before we get into this current segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to preface a point that we touch on, which centers on the obnoxious trend of everyone needing to be a change-agent activist.

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      There’s A Big Difference Between Capitalism & Corporatism

      Suppose you can get past the hateful throngs of ideologically brainwashed antisemitic protesters on college campuses and in our urban areas. In that case, you will find yourself at the second layer of the indoctrination onion which compels today’s youth

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      PODCAST | He Who Controls The Food & Means To Healthcare...

      Before we get to this morning’s segment on America's Third Watch, I wanted to touch on an item that I believe is getting little coverage in the mainstream media and the coverage it is getting is convoluted.

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      PODCAST | Why Is It We Don’t Learn From These Things?

      Before I intro this morning’s segment on America’s Third Watch, I want to point out the overt and deliberate attack on innocent Israelis in Jerusalem last Thursday by Hamas terrorists. This attack resulted in the murders of six people and the severe i

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      Time To Castrate The United Nations

      Thanks for downloading and listening. Before we get into this Monday's edition of America's Third Watch – in which we debate the reality of Bidenomics and talk about the crimes committed by Hamas against the Israeli people, I wanted to point y

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      Not Just No But Hell No!

      We in the United States are facing a full-on assault against the First Amendment right to freedom of speech, the most important inalienable right possessed by a free people. And while the right to free speech is codified in the US Bill of Rights, this att

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      Note by Underground USA on Substack

      “...only 29% of students said a speaker who viewed transgender people as having a mental disorder or who viewed ‘Black Lives Matter’ as a hate group should be allowed to speak. Only 43% said an advocate for the abolition of abortion should be allowe

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      Political Reprobates Of The Left Prove Their Lust For Power Eclipses All

      As if the world needed any more proof that the globalist-aligned, neo-fascist American Left has a debilitating addiction to power, now comes the 2023 “selling of the souls” in the politically-motivated packaging of aid to Israel and a new traunch mone

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      Biden Administration Wants To Continue Spying On Americans In The US

      If you had any misgivings about the totalitarian, unconstitutional nature of today’s neo-fascist Left in the United States this development should quell those misgivings. A bipartisan bill moving through Congress

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      PODCAST | Are Tinfoil Hats Becoming A Fashion Statement?

      Listen now (32 mins) | As a precursor to today’s segment on America’s Third Watch with Kyle Warren, I wanted to mention two things. First, please take some time to read The Anti-Freedom Movements Aren’t So Different, the featured story at Undergroun

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      The Anti-Freedom Movements Aren’t So Different

      As misinformed and indoctrinated college students continue to fall prey to the poison of Islamic totalitarian propaganda regarding the victim status that has been bestowed on Hamas, it would be prudent to push back against the false narratives flooding ou

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      PODCAST | In An Official Capacity, It’s Irresponsible & Actionable

      Listen now (29 mins) | Before we get into this morning’s segments on America’s Third Watch, in which we discuss not only Squad member and US Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI), incendiary X post published Friday but some of the lesser-known violent directi

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      It’s Can’t Be A Same-Old-Same-Old Response This Time

      Listen now (31 mins) | Before we get into Friday’s segment of Amerca’s Third Watch in which Kyle Warren and I discuss a variety of subjects – from the worthlessness of the United Nations in the Middle Eastern conflicts, to the very real fact that re

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      How About We Enforce The Laws We Have…Everywhere?!

      Listen now (30 mins) | In this episode of America’s Third Watch, Kyle Warren and I discuss a variety of topics including how retailers – especially in California and up the West Coast – are lobbying Congress to create federal law that would combat t

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      The Death Of Mainstream Media Credibility

      If the ongoing Israeli-Hamas war has reiterated any one point – besides the fact that the Arab world will never leave the Israelis to enjoy peace in the land the international community codified to them in 1947 – it is this. No one, anywhere, believes

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      PODCAST | The Cancerous Metastasizing Of The Neo-Axis Powers

      Listen now (30 mins) | Before we get into this morning’s segment on America's Third Watch, in which we talk at length about the coalescing of a new neo-Axis power joining Iran, Russia, China, South Korea, and a gaggle of lesser satellite nations to

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      PODCAST | Ineptitude, Opportunism & Corruption vs. Some Common Sense

      Listen now (52 mins) | After our regular segment on America’s Third Watch with Kyle Warren, we’re going to try something a little new. This is what I was referring to in my last mailout about trying something a little different; a little unique.

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      PODCAST | There’s Something Happening Here…What It Is Ain’t Exactly Clear

      Listen now (25 mins) | As we watch the atrocities committed by Hamas play out, it is hard not to believe that there is something much more nefarious underway. It is obvious that Iran is playing a significant role in the mass murder that has taken place in

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      The Cowards Of The Collegiate Left: Ignorant & Entitled

      In the aftermath of the Hamas terror attack on Israel last weekend, the Leftist university population protested in support of Hamas. Student groups at Arizona State University and Indiana University took to their school's commons

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      PODCAST | This Activist Principal Actually Deserves The January 6th Treatment

      Listen now | I wanted to touch on two things that we didn't get to talk about too much this morning. The first one was Gavin Newsom's appointment of Laphonza Butler, the director of Emily's List, to fill in for Dianne Feinstein's vacan

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      It’s Time To Dispense With The Embarrassing ‘Debate’ Charade

      If you have watched any of the circus acts that are being shopped to the American public as the Republican Presidential Debates then you are probably no stranger to this question. “What have I learned?” The most common answer to that question is this.

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      PODCAST | Less Government. More Freedom.

      Listen now (26 mins) | Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain’s America: Third Watch, I wanted to double down on some things we talked about at the end of the second segment. First, we need to expunge the idea that the Democrat Party i

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      ‘Our Government Is Trying To Kill Us’

      Many of us recognize that for almost a century our federal government has been expanding its authority over the states – and the people – in a way that is forbidden by the US Constitution. Using a contorted scheme of precedent law – not constitution

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      PODCAST | Biden's Slap In The Face Needs To Serve As A Wake-Up Call

      LISTEN NOW | I want to say a few words about what can only be seen as the pre-eminent national disgrace and his actions on the 22nd commemoration of the September 11, 2001 attacks. Joe Biden – President Potato Brain – and this cannot be repeated enou

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      The Perfect Storm: Remembering The Falling Man Of September 11th

      Anyone alive and aware on September 11, 2001, remembers the horrifying images of fire and death brought to our shores by the Islamofascist terrorists of Al Qaeda. The scenes of havoc and panic, destruction and slaughter, demonstrated beyond a shadow of a

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      PODCAST | Biden’s COVID ‘Scamdempic’ 2.0

      LISTEN NOW | I wanted to elaborate a little bit about something we talked about – or I guess I ranted about – in this segment and that is the attempt by the politically manipulative to move us back to masks and “Hey, let's take another variatio

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      ‘Living And Dying In 3/4 Time’…

      There are non-political events that happen each day in our world that hold a great amount of significance; they impact our lives on a very personal level and sometimes a transformative level. My introduction to and relationship with the entirety of the Ji

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      PODCAST | The Bluster That Is Biden’s COVID Emergency

      Listen now | Before we get into this segment of The Captain’s America: Third Watch, I want to say a couple words about the lead piece over at, We Won’t Get Fooled Again: I Will Not Comply. We talk about that in this segment as well.

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      We Won’t Get Fooled Again: I Will Not Comply

      As the authoritarian Leftist machine gears up to advance another fear-porn false narrative about a new strain of COVID – not coincidentally just before the run-up to the 2024 Election, we will again hear talk of lockdown orders and mask mandates. The qu

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      The Avoidable Demise Of Small-Town America

      I recently spent a long weekend in a small town that holds at least half of my ancestral roots. Traditionally, Arcadia, Wisconsin would be considered a quintessential small farming town, although there were industries in the area prior to the day, a lumbe

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      Unacceptable At Any And Every Level

      It is stunning that this is a subject to write about, but it is. Approaching the 22-year mark since 2,977 were murdered by Islamofascist al Qaeda terrorists – 2,753 at the World Trade Center in New York (343 of whom were first responders), 184 at the Pe

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      PODCAST | Tragedy in Paradise

      Listen now | I wanted to reiterate how important it is to come to the aid of our fellow Americans living on Maui in Hawaii. The devastation from the tragedy that happened there – an act of God – is enormous. It was described by my sister, who lives on

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      PODCAST | The Beginning Of The Greatest Divide

      LISTEN NOW | The neo-fascist Left of the Democrat Party – formerly known as the Progressives – which has run roughshod over the Democrat Party for the last, at least, thirty years, is a minority. They're a vocal minority; they're a bully min

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      The American Fifth Column’s Laughable Indictment Of Donald Trump

      Here we go again. Special Counsel Jack Smith, appointed by the Biden administration’s Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has leveled a four-count indictment against former President Donald Trump, including charges of conspiracy to defraud the United Sta

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        PODCAST | Warning Against The Fed’s Quest For A Central Bank Digital Currency

        Listen now (46 min) | If you regularly read or listen – hopefully you do both – you know I am no fan of the Federal Reserve. From its genesis on Jekyll Island to its mishandling of crisis after crisis to its unholy relationship with the World Bankers

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        PODCAST | How The Government Makes It Harder To ‘Keep On Truckin'

        Listen now | We need to understand that everything we consume – everything that we buy when we go to the store, regardless of whether it's food, whether it's a product of another nature – it's brought to us by a truck. Trucks are essen

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        PODCAST | We Need To Be Outraged & Moved To Action

        LISTEN NOW | I wanted to say a few words about the movie Sounds of Freedom. I had the chance to go see it and it is a spectacular movie. It is a slap in the face to awaken not only a nation but a world to what's going on with human trafficking, espe

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        So, What The Hell Is Wrong With The Message?

        It’s irrelevant whether or not you like country music – which for all intents and purposes is the equivalent of Top 40 music just decades ago. It’s also irrelevant whether or not you care for Jason Aldean’s music. If you care about free speech, fa

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        PODCAST | Due Diligence, Nullification & The Secret Service

        Listen now (27 min) | Before we get into this morning's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce I wanted to say a few words about doing due diligence. We always talk about investigators – the FBI, lawyers – doing due di

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        PODCAST | The Archbishop Of Woke Arrogance

        Listen now | The current Archbishop of York (CoE), in an interview, took issue with the Lord's Prayer and the words that open the Our Father saying that they were “too patriarchal” and they could “offend people”. I don't know that arrog

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        Reining In The Federal Government’s Censorship Machine

        A very good thing happened last week. A federal judge – with a spine – ruled that several individuals, agencies, and departments in the Biden administration were forbidden from communicating with BigTech corporations to affect censorship. While this i

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        PODCAST | Nullification Can Be Applied To A Lot Of Things

        Listen now (26 min) | Before we get into this segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch, I wanted to announce the launching of my new book, Nullification: The Case For Decentralizing The Federal Government, now available at in both pri

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        PODCAST | Our Lives, Our Fortunes & Our Sacred Honor

        LISTEN NOW | If you haven't seen it, the HBO series John Adams is a must-watch over the Independence Day weekend. It's a great depiction of what the Framers and the Founders – and the people of what is now the United States – went through in

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        A Day That Changed The World

        The world had seen nothing like it. Thirteen upstart British colonies were taking a stand against the most powerful military on the face of the planet. Of course, I am talking about the birth of the United States of America.

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        Michigan’s ‘Feel Good' Law Directly Attacks Free Speech

        I’ve been a student of history all of my life, although I must admit I was less than enthusiastic about the activity when I attended Butler Junior High School in the western suburbs of Chicago. Then, I looked upon the time spent in Mrs. Schmidt’s soci

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        PODCAST | Our Constitution, Russia & Hunter

        Listen now (32 min) | Before we get into this segment of The Captain America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to share with you a clip from the late Antonin Scalia in which he talks about the benefits of gridlock at the federal government level.

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        Can We Measure How Vacuous and Partisan Jeffries Really Is?

        I don’t know how much more vacuous House Minority Leader Hakeem Jefferies (D-NY), can be. I also don’t know much more of a substanceless mouthpiece he can be for the Democrats. Republicans – along with 14 Democrats – reversed Biden’s credit scor

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        PODCAST | Reports, Testimonies & Censures: So What?

        LISTEN NOW | I wanted to say a couple of things about the quality of the spines that Republicans in Washington DC have. First, I want to talk about Adam Schiff. Here's a guy who has been proven – beyond doubt, repeatedly – that he is a serial lia

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        The Left’s Obsession With LGBTQ Makes Sense If This Is The Case

        If you traverse social media it is impossible not to see the ongoing lexical confrontation between those who are concertedly supportive of the LGBTQ+ movement – and especially as it is “pride” month and those who are increasingly viewing that suppor

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        Documentary: The Great Awakening

        Watch now (105 min) | After viewing this very well-produced and informative documentary, it is impossible not to be affected by what is held within. The information is solid, fact-based, and it should be the type of thing taught in our schools.

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        PODCAST | Eco-Greta Channels Emily Litella

        LISTEN NOW | I’d like to mention the lead article over at titled, The Not Ready for Prime Time Power Players. It all centers on information about the green energy movement that – I think we all have to be honest enough to admit –

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        The Not Ready For Prime Time Power Players

        The idea is a good one. There’s no doubt about that. Renewable energy. It’s cleaner and, therefore better for the environment, and that’s true whether you believe in man-made climate change or not. But like any new innovation, we should be able to e

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        PODCAST | The Reichsführer Of The World Economic Forum Death Star

        LISTEN NOW | Who is Klaus Schwab? What's his history? How was he brought up? What was he exposed to? What are his ideas? Where does he want to go? Those answers are part of the introduction that I give in this week’s featured piece at UndergroundU

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        Klaus Schwab: Why Does This Fascist Have Influence?

        Anyone who is even remotely aware has heard of the World Economic Forum. And if you have heard of the WEF then you are probably familiar with its leader (or should I say “Dear Leader”) Klaus Schwab and his brainchild The Great Reset. Honestly, there i

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        PODCAST | Our Own Private Idaho (Expanded)

        LISTEN NOW | Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to point you toward the featured article over at Underground USA, If We're Going To Push Back Let's Start At The Beginn

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        If We’re Going To Push Back Let’s Start At The Beginning

        The far-Left Woke agenda is being increasingly recognized by the overwhelming majority of people as something that is the exact opposite of freedom and opportunity for all, two of the core tenets on which our Republic was created. With a growing number of

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        PODCAST | The Foreign Virus That Has Metastasized As Wokeism

        LISTEN NOW | Before we get into today's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, Kyle Warren sitting in for a recovering Captain Matt Bruce, I wanted to play a segment of a podcast presented by the Heritage Foundation. The

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        The Fight Against Wokeism Should Be A Bipartisan Effort

        Sixty-five percent of Americans don’t believe biological males should be allowed to compete in women’s sports. That constitutes a supermajority in any political sphere. So, why should anyone – anyone – anywhere, at any time feel pressured

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        PODCAST | We Need To Do Better With The Gifts They Gave Us

        LISTEN NOW | Before we get into this morning’s segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, guest hosted by Kyle Warren, I wanted to say a few words about Memorial Day: what it means and how the woke segment of our society is affe

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        PODCAST | The Media Is Already Interfering In The 2024 General Election

        LISTEN NOW | I wanted to expound a little bit on the Kennedy candidacy, how the media is not covering it, and why the media is not covering it. Why aren't the media and the DNC getting behind a Kennedy candidacy? Because the fascist Left – the radi

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        The Debt Ceiling Issue Illuminates A Deeper Core Problem

        Every time it comes down to the false choice of raising the debt ceiling or defaulting on our treasury debt payments we should be sober enough to realize the issue represents a much deeper problem and one that exists at a base level when it comes to gover

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        Today, Little Johnny Identifies As A Baseball Bat

        To say that the ideological Left has transformed itself from a group that championed tolerance and acceptance to an intolerant gaggle of full-on extremist, illogical bullies would be the understatement of the millennium. No better example exists to illust

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        Democrats & Their Habit Of Elder Abuse

        It became apparent in the immediate run-up to the 2020 General Election. Something had happened to then-candidate Joe Biden. His speech and mobility changed dramatically and he took to wearing sunglasses a majority of the time; a political marketing no-no

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        PODCAST | But The Media Chooses To Cover…

        LISTEN NOW | I wanted to touch on the subject of media delinquency. Right now, the biggest story for the mainstream news media is George Santos and the fact that he's a liar and never should have been elected to Congress (another product of New York

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        It’s Not About A National Divorce…

        As the debt ceiling debate takes center stage in Washington, DC, the subject of a “national divorce” is once again making its way back into public discourse. And the subject is fair-minded to consider for a few basic reasons. But the proponents of a n

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        PODCAST | They Shoot Journalists, Don’t They?

        LISTEN NOW | Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to touch on something that we didn't talk about today and that was Joe Biden's interview in which he pretty much said –

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        PODCAST | How About A Little AI Fire, Scarecrow?

        Listen now | Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce – in which we talk about the unholy connection between Vice President Kamala Harris and Artificial Intelligence, among other things, I wa

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        The Separation of Powers Is A Thing

        The unmitigated arrogance of Senate Democrats is on full display as they – once again – try to sideline the US Constitution to claw more power to themselves. This time it comes in hearings that the Senate Judiciary Committee is holding to “order”

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        PODCAST | Texas Has A Golden Idea

        Listen now (28 min) | I’m doing something a little different in this episode. I am going to be talking with Katherine Novikov. She’s the host of the Fires of Freedom podcast – heard everywhere podcasts are heard – and the Executive Director of the

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        PODCAST | Raising The Debt Ceiling Is Still Deficit Spending

        LISTEN NOW | We shouldn't be happy with the McCarthy bill that went through the House because it still raises the debt ceiling and it still spends beyond our means. We are nowhere close to spending within our means regarding the revenue stream that g

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        PODCAST | A Final Visit With Chuck Wilder

        Listen now (43 min) | Before we get into this week's segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder – our last segment with Chuck Wilder on that program (he is retiring at the end of the month), I wanted to acknowledge his incredible career.

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        PODCAST | Sudan: Afghanistan 2.0?

        LISTEN NOW | I'd like to expound a little bit on the primary topic of that interview today and that has to do with what's happening over in Sudan. The Biden administration ensured that 80 government employees were evacuated from the US Embassy i

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        PODCAST | Honestly Dissecting The Trans Movement

        LISTEN NOW | I wanted to expound a little bit on what we talked about in the first two segments, which is an incredible article by Dr. Robert Malone titled, Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. This article examines the transgender craze and breaks down the num

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        ‘The Whole World Is Watching’

        In August of 1968, Chicago was the focal point for the apex of the antiwar protests during the Vietnam War. It was also the location for the Democrat National Convention. The two collided and erupted into several days of violent confrontations culminating

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        PODCAST | The First Major Failure Of The Other Brandon

        Listen now | I’d like to talk about an upcoming piece – “The Whole World’s Watching” – about the chaos and violence, and shootings in Chicago that happened over the weekend, April 15th, 2023. We need to address the ideological philosophies and

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        PODCAST | The Transition of Spuds MacKenzie

        LISTEN NOW | I wanted to double down on one of the points we made in the first story. I am on record, many times, as saying I don't care about your sexuality. I don't care if you're gay. I don't care if you're trans. I don't

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        PODCAST | A Foreign Policy So Bad It’s Non-Existent

        LISTEN NOW | I want to expound and reiterate one of the overarching themes of the first segment and that is that our diplomacy in the United States doesn't exist. The State Department under the Biden Administration has completely failed. When you lo

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        PODCAST | Kennedy Should Scare The Hell Out Of Biden & The Neo-Fascists

        Listen now | I wanted to touch on a point that was made in the second segment. With the announcement by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. that he has tossed his hat in the ring for the Democrat nomination for president in 2024, Republicans have to get serious about

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        PODCAST | Placing Restrictions On The Free Speech-Killing RESTRICT Act

        Listen now | Freedom of Speech. It's enshrined in the First Amendment and we believe that we have it but throughout history, the freedom of speech has been something that is vacillated to a lesser extent and a more potent extent.

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        Real Systemic Racism Was On Full Display In Chicago

        The 2023 Mayoral Election in Chicago, perhaps the bloodiest and most lawless city in the United States, is in the books. Astonishingly, and I use the word literally, the anti-law enforcement candidate prevailed over someone who was honest enough to say th

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        PODCAST | Trumping The Soros Bright Shiny Thing

        Listen now | This George Soros-funded attack on an ex-president – and you didn't see him looking into the past actions of Barack Obama; you didn't see his surrogates looking into Bill Clinton, ironically for the same thing that they're tr

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        This Is How Disingenuous Politicians Steal Power

        By now you have come to understand just how overtly the Communist Chinese have deployed their data and intelligence-gathering apparatus into the United States. In addition to their traditional methods of espionage – that target our intellectual property

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        PODCAST | What’s Good For The Trump Goose Is Good For The Clinton Gander

        Listen now | I don't care whether you like Donald Trump, voted for him, didn't vote for him, have problems with him, or hate his guts (like Rob Reiner), but we can't turn into the Banana Republic that the radical Left wants us to become...

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        PODCAST | The More You Know About The Federal Reserve…

        LISTEN NOW | The Federal Reserve is not your friend; it is not something that protects you, even though they have its minion FDIC, it is something that fleeces the taxpayers, manipulates the value of money, and it is increasingly proprietary when it comes

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        PODCAST | In Desperate Need Of A Tactical Pivot

        Listen now | We get into the recent speech in Waco by former president Donald Trump, some of the things he said that the crowd liked, and especially some of the stuff that he said that the crowd didn't like. It leads to the conclusion that he has got

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        Understanding That The Federal Reserve Isn’t A Government Entity

        If you listen to the Underground USA podcast you have heard me talk about the book, The Creature from Jekyll Island: A Second Look at the Federal Reserve. It is an accurate and damning account of the genesis, structure, and mission of the US Federal Reser

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        PODCAST | Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Red Curtain

        Listen now (44 min) | Before we get into this morning’s segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder, I'd like to reiterate what we talked about to a great extent in this episode and that is the danger the Communist Chinese pose to our culture.

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        PODCAST | The Misdirection Of The Bright-Shiny Thing

        Listen now (18 min) | Before we get into this morning's episode on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, in which we talk about the non-existent indictment of Donald Trump, I'd like to point out that in the media realm, that s

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        The Woke Rock & The Global Conflict Hard Place

        To say that the United States is between a rock and a hard place when it comes to how the stage is being set for global conflict would be an understatement. With the US engaged in a proxy war with Russia to the tune of getting on

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        PODCAST | What Worked Yesterday Isn’t Working Today

        Listen now | Before we get started, I wanted to point out an article on substack by Dr. Naomi Wolf. It is called, Dear Conservatives, I Apologize. It is a great chronological timeline of someone awakening from being Woke and opening their eyes to the mani

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        PODCAST | Remember The Pain Going Into 2024

        Listen now | I want to kind of add more emphasis on something we talked about this morning’s episode and that has to do with the pivot that the Biden team and Democrats, in general, are going to make going into the election season for 2024.

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        PODCAST | Why Won’t The Mainstream Media Complex Report On The COVID Smoking Gun?

        Listen now | I wanted to touch on an idea that Marjorie Taylor-Green has been promoting and that's the “National Divorce.” I get what she's trying to say. She's saying it wrong. We don't need a National Divorce. What we need to do

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        PODCAST | In Washington There Is No Truth And No Consequences

        Listen now | I wanted to talk a little bit about honesty and government. It makes me cringe to use those two words in the same sentence, especially when we're talking about the federal government.

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        PODCAST | If The DoJ Says Trump Can Be Sued Then Why Not Lightfoot?

        Listen now (28 min) | Before we get into this morning segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with mad Bruce – in which we discuss the insanity coming out of the Department of Justice where they are trying to lay blame and financial culpabili

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        The Important Difference Between Economic Globalism & Political Globalism

        The idea of globalism is often demonized because it is misunderstood. It is misunderstood because two different demographics with incredibly different mindsets on the concept pursue two very different goals. One of those demographics uses the clouded, dua

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        PODCAST | Too Many White Construction Workers…And Then There’s Buttigieg

        Listen now | Before we get into this morning's segment in which we discuss how incredibly unqualified Pete Buttigieg is for the position of Secretary of Transportation – and the fact that he bald-faced lied about his experience when he was mayor of

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        Setting The World Stage For War

        As the Biden administration executes every diplomatic blunder to inch the world closer to global conflict, it would serve us well to recall the history of the major conflicts of the United States and who was at the helm at the genesis of each. An accurate

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        PODCAST | Shining The Light On The Political Opportunists Of January 6th

        Listen now | The Sixth Amendment guarantees us a speedy trial. The process for those detained on January 6th has been anything but speedy. It has been impeded by disingenuous politics from the Left...and with the release of the videos by Kevin McCarthy, e

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        PODCAST | On This President’s Day Our President Tempts Fate?

        Listen now | On this President's Day, our President, regretfully Joe Biden, is over in Ukraine shooting his mouth off about how the US is going to probably end up giving F-16s to Ukraine further embedding the United States into that conflict to a poi

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        PODCAST | Time To Derail The Ideologues

        Listen now | If you look at the “infrastructure bill” that was passed by the Biden Administration – to the tune of trillions – you would think that our infrastructure would be solid. But the derailment in Pennsylvania proves it's not...not by

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        PODCAST | Do Aliens Race-Bait?

        Listen now (26 min) | Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I want to comment on the lead story over at today. It has to do with fascism and regulation. It’s titled, Fasc

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        Fascism Facilitated By Regulation

        The system was supposed to be pretty simple, so much so that even a moderately educated person could understand it. The Legislative Branch was supposed to craft and pass laws – codified by either the president’s signature or a veto override, the Execu

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        PODCAST | Lies, Damn Lies & Joe Biden

        Listen now (28 min) | Before we get to this morning's segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I need to make a comment about the State of the Union Address and Joe Biden's performance, specifically the response that t

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        PODCAST | Up, Up & Away In Out Fifth-Generation Warfare Balloon

        Listen now (46 min) | Before we get to this morning's edition of Talkback with Chuck Wilder, I wanted to talk a little bit about the decision – or indecision, I guess – of President Biden in not wanting to ban TikTok from the United States. This

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        PODCAST | Is It Time To Question The Legitimacy Of The Federal Government?

        Listen now (26 min) | Before we get into this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I wanted to give a shout-out to people who are subscribing over at, especially the ones who are subscribing an

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        PODCAST | 99 Luftballons…BAM! Never Mind

        Listen now (27 min) | Before we get into today's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to comment on the fact that we did – finally, after the balloon transverse the entirety of the United States – we fina

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        PODCAST | What Virus Do We Get When We Cross Pfizer & Memphis?

        Listen now (45 min) | Before we get to this morning's episode of TalkBack with Chuck Wilder I’d like to take a second and talk about the Memphis issue and specifically the comment that Van Jones made about, “Well, even Black people can be racist

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        PODCAST | Trump’s Unnecessary Flirtation With Disaster

        Listen now (29 min) | Before we get into this morning's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I'd like to comment on Donald Trump's statement attacking Ron DeSantis. Matt and I talked about this in the segment

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        VIDEO | Pfizer Executive: ‘Mutate’ COVID to Continue Profiting Off Vaccines

        Once again, the people over at Project Veritas have exposed the Swamp confederacy for what it is: a desperately greedy, soulless group of power-hungry profiteers who not only want to control you but who are quite alright with rolling the dice on the futur

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        PODCAST | The Open Secrets Of The Biden Administration

        Listen now (27 min) | Before we get into this morning's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to send my condolences to everybody who is affected by the mass shooting in California. I do want to point out that

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        VIDEO | Our Birthright Can Only Be Protected Symbiotically

        Watch now (7 min) | Our nation is divided. That is, perhaps, the understatement of the millennium, young as it is. From race relations to the economic divide to every disjointed political identity the manipulators of the narrative have conceived, if the p

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        PODCAST | The Stand-Off: The Debt Ceiling Debacle & Who’s Really Responsible

        Listen now (26 min) | Before I get to this morning’s episode with Matt Bruce on The Captain's America: Third Watch, on which we talk about the upcoming debt ceiling standoff, among other things, I want to tease a few things that are coming up. One

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        PODCAST | The Blame Game Or The Klain Game?

        Listen now (51 min) | Before we get to today's segment on TalkBack with Chuck Wilder, I want to talk a little bit more about who's culpable for the top secret documents being in Joe Biden's garage…and his personal office…and every other

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        PODCAST | Is The Dream Still Alive?

        Listen now (23 min) | Before we get to this morning segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to acknowledge Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It's important that we start circling back – and I hate to use that term b

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        PODCAST | Surviving Both Biden & The COVID Vaccination Campaign

        Listen now (28 min) | Before we get into the current segment of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I'd like to play something for you that I got from a good friend of mine, Cameron. I find what is said in this opinion segment (f

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        PODCAST | And You Thought FOX News Was On Your Side…

        Listen now (47 min) | Before we get into this episode of Talkback with Chuck Wilder – in which I get into the Right’s ineptitude when it comes to messaging and conveying a cohesive and coherent narrative, I'd like to take issue with a podcast I h

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        PODCAST | And Biden’s Border Visit Accomplished…

        Listen now (27 min) | Before we hit this morning's episode of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce – broadcast on the Salem and Genesis Communications Networks, I'd like to acknowledge that Joe Biden actually visited somewhe

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        PODCAST | A New Congress. A New Speaker…But How Free Are We?

        Listen now (29 min) | Before we get into yesterday morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to acknowledge that US Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), is the new Speaker of the House…after 15 votes. That’s the

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        The GOP: Both Young & Old Fail At Messaging

        The House of Representatives leadership election failed to elect a Speaker of the House on the first ballot for the first time in one hundred years. US Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), the presumptive “next in line,” failed to reach the necessary 218 votes

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        PODCAST | If The FBI & DoJ Had Been Doing Their Jobs...

        Listen now (28 min) | Before we get to this morning’s segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I'd like to take a moment to talk about the attacks on New York City Police Department personnel on New Year's Eve into N

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        PODCAST | Okay, Let's Try This Again...

        Listen now (28 min) | Before we get to Friday's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch in which we talk about the federal GOP, Joe Biden, Southwest Airlines, and a variety of other incredulous and disturbing things, I wanted to take a mom

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        Canceling History Doesn’t Erase It Or Change It

        Having just finished yet another Christmas holiday it goes without saying that as we went about our festivities, a large part of those festivities; those celebrations and remembrances, were recollections of the past and people who have gone before us. Whi

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        PODCAST | The Opportunistic Aggression Of The Political Class

        Listen now (48 min) | Before we get to this morning's segment on TalkBack with Chuck Wilder where we discuss “The Government Cares About Your Health? Not By A Long Shot,” I want to take a second to talk about the referrals - the criminal charge r

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        PODCAST | Congress & BigPharma: Picking Your Pocket When You Aren’t Looking

        Listen now (28 min) | Before we get to this morning's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, in which we discuss, at length, the featured article over at today titled, “The Government Cares About Your

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        The Government Cares About Your Health? Not By A Long Shot!

        Ronald Reagan was famous for saying that the scariest words that any American could hear were these: “We’re from the government and we’re here to help you.” Anyone who questions the truth of this statement is either oblivious to reality of mentall

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        PODCAST | Shoot Ourselves In The Foot? No Problem For The House GOP

        Listen now (47 min) | Before I get into our discussion about, “Leftist Activists Prove Points After Being Attacked By Fringe Left Thugs,” I want to give a quick shout-out to the people listening in the countries where you're not supposed to be ab

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        PODCAST | The Democrats' Bad Trades & Expulsion

        Listen now (29 min) | Before I get into how the DNC tossed two-time loser Stacey Abrams under the bus, this week, I need to address the horrific prisoner swap executed by the Biden administration. I've been writing and speaking a lot lately about cul

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        Leftist Activists Prove Points After Being Attacked By Fringe Left Thugs

        The irony was spectacular in triplicate. A lesbian activist group protesting against transgender men being incarcerated in women’s prisons identifying their Antifa attackers as men because of their sexual organs, and then making an argument against tran

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        PODCAST | We Need To Be Honest About The Politicization Of Government

        Listen now (46 min) | Recently I penned an article titled, Do We Really Understand The Meaning Of Freedom, in which I laid out several events - recent events - where government, bureaucracy, and special interests have successfully encroached on our freedo

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        PODCAST | All Our Political Problems Emanate From The Culture Wars

        Listen now (29 min) | It can be successfully argued that a nation's people get the government they deserve for the simple fact that it is the people who vote, at least in republics and democracies. It is arguably true that this adage applies to the U

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        Why Won't Stacey Abrams Just Go Away?!

        Listen now (27 min) | One would think that after losing high-profile elections twice in a row, Stacey Abrams - a two-time failed candidate - would go quietly into the mist, especially after claiming that the first election was stolen from her. Alas, that

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        Do We Really Understand The Meaning Of Freedom?

        The aware among us (a number that decreases every day) fully understand the never-ending encroachment of government and activism upon our individual freedoms. Today, the Bill of Rights is tantamount to a “Bill of Really Strong Suggestions,” given the

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        PODCAST | Arrive Alive, Snow & Traveling The Halls Of Power

        Before we get to this morning’s segment with Matt Bruce on The Captain’s America” Third Watch – in which we discuss the snow in Buffalo and the response from New York State’s governor-elect, Donald Trump, the Arizona election challenge and some

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        PODCAST | We Have So Much To Be Thankful For

        Before we get to this episode of The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce, I’d like to say a couple words about rushing through life to dispense with Thanksgiving to get to the marketed holiday of Christmas. History has it that New Englan

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        PODCAST | Actually, It Is Patriotic To Question Elections And The Election Process

        Perhaps a closing thought on the Midterms – although I'm sure there's going to be much more to be said about them going forward. I find it disingenuous to believe that the vote-counting process in Arizona, California, and Nevada can't be

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        PODCAST | Voting, Politics & The Cult of Personality

        I would like to make a little suggestion and that is this. Instead of allowing the mainstream media to project and tell us who's won before all the ballots are counted, maybe we just wait until the ballots are counted to decide who has won the electi

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        PODCAST | Being Bullied Into Silence Isn't The American Way

        I’d like to start out by saying happy Veterans Day to everyone who served, thank you for your service. And I want to make some comments about bravery, it doesn't always have to fall onto the shoulders of people who actually go onto the battlefield

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        Red Wave! Red Wave!...Wait, Never Mind

        The massive House and multiple Senate pick-ups promised are dramatically less than what the vacuous talking heads insisted would come to pass. And as the states continue counting ballots to get to 100 percent vote counts, the hubris displayed by the Washi

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        PODCAST | It's Election Day USA

        Today is Election Day 2022. The finish line is within sight so we need to expect the dirty tricks to be in full swing. In Arizona, New York, and Pennsylvania especially, true domestic terrorists are targeting our right to free and fair elections. In Arizo

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        PODCAST | So This Is What The Left Calls 'Free And Fair' Elections?

        Tomorrow is Election Day 2022; the Midterms. And as we get closer to the finish line the far-Left's true colors are starting to show. In Arizona, true domestic terrorists have targeted Kari Lake's campaign, sending hoax-anthrax filled envelopes

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        Are We Really As Free As We Are Led To Believe?

        Politicians and ideologically-based special interest groups are quick to tell us that we are “free” in the United States. True, the citizens of the United States exist in a state that is much freer in comparison to most nations around the world. But w

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        It's Time to Vote...No Excuses

        Over my lifespan, I have witnessed a growing apathy when it comes to exercising our rights to vote. Too many people hold to the notion that one vote doesn't count. That is a ridiculous and clueless notion disproven by the many purple-fingered people

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        Diesel, Weasels & Witches

        A reminder to parents, please be sure to check your child's trick-or-treat candy. There are reports of candy-looking fentanyl going around. Ingesting just a little bit of it could kill your child. So, please make sure your child knows not to eat any

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        ???? Watching Out For The Goblins

        With Halloween weekend upon us, please be sure to check your child's trick-or-treat candy. There is a candy-looking fentanyl going around and ingesting just a little bit of it could kill your child. You will also want to make sure your child knows no

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        Elections Can’t Continue Being About The ‘R’ Or The ‘D’

        With the Midterm Elections upon us (early voting is already underway) we all really should take a moment to seriously reevaluate how we go about choosing who runs our government. As it stands today, government exists as an industry and one that significan

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        PODCAST | Tempting War Through A Failure To Acknowledge History

        If we are guilty of at least one thing in our fast-paced, self-indulgent society it is this. We consistently fail to learn the lessons that an adequate knowledge of contemporary history affords. As the Biden administration - and even former-CIA director a

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        Missing The Lessons Of History

        There is a lot of truth in the adage, “history repeats itself.” Even a pedestrian student of history understands that if we ignore the important moments of history – if we ignore the lessons of history, we both hobble ourselves to being able to capi

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        PODCAST & ARTICLE | The United States' Dance With Political Persecution

        For the record, I can take or leave Steve Bannon. When he came on the scene at Breitbart all those years ago after Andrew’s death – at which time I was writing for the Big Government section there, the online publication moved away from one of its cor

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        PODCAST: The Buffoonery of the Biden's & The Awakening of Gabbard

        Last week, former US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democrat from Hawaii, stunned her party by rejecting them, announcing that she had left the Democrat Party because of their intolerant and extremist ideology; an ideology centered in divisive racism and se

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        Has The Day Of Reckoning Come For The Fascist Progressives?

        Since before the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, I have warned of the coming re-emergence of fascism at the hands of the Progressives. I argued that the Progressive movement was a destructive Fifth Column that meant to kill our

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        Is Free Speech In Your Shopping Cart?

        It can be argued that the first volley in the attack on Free Speech took place quietly in the fledgling days of the Wilson Administration, when the federal government purposely moved from direct representation of the people to empowering “experts” wit

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        PODCAST | Biden Saber-Rattling DefCon 2?

        As conditions continue to devolve in Ukraine - and as Russian Vladimir Putin slowly positions himself to the Cat-Bird seat, the idea that all is not as it would seem comes into play. Recently, we had a former head of the Joint Chiefs opine that Putin was

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        PODCAST | The Storm We Can See Is Only The Beginning

        In this two-part episode I tackle a few subjects because, as they say, when it rains it pours, and we just had one of the worst storms in American history. In the first segment, Matt Bruce and I talk on The Captain's America: Third Watch about Hurric

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        Debunking Some Of The More Ridiculous Claims About A Convention of States

        If you are a regular reader and listener, you know I have come one-hundred-eighty degrees on the issue of a Convention of States. Years back I was against it because I was only exposed to inaccurate information by the very well-funded establishment factio

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        PODCAST | The Biden-Garland Brownshirt Raids In Pennsylvania

        The heavy-handed tactics of the Department of Justice and the FBI in using full-on, militaristic brut force against non-violent suspects in their raids has crossed the line from questionable to unacceptable. These are the tactics of the Castro's in C

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        PODCAST | This Ian Isn't The James Bond Author

        If you live in Florida or on the Southern or Southeastern coasts of the United Sate long enough you are going to be in the crosshairs of a hurricane or tropical storm. Those living on Florida's west coast up into the Big Bend east of Tallahassee are

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        PODCAST | The Not So Good Information From The Good Information Foundation

        For years - years - I have been telling you how the dark money, special interest, elites have been manipulating the information presented to you to consume. I have talked about David Brock and Media Matters and how the mainstream media complex is bought a

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        PODCAST | The Hypocrisy of the Left's ‘Sanctuary Lie’

        Vice President Kamala Harris’ insistence that the southern border of the United States is secure is a statement fully encamped in the realm of the absurd. And now that some of the more traditionally far-Left bastions are experiencing the many negative e

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        PODCAST | Biden's Lame Victory Lap & Why Government Shouldn't Pick Winners and Losers

        Now that the potential rail strike has been averted, it would seem a perfect time to address the ongoing supply chain issues that the Biden administration has perfectly ignored. The fact that the US Transportation Secretary wasn't even involved in th

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        PODCAST | What The Mainstream Media Left Unmentioned on September 11th

        It remains unclear as to whether the remembrances offered up by the mainstream media complex and the inside-the-beltway crowd were sincere, obligatory, or opportunistic, but one thing is for sure, there was a lot left unmentioned in their memorials.

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        PODCAST | September 11th 21 Years On

        Every year I dedicate myself to keeping the flame of remembrance alive for those who lost their lives in the Islamofascist attacks on our nation on September 11th, 2001. For those of us who lived through that day, the images, the sounds, and for those who

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        PODCAST | The Speech Backdrop That Sets The Tone For 2022 & 2024

        The Biden administration and its handlers (or should I say the fascist cabal that is now in control in Washington, DC), have telegraphed its playbook. Their strategy for the midterms and 2024 is to run against Donald Trump again, regardless of whether he

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        PODCAST | The Mainstream Media Can Be Leashed If We Make It About Policy

        In the wake of President Biden's insanely coercive and authoritarian speech that sought to further cement the divide in our country as we approach the Midterm Elections, we see that the puppet masters of the Left - Obama 2.0 - are telegraphing their

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        PODCAST | Time To Examine The Worth Of The 'Progressive' Movement?

        The turn of the 20th Century introduced fascism to the United States. Under Woodrow Wilson - and continuing under Franklin Roosevelt, the system of government the Framers created ceased to exist because a fundamental protection for the states was removed

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        PODCAST | Replacing the Cult of Personality with an Honest Policy Discussion

        The Midterm Elections are just months away and the radical Left, the Biden administration, its Obama 2.0 masters, and the mainstream media want to make the election a rehash of the anti-Trump campaign they executed successfully in 2020. The task at hand i

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        ARTICLE & PODCAST | What Has Progressed Under Progressivism?

        As we prepare for the onslaught of propaganda that is coming our way (from both sides) during the lead-up to the Midterm Elections, we all need to take a step back from the preferred narratives being foisted upon us by the political Left and mainstream me

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        PODCAST | Slash & Burn Politics and 'The Chexit'

        It is astounding why a rising star amongst the political Right at the national level - a woman with name recognition, a legacy, and a solid base - would attach her entire political career to attempting to settle some kind of score against Donald Trump. Bu

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        PODCAST | Acid Politics Produces Caustic Snowflakes

        In the days after the questionably legal FBI raid on Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago home in Palm Beach, Florida - and after a crazed gunman committed suicide by cop at an FBI office in Ohio, The US Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Secu

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        Okay, Maybe a Plantain Republic

        It was very public; vert overt. Pro-administration agents swooped in, searched, and detained prominent members of the opposition – politicians and society leaders – on questionable charges of “subversion” in the hope of eliminating competition in

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        ‘There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute’

        It’s a famous quote erroneously attributed to the circus and sideshow king P.T. Barnum, who also dabbled in politics: “There’s a sucker born every minute.” And while the quote was likely coined by a corrupt banker (imagine that), the notion was no

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        PODCAST | The Inflation Reduction Act: When Politics Masquerades As Government

        With the looming passage of the poorly-named Inflation Reduction Act, Senate Democrats are proving that the well-being of the nation's citizens comes in second to bullying through even a few of their radically fascist agenda. Hundreds of economists s

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        PODCAST | Poking The Bear & Antagonizing China

        With Nancy Pelosi's wholly unnecessary and pre-maturely announced trip to Taiwan out there and the Biden administration's move to deploy USAF F-22 Raptor fighter jets to Poland, the radical Left now in charge in Washington is tempting global con

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        This Is Why Congress Has Lost The Trust Of The American People

        The guilty verdict in the Contempt of Congress case against former Trump confidant Steve Bannon highlights the inequitable (to use a term favored by the radical Left) treatment of those by the US Department of Justice. On the one hand, Bannon faces jail t

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        PODCAST | They Need To Stop 'Monkeypoxing' Around With Pandemics

        With the release of Dr. Deborah Brix's new book and the revelation that she and Dr. Fauci purposely misled not only the President of the United States but also the American people, the administrative state is tantamount to telling the American people

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        Of Course Term Limits Matter...How Could They Not?

        I was killing time surfing through some social media feeds when I came across a comment to a post on term limits that was jadedly negative. “Term limits will solve almost nothing. Prove me wrong,” the comment read. Needless to say, I disagree with tha

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        PODCAST | The Independent Truckers Strike Back: This Ain't Canada

        After we address the attempted assassination of US Rep. Lee Zeldin who is running for Governor of New York, we discuss how the independent truckers in California are artfully expressing their outrage at a new law that coerces them into union membership.

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        PODCAST | When Does Ideological Activism Cost Too Much?

        In the aftermath of reports that an illegal alien has been arrested for repeatedly raping a 10-year-

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        PODCAST | In The Face Of Tragedy, Score One For The Good Guys

        Yet another indignant spawn product of the entitled generation took to shooting innocent people because of his unaddressed psychosis only to have his evil deed cut short by a quick-thinking individual - trained and licensed to concealed carry. Then, as we

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        PODCAST | Activism On The Back Of A 10-Year-Old Rape Victim?

        Before we get to yesterday's segment on The Captain's America: Third Watch in which we discuss President Oatmeal's groveling to the Saudis for oil even as he and his team decimate the US fossil fuel industry and sell our strategic reserves

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        PODCAST | Will The Independent Truckers Be The Ones To Correct California?

        After addressing the childish social media feud between Donald Trump and Elon Musk and touching on the imbecilic response from Vice President Hyena Laugh, the discussion comes down to independent truckers and a Convention of States. With California trying

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        PODCAST | As One Country Mourns Another Seeks to Reaffirm Its Control Over Government

        As the people of Japan mourn the assassination of their former Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, the people of the United States stand with them in prayer for their loss. And at the same time, a movement is growing in a very potent way; a movement that seeks to

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        The Left's Hypocrisy On Gun Crime Is Killing People

        The big headline from over the Independence Day weekend was that there was yet another mass shooting, this time in the affluent neighborhood of Highland Park, Illinois. A troubled teen opened fire in the predominantly Jewish (and White) neighborhood killi

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        The US Supreme Court Decision The Media Won't Cover

        The mainstream media complex has shifted into high gear in its far-Left, ideologically anointed, social engineering propaganda campaign on the issue of the US Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. Regardless of the fact the ruling did not outl

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        PODCAST | How Long Will We Allow Pelosi's Crew To Blatantly Lie To The People?

        In the aftermath of the US Supreme Court's decision to return the purview of the issue of abortion to the states where it has always belonged, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, AOC, and perennial reprobate Maxine Waters all took to the microphones to whip the

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        The Left Is Using The Issues Of Guns & Abortion To Manipulate The People

        With the recent US Supreme Court decisions on abortion and gun rights, the political opportunists and agendized media are doing everything they can to play on the emotions of the people. Both disingenuous (or constitutionally illiterate) politicians and s

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        PODCAST | Do You Remember All The Times The Left Screamed 'Constitutional Crisis'?

        With the US Supreme Court ruling in favor of the US Constitution and, specifically, the sanctity of the 2nd Amendment, it is a good time for the US Constitution. But the fascist Left is apoplectic that the SCOTUS would dare to have fidelity to the US Cons

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        PODCAST | The Globalists Use of Climate Change As The New Chaos Creator

        Ever since the 1967 Report from Iron Mountain, which outlined a transition from managed wars to climate change as the vehicle of choice for political transformation, the Progressives (read: fascists) in the United States have continuously hit the climate

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        PODCAST | Janet Yellen & The Rest Of The Biden Administration Unqualified

        If you have been following the short tenure of Janet Yellen as US Treasury Secretary you will have already noticed that she hasn't been correct in any of the predictions or statements she has issued. From inflation being "transitory" to crypto being

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        PODCAST | The Manmade Climate Change Narrative & The Globalization Agenda

        I feel it’s important to share a portion of a decades-long, ongoing conversation I am engaged in with a dear friend who has worked for the European Union Commission at the highest levels, serving as an analyst on various critical issues. He continues to

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        PODCAST | Adam Schiff's Problem With Sensationalism & The Truth

        US Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), has a problem with the truth. Over the last six years, specifically, he has consistently made claims that he has "evidence" of this and a "smoking gun" for that, and each time the agendized and disingenuous mainstream

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        Why Our Self-Imposed High Gas Prices Are A Direct Threat To The People

        Today the national average for gasoline hit $5 per gallon, translating to $65–$80 a fill-up for the average car. If you still need to be convinced that the pain you are feeling at the gas pump isn’t self-inflicted, courtesy of the Green Movement and t

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        PODCAST | The Disingenuous Manufactured Media Circus With Ringmaster Pelosi

        You know that Nancy Pelosi and the fascist-Left Democrats have nothing to run on in the Midterm Elections when they have to beg a news network to sensationalize a manufactured media circus in what was the January 6th mini-series-esque sitcom broadcast on

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        PODCAST | Why I've Changed My Mind On The Need For A Convention Of States

        Whenever someone I knew brought up the convening of a Convention of the States my fear centered arou

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        PODCAST | From D-Day To The Convention Of States Rubicon

        Looking back at the monumental achievements of the Greatest Generation during World War II and especially the D-Day landings, it has become clear that our current federal government has abdicated its obligation to perform for anyone but themselves; our tw

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        Why I've Changed My Mind On The Need For A Convention Of States

        I have been wary about the call for a Convention of States, an option in the US Constitution under Article V that allows two-thirds of the states to call for a convention to propose amendments to the US Constitution. My reasoning has always been one seate

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        PODCAST | Is Making It Hard To Travel Part Of The Plan?

        While the mainstream media complex does everything it can to not report on the fact that former US Attorney General has led an effort to gerrymander the reapportionment of congressional districts through the courts, the Biden administration's policie

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        PODCAST | Uvalde: Limited Government Is Essential For The Common Good

        While the political opportunists scream in an attempt to score points for their shallowly naive and uneducated positions on “gun control” regarding the Uvalde school shooting, the tragedy – and that’s what it is, a tragedy – spotlights some poin

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        PODCAST | The Biden Price Hikes & The Choice Of A Lifetime

        As Joe Biden stupidly saber-rattles war in the Pacific Rim, we here at home are suffering from his i

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        PODCAST | Fearporn, ‘Dysinformation’ & Monkeypox

        With the economy in crisis, fuel prices and costs of raw materials through the roof, military confro

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        Fearporn, ‘Dysinformation’ & Monkeypox

        With the economy in crisis, fuel prices and costs of raw materials through the roof, military confrontation being threatened in two theaters, a full-blown invasion on our southern border, and a nation divided to an extent not seen since the US Civil War,

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        PODCAST | The Next Elections Actually Need To Be Referendums

        The common misunderstanding of the choice facing American voters in the 2022 Midterm Election and th

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        The Next Elections Actually Need To Be Referendums

        The two political parties, their sycophantic activists, and the mainstream media want you to believe that the upcoming Midterm and General Elections represent a critical choice between two distinctly different visions for our country: one rooted in social

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        PODCAST | Whether At Home Or Abroad It's All About The Guns

        The epidemic of mass shootings in the United States recently says less about the lawful availability of guns and ammunition and more about our societal failure. From our governments' failure to address mental health issues that lead to things like Bu

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        The Biden Administration’s Pathetic Attempt To ‘Wag The Dog’

        The US House of Representatives advanced a bill that would send an additional $40 billion in aid to Ukraine – $7 billion more than what President Biden requested. That raises the total amount of emergency aid issued to Ukraine from the United States alo

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        PODCAST | The Truth About The Narrative Of Disinformation

        I can't begin to tell you how many times someone has asked me who they can trust when it comes to accurate information in the news. The simple answer is that you should trust no one; no newspaper, no columnist, no talking head, no politician. We live

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        BlackRock, Citadel, Deny Any Part In Terra Collapse

        The world’s largest asset manager, Blackrock, and hedge fund giant Citadel Securities have denied claims that they had a role in the fall of terrausd (UST) and terra (LUNA). In addition, crypto exchange Gemini has denied making a bitcoin loan that resulted in the terra collapse...

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        The Roe Protests: The Hoodwinking Of The American People

        The purposeful manipulation of the American people by the political Left continues in the anticipated Supreme Court Ruling in the matter of Roe v. Wade. Simply put – and it can’t be repeated enough – the Democrats and pro-abortion advocates are bald

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        PODCAST | How Disingenuous Can Our Federal Government Be?

        From their declarations about Ukraine and punishing Vladimir Putin with sanctions to their declaration that domestic terrorism is actually a threat to our country to their completely disingenuous and opportunistic moves against cryptocurrency, our federal

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        The ‘New & Inclusive’ Taliban Comes Full Sharia Law Circle After Biden’s Afghan Withdrawal

        All women in Afghanistan must be covered head to toe in public, Taliban leader Hibatullah Akhundzada, head of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, decreed Saturday in a move that brings the ruthless and murderous reign of the Taliban back full circle to pr

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        The Establishment's Terror About Cryptocurrency And Why They Need To Destroy It

        Cryptocurrencies and decentralized finance are striking fear into the souls of the financial elite. From the US federal government to the Federal Reserve and the Security & Exchange Commission, the International Monetary Fund to the World Bank, the manipu

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        PODCAST & ARTICLE | The Overturning Of Roe v. Wade Would Not Make Abortion Illegal

        Before we get into the meat of this issue it is important to understand that a draft opinion is not a ruling. It is a precursor to a ruling; a moment in time when the US Supreme Court Justices make their cases to the other justices on why they hold the pr

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        PODCAST | Censorship, Disinformation & War...It Isn't Cool to Be a Democrat Today

        With Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff showboating for film crews in Ukraine to pretend they have done something besides demonizing half of America for the last year and a half - and Biden's new effort to stomp out your freedom of speech, it's just n

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        The Absolute Danger Of Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board

        We should all be very concerned with how far we have allowed the fifth columnists to go with manipulating speech and our right to free speech. From the absurd notion of political correctness to social media and internet censorship to the newly created DHS

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        PODCAST | Maybe DHS Should Consider Putting a Fence Around Disney

        As DHS Secretary Mayorkas humiliates himself before Congress in continuing to push the false narrative of the snowflake "domestic terrorism" threat, perhaps the Left could better serve itself by putting a fence around Disney Woke-World given that Florida&

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        Mitch McConnell’s Two-Faced Back Room Declarations Should End His Career

        If – and this is a huge if, by the by – the Republican Party is smart enough to realize the absolute need to reinstitute its founding principles and purge its ranks of the self-serving and opportunistic status quo then they would use the two faces of

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        PODCAST | Winkin, Blinken & The Need for Common Ground

        A perfect example of useless talk came to us in Secretary of State Blinken and Defense Secretary Austen's meeting with Ukrainian President Zelinsky, going to the war-torn country without badly needed weapons. It's the kind of gratuitous and time

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        PODCAST | E Pluribus Unum: The Honest Conversation Starts at Common Ground

        It’s no secret that we live in a very divided society. This divide, sadly, is by political design. The opportunistic political class has come to understand that utilizing the strategy of divide and conquer – accredited to Philip the Second of Macedoni

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        PODCAST: What Do Ron DeSantis And Lori Lightfoot Have In Common?

        Absolutely nothing! They are polar opposites. Where Ron DeSantis actually serves the people of the State of Florida in preserving the rights of the individual and fighting the cancer of Woke-ism, Lightfoot is attempting to disingenuously coattail on the d

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        The Political Redefinition of Meanings & How the Status Quo Benefits

        The redefinition of words and phrases by those in political power is nothing new, especially for what has to be identified as today’s fascist Left. Under the “kinder, gentler” moniker of Progressivism, they have been establishing redefinitions to th

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        PODCAST: Russia, Insurrection, It All Leads to Klaus Schwab

        Our country faces a litany of societal challenges. We have the false narrative of January 6th, the c

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        PODCAST INTERVIEW: Russia, Ukraine & Chechen Strongman Ramzan Kadyrov

        A contingent operating on behalf of Vladimir Putin and the Russian military in Ukraine and especially the Donbas region comes out of Chechnya and is headed by Chechen warlord Ramzan Kadyrov. Kadyrov is an Islamofascist sycophant of Vladimir Putin’s; a n

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        PODCAST INTERVIEW: Freedom of Religion?

        For what amounts to a lifetime, the ideological Left has created the myth that neither politics nor religion should be discussed in "polite company." But the fact of the matter is this. Because our society has fallen for this spiritual hobbling because th

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        The Sacramento Shooting Is a Product of Society Not the Gun Industry

        In the ongoing promotion of the false narrative that inanimate objects are the reason for deadly vio

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        One Florida Democrat Burns When She Should Have Fiddled

        We hear about wildfires all the time out West in California and Colorado. But the State of Florida has a significant amount of undeveloped land thick with trees and underbrush that routinely sees a risk of wildfire. Given that long-ago understood reality,

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        SUNDAY DIGEST: Democrats Plan to Close Enthusiasm Gap By Paying People to Nag Their Friends About Politics

        Democrats Plan to Close Enthusiasm Gap By Paying People to Nag Their Friends About Politics A group of Democrat strategists is trying to spread an organizing tactic in this year’s election called “paid relational organizing.” It boils down to paying

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        PODCAST: From Mass Graves to No Man's Land

        As more mass graves are discovered in Bucha, Ukraine along with proof the atrocities are being perpetrated by Russian soldiers, we must return at least a portion of our attention to the US Southern border as the Biden administration prepares to re-open th

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        Why the Elevation of Ketanji Brown Jackson to the US Supreme Court Means Very Little

        Whether you support President Biden’s choice to replace US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer or not, Ketanji Brown Jackson’s elevation to the position of Supreme Court Justice will have very little effect on the direction of both the High Court and

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        The Sacramento Shooting Is a Product of Society Not the Gun Industry

        In the ongoing promotion of the false narrative that inanimate objects are the reason for deadly violence, the usual suspects on the Left and far-Left are once again calling for more unconstitutional restrictions to be placed on law-abiding citizens.

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        The Mass Graves of Bucha

        As the Biden administration waffles on whether or not to label what Vladimir Putin is doing to civilians in Ukraine genocide, Human Rights Watch has interviewed survivors and captured chilling images of mass graves in Bucha, just outside of Kyiv, mass gra

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        SUNDAY DIGEST: Russian Medical Watchdog Group Reveals Data Suggesting Putin Is Being Treated for Thyroid Cancer

        Russian Medical Watchdog Group Reveals Data Suggesting Putin Is Being Treated for Thyroid Cancer A report from a Russian health watchdog group, Proekt (The Project) reveals that Vladimir Putin secretly took visits from a doctor specializing in thyroid can

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        Diving into the Biden Administration's Rolodex of Blame

        It's a legitimate question. Has the Biden administration taken responsibility for anything they have launched or affected since it took the helm in Washington, DC? From the energy crisis to Afghanistan, the devastation of the economy to the deepening

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        The Moscow-Beijing Axis Is a Troubling Alliance Toward a New World Order

        There has always been a lot of talk about the threat of a “new world order” in contemporary America. From talk about the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg to the Council on Foreign Relations, there has always been a shadow in which organization

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        Biden's Proposed Billionaire Tax Spotlights the Unconstitutionality of Our Current Tax System

        The Biden administration continues to prove, with each passing day, that they have little regard for the US Constitution when it comes to governing the nation. President Biden’s proposed “billionaire minimum income tax” not only thumbs its nose at t

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        AOC Speaks an Unspoken Truth and Targets the Activist Left on the US Supreme Court

        US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), has unwittingly opened the door to a process that few among us realize is at our disposal. The US Constitution makes it clear that justices of the United States Supreme Court can only serve during “times of good

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        We Must Move Away from the Cult of Personality in Politics Before It's Too Late

        The transformative Left, or the fascist left (same thing), has done a great job of duping the country into believing that our political system is simply the clash of cult titans; the politics of cult personalities. Moving forward in these very dangerous t

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        SUNDAY DIGEST: White House Executes Egregious Spin on Straight-Forward Statement by Biden; Putin 'Cannot Remain in Power'

        White House Executes Egregious Spin on Straight-Forward Statement by Biden; Putin 'Cannot Remain in Power' President Biden said Russian President Vladimir Putin "cannot remain in power," as he declared the Russian invasion of Ukraine a "strategi

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        There’s Something Happening Here, What It Is Ain’t Exactly Clear...

        In a world where it is impossible to fully believe we are getting even a portion of the truth from the mainstream media, and where divining the facts online about any given matter is a dubious task, points of view with solid arguments are a premium.

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        Biden Allows the Mask to Slip; Exposes a Key Tactic of the Transformative Left

        It was a comment that almost certainly found Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod – as well as the army of far-Left activists and operatives at their disposal – cringing. Of all of the gaffes and misstatements President Biden has made in the short time h

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        Federal Reserve's Powell, Global Financiers Demonstrate Ignorance & Fear on Cryptocurrencies

        Demonstrating either a significant fear through a lack of knowledge on the subject or an understanding that has produced well-warranted fear, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said cryptocurrencies, including stablecoins, present risks to the US financi

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        The Fascist Scheme of Federally Centralized Government

        The word has been so misused over time that its meaning has been turned on its head. Fascism is not a product of right-wing ideology. It is – and there is no disputing this if you are being honest – a political philosophy more intricately aligned with

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        PODCAST | Russia: A Paper Tiger or a True Force to Be Reckoned With

        With Russia facing increased resistance in its efforts to take over Ukraine, Putin has exposed the Russian military as less than what it was during the Cold War. But with the Biden administration weak and pushing a domestic policy centered on destroying t

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        How Is the US Mainstream Media Any Different from Soviet-Era Pravda?

        In the era of the Soviet Union, the Russian people were fed, exclusively, a steady informational diet of propaganda; an anointed version of the “news” that advanced a preferred narrative vetted by their totalitarian government. Once the Soviet Union c

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        If Only the Biden Administration Was Serious About the Sanctions Against Russia and Clean Fuel

        All of the chest-tumping rhetoric about sanctions against Russia’s energy sector appears to be just that: rhetoric. While the European Union waffles on an end date to its dependence on Russian oil, the Biden administration is withholding the key to free

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        The Failure of Globalism: It's Not About Isolationism; It's About Self-Reliance

        As the leaders of the European Union scramble to figure out how to wean themselves from Russian energy dependence we, too, in the United States are feeling the kneejerk repercussions of the energy market’s upheaval, warranted or not. This is leading a r

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        PODCAST: Putin Recruits Islamofascist Mercenaries; The Atlantic Focuses on Nuclear War's Effect on the Climate

        While Russian despot Vladimir Putin continues to target civilians in his unprovoked war in Ukraine, the fascist-Left darling publication The Atlantic features an article panicking about how a nuclear war would be harmful to the climate. Honestly, you can

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        SUNDAY DIGEST: According to The Atlantic Nuclear War 'Would Hurt the Climate'

        According to The Atlantic Nuclear War 'Would Hurt the Climate' The Atlantic, a far-left magazine owned by Apple founder Steve Jobs's billionaire widow Laurene Powell Jobs, published an article by Robinson Meyer warning that if the Russian i

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        So, You Think You Can Trust the Federal Government?

        There is an old joke that goes, “Trust me…I’m from the government.” The line usually elicited a pained laugh from those who’ve heard it. But if you say that line within earshot of attorney Kevin E. Byrnes, you may end up getting a little bit mor

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          Soros Calls for Regime Change; Wants a Culled Field for the Great Reset

          In an eyebrow-raising moment, George Soros – a fascist, globalist, and a habitual supporter of the radical Left in the United States, has penned an opinion editorial that calls for regime change in both Russia and China. His declaration comes as Vladimi

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          Congress, Biden Must Couch All Special Interest Spending to Correct the Economy

          The US House of Representatives has passed a massive $1.5 trillion omnibus spending bill meant to avoid yet another government shutdown. The chamber, marshaled by US Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), also passed a short-term Continuing Resolution as a stopgap spe

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          PODCAST: Biden Ignores His Policy's Roll in High Gas Prices; Blames Oil Companies, Putin

          As the American people continue to have their household budget’s decimated by the costs of gasoline

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          Biden Ignores His Policy's Roll in High Gas Prices; Blames Oil Companies, Putin

          As the American people continue to have their household budget’s decimated by the costs of gasoline and fuel oil, the Biden administration has launched an egregious gaslighting campaign to deflect from their transformative and opportunistic energy polic

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          SUNDAY DIGEST: US Meets with Venezuela in Effort to Cajole the Socialist Nation Away from Russia

          US Meets with Venezuela in Effort to Cajole the Socialist Nation Away from Russia A delegation of senior US officials is in Venezuela for meetings with President Nicolas Maduro's government in a bid to peel Caracas away from Russia amid Moscow's

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          The Political Class and Mainstream Media Have Destroyed the People's Ability to Divine the Truth

          We have all heard it and many of us have said it. We live in a moment in time when accurate, unmanipulated, and truthful information is at a premium. We cannot trust our mainstream media nor can we trust our elected class. Even advocates and activists are

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          The Distrust of Politicians & Mainstream Media Facilitate Western Support of Putin?!

          In a perfect example of how an opportunistic and manipulative political class and a disingenuous and agendized media has endangered the world, some on the Right in the United States are so jaded to the consumption of information they are refusing to accep

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          What Good Is International Law If Is Is Always Ignored?

          In the days after Russia launched its invasion into Ukraine, there is accumulating evidence that Vladimir Putin has ordered warfare tactics that facilitate the commission of war crimes with deadly attacks on civilians and the use of banned munitions.

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          PODCAST: We Must All Guard Against Mass Formation Psychosis as the Powers Propagandize About Ukraine

          Every military and societal conflict - throughout the history of man - has seen adversaries utilize the tool of propaganda to advance their causes. The conflict in Ukraine is no exception. But the thing that makes this conflict unique is that we have a di

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          Ukraine Claims Russia Has Detonated Illegal, Devastating Thermobaric SuperWeapon

          As Russian leadership begins to realize that taking Ukraine militarily is not the easy task they thought it would be, a panicked Vladimir Putin is beginning to exhibit signs of panic and desperation to include the breaking of treaties and the possible com

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          PODCAST: When the Possibility of a Global Conflict Looms It's Important to Get the Facts Straight

          What is happening in Ukraine - the Russian invasion and the West's global response - is not only serious but ultimately very dangerous. With Russian President Vladimir Putin saber-rattling about his nuclear weapons cache, those at the helms of the wo

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          Sunday Digest: Anonymous Launches Attacks on Russian Targets; Hacks Gazprom, Russia Ministry of Defense

          Welcome to the inaugural edition of Underground USA’s Sunday Digest; a digest of the day's most pressing and interesting headlines and why they are important. Please ‘like’ the post, leave a comment, and share us with your family and friends. A

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          Crisis in Ukraine: Without Sanctions That Have Real Teeth The World Is Facing a Very Dangerous Future

          President Biden took to the podium and declared that the package of sanctions the United States has crafted in response to Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine exceeds “anything that’s ever been done.” But that package of sanctio

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          PODCAST: With Putin's Invasion of Ukraine, What Is the World To do Next?

          Many, me included, thought that Russian dictator Vladimir Putin was saber-rattling to extort the West for favorable actions that would further strengthen Russia on the global stage (and his new friend China, too) while helping the West, led by an impotent

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          Putin's Moves Against Ukraine Partly Due to Telegraphed US Weakness

          Vladimir Putin’s move into the sovereign nation of Ukraine is now in the history books. There is no stopping him from achieving exactly what he wants, regardless of any paper chase pressures from the United Nations, the G7, NATO, or any Western nation.

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          Congressional Redistricting Being Hijacked By Judicial Branch, Far-Left Organizations

          When the people become constitutionally illiterate and ignorant to the rules of government used to govern them, then the manipulators, the gerrymanderers, and the politically opportunistic reprobates are able to abuse our systems of government – both fe

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          Canadian Court Makes Freedom Convoy Organizer a Political Prisoner

          In Justin Trudeau’s quest to usher in a fascist-Left totalitarian state – more in line with the goals of the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset than with the traditional freedoms embraced by the Canadian people, an Ontario court has issued a ruling

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          Washington Post: Freedom Convoy 'Explicitly Racist'; 'Freedom Is a Key Component of White Supremacy'

          It goes without saying that The Washington Post is all in on the Woke agenda. They have continuously championed far-Left subjects like Critical Race Theory (CRT), gender fluidity, and equity of outcomes as opposed to equality for all. But the increasingly

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          PODCAST: Canada’s Trudeau Proves The Case for Why The World Needs Decentralized Cryptocurrency

          Who would have thought that the gateway to the demise of freedom; to the oppressive kingdom of totalitarianism would have been through the Prime Minister of Canada? The Canadian government, under the rule of Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, has froz

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          PODCAST: Evidently Hillary Clinton's 'Great Reset' with the Russians Didn't Include Ukraine

          As Vladimir Putin continues his saber-rattling toward Ukraine and the separatists in Donbas tempt a false-flag operation to ignite conflict, Hillary Clinton is doing her best to deflect from the fact she is connected to perhaps the biggest political scand

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          In Rural, Near-Rural America The Fascist-Left Democrat Brand Is Toxic And Waning

          The Associated Press recently floated a story about the decline of the Democrat Party brand in rural and near-rural areas of the United States and attempted to lay that decline at the feet of the party itself, as if it is a separate entity from rank-and-f

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          IRS Tax Season Promises Complications, Delays for Taxpayers; A Perfect Opportunity to Advance Radical Tax Reform

          If you are one of the millions waiting for your 2020 tax refund, you are right to be frustrated – and even angry – about the fact that you’ll be expected to file your 2021 tax return on time, else find yourself at the mercy of the Internal Revenue S

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          The Fascist-Left Always Has And Always Will Telegraph Their Intentions Onto Their Opposition

          To those who have been paying attention over the years, it is obvious. To those who are just realizing the depths to which the fascist-Left will go to achieve incremental success in advancing their transformative ideology, it may not be so clear. But it i

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          Woke Biden US Department of Defense Scrapping Merit-Based Military for 'Diversity' & 'Inclusion'

          As the Biden administration does the unthinkable in stoking the flames of conflict with Russian President Vladimir Putin, one would think the leadership at the Pentagon would be fully focused on planning a response to worst-case scenarios. But a tweet exp

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          Pressure Campaign Exposes BlackRock Pro-Great Reset CEO Larry Fink as Lackey to the Communist Chinese

          In an era when many shrink from standing up for what’s right in fear that the Woke will come to cancel them, one independent, educational nonprofit organization is braving the fascist snowflake brigade to expose one of the most influential power players

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          PODCAST: It's Inarguably Bigger Than the Watergate Scandal!

          New revelations that operatives for the Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign were illegally gleaning information from inside the White, among other places, should see Mrs. Clinton and the entirety of her team arrested and indicted on some very serio

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          As MS-13 Gang Members Are Caught at Southern Border, DHS Focuses Efforts on Non-Violent Freedom Convoy

          If you aren’t yet convinced that the Bill of Rights is under attack by what can now only be correctly defined as the fascist-Left, this story should be the weight that tips the balance. If it isn’t then our Republic is lost further down the path to el

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          PODCAST: Wouldn't It Be Nice If We Had a Natural Immunity to Hillary Clinton?

          Stunningly, two-time-losing Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is floating rumors about a third run for the presidency. But as the country is finally waking up to the fact that the political power players and fascist-Left cannot be trusted wi

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          Hollywood, Fascist-Left Elites Pouring Money into Out-of-State Midterm Elections

          We hear it from the campaign trail every election cycle, how special interest and “dark money” taints the political process, and how our electoral system is desperately in need of fiduciary reforms. The Left vomits invective about the deep pockets on

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          Why the National GOP Must Pivot Away from Mitch McConnell & the ‘It’s My Turn’ Status Quo

          It’s been a long time coming but there is no better time for a re-dedication of the national Republican Party’s mission to the American people than right now, especially where its federally elected stewardship is concerned. A hard pivot away from the

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          Biden DHS Declares 'Heightened Terrorism Threat' in a Massive Pre-Election False-Flag Operation

          Rahm Emanuel said it clearly, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” Progressive Democrats (now emerging as the fascist-Left) have understood for almost a century that crisis is a fundamental requirement for societal transformation. The Biden administratio

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          PODCAST: Putin Maybe Trying to Cancel Ukraine and the Olympics Are a Bust, But Rogan Remains

          While the Biden administration fear-mongers about Vladimir Putin's intentions on the border of Ukraine and the Chinese manipulate NBC over the Olympics, Joe Rogan - as John Adams would say - remains... ARTICLE LINKS You Either Believe in the Guarante

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          The Sleight-of-Hand, Short-Term Memory Deception of the Biden Administration on Prescription Drug Costs

          President Biden took to the podium at the end of last month to rail on about the cost of prescription drugs, particularly the costs of insulin and injectable epinephrine, which delivers life-saving treatment to people suffering from severe allergic reacti

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          You Either Believe in the Guaranteed Right to Free Speech Or You Support Oppressive Totalitarianism

          While the mainstream media showcases its hypocrisy in the cancel culture’s attempt to force Joe Rogan’s podcast off Spotify, we should all use this moment constructively – and, in fact, instructively – to clearly identify the divisive elements in

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          International Olympic Committee President: IOC, Athletes ‘Must Be Neutral’ on Uyghur, Human Rights Abuses

          In a move that both defies the mission statement of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and presents an apathetic middle finger to those directly affected by human rights abuses around the world, the head of the IOC vowed to stay “politically neut

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          PODCAST: Putin's Personal Pandemic on Ukraine...and COVID, Too

          If anyone actually thought the Biden administration was serious in their response to Russian President Vladimir Putin's eventual taking of Ukraine I have some Chinese real estate stock to sell you. Then, if you are Ukraine your $8+ Billion investment

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          Woke Oregon Town Residents Force Adoption of Law That Limits Church Meals to the Needy

          In a move that says more about the city’s residents than it does the city council itself, the people of the City of Brookings, located in southwest Oregon, have successfully petitioned the city council to enact a law that unconstitutionally limits a loc

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          Democrats Attempt to Tighten the Noose in Their Quest to Co-Opt Federal Elections to the Federal Government

          Sneaking broad language into a bill that would dramatically alter the way the Electoral College functions when accepting or contesting slates of Electors from the states, a group of Democrat-voting senators appear to be constructing a “backdoor” for t

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          PODCAST: It's Two, Two, Two Shows in One!

          This episode is a two-fer. The first segment covers the confrontation between the US Border Patrol and the DHS Secretary, Congress' attempt to co-opt the Electoral College, and the gross ineptitude of the Biden administration's stewardship of th

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          Phase III Clinical Trial Determines Ivermectin ‘Safe, Effective’ for Treating COVID, All Variant

          In yet another indicator that the US federal government departments and agencies tasked with executing the COVID response are either inept, corrupt, or both, a Japanese conglomerate, in conjunction with a national university, has found that the anti-paras

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          US Treasury to Create Unlegislated Regulations on Crypto Wallets, Change 'Definition of Money'

          Using the fear-tactic buzzwords “terrorist financing” and “money laundering,” the US Treasury Department, under Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, is set to expand regulations into the cryptosphere without seeking legislation to do so. A rule contai

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          Amish Dairy Farm Raided by Biden's ATF Over Generational Tradition of Long-Rifle Sales

          The Biden administration’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms scored a courageous victory when they raided an Amish dairy farm and confiscated a cache of long-barrel hunting rifles traditionally traded among those in the Amish community. Reuben Ki

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          PODCAST: Employing a Racist Litmus Test to Qualify for the US Supreme Court?

          With the announcement that US Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer is stepping down -- once his replacement has been confirmed, President Biden declared that he will take a knee to the political ultimatum issued by US Rep. James Clyburn (D-SC), that his n

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          Legislation Introduced That Would Give US Treasury Secretary 'Unchecked, Unilateral Power' to Ban Crypto Transactions

          A new bill introduced in the US House of Representatives by US Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT), would give perhaps the least educated public official on cryptocurrencies, US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, “unchecked and unilateral power” to ban cryptocurrency

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          FDA Restricts Use of Monoclonal Antibody Treatments Without Explanation While Ignoring the Successes

          Through it all, we must start openly and forcefully questioning the motives behind every decision made; every directive issued by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) regarding any treatment or procedu

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          PODCAST: From Ukraine to Davos, the World Knows Biden's America Is Weak

          With Russia amassing troops on the Ukrainian border and China sending fighter jets into Taiwanese air space, it is obvious that the Russian and Chinese leaders see the Biden administration as a weak-link joke. But when you add to that the World Economic F

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          PODCAST: The Far-Left's Deception Knows No Bounds; Deceit from Elections to the Economy

          It sounds like the stuff of fiction, but there was a time in the United States of America when those elected to office actually served the people of our country. They made their legislative decisions based on how they would benefit the people, not bleed t

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          World Economic Forum Tries to Strong-Arm Sovereign Economies: ‘Nobody Can Hide’ from ESG Standards

          As if to believe they have the unilateral power to ignore the economic sovereignty of every nation on the planet, the senior-most elite of the government-usurping globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland has declared that Environ

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          Far-Left Sets the Stage to Claim the Midterms Will Be Illegitimate; Attack Filibuster Critics

          It’s rather like a spoiled child who doesn’t get his way; who, because he has been bested in a game, upends the board and declares the rules weren’t fair from the beginning. So it is with congressional Democrats and the Biden administration in their

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          The Left’s Abandonment of ‘Inclusion & Tolerance’

          A new survey conducted by the Heartland Institute, in conjunction with Rasmussen Reports, illustrates just how far the Left has moved away from freedom in general, and their multi-decade mantra of tolerance and inclusion. In the survey, almost half (49 pe

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          It's Time to Demand The US Supreme Court De-Politicize Itself and Return to the Constitution

          Over that last century – and dating back specifically to the New Deal era – the United States Supreme Court has shed its constitutional mandate to be non-partisan and non-politicized, devolving into yet another disingenuous playground populated by the

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          It Is Important for Manchin & Sinema to Stand Their Ground on the Filibuster

          As the country commemorated the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., political opportunists – including has-been Hillary Clinton and, regrettably, some of Rev. King’s own family – selfishly co-opted the core meaning of the day to call out two Demo

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          Actions of Cop Cleared in Killing of Ashli Babbitt on January 6 Never Probed

          As if suffering the inane indignity of listening to political opportunists rattle on about the false narrative of the January 6 protests being the greatest threat to our nation since the Cuban missile crisis wasn’t enough, now comes news that the murder

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          PODCAST: Let's Move Away from Gayle King and Get Back to Dr. Martin Luther King

          Whether people care to believe it or not, before the Obama administration came into existence, the overwhelming majority of the American people were learning to get along with one another. The 1960s, 70s, and 80s found a great majority of Americans shunni

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          Biden Taps Far-Left, Pro-Regulation Sarah Bloom Raskin for Top Fed Banking Regulator

          In yet another in a never-ending display of just how tone-deaf the Biden administration is, President Biden announced three new nominations for the Federal Reserve's Board of Governors, including far-Left, pro-government-intervention Sarah Bloom Rask

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          Left Uses Same 'Trojan Horse' Bill-Stuffing Move Used to Pass Obamacare with Power-Grab Voting Legislation

          Today’s congressional Democrats aren’t even attempting to be discreet about their use of underhanded and disingenuous tactics to advance legislation they know can’t be passed through regular order. Thursday, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), facili

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          So, If You're the Democrats and You've Got Nothing Going into the Mid-Terms...

          It's got to be a frightening proposition. Imagine, if you will, you are a leader in the Democrat Party and you are facing both 2022 Mid-Term and the 2024 General Elections and you have an achievement list that has nothing on it. What do you do? You c

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          Democrat Operatives Float Insane Idea That Hillary Clinton Is Their 'Best Option' for 2024

          Democrats – rank and file Democrats, i.e. Democrat voters – must seriously question the wisdom of their party leaders when it comes to the candidates they choose to represent their party, especially in State-level and national elections. As it stands,

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          The World Economic Forum Fear-Mongers the Global Economy in Attempt to Coerce a 'Great Reset'

          It is the definition of audacious: A hyper-agendized group of global profiteers – a cadre of the world’s wealthiest people bent on co-opting the world’s economic system – producing fearmongering reports about economic doom in the immediate future

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          So, You Think You Can Trust the Federal Government?

          There is an old joke that goes, “Trust me…I’m from the government.” The line usually elicited a pained laugh from those who’ve heard it. But if you say that line within earshot of attorney Kevin E. Byrnes, you may end up getting a little bit mor

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            The Hard-Left Exhibits Its Hatred for Both the Constitution and State Sovereignty

            In their quest to bring State governments to heel, the Schumer-Pelosi Democrat-led Congress is pulling out all the stops to execute a power-grab that will do more damage to the American form of government than even the 17th Amendment did when it hobbled p

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            PODCAST: After the January 6th Speeches Two Things Are Abundantly Clear

            Listening to President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in their speeches on the first anniversary of the January 6 protests, you would think the US Capitol Building lay in ruins akin to the destruction of September 11, 2001, in New York City, at th

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            Biden, Harris Use Anniversary of Jan. 6th Protests to Lobby for Federal Election Takeover

            The chief political rule in Progressive Democrat politics is this. Never let a crisis go to waste. On the first anniversary of the protests of January 6, 2021, President Biden and Vice President Harris didn’t disappoint their far-Left base where fidelit

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            Economy Tanked, Deficit Exploding; Biden, Congress Consider Another Round of Stimulus Spending

            As if to believe that deficit spending doesn’t apply to them when it comes to the overall economy, federal lawmakers are in talks with the Biden White House to craft yet another round of COVID stimulus spending for businesses. Citing four sources close

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            The Far-Left's Mid-Term Game Plan: Go After Their Opponents' Families

            As we approach the 2022 Mid-Term Elections, the fact that the majority of the public has rebuked everything Democrats have tried to move during their total control of government has left them without a single marketable accomplishment on which to hand the

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            PODCAST: The Far-Left's Disgusting Attack on a Man Supporting His Wife Through Cancer Treatment

            Yes, politics is hardball; it's a tough game and not for those who are weak of stomach. But the far-Left - the caustic, hate-filled, "win-at-all-cost" fascist Left - has crossed a line that no one - no one - should have to tolerate - in any avenue of

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            Dems Attack DeSantis: The Bloodlust Opportunism of America’s Fascist Left

            As Governor Ron DeSantis’ family travels the road many American families navigate in the face of a cancer diagnosis, the far-Left – the fascist Left – in the American political sphere has outed themselves as crude and heartless, further exposing the

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            PODCAST: On This New Year's Eve 2021 We Hope for Many Things

            Most of us can't wait for the year 2021 to end, even as the year 2022 holds a lot of unknowns and unknown-unknowns. But with every year comes new possibilities and opportunities along with the challenges it holds. Matt and I talk about forest fires,

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            If the Postal Service Is Hit & Miss with Delivering the Mail Why Have It?

            In the beginning, the United States Postal Service (USPS) operated under a creed that held every aspect of that government service to a high standard of fidelity to performance. Today, that fidelity and performance – at least at the bureaucratic level,

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            The Arrogant Bully-Culture of The View’s Has-Been Glitterati

            I don’t usually entertain any thought at all about the ABC fascist cluck-a-thon otherwise known as The View, but a recent “hardship they’re having in finding a conservative to tolerate their daily abuse spotlights a very serious malady in contempora

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            PODCAST: From COVID to Kamala the Gaffe and Fiction Factory Is In Full Throttle

            With thousands of flights canceled over the Christmas holiday due to a suspected employ work event centered on unnecessary COVID restrictions and Vice President Kamala Harris saying that "democracy" is the biggest threat to our nation, all is not right in

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            The Oxford Drug Trial’s Fake Ivermectin Supply Chain Issue

            The ongoing assault on ivermectin as a treatment for COVID continues, this time involving a wide-ranging drug trial establishing its effectiveness against the virus in the United Kingdom. The government-backed Platform Randomised Trial of Treatments in th

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            Channeling the Christmas Truce of 1914 for 2021

            During World War I, on and around Christmas Day 1914, the sounds of gunfire and exploding ordinance faded along the Western Front. The sounds of violence gave way to the unexpected civility of holiday celebrations. What has come to be known as the Great C

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            As Democrats Ready for an Assault on the Filibuster, They Lie About the Voting Rights Bill

            With one of their own having tossed a wrench into the Biden administration’s spendthrift Build Back Better agenda, Senate Democrat leadership is pivoting to fear-mongering about non-existent voting rights inequities and they want to dismantle the filibu

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            Pathetic Fear-Mongering: Biden Warns of 'Winter of Severe Illness, Death for Unvaccinated'

            In a speech choke-full of fear-mongering, President Biden admitted that not only is his unlegislated COVID vaccine-or-test mandate "unpopular" but that his administration is doing it based on a nanny state mentality. "I know vaccination requirements are u

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            PODCAST: Maybe Joe Manchin Should Have a Border Wall | Underground USA | United States

            In this episode of Underground USA. I talk with Matt Bruce on The Captain's America: Third Watch, broadcast internationally on the Salem and Genesis Communications Networks about everything from the abuse that Joe Manchin took from his own party over his

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              Manchin Blasts Biden White House for 'Inexcusable' Bullying Tactics on BBB Vote

              The abuse that US Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), was subjected to by his own party in the run-up and aftermath of his decision to vote “no” on...

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              Out-Pacing Trump, Biden Gets 40 Federal Judges Confirmed in First Year

              Chipping away at the gains made during the Trump administration, President Biden is moving expeditiously to counter the influx of...

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              Real Estate Platforms Push ‘Racial Equity’ By Removing Neighborhood Crime Data

              In what can only be viewed as a blatantly racist move, two of the larger online real estate search platforms have decided to remove any...

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              PODCAST: From the FDA to China to the IMF, The Threat to Freedom Is Very Real | Underground USA | United States

              In a disgusting act of politicization, President Biden and the Democrats attempted to coattail their infamous Climate Change agenda onto the disaster in Kentucky that claimed over 65 lives, some children. Legendary meteorologist Joe Bastardi even took Bid

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                Biden Rewrites History on Afghan Withdrawal; Saying He Opposed It 'From the Beginning'

                President Biden defended his administration’s inept withdrawal from Afghanistan, arguing that the deaths of 13 service members and some...

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                PODCAST: Even Joe Bastardi Knows Biden Is Shopping an Agenda

                In a disgusting act of politicization, President Biden and the Democrats attempted to coattail their infamous Climate Change agenda onto the disaster in Kentucky that claimed over 65 lives, some children. Legendary meteorologist Joe Bastardi even took Bid

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                  Biden, Democrats Politicize Kentucky Tornado Tragedy to Push Climate Change Theory

                  As rescue teams furiously comb the rubble of collapsed buildings for survivors after close to 30 tornadoes devastated parts of 6 states...

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                  International Monetary Fund Wants Global Control Over Crypto Regulation

                  The IMF has issued a white paper that lays out the case for swooping in and coopting authority over the cryptocurrency regulatory realm...

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                  China Preparing to Build Naval Base on Africa’s Atlantic Coast

                  China is seeking to build a military base on the western coast of Africa, its first permanent military presence on the Atlantic Ocean...

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                  PODCAST INTERVIEW: Our Orwellian Ruling Class | Underground USA | United States

                  We hear it every day but if we aren't paying attention it goes in one ear and out the other: the Orwellian "newspeak," double-talk of the political and activist class. It allows those seeking to rule and influence us the ability to say one thing and do th

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                    FDA Says It Now Needs 75 Years to Fully Release Pfizer COVID Vaccine Data

                    In one of the most stunningly bureaucratic declarations to come out of the COVID fiasco, the FDA is asking a judge to give it 75 years to...

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                    Self-Deprecating Race-Baiters Take Aim at Destroying Farmers Markets, Food Charities

                    Evidently, if you are trying to start your own business through the cottage industry at Farmers Markets or are involved with a charitable...

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                      PODCAST: From Vaccines to Roe v. Wade, Why Aren't We Allowed to Believe The Way We Want? | Underground USA | United States

                      In the Land of the Free, it seems like an absurd notion that we are denied the freedom to believe the way we want to believe. But today, where COVID and the sanctity of life are concerned we have both a social fabric that is quick to deny us our inalienab

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                      Roe v. Wade Ruling Pending, It’s Important to Understand It Won’t Outlaw Abortion

                      As the United States Supreme Court court hears arguments on a case that could decide the future of the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision,..

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                      With Six States Still Requiring Masks, Oregon Drafting Rule to Make Masks Permanent

                      To say that the political class in several states has become completely devoid of reality where COVID is concerned would necessarily be...

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                      Once Again, GOP Failing to Control the Narrative on a 'Government Shutdown'

                      Congress has mapped out an agreement on a proposal to fund the federal government through mid-February, but a group of conservative...

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                        PODCAST: From Fascism to Freedom Coast-to-Coast; Another UUSA Twofer! | Underground USA | United States

                        In this episode, we take a cross-country tour to visit radio hosts on both coasts of the country to talk about everything from the COVID and how it relates to our loss of freedom, and why we need to immediately concern ourselves with understanding Fascism

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                          Facebook 'Hate Speech' Algorithm Found 90% of Hate Speech Directed at White People

                          The Washington Post reported that an April 2020 examination of Facebook’s anti-racism algorithm found that roughly 90 percent of the...

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                          Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Variant Slams 'Unwarranted Hype,' Fear-Mongering

                          As the mainstream media in the United States hits the panic button on the marching orders of discredited scientist Dr. Anthony Fauci over...

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                          PODCAST INTERVIEW: From Hopelessness to Hope and Beyond | Underground USA | United States

                          Free speech, and those who defend it, are under attack in both the United States and the West; the free world. From Britain to Australia, the US to Argentina, the globalized Fascist Left is aggressively taking aim at both free speech and the free markets.

                          News | News

                          BLM Launches Christmas Campaign Against 'White-Supremacist Capitalism'

                          Black Lives Matter (BLM), after taking aim at the wholly unique American holiday of Thanksgiving, is taking aim at politicizing the,,,

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                            Fascist Dark Money Effort Raised $1.6 Billion to Flood Elections with Cash

                            A far-Left dark money fundraising campaign hauled in an alarming $1.6 billion in cash from anonymous donors to bankroll Progressive...

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                              PODCAST INTERVIEW: The Power of The Arts | Underground USA | United States

                              Throughout history, the arts - be it music, sculpture, drawings, paintings or interpretive - have held great sway over the consciousness of peoples. From Rome to our nation's genesis and her most trying times, music and the arts have served to both suppor

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                                Preppers LIVE: NSFW with Frank Salvato of Underground USA

                                I was asked to comeon the Preppers Live podcast on the Prepper Broadcasting Network to talk about a few of my articles on the topics of...

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                                Democrats Plan to Turn to Critical Race Theory As the Key to Victory in 2022

                                Many who exist politically aware believe Republicans will achieve historic gains in the 2022 Midterm Elections, especially with the...

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                                  PODCAST: A Perfect Example of Why the Media Must Wait for the Facts Before Coming to a Conclusion | Underground USA | United States

                                  All too often the mainstream media jumps to kneejerk conclusions about tragic events in an attempt to not only "be the first" but also frame a preferred political narrative. The advent of social media has thrown gasoline onto that irresponsible fire. The

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                                    In the Aftermath of the Rittenhouse Trial, the Activist Left Shows Its True Colors

                                    The country was braced for an eruption of violent protests and rioting in the many urban areas after the not guilty verdict in the trial...

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                                    There's No ‘Medium’ When It Comes to Calling the Black Community Out on Bad Behavior

                                    It goes without saying that the epidemic of censorship in the United States is at an incredible, alarming, and intolerable level. Across...

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                                    The Podcast: Twofer! From Capturing Joe Biden's Farts to Exposing the Biggest Hike in Medicare | Underground USA | United States

                                    In this episode, we visit with radio hosts on both coasts of the country to talk about everything from the infrastructure bill and carbon capturing Joe Biden's flatulence to exposing the single biggest hike in Medicare premiums in the history of the Unite

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                                      FDA Wants 55 Years to Complete FOIA Request for Pfizer COVID Vaccine Information

                                      In a move that should raise eyebrows from coast to coast and around the world, the Food & Drug Administration is petitioning a federal...

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                                        DoJ Inspector General: Justice Dept Must Address Concerns About Politicization

                                        In a rare act of honest self-examination, the Department of Justice’s Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, issued a ruling stating the...

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                                          Is the Radical Left Illegally Attempting to Influence the Rittenhouse Jury?

                                          The jury in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has started deliberations a day after closing arguments from the prosecution and defense on...

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                                            Crony Capitalism Results in the Biggest Medicare Price Hike in History

                                            Untrumpeted and in the dead of night, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced the standard monthly premium for Medicare...

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                                              PODCAST: Federal Government Okays Largest Medicare Price Hike in History | Underground USA | United States

                                              The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services said the standard monthly premium for Medicare Part B will rise roughly 14.5%, the largest increase ever in terms of dollars and among the largest percentage increases in recent years. Part of that reason for t

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                                              PODCAST INTERVIEW: Debunking the Myths & Misconceptions of 'Prepperism' | Underground USA | United States

                                              When you hear the word "prepper" you automatically think of doomsday "zombie apocalypse" stories and radio and television programs full of "the end is near." But the reality of the matter is that preppers - as well as homesteaders - are simply people who

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                                              Biden Pushes Soros-Linked Far Left Radical Alvaro Bedoya for FTC Commissioner

                                              Keeping with its penchant for promoting the most radical of the radical for high-level government positions, the Biden administration is...

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                                                Goldman Sachs: Inflation Has Eclipsed COVID As the Biggest Threat to the Economy

                                                Investment banking giant Goldman Sachs has issued a warning that out of control inflation is a more significant threat to the economy...

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                                                  Fascist Left Accuse Right of Own Tactics; Decry 'GOP Divide-And-Conquer Racism'

                                                  A cadre of Fascist Progressives exhibited their complete devotion to hypocrisy in their scathing reaction to Terry McAuliffe’s election...

                                                  News | News

                                                  The Podcast: The Over-Baked Claim of Racism & Fefe Lala | Underground USA

                                                  In the echo of President Biden desecrating the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier with a speech he turned into a racist screed, we witness Vice President Kamala Harris insult the French people by culturally appropriating a poorly executed French accent in lament

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                                                  News Headlines for Nov. 10, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                  ▪ Biden DOJ Plans Imminent Crackdown on Big Corps ▪ Biden Bank Nominee Said 'We Want' Oil, Gas Companies to Go Bankrupt ▪ Pelosi, Jayapal Scheme to Rush Reconciliation Bill Through House Without CBO Score ▪ Study:

                                                    News | News

                                                    PODCAST: Ism, Ism, Everywhere An Ism...But One is Really Important to Pay Attention To | Underground USA | United States

                                                    While the Biden administration crows about the $1.5 trillion pick-pocketing event that Democrats just foisted upon the taxpayers, it is important to not chalk it up to business as usual because it is far from it. The Progressives have dropped their masks

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                                                      Cuban Freedom Fighters: Biden Admin. Killed Cuba’s Democratization Movement

                                                      A leading Cuban freedom activist in the United States explained that the Biden administration wholly booted a chance to make inroads with...

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                                                        HEADLINES FOR 11/8, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                        ▪ US Reopens Borders to ‘Non-Essential’ Travel After 18 Months of Disruption ▪ Crypto Rally Ahead of Inflation Data Sends Ethereum, Bitcoin Near Records ▪ San Francisco Newspaper: Residents Should 'Tolerate Burgl

                                                        News | News

                                                        COVID Victim 'Dissected' In Front of Paying Audience Without Family's Consent

                                                        The body of an elderly man who succumbed to complications related to COVID, was dissected in front of a live, paying audience in Oregon...

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                                                          News Headlines for Nov. 7, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                          ▪ Biden Infers Americans Too Stupid to Understand Supply Chain Crisis ▪ As Gas Prices Skyrocket, Biden Admin Weighing Shutting Down Another Oil Pipeline ▪ US State With Highest Vaccination Rate Reports Record Number

                                                          News | News

                                                          PODCAST: Which Is It Joe, Upping Oil Output Or Shilling for Your Crony Climate Eco-Zealots? | Underground USA | United States

                                                          As the Biden administration and its puppet masters do everything they can fo legislate the hobbling of the fossil fuel industry and the supply chain - and as fuel prices soar, the President sends more confusion our way by both attending a climate conferen

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                                                            News Headlines for Nov. 6, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                            ▪ Federal Court Issues Temporary Halt to Biden Abuse of OSHA on Vaccine Mandate ▪ 13 Republicans Under Fire for Breaking Ranks on Infrastructure Bill ▪ WH Won't Say If Biden Is 'Being Kept Out of the Loop' on Immigra

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                                                            Cartels Using Narco Slaves to Grow Illegal Marijuana on Large Scale in Oregon

                                                            Recreational marijuana has been legal in Oregon for seven years and the market for cannabis is booming. But instead of the legal...

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                                                              News Headlines for Nov. 5, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                              ▪ WH Contradicts Biden on Almost Million Dollar Payments to Illegals ▪ 14,000 US Green Card Holders Abandoned By Biden Admin in Afghanistan ▪ Fascist Dems Rage At ‘White Women’ Over Virginia Election Drubbing ▪

                                                              News | News

                                                              Big Tech Vows To Stamp Out Climate ‘Denialism,’ Treating It As Disinformation

                                                              The biggest of the Big Tech social media companies are now vowing to stamp out “climate denialism” by treating it as misinformation and...

                                                                News | News

                                                                News Headlines for Nov. 4, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                ▪ Manchin: 'We're Not A Center-Left Or A Left Country; We Are Center, If Anything' ▪ 17M Healthcare Workers Must Be Vaccinated By Jan. 4 Under Biden Mandate ▪ Paul Demands Fauci's Resignation; Fauci Denies Any 'Respo

                                                                  News | News

                                                                  CDC Says Unvaccinated Children Can Enter US Without Quarantine

                                                                  Embattled Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky amended an October 25th order to say COVID...

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                                                                    News Headlines for Nov. 3, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                    ▪ Youngkin Takes VA's Gubernatorial Race In A Clean Sweep ▪ GOP Win Back Virginia House Of Delegates In Historic Sweep ▪ Fascist Left Accuse Right of Dem Tactics; Decry 'Republican Divide-And-Conquer Racism' ▪ Emai

                                                                      News | News

                                                                      News Headlines for Nov. 2, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                      ▪ 2,300 NYC Firefighters Out Sick As Vaccine Mandate Kicks In; Force Stretched ▪ Biden's Supply Chain Crisis Sees A Return Of Train Robberies ▪ Biden's Pentagon May Not Immediately Fire Vaccine Resisters ▪ Senate G

                                                                        News | News

                                                                        PODCAST: So, How About A Ticket On-Board Brandon Airlines?! | Underground USA | United States

                                                                        With American Airlines joining the propaganda campaign to cover for patriotic Americans who are refusing to take a knee to the vaccine mandate tyranny being foisted upon our nation by a colluding corporate private sector and the Biden administration, we are starting to see it trickle from absurd politics to serious safety threat with the closure of firehouses nation-wide...

                                                                          News | News

                                                                          Elementary School Students Taken To Gay Bar On Official Field Trip

                                                                          Broward County Florida School Board member Sarah Leonardi said she was honored to have chaperoned a field trip for the children of Wilton...

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                                                                            News Headlines for Oct. 31, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                            ▪ As Supply Chain Crisis Soars, Biden, Cabinet to Attend Glasgow Climate Summit ▪ Poll: 71% Of Americans Say Country Headed In Wrong Direction ▪ Staff Shortages Shutter 26 FDNY Houses Over Vaccine Mandate ▪ Austin

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                                                                            Report Raises Concerns About Suboptimal Vaccine Antibodies Erasing Natural Immunity

                                                                            While the Biden administration continues its blind and relentless pursuit of the vaccination of even people who don’t need it, new...

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                                                                              News Headlines for Oct. 30, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                              ▪ Dozens Of NYC Firehouses Could Close On Monday Due To Vaccine Mandate ▪ Sen. Coons: People With Natural Immunity Shouldn’t Get Fired For Not Getting Vaccinated ▪ SCOTUS To Review EPA Authority To Regulate Power

                                                                              News | News

                                                                              PODCAST: Changing Your Perception on Holistics, Herbalism & American Individualism | Underground USA | United States

                                                                              If you thought that all those who are into herbs and holistic medicine are firmly ensconced on the Left side of the aisle, you haven't met Judson Carroll. Introduced to his podcast by my girlfriend, Cj - and after listening specifically to his episode No.

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                                                                              News Headlines for Oct. 29, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                              ▪ Biden Considers Paying Illegals Whose Families Were Separated $450K Each ▪ Judge Blocks Biden From Firing Unvaccinated Employees With Pending Religious Exemptions ▪ Bongino Ends Radio Program in Vaccine Mandate Ba

                                                                                News | News

                                                                                PODCAST: From The Central Planners To the NSBA, It's A Free For All | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                We offer up a double-dip in this episode as we feature segments of two syndicated radio programs, The Captain's America: Third Watch with Matt Bruce flag-shipped on the East Coast and Talkback with Chuck Wilder flag-shipped on the West Coast. The subject

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                                                                                  News Headlines for Oct. 28, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                  ▪ White House Announces $1.75T Budget Framework Agreement ▪ Top Biden Official Calls For ‘Well Supplied’ Oil & Gas Markets Ahead Of Climate Conference ▪ Andrew Cuomo Slapped With Sex Crime Charge For Groping For

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                                                                                    News Headlines for Oct. 27, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                    ▪ Soros Joins With Billionaire Who Funded Fake Russian Bots To Launch 'Anti-Disinformation' Venture ▪ Biden Appoints NSBA Pres. To Post 2 Days After ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Letter ▪ 'Build Back Better' Act To Have

                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                    Fauci Lied, People Died: NIH Funded Gain-of-Function Research in China

                                                                                    New documents prove that Dr. Anthony Fauci perjured himself in front of congressional committees when he stated under oath that the NIH...

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                                                                                      News Headlines for Oct. 26, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                      ▪ Experts: Climate Financing Plan Will Push Country To Totalitarianism ▪ Dems Balk On Spending After Failing To Get Votes For Tax Hikes ▪ Mastercard To Enable Merchants To Offer Crypto Products, Services ▪ Loudoun

                                                                                      News | News

                                                                                      Moscow University Scrubs Biden Comptroller Pick’s Marxism Thesis

                                                                                      Moscow State University has destroyed its only copy of a thesis on Marxism written by Saule Omarova, a former student and current Biden...

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                                                                                        News Headlines for Oct. 25, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                        ▪ Dems Peddling False Tax Narratives To Sell Their Spendthrift Agenda ▪ First Responders Resign On Social Media Over Coronavirus Vaccine Mandate ▪ British Report Raises Concerns About Suboptimal Vaccine Antibodies E

                                                                                        News | News

                                                                                        The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                        One has to contemplate why President Biden's handlers would allow him to engage in a CNN town hall when they won't even allow him to field questions at managed press conferences. But the President's telegraphing of his indifference to "freedom" is somethi

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                                                                                        News Headlines for Oct. 24, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                        ▪ 185 Employees Leave Los Alamos Nuclear Weapons Lab Over Vaccine Mandate ▪ Lawmakers Demand Explanation From Fauci About ‘Cruel’ Dog Experiments ▪ JPMorgan Sees 'Bullish Outlook' For Bitcoin As Inflation Concer

                                                                                        News | News

                                                                                        New Index Highlights China’s Expanding Military Capabilities, US Decline

                                                                                        The 2022 Index of U.S. Military Strength, produced by the Heritage Foundation, found that the United States military was significantly...

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                                                                                          News Headlines for Oct. 23, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                          ▪ Biden Admin Admits Lying About Number Of Americans Still Stranded in Afghanistan ▪ WH Telegraphs Intent To Blur Separation Of Powers Over Filibuster ▪ CDC Identifies Deadly Bacteria Found In Aromatherapy Product S

                                                                                          News | News

                                                                                          Biden’s Supply Chain Failure Leaves Farmers Without Much-Needed Equipment

                                                                                          America’s farmers stand to be hit particularly hard by President Biden’s supply chain crisis due to their inability to get the necessary...

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                                                                                            HEADLINES FOR 10/22, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                            ▪ Fauci Lied, People Died: New Documents Show NIH Funded Gain-of-Function Research in China
                                                                                            ▪ Biden Breaks Another Campaign Promise; Flips on Not Altering Filibuster Over Election Bill
                                                                                            ▪ Manchin Offered To Become Independent If Democrats Found Him 'Embarrassing'
                                                                                            ▪ NSBA Board of Directors Not Apprised of Biden Or DoJ Letter; Spoke to White House Before Release
                                                                                            ▪ Biden Says He Hasn't Had 'Time' To Visit The Southern US Border As Crisis Continues
                                                                                            ▪ Americans Still Trapped in Afghanistan Plead To Be Brought Home: ‘I Am Begging You to Get Us Home’
                                                                                            ▪ More...

                                                                                            News | News

                                                                                            News Headlines for Oct. 21, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                            ▪ Republicans Filibuster Democrats’ Election Bill ▪ Pelosi Says Democrats May Nix Tax Increase From Spending Package; Raises Program Funding Questions ▪ New Index Highlights China’s Expanding Military Capabiliti

                                                                                            News | News

                                                                                            News Headlines for Oct. 20, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                            ▪ Bitcoin Hits New ATH After Futures ETF Launch Pushes It Past $66,000 ▪ Record Number Of Container Ships Waiting Off Ports Of Long Beach, Los Angeles ▪ US Senate Republicans Poised To Stop Democrats' Voting Rights

                                                                                            News | News

                                                                                            PODCAST: While Kamala Breaks The Law, The Left Is More Concerned With Golf Courses | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                            Even as Vice President Kamala Harris engages in the blatant transgression of the Hatch Act - as well as other campaign laws, the disingenuous Left is taking aim at a golf course in Scotland owned by former President Donald Trump and an array of sand dunes. Curious that they are so focused by the former President even as China successfully tests a hyper-sonic, nuclear-capable, high-altitude missile that Biden administration officials say caught them off guard...

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                                                                                            News Headlines for Oct. 19, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                            ▪ Dems, Yellen Retool IRS Bank Snooping Provision; Still Violate 4th Amendment ▪ Biden Banking Nominee Who Praised Soviet Union Refuses To Release Her Karl Marx Thesis ▪ Psaki: Biden Admin 'Welcomes Stiff Competitio

                                                                                            News | News

                                                                                            Cattle Ranchers Launch Effort To Circumvent Price-Gouging Corporate Meat Packers

                                                                                            For years, cattle ranchers across the country have had to tolerate rock-bottom prices paid for the cattle they raise, even as the cost of...

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                                                                                              News Headlines for Oct. 18, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                              ▪ VA Churches Air VP Harris Endorsement Of McAuliffe In Violation Of Law ▪ Soros Drops $1M To Stop Austin Hiring Police ▪ Abbott: Cartels Opening Fire On TX Troops, Biden ‘Abandoned’ Border ▪ Schumer: TSA Shou

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                                                                                              News Headlines for Oct. 17, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                              ▪ Biden’s Job Approval Hits New Low At 36 Percent ▪ Fauci Continues The Fleecing Of America; Says J&J Vaccine Should've Been 2 Doses ▪ Delta Airlines CEO Won't Force Employees To Get Vaccinated ▪ Loudoun Co. DA

                                                                                              News | News

                                                                                              School Administrator Tells Teachers To Offer 'Opposing' Viewpoints On Holocaust

                                                                                              A Texas school administrator has suggested that classrooms offer books on Holocaust denial to support "opposing" views in an attempt to...

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                                                                                                Get The Headlines Daily Direct To You

                                                                                                Every day we send out a comprehensive list of headlines directly to our Telegram members. It's a safe and simple app that allows us to have a direct line to you so that the social media police can't interfere.

                                                                                                Please think about's only a matter of time before the Social Media Police excommunicate us for the truth we advance...

                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                  WH Chief of Staff: Inflation, Supply-Chain Dysfunction Only Affects 'Higher Class'

                                                                                                  White House chief of staff Ron Klain stood in lock-step with former Obama administration economist Jason Furman's claim that the...

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                                                                                                    News Headlines for Oct. 15, 2021 | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    ▪ Fascists Fume As Biden's SCOTUS Commission Reject Court-Packing ▪ Ohio Edu. Board Repeals Racial Equity Resolution, Condemns ‘Collective Guilt’ Training ▪ Buttigieg 'MIA' During Supply Chain Crisis Due To 2-Mo

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                                                                                                    Headlines | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    ▪ White House Chief of Staff: Inflation, Supply-Chain Woes Only Affect 'Higher Class' ▪ DoT Sec. Under Fire As Supply Chain Problems Worsen ▪ Loudoun Co. School Board Defends Rape Cover-Up, Attacks Victim’s Father

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    PODCAST: South By Southwest And The Pilots Say Boo | Underground USA

                                                                                                    It is starting. The people who make up the employees of the private sector are starting to push back against the Woke board rooms of corporate America and their crony relationships with the Biden administration. As the cry for freedom grows louder - and s

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Oct. 11, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ 2 School Board Assocs Denounce NSBA, Reject Garland’s Threat Against Parents ▪ Fed Governor: Regulators Should Tell Banks How To Deal With Climate Change ▪ Biden Unable To Meet ‘Major Challenges’ On Clogged

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Oct. 10, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ CA Law Bans Small Gas Engines, Including Mowers, Chainsaws Over Climate Activism ▪ 40 Different Taxes’ Needed To Pay For $3.5 Trillion Reconciliation Bill ▪ American Ambulance Assoc. Warns COVID Vaccine Mandates

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    US Special Forces Quietly Training Taiwanese Military At Threats From China

                                                                                                    Some two dozen members of US Special Operations and a Marine contingent have been conducting the training of small special units in the...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Oct. 8, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Bidenflation Costing Americans $175 Per Month ▪ Self-Inflicted Energy Crisis May Trigger Winter Blackouts Across US ▪ 'F*cking Stupid': Manchin Lays Into Schumer For Nasty Speech Following Debt-Ceiling Vote ▪ Chi

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                                                                                                    Garland Linked To Group Promoting Critical Race Theory As DoJ Attacks CRT Critics

                                                                                                    US Attorney General Merrick Garland is raising eyebrows in the aftermath of the Department of Justice announcement it would coordinate...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Oct. 7, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ McConnell Caves, Congress Agrees To Short-Term Fix To Raise Borrowing Limit ▪ White House Admits They Purposely Cede To Higher Gas Prices To Pursue Climate Agenda ▪ 'Squad' Fascist Caught On Camera Admitting COVID

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Oct. 6, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Garland Linked To Group Promoting CRT As DOJ Moves Against Theory's Critics ▪ Reconciliation Bill Includes Funding For CRT Programs For Nurses ▪ Constitution Focus Groups Form In No. Carolina To Question Local Gov'

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Prosecutors Reject 5 Murder Charges In Chicago Shootout Citing 'Mutual Combat'

                                                                                                    Prosecutors in Illinois have reportedly chosen not to charge five gang-related suspects in a deadly shootout that unfolded in Chicago...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Oct. 5, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Google Secretly Helping Feds Eye Web Searches ▪ AG Garland Weaponizes FBI Against Parents Protesting Critical Race Theory, Mask Mandates ▪ Facebook Outage Costs Zuckerberg $7 Billion In Personal Wealth ▪ Soros-Li

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Biden Comptroller Pick Praises USSR, Hates Crypto, Will 'End Banking As We Know It’

                                                                                                    In yet another radically far-Left nomination to a sensitive Executive Branch position, President Biden has nominated a child of Russia...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Oct. 4, 2021

                                                                                                    Manchin, Sinema Stalked And Harassed By Radical Left For Not Selling Out The Country ▪ Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram Down Worldwide ▪ Dems, Independents Join GOP To Oppose Taxes In Biden $3.5T Plan ▪ One of World’s

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Biden Wants To Renew Union Skimming From Payments To Home-Health Providers

                                                                                                    The Biden Department of Health & Human Services (HHS), wants to reinstate an Obama-era regulation that allowed labor unions to skim an...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Oct. 3, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Sinema Skewers House Dems For Failing To Pass Infrastructure Bill Over Political Opportunism ▪ Biden's Pick For Comptroller Blasted Over Past Pro-Communism Remarks ▪ House GOP Demands Answers From Leftist Climate G

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Oct. 2, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Pelosi Admits Defeat On Infrastructure Bill, Biden Fails With Progressives; Bill In Jeopardy ▪ Dems Lack Mandate To Push Progressive Agenda ▪ Biden Admin Wants To Renew Union Skimming From Medicaid Payments To Home

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Underground USA | PODCAST: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

                                                                                                    Even as Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrstena Sinema denied the spendthrift spending bill with which Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer tried to fleece the American people, the Biden administration continues to attack the pocketbooks of the American people any way t

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                                                                                                    Credit Card Cuts Off Spending Once You Hit Your CO2 Maximum

                                                                                                    Doconomy, the company that created a credit card to track your purchases’ CO2 emissions, is set to launch a “premium” version of the card...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Oct. 1, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Nat'l School Board Group Asks Biden Admin to Treat Parent Protests as ‘Domestic Terrorism’ ▪ House Budget Chair: $3.5 Trillion in Spending ‘Inconsequential’; ‘Government Can Afford Anything’ ▪ Eco-Terro

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    White House Finds It's 'Unfair' For Businesses To Raise Prices If Taxes Go Up

                                                                                                    In a stunning display of slow-wittedness, White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters Monday that the White House believes it...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Sept. 30, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Senate Passes Emergency Funding To Avert Government Shutdown ▪ Reconciliation Bill Includes $700,000 OSHA Fines For Not Enforcing Biden Vax Mandate ▪ Fed, Treasury Up Inflation Forecasts As Democrats Seek Trillio

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Pelosi, Democrats Want To Give Executive Branch Power To Raise Debt Limit

                                                                                                    As Republicans continue to block Democrat efforts to raise the debt limit, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), indicated that members of...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Sept. 29, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Milley To Pelosi On Trump's Nuke Authority: 'He Doesn’t Launch Them Alone' ▪ Sanders: No Infrastructure Deal Unless $3.5T Spending Bill Passes First ▪ Chase CEO Warns Bank Is Preparing For 'Catastrophic' US Cre

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                                                                                                    A Gift From A Federal Judge: FL’s Ban On Sanctuary Cities Is Unconstitutional

                                                                                                    A federal judge has ruled that Florida’s prohibition on the establishment of sanctuary cities, which facilitated the shielding of...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Sept. 28, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Constitutionally Illiterate Dems Suggest Giving Pres, Treas. Power To Raise Debt Limit ▪ Pentagon Leadership: Biden Ignored Recommendations on Afghanistan ▪ $3.5T Spending Bill Includes Funding For 'Tree Equity,'

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    Former President Donald Trump gave hope to the thought that he will be running to retake the White House in 2024. But if he is, in fact, going to run for the presidency again, there are at least two things that simply must happen after Republicans retake

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Sept. 27, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Dems Now Claim Massive $3.5T Spending Bill Will Cost $0 ▪ Dems ‘Reach Agreement’ to Raise $600 Cap On Biden’s Proposal To Allow IRS To Spy On Bank Accounts ▪ Chamber Of Commerce Will Not Endorse Dems Who Vo

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                                                                                                    Bill Targets 'Woke' Corporations By Holding Activist Boards Accountable

                                                                                                    Legislation was introduced in the US Senate this week that would allow corporate shareholders to challenge corporate financial...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Sept. 26, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ US Reopens Border Crossing in Texas After Clearing Immigrant Camp ▪ 14 Mexican Soldiers With Military Vehicles, Weapons Cross Into US ▪ House GOP: Pelosi Rushing Votes To Keep Lawmakers From Fully Reading Legisla

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Trust Offers To Save Bison From Biden-Backed Trophy Hunt In Grand Canyon

                                                                                                    The Biden administration has clearly defined their apathy for the animal rights movement in its backing of a trophy hunt in the iconic...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Sept. 25, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Dems Won't Kill Biden’s IRS Transaction Data Reporting Proposal; Pursue Raising Cap ▪ Rubio Bill Targets 'Woke' Corporations By Holding Boards Accountable to Shareholders ▪ Dems' Reconciliation Bill Has $6 Bill

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | Which Way Do We Go - DeSantis vs. Schumer-Pelosi

                                                                                                    There are two distinct visions for our country and they can be summed up in one confrontation: DeSantis versus Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. One vision embraces personal freedoms and government that touches the citizen less, and the other engages the pu

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Sept. 24, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ China’s Declares All Cryptocurrency-Related Activities Illegal ▪ GOP Sens Introduce Bill To Block Biden’s ‘Weaponization’ Of IRS Bank Account Surveillance ▪ Grocery Prices Expected To Remain High ▪ Fed

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    National Archives Doubles Down On Constitution, Charters ‘Harmful Language’ Warning

                                                                                                    The Archivist of the United States, David S. Ferriero, defended the National Archives’ decision to label the Constitution, Bill of Rights...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Sept. 23, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Biden Admin ‘Opposes’ Honorable Discharge for Troops Who Refuse COVID Vaccine ▪ More Lawmakers Join In Filing Impeachment Articles Against Biden ▪ China, Russia, Pakistan Envoys Meet Taliban In Kabul, Call Fo

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                                                                                                    Judge In Sussmann Case Linked To Attorney For Ex-FBI Lawyer Lisa Page

                                                                                                    Many current and former US government officials are questioning the objectivity of federal District Court Judge Christopher Cooper's...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News Headlines for Sept. 22, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Articles Of Impeachment Filed Against President Biden ▪ National Archives Doubles Down On Constitution ‘Outdated’ Warning ▪ Dems Tee Up Filibuster Reform By Forcing The Issue On Immigration, Voting Rights ▪

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | HEADLINES FOR SEPTEMBER 21, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ After 8 Mos Of Failed Open Border Policy Biden Asks Pentagon To Send Troops To Border ▪ Dems' HR4 Voting Rights Bill Boosted By Dark Money Group Financed By Swiss Billionaire ▪ Banks Oppose Biden’s New Proposal

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Blood on My Hands: Facebook Bans Song About Biden Afghan Failure

                                                                                                    In its continued assault on free speech, Facebook has executed a very Fascist move in banning the video of a song written by singer-song...

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    IRS, Yellen Now Want Banks To Report Transactions Over $600

                                                                                                    IRS Commissioner, Charles Rettig, and Janet Yellen, the US Treasury Secretary, urged lawmakers last week to give the IRS permission to...

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                                                                                                    Pelosi: Capitalism 'Has Not Served Our Economy As Well As It Should'

                                                                                                    In a stunning betrayal of her true agenda, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), said America's capitalistic system has failed to serve the...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News headlines for Sept. 20, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Fickle Wall Street Tanks As COVID Economy, China’s Property Bubble Troubles Roil Markets ▪ Dems To Vote On Debt Limit Including Must-Pass Stopgap Spending Bill To Keep Gov't 'Open' ▪ Trade Group Urges Dept. of

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News headlines for Sept. 19, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Abstract Delusion: Calif. Democrats see Harris, Newsom As Viable For A White House Run ▪ 28 US Citizens Depart Kabul via Charter Flight, State Department Confirms ▪ Obamaite-USAID Chief Power Set to Speak at Even

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Americans Are Still Trapped At Mazar-i-Sharif Airport In Afghanistan

                                                                                                    The Biden State Department has been forced to admit that there are Americans still on the ground in Afghanistan that are seeking to...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News headlines for Sept. 18, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ IRS, Yellen Push 'Tax Compliance Agenda'; Want Banks To Report Transactions Over $600 ▪ Pelosi: Capitalism 'Has Not Served Our Economy As Well As It Should' ▪ Pelosi: Working with China on Climate Overrides ‘Ge

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    House Panel Democrats Kill Anti-Forced Labor Amendment

                                                                                                    Democrats on the House Energy & Commerce Committee killed a Republican amendment that would have barred the use of federal funds to...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA PODCAST | Border, Border, Chaos & Disorder

                                                                                                    There is so much wrong with what is happening at the US-Mexico border it's hard to know where to begin. From a federal policy that literally opened the flood gates to allow undocumented foreigners - both medically and identity-wise - cross freely into the

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News headlines aggregate for Sept. 17, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Biden Slashes Distribution Of Monoclonal Antibody Treatments To Only Red States ▪ Afghan Airstrike Killed Aid Worker, 7 Children Not ISIS Terrorists ▪ High-Ranking Democrat Lawyer Indicted In Durham Rus

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Underground USA | News headlines aggregate for Sept. 16, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ States See Looming Monoclonal Antibody Crunch As Biden Admin. Rations Doses ▪ Over 40 New Tax Increases In Dems’ $2T Tax Plan ▪ Rep Sen Demands National Archives Stop Putting Warning Labels On Foundin

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Underground USA | News headlines aggregate for Sept. 15, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ TREASON: Milley Told Staff Not To Take Orders From President Trump Regarding Nuclear Weapons ▪ Natural Immunity Longer Lasting Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccines ▪ Study: Half Of 2021 COVID Hospital

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Underground USA | News headlines aggregate for Sept. 14, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Senate Democrats Get Manchin On Board With New Election Overhaul Bill ▪ Facebook's XCheck Program White-Listed Elites, Exempting Them From Censorship ▪ House Democrat Proposals Amount To $2,000,000,000,

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Underground USA | HEADLINES FOR SEPTEMBER 13, 2021

                                                                                                    News headlines aggregate for Sept. 13, 2021: ▪ Biden Plans to Attack Filibuster in Last-Ditch Effort to Pass Massive Voting Bill ▪ Biden Removes US Missiles from Saudi Arabia, In an Obama-Like Move to Appease Iran ▪ Biden Contemplates Crushing Airli

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Leftist Students: 9/11 History Should 'Focus On America's Faults'

                                                                                                    In polling students at the University of Florida about curriculum covering the Islamofascist attacks on the United States on September ...

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Underground USA | HEADLINES FOR SEPTEMBER 12, 2021

                                                                                                    News headlines aggregate for September 12, 2021: ▪ Members Of Congress, Staffs Will Be Exempt From Biden's Federal Vaccine Mandate ▪ Afghan Women Chant 'Death to America' At Pro-Taliban Rally on 20th Anniversary of 9/11 ▪ Manchin Confirms He Will No

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | HEADLINES FOR SEPTEMBER 11, 2021

                                                                                                    News headlines aggregate for September 11, 2021: ▪ PODCAST: September 11th, 2021...The 20th Anniversary of the Worst Terrorist Attack in US History ▪ Taliban Celebrate Beheading Of Afghan Soldier In Grisly Video ▪ FBI Director On 20th Anniversary Of

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Underground USA | PODCAST: September 11th, 2021...The 20th Anniversary of the Worst Terrorist Attack in US History

                                                                                                    As we face the 20th anniversary of the al Qaeda attacks of September 11, 2001, we exist at a time when the mention of the date means different things to different people. For those who were experienced the day in real-time, it is seared into the souls....

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Headlines | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    News headlines aggregate for September 10, 2021: ▪ Producer Prices See Biggest Annual Surge On Record, Stoking Broader Inflation Concerns ▪ Biden Adviser Says Administration Will ‘Run Over’ GOP Governors Who Resist Vaccine Mandates ▪ Pfizer Sets

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | News headlines aggregate for September 9, 2021:

                                                                                                    ▪ National Archives Slaps 'Harmful Content' Warning on Constitution, Declaration of Independence ▪ China Threatens To Send Warships Inside US Territorial Waters ▪ Secretary Of State Antony Blinken ‘C

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Schumer’s Lie: All Americans Who Wanted to Leave Afghanistan Are Out

                                                                                                    Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), said all American citizens who wanted to leave Afghanistan have made it out, contradicting...

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                                                                                                    1619 Project Author: Privately Funded Black History Program Won’t Teach CRT

                                                                                                    The New York Times’ “1619 Project” creator, Nikole Hannah-Jones, said her free after-school literacy program recently launched in her...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | HEADLINES FOR SEPTEMBER 8, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ Schumer Intentionally Misleads Saying All Americans Who Wanted to Leave Afghanistan Are Out

                                                                                                    ▪ CDC Tightened Mask Mandate Guidelines After Threats From Teachers Union

                                                                                                    ▪ Soros Calls on US Congress to Block BlackRock China Investment

                                                                                                    ▪ Uneducated Fear Affects Bitcoin Upward Price Trend on First Day as Legal Tender in El Salvador

                                                                                                    ▪ Newly Disclosed Documents Show Fauci Lied About Gain of Function to Congress

                                                                                                    ▪ More...

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                                                                                                    Biden Attempts to Pivot from Afghanistan Failure to Focus on Spending Agenda

                                                                                                    The White House is preparing to roll out new announcements on a number of President Biden's unrealized campaign promises this fall...

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                                                                                                    Underground USA | HEADLINES FOR SEPTEMBER 7, 2021

                                                                                                    ▪ State Dept, Not Taliban Blocking Private Rescue Flights from Leaving Afghanistan

                                                                                                    ▪ Biden Team Attempts to Pivot Away from Afghanistan Failure to Focus on Inflationary Spending Agenda

                                                                                                    ▪ Richmond's Robert E. Lee Statue to Be Taken Down Wednesday

                                                                                                    ▪ AP Forced to Correct Article Claiming 70% of Calls To Mississippi Poison Control Were About Ivermectin Ingestion

                                                                                                    ▪ Shortage of Supplies and Workers Will Delay Gulf Rebuilding After Ida

                                                                                                    ▪ More...

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                                                                                                    CDC: 80% Have Some Immunity to COVID; Prior Infection Akin to Vaccination

                                                                                                    A recent survey of blood donations found that more than 80 percent of Americans over the age of 16 have some level of immunity to COVID...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: Afghanistan - Ineptitude, Outrage & Death

                                                                                                    The continued reports of ineptitude emanating from the Biden administration and its failure to execute the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan make it clear that the entirety of the Biden administration is unqualified to lead the nation. Now, with re

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                                                                                                    Pro-Antifa HS Teacher Boasts of Turning Students Into ‘Revolutionaries’

                                                                                                    Project Veritas released a shocking video of a California AP Government teacher, Gabriel Gipe, boasting about politically indoctrinating...

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                                                                                                    Biden Describes Afghanistan Withdrawal as an ‘Extraordinary Success’

                                                                                                    In his speech on Afghanistan, President Biden described the withdrawal of US military and civilian assets as an “extraordinary success"...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: The Devastating Results of Mother Nature & Bad Decisions

                                                                                                    As Hurricane Ida begins to pass into the history books it is important to remember that the seriousness of the situation is still upon those affected. All that water has to go somewhere and the rule of thumb is "safety first." We wish that would have been

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                                                                                                    Headlines | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    Underground USA's headline aggregation page featuring the important, most truthful, and relevant items from across the internet news sphere today. News that will keep you up-to-date, informed, and educated on the goings-on...

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                                                                                                    Illinois' Pritzker Signs Bill Requiring Kindergartners to Define Gender Identity

                                                                                                    Illinois’ governor, J.B. Pritzker (D), signed a bill into law claiming the new sex ed standards that require kindergartners to learn to...

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                                                                                                    All-Volunteer Team of US Veterans Launch Mission in Kabul, Rescue Hundreds

                                                                                                    An all-volunteer group of former US military veterans has been secretly bringing hundreds of Afghan elite forces and their families to...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: CRT, IMF & WEF: The Hostile Takeover of the United States

                                                                                                    A small group of organized and steadfast ideologues are on a quest to fundamentally transform the United States of America from a Constitutional Republic to an oligarchy, run by the global elites based in the Communist Chinese economic model of control. W

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                                                                                                    NYPD Police Union Promises Legal Action If City Imposes COVID Vaccine Mandate

                                                                                                    The largest police union in New York City is planning to file a lawsuit if the city tries to force police officers to get a COVID vaccine...

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                                                                                                    Taliban Spokesman: 'No Evidence' Osama bin Laden Was Involved in 9/11 Attacks

                                                                                                    During an interview with NBC News, Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid claimed "there is no evidence" that Osama bin Laden was involved...

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                                                                                                    US Lawmaker Says Taliban Beheaded Afghan Allies, Family Members

                                                                                                    US Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), said during a bipartisan press conference, the US has a “moral obligation” to ensure the evacuation of ...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: Afghanistan Proves We No Longer Have a Representative Government

                                                                                                    With a growing number of private citizens banding together to do what needs to be done in Afghanistan, including former military personnel and religious organizations - and with the Biden administration continuing to slow-walk any aid in extracting Americ

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                                                                                                    Pentagon Starts Afghan Drawdown with Civilians Still in Need of Evacuation

                                                                                                    Approximately 400 US troops have departed Afghanistan, leaving a smaller force to hold the airport in Kabul and conduct sporadic rescue...

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                                                                                                    Woke Illinois 'Punishes' Public School Districts for Not Imposing Mask Mandates

                                                                                                    The Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) has punished 37 public school districts with a total enrollment of nearly 30,000 students as...

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                                                                                                    Subject on Nirvana's Album Cover Suing for Child Pornography, Sexual Exploitation

                                                                                                    The now 30-year-old man pictured as a baby on the cover of the best-selling Nirvana album Nevermind filed suit alleging the former grunge...

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                                                                                                    Hundreds of California Recall Ballots Found in Felon's Car Ahead of Recall Election

                                                                                                    Police in Torrance, California, said they discovered hundreds of recall ballots in a vehicle where a felon was found passed out with...

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                                                                                                    Taliban Will Not Allow Afghans to Leave Country; Refuses to Budge on Evac Deadline

                                                                                                    The Taliban has declared that Afghans can not leave Afghanistan and refused to agree to an extension of the looming US Aug. 31. withdrawal..

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                                                                                                    Report: Taliban Set Afghan Woman on Fire for Sub-Par Cooking

                                                                                                    A former judge and women's rights advocate in Afghanistan, Najla Ayoubi, reported that members of the Taliban set a local woman on fire...

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                                                                                                    Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Funds Removing Carbon Dioxide From the Air

                                                                                                    The $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill passed by the Senate on Aug. 10 includes massive investments in direct air capture...

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                                                                                                    Parents, Teachers at Odds Over Push for Cameras in Classrooms

                                                                                                    A growing number of concerned parents across the country have started to push for cameras in the classroom as the debate heats up over...

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                                                                                                    Northeast Residents Told to Immediately Destroy Invasive Insect Native to China

                                                                                                    An invasive insect native to China has been spotted in the Northeast United States and authorities are instructing people who see them to...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: When Private Citizens Step In to Do What a Failed Administration Was Elected to Do

                                                                                                    Each day since the Biden administration completely failed in Afghanistan, they have been trying to ignore the situation hoping that it will go away, leaving the American people - the private citizens of the United States - to step in and do the right thin

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                                                                                                    Taliban Name al Qaeda-linked Most Wanted Terrorist As Kabul Security Chief

                                                                                                    So much for the Taliban’s declaration of an “inclusive” government in Afghanistan. Days after the Taliban declared Afghanistan an Islamic...

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                                                                                                    White House Scrubs Macron Lecturing Biden From Call Record

                                                                                                    A readout of a call between French President Emmanuel Macron and President Biden revealed that Marcon lectured Mr. Biden on “moral...

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                                                                                                    University of Virginia 'Disenrolls' Unvaccinated Students

                                                                                                    Dozens of students who were enrolled at the University of Virginia had their status reversed because they remained unvaccinated before...

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                                                                                                    With the Epic Fail In Afghanistan It’s Time To Ask What We’ve Become

                                                                                                    With the incredible failure in planning and leadership, not to mention the almost belligerent reluctance to act on the part of the Biden...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: A Stunning Dereliction of Duty By the Biden Administration and the President Himself

                                                                                                    The Taliban has retaken Afghanistan with the only shots fired being those they have shot at the Afghan people. And where is the leadership of the United States? Where is our President? Where is the strong-jawed leadership at the Pentagon and the steely-ey

                                                                                                    News | News

                                                                                                    Taliban Returns to Violence; Breaks Up Protest Leaving 1 Dead, 6 Wounded

                                                                                                    Video coming out of Afghanistan shows that one person has been killed and six others wounded as the Taliban violently broke up a protest...

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                                                                                                    What’s Inside Democrats’ ‘For the People’ Bill and Why It Must Be Stopped

                                                                                                    Majority Leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY), indicated before Congress went on recess that Sen. Jeff Merkley’s (D-OR), election reform “For...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: And Who Is Left to Come to the Aid of the Women of Afghanistan?

                                                                                                    As the Taliban begins to assemble the new government for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan they have issues statements that pretend they have turned a corner culturally by declaring that women are not to be "victims" anymore and that they are welcome to

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: The Fall of Afghanistan...Are They Really That Incompetent?

                                                                                                    As the Taliban continues to roll into Kabul, fortifying their stranglehold on power in that now Islamofascist controlled nation, we have to dispense with the political narratives and honestly assess whether the Biden administration is wholly and utterly i

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                                                                                                    Afghanistan Has Fallen; Flag Lowered at US Embassy

                                                                                                    Afghanistan’s president, Ashraf Ghani, fled his country Sunday as the Taliban Islamofascist terrorist group took the capital, Kabul...

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                                                                                                    Democrats Quietly Pass Tax Boon for the Wealthy

                                                                                                    Congressional Democrats and Marxists disguised as Democrats have gone silent as they move toward raising the cap on federal tax...

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                                                                                                    Proof That Congress Is Poorly Suited To Engage Cryptocurrency Sphere

                                                                                                    If the controversial US infrastructure bill is passed in its current form, it may force crypto companies to leave the country as there's...

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                                                                                                    Biden DoE Directly Interferes With Florida's Sovereign Education System

                                                                                                    The Biden administration is seeking to defy Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), and his recent statewide ban of mask mandates in schools by...

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                                                                                                    Screw My Freedom, Arnold? No, Screw You!

                                                                                                    In a recent interview with Bianna Golodryga of CNN (whoever that is), former Calif. Governor and Hollywood has-been Arnold Schwarzenegger...

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                                                                                                    American Express Or Anti-American Express?

                                                                                                    American Express, which made a $2.3 billion profit last quarter, invited Khalil Muhammad, the great-grandson of the Nation of Islam’s...

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                                                                                                    West Point Curriculum Includes Elements Of Critical Race Theory

                                                                                                    Future officers at the US Army‘s military academy at West Point are being taught several Leftist courses that an active-duty military...

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                                                                                                    Growing Number of Mainstream Democrats View Socialism Favorably

                                                                                                    Democrats and those aligned with the Democrat Party have grown considerably more accepting of Socialism since the COVID pandemic began...

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                                                                                                    NAACP Bastardizes Texas Law To Ask DoJ To Interfere in State Process

                                                                                                    The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) urged the Department of Justice (DoJ) to launch an investigation...

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                                                                                                    China Invented Swiss Biologist Who Claimed US Pressured Who On COVID Source

                                                                                                    China's state media allegedly invented a Swiss biologist and quoted him claiming the US had pressured the World Health Organization in...

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                                                                                                    Taliban Continue Their March, Taking Province Adjacent To National Capital

                                                                                                    The Taliban, an Islamofascist terrorist group, has captured the strategic Afghan city of Ghazni, the capital of a province of the same...

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                                                                                                    Senate Passes Amendment to $3.5T Budget To Deny Funding For CRT Education

                                                                                                    The Senate passed an amendment that bans federal tax dollars from being used to promote or teach Critical Race Theory (CRT), a Marxist...

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                                                                                                    The Fight To Protect Cryptocurrency From Spendthrift Gov't Goes To The House

                                                                                                    Cryptocurrency advocates are lobbying to change the House version of the bipartisan infrastructure package after lawmakers and the...

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                                                                                                    Pentagon Says There Will Be Exceptions To COVID Vaccine Mandate

                                                                                                    US military service members will be allowed to seek an exemption to the soon-to-be-mandated COVID vaccines, which would be determined by...

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                                                                                                    Racial Segregation Implemented In Atlanta School

                                                                                                    Late last year, Kila Posey met with the principal of Mary Lin Elementary School in Atlanta because she wanted her child with a teacher...

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                                                                                                    China Uses Artificial Intelligence on Social Media To Propagandize America

                                                                                                    A massive pro-China “spamouflage” network on social media is being used to distort international perceptions on important issues, such as...

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                                                                                                    Lawmakers Encroach on Cryptocurrencies To Fund Their Out-Of-Control Spending

                                                                                                    The Senate passed the “bipartisan” $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment & Jobs Act Tuesday after the bill underwent several amendments...

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                                                                                                    Wisconsin Governor Advances The Lies Of Voter Reform Disenfranchisement

                                                                                                    Wisconsin's Governor, Tony Evers (D), vetoed several pieces of legislation aimed at reforming absentee voting laws passed by the state...

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                                                                                                    Oregon Suspends Math, Reading Proficiency As Graduation Requirement

                                                                                                    Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown (D), quietly signed a bill last month that dropped the requirement that high school students prove...

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                                                                                                    Pentagon To Force Military Members To Vaccinate Under Threat Of Punishment

                                                                                                    The Pentagon will require all members of the US military to receive the COVID vaccine by the 15th of September. The FDA is expected to...

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                                                                                                    Marxist Democrats Continue To Spend The US Into Destitution

                                                                                                    Senate Democrats have unveiled a draft budget proposal that outlines $3.5 trillion in spending, including for paid medical leave, two...

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                                                                                                    Rand Paul Issues A 'Call To Arms' To Resist COVID Restriction Tyranny

                                                                                                    Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), released a video urging the public to resist COVID regulations issued by the Biden administration and the Center...

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                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    With the mayor of Chicago presiding over a city that sees war-zone-like shooting and death numbers every weekend to a New York governor who pats himself on the back for killing 15,000+ seniors with his COVID edicts, Our elected class is becoming increasin

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                                                                                                    Texas Dems Try to Blame GOP For Their Abandonment Of The Process

                                                                                                    Nearly two dozen Texas House Democrats who fled to Washington, DC, last month to stymie an election reform bill are suing top Republicans...

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                                                                                                    The Taliban Continues Its March Back to Power in Afghanistan

                                                                                                    Taliban terrorists ambushed the Afghan capital of Kabul on Friday and assassinated the director of a state media center while also...

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                                                                                                    Biden Sec. of State Concerned Over Communist China's Nuclear Weapons Build-Up

                                                                                                    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken told a group of foreign ministers he is deeply concerned about the rapid growth of China's nuclear...

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                                                                                                    ID Required for Unemployment Compensation But Not Voting?

                                                                                                    Pennsylvania now requires individuals filing for unemployment compensation to prove their identity before receiving payments. In an...

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                                                                                                    STUDY: COVID Survivors Possess Long-Term, Broad Immunity Across the Spectrum

                                                                                                    People who have recovered from COVID retain broad and effective longer-term immunity to the disease, according to a new study. Findings...

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                                                                                                    Expansion of Visa Waivers Sought Despite 9-11 Commission Warning

                                                                                                    President Biden’s administration is looking to expand the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) despite warnings from investigators who reviewed failures in the immigration system after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. This week, Secretary of State Antony

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                                                                                                    House Republicans Start Impeachment Proceedings Against DHS Chief

                                                                                                    A House Republican announced a long-shot bid to remove President Biden's top border official in response to the worsening situation at the border. Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ), whose district sits close to the US-Mexico border, announced he will file articles o

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                                                                                                    Senate In Extended Session Until 'Infrastructure' Bill Is 'Passed'

                                                                                                    The Senate voted to advance a $1.2 trillion infrastructure measure, setting up final passage as soon as this weekend. Lawmakers held an...

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                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    With 18 milquetoast Republicans signing on to the spendthrift, Marxist-promoted "infrastructure" bill, that has very little to do with actual infrastructure, we must do everything we can to apply pressure - NOW - on our Senators to stop this horrible piec

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                                                                                                    If You Own An Apple iPhone Your Right To Privacy Is Dead

                                                                                                    Apple announced Thursday is it planning to scan all iPhones in the United States for child abuse imagery, raising alarm among security...

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                                                                                                    Biden Administration Again Tries to Dupe the Public With Bogus DoJ 'Ruling'

                                                                                                    The Department of Justice is backing the CDC, alleging the health agency’s new eviction moratorium is lawful even though the Supreme...

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                                                                                                    AK-47 Wielding Drive-By A Byproduct Of 'Defund The Police' Movement

                                                                                                    Even before the unintelligent move to “defund the police,” law enforcement had its hand not only full but loosely hog-tied in their...

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                                                                                                    Islamofascists Target, Burn US-Sponsored Christian Orphanage

                                                                                                    The only orphanage supported by a US nonprofit in the conflict-devastated Jos area of Plateau State in Nigeria has been destroyed by...

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                                                                                                    Mayor Takes Correct Stance on COVID Passports; Misses Chance to Bridge Divide

                                                                                                    Boston’s acting mayor appeared on Aug. 3 to voice her opposition to requiring proof of COVID-19 vaccination, suggesting that so-called...

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                                                                                                    When the Government Branch Tasked With Executing The Law Violates It

                                                                                                    Despite the Supreme Court’s warning that any executive extension of the federal eviction moratorium would be struck down, the CDC...

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                                                                                                    New York Times Again Attempts to Run Interference for the Truly Evil

                                                                                                    The New York Times has updated its headline of a book review that referred to al-Qaeda founder Usama bin Laden as a ‘devoted family man’...

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                                                                                                    Would A Mandatory Alcohol Detection Unit In Vehicles Violate Privacy Rights?

                                                                                                    The$1 trillion-plus infrastructure package currently being debated, would require that alcohol monitors be installed in all new cars...

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                                                                                                    Andrew Cuomo Guilty Of A Lot More Than Just Sexual Harassment

                                                                                                    New York’s Democrat Governor, Andrew Cuomo, is refusing to step down after a concluded independent investigation revealed he sexually...

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                                                                                                    Communist Chinese Trained Cuban Police On How to Deal with Protesters

                                                                                                    Records show that the Cuban military, paramilitary, and police forces who have taken to beating protesters calling for an end to Communist tyranny, received “counter-terrorism” training from the Communist Chinese paramilitary. Records going back ten y

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                                                                                                    Andrew Cuomo Guilty Of A Lot More Than Just Sexual Harassment

                                                                                                    New York’s Democrat Governor, Andrew Cuomo, is refusing to step down after a concluded independent investigation revealed he sexually...

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                                                                                                    The Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bill Bypasses 'Buy Made in USA'

                                                                                                    In a bill that is supposed to benefit the infrastructure of the United States and through that effort US businesses and the American...

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                                                                                                    Did the US Make a Mistake in Not Aggressively Seeking COVID Herd Immunity?

                                                                                                    As the fear-mongers of the Deep State and bureaucratic sphere start to saber-rattle about the Delta variant of the COVID virus and how...

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                                                                                                    Once Again the Palestinians Prove They Are Anything But Peaceful

                                                                                                    Even as the radical Left in the United States champion the Palestinian “cause,” Palestinians themselves keep stating – overtly – their...

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                                                                                                    Senate to Move 'Bi-Partisan' Infrastructure Bill Without Reading It

                                                                                                    Just as with the move to cloture, it appears the US Senate is set to vote on the contentious “bipartisan” infrastructure bill without...

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                                                                                                    NIH Director Ignores Emergency Authorization Status In Hawking COVID Vaccine

                                                                                                    The director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Francis Collins, suggested that private-sector businesses require vaccine...

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                                                                                                    Lawmakers Call for Auditing the Decision Making, Messages Processes for CDC

                                                                                                    A group of US Senators is crafting legislation that would require an examination of the decision-making and messaging by the Centers for...

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                                                                                                    New COVID Mask Hysteria Based on Rejected Study from India

                                                                                                    A study used by the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) as the basis for its newest guidance reversal regarding the earring of...

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                                                                                                    White House Attempts to Bribe People with Taxpayer Dollars to Get Vaccinated

                                                                                                    The spending never stops. President Biden has called on state and local governments to dip into the $350 billion common account for state...

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                                                                                                    Senators Float Taxing Cryptocurrency Transfers to Fund Bloated Infrastructure Bill

                                                                                                    Understanding that the federal government never quests to cull the frivolous spending to fund their projects, the “bi-partisan” group of...

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                                                                                                    Minnesotans File Lawsuit Claiming Discrimination, Harassment Due to CRT

                                                                                                    The purveyors of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in Minnesota have overreached to the point of litigation with three separate lawsuits being...

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                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    Something just doesn't smell right here with the push to reinstate the COVID masks. Something also doesn't feel right about the want to institute COVID passports and the move to exclude unvaccinated people, even those who have survived the virus. If the v

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                                                                                                    The Swamp: 18 Republicans Sign-Off on Cloture for Incomplete Infrastructure Bill

                                                                                                    In a move that should raise eyebrows on both sides of the aisle, the US Senate – including 18 Republicans – voted to advance an as of yet...

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                                                                                                    US Postal Service Union Pushes Back Against Biden COVID Vaccine Mandate

                                                                                                    Signaling that perhaps the practice of taking the Biden administration and the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) at their...

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                                                                                                    Teacher of the Year Placed 'On Leave' After Questioning Equity Training

                                                                                                    A Virginia teacher with an exemplary record who in 2016 had been named “Teacher of the Year” in her school was placed on administrative...

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                                                                                                    Leftist Elite, Outsiders Load Up Whitmer's Campaign War Chest

                                                                                                    In a stunning revelation that spotlights what should be termed “election interference,” campaign finance reports filed with election...

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                                                                                                    If the Vaccine Works, What's with the Mask Mandate?

                                                                                                    We’re getting into some duplicitous and deceitful area with the CDC’s new guidelines for COVID mask mandates. Either the vaccines work or...

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                                                                                                    Schumer Uses the Fear-Mongering of COVID to Push Climate Extremism

                                                                                                    Not letting an effectively manufactured crisis go to waste (like a good Alinskyite), US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY)...

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                                                                                                    Pelosi Goes Infantile in Name-Calling of House Minority Leader

                                                                                                    In one of the most inappropriate acts in the halls of Congress since US Rep. Preston Brooks (D-SC), savagely beat US Sen. Charles Sumner...

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                                                                                                    Big Tech Partners With US Intel Agencies to Spy on American People

                                                                                                    It has been revealed that Big Tech has been running a private counterterrorism group that scours your internet activity under the guise...

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                                                                                                    Politicized DoJ Rules COVID Vaccine Mandates 'Legal' Setting Up Legal Challenge

                                                                                                    In a move that should spark a firestorm of lawsuits, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) has “ruled” that federal law doesn’t prohibit...

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                                                                                                    Congressmen Take Unanswered January 6 Inquiry to the DOJ & Merrick Garland

                                                                                                    After months of silence in response to their inquiries, several members of Congress – who have been pressing law enforcement for months...

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                                                                                                    Schools Give 'Equity Survey' to 4th Graders, Tell Them Not to Tell Parents

                                                                                                    A fourth-grader in the Sartell-St. Stephen School District in Minnesota said her teacher administered an "equity survey" in class and...

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                                                                                                    PayPal Goes Woke; Partners to Spy on Transactions to Find 'Extremists'

                                                                                                    The online payment system PayPal has not only gone woke, it has gone all-in on the campaign to frame anyone who doesn’t agree with the...

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                                                                                                    Amazon Makes the Move to Accept Bitcoin Payments by End of Year

                                                                                                    Following an increasingly popular path, e-commerce giant has signaled it will begin to accept Bitcoin payments by the end of...

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                                                                                                    As the Taliban Take Ground the Beheadings Begin

                                                                                                    As the US-NATO withdrawal in Afghanistan enters its final stages. The world is getting a preview of what is to come for the Afghan people...

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                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    As sentences start getting handed down to people involved in the January 6th event at the US Capitol Building, it has become overwhelmingly evident that the unrest that took place on that day served to aid the Marxist Left to co-opt the Electoral Process.

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                                                                                                    DoJ Drops Charges Against 5 Researchers for Hiding Chinese Military Connection

                                                                                                    In a move that raises serious questions about the Biden administration’s relationship with the Communist Chinese, the Department of...

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                                                                                                    Clintonite Podesta Lobbies for Chinese Firm Banned Under Trump

                                                                                                    Making it clear that the Democrats and Marxists in that party care more about enriching themselves than national security, it was...

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                                                                                                    Iran Comes to the Aid of the Communist Government in Cuba

                                                                                                    As the people of Cuba continue their quest for freedom over the tyranny of Communism, another of the world’s despotic regimes has...

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                                                                                                    Biden Administration Slow-Walks Internet Access for Cubans

                                                                                                    Cubans are being beaten, kidnaped, tortured, and killed at the hand of their totalitarian Communist regime, but they cannot beam video of...

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                                                                                                    New Battery Technology Supports Hope of True Energy Independence

                                                                                                    A green technology startup company is claiming a breakthrough for long-duration, grid-scale energy storage that could be the key – or the...

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                                                                                                    Taliban Lays Siege to Kandahar

                                                                                                    The Afghan Taliban has launched an attack on the provincial capital of Kandahar, Kandahar City. This comes after they took control of key...

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                                                                                                    The Most Transparent White House Ever? Hardly!

                                                                                                    Proving that the Biden administration has a distant relationship with truth and transparency regardless of their rhetoric, White House...

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                                                                                                    Physicians Exclaim Effectiveness of Ivermectin Against COVID

                                                                                                    Ignored by the Biden administration, the CDC, and the World Health Organization, an international coalition of respected medical experts...

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                                                                                                    Federal Court Rules CDC Eviction Moratorium Edict Illegal

                                                                                                    In a shot across the bow to let the Deep State bureaucracy know it does not have carte blanche to make the rules, a federal court has...

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                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    We take an opportunity to learn from Lauren Comele Morris, CEO of the Centrist Project, about a hard move by the Biden administration toward medical tyranny in segregating those who have been vaccinated and those who have not. Using the tactic of "mass li

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                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    With China saber-rattling against the West - and freedom - around the world, news that a Chinese company with direct ties to the Communist Chinese Party is buying up land in Texas to erect a wind farm present as something we should pay attention to, and a

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                                                                                                    Majority of Physicians Surveyed Have Not and Will Not Get COVID Vaccine

                                                                                                    If we are to trust the experts – as the Biden administration has told us we should where the issue of COVID is concerned, then a new...

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                                                                                                    Soros Heavily Finances 'Defund the Police' Movement Contradicting Biden

                                                                                                    Betraying a statement by President Biden and a Democrat narrative currently being floated, George Soros, according to Federal Election...

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                                                                                                    Congressman Seeks to Eliminate 'Diversity' Positions at the Pentagon

                                                                                                    In what many consider to be a move back to sanity, US Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX), has introduced a bill aimed at eliminating a major portion of...

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                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    With Andy making his triumphant return (okay, he's back from a prolonged absence due to behind-the-scenes business), the continued happenings down in Cuba warrant a frank examination. Why isn't the Biden administration doing more? How can we let the Commu

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                                                                                                    US Deploys F-22 Raptors in Show of Force in the Indo-Pacific

                                                                                                    The US Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM) has announced it is ordering a massive military presence into the command’s “area of...

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                                                                                                    McCarthy Gives Pelosi Ultimatum on January 6th 'Committee'

                                                                                                    Opening the door for extrication from a position he should have never been in, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), found himself...

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                                                                                                    Sen. Paul Sends a Criminal Referral to DoJ, Says Fauci Lied to Congress

                                                                                                    Hitting his breaking point with the “definition of words” rhetoric game, US Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), said he plans to send a criminal...

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                                                                                                    Iran Creates New Proxy-Military Unit to Fight Taliban in Afghanistan

                                                                                                    As if the situation in Afghanistan needed to be “Islamo-complicated” any further, news has come out of the despotic Iranian regime that...

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                                                                                                    Biden Administration Issues Weak Response to Cuban Cries for Help

                                                                                                    After over a week of contentious and oftentimes violent protests in the streets of Cuba, the Biden administration has responded to the...

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                                                                                                    New Far-Left Dem Talking Point: 'CRT Is Not Being Taught in Schools'

                                                                                                    In an attempt to move a new far-Left narrative into the mainstream, US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), complained about grassroots...

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                                                                                                    Texas Congressman Wants to Prohibit China from Buying Up America

                                                                                                    In a common sense move that should spark a deeper debate, US Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) has proposed legislation to block members of the...

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                                                                                                    Wisconsin Lawmakers Call for ConCon to Protect Supreme Court

                                                                                                    In an age when talk appears to suffice as fulfillment of an obligation, several Wisconsin lawmakers are actually trying to affect a...

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                                                                                                    The 'Biggest Threat to Our Country' in History Sees Light Sentences

                                                                                                    To listen to President Biden, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), the events of January...

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                                                                                                    Biden Has the Ability to Connect Cuban Protesters to the Internet, But Will He?

                                                                                                    As the brave people of Cuba continue to fight for their freedom, their Communist government is doing what any despotic regime does in an...

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                                                                                                    Democrats' #MeToo Double-Standard on Display in Minnesota

                                                                                                    High-profile Democrats in the State of Minnesota – including the state’s Governor, are calling on one Democrat State Representative to...

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                                                                                                    Pronoun Police Get Slapped Down in California

                                                                                                    The California Court of Appeal has overturned a portion of California’s Health & Safety Code that, while only applicable to employees at...

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                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    In one of the most bizarre moves to date, the Biden administration has invited the UN to "investigate" the issue of "systemic racism" in the United States. Given that there's never been a UN Secretary-General from a non-Socialist or Non-Communist country,

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                                                                                                    Democrats Want to Push Amnesty, Immigration Reform in Infrastructure Bill

                                                                                                    It’s hard to imagine that immigration could ever be considered “infrastructure,” but it appears Democrats are set to include several...

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                                                                                                    Klobuchar Lies About Voting Reform; Suggests It Can Move in Infrastructure Bill

                                                                                                    In the continuation of Democrats attempts to co-opt federal elections, US Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), suggested packing the meat of the...

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                                                                                                    London Mayor Hails Statue of Activist Who Beheaded Father in Front of Children

                                                                                                    In a move that questions the state of humanity, London’s Mayor, Sadiq Khan, defended the upcoming placement of a statue celebrating John...

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                                                                                                    Ocasio-Cortez Tries to Focus Away from the Failures of Communism in Cuba

                                                                                                    US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), put both her propagandist tendencies and her geo-political naivete on full display last week...

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                                                                                                    The Federal Government Wants to Micromanage Your Showerhead

                                                                                                    In a move that illustrates exactly how far the government has unacceptably interfered with our everyday lives, the Department of Energy...

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                                                                                                    With Just 1/3 of Voters 'Woke' Why Are We Taking a Knee to Totalitarianism?

                                                                                                    A recent survey taken of one-thousand American voters revealed that under one-third of them consider themselves “woke.” This leads to the...

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                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    Our favorite ex-bartender (it's rhetorical Binky) was in dire need of some logic and a little bit of history where her understanding of the plight of the Cuban people was concerned. Leave it to Frank to set her straight...and set her straight he did. And

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: Marxism & The Radical American Left

                                                                                                    Marxism is on the march here in the United States and it is growing its cancerous root deeper with each passing day. But who was Karl Marx and what was his murderous economic theory born of? Frank talks to James Simpson, a former economist with the White House Office of Budget and Management for three presidents about his new book that explains it all...

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                                                                                                    Biden White House Crosses the Line into Full-Blown Facebook Fascism

                                                                                                    White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki exposed disturbing news that the Biden administration is actively working with the social media...

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                                                                                                    As Biden Does Nothing, Floridians Boatlift Food, Supplies to Cuba

                                                                                                    As the Cuban people fight for freedom, the Biden administration has limited itself to providing supportive rhetoric and little else...

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                                                                                                    Communist Chinese Officials Talk of Nuking Japan in Taking Taiwan

                                                                                                    Existing in ground substantially beyond saber-rattling, China has threatened the use of nuclear weapons should the Japanese interfere in...

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                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been a part of some interesting if not disturbing foreign policy decisions of late. From inviting the UN to judge the United States on racism, to denying Cubans refugee during a revolutionary uprising, to abandonin

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                                                                                                    Woke Florida County Commissioners Refuse to Affirm the US Bill of Rights

                                                                                                    In a move that betrays our nation’s founding documents, the Collier County Florida County Board of Commissioners defeated a proposal that...

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                                                                                                    Democrats Usurp State's Constitutional Rights with Probe into Election Audit

                                                                                                    House Democrats on the Oversight & Reform Committee have launched a probe into the Florida-based cybersecurity firm Cyber Ninjas, a...

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                                                                                                    Where Are the Cellphones and Why Were They Wiped?

                                                                                                    US Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA), and Ron Jonhson (R-WI) want answers from the Department of Justice (DoJ) as to why a significant number...

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                                                                                                    Biden Appoints Union-Connected Trumka to Commission

                                                                                                    In another payback to the labor union bosses, President Biden has nominated Rich Trumka Jr. – the son of AFL-CIO boss Richard Trumka...

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                                                                                                    Biden Administration Invites UN to 'Investigate Systemic Racism' in the US

                                                                                                    In a move that opens the door for the corrupt United Nations to judge the internal issues of the United States, President Biden’s...

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                                                                                                    YouTube Denies County Residents Access to Their Government Meetings

                                                                                                    In a stunning display of obstruction, Google’s YouTube platform deleted a video of a public governmental meeting under the guise of that...

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                                                                                                    As the Taliban Return to Power, the Executions Begin

                                                                                                    As the Taliban continue to re-take territory they held before the presence of NATO and US forces in that nation following the attacks of...

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                                                                                                    Texas Democrats Disenfranchise Their Non-Aligned Constituents

                                                                                                    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), said Democrat state lawmakers who abandoned a special session of the State Legislature to avoid voting on a...

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                                                                                                    IMF Plan Dumps USD as World Reserve Currency, Ushers in 'Great Reset'

                                                                                                    An International Monetary Fund (IMF) plan to boost global financial liquidity threatens to topple the US Dollar as the world reserve...

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                                                                                                    In Wake of US-NATO Withdrawal from Afghanistan, China and the Taliban Ally

                                                                                                    The withdrawal of US and NATO forces from Afghanistan has presented an opportunity for China to fill a gaping void in that country and...

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                                                                                                    Biden to Push Green New Deal Through Budget Reconciliation

                                                                                                    The Biden administration memo reveals the President’s team has decided to advance the more contentious parts of the hyper-partisan Green...

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                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    The Cuban people have taken to the streets making no secret that they want an end to Communist rule. The Castros and their totalitarian ilk, elitists one and all, have fled the country, or so reports say. Meanwhile, the thugs of Communism seek to put down

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                                                                                                    Cubans Take to the Street; Want an End to Communism

                                                                                                    Freedom-seeking Cubans took to the streets across the island nation Sunday to protest against human rights abuses, a lack of freedom...

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                                                                                                    Biden State Dept. Propagandized Cuban Protests While Twitter Ignores Them

                                                                                                    As one of the largest anti-Communist government demonstrations erupted in Cuba, with thousands of protestors marching on Havana’s Malecon...

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                                                                                                    In Texas, Dems Play the Tired Refrain of 'Black People Can't Vote'

                                                                                                    The Republican-led Texas Legislature inched towards passing several critical voting reform bills that prompted Democrat legislators to...

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                                                                                                    The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                    Donald Trump's speech at CPAC pretty much hit on the way Most Americans feel today, that they are tired of an overbearing and oppressive government from top to bottom. It's ironic Americans are pushing back against this totalitarianism at the very same ti

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                                                                                                    Pennsylvania Goes to War Over Election Transparency

                                                                                                    The Pennsylvania Department of State last week ordered county boards of elections to not provide any access to third parties that are...

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                                                                                                    Expansion of the Capitol Police into Field Offices Stinks of a National Police Force

                                                                                                    The acting US Capitol Police Chief, Yogananda Pittman, made an alarming announcement last week that the department – which is limited in...

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                                                                                                    US, France Sign Special Forces Pact as US Troops Leave Afghanistan

                                                                                                    The heads of the United States and French militaries signed a new “roadmap” for cooperation involving both nation’s special operations...

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                                                                                                    Radical Activists Purposely Offend 70 Percent of Americans

                                                                                                    A group of abortion protesters from the radical group Indecline draped a political statement banner across the arm-width of the Christ of the Ozarks statue atop Majestic Mountain near Eureka Springs, Arkansas, that read “God Bless Abortions.” Members

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                                                                                                    They Say to Know Your Opposition

                                                                                                    Sun Tsu, the critical mind behind the Art of War, is quoted as saying, “Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred...

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                                                                                                    Biden Health Sec.: ‘It’s the Government's Business to Know If You’re Vaccinated’

                                                                                                    In a statement that betrayed his lack of knowledge when it comes to privacy laws and medical records, Health and Human Services Secretary...

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                                                                                                    Spendthrift Democrat Elizabeth Warren Wants to Raid Cryptocurrency Wealth

                                                                                                    Beware, cryptocurrency sphere! The spendthrift US federal government is starting to take decentralized currency seriously; seeking to...

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                                                                                                    Communist China Ignores Ethics Lines in Biomedical, Genetic Engineering

                                                                                                    If there was anyone left on Earth who doesn’t believe that the COVID event was a bioweapons experiment leak from Wuhan China, the fact...

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                                                                                                    NEA 'Disappears' Resolutions from Its Website That Affirm a Pro-CRT Agenda

                                                                                                    In a clandestine and wholly non-transparent move, the National Education Association – the nation’s largest teacher’s union – quietly...

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                                                                                                    Biden's Global Corporate Tax Hits a Roadblock; 9 Countries Refuse the Idea

                                                                                                    The implementation of a global minimum tax to provide cover for the Biden administration's anti-free market taxation plan hit a roadblock...

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                                                                                                    Texas Judge Orders Women to Be Divorced Through a Sharia Tribunal

                                                                                                    In an action that denied a US citizen her constitutional right to due process, a District Court judge in Texas ordered a plaintiff in a...

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                                                                                                    Second Teachers’ Union Embraces Critical Race Theory

                                                                                                    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the largest teachers union in the United States, is going all-in on Critical Race Theory (CRT)...

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                                                                                                    VIDEO: Democrats, Marxists Deny More Funding for Border Patrol Amid Border Crisis

                                                                                                    With over one million illegal immigrants having been apprehended at the southern border of the United States since just October, House...

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                                                                                                    No Good Reason the Cryptocurrency Sphere Shouldn't Box Out China Completely

                                                                                                    China appears at the precipice of permanently banning crypto miners from its borders, preparing to issue a new round of regulations to...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: The Solution to Our Cultural Divide...Anti-Federalism

                                                                                                    It seems as though our country has never been more divided. Of course, the population circa 1861 might have a different viewpoint on that, but it cannot be denied, our nation stands divided today, and along fundamentally cultural lines. So, what do we do?

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                                                                                                    The Third-World Despotic Treatment of the January 6th Detainees

                                                                                                    One of the most unconstitutional actions that has ever happened in the history of the United States is currently taking place in our...

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                                                                                                    San Jose Seeks to Tax the Second Amendment into Oblivion

                                                                                                    On June 29, 2021, the San Jose City Council – in a unanimous vote – codified two pieces of gun legislation that amount to nothing less...

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                                                                                                    Senior Democrat Morphs Stance on Voter ID to Contradict Himself

                                                                                                    Just like a Marxist hiding behind the moniker of being a Democrat, House Majority Whip Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC), who for as long as anyone...

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                                                                                                    Ranked-Choice Voting Forces People to Vote for Candidates They Don't Choose

                                                                                                    A vote tabulation mechanism embraced in two states, “ranked-choice voting,” has come under fire from the right and rightly so. It, in...

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                                                                                                    NEA Votes to Push Critical Race Theory Curriculum K-12

                                                                                                    The National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers’ union in the United States, has voted to not only include but emphasize...

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                                                                                                    Comcast Suspending, Terminating Internet Service to Punish Torrent Downloads

                                                                                                    Comcast Xfinity, one of the nation’s biggest internet providers, is embracing the practice of suspending and/or terminating user service...

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                                                                                                    Illegal Immigrant Kills 24 Seniors; Co. Prosecutor Opts Out of Death Penalty

                                                                                                    The Dallas County Texas District Attorney, John Creuzot, announced that he will not seek the death penalty against Billy Chemirmir, an...

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                                                                                                    Anti-Federalism Is the Only Way Everyone Can Possibly Get What They Want

                                                                                                    Not since the US Civil War has our nation been so divided. But where slavery and state sovereignty were the issues in 1861, today the...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: If the Radical Left Has Its Way, The American Cattle Rancher Will Become Extinct

                                                                                                    The independent American cattle rancher. Movies have been made about this very real part of American history. The iconic "Beef. It's what's for dinner," commercials are recognized by over 80 percent of Americans. But the independent cattle rancher is unde

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                                                                                                    Georgia Secretary of State to Takeover Fulton County Election Operations

                                                                                                    Embattled Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), said he will, under the State’s new voter integrity law, seek to take over...

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                                                                                                    File Under You Can’t Make This Up: Now Traffic Accidents are Racist

                                                                                                    Spotlighting the fact that nothing is immune from the disingenuous label of systemic racism, an NBC News report stated that Black people...

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                                                                                                    LA County Health Officials Blame Rise in STD Cases on ‘Racism’

                                                                                                    A program launched in Los Angeles County states that one of the primary reasons reports of sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise...

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                                                                                                    Emails Reveal Biden Campaign Pressured Facebook to Censor Trump

                                                                                                    In a very rare nod to Facebook, new emails reveal the social media giant refused to bow to incredible pressure from the Biden campaign to...

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                                                                                                    Cal State Faculty Bribed to Train in Expunging ‘Whiteness’ from Society

                                                                                                    The faculty at California State University East Bay is being offered $1,200 bribes – or “cash incentives” – to undergo professional...

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                                                                                                    Classroom Book Cited in Lawsuit Talks of ‘Stolen Land’; Revoking Wealth

                                                                                                    A lawsuit filed by a Chicago-area educator charges, among other things, that a book mandated for the classroom says Whites have benefited...

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                                                                                                    More Evidence of the Two-Tiered Justice System in the United States

                                                                                                    Demonstrating that there is, indeed, a two-tier justice system, the Office of Disciplinary Counsel in Washington, DC, has negotiated a...

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                                                                                                    Pelosi Continues Proxy Voting to Protect Her Slim Majority

                                                                                                    House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), has, yet again, extended proxy voting rules that allow remote voting and virtual hearings until...

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                                                                                                    Afghanistan Slowly Falling to the Islamofascist Oppression of the Taliban

                                                                                                    The US military commander overseeing the withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan, Gen. Scott Miller, told reporters the security...

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                                                                                                    Where Are the Democrats on the Black Nationalist Militia Base in Georgia?

                                                                                                    With all the “flapping of the gums” about White domestic terrorists being the greatest threat to our nation’s security, the usual...

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                                                                                                    VIDEO: AOC Ignores Crime Stats; Claims Crime Surge Is ‘Hysteria’

                                                                                                    US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), illustrated just how bereft of the facts she is this week by declaring that anyone who believes...

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                                                                                                    National Archives Abdicates Responsibility of Safeguarding History from the Woke

                                                                                                    In a complete abdication to their duty to accurately safeguard history from the destructive eye of time, a questionably empowered “task...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: A Black Nationalist Paramilitary Compound in Georgia and Not a Peep from the White House

                                                                                                    A man wanted for shooting a Florida police officer in the head was found, heavily armed, on the Georgia property of a Black nationalist paramilitary group whose mission statement is the overthrow of the US government and the creation of a Black nation bui

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                                                                                                    The Marxist-Left Screws Biden Out of His Infrastructure Compromise

                                                                                                    Supporting a compromise infrastructure bill before he threatened to veto it, President Biden has telegraphed that he bends the knee to...

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                                                                                                    Biden DoJ Fires First Shot in War Against Constitutional State Sovereignty

                                                                                                    In a move that can only be characterized as an assault on the sovereignty of States, the Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit...

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                                                                                                    DeSantis Shoots Yet Another Shot Across ‘Indoctrination’ Bow

                                                                                                    Florida’s governor Ron DeSantis (R), signed legislation that requires all public universities and colleges in the State to survey...

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                                                                                                    New Study Finds Lockdowns Didn’t Save Any Lives; May Have Killed People

                                                                                                    A disturbing new study from the Rand Corporation reveals that the State mandated and CDC prescribed COVID lockdowns didn’t save any lives...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: The Absolute Cowardice of Some on the Collier County Florida Board of Commissioners

                                                                                                    It should be a moot point. Shouldn't every county in every state across the nation already be a sanctuary state for the Bill of Rights? We really shouldn't need to declare such a sanctuary, but with Marxists on the March, true public servants would want t

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                                                                                                    Democrats Slate Another Power-Grab Bill to Federalize Elections

                                                                                                    With the “For the People Act” now safely six-feet under, many who exist on Capitol Hill with their eyes open are sounding the alarm about...

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                                                                                                    VIDEO: CRT Trainer Says in the Classroom ‘Free Speech Does Not Apply’

                                                                                                    Re-writing both the Bill of Rights and US Supreme Court rulings, Critical Race Theory proponents recently led a mandatory “anti-racist”...

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                                                                                                    In Red State Florida, One County Can’t Even Commit to Protecting the Bill of Rights

                                                                                                    In a stunning exposure of constitutional illiteracy, the Collier County Florida Board of County Commissioners agreed, in a contentious...

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                                                                                                    First Socialist Since 1965 Set to Be Elected Mayor of Major US City

                                                                                                    As Americans finally start to understand the full extent of how far Marxism has infiltrated our country, the Marxist march to power...

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                                                                                                    Supreme Court Tosses Organized Labor Regulation in California

                                                                                                    In a victory for property rights, the US Supreme Court invalidated a 1975 California regulation that allowed union organizers to show up...

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                                                                                                    Green Energy Not Serving the Needs of Californians Amid Heatwave

                                                                                                    In another example of how green energy isn’t ready to be a primary energy source, triple-digit temperatures on the West Coast have forced...

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                                                                                                    Wall Street’s Single-Family Home Buying Spree Continues

                                                                                                    Yet another deep-pocketed Wall Street investment firm has joined the stampede to buy single-family housing. The Blackstone Group...

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                                                                                                    The Moral Relativist Left Seek to Coerce the Tenets of the Catholic Church

                                                                                                    In an attempt to elevate government above religion, a group of 60 federally elected Democrats, who say they are Catholic, signed a...

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                                                                                                    Taliban Retake Ground As US-NATO Disengages from the Battle Theater

                                                                                                    As US and NATO forces continue the task of disengaging from Afghanistan, Taliban fighters took control of another key district, this time...

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                                                                                                    Woke NJ School Board Rebuked into Submission Over Calendar Holidays

                                                                                                    In a stern rebuke to “woke-ism,” a group of parents in Randolph Township, New Jersey, were successful in pushing back against a woke...

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                                                                                                    Another Biden Nominee with a Corrupt, Questionable Past Past: DoJ

                                                                                                    It seems as though every day the Biden administration is attempting to place another corrupt or connected appointment into a sensitive...

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                                                                                                    When ‘Evidence of Prejudice’ Is a Felony Charge

                                                                                                    A charge leveled against a 20-year old man in Florida for defacing a commemorative paint job in an intersection with his truck’s tires...

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                                                                                                    IRS Denies Tax-Exempt Status Because Bible Teachings ‘Align with the GOP’

                                                                                                    When is a religious group not a religious group? Evidently when the Internal Revenue Service decides that it isn’t. Such is the case with...

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                                                                                                    Democrat Insists Racism, Exclusion Is Bad But Not When It’s ‘Tradition’

                                                                                                    In a condemnable act of “do as I say, not as I do,” US Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), defended his family’s decades-long membership to...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: We See What the Democrats Are Trying to Do with DeSantis

                                                                                                    There is a lot of talk about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and the 2024 presidential race. But even as he is popular for very good reasons - he actually executes good government and serves the people rather than lording over them, there might just be some

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                                                                                                    SOCOM Reinstates ‘Diversity Officer’ After Probe into Calling Trump ‘Hitler’

                                                                                                    He was publicly exposed for posting hate speech against President Trump, but now a “diversity officer” for Special Operations Command has...

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                                                                                                    Texas Governor Vetoes Pay for Legislators After Democrats Walkout to Avoid Vote

                                                                                                    Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott (R), vetoed the portion of the state budget that funds the salaries of lawmakers, staffers, and legislative...

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                                                                                                    World Bank Exposes Its Ignorance on Bitcoin; Defends Corrupted System

                                                                                                    In a decision to refuse aid to El Salvador in its quest to create a bitcoin-powered economy, the World Bank has either proven its...

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                                                                                                    Failed GA Gubernatorial Candidate Stacey Abrams Caught Lying About Voter ID

                                                                                                    After railing incessantly about how election integrity laws – and especially Voter ID provisions – are “racist” beyond the discrimination...

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                                                                                                    What About Those of Us Who Have Had COVID and Survived?

                                                                                                    There is a lot of debate currently taking place surrounding the issue of COVID Vaccine Passports and other documentation where they apply...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: It's Not About Kamala Taking Over, It's About Who Takes Over for Kamala

                                                                                                    With all the talk of President Biden's cognitive decline, there is a lot of talk about a President Kamala Harris and the damage she would do to the country. But the bigger and more important question is this. Who will take over Kamala's spot as Vice Presi

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                                                                                                    Fulton Co. Georgia Election Marred by Double Counting, Serious Integrity Issues

                                                                                                    Everyone who was watching knew there was massive fraud in the 2020 General Election, especially in the five critical states that didn’t...

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                                                                                                    Portland Riot Police Squad Resign en Masse After Officer Charged in Riot Response

                                                                                                    The entirety of the Portland Police Department’s highly trained Rapid Response Unit resigned this week after the indictment of one of...

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                                                                                                    Obama-Era Ethics Chief Excoriates Biden Administration for Nepotism Hires

                                                                                                    The Director of the United States Office of Government Ethics under President Obama is going on record saying that the Biden...

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                                                                                                    US Nuclear Weapons Contractor Hit by Ransomware Attack

                                                                                                    A defense contractor linked to the US nuclear sphere has been compromised by the REvil ransomware cyberterrorist group, sharing snippets...

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                                                                                                    Biden Provides Putin with a First Strike Hit List for Cyberattacks

                                                                                                    Confounding foreign policy and military strategists alike, President Biden told reporters he gave Russian President Vladimir Putin a list...

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                                                                                                    SCOTUS Again Invokes ‘Standing’ to Dodge a Constitutional Question

                                                                                                    In a stunning abdication of its constitutional charge, the US Supreme Court upheld – by a vote of 7 to 2 – the Affordable Health Care Act...

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                                                                                                    We Can’t Abandon Afghan Interpreters, But We Don’t Have to Absorb Them

                                                                                                    As the Biden administration winds down the US military presence in Afghanistan, US Sen. Angus King (I-ME), is pressing President Biden to...

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                                                                                                    Elite School Celebrates the ‘Tarring & Feathering’ of White Women

                                                                                                    Taking race-based hate to an all new level, one of Manhattan’s most prestigious schools, the Spence School, has come under fire for...

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                                                                                                    When Marxist Activists and the Media Get in Bed Together

                                                                                                    The anti-conservative media watchdog group started by Clintonite David Brock, Media Matters, has scored a coup in landing one of its...

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                                                                                                    GOP Senator Introduces Bill to Combat BigTech Social Media Censorship

                                                                                                    In a move that simply can’t come swiftly enough, US Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS), introduced legislation aimed at curbing BigTech social...

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                                                                                                    NATO Will Treat Cyberattacks Against Organization Countries as Armed Attacks

                                                                                                    A statement issued by governments attending the North Atlantic Council meeting in Brussels warned that NATO is prepared to treat...

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                                                                                                    VIDEO: Pink Floyd’s Waters Pushes Back Against Social Media Censorship

                                                                                                    Roger Waters of Pink Floyd fame, had strong words in his rejection of Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg’s request to use one of his...

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                                                                                                    The UN Abandons a Whistleblower to Appease Communist China

                                                                                                    A whistleblowing lawyer for the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) is being thrown under the bus by Sec-Gen...

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                                                                                                    Biden Administration Appoints Yet Another Marxist Radical, This Time to the UN

                                                                                                    The Biden administration is exhibiting its fidelity to radicalism with yet another far-Left nominee. Gay McDougall, President Biden’s...

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                                                                                                    Gender-Identity Activists Rebrand Sex Changes As ‘Gender-Affirming Medical Care’

                                                                                                    Far-Left activists are actively attempting to rebrand sex change surgeries as “gender affirming medical care.” This definition is being...

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                                                                                                    EU Countries Refuse to Condemn Communist China’s Forced-Slave Labor

                                                                                                    The cowardice of European Union leaders was on full display during the G7 Summit where they reportedly blocked attempts from the US...

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                                                                                                    Will the Great Reset Lead to ‘Climate Lockdowns’?

                                                                                                    As the United States and the world recovers from the questionable global emergency that was the China-facilitated COVID outbreak, one...

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                                                                                                    House Lawmakers Finally Go After BigTech But Don't Address Social Media Censorship

                                                                                                    Moving at a snail's pace amid a years-long outcry, lawmakers in the House unveiled an antitrust package of legislation aimed at enabling...

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                                                                                                    American Universities Being Used for Antisemitic, UnAmerican Propaganda

                                                                                                    Students and faculty at American universities satellite campuses in Qatar issued awkwardly similar condemnations of Israel during last...

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                                                                                                    McConnell's Telegraph on the Supreme Court Justifies a Leadership Change

                                                                                                    In a move that would confound even a fledgling political activist, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), telegraphed that he...

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                                                                                                    The Federal Reserve Falls to Wokeness

                                                                                                    In yet another move by the radical Left to “reimagine” our historical culture, the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors issued an edict...

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                                                                                                    James Murdoch of FOX Fame Gave $20M to Marxist Groups & Causes in 2020

                                                                                                    James Murdoch, the son of billionaire Rupert Murdoch who developed FOX News, funneled $100 million into his Marxist-aligned Quadrivium...

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                                                                                                    Biden Nominee for Bureau of Land Management Is an Eco-Terrorist

                                                                                                    The litany of radicals being appointed to the Biden administration never seems to end. This time Mr. Biden’s handlers are advancing an...

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                                                                                                    Biden Administration’s Racist Farm Debt Relief Bill Halted

                                                                                                    Striking a blow for equal opportunity, a federal judge has issued a temporary restraining order stopping payments in a federal farmer...

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                                                                                                    To Kill Marxism in America We Need to Empower the States

                                                                                                    There can be no doubt that Marxism is on the move in the United States. Those who have been paying attention to history understand that...

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                                                                                                    Portland’s Bended-Knee to Antifa Sees Cops Moving Out of Neighborhoods

                                                                                                    The union that represents the law enforcement officers of Portland has announced that after continued targeting of its headquarters by...

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                                                                                                    Google’s YouTube Suspends Senator for Discussing Study on COVID Treatment

                                                                                                    US Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), was suspended by YouTube from uploading any videos for seven days and had one of his videos removed by the...

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                                                                                                    Author of 1619 Project Accepts Payment from Fund Dedicated to Underserved Children

                                                                                                    Oregon’s Department of Education diverted money from a program for disadvantaged children to pay speaker fees for the New York Times’...

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                                                                                                    DoJ Acknowledges No Sedition Executed on January 6th

                                                                                                    With trials underway for many involved in the January 6th event at the US Capitol Building, the charges aren’t anywhere close to...

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                                                                                                    The Institutionalized Call for ESG Scoring Is Upon Us

                                                                                                    As the Right in Washington exists preoccupied with whatever the Marxists put in front of them (and admittedly it is a lot), the financial...

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                                                                                                    Why Are Blackrock, Wall Street Gobbling Up Houses?

                                                                                                    Wall Street, including its 500 pound gorilla Blackrock, is engaged in a house-buying spree that is – as the cost of constructing a new...

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                                                                                                    Backed by Soros, Marxists in America Telegraph Their Plan

                                                                                                    A Marxist group called the Poor People’s Campaign has launched what has been described as a yearlong campaign to advocate for social...

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                                                                                                    Annual Inflation Rate Soars to Levels Not Seen Since Obama

                                                                                                    As expected, inflation exploded in May seeing the consumer price index surge by 5 percent over the past twelve months. This represents...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: Pushing Back Against the Marxist Critical Race Theory

                                                                                                    As the Marxist possessed US education system attempts to move Critical Race Theory into mainstream curriculum, a growing number of parents and teachers are taking a stand and pushing back. But the battle is only beginning and we must fight for the hearts

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                                                                                                    Hate-Spewing Black Man in New York: ‘Blacks Can’t Be Racist’

                                                                                                    A quintessential example of “privileged racism” was on display in New York City and caught on video as a Black man continuously spewed...

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                                                                                                    El Salvador Adopts Bitcoin as Legal Tender

                                                                                                    The Central American country of El Salvador has broken the cryptocurrency seal in announcing that the nation will recognize Bitcoin as...

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                                                                                                    Chinese Fishing Ships Illegally Encroach Sovereign Waters in South America

                                                                                                    Never one to play willingly by international rules, a full fleet of Chinese fishing boats has been discovered switching off their...

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                                                                                                    A Shot Across the Bow: Ohio Wants Court to Declare Google a Public Utility

                                                                                                    In a move that can only be seen as a shot across the bow with more to come, Ohio’s Attorney General, Dave Yost, has filed a lawsuit...

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                                                                                                    India Takes Action Against WHO Scientist for Spreading Disinformation

                                                                                                    In yet another validation of established medicines in the fight against the COVID virus, Indian authorities have initiated legal action...

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                                                                                                    Squad Member Wannabe Showcases Her Arrogance in Attacking Manchin Over S1

                                                                                                    Almost as if on cue, the Marxist members of “The Squad” took to castigating US Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), because he rightly identified the...

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                                                                                                    Harris Disingenuously Blames Climate for US Southern Border Surge

                                                                                                    On her first public relations-centered jaunt outside the United States, Vice President Kamala Harris (D), incredulously attempted to...

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                                                                                                    The Changing of a Long-Used Rubric for Classifying Mortality Boosted COVID Numbers

                                                                                                    As with all things COVID, the reality of the matter is not as it appears. This now relates to the overall mortality rate which has been...

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                                                                                                    Biden Pulls a Kerry: He’s Against It But Will Push For It

                                                                                                    Those people who are protected by the United States as citizens of its territories are not included in many of the social safety net...

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                                                                                                    Manchin Drives a Stake into the Heart of S1 Voting Reform Bill Power Grab

                                                                                                    Barring any last-minute reason for him to join his colleagues in voting with them, US Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), has all but dashed the...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: Oops! There Goes Marxist Power Grab No. 1 Swirling Down the Toilet

                                                                                                    President Biden's free pass to dismantle the United States of America as we know it has come to an u

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                                                                                                    Twitter Defeats Its Own Argument for a ‘Moderation Policy’

                                                                                                    In the row between the Nigerian government and Twitter, it appears that Twitter stepped on its own tail in how it responded to Nigeria’s...

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                                                                                                    First Amendment Under Siege from Both Government and the Private Sector

                                                                                                    In a move that should raise eyebrows across the board, the Department of Justice, at the behest of the FBI, was granted a subpoena to...

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                                                                                                    Those Colluding on the Great Reset Must Explain How Climate Threatens the Economy

                                                                                                    In recent months we have heard both the US Treasury Secretary and now the Federal Reserve bank Chairman advance the idea that climate...

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                                                                                                    Apparently, In Minneapolis, It’s Always Time to Loot and Riot

                                                                                                    The justification bar for protesting, rioting, setting fires, destroying property, and looting is, evidently, set at the lowest position...

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                                                                                                    San Francisco's Teacher Union Outs Themselves as Anti-Semitic

                                                                                                    In a move that has nothing – zero – to do with education, the United Educators of San Francisco’s voted to endorse the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, accusing Israel of committing “apartheid and war crimes.” The m

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                                                                                                    Why Facebook’s Fascist Ban of Trump Is an Attack on the American Political System

                                                                                                    In an action that begs the question of whether Facebook has any fidelity to the spirit of the First Amendment at all, the social media...

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                                                                                                    DoJ Investigating Burisma-Linked Democrat Firm for Illegal Lobbying

                                                                                                    The Biden Justice Department has placed a Clinton-connected Democrat consulting firm in its sights for illegal lobbying activity on...

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                                                                                                    Biden’s DoJ Finally Starts to Take Cyberattacks Seriously

                                                                                                    In what could be a hopeful start to the federal government actually executing its duties, the Biden Justice Department announced it will...

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                                                                                                    Yellen Attempts to Sneaks the Great Reset's ESG Scoring into a 'New Normal'

                                                                                                    Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen told a meeting of the G20 member states that a clear standardized system of measuring green investments...

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                                                                                                    Will Ohioans Stoop to Adding Another Marxist to Congress?

                                                                                                    With twelve candidates to choose from, the question for Ohioans in one congressional district is this. Are you going to send a Marxist...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: Kamala, Kamala, Kamala, Chameleon, She Comes and Goes...

                                                                                                    President Biden has tasked with Vice President Kamala Harris with yet another high-profile issue to spearhead on the heals of a not so fantastic performance on the southern border. So, with a sketchy political portfolio and a poor execution record, just w

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                                                                                                    New Israeli Gov't Prospect Includes Arab Islamist Party Linked to Muslim Brotherhood

                                                                                                    The prospects for a new coalition government in Israel, displacing the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, brings with it some unlikely...

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                                                                                                    Dark Money PACs Connected to Schumer Deceived Voters, Target Filibuster

                                                                                                    Dark money groups with ties to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), are appearing at the tip of the Democrat’s political spear...

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                                                                                                    Why Is Biden Even Allowing the Chinese to Build a Wind Farm in Texas?

                                                                                                    Tacit approval through the Biden administration’s silence on a proposed Chinese wind farm on Chinese-owned land in southwest Texas is...

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                                                                                                    Biden Digs Up ANWR to Make an Issue After Zero Environmental Impact

                                                                                                    In yet another move to address a ‟problem” that simply doesn’t exist, the Biden administration has suspended oil and gas leases in...

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                                                                                                    Putin Turns Tables on Biden Questioning Human Rights of January 6th Detainees

                                                                                                    Proving once again that the Biden administration is playing checkers while Russia is playing chess, Russian President Vladimir Putin is...

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                                                                                                    Biden Taps Harris to Run Point on Voting Rights After She Fails at the Border

                                                                                                    Having failed at the two projects President Biden tasked her with prior, the President has now tapped Vice President Kamala Harris to run...

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                                                                                                    Black Power Activists Foresees Killing ‛Everything White in Sight’

                                                                                                    The ugly reward for stoking the flames of racism was on full display in Oklahoma over the weekend when a Black activist told a crowd that...

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                                                                                                    Biden Administration Again Fails to Protect the Private Sector from Cyberattack

                                                                                                    Yet another cyberattack on the US private sector has occurred signaling that the Biden administration is missing in action when it comes...

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                                                                                                    Texas’ Abbott Drops the Hammer on Manipulative Democrats Over Election Reform

                                                                                                    Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R), stated he will veto all funding for the State Legislature. The announcement comes one day after House Dems...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: Three Cheers for Florida's DeSantis in Going After Critical Race Theory in Schools

                                                                                                    An indignantly woke Florida teacher is without a job today after refusing to abide by a Florida law that prohibits the insertion of the Marxist-based Critical Race Theory into the classroom. Floridians have a stand-up Governor to thank for that...

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                                                                                                    AI-Equipped Killer Drones Are Here...and We Should Be Alarmed

                                                                                                    An alarming report out of Libya reveals that ‟an autonomous weaponized drone hunted down a human target last year” in Libya, initiating...

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                                                                                                    A January 6th Commission: The Indignant Arrogance of the Entitled Left

                                                                                                    Hyper-partisan and opportunistic Democrats on the Hill, Led by US Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA), chairman of the House Government Operations...

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                                                                                                    Crenshaw, Cotton Push Back Against Critical Race Theory in Military

                                                                                                    In a move that encapsulates the idea of ‟pushing back,” US Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), and US Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), have launched a new...

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                                                                                                    Maybe We Shouldn’t ‛Enjoy the Long Weekend’

                                                                                                    Vice President Kamala Harris (D), was rightfully castigated for her insulting and arrogant – albeit unwitting – assault on Memorial Day...

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                                                                                                    Biden’s Campaign, DNC Had to Return Donation Linked to Nord Stream 2

                                                                                                    Further complicating the perception of their relationship with the Russians, the Biden team and the Democrat National Committee were...

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                                                                                                    Biden Delusional on Gas Prices, Says They Are ‛Well In-Line’ With Average

                                                                                                    In a statement that defies the reality every American is feeling at the pump, the Biden administration is rebuking criticism that its...

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                                                                                                    Schumer to Strong-Arm Unconstitutional Election Reform Law Through Senate

                                                                                                    In what should culminate in a filibuster showdown moment in the US Senate, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), will force a vote...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: USPS Special Delivery; The Post Office's Secret Spy Agency

                                                                                                    Did you know that the United States Post Office - the same one that has trouble tracking packages - has an internal clandestine department that spies on your social media posts and the reports them to law enforcement and intelligence agencies?...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: Biden's Intellectual Property Giveaway; Redistribution of Wealth for the World

                                                                                                    Intellectual property right protection is mandated in the US Constitution, but the Biden administration has waived that protection and is set to give away the rights to COVID research and technology. In the end, who gets screwed and who pays the price?...

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                                                                                                    Solar Wind Hackers At It Again; Target and Compromise USAID

                                                                                                    New cyber intelligence from the private sector indicates that the same group that executed the devastating Solar Winds cyber-attack has...

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                                                                                                    Hyper-Partisan Carville Tells Democrats to Lie About Crime Spike to Win Mid-Terms

                                                                                                    In keeping with his reputation of being a disingenuous spin-doctor, Clinton-era Progressive mouthpiece James Carville is urging Democrats...

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                                                                                                    Montana AG Shoots First Constitutional Shot Over Critical Race Theory’s Bow

                                                                                                    Montana’s Attorney General has taken a strong stance, executing a shot across the bow to the purveyors of the Marxist-based Critical Race...

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                                                                                                    Biden Sticks It to Prospective Homebuilders with Proposed Canadian Lumber Tariff

                                                                                                    At a time when the cost of lumber alone is adding over $35,000 to the price of building a moderately-priced new home, the Biden...

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                                                                                                    Forget a Commission on January 6th, How About a Commission on Portland?

                                                                                                    As partisan political opportunists continue to contemplate establishing a 9/11-style commission to examine the January 6, 2021 chaos at...

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                                                                                                    Google Strikes Deal to Access Healthcare Data to Create Medical Algorithms

                                                                                                    In a move that should see every American up in arms, Google has negotiated a deal with HCA Healthcare, one of the nation’s largest...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: Antisemitism in the US Is Reaching Dangerous Levels

                                                                                                    The best prediction of where we are going as a society is based on accurate, fact-based, and sometimes disturbing history. Shockingly, the American Left is marching down a road Germany did in the 1930s. But will We the People have time to stop it...

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                                                                                                    Fauci Corners Himself into a Lie Over Funding Wuhan Lab

                                                                                                    The infamous Dr. Anthony Fauci recently went head-to-head with US Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), over the question of whether the NIH contributed...

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                                                                                                    Bezos Needs a Tax Dollar Bailout for His Moon Mission?

                                                                                                    As Amazon announced it had negotiated the purchase of the MGM film studio franchise to the tune of $8.45 billion, finagling on Capitol...

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                                                                                                    Biden Taps Islamofascist Activists to Vet US Military for ‛Extremism’

                                                                                                    Those who have been tapped to vet extremism in the US military are an array of those who have taken up ideological arms against the US...

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                                                                                                    Federal Reserve Goes Woke; Threatens Financial Stability of Country

                                                                                                    With the advent of the Obama-Biden Era, we have seen the continual politicization of departments, agencies, non-government organizations...

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                                                                                                    Biden Gives Away Intellectual Property Rights; The World Donates COVID Vaccine

                                                                                                    The idea of suspending the intellectual property rights related to COVID vaccine technology was floated by India, South Africa, and China...

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                                                                                                    ‛Mostly Peaceful’ George Floyd Protesters Shoot Up George Floyd Square

                                                                                                    The ‟mostly peaceful” protesters commemorating the first anniversary of George Floyd’s death came under gunfire at George Floyd square as...

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                                                                                                    Cryptocurrency Mining Operations Pulling Out of China

                                                                                                    Only in a land where the government turns a blind eye to genocide and forced labor can news that cryptocurrency miners abandoning an...

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                                                                                                    Pro-Palestinian Ally to Sanders, Tlaib: ‛Stop Condemning Antisemitism’

                                                                                                    A word-manipulating pro-Hamas Islamofascist who claims to have been a surrogate for the presidential campaign of US Sen. Bernie Sanders...

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                                                                                                    Obama Treasury Secretary Warns Spendthrift Biden Is Creating Hyperinflation

                                                                                                    When a former Clinton and Obama-ite writes an op-ed about how the Biden administration is bringing the country to the edge of the...

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                                                                                                    Goldman Sachs Goes All-In on Bitcoin; Cryptocurrencies

                                                                                                    In yet another admission that decentralized cryptocurrency is here to stay, Goldman Sachs labeled Bitcoin – and through it other top...

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                                                                                                    Time to Consider If Computerized Voting Might Not Be Ready for Prime Time

                                                                                                    From Arizona to New Hampshire and all parts in between, it is becoming increasingly clear that electronic voting, as a reliable tool, has...

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                                                                                                    Evidently, BLM Was Instrumental in Fomenting Discontent on January 6th

                                                                                                    After Democrats, led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), spent months propagandizing through their usual suspect media outlets that...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: Little Dr. Fauci & Why I Don't Care About Your 'Triggers'

                                                                                                    What's one more flip-flop from Little Dr. Fauci when it comes to lying to the American people for fun and profit, right? Frank talks with Matt Bruce about this and why everyone on the face of the planet should stop catering to and enabling the "triggered

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                                                                                                    Antisemitism In the US Reaches Dangerous 1939-esque Levels

                                                                                                    From the halls of the US Capitol Building to the streets of New York and beyond, the level of antisemitism being tolerated in the US...

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                                                                                                    China’s Military Chiefs Snub Biden Administration; Won’t Meet with Pentagon

                                                                                                    In what can only be seen as a dangerous devolution in US-Chinese relations, the military leaders of the Communist Chinese government are...

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                                                                                                    COVID-CON: CDC Changes Test Criteria to Affect ‛Better COVID Numbers’

                                                                                                    The Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) has again altered the way data is compiled with regard to the COVID pandemic. This time...

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                                                                                                    China Laughably Orders Uyghurs to Make Videos Denying Human Rights Violations

                                                                                                    The Communist Chinese government has taken great interest in promoting a series of videos featuring Uyghur men and women deny...

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                                                                                                    Federal Reserve’s Powell Misses the Point on Digital Currency

                                                                                                    A recent statement by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell addressing the potential adoption of a central bank digital currency...

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                                                                                                    White House Announces It Will Use ‛Holder Model’ to Spy on Journalists

                                                                                                    The Biden White House has declared that it will embrace the ‟Holder Model” of how to engage with journalists and journalistic...

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                                                                                                    Florida Makes Example of Racist Teacher Who Refused to Follow CRT Ban

                                                                                                    A teacher in Duval County Florida was terminated for refusing to abide by an executive order issued by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), that...

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                                                                                                    Biden Violates Constitution in Attempting to Give Away Intellectual Property Rights

                                                                                                    President Biden has made a unilateral decision to usurp the constitutional protections of American intellectual property (IP) rights...

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                                                                                                    USPS iCOP Clandestine Social Media Surveillance ‛Broader in Scope’ Than Thought

                                                                                                    A suspect clandestine data mining and surveillance operation being conducted by the United States Postal Service that spies on peoples’...

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                                                                                                    PODCAST: Spendthrift Biden Taking Credit for a Ceasefire He Had Little to Do With?

                                                                                                    As the Biden administration spends the United States into destitution courting hyperinflation that will kill your savings, the President took to the microphones to take credit for th Israeli-Hamas ceasefire which he had very little to do with. Does truth

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                                                                                                    Massachusetts School Segregating Students Based on Race

                                                                                                    In yet another attempt by the education system to cultivate racism among students, a Massachusetts school district has come under fire...

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                                                                                                    IRS Makes Unlegislated Move to Require Cryptocurrency Transfer Reporting

                                                                                                    The Treasury Department, in a move not backed by any proposed tax legislation, has called for requiring all transfers above $10,000 worth...

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                                                                                                    Biden Set to Release al Qaeda Terrorists Including bin Laden’s Bodyguard

                                                                                                    The Biden team has cleared the way for three high-level al Qaeda terrorists to be released from Guantánamo Bay Prison...

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                                                                                                    Partisan DoJ Deputy Unconstitutionally Intimidating the AZ Election Audit

                                                                                                    As expected, the Biden administration’s politicized Department of Justice is inserting itself into the Maricopa County Arizona Election...

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                                                                                                    Biden Administration Plan to Racial Discriminate in Grants Blocked in Federal Court

                                                                                                    A federal judge in Texas has thrown a wrench into the Biden administration’s race-based discriminatory awarding of grants under the COVID...

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                                                                                                    Are China & the US Government Colluding to Attack Bitcoin, Cryptocurrencies?

                                                                                                    Two pressures, both based on false-narrative and self-serving fear-mongering, saw cryptocurrencies dive overnight. The first in an...

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                                                                                                    Pelosi Extends ‛Ballot Harvesting’ Proxy-Voting in the House to July 3rd

                                                                                                    In what can only be seen as a purely political move, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), is ignoring CDC guidance on masks and distancing...

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                                                                                                    The Biden Deficit Spending Explosion Continues with Child Benefit Payments

                                                                                                    The Biden administration will begin sending out monthly payments to approximately 39 million United States families under the guise of...

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                                                                                                    Government Agency Cooking the Books on Wildfire Data to Promote ‛Climate Crisis’

                                                                                                    A little-known government entity tasked with keeping accurate records regarding our nation’s wildfires has been caught manipulating data...

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                                                                                                    Conflict of Interest?: Squad Member Crafted Law to Enrich Herself During COVID

                                                                                                    Squad member US Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), postponed the filing of her 2020 financial disclosure report mandated by Congress as she...

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                                                                                                    Indian Use of Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine Raises Vaccine Profiteering Questions

                                                                                                    Amid a variant spike in COVID cases in India, the world’s second-most populace country, that country’s issued treatment guidance has...

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                                                                                                    Nazi-Adoring CNN Contributor: ‛The World Today Needs a Hitler’

                                                                                                    CNN issued a questionable response to revelations that a frequent contributor from Pakistan to the network had, on many occasions, issued...

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                                                                                                      Rejected by Senate, Failed Biden Nominee Is Still Forced on the American People

                                                                                                      Apparently, when Democrat nominees are rejected the party decides it doesn’t matter and places them in high-level positions. This is...

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                                                                                                      Islamofascist Anti-Israel Protest Showcases Deep-Seeded Hate for Jews

                                                                                                      As Israel takes heat from the usual suspect pro-Palestinian factions from activist to media, the cameras seemed to have missed a display...

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                                                                                                      US Military Commander Relieved of Post for Opposing Marxism, Racism

                                                                                                      Imagine a moment in time when a Lt. Colonel in the US Military would be relieved of his command because he spoke out about Marxism and...

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                                                                                                      Biden Seats Yet Another Hyper-Ideologue at the Dept. of Education

                                                                                                      President Biden’s handlers have once again picked a hyper-ideologue for a position that will ultimately affect every child’s education..

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                                                                                                      France Bans Woke Language in Schools: ‘A Danger to Our Country’

                                                                                                      As the United States steamrolls toward Marxism, the French government is taking a stand against the influence of woke-ism banning schools...

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                                                                                                      Stefanik’s Ascendancy Threatens to Keep the Spotlight Off the Issues

                                                                                                      The elevation of US Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY), to chairwoman of the House Republican Conference, was done to refocus the Republican...

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                                                                                                      US Support of Israel Consists of Removing 120 US Command Troops

                                                                                                      As Israeli Defense Forces engage with not only Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror attacks out of Gaza, but also Hezbollah and...

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                                                                                                      In the Midst of ‛Racial Justice’ Racism a Voice of Reason

                                                                                                      A violent and obstinate Black Lives Matter protester, who bashed in the windshield of a Mobile, Alabama police car while the officer was...

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                                                                                                      DHS Creating An Independent ‛Intelligence Unit’ to Focus on Domestic Terrorism

                                                                                                      In a move that should send chills down the spines of anyone who believes in the Bill of Rights, Department of Homeland Security Sec...

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                                                                                                      Activist Oklahoma City School Board Misses the Point in Its Mission

                                                                                                      In a move that should have every resident of Oklahoma City contemplating the removal of every member of that district’s school board, the eight-member Oklahoma City Public Schools Board of Education unanimously denounced a new law that implicitly bans t

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                                                                                                      120 Retired Flag Officers Urge Every American to Fight for ‘Constitutional Freedom’

                                                                                                      An unprecedented communication from over 150 retired US military flag officers directly to the American people warns that the United...

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                                                                                                      Was Elon Musk Coerced by the Marxist Deep State to ‛Abandon’ Bitcoin?

                                                                                                      In a move that contradicts everything the innovator has said about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency to date, Elon Musk announced late Tuesday...

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                                                                                                      Islamofascists Have Fired More Than 700 Rockets Into Israel In 48 Hours

                                                                                                      Islamofascist terrorists from the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad groups fired uninterrupted barrages of rockets into Israel – over...

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                                                                                                      COVID Unemployment Compensation Stunts Employment Growth

                                                                                                      The federal government's interference in the free market – from facilitating the shutdown of the economy to making it more lucrative to...

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                                                                                                      After Crippling Hack, Pentagon Says China, Russia Can Disrupt Our Military Satellites

                                                                                                      In the aftermath of a cyberattack on the Colonial pipeline that has crippled the petroleum supply chain on the eastern seaboard of the...

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                                                                                                      PODCAST: Lamar Texas Democrats Prove It's About Nothing More Than Winning

                                                                                                      The Chairman of the Lamar County Democrats dispatched a racial slur at a Black US Senator and promptly offered his resignation for his misstep. But the Democrats in his group gave him a pass at his racism because, well, he's a Democrat and evidently it do

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                                                                                                      Anti-Woke Academics Move to Form Online Education Platform

                                                                                                      As mainstream education in the United States takes a knee to woke-ism, scores of scholars, including some distinguished figures from...

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                                                                                                      Communist Chinese Mouthpiece Saber-Rattles Australia

                                                                                                      An editorial from a usual suspect Communist Chinese state-connected publication issued a blatant threat to the Australian government...

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                                                                                                      The DarkSide Attack On the Colonial Pipeline And Why We Should Pay Attention

                                                                                                      As the eastern seaboard of the United States prepares for higher gasoline prices because of the DarkSide ransomware attack on the...

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                                                                                                      PODCAST: Marxists Posing as Black Activists Book Burn 'The Diary of Anne Frank'

                                                                                                      Demonstrating a complete ignorance of world history - and even going as far as to spell their own tribe incorrectly, the Black Hammer Organization bragged about burning The Diary of Anne Frank to keep warm in Colorado's mountains, calling her a "German im

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                                                                                                      Biden's Withdrawal from Afghanistan Returns Middle East to Tribal War

                                                                                                      The consequences of the departure of US troops from Afghanistan became evident Sunday as the death toll from a terrorist bomb attack...

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                                                                                                      China Makes Its Move to Displace the US Dollar as the World Reserve Currency

                                                                                                      As the world flirts with the dangerous move of digitizing currency, it is unsurprising that the totalitarian Communist Chinese regime...

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                                                                                                      Biden Bolsters Union Strength in Deep State; Waives Rules for Union Operatives

                                                                                                      If the unholy relationship between labor unions and the Marxist administration of Joe Biden weren’t clear enough, Republicans are now...

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                                                                                                      PODCAST: Austin City Reaches Its Limit...with Marxism

                                                                                                      In an attempt to circumvent a mass exodus of corporations from the United States when they impose their massive corporate tax hikes, the Biden administration is begging other nations to raise their corporate taxes, too. But why would they? Frank and Andy

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                                                                                                      VIDEO: Another Black-on-Asian Violent Crime, This Time in Baltimore

                                                                                                      In what seems to be a never-ending stream of Black-on-Asian violent crimes, police arrested Daryl Doles, 50, who was caught on camera...

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                                                                                                      Broadband Companies Paid for Fake Comments to the FCC to Sway Vote

                                                                                                      A new report from the New York State Attorney General’s Office concludes that BigTech broadband companies paid for millions of fraudulent...

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                                                                                                      Election Reform Laws Push Back on a Long-Held False Narrative

                                                                                                      Several election reform laws have been enacted, with many more in the processes of making it to desks of governors across the nation...

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                                                                                                      PODCAST: The Biden Administration Proposes Other Countries Raise Their Taxes, Too

                                                                                                      In an attempt to circumvent a mass exodus of corporations from the United States when they impose their massive corporate tax hikes, the Biden administration is begging other nations to raise their corporate taxes, too. But why would they? Frank and Andy

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                                                                                                      Portland Cedes Its Streets to Antifa; Heavily Armed Gangs Accost Drivers

                                                                                                      Video posted on Twitter of a Thursday confrontation appears to show heavily armed Antifa protesters assaulting a driver at gunpoint and...

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                                                                                                      PODCAST: So, Now Achieving Racial 'Equity' Requires the Dumbing Down of America's Kid

                                                                                                      The California Department of Education is suggesting - strongly suggesting - that schools eliminate advanced placement math classes, not because students weren't qualifying, but because AP math classes are, get this, "racist." Frank and Andy address this

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                                                                                                      More States Join the Push Back Against Critical Race Theory

                                                                                                      South Dakota’s governor has signed a pledge to re-institute accurate US history education in that state’s public schools. South Dakota...

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                                                                                                      COVID Wasn’t Enough, Now We Have to Deal with Crashing Chinese Space Debris

                                                                                                      As if unleashing the COVID virus on the world wasn’t egregious enough, now a chunk of launch debris from a Chinese rocket, measuring the...

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                                                                                                      Yet Another Black-on-Asian Attack; When Will the Black Community Act?

                                                                                                      In yet another race-based and unprovoked attack, an Asian man, who was walking his 1-year-old child in a stroller, was attacked by a...

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                                                                                                      Biden Is All Over the Board on Social Media's Attack on the First Amendment

                                                                                                      In the aftermath of Facebook’s totalitarian decision to maintain their banishment of former President Trump, the Biden administration...

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                                                                                                      So, Now Achieving Racial 'Equity' Requires the Dumbing Down of America's Kids?

                                                                                                      The California Department of Education is suggesting - strongly suggesting - that schools eliminate advanced placement math classes, not because students weren't qualifying, but because AP math classes are, get this, "racist." Frank and Andy address this

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                                                                                                      Why the ‛War on Police’?

                                                                                                      Police officers take an oath of office to uphold the law. They do not take an oath to support a political party or ideology...

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                                                                                                      Black Communists Smear Anne Frank; Book Burn with Her Diary

                                                                                                      A woke Black communist movement in Colorado has exhibited its core value of hate in a social media post that calls Anne Frank a...

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                                                                                                      The Systemic Racism & Hate Inside the Modern Day Democrat Party

                                                                                                      In a demonstration of how Democrats embrace a two-tiered idea of justice, the chairman of the Lamar County Democrat Party of Texas was...

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                                                                                                      The Stupidity the Woke Movement Inflicts Upon Society

                                                                                                      In a move that screams ‟lowest common denominator,” the California Department of Education’s mathematics curriculum framework for 2021...

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                                                                                                      In Portland, the Prosecution of Crimes Is Subjective

                                                                                                      After almost a year of chaos and destruction in Portland at the hands of Black Lives Matter protesters and Antifa anarchists, it appears...

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                                                                                                      Who Does the Nation Turn to When the FBI Goes Rogue?

                                                                                                      A joint letter from the ranking members of two prominent House committees to FBI Director Christopher Wray called on him to provide a...

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                                                                                                      Does the CIA Going ‛Woke’ Serve the Country Or Inane Special Interest?

                                                                                                      A disturbing recruitment video produced by the Central Intelligence Agency was packed with political and ideological agenda items that...

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                                                                                                      Hansjörg Wyss: George Soros’ ‛Robin’

                                                                                                      Lookout, George Soros, there’s a new anti-American philanthropist in town, and his name is Hansjörg Wyss. The Swiss billionaire is just...

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                                                                                                      Communist Chinese Companies Gamed the System to Glean COVID Relief Funding

                                                                                                      As Americans continue to financially struggle because of the naïve choices made by elected officials in combating the COVID event, a...

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                                                                                                      The Pipe Dreams of the Biden Tax Man

                                                                                                      The Biden administration is attempting to create a safety net, after the fact, to protect from a mass exodus of corporate taxpayers due...

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                                                                                                      PODCAST: Sure Caitlyn Jenner Can Be Governor of California, But What About a Female Track Star?

                                                                                                      The issue of transgender athletics is a hot button. Should men who have decided to identify as - or transform into - women be able to insert male XY chromosome abilities into a sport meant for XX chromosome levels of ability? How many biological females are getting knocked out of the record books and moved out of scholarships? Frank and Andy bring their twisted take to the matter...

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                                                                                                      Did the DOJ/FBI Violate the Law in Wiretapping Trump & Giuliani?

                                                                                                      In an action that suggests the Federal Bureau of Investigation may have acted outside the constraints of the law, former New York City...

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                                                                                                      Leaked Docs Reveal How Communist China Wants to Control Free Speech Online

                                                                                                      Recently exposed internal documents reveal that Communist Chinese leader Xi Jinping personally directed his regime to focus its efforts...

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                                                                                                        Why Is The Black Community So Accepting of Violence As the New Normal?

                                                                                                        If there is systemic malady affecting the Black community in the United States is certainly isn’t systemic racism, be it in law...

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                                                                                                        Housing Industry Feels the Pain of High Lumber Costs from Unnecessary COVID Shutdowns

                                                                                                        Skyrocketing lumber prices that have tripled over the past 12 months have driven the price of an average new single-family home to rise...

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                                                                                                        Slain BLM Protester’s Family Sues Seattle for Not Policing ‛No Police’ Zone

                                                                                                        The duplicity of the Black Lives Matter movement is on full display in Seattle where the mother of an activist who was gunned down last...

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                                                                                                        Manchin Throws a Constitutional Wrench into DC Statehood

                                                                                                        The gerrymandering of the US Congress – and especially the US Senate, was dealt a blow Friday when US Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) said he...

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                                                                                                        Midwestern Farmers Call Out Biden Administration on Their Overt Racism

                                                                                                        In a heartland shot across the bow to the Biden administration, a group of White farmers from the Midwest has filed a lawsuit against the...

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                                                                                                        Florida Joins States That Reform Election Law Away from COVID Chaos

                                                                                                        The State of Florida, fast becoming one of the freest states in the United States, is set to codify a new law that enacts several...

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                                                                                                        Oklahoma to Ban Teaching of Critical Race Theory in Public Schools

                                                                                                        In a victory in the battle to expunge both racism and Marxism from our schools, the Oklahoma Legislature has voted to prohibit public...

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                                                                                                        The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                        The "defund the police" movement has caused a great many police officers either retire or leave the profession in escalating numbers. Because of that a spike in violent crime in many urban centers is happening and people are dying as a result. So, how sma

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                                                                                                        PODCAST: When Race Activists Insert Themselves Into the Justice System

                                                                                                        Maxine Waters, the "Reverends," BLM, and even the President acted and spoke out during the jury deliberations in the Derek Chauvin Trial exerting overt pressure on the jury and the system itself. But what right does a special interest group of any cloth h

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                                                                                                        PODCAST: When No One Wants to Be a Cop Anymore Then What Do We Do?

                                                                                                        An undercover audio file of Iran's foreign minister talking shop revealed that while John Kerry was Secretary of State under President Obama, he violated the trust of our most important ally in the Middle East - Israel - by outing over 200 clandestine Isr

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                                                                                                        Another Nail In the Coffin of Justice

                                                                                                        I find myself in the strange position of agreeing with Alan Dershowitz and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, at least in part....

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                                                                                                        And When a Cop Does Do Something Egregious There Must Be Consequences

                                                                                                        Law enforcement officers are facing an undeserved black eye from the media and various activist groups over a false narrative of...

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                                                                                                        Biden’s OPM Nominee Signals a Doubling Down on Woke-ism in Federal Government

                                                                                                        The Biden administration – or at least the committee that makes the decisions in the Biden administration, appears to be re-committing...

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                                                                                                        Critical Race Theory Goes to the US Supreme Court; We Are the Jury

                                                                                                        Those of us who lived through the Civil Rights movement celebrated the colorblind path that our nation committed to all those years ago...

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                                                                                                        No Blame for the Knife-Wielding Teen in Ohio, Just a Lawsuit by ‛Parents’

                                                                                                        Seemingly absolving Ma’Khia Bryant of any culpability for her attempted stabbing of another human being, the family of the teenager, is...

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                                                                                                        The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                        The media fawns over the likes of George Floyd, Adam Toledo, and Ma’Khia Bryant, people walking on the wrong side of the law when fate caught up with them. But what about those who put on a badge and strap on a gun everyday to put themselves between you

                                                                                                        News | News

                                                                                                        Is Coca-Cola Getting Cold Feet in Its Wedding to Wokeness?

                                                                                                        After taking a boycott hit because of their woke Critical Race Theory-based public policy stances, it appears they are back peddling so...

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                                                                                                        Airline Industry Insiders Understand COVID Passports Will Kill the Industry

                                                                                                        Leaders from the aviation industry representing flight attendants and one of the nation’s biggest air carrier lobbyists testified before...

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                                                                                                        If the 2020 Election Was Free of Fraud, Why Fight An Audit?

                                                                                                        The Arizona Democrat Party continues to obstruct transparency in the contest, now filing a lawsuit seeking to stop the state’s Senate...

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                                                                                                        The Destructive & Arrogant Ignorance of the Black Lives Matter Movement

                                                                                                        The country continues to be plagued by violence and unrest facilitated by the false narrative of ‟systemic racism,” this lie advanced by...

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                                                                                                        The Biden Administration: Nothing Like a Heaping Helping of Crony Capitalism

                                                                                                        It wasn’t too long ago that Democrats used to excoriate Republicans for their connections to big business and the corporate sector. But...

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                                                                                                        Finally, Light at the End of the Activist in Government Tunnel...Maybe

                                                                                                        Just when you thought the old guard Republican leadership was set to sit back and do nothing but complain for the next two years...

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                                                                                                        The US Postal Service: More Than Mail Delivery, It’s Spying On You

                                                                                                        If you’ve wondered why your mail service sucks and why the lines are so long at the post office, this little tidbit should get you pretty...

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                                                                                                        Why the Chauvin Verdict Won’t Stop the Urban Insurrection

                                                                                                        The verdict has been passed. Former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin has been was convicted of all three charges in the death of...

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                                                                                                        When Political Disingenuousness Lights a Powder Keg

                                                                                                        In the wake of the dangerous words of incitement used by US Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), on the eve of the Chauvin verdict, Democrats and...

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                                                                                                        Re-Introduced Green New Deal Is Testimony to the Need for Standalone Legislation

                                                                                                        Don’t look now, but Progressive Democrats, led by US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), are back hawking the Green New Deal and they...

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                                                                                                        UN Agency Continues Teaching Terrorism, Antisemitism; Biden Resumes Taxpayer Funding

                                                                                                        The Biden administration’s resumption of taxpayer-funded aid to the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency was met with accolades by...

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                                                                                                        Proposed Anti-Riot Bill in Minnesota Signals That the People Are Done with Lawlessness

                                                                                                        In a move that telegraphs the fact most Americans have exhausted their sympathies for the woke street agitators, a bill proposed by a...

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                                                                                                        Creating a Human-Monkey Hybrid? Just Because You Can Doesn't Mean You Should

                                                                                                        Ethical questions have been raised after scientists successfully grew monkey embryos containing human cells for the first time. The feat...

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                                                                                                        The Next Great Reset Domino to Fall: US Treasury Department

                                                                                                        US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen has announced the creation of the department’s “climate hub,” an internal office to prioritize...

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                                                                                                        If We Expand Anything About the SCOTUS It Should Be Their Mandate to Engage

                                                                                                        In an action that has become all too common, the United States Supreme Court has refused to hear two cases that they should have found an...

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                                                                                                        National Guard Troops Fired Upon in Minneapolis; What Are The Rules of Engagement?

                                                                                                        Members of the Minnesota National Guard came under gunfire in Minneapolis early Sunday morning as protesters rioted and looted during...

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                                                                                                        Maxine Waters Incites Protesters Saying They Need to ‛Get More Confrontational’

                                                                                                        Controversial US Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA), spewed incendiary language during a protest targeting the upcoming jury deliberations in the...

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                                                                                                        Antibody Treatment for COVID Finally Getting Utilized In of All Places Michigan

                                                                                                        In a nod to what many outside of the CDC and WHO have been saying since the thick of the COVID “crisis,” Michigan intends to expand...

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                                                                                                        Democrats Throttle Back; Fearful of a Public ‘Radical Agenda Fatigue’

                                                                                                        In an acknowledgment that their radical agenda clip has gone too far and too fast, leaders in the Democrat Party are seeking to both slow...

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                                                                                                        Woke-ism’s Critical Race Theory Invasion of Education Being Challenged

                                                                                                        A growing number of parents and educators are pushing back against the destructive and divisive Critical Race Theory being inflicted on...

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                                                                                                        Cryptos Takes a Hit with Hash Rate Blackout, Unfounded Fed Rumors

                                                                                                        The cryptocurrency market, led by Bitcoin (BTC) fell to sudden lows early on Sunday as two events in tandem led to an almost $10 billion...

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                                                                                                        Instagram for Kids? A Horrible Idea That Invites Further Indoctrination

                                                                                                        A coalition of child safety advocates is opposing Facebook’s plans to launch a version of Instagram for children under 13 years of age...

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                                                                                                        Biden Wants An End to Immunity for Gun Manufacturers

                                                                                                        In the wake of yet another mass shooting the White House intends to exploit, Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Congress needs to act to end...

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                                                                                                        Florida’s Combating Public Disorder Bill Is a Move Back to the Rule of Law

                                                                                                        Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis (R), is set to sign into law a measure that takes aim at the unbridled destruction and violence that...

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                                                                                                        The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                        Daunte Wright and Ashli Babbitt. Both shot by police officers and both dead. But only one was wanted on a violent crimes warrant and only one of the shooters is being prosecuted. And get this, they aren't the same cases. While Andy gets back up to speed f

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                                                                                                        Did the White House Bald-Face Lie About a Latin American Border Agreement?

                                                                                                        White House Press Secretary, Jen Psaki, was rebuked by one Latin American leader over claims the Biden administration secured commitments...

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                                                                                                        The Growing ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary State’ Movement

                                                                                                        Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts signed a proclamation designating his state a “2nd Amendment Sanctuary State,” moving the idea of nullification.

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                                                                                                        The Two-Tier Justice System: It All Depends on Who You Shoot

                                                                                                        Two different scenarios and two police officer-involved shootings. But two very different processes as one police officer is charged in...

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                                                                                                        Coca-Cola’s Bottom Line Is Evidently More Important Than Woke-ism

                                                                                                        Executives at the Coca-Cola Company are taking a more conciliatory tone about Georgia’s voting reforms after coming under pressure...

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                                                                                                        COVID: The Killing of People for Power, Profit & Societal Realignment

                                                                                                        The fear and confusion that has been propagated by the ever-flip-flopping CDC, NIH, and WHO over the deadliness of the COVID virus are...

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                                                                                                        Don’t Look Now...Here Come the Financial Manipulations of The Great Reset

                                                                                                        The Biden White House is readying an executive order for the President to sign that will require companies to disclose the risks they...

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                                                                                                        What’s the Punishment for CNN Now They've Admitted to Manipulating the People?

                                                                                                        A new undercover video from ProjectVeritas exposes what most suspected all along, that CNN was purposely propagandizing for the Democrat...

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                                                                                                        The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                        While the loss of any life is tragic, we don't - as a society - toss out the whole of the very process we use to establish guilty or innocence; circumstance or malice. But evidently when Black Lives Matter is involved, everyone who isn't Black is guilty u

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                                                                                                        Biden Move to Federalize Zoning Regulations; Another Blow to Local Government

                                                                                                        The Biden administration is set to revive an Obama Era scheme to bribe local and county governments into ceding their rights to affect...

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                                                                                                        It Doesn’t Appear That Elected Democrats Care About Lying to the Voters

                                                                                                        Newly elected US Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), a devout fan of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright – himself a Black supremacist, conceded that a...

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                                                                                                        Brooklyn Center City Council: Constitutionally Illiterate Or Just Cowardly?

                                                                                                        In a move that begs to be examined for motivation, the Brooklyn Center City Council voted to fire its city manager in the aftermath of a...

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                                                                                                        Who Are the People Who Decide On And Make-Up the Race-Baiting Vernacular?

                                                                                                        In branding the mispronunciation of an Asian actress’s name, The Los Angeles Times effectively launched the canceling of a non-profit...

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                                                                                                        Iran’s Natanz Nuclear Site Experiences ‘Blackout’; Sabotage Suspected

                                                                                                        Just one day after Iran launched its newly unveiled advanced centrifuges at the Natanz nuclear facility, the site experienced an...

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                                                                                                        Violent Attack on Federal Building Elicits No Response from US Congressional Democrats

                                                                                                        Unlike when a few dozen people were let into the US Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021 by US Capitol Police, anarchists and Antifa...

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                                                                                                        UC Professor: Violence Against Asians by Blacks Is Caused by White Supremacy

                                                                                                        A University of Colorado, Boulder, professor, who teaches Asian-American studies, has made the audacious claim that Black on Asian crime...

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                                                                                                        BLM Capitol Rally Protests Laws That Hold Violent Protesters Accountable

                                                                                                        Black Lives Matter protesters swarmed Iowa’s capitol to protest legislation that would exact punishment for violent and criminal behavior...

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                                                                                                        Biden DOJ Pick Organized Anti-Cop Conference

                                                                                                        President Biden has once again chosen an extremely controversial nominee to lead the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division and...

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                                                                                                        Biden Probes Changes to Supreme Court; Justices Voice Opposition

                                                                                                        As promised during the election, President Biden has announced the creation of a commission to study possible reforms to the SCOTUS...

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                                                                                                        The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                        Imagine if you will a world where the President of the United States believes constitutional amendments are suggestions and New York's governor wants to pay illegal immigrants over three times what taxpayers received in COVID stimulus. Well, you don't hav

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                                                                                                        The Arrogant Cancel Culture Reaches the Sanctuary of Podcastland

                                                                                                        It may not seem like a big deal to someone who has inked a $100 million deal with the outlet, but Spotify is quietly removing episodes of...

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                                                                                                        Illegals & The Pandemic: New York Taxpayers Go Deep into Debt by Bending the Knee to Ideology

                                                                                                        New York lawmakers are set to explode that’s state’s debt in their striking of a deal to establish a $2.1 billion COVID relief fund for...

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                                                                                                        Is One Boston Hospital Implementing Systemic Racism into Medicine?

                                                                                                        A Boston hospital appears to have been infected with “woke-ism.” Brigham and Women’s Hospital has announced it will offer “preferential...

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                                                                                                        It Shouldn’t Take a Lawsuit to Purge Dead People from Voter Rolls

                                                                                                        In a move that forces the State of Pennsylvania Board of Elections to actually do the job it was created to do, a lawsuit settlement has...

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                                                                                                        The Islamofascist Dismissal of Male Culpability in Sexual Assault

                                                                                                        In a statement that elicited anger among several communities throughout his country, Pakistan’s prime minister appeared to blame how some...

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                                                                                                        Iran Attempts to Implicate Israel in Explosion that Targeted IRGC-Linked Spy Ship

                                                                                                        An explosion aboard an Iranian-flagged ship in the Red Sea that many suspect serves as an intelligence-gathering operation for Iran’s...

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                                                                                                        As Progressives Are Want to Do, The Definition of ‘Infrastructure’ Is Changing Before Your Eyes

                                                                                                        As Progressives and partisan Democrats are want to do, the meaning of the word “infrastructure” is being manipulated to include items...

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                                                                                                        The Judicial Process Must Prevail Regardless of Pressure from Groups Like Black Lives Matter

                                                                                                        A prominent Black Lives Matter activist appeared to threaten the courts, warning in a now-deleted social media post that cities will be...

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                                                                                                        Tensions Mount in the South China Sea as the Communist Chinese Saber-Rattle

                                                                                                        The Communist Chinese government, having identified the United States as weak since the ascendance of Joe Biden to the presidency, is...

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                                                                                                        The Meteoric Fall of '60 Minutes'

                                                                                                        At one point just a few decades ago, CBS News’s 60 Minutes was considered the pinnacle of investigative journalism. They were meticulous...

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                                                                                                        Apparently, We Have Elected the Most Naïve Administration in the History of the World

                                                                                                        In a move that calls into question the Biden administration’s gullibility, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is set to request a global...

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                                                                                                        Why We Need to Know Who Is Coming Into Our Country

                                                                                                        As the Biden administration struggles to graduate from a sophomoric performance at the US-Mexico border, US Customs & Border Patrol...

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                                                                                                        Mainstream Media Censors Reports to Exclude Descriptions of Black Assailants

                                                                                                        The mainstream media continues to report on the statistics of assailants that are perpetrating high-profile violent crimes and they are...

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                                                                                                        The Tyranny of the Minority: Radical Democrats Ignore Popular Demand for Voter ID

                                                                                                        Polling has been consistent on the subject for decades and the most recent polling is no exception: the overwhelming majority of American...

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                                                                                                        COVID Passports: If They Aren’t Mandated by Government How Can Fake Documents Be a Crime?

                                                                                                        In an odd announcement, the Minneapolis field office of the FBI issued a social media post saying they intend to go after people who make...

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                                                                                                        It’s More Than Just the Uyghurs and Tibetans That China Seeks to Eradicate

                                                                                                        The international community is up in arms about the human rights abuses the Communist Chinese are inflicting on the minority Uyghurs in...

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                                                                                                        The Woke Arrogance or Blind Ignorance of the Cola-Cola Corporation

                                                                                                        The woke arrogance of the executives at the Atlanta-based Coca-Cola company proves one of two things: Either the executives at Coca-Cola...

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                                                                                                        NBC Anchor: We Don’t Need to Hear Both Sides to Know the Truth: ‘Fairness Is Overrated’

                                                                                                        In accepting an award named for a fair and objective journalist, NBC News anchor Lester Holt declared today’s reporters don’t need to...

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                                                                                                          Beijing Ramping Up Campaign to Replace US Dollar as World Reserve Currency

                                                                                                          Di Dongsheng, the associate dean of the School of International Studies at Renmin University in Beijing – and a Communist Party potentate...

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                                                                                                          British Trade Minister Warns ‘Get Tough on China or Lose Control of Global Trade’

                                                                                                          Britain Trade Minister Liz Truss will urge G7 allies to get tough on China over “pernicious practices” that countermine the international...

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                                                                                                          Second Grade Classes Shown ‘Emotional Learning’ Video That Included Depiction of Man with Erection

                                                                                                          In a lesson that resulted in parents throughout the district being up in arms, Greenwich, Connecticut second graders were shown an...

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                                                                                                          UN Again Expands Its Authority with ‘Migration Networks’; Circumvents Sovereign Immigration Law

                                                                                                          The United Nations’ new “Network for Migration” is causing concern among US border security officials and advocates for its usurpation of...

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                                                                                                          EPA Purges Science Advisory Boards; Starts Process to Seat Members Agreeable to Agenda

                                                                                                          In a rare move, the Biden Environmental Protection Agency dismissed dozens of science advisers in order to align the panels’ ideology to...

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                                                                                                          Biden Unveils $2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan That Will ‘Re-Imagine’ a New Climate-Proof Economy

                                                                                                          The Biden White House is set to launch its propaganda campaign touting its proposed $2 trillion “infrastructure” plan. Included in...

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                                                                                                          Pelosi, Democrats Carve Out Tax Breaks for Wealthy As They Seek to Raise Taxes on the Rest

                                                                                                          Democrat congressmen from New York and New Jersey are refusing to back President Biden’s massive tax hike on Americans unless their...

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                                                                                                          The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                          A group of woke activists educators in Loudon County, Virgina has taken it upon themselves to aggressively attack and smear parents in that district who are objecting to curriculum aggrandizing the racist Critical Race Theory, leading Frank and Andy to di

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                                                                                                          Closing the Open Society

                                                                                                          I can recall from US History class in high school that we once prided ourselves as an open society. This was in contrast to various forms...

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                                                                                                          Biden Places Onus on ‘Diversity’ Over ‘Merit’ in First 11 Judicial Nominations

                                                                                                          The Biden White House announced the President’s first judicial nominations Tuesday. The announcement unveiled a slate of nominees heavily...

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                                                                                                          Unreleased Federal Report: ‘No Evidence’ Free Speech Online Leads to ‘Hate Crimes’

                                                                                                          An unpublished report that was commissioned by and sent to Congress found that freedom of speech on the internet did not lead to a rise...

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                                                                                                          In NYC, Asian Assaults Seem to Be Perpetrated by One Demographic the Media Won’t Mention

                                                                                                          An attacker in New York City was caught on video viciously beating a 65-year-old Asian woman who was on her way to church...

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                                                                                                          ISIS Threat Beyond Syria, Iraq Causes Concern

                                                                                                          The Islamic State terrorist group is no longer in control of large swaths of land in Syria and Iraq, but just like al Qaeda in the...

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                                                                                                          China Facilitating Social Justice Warriors, BLM in Propaganda War Against the US

                                                                                                          The Communist Chinese government is waging a savage campaign of facilitating chaos and discord in American society by covertly supporting...

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                                                                                                          Chinese and Iran Sign $400 Billion Economic-Military Pact

                                                                                                          In the aftermath of a dismal performance by the United States in the recent talks with China in Alaska, China has inked a $400 billion...

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                                                                                                          Biden Administration Not Directly Developing of COVID Vaccine Passports

                                                                                                          Contrary to several reports making their way through the news cycle, the Biden administration is not creating a COVID vaccine passport...

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                                                                                                          PODCAST: Okay, What the Hell Is a 'Race & Inclusion Editor' Anyway?

                                                                                                          Recently, the USA Today canned its "Race & Inclusion Editor" because she identified the Boulder shooter as an "angry White man...It's alway a White Man." The problem here is two-fold, and Andy and Frank point them out...

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                                                                                                          While Congress Prioritizes Woke Legislation, the US GPS System Is Left Unsecured

                                                                                                          The Global Positioning System (GPS), is vulnerable to both hackers and natural weather occurrences with no reliable back-up...

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                                                                                                          ‘Show Us Your Papers’: New York Rolls Vaccine Passport

                                                                                                          The State of New York under Governor Andrew Cuomo (D), had taken a dangerous step in unwittingly challenging the privacy of every...

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                                                                                                          DHS Staffer Blocks US Senators from Taking Video at Border Facility

                                                                                                          A Biden administration operative alleged a senior advisor to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, actively attempted to stop a group of US...

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                                                                                                          USA Today ‘Race & Inclusion Editor’ Terminated After Racist Assumption on Boulder Shooting

                                                                                                          The “Race & Inclusion” editor at USA Today, Hemal Jhaveri, is outraged that she was terminated for advancing a blatant lie about the...

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                                                                                                          Parental Enemies List in Hand, School Committee Vows to ‘Silence Opposition’ on Critical Race Theory

                                                                                                          A non-sanctioned group of public school officials in Loudoun County, Virginia, public schools has secretly pledged to “silence the...

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                                                                                                          The Slaughter of the Burmese at the Hand of Totalitarianism Continues

                                                                                                          The bloody military coup in Burma rolls on as the embattled country sees its deadliest day since last month’s military takeover with over...

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                                                                                                          Congressman Correct in Calling into Question the Risks Associated with Moving to a Digital Dollar

                                                                                                          One astute Republican Congressman is raising the right questions about the implementation of digital currencies, as central banks around...

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                                                                                                          Why the Georgia Election Reform Bill Is Only the First Step in Protecting Elections

                                                                                                          Georgia codified legislation that enacted several common-sense election reforms that include photo ID requirements for absentee voting...

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                                                                                                          Why Didn't the Man Wearing Body Armor with 6 Guns and Ammo at Grocery Store Get Coverage?

                                                                                                          An Atlanta man was arrested after entering a major chain grocery store carrying an AR-15, five other weapons, and an extensive cache of...

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                                                                                                          The Reason the Maritime Traffic Jam at the Suez Canal Has Daunting Ramifications

                                                                                                          A Japanese-owned cargo ship, the Ever Given – which is lodged immobile in the Suez Canal, is causing an economic crisis in shipping as a...

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                                                                                                          Biden Administration Seeks to Unload Migrant Children on Overloaded Foster Care System

                                                                                                          Foster parents in California are reportedly being asked to house migrant children from overflowing federal facilities...

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                                                                                                          PODCAST: DeBlasio's Police They Live Inside of My Head

                                                                                                          Imagine a New York City where if you said something mildly off-color - but not criminal or against any law, you got a visit from a New York City Police Office who told you that what you said was "hurtful" and that you shouldn't say things like that. That'

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                                                                                                          Schumer: State Voting Laws ‘One of the Greatest Threats We Have to Modern Democracy’

                                                                                                          In a stunning reversal of where he stood on the subject just two months ago, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), declared that...

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                                                                                                          Why the House Provision Allowing for the Overturning of Elections Is Unconstitutional

                                                                                                          A Democrat lawyer intrinsically tied to the litany of 2020 General Election lawsuits claims the House committee examining the possibility...

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                                                                                                          Washington Post Attempts to Legitimize Indoctrinating 3-Month-Olds to Critical Race Theory

                                                                                                          A recent article in The Washington Post quoting psychology professors and people who work with children, suggests that young children as...

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                                                                                                          Musk's Tesla Now Accepting Bitcoin Payments for Cars

                                                                                                          Tesla’s CEO, Elon Musk, has announced that the electric car manufacturer will now accept Bitcoin digital currency for new car purchases...

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                                                                                                          DHS Wants to Employ 'No Fly List' for Monitoring Travel of ‘Suspected’ Domestic Extremists

                                                                                                          The Biden administration’s Department of Homeland Security is examining the feasibility of expanding the No Fly List to a role in which...

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                                                                                                          Twitter Refuses to Clarify If Dehumanizing Language About Whiteness Violates Rules

                                                                                                          In a betrayal of their ideological bias, requests for Twitter to clarify their policy on “dehumanizing language” and whether recent posts...

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                                                                                                          Progressives Assumed Colorado Shooter Was White; Delete Posts, Pivot When His Identity Revealed

                                                                                                          In a show of how pervasive race-based ideological bias is on the Left, Progressives took to social media to immediately cite racism as...

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                                                                                                          Biden, Dems Again Shop Gun Control Instead of Addressing Mental Illness; Ignore GOP Proposed Bills

                                                                                                          With a second mass-shooting in less than two weeks, President Biden and congressional Democrats have taken to the microphones urging the...

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                                                                                                          In the Name of the Father...

                                                                                                          Where is the line drawn between institutional interference and parental rights? One father is sittin

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                                                                                                          Biden Team Quietly Confirms Palestinian ‘Pay-to-Slay’ Terror Funding; Still Plans to Re-Start Aid

                                                                                                          A quietly released State Department report was confirmed to Congress by the Biden administration last week revealing that the Palestinian...

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                                                                                                          Biden’s Putin Snub Leads Russia to Urge the Ditching of the US Dollar As the World Currency

                                                                                                          The Biden administration’s careless words with the Chinese and the Russians have led Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to urge...

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                                                                                                          Supreme Court Rules Lawsuit Against Facebook’s for Violating Federal Wiretap Laws Can Proceed

                                                                                                          The US Supreme Court has rejected an appeal from Facebook to intervene in a $15 billion class-action lawsuit that charges the BigTech...

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                                                                                                          Border Facility Photos Exhibit Why Biden Administration Wants a Media Blackout

                                                                                                          Photos released to the media of an overcrowded DHS tent facility in Donna, Texas shows unsafe and chaotic conditions as hundreds of...

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                                                                                                          Why the Pentagon Chief's Saber-Rattling at India Over Russian Missile System Buy Is Not Bright

                                                                                                          US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin took a confrontational approach with India in pushing the nation to reconsider its proposed purchase...

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                                                                                                          Biden Blackout on Border Patrol Operations at the Border the Stuff of Despots, Tyrants

                                                                                                          In one of the most draconian and despotic moves in modern American history, the Biden administration has refused the media access to...

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                                                                                                          Plan to Release Illegals into US Without Court Dates Sees the Employment of Cloward-Piven

                                                                                                          The Biden administration has green-lighted Customs & Border Protection authorities to release recently apprehended illegal immigrants...

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                                                                                                          An Emboldened Iranian Regime Tests the Waters Through Proxy Islamofascist Terror Group

                                                                                                          A little more than a month after the United States reversed its declaration as a terrorist entity, the Iran-backed Houthis – a Yemeni...

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                                                                                                          Is Denmark's Move to Protect Danish Identity a Noble Move?

                                                                                                          Danish officials are grappling with the issue of parallel societies due to the influx of non-Western asylum seekers and alleged refugees...

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                                                                                                          Peer-Reviewed Study: CDC Skewed COVID Virus Fatality Numbers Upward

                                                                                                          A damning peer-reviewed study published in the Journal of Science, Public Health Policy & Law last October, reveals...

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                                                                                                          Federal Judge Charges the Media is Dangerously Close to 'One-Party Control'

                                                                                                          A blistering rebuke of the mainstream media’s ideologically monopoly was issued by a federal appeals court judge in an obscure libel case...

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                                                                                                          Supreme Court Case to Expose an Inequitable Union Excess in Recruiting Law

                                                                                                          The US Supreme Court has agreed to hear a California property rights case that at first was minor dispute between a strawberry nursery...

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                                                                                                          San Francisco School Board VP: Many Asian Americans Use 'White Supremacist Thinking' to Achieve

                                                                                                          A group standing up to the totalitarianism of wokeness on the San Francisco School Board highlighted the blatantly racist tweet...

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                                                                                                          Why the Burmese Coup Is a Symptom of a Much Larger Coup Attempt

                                                                                                          Burma’s military junta, which executed a coup against the nations democratically elected government last month, is facing calls from the...

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                                                                                                            Your ESG Score & You...Bad Things Are Coming Down the Pike

                                                                                                            In a move that will allow for the fundamental transformation of the global finance system, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) will seek public input on setting up a rubric for requiring corporations to disclose the risks they face from climate change and policies to curb emissions, an initial step in mandating ESG scoring. Welcome to the age of being coerced into accepting Progressivism...

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                                                                                                            De Blasio Wants Police to Monitor Legal But 'Inappropriate' Speech, Actions

                                                                                                            New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (D), told reporters police officers should “confront” people accused or suspected of “hurtful” behavior...

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                                                                                                            House Passes Immigration Bills on ‘Dreamers,’ Illegal Farm Workers

                                                                                                            The House of Representatives has passed two immigration bills, both providing a pathway to legal status, permanent residency, and...

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                                                                                                            Pelosi Ends Speculation on Expelling Marjorie Taylor Greene

                                                                                                            House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), ended speculation on whether the full force of the House Democrat majority would side with effort to...

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                                                                                                            Father Arrested, Jailed for Contempt After Referring to His Daughter As ‘She’

                                                                                                            In a disturbing and groundbreaking event, the father of a 14-year-old biological girl, who wants to identify as a boy, was compelled to...

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                                                                                                            Communist Chinese Change Name of Parent Organization to Propaganda Program in US Schools

                                                                                                            The Chinese government, in realizing its propaganda arm targeting US institutions of higher learning has been revealed, is trying to...

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                                                                                                            China Dresses Down Biden Contingent; US Not 'Qualified' to Speak from Position of Strength

                                                                                                            The meetings in Alaska between the Communist Chinese and the Biden administration opened with the Chinese defining the parameters of the...

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                                                                                                            New York Times Contributor: 'Whiteness Is a Pandemic'

                                                                                                            In what can only be described as a racist threat against all White people, a New York Times contributor, writing in the offshoot magazine...

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                                                                                                            DeSantis to Expunge ‘Critical Race Theory’ from Florida School Curriculum for Teaching ‘Hate’

                                                                                                            In a shot across the bow to the race-baiter activists, Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis (R), announced he will use COVID relief funds...

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                                                                                                            Senate Republicans Sound the Alarm on the Encroaching ESG Ideology into the Financial Sector

                                                                                                            Republican members of the Senate Banking Committee have penned a letter to the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank strongly urging them...

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                                                                                                            PODCAST: What the Passage of HR 1 Will Do to America

                                                                                                            Nancy Pelosi and the Progressive Left would like you to believe that HR1, the “For the People Act,” is all about election reform and making sure our election processes are safeguarded. In reality, it is an attempt at an incredible power grab by the federal government that makes the overreach of the Commerce Clause decision appear to be child's play...

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                                                                                                            Why China and Iran's Building of Massive Underground Missile Facilities is Troubling

                                                                                                            The latest intelligence satellite imagery shows China has constructed a new underground ballistic missile base c in Inner Mongolia...

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                                                                                                            Key House Democrat Admits His Party Wants the COVID Expansion of Obamacare Perks Permanent

                                                                                                            With the American public distracted by COVID, gender-identity politics, the economy, and social justice totalitarianism, a key House Dem...

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                                                                                                            Google Quietly Designates Democrat National Committee’s Blog Post as ‘News’

                                                                                                            In what will almost certainly be declared a “mistake,” Google promoted a Democrat National Committee (DNC) political blog post as news in...

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                                                                                                            Florida Bill Penalizing Censorship of BigTech Moves Forward

                                                                                                            Legislation brought forward by Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis (R), that will force BigTech companies to face penalties if they violate...

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                                                                                                            Facebook Official: ‘Company Has Too Much Power’; ‘Should Be Broken Up’

                                                                                                            A top Facebook official was captured in an undercover Project Veritas video saying the social media giant has grown too powerful and...

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                                                                                                            Progressive Blue States Move to Crush Small Business by Taxing PPP Loans

                                                                                                            Several Progressive Blue States are considering deviating from a federal policy that made PPP forgivable loans nontaxable, targeting...

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                                                                                                            House GOP Leader Condemns Politicization of Military

                                                                                                            House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), has called for a stop to the politicization of the United States military under President...

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                                                                                                            GOP Leader Promises 'Scorched Earth' Senate If Filibuster Is Dismantled

                                                                                                            Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), has been saber-rattling or limiting the filibuster should Republicans continue to stand as...

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                                                                                                            SEC Makes First Move Toward ESG Requirements for Companies

                                                                                                            In a move that will allow for the fundamental transformation of the global finance system, the US Securities and Exchange Commission...

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                                                                                                            Israel to Deploy New Laser, GPS-Guided Mortar Shell

                                                                                                            The Israel Defense Forces are set to deploy a newly developed laser-guided mortar artillery round after a wildly successful testing phase...

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                                                                                                            State Department Point Man to Attend Afghan Peace Talks in Moscow

                                                                                                            Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s point man for the Afghanistan peace talks, Special Representative Zalmay Khalilzad, will travel to...

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                                                                                                            UK Foreign Policy Reset Shifts to Include Pacific

                                                                                                            Britain’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced that the United Kingdom will be shifting its geopolitical weight towards the...

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                                                                                                              Thousands of Unaccompanied Youth to Be Housed at Dallas Convention Center

                                                                                                              Over 3,000 unaccompanied illegal immigrant children who have entered the United States across the now-unsecured southern border will be...

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                                                                                                              Burma's Military Junta Orders Martial Law in 6 Townships

                                                                                                              The ruling military junta that has taken control of Burma has declared martial law in six townships within the country’s largest city...

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                                                                                                              Islamofascist Terrorists Kill 30 Soldiers in Northeast Nigeria

                                                                                                              Islamofascist terrorists killed over 30 government soldiers in a series of attacks in northeast Nigeria, military and civilian militia...

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                                                                                                              Australian Regulator Examine Google’s Dominance in the Search Browser Market

                                                                                                              The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) has launched a public comment campaign seeking input from stakeholders...

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                                                                                                              Mainstream Media Completely Ignores Portland Riot Violence for Political Purposes

                                                                                                              As Portland continues to be rocked by violent and dangerous protests, the coverage of the mayhem in the mainstream media is non-existent...

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                                                                                                              Chicago Sees 38 People Shot Including Police Officer, 5 Killed in Weekend Violence

                                                                                                              Democrat Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago continued its march to the title of deadliest city in the world this weekend with thirty-eight...

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                                                                                                              California Schools Using Federal, State, Local COVID Relief Money for Staff Bonuses

                                                                                                              If you thought hundreds of billions of American taxpayer dollars to foreign entities in the COVID Relief package was outrageous, how...

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                                                                                                              Pentagon Questions Gender-Neutral Physical Fitness Test as Women Overwhelmingly Fail

                                                                                                              In an about-face for the “gender-neutral there are no differences between the sexes” cause de jour, the US Army is admitting that there...

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                                                                                                              Coca-Cola Forcing Outside Law Firms to Adopt Diversity Quotas

                                                                                                              In an attempt to circumvent the wrath of the ESG score purveyors, the Coca-Cola Corporation has instituted new diversity guidelines for...

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                                                                                                              Pennsylvania Lawmakers Move to Block Entry to Multi-State Progressive Climate Compact

                                                                                                              Pennsylvania lawmakers are crafting legislation that will require the state’s Democrat governor to gain approval from the Legislature...

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                                                                                                              Biden Planning First Major Tax Hike Since 1993

                                                                                                              In an act not seen since 1993, President Biden is set to implement the largest hike in federal taxes in almost three decades to fund an...

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                                                                                                              Schumer Threatens Changing, Eliminating Filibuster If Republicans Keep Voting No

                                                                                                              It was only a matter of time before Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s true colors bled through on the issue of the Senate...

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                                                                                                              Sri Lanka to Ban Burqa, Shut Over 1,000 Unregistered Islamic Schools

                                                                                                              The Asian country of Sri Lanka has announced it will ban the wearing of burqas in public while planning to shut more than a thousand...

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                                                                                                              UK Secretly Testing Controversial Web Data Mining Tool

                                                                                                              For the last two years in Britain, law enforcement and internet service providers have been quietly colluding to build and test...

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                                                                                                              Oklahoma Law Would Protect Drivers from Liability If They Strike Protesters

                                                                                                              In a move to counter the aggressive tactics of BLM and Antifa protesters, Republican lawmakers in Oklahoma passed a law that would...

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                                                                                                              Progressive Illinois City to Execute Reparations to Black Residents

                                                                                                              The Chicago suburb that calls the woke Northwestern University home, is set to become the first American city to implement reparations to...

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                                                                                                              Over 1,000 Baltimore School Officials Make $100K a Year as Students Continue to Fail

                                                                                                              An examination of city records reveals that a shocking number of school officials in Baltimore, Maryland are making more than $100,000...

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                                                                                                              Fourth Revision of Calif. ‘Ethnic Studies Curriculum’ Saturated with Critical Race Theory

                                                                                                              Never wanting to be seen as not on the cutting edge of the educational abyss, California’s Department of Education has released a fourth...

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                                                                                                              Prominent Democrat Party Election Lawyer Disciplined by Federal Court

                                                                                                              The Democrat Party’s top activist lawyer, Marc Elias, was slapped with sanctions by a federal court for egregious ethics violations and...

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                                                                                                                Pelosi: $86 Billion Union Pension Bailout 'For the Children'

                                                                                                                In a transparent attempt to justify a carved-out perk for unions in the just codified COVID relief bill, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi(D-CA)...

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                                                                                                                Feinstein Resurrects 'Assault Weapons' Ban; Cites 205 Rifles & Magazines

                                                                                                                Embattled Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), who earned the ire of the Progressives and far-Leftists in the Democrat Party when she embraced...

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                                                                                                                Six Killed in Protests in Burma as US, Allies Vow to Restore Democracy

                                                                                                                Security forces in Burma opened fire on a sit-in protest commemorating the anniversary of the killing of a student in 1988 that sparked...

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                                                                                                                Race Activist Defrauded $450G Using BLM Chapter Facebook Page

                                                                                                                A Black Lives Matter activist has been indicted on four counts of fraud by the US Justice Department for embezzling hundreds of thousands...

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                                                                                                                Cafe Chain: NY, CO 'P**** Leftists'; Bans Teachers Who Won't Go Back to Classroom Instruction

                                                                                                                The Kavasutra Kava Bar, a specialty cafe chain, has drawn their line in the sand and is aggressively pushing back against the ever...

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                                                                                                                National Park Service Denies Independence Day Fireworks Display Request at Mount Rushmore

                                                                                                                In an excuse-laden letter to South Dakota Tourism Department, the National Park Service regional director for the state denied a request...

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                                                                                                                Biden Administration Refuses Entry to Lawyers Seeking to Inspect Migrant Child Facility

                                                                                                                In a testimony to the Biden administration’s hypocrisy on the transparency issue, lawyers for a non-profit organization have been denied...

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                                                                                                                Twitter Seeks Shelter Under Section 230 Over Child Porn Lawsuit

                                                                                                                In what can only be called an arrogant act of hubris, Twitter is seeking to dismiss a lawsuit from a minor who charges that the social...

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                                                                                                                Biden Administration Finally Acknowledges Ongoing Uyghur Genocide in China

                                                                                                                After ignoring evidence that proves the situation without doubt for months, the Biden administration has finally acknowledged the ongoing...

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                                                                                                                War Games Show US Would Lose Against China in Battle Over Taiwan

                                                                                                                A high-ranking US Air Force General said experts have concluded a Chinese invasion of Taiwan would devastate a defending US military as a...

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                                                                                                                Twitter Troll Revealed to Be A Paid Democrat PAC Operative

                                                                                                                Majid Padellan a popular Twitter troll with account that boasts nearly 900,000 followers, has been outed as a paid Democrat operative...

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                                                                                                                Pelosi: House Can Unseat Iowa Republican Who Narrowly Won 2020 Election

                                                                                                                House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), said the House of Representatives has the right to unseat Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA), who...

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                                                                                                                House Passes Gun-Control Bill Super-Charging Background Checks on Firearm Sales

                                                                                                                The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives passed a bill Thursday expanding firearm background checks on individuals who want to...

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                                                                                                                Newsom: No Going Back to Normal After Pandemic Because ‘Normal Accepts Inequity’

                                                                                                                If there was any doubt that California’s governor, Gavin Newsom (D), purposely politicized the COVID pandemic for personal gain...

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                                                                                                                CDC Purposely Misinterpreted Data Analysis on Reopening Schools

                                                                                                                The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) misinterpreted analysis they cited in crafting their guidance for re-opening schools...

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                                                                                                                California Cities Get $2.72 Billion Windfall from ‘COVID Relief’ Bill

                                                                                                                As many predicted in the run-up to the passage of the COVID relief bill, the package includes some hefty bailouts for the predominantly...

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                                                                                                                $60 Billion in Hidden Tax Hikes in COVID Relief Bill

                                                                                                                With the COVID relief bill safely on its way to President Biden’s desk, details are now emerging that reveal a handful of untrumpeted tax...

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                                                                                                                New DCCC Chief Tech Officer: ‘Burn Every Cop Precinct to the Ground’

                                                                                                                In a move that screams anything but unity, the Democrat Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) has appointed a new chief technology...

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                                                                                                                Biden's DOJ Nominee Owns Millions in Stock of Company Tied to Cartels' Heroin Production

                                                                                                                President Biden’s nominee for associate attorney general has some disturbing financial links to a company that served as a chief supplier...

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                                                                                                                House Set to Gift Unions the Biggest Pro-Union Legislation in Decades

                                                                                                                On the heels of a NLRB ruling that forces carpenters to remain in a union they voted to disband, House Democrats are on track to pass...

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                                                                                                                Collins: Schumer Had ‘Absolutely No Interest’ in Bipartisanship in COVID Relief Bill

                                                                                                                Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), illustrated the unity that Democrats are seeking to establish in his management of the COVID...

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                                                                                                                China Wants WHO to Let It Run Global ‘Vaccine Passport’ Data System

                                                                                                                The Communist Chinese government is urging the World Health Organization (WHO) to let them build, run, and control a global database for...

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                                                                                                                House Sends Pork-Filled $1.9 Trillion COVID Bill to Biden’s Desk

                                                                                                                Nancy Pelosi’s House of Representatives passed a pork-laden $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill Wednesday that will now head to President...

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                                                                                                                ‘Clear Evidence’ of Communist Chinese Genocide Against Uyghurs

                                                                                                                New independent finding by a non-governmental think-tank group indicate that the evidence is “clear and convincing” that China’s...

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                                                                                                                Investigation Reveals Iran’s Al Quds Force Behind IED Blast Outside Israeli Embassy in India

                                                                                                                A terror attack targeting the Israeli embassy in New Delhi, India, has been linked to the Iranian Al Quds forces investigators said...

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                                                                                                                Migrant Sets Woman on Fire on Paris Bus in No-Go Zone

                                                                                                                In another in an ongoing string of disturbing attacks in France, a 54-year-old woman traveling on a bus in the Paris “no-go” district of...

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                                                                                                                Disney+ Designates 'Peter Pan,' 'Dumbo,' and 'The Aristocats' as Racist; Blocks Kids Up to 7

                                                                                                                Disney+ has again taken a knee to the will of the Cancel Culture, this time restricting children seven and under from viewing Peter Pan...

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                                                                                                                A Third Gender Option for Federal IDs Is Being Considered by the Biden Administration

                                                                                                                During questions from the floor at a recent press conference, the executive director of the Biden administration’s Gender Policy Council...

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                                                                                                                Entire Nevada Democrat Party Staff Resigns After Democratic Socialists Takeover

                                                                                                                In a move that indicates a deep fissure in the state Democrat Party apparatuses across the country, the entire Nevada Democrat Party...

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                                                                                                                Iowa Enacts Law to Limit Absentee and Early Voting, Close Polls Earlier

                                                                                                                Iowa’s governor, Gov. Kim Reynolds (R), has signed legislation that limits absentee voting, shortens early voting, and closes the polls...

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                                                                                                                Twitter Admits They Are a Publishing Platform in Suit Against Texas Attorney General

                                                                                                                In a move that unwittingly damages Twitter’s claim that it is due Section 230 protections, the social media behemoth filed suit against...

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                                                                                                                New Cuomo Scandal Emerges Over Order Directing COVID Patients into Homes for Disabled

                                                                                                                Yet another executive order issued by New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), has been found to put the most vulnerable to the COVID virus at...

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                                                                                                                Google Employees Tells Those Reporting Racism, Sexism to a Take ‘Mental Health’ Day

                                                                                                                Alphabet, Inc.’s Google likes to paint itself as a leader in Silicon Valley’s Progressive culture, but several employees are claiming...

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                                                                                                                California Considering Legislation to Ban Retailers from Displaying Boys, Girls Sections

                                                                                                                Progressive California lawmakers are considering a bill that would prevent larger retailers from displaying signage designating “boys”...

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                                                                                                                Biden's Climate Executive Order Results in Lawsuit Filed by 12 States

                                                                                                                The Attorneys General of 12 states have filed suit against the Biden administration over an executive order addressing climate change...

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                                                                                                                RNC Officials Disrespect Trump; Ignore His Request to Stop Fundraising on His Name

                                                                                                                Officials at the Republican National Committee (RNC) have dismissed former-President Trump’s demand letter to cease-and-desist from using...

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                                                                                                                Prisoners Will Receive $1,400 COVID Relief Payments Under Current Draft of Bill in House

                                                                                                                The recently passed Senate version of the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill – a bill pushed through by Democrats and Progressives in a...

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                                                                                                                Required COVID Travel Insurance Spreading Internationally

                                                                                                                If you thought it was impossible for anyone else to profit off the COVID event, think again. Over a dozen countries – from Aruba to...

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                                                                                                                Wall Street Journal Endorses Section 230 Reforms After Facebook’s 'Phony Fact-Check'

                                                                                                                After a second instance where social media publisher Facebook has used partisan fact-checkers to challenge analysis, the Wall Street...

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                                                                                                                Texas to Deploy National Guard on Southern Border to Deal with Biden Created 'Border Crisis'

                                                                                                                Republican Gov. Greg Abbott announced Texas will deploy National Guard troops to combat the "crisis" along the southern border...

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                                                                                                                Biden Hires Former Qatari Lobbyist as Senior Adviser

                                                                                                                President Biden continues to pack his White House team with former lobbyists who advocated on behalf of foreign nations...

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                                                                                                                Democrats Pseudo COVID Relief Package a Boon for Obamacare

                                                                                                                As Democrats crow about the benevolence of the just passed COVID relief bill, a cursory examination of the $1.9 trillion spending bill...

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                                                                                                                Biden Labor Board Blocks Construction Workers from Leaving Union

                                                                                                                In a move that forces workers to remain in a dysfunctional labor union they want to leave, the Biden administration is blocking the exits...

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                                                                                                                Liberal Groups Break with Whitehouse Over Controversial Donor Disclosure Rule

                                                                                                                The American Civil Liberties Union, NAACP, and other prominent Progressive groups are supporting a Supreme Court challenge to...

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                                                                                                                ASU Dean: Writing Graded on Quality Is ‘Racist;’ Promotes ‘White Language Supremacy’

                                                                                                                An academic book written by an Arizona State University Associate Dean details how grading a student’s writing on grammar, content, and...

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                                                                                                                Lawmaker Floats Bill for State of Texas to Finish Border Wall Construction

                                                                                                                A new bill proposed in the Texas State Legislature would see the border wall construction started under former-President Trump completed...

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                                                                                                                Drive to Claw Back Power from an Expanding Federal Government Gains Steam

                                                                                                                Public sentiment is wide-spread and mounting to confront the unbridled expansion of the federal government’s authority over the sovereign...

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                                                                                                                EEOC Opens Investigation into Charges Facebook Engages in 'Systemic' Racial Discrimination

                                                                                                                The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has opened an investigation into reports that Facebook employs racially discriminatory hiring...

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                                                                                                                K-12 ‘Woke Civics’ an Effort in Indoctrination

                                                                                                                The Washington swamp establishment that brought the education system the Common Core standards and encouraged more federal intervention...

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                                                                                                                150 Missing Children Recovered in Joint Operation

                                                                                                                A joint law enforcement operation months in the planning has recovered 150 children who had gone missing in Tennessee...

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                                                                                                                DOJ Under Biden Has Dismissed 'More Than One-Third' of Portland Riot Cases

                                                                                                                The Biden Department of Justice has dismissed over one-third of the cases stemming from last summer’s riots and protests in Portland...

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                                                                                                                House Democrats Push George Floyd Justice in Policing Act in Party-Line Vote

                                                                                                                The Democrat-controlled House voted along party lines to narrowly pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act. The legislation seeks to...

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                                                                                                                IG Report: Ethics Questions About Elaine Chao's Use of DOT Resources

                                                                                                                Former Transportation Secretary, Elaine Chao, routinely used her position and agency staff to benefit family members who own and run a...

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                                                                                                                Biden Administration to Restart Payments to Palestinians

                                                                                                                In a move that tempts being illegal, the Biden administration has indicated it will resume US taxpayer-funded aid to the Palestinians...

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                                                                                                                Iran Commits Act of Ecological Terrorism with Major Oil Spill Off Israel’s Coast

                                                                                                                The Israeli government has confirmed that there was Iranian involvement in a massive oil spill that hit the country’s coast last month...

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                                                                                                                There Might Possibly Be a Probability ... Maybe

                                                                                                                I get it. No government or law enforcement agency, especially ones engaged in gathering and providing intelligence, wants to get caught...

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                                                                                                                Study: COVID Immune/Vaccination Response Strong Against Variants

                                                                                                                A new study on the variants associated with the COVID virus indicates that the variants are not more resistant to vaccines and previous...

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                                                                                                                Bill Aims to Kick Communist Chinese Companies Off US Stock Exchanges

                                                                                                                Republican lawmakers have introduced legislation that would prevent “malign Chinese companies” from being listed on the American stock...

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                                                                                                                Bipartisan Group Seeks to Strip Biden of War Powers

                                                                                                                A bipartisan group of US Senators, upset about the President’s unilateral move to use of force in Syria, introduced legislation that...

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                                                                                                                Pelosi's COVID Bill Includes $21,000 for Federal Employees If Kids Have No School

                                                                                                                Nancy Pelosi’s “American Rescue Plan Act of 2021” includes a gratuitous provision that allows federal employees to collect up to $21,000...

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                                                                                                                PODCAST: Andy Reflects on the Loss of His Cousin, Rush Limbaugh

                                                                                                                They say that the day the plane crashed with Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and "The Big Bopper" aboard was the day the music died. If we are toi accept that in memoriam, then today, te day of Rush Limbaugh's passing, we must necessarily see it as the day p

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                                                                                                                Surprise Bipartisan Push for Puerto Rico Statehood

                                                                                                                On Tuesday, a bipartisan group of lawmakers – including 12 Republicans – introduced the Puerto Rico Statehood Admission Act...

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                                                                                                                Congressional Democrats Want Biden to Include Recurring Stimulus Payments in COVID Packages

                                                                                                                Several members of the Senate Democrat caucus are urging the Biden administration to embrace the idea of enacting recurring stimulus...

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                                                                                                                Pelosi Pushing HR1 Election Bill Through House Without Hearings, Few GOP Amendments

                                                                                                                House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Democrat majority House pushed their HR1 – “For the People Act” – to the House floor Tuesday, allowing for...

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                                                                                                                Gab Getting Canceled by Financial Sector

                                                                                                                One of the social media networks favored by free speech advocates and conservatives, Gab, has been de-platformed from three separate...

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                                                                                                                2021 See 45 Law Enforcement Officers Shot, 11 Killed in First Two Months

                                                                                                                In the age of the Defund the Police Movement – fueled by the false-narrative that law enforcement is plagued with systemic racism, 45...

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                                                                                                                Warren Introduces Wealth Tax Targeting 'Millionaires and Billionaires'

                                                                                                                A group of US Senators led by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), have introduced a bill creating a wealth tax, which would impose a two...

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                                                                                                                Biden Administration to Act Unilaterally on Reparations

                                                                                                                The Biden administration will begin crafting proposals on reparations – to include the issuance of taxpayer dollars – without the input...

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                                                                                                                Biden Pick for National Economic Council Scrubs Twitter Feed of Radically Partisan Comments

                                                                                                                President Biden is said to have tapped a New York Times contributing writer to sit on his National Economic Council. In preparation for...

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                                                                                                                Democrats Block Amendment to Prevent COVID Relief-Stimulus Funds from Going to China

                                                                                                                An amendment to the House COVID relief-stimulus package that would have prevented any funding from going to the Communist Chinese was...

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                                                                                                                Biden Gaslights; Calls Unilateral COVID Bill 'Bi-Partisan'

                                                                                                                In an inaccurate and completely disingenuous attempt to re-write the reality of the matter, President Biden and his team are falsely...

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                                                                                                                Former Assistant Attorney General Who Withheld Info from FISA Court Back at DOJ

                                                                                                                A former Assistant Attorney General in the Obama Administration is back at the DOJ, even though there is ample evidence he committed...

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                                                                                                                CPAC Straw Poll Puts Trump as the Choice, DeSantis Rises

                                                                                                                An enthusiastic and undeterred crowd at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) reiterated their support for former-President...

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                                                                                                                When Did Our Right to Be Left Alone End?

                                                                                                                It doesn’t take a social scientist to realize that our culture has moved away from individualism. Our society has been moving away from...

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                                                                                                                Soros-Backed Los Angeles DA Faces Recall Effort

                                                                                                                George-Soros backed Los Angeles District Attorney, George Gascón, faces a recall effort by a coordinated group of victims’ rights...

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                                                                                                                Minneapolis to Pay Social Media Influencers to Diffuse Anger During Floyd Murder Trial

                                                                                                                In a move that reeks of information manipulation, the City of Minneapolis is set to pay six social media influencers to help disseminate...

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                                                                                                                British Petition Against Vaccine Passports Forces Debate in Parliament

                                                                                                                The people of Great Britain have advanced enough signatures on a petition to call for a public debate on whether to prohibit the use and COV

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                                                                                                                Dr. Seuss Canceled in Virginia School System Over 'Racial Undertones'

                                                                                                                Each year, on “Reading Across America Day” – a day that purposely falls on the birthday of celebrated and time-honored children’s author...

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                                                                                                                Amazon De-Platforms Clarence Thomas Documentary During Black History Month

                                                                                                                In an astonishingly racist and biased move the BigTech platform, Amazon has de-platformed a documentary about US Supreme Court Justice...

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                                                                                                                Wikipedia's Co-Founder Starts Free-Speech Alternative to Now Leftist Platform

                                                                                                                One of the co-founders of the online, community-generated encyclopedia, Wikipedia, has announced he is launching a competing website...

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                                                                                                                White House to Charge Press Corp $170 Each Per Entry for COVID Test

                                                                                                                In a move that has media outlets screaming bloody murder, the White House plans to institute a new policy, beginning Monday, that charges...

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                                                                                                                House Appropriations Committee Chair Re-Establishes the Crony-Political Practice of Earmarks

                                                                                                                Earmarks are back in the US House of Representatives under a new descriptor: “Community Funding Projects” (CFP)...

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                                                                                                                BLM Inc. Raised $90 Million in 2020; Local Chapters Saw Pennies

                                                                                                                Black Lives Matters, the allegedly organic movement that coalesced from many separate local movements, announced through it's Global...

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                                                                                                                Democrat COVID Bill Includes $100M for Corrupt, Scandal-Ridden Group

                                                                                                                The almost $2 trillion COVID-Stimulus bill that House Democrats plan to pass on a party-line vote includes $100 million for a...

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                                                                                                                House Passes 'Equality Act'; Issues Regarding Transgender Policy Questions Left Unaddressed

                                                                                                                The highly contentious Equality Act was advanced out of the House in a party-line vote. The a bill proponents say would prohibit...

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                                                                                                                Top Democrat on Anti-Trust Panel: Censorship of Conservatives Doesn't Exist

                                                                                                                Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI), said Republican claims of conservative censorship on social media is "not a real problem" and a waste of...

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                                                                                                                US Executes Airstrikes Against Facilities in Syria Used by Iran-Backed Militia

                                                                                                                The United States launched airstrikes in Syria Thursday in retaliation for rocket attacks on US assets in Iraq earlier in the month...

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                                                                                                                Mexico Axes ‘Green Energy’; Begins Ramping-Up Coal Use

                                                                                                                Mexico's President, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, is bucking the green energy trend and thumbing his nose at the Paris Climate Accords by goi

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                                                                                                                Group Targets the Hosting of Right-Leaning Org Sites Citing Capitol Hill Unrest

                                                                                                                A Soros-connected Progressive group is trolling GoDaddy about their company's hosting of Right-leaning groups who have any connection to the

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                                                                                                                United Nations Sells Out Dissidents to Communist Chinese Government

                                                                                                                The United Nations had insisted that it's human rights officials didn't expose Chinese dissidents to Beijing, but leaked emails prove...

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                                                                                                                Democrats Want Biden to cede Sole Authority to Launch Nukes

                                                                                                                Congressional Democrats have sent a letter to President Biden asking him to give up his sole authority to launch nuclear weapons.

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                                                                                                                Republicans Want FBI Briefing on Swalwell’s China Spy Ties

                                                                                                                House Republicans sent a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray, requesting a briefing on the relationship between Rep. Eric Swalwell...

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                                                                                                                Costco Resorts to Capitalism to Attract the Best Employees Over Minimum Wage

                                                                                                                Costco's CEO, Craig Jelinek, announced the beginning of a "minimum wage war" with competitors, Target and Amazon, saying his stores will rai

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                                                                                                                Biden CIA Director Nominee: Chinese Regime Is An ‘Authoritarian Adversary’

                                                                                                                President Biden’s pick to lead the Central Intelligence Agency testified to a Senate committee that the Communist Chinese government’s...

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                                                                                                                ‘Equality Act’ Likely to Pass with House GOP Support; Will Change American Culture

                                                                                                                House Democrats will, again, bring a bill to the floor in an attempt to codify sexually based identity politics into law. Democrats are set to advance the Equality Act to the US Senate, calling it a simple amendment to federal civil rights law. The Act wo

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                                                                                                                Reparations Commissioners Gorge Themselves on Federal Pay Scale

                                                                                                                Democrats are poised to seat a 13-member commission to examine proposed slavery reparations, resurrecting a high-priced salary scale not seen since it was repealed as exorbitant in 1978. The Progressive's Commission to Study & Develop Reparation Proposals

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                                                                                                                California Passes Bill Approving $600 Stimulus Payments in the Face of $152 Billion Debt

                                                                                                                California, a state that is over $100 billion in debt, passed legislation sending $600 stimulus payments to nearly six million people, a bill Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), is expected to sign. The stimulus checks are part of a $7.6 billion COVID relief package t

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                                                                                                                Biden’s $1.9 Trillion Stimulus Bill Has Some Hidden Pork

                                                                                                                The Republican Study Committee has released a publication exposing what “Democrats are hoping the public won’t find about” in Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus bill. Democrats unveiled the full text of the 591-page bill, titled the “American Rescue

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                                                                                                                Biden’s AG Pick Supports Progressive Push to Restrict Gun Ownership

                                                                                                                President Biden’s choice for US Attorney General said he would dedicate the Department of Justice to the White House’s push to restrict gun ownership. “The president is a strong supporter of gun control and has been an advocate all his professional

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                                                                                                                Nancy Pelosi's HR1 Encroaches ‘Unconstitutionally’ on the First Amendment

                                                                                                                Nancy Pelosi's pet project bill, HR1, is proving to be much more than a massive voter registration and campaign procedure reform bill. As is, it would gives federal bureaucrats new authority to control political free speech, something absolutely protected

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                                                                                                                Amazon De-Platforms Book by Conservative Author on Transgenderism Without Explanation

                                                                                                                In another move to digitally book burn, Amazon's web store has removed a best-selling book by a conservative author focusing on the science, social science, and politics of transgenderism. Amazon did so without notifying or informing the author why the bo

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                                                                                                                Researchers Claim Chinese Spyware Code Originated at NSA

                                                                                                                The code used by Communist Chinese spies was first developed by the US National Security Agency to support their hacking operations. This was the result Israeli researchers came to in another indication of how malicious software developed by governments c

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                                                                                                                China Presents Biden with Four Demands

                                                                                                                The Communist Chinese government, at a recent video conference, issued four demands to the Biden administration as a pre-condition for meaningful foreign relations engagement despite being in a wounded position after Trump-era sanctions. Wang Yi, the Chin

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                                                                                                                California's Bullet Train Over-Budget; Cost Now Over $100,000,000,000

                                                                                                                California's massive high-speed rail project is more than a decade behind schedule and an example of grotesque overspending and mismanagement. Experts now say the project is a complete misreading of what the public needs. The so-called Los Angeles-to-San

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                                                                                                                Pelosi Funnels Over $300,000 to Neo-Progressive Group to Gerrymander Congressional Districts

                                                                                                                House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who once openly called for an end to the gerrymandering of congressional apportionment, quietly funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to group seeking to do just that, run by former-Attorney General Eric Holder. Pelo

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                                                                                                                Disney Slaps Warning Label on ‘The Muppet Show’ for ‘Offensive Content’

                                                                                                                The Disney Corporation has released five seasons of the iconic “The Muppet Show” on its Disney+ streaming service but with a disturbing disclaimer that examples how oppressive and radical the neo-Progressive “cancel culture” has become. Viewers of

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                                                                                                                PolitiFact Claims ‘No Clear-Cut Answers’ on Cuomo COVID-Nursing Home Cover-Up

                                                                                                                The editor-in-chief for the Left-leaning fact-checker organzation PolitiFact, raised eyebrows last weekend when she insisted there are “no clear-cut answers” in how New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D), handled his state’s COVID response with regard t

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                                                                                                                Proposed Montana Bill Labels Antifa a Domestic Terrorist Organization

                                                                                                                Proposed legislation in the Montana State Legislature would designate far-Left group Antifa a domestic terrorist organization. Lawmakers cite the group’s attacks on journalists and its intimidation tactics against their political opponents as a basis. M

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                                                                                                                Wikipedia Editors Brand Capitol Building Unrest As a ‘Coup’ Attempt, Slant Election-Related Content

                                                                                                                Editors at Wikipedia, the often quoted community-sourced online “encyclopedia,” have turned to distorting the facts of the January 6, 2021 Capitol Building event, going so far as to categorize the unrest as a “coup,” this despite objections from m

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                                                                                                                Biden’s Nominee for Secretary of the Interior Failed to Report Casino Income on Financial Report

                                                                                                                President Biden’s nominee to be the next Secretary of the Interior failed to disclose $16,000 in casino income on her House ethics report. The amount made up over one-third of her income in 2018, the year she first won her congressional seat. Rep. Deb H

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                                                                                                                Democrat Congressman: ‘We Don’t Want’ Small Businesses That Can’t Handle a $15 Minimum Wage

                                                                                                                US Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), made a bold statement about American small businesses when he recently stated in an interview that Democrats “don’t want” small “Mom and Pop” businesses – including restaurants – that cannot absorb a $15 minimum wag

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                                                                                                                Kerry Backchanneled with Iran; Colluded with Iranians Undermine Trump Diplomacy

                                                                                                                High-ranking members of the Biden administration, including John Kerry, violated the Logan Act continuously during the Trump administration. At least three members of Mr. Biden’s current cabinet met with the Iranian foreign minister, English-speaking fo

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                                                                                                                YouTube Takes Down Video of Testimony Given During Ohio House Session

                                                                                                                Google’s video asset YouTube removed a video that showed an attorney testifying to the Ohio legislature last week. The video chronicled a procedure of government and its removal is raising eyebrows because of that. Thomas Renz, an attorney with the Ohio

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                                                                                                                Canada to Follow Australia; Takes on Facebook on Payment for Content Issue

                                                                                                                Canada is joining Australia in taking on Facebook, following Australia's move to craft legislation demanding payment for content not created by the company. Facebook as "unfriended" the entire country of Australia, denying Australians access to the Facebo

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                                                                                                                Google Fires Founder of Its Artificial Intelligence Ethics Program

                                                                                                                The behemoth tech giant Google has fired the head of its Artificial Intelligence ethics program. Google executives claim she violated company policy by moving files outside of the company building. Margaret Mitchell tweeted Friday she had been let go by G

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                                                                                                                Shell Aims to Deploy 500,000 Electronic Vehicle Chargers by 2025

                                                                                                                The Shell Oil Company announced that it plans to have "around 500,000" electric vehicle chargers at its stations by 2025, in it's moving toward net-zero carbon emissions. "We must give our customers the products and services they want and need — product

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                                                                                                                Coca-Cola Makes Employees Take Training on How to 'Be Less White'

                                                                                                                The Coca-Cola company has mandated that their employees undergo anti-racism training that instructs the workers to “be less white.” Images captured from the training show a section of the program titled “Confronting Racism. Understanding what it mea

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                                                                                                                Soros-Backed Los Angeles DA Drops Death Penalty for Cop Killer

                                                                                                                Los Angeles' Soros-installed District Attorney, George Gascón, announced Friday that his office won't seek the death penalty for a gang member who killed a police officer. The assailant also shot and killed his own cousin. and his own cousin. Michael Chr

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                                                                                                                Palin Eyed as Murkowski Primary Challenger After Impeachment Vote

                                                                                                                Alaska's GOP officials are eyeing former governor Sarah Palin as a potential primary challenger to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK). Murkowski has fallen out of favor with rank-and-file Republicans in her state for her vote to convict former-President Trump in

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                                                                                                                House Republicans Bring Bill to Reauthorize Keystone XL Pipeline, Cut Biden Out of Process

                                                                                                                House Republicans have introduced legislation to re-authorize the Keystone XL pipeline, claiming President Biden’s first-day executive order canceling the project's permits as “catastrophic for American workers and families.” Eighty-five Republicans

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                                                                                                                House Dems Begin Process to Potentially Unseat GOP Congresswoman, Replace with Democrat Opponent

                                                                                                                House Democrats have begun and unnerving effort determine whether a they can over-turn the election of a Republican congresswoman from Iowa claiming the election was "illegitimate." The move could ultimately end with Democrats seating the congresswoman’

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                                                                                                                Biden Administration Teaming Up with BigTech to Censor Vaccine Skeptics

                                                                                                                The Biden White House is teaming up with BigTech social media companies to make sure such material deemed "disinformation" regarding the COVID vaccines “does not start trending on such platforms and become a broader movement." The White House’s direct

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                                                                                                                Most of Biden’s $1.9 Trillion COVID Relief Bill Has Nothing to Do with Public Health

                                                                                                                Only a small percent of President Joe Biden’s proposed $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package would actually go to pandemic-related effort

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                                                                                                                After Years of Food Shortages, Blackouts, Civil Unrest, Venezuela Flirts With Chinese-Style ‘Capitalism’

                                                                                                                Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro has quietly admitted defeat in the arena of economics, moving to dismantle the country’s socialist-based economy,

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                                                                                                                Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Says Math, Showing Your Work, Correct Answers Are Racist

                                                                                                                As Bill and Melinda Gates aggressively push for the vaccination of the entire world population against COVID, their non-profit organization

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                                                                                                                DOJ, US Attorney Launch Investigations Into Cuomo’s Handling of COVID Nursing Home Deaths

                                                                                                                The Department of Justice, as well as the US District Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, have launched

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                                                                                                                Fox News’ Parent Company Strikes Lucrative Deal With China-Adjacent Google To Profit Off Australia’s Big Tech Ban

                                                                                                                NewsCorp, the parent company of Fox News, has struck a wide-ranging three-year deal with internet giant Google to provide news

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                                                                                                                The Passing of the Gatekeeper: Rush Limbaugh (1951-2021)

                                                                                                                02/17/2021 - It is with sincere condolences that I extend my thoughts and prayers to the Limbaugh Family on the passing of Rush Limbaugh early morning on February 17, 2021. As they are family it almost seems intrusive to say that we all feel a stinging lo

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                                                                                                                Joe Biden Poised To Turn 9th Circuit Court Hard Left, As It Was Before Trump’s Appointees Made It Centrist

                                                                                                                During President Donald Trump’s tenure, he successfully weakened the power of Democrats on the 9th Circuit Court, the largest jurisdiction

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                                                                                                                Instagram Now Reads Your Private Messages To Detect And Ban ‘Hate Speech’

                                                                                                                Instagram, a subsidiary of the wide reaching Facebook empire, has announced that they will be eavesdropping on private direct messages

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                                                                                                                VIDEO: Cuomo Says He Can’t Be Subpoenaed Over Nursing Home Deaths, Would Be ‘Abuse Of Power’

                                                                                                                New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D), pushed back against his mounting number of detractors following the revelation that his office

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                                                                                                                France Now Considers America’s Woke Leftism, Cancel Culture A Global Threat

                                                                                                                French President Emmanuel Macron told reporters that the chief threat to national cohesiveness around the world is the extreme woke

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                                                                                                                Lincoln Project Funneled $45 Million To Companies Owned By Its Founders

                                                                                                                A group of high-profile never-Trumpers known as The Lincoln Project has come under scrutiny, not only for the failure of

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                                                                                                                Tennessee May Pass Law Preventing Discrimination Against People Who Refuse Face Masks

                                                                                                                As the Biden Administration and the CDC continue to flip-flop and move the goal posts regarding the use of COVID

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                                                                                                                It’s Time for Mitch McConnell To Go

                                                                                                                02/13/2021 - We on the conservative Right are quick to castigate “The Swamp” and the “Deep State” in Washington, DC, and rightly so. Neither serve the American people, Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green, whatever denomination. But just under

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                                                                                                                Republicans, Democrats Call For Cuomo’s Resignation After He Lied About COVID Nursing Home Deaths

                                                                                                                A damning bombshell report reveals that New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo (D), deliberately held back data about the number of

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                                                                                                                After Trying To Cancel Gina Carano For Wrongthink, Disney Has Now Been Cancelled By Conservatives

                                                                                                                One of the stars of the Disney-Plus Star Wars series The Mandalorian, has been canceled by Hollywood’s cancel culture elitists

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                                                                                                                HILLARY: If GOP Senators Don’t Convict Trump, It Proves They’re Guilty ‘Co-Conspirators’

                                                                                                                Hillary Clinton, the twice failed Democrat presidential candidate and former-Obama Secretary of State responsible for the slaughter at Benghazi, has

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                                                                                                                CBS DECLARES: You’ll Need A COVID ‘Vaccination Passport’ To Travel By Summer 2021

                                                                                                                As the United States prepares to open back up after the unnecessarily long COVID lockdowns, the mainstream media is shaping

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                                                                                                                PODCAST: If You Feel Like You're The Only One, That You're Alone, You're Not

                                                                                                                As we approach the opening day of "argument" in the unconstitutional second impeachment trial of Donald Trump - this time as a private citizen, the plague of untruths, fabrications, and outright lies by the neo-Progressive Left have to be addressed...

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                                                                                                                Mark Cuban Forced to Admit Defeat, Will Reluctantly Play National Anthem Before Home Games After NBA Steps In

                                                                                                                After saying that his organization would not play he National Anthem before home games, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban was

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                                                                                                                Utah Embraces Constitution, Ditches Concealed Carry Permits

                                                                                                                As the nation’s gun sales soar, the State of Utah has is set to adopt a permitless concealed carry system

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                                                                                                                Biden’s ‘American Recovery Act’ Includes Hidden 150% Obamacare Expansion

                                                                                                                Any mention of a temporary expansion that breathes life back into Obamacare was mysteriously missing from a summary of the

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                                                                                                                Hacker Accessed Utility System, Increased Deadly Chemical Level In Florida City’s Water

                                                                                                                In an event that should put the country’s Department of Homeland Security on notice, a hacker gained access to one

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                                                                                                                Biden’s Dept of Justice To Demand 56 Trump-Appointed U.S. Attorneys Resign

                                                                                                                The Biden administration’s Department of Justice is set to seek the resignations of almost all of the US attorneys appointed

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                                                                                                                Far Left ‘American Bridge’ Super PAC Will Spend $100 Million to Back Biden, Democrats in 2022

                                                                                                                The far-left political action group American Bridge, which spent roughly $62 million in attacks ads against President Donald Trump and

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                                                                                                                Despite Being Closed for COVID-19, The Kennedy Center Still Got Over $80 Million in Tax Dollars in 2020

                                                                                                                The Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC – a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that sits on more than

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                                                                                                                The Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                As we approach the opening day of "argument" in the unconstitutional second impeachment trial of Donald Trump - this time as a private citizen, the plague of untruths, fabrications, and outright lies by the neo-Progressive Left have to be addressed...

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                                                                                                                RED FLAG LAWS: Supreme Court to Decide Whether Police Can Enter Your House, Seize Your Guns Without a Warrant

                                                                                                                A case before the US Supreme Court Supreme Court will decide whether law enforcement officers have the right, under the

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                                                                                                                POLL: 64% of Republicans, 15% of Democrats ‘Likely’ to Join Hypothetical New Trump-Led Political Party

                                                                                                                A newly released poll reveals that incessant negative media coverage, two impeachments, and a near universal betrayal by elected Republicans

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                                                                                                                China’s Ministry of Education Plans to Tackle ‘Feminization of Male Youths’ as West Embraces LGBT Agenda

                                                                                                                As many Western countries advocate for transgenderism and LGBT issues, China is moving in the polar opposite direction, doubling down

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                                                                                                                Uyghurs Who Survived China’s Concentration Camps Describe Gang Rapes With Electric Batons

                                                                                                                Ethic minorities, including Uyghurs and Kazakhs, who escaped the slave-producing concentration camps of China’s Xinjiang province, recall routine acts of

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                                                                                                                ARIZONA: Deputy Sheriff Confirms Mexican Border Already Far More Dangerous Under Biden

                                                                                                                The new Biden administration border and immigration policy is already resulting in a massive tidal wave of illegal immigrant crossings

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                                                                                                                Large Cache Of C-4 Explosives Vanishes From California Marine Base During Military Exercise

                                                                                                                Federal agents, including the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS), are investigating the reports that ten pounds of high-powered explosives have

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                                                                                                                ERASING HISTORY: Georgia Democrats Push to Expunge the Confederate Side of the US Civil War

                                                                                                                A group of Democrat state lawmakers in Georgia are seeking the destruction of one of the most iconic symbols of

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                                                                                                                Far Left Democrat Dark Money Groups Want To Destroy Trump’s Legacy By Packing Supreme Court

                                                                                                                Far-Left dark money groups have banded together to utilize the power of anonymous, deep-pocket donors to both pressure the Biden

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                                                                                                                THE RESISTANCE GROWS: Missouri Bill Would Prohibit Enforcement of Unconstitutional Federal Gun Laws

                                                                                                                The Missouri legislature is advancing legislation that would prohibit state, county, and local law enforcement agencies and departments from enforcing

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                                                                                                                POLL: Trump Outperformed Biden in Presidential Approval Ratings

                                                                                                                A new presidential approval poll reveals that even though Joe Biden has allies in the mainstream media and Big Tech,

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                                                                                                                Amazon Committed to Hosting Twitter Despite Them Hosting Violent Content, Allegedly Child Porn

                                                                                                                Amazon’s AWS web hosting service has struck a deal with Twitter to host the social media giant’s platform on its

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                                                                                                                Twitter Bans Small Business Advocacy Group After They Call for Big Tech Regulation

                                                                                                                Twitter has suspended the account of a small business advocacy group whose president and CEO has made no qualms about

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                                                                                                                Only 10% of Wyoming Republicans Support Liz Cheney After Her Vote To Impeach Trump

                                                                                                                A survey undertaken by the Save America PAC has found that support for US Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), once one

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                                                                                                                Biden’s Press Secretary Now Pre-Screens Questions After Being Mocked For Many Promises to ‘Circle Back’

                                                                                                                The Biden White House's press team has started prescreening the questions reporters will be able to ask Press Secretary Jen

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                                                                                                                TURLEY: Using 14th Amendment ‘Could Set Dangerous Precedent of Barring Opponents from Office’

                                                                                                                As the more zealous Democrats in the US Senate prepare for the second impeachment trial of President Donald Trump, who

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                                                                                                                VIDEO: Democrat Media Panics As They Realize Trump’s Base Is Growing Stronger After Gaetz’s Wyoming Rally

                                                                                                                As Democrats continue their march against President Donald Trump, one inside the beltway reporter has been awakened to the fact

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                                                                                                                Kamala Harris Pressures Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema Through Media Tour In Their Home States Promoting Biden’s Radical Agen

                                                                                                                Harris has been applying pressure on Sens. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema by granting local news outlets in West Virginia

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                                                                                                                House Bill Would Require Psych Test, Liability Insurance For Gun Ownership, Implement Mass Retroactive Registry

                                                                                                                A new piece of legislation being advanced by US Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) would create prerequisites to gun ownership that

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                                                                                                                Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                An irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. Not to get biblical sounding, but it is done. We now have a President Biden and a cast of radical Left wing Marxist-Progressives in our Executive Branch administration whose goal is to embrace the Grea

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                                                                                                                Maxine Waters Funneled Over $1 Million In Campaign Funds To Her Daughter, So Far

                                                                                                                Controversial and hyper-partisan US Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA, has now funneled more than $1.13 million in payments for “services rendered”

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                                                                                                                Amid Turmoil, SEC Names Wife of Disgraced FBI Agent Peter Strzok as Division Director

                                                                                                                In the wake of the Security and Exchange Commission’s questionable inaction regarding the GameStop event, the regulatory agency has hired

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                                                                                                                Biden’s Pick To Run Unemployment Let Nigerian Fraudsters Steal $600 Million From Washington State

                                                                                                                The President has named the former head of the State of Washington’s Employment Security Department (ESD) to a position overseeing

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                                                                                                                How’d He Know? Pelosi’s Husband Makes Huge Tesla Buy Right Before Biden Announced Green Vehicle Policy

                                                                                                                US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband, Paul Pelosi Sr., made a $1 million Tesla stock buy just before it was

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                                                                                                                Los Angeles City Councilors Each Employ Between 22 to 36 Aides, Some Making Over $100K

                                                                                                                The spendthrift Los Angeles City Council – a city $5.1 billion in debt – allows each council members to employ

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                                                                                                                After Over 6 Months of Widespread Violence, Black Lives Matter Nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize

                                                                                                                After over six months of violent protests and the destruction of over a billion dollars’ worth of businesses and property,

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                                                                                                                Schumer Says Biden Should Declare ‘Climate Emergency’, Rule Like A Dictator

                                                                                                                For all the talk of bi-partisanship and respecting the rights of the minority party, US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer

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                                                                                                                Democrats Push To Stack the Deck in the Senate with Push for DC Statehood

                                                                                                                Thirty-eight Senate Democrats joined in co-sponsoring a measure by US Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE), that would advance a vote on

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                                                                                                                Cuomo’s COVID Policies Killed 50% More People in Nursing Homes Than Originally Thought

                                                                                                                A devastating report by Letitia James, the Democrat New York State attorney general who achieved office with the help of

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                                                                                                                Schumer’s Dark Money Group Spending Skyrocketed by 825% in 2020 Election Cycle

                                                                                                                Even as he and his cohort House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-NY), feign outrage at dark money in politics, Senate Majority

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                                                                                                                NEW: Clinical Study Shows Hydroxychloroquine Effective in Treating Early Onset COVID

                                                                                                                A new clinical study our of New Jersey concludes that when people with early onset COVID-19 are treated with hydroxychloroquine,

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                                                                                                                Biden Announces Commission To Explore Packing the Supreme Court

                                                                                                                President Joe Biden began the selection of members to fill seats on commission tasked with examining potential reforms to the

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                                                                                                                FLASHBACK: Biden Called Transgender Women, Biological Men, In Sports The ‘Civil Rights Issue Of Our Time’

                                                                                                                After telegraphing his intention to greatly hobble women’s sports last June, President Biden has followed through on his threat to

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                                                                                                                VIDEO: Tulsi Gabbard Calls Adam Schiff, John Brennan ‘Domestic Enemies’ of the United States

                                                                                                                Former US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI), issued a cautionary statement to the American people in the aftermath of the hysteria

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                                                                                                                Biden Campaign Received $145 Million In ‘Dark Money’ That Can’t Be Traced

                                                                                                                Although campaigning against big money in politics while on the campaign trail, before he was elected, Joe Biden experienced a

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                                                                                                                Mitch McConnell vs Rand Paul: Mitch Courted By Deep State To Whip Republicans Into Impeaching Trump

                                                                                                                Reports are emerging that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), is being privately urged to support a conviction vote in

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                                                                                                                Obama Era Eric Holder, Famous for Fast & Furious, Demands Dems Pack Supreme Court

                                                                                                                Former Obama administration Attorney General, Eric Holder, who gained international attention for his alleged role in the Fast and Furious

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                                                                                                                Teachers Union President Declares In-Person Instruction, Teen Suicides Caused By Lockdowns Are ‘White Privilege’

                                                                                                                Scott Wilson, the president of the Washington state-based Pasco Association of Educators (PAE), stated in a Zoom meeting that re-opening

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                                                                                                                TRUMP THERAPEUTIC: Regeneron’s Antibody Cocktail Is 100 Percent Effective Against COVID

                                                                                                                An antibody cocktail in phase three trials produced by Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, is emerging as a game-changer in the fight against

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                                                                                                                MyPillow’s Mike Lindell Permanently Banned from Twitter

                                                                                                                Staunch Trump ally and CEO of MyPillow, Mike Lindell, has been permanently banned from the social media platform Twitter for

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                                                                                                                Biden’s Energy Secretary Nominee Will Make Over $5m When She Leaves Private Sector, Joins Government

                                                                                                                As a windfall to her nomination as Energy Secretary by President Joe Biden, former Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm stands to

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                                                                                                                Democracy Dies In Darkness? Washington Post Refuses To Track Biden’s Presidential Lies, Falsehoods

                                                                                                                The Washington Post has announced it will effectively cease its fact-checking operation where the Biden administration is concerned. According to

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                                                                                                                #NeverTrump Fights Back: 17 Freshman House Republicans ‘Express Willingness’ To Work With Biden

                                                                                                                Shortly after Joe Biden was sworn in as the 46th President of the United States, 17 freshmen Republicans in the

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                                                                                                                Democrat Patrick Leahy To Preside Over Trump Impeachment Trial Instead Of Chief Justice Roberts

                                                                                                                In a move that has left many questioning the legitimacy of the impeachment process, US Senate leadership announced Monday that

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                                                                                                                Democrats Debate Using the ‘Insurrection’ Clause in the 14th Amendment to Bar Trump from Office

                                                                                                                Continuing to advance the false narrative that former President Trump was the catalyst for the chaos and violence at the

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                                                                                                                COVID CASH COW: Anthony Fauci Is the Highest Paid Federal Employee in The United States

                                                                                                                A Freedom of Information Request shows that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute for Health’s National Institute

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                                                                                                                Sarah Sanders, Former Trump Senior Aide, Announces Run for Arkansas Governor

                                                                                                                Sarah Sanders, the former press secretary to President Donald Trump and daughter of former-Governor Mike Huckabee, has formally announced she

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                                                                                                                GABBARD: Democrats’ Domestic Terrorism Bill ‘A Targeting Of Almost Half Of The Country’

                                                                                                                Former U.S. Rep Tulsi Gabbard, a former Democratic presidential candidate from Hawaii, is raising concerns about proposed legislation introduced in

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                                                                                                                DENMARK: Prime Minister Pushes For Country To Admit ‘Zero Asylum Seekers’ In 2021

                                                                                                                As Joe Biden issues orders to discontinue construction of the border wall and prepare for an onslaught of undocumented refugees

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                                                                                                                FORMER ADVISER: Trump May Start New Political Party, Will Become Country’s Greatest Champion for Election Integrity

                                                                                                                In his farewell address to the nation, President Donald Trump told the American people that the work of “Making America

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                                                                                                                Biden Scraps Trump’s Executive Order Lowering Prices of Insulin, EpiPen For Impoverished Americans

                                                                                                                In his ongoing campaign to expunge the Trump presidency, President Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) executed an

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                                                                                                                Biden Halts Border Wall Construction, Signals Open Arms To Incoming Migrant Caravans

                                                                                                                In one of Joe Biden’s first moves as President of the United States, he halted construction of the border wall

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                                                                                                                Florida Bank Closes Donald Trump’s Accounts Without Explanation, More Banks Promise To Follow

                                                                                                                In what can only be seen as private sector political persecution, a Florida bank has become the latest financial institution

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                                                                                                                Legal Foundations Form Coalition To Oppose Critical Race Theory Under Biden

                                                                                                                A group of constitutionalist and conservative legal foundations and organizations have banded together to help average Americans push back against

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                                                                                                                Schumer Promises Post-Term Impeachment Of Trump: ‘Make No Mistake, A Trial Will Be Held’

                                                                                                                House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), is set to deliver the House’s single article of impeachment against former-President Donald Trump on

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                                                                                                                FBI Believed Hillary Clinton – Not Donald Trump – Was Receiving Help From Foreign Influences In 2016, Memos Reveal

                                                                                                                Field agents with the FBI had an open investigation in 2014 focused of foreign finances flowing into Hillary Clinton’s fledgling

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                                                                                                                As Biden Became President, Medical Journal Quietly Retracted Study That Claimed Hydroxychloroquine Is Ineffective

                                                                                                                A leading medical journal has issued a retraction of their endorsement for a study that concluded the anti-viral drug hydroxychloroquine

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                An irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. Not to get biblical sounding, but it is done. We now have a President Biden and a cast of radical Left wing Marxist-Progressives in our Executive Branch administration whose goal is to embrace the Grea

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                WEAK LEADERSHIP: Mitch McConnell Censured By Kentucky GOP For Betraying Trump, Siding With Schumer

                                                                                                                Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), has been censured – in a unanimous vote – by a Kentucky County Republican

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                Amazon Offers To Help Distribute COVID Vaccines On Biden’s First Day In Office, Never Offered To Help Trump

                                                                                                                Online retail behemoth Amazon reached out to offer its distribution services almost immediately after Joe Biden was sworn in, an

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                                                                                                                CANADA: Alberta Premier Threatens Sanctions Against US After ‘Insult’ of Biden Shuttering Keystone Pipeline

                                                                                                                President Biden’s move to cancel permits for the completion of the Keystone XL pipeline was met with disappointment and concern

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                                                                                                                VIDEO: Far Left Author Demands ‘Army of Citizen Detectives’ to Spy on Trump Supporters

                                                                                                                That the post is still available on Twitter is shocking. A best-selling author, left-wing activist, and ardent critic of Donald

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                                                                                                                LISTEN: Clinton, Pelosi Float Baseless Conspiracy That Trump, Putin Planned Capitol Hill Protest

                                                                                                                With relative certainty that she wouldn’t get banned from her platform, failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton used her little-known

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                                                                                                                NYU Professor Says Black, Latino Trump Supporters Are Product of ‘Multiracial Whiteness’

                                                                                                                A New York University professor has concocted a Critical Race Theory-based theorem to explain not only why Black and Latino

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                An irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. Not to get biblical sounding, but it is done. We now have a President biden and a cast of radical Left wing Marxist-Progressives in our Executive Branch administration whose goal is to embrace the Grea

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                RightMinded with Frank Salvato

                                                                                                                An irreverent, raw, outspoken New Right podcast that focuses on current events, the culture war, political issues, and relevant topics to those who choose to be aware....

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                After Impeachment Vote, Liz Cheney ‘Couldn’t Win A Primary For Dogcatcher’ In Wyoming According To GOP Officials

                                                                                                                U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), may truly believe that her vote to impeach President Trump a second time was a

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                                                                                                                Biden First Actions Are to Roll-Back Trump Policies, Continue Obama-Era Schemes

                                                                                                                In the first hours of his presidency, President Joe Biden is set to issue a flurry of executive orders that

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                                                                                                                China to Expand Weather Modification Project to Cover Area the Size of India

                                                                                                                The Communist Chinese govern has announced it plans to radically expand its experimental weather modification project. Their goal is to

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                                                                                                                Left Wing SPLC Demands Donors Drop Mo Brooks, Cancel Him Immediately

                                                                                                                The radically Left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), hasRep. Mo Brooks (R-AL), in their crosshairs, citing the Congressman’s participation in

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                                                                                                                Biden Plans to Kill Keystone XL Pipeline During First Day In Office

                                                                                                                In a move that was telegraphed by his radical choices in appointments, President-Elect Joe Biden plans to use one of

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                                                                                                                Incoming White House Climate Team Blames ‘Systemic Racism’ for Climate Change

                                                                                                                Two of the top environmental aides to President-Elect Joe Biden have openly declared that “systemic racism” is a driver of

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                                                                                                                Rep. Lauren Boebert Faces Lawsuit After Blocking Crazed Antifa Activist On Twitter

                                                                                                                Freshman Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is in the crosshairs of the Left’s double-standard, cancel culture censorship campaign after she blocked

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                Underground USA is an irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. Nancy Pelosi and the Marxist-Progressive bloodthirsty Democrats, who out of one side of their mouths plead for unity and out of the other call for crushing their opponents have impea

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                                                                                                                AOC Proposes Funding to ‘De-Program’ What She Calls ‘White Supremacists’

                                                                                                                US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY), believes that a vast majority of the evils facing the United States today stem

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                                                                                                                Biden Recruits Weinstein’s ‘Damage Control’ Expert Who Praised Mao For Senior White House Role

                                                                                                                President-Elect Joe Biden has named yet another former Obama administration official to his team. This time it is former Obama

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                                                                                                                Biden Team Already Talking To Iran About Resuming Nuclear Deal, Possibly In Violation Of Logan Act

                                                                                                                President-Elect Joe Biden’s team is reported to have opened up back-channel communications with the Iranian regime regarding the return of

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                                                                                                                VIDEO: ‘Moderate’ Dem Manchin Says Senate Should Explore Expelling Hawley, Cruz Under 14th Amendment

                                                                                                                If Republicans in Washington, DC, thought they had a firewall against the radical Biden-Harris agenda in US Sen. Joe Manchin

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                                                                                                                National Rifle Association Dumps New York for Texas, Will Reincorporate During Chapter 11 Bankruptcy

                                                                                                                In a move that protects their financial assets and punishes the cancel-culture of New York State, the National Rifle Association

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                                                                                                                Trump Aides Bail on Impeachment Defense, Welcome the End of His Presidency

                                                                                                                With the news of a second impeachment, President Trump has seen his White House apparatus reduced in size, with an

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                                                                                                                GOP Rep. Calls For Investigation Into Fellow Republicans Who Supported Trump In Electoral College Challenge

                                                                                                                Freshman U.S. Representative Nancy Mace (R-SC), couldn’t get enough of being a Trump supporter when she was running for office.

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                Underground USA is an irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. Nancy Pelosi and the Marxist-Progressive bloodthirsty Democrats, who out of one side of their mouths plead for unity and out of the other call for crushing their opponents have impea

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                                                                                                                STUDY: COVID Lockdown Harms Are 10 Times Greater Than Benefits

                                                                                                                As President-Elect Biden and his COVID Czar Jeff Zients contemplate another lockdown and whether to impose a mask mandate onto

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                                                                                                                Samantha Power, Who Unmasked Michael Flynn, Nominated by Biden to Top Post

                                                                                                                President-Elect Biden has again named an Obama-era Progressive to a key post in his incoming administration, this time tapping former

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                                                                                                                VIDEO: Schumer Calls for DC ‘Rioters’ to Be Placed on No-Fly List

                                                                                                                Incoming Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) has singled out the protesters who breached the Capitol Building last Wednesday for

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                                                                                                                POLL: SurveyMonkey Claims 74% of Americans Will Accept COVID Passport in US If Implemented

                                                                                                                As the government and government regulated industries continue to erase the freedoms of Americans in the name of “public health,”

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                                                                                                                TEXIT: Texas Lawmaker Wants Referendum on Secession on the Ballot

                                                                                                                The Texit effort is slated for a major boost this week with the introduction of a bill in the Texas

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                                                                                                                Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                Underground USA is an irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. Nancy Pelosi and the Marxist-Progressive bloodthirsty Democrats, who out of one side of their mouths plead for unity and out of the other call for crushing their opponents have impea

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                BLM Activist Inside Capitol Laughingly Says He Was ‘Documenting’ Riots, Once Said ‘Burn It All Down’

                                                                                                                In a statement that would be considered comical if not for the seriousness of the situation, the leader of a

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                                                                                                                Biden’s CIA Pick Led Secret ‘Back Channel’ Negotiations That Led To Failed Iran Nuclear Deal

                                                                                                                Joe Biden has announced that the chief facilitator to the creation of the incredibly one-sided Iran nuclear deal, if confirmed,

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                                                                                                                Lincoln Project Builds ‘Hit List’ of Trump Officials, Staff

                                                                                                                The Lincoln Project, an assembly of extreme Republicans who embraced the ‘Never Trump’ movement, are attempting to resurrect a ‘hit

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                Kevin McCarthy Parrots FBI’s Version of January 6th Events, Blames ‘Pro-Trump Extremists’

                                                                                                                Ignoring a growing number of videos and evidence proving otherwise, US Rep. Kevin McCarthy (D-CA), the Minority Leader in the

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                                                                                                                Capitol Police Under Investigation for Actions Leading to Ashli Babbitt’s Execution Style Killing

                                                                                                                Authorities have suspended several US Capitol Police officers as the facts begin to emerge regarding the chaos and violence in

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                                                                                                                Barbarian Politics | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                Jan. 11, 2021 - If it weren’t so deadly serious it would be laughable, but this purge, this “cyber-Kristallnacht” is the coup they fraudulently accused Trump supporters of trying to execute on January 6th. Once again, they are guilty of actually doi

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                                                                                                                THE PURGE? ABC’s News Director Calls for ‘Cleansing’ Trump’s Supporters

                                                                                                                Rick Klein, news director for ABC News wants to “cleanse” the nation of everyone and anyone who supports the President’s

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                                                                                                                ‘Campaign Monitor’ Email Service Dumps Trump Campaign from Platform

                                                                                                                On Friday, Facebook and Twitter launched an unprecedented attack on free speech and the right to freely assemble in today’s

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                                                                                                                No ‘Riot’ Charges for Trump as Video of Capitol Police Letting Protestors Enter Capitol Proliferates

                                                                                                                Two US Justice Department officials have gone on record saying President Trump will not be charged with any crimes related

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                RightMinded with Frank Salvato

                                                                                                                An irreverent, raw, outspoken New Right podcast that focuses on current events, the culture war, political issues, and relevant topics to those who choose to be aware....

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                Virginia Lawmakers Ignore Growing National Anger, Blame Trump for Capitol Hill Chaos on Trump

                                                                                                                Ignoring that the nation has been a rising to a boiling point since the Obama administration, several Virginia lawmakers have

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                Underground USA is an irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. Are You Ready for the Fundamental Transformation of America? We now have one-party rule by Marxist-Progressives. How did it happen? Where do we go from here? Do we still have a Const

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                Barbarian Politics | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                Jan. 7, 2021 - As we face the prospects of our nation being fundamentally transformed, two things are eating at me. One is how instantaneously the Washington Republican apparatus abandoned President Trump and the other is how disingenuously everyone is sc

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                LISTEN: Georgia Legislator Says Democrats Will Treat Trump, Supporters As ‘Negroes’

                                                                                                                A US Congressman from Georgia has gone on record as believing President Trump and his supporters should be as “negroes”

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                                                                                                                After Day of Electoral College Betrayal, Trump Promises Orderly Transition of Power

                                                                                                                With the blood of Ashli Babbitt, a 14-year veteran of the United States Air Force, washed off the Capitol grounds

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                Underground USA is an irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. Are You Ready for the Fundamental Transformation of America? We now have one-party rule by Marxist-Progressives. How did it happen? Where do we go from here? Do we still have a Const

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                LAWSUITS: Trump Is Suing Raffensperger Over Leaked Phone Call Full of Lies

                                                                                                                President Trump and his legal team have filed two lawsuits against Georgia’s Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger (R). One of

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                                                                                                                AOC, Squad Promise ‘Climate Justice’, ‘Retroactive COVID Relief’, ‘Survival Checks’, and 

                                                                                                                In the aftermath of what appears to be a shocking victory for radical Democrats in Georgia’s twin US Senate run-off

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                RightMinded with Frank Salvato

                                                                                                                An irreverent, raw, outspoken New Right podcast that focuses on current events, the culture war, political issues, and relevant topics to those who choose to be aware....

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                Pelosi, McConnell Use Voice Vote to Determine Rules for Jan. 6 as GOP Senators Waffle on Trump Support

                                                                                                                In a move that further demonstrates their determination to move past any challenges brought before the joint session of Congress

                                                                                                                News | News

                                                                                                                VIDEO: Ossoff Aide Says He Hides Progressive Values to Sway Georgia ‘Rednecks’

                                                                                                                An undercover video has captured a campaign aide to Democrat US Senate candidate Jon Ossoff explaining how the candidate is

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                                                                                                                GEORGIA: Dominion Machines Apparently Break Down In GOP Strongholds, Ballots to Be Scanned Later

                                                                                                                In a repeat of exactly what happened during the November 3, 2020 General Election, voters Georgia Republican stronghold precincts have

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                                                                                                                  COVID CAMPS: Bill Would Let Cuomo Imprison, Forcibly Medicate People Suspected Of Having China Virus

                                                                                                                  The New York State Assembly is considering a piece of legislation that would give Governor Andrew Cuomo (D), and select

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                  Underground USA is an irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. If we expunge the people who foment hate and divide, if we can box up those who need to fragment the American citizenry, we as a people have a lot in common, we get along.

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  7 ‘Conservative’ House Republicans Plan to Cede White House to Biden, Ignore January 6 Challenge

                                                                                                                  Just like six Republican Senators who partnered with Democrats in declining to challenge contested elector slates to the Electoral College,

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                                                                                                                  Four GOP Senators Plan to Surrender White House to Democrats at Electoral College Certification

                                                                                                                  The three moderate Republicans in the US Senate that typically frustrate conservative measures are being joined by a few others

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  RightMinded with Frank Salvato

                                                                                                                  An irreverent, raw, outspoken New Right podcast that focuses on current events, the culture war, political issues, and relevant topics to those who choose to be aware....

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Gohmert’s Lawsuit Against Pence Dismissed By Appeal Court, VP’s Options Are Limitless On January 6

                                                                                                                  In yet another stunning abdication of constitutional responsibility, the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has declined to

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                                                                                                                  ELECTION INTERFERENCE: Facebook Bans Campaign Ad Account Used By Loeffler, Perdue

                                                                                                                  Just days before the pivotal twin US Senate run-off elections in Georgia, Facebook has once again inserted itself into the

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                                                                                                                  GA Court Denies Stacy Abrams Effort to Block Poll Watchers And Election Observers During Senate Run-Off

                                                                                                                  Stacey Abrams, who lost her bid to be Georgia’s governor by over 50,000 votes but still refuses to concede, lost

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                                                                                                                  DOJ Charges Kenyan National With Planning 9/11-Style Attack Inside United States

                                                                                                                  The US Department of Justice recently announced charges against a Kenyan national who, as an operative of the al Qaeda

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                                                                                                                  Stacey Abrams’ Sister – a Federal Judge – Blocks 2 Georgia Counties from Purging Ineligible Voters

                                                                                                                  With the all-important twin US Senate run-off elections just days away, a federal judge related to political activist and failed

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                                                                                                                  Woke Activists in Boston Force the Removal of Lincoln ‘Emancipation Memorial’

                                                                                                                  Boston city workers removed the Emancipation Memorial – also known as the Emancipation Group and the Freedman’s Memorial – from

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                                                                                                                  Cuomo Puts Drug Addicts Ahead of Elderly in COVID Vaccine Line

                                                                                                                  New York’s governor has once again demonstrated to the elderly of his state that they are not a priority for

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                                                                                                                  PENNSYLVANIA: Department of States Claims 6.9 Million Voted, Computer Says Only 6.7 Million

                                                                                                                  A group of Pennsylvania lawmakers have issued a press release stating that because of a massive and “troubling discrepancy” in

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  RightMinded with Frank Salvato

                                                                                                                  An irreverent, raw, outspoken New Right podcast that focuses on current events, the culture war, political issues, and relevant topics to those who choose to be aware....

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Biden Taps Climate Czar Who Previously Presided Over Millions of Gallons of Pollutants Pouring Into Pristine River

                                                                                                                  As if oblivious to her performance while the chief of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden

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                                                                                                                  Louie Gohmert Sues Mike Pence, Says He Cannot Accept Electoral Votes From Contested States

                                                                                                                  US Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), has filed suit against Vice President Mike Pence that seeks to legally obligate Pence to

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  RightMinded with Frank Salvato

                                                                                                                  An irreverent, raw, outspoken New Right podcast that focuses on current events, the culture war, political issues, and relevant topics to those who choose to be aware....

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  VIDEO: 83-Year-Old Civil Rights Activist Says Critical Race Theory Is ‘Lethal’ To Society

                                                                                                                  A celebrated conservative black activist is decrying Critical Race Theory as “lethal” to society because it defines people by skin

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                  Underground USA is an irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. If we expunge the people who foment hate and divide, if we can box up those who need to fragment the American citizenry, we as a people have a lot in common, we get along.

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  WHAT?! New Study of 10 Million Chinese Finds Asymptomatic Covid Spread Never Existed

                                                                                                                  In complete contradiction to the popular narrative used by Democrat politicians and governors across the United States, a new study

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                                                                                                                  UK Researchers: China’s COVID Response Will Make Them World’s Biggest Economy By 2028

                                                                                                                  A formidable economic consultancy firm in the UK is predicting that China will best the United States as the world’s

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                                                                                                                  PC WORD BAN: University of Michigan Claims Words ‘Picnic,’ ‘Brown Bag’ Are Offensive

                                                                                                                  The University of Michigan’s “Words Matter Task Force” (WMTF), created by the university’s Information & Technology Services (ITS) Department, has

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                                                                                                                  Attorneys General From 16 States Push Back on Soros-Funded New York AG’s Plot To Dismantle The NRA

                                                                                                                  The State of New York’s Attorney General, Letitia James (D), who was aided in her election bid by groups funded

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                                                                                                                  McConnell, Thune Urge Tuberville to ‘Knife Trump in the Back’ on January 6 Electoral College Vote

                                                                                                                  Both the Republican Senate Majority Leader and the Republican Whip are urging Senator-Elect Tommy Tuberville (R-AL), to ignore his constitutional

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                                                                                                                  CHINA: Chinese Media Says Beijing Demanded Biden Rejoin Iran Nuclear Deal During ‘Backchannel Talks’

                                                                                                                  According to Communist Chinese media outlets, Beijing opened “backchannel talks” with individuals close to the Biden team last month. These

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                                                                                                                  After Stacey Abrams Secures 1 Million Mail In Votes, Georgia Secretary Of State Suddenly Sees The Issue

                                                                                                                  He has maintained throughout the 2020 General Election and through the vote certification process that there was absolutely no vote

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                                                                                                                  DETROIT PUNCHES BACK: Files ‘Civil Conspiracy’ Suit Against Black Lives Matter Activists

                                                                                                                  In an attempt to discourage the continued assault on their city by ideologically based activist groups, the City of Detroit

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                                                                                                                  Barbarian Politics | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                  Dec. 24, 2020 - It has come to this. We, the American people, no longer have a true representative form of government. We are now saddled with an assembly of people, elected to office, who simply do not understand the US constitution, its mandates, its li

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                                                                                                                  Conservative Legal Team Sues Mike Pence, Demands He Reject Unconstitutional Electoral College Slates

                                                                                                                  In one of the most potent lawsuits to reach the US Supreme Court, the Amistad Project has filed a lawsuit

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                                                                                                                  GEORGIA: U.S. Rep Jody Hice Will Object to Georgia’s Electoral College Votes on January 6

                                                                                                                  As the countdown to the Electoral College vote certification in a joint session of Congresses continues, one Georgia Congressman has

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                                                                                                                  California Lawmakers Want Wealth Tax That Will Follow Taxpayers When They Inevitably Move to Cheaper States

                                                                                                                  As people leave the State of California in record numbers, Progressive lawmakers in that state are moving ahead with plans

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                  An irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. If we expunge the people who foment hate and divide, if we can box up those who need to fragment the American citizenry, we as a people have a lot in common, we get along. So why do we even bother list

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  United Nations Says America Is Greener Under Trump, Doesn’t Need To Rejoin Paris Climate Accord

                                                                                                                  Under President Donald Trump, the United States has reduced its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by such a level that the

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  RightMinded with Frank Salvato

                                                                                                                  An irreverent, raw, outspoken New Right podcast that focuses on current events, the culture war, political issues, and relevant topics to those who choose to be aware....

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  $2.3 TRILLION: Spending Bill Tied to COVID Stimulus Gives Billions to Foreign Countries, $600 to Americans

                                                                                                                  If Congress succeeds in advancing the proposed $2.3 trillion omnibus spending bill to the President’s desk, the taxpayers will be

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                                                                                                                  GEORGIA SENATE: ‘Coordinated Illegal Activities’ Happened On November 3, ‘Sufficient To Change The ResultsR

                                                                                                                  A new report from the Georgia State Senate’s Election Law Study Subcommittee found evidence of illegal activity executed by election

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  GEORGIA: Court Tosses GOP Lawsuit Demanding Signature Verification For January 5 Runoff

                                                                                                                  A lawsuit filed by Republicans seeking stronger, more uniform signature matching for the January 5, 2021, US Senate run-off elections

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  CONFIRMED: Google Notifies Children If Parents Are Monitoring Their Accounts

                                                                                                                  Google confirmed this month that they inform children when their parents are monitoring their account activity. The tech giant claims

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  RightMinded with Frank Salvato

                                                                                                                  An irreverent, raw, outspoken New Right podcast that focuses on current events, the culture war, political issues, and relevant topics to those who choose to be aware....

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  CHINA: Intel Briefing Reveals Swalwell Has No Place on House Intelligence Committee

                                                                                                                  After a closed-door intel briefing by the FBI, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said a years-long sexual tryst with

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                                                                                                                  LAW PROFESSOR: ‘The Votes of Black Americans Should Count Twice’

                                                                                                                  In an idea that makes new math appear intelligible, an assistant professor at Washington and Lee University School of Law

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                                                                                                                  VERBOTEN: New York Restaurants Organize to Ban Cuomo From ‘All Establishments’ For Life

                                                                                                                  In an unprecedented move, the beleaguered restaurant owners of New York City made a declaration on social media that they

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                                                                                                                  GEORGIA RUN-OFF: County Elections Board Throws Out Challenge To Toss 16,000+ Potentially Ineligible Voters

                                                                                                                  Election officials in Cobb County, Georgia, the states third most populated county, have dismissed – without investigation – claims that

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                                                                                                                  WISCONSIN JUDGE: ‘Our Court System Has Been Deeply Intimidated by the Left’

                                                                                                                  A former Wisconsin state judge, who is now representing the Trump campaign in litigation in that state, testified before Congress

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Michigan House Repeals Emergency Law Used by Whitmer to Decree COVID Restrictions

                                                                                                                  Michigan’s Governor, Gretchen Whitmer (D), has used every tactic at her disposal to keep the State of Michigan in an

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                                                                                                                  WHAT?!: Michigan’s Sec. of State Secured Court Order Redacting Evidence of Vote-Flipping

                                                                                                                  Michigan Secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson (D), won a court ruling that ordered the redaction of critical evidence found in

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                                                                                                                  GEORGIA: Warnock, Ossoff to Appear at Event Louis Farrakhan Devotee

                                                                                                                  The Rev. Raphael Warnock will join his fellow Democrat candidate for Georgia’s US Senate seats, Jon Ossoff, at an event

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                                                                                                                  Tlaib, Omar, Sarsour Support Warnock’s Georgia Run-Off Campaign At CAIR Event

                                                                                                                  For someone who is trying very hard to “reimagine” himself in the eyes of Georgia voters as someone who is

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                                                                                                                  SCOTUS Tosses Challenge to Trump’s Exclusion of Illegals from Census Count

                                                                                                                  In a surprise win for the Trump administration, the US Supreme Court dismissed a legal challenge to President Trumps decision

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                                                                                                                  GEORGIA: Raffensperger Orders A Statewide Signature Matching Audit

                                                                                                                  Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), is now relenting to demands that a statewide signature-matching audit take place. On

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                                                                                                                  Georgia Whistleblowers Who Called Foul on Ballot Tampering Get Terminated

                                                                                                                  Two Georgia poll workers who exposed vote fraud and ballot tampering in Fulton County, Georgia, during the November 3, 2020,

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  ELECTORAL COLLEGE: Pennsylvania, Michigan Legislatures Open Door for Congress to Challenge Electors

                                                                                                                  Lawmakers in Michigan and Pennsylvania are making moves, in an official capacity, that send clear messages to members of the

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                                                                                                                  GEORGIA: Dem Senate Candidate Warnock Tells Followers ‘Jesus Was A Poor Palestinian’

                                                                                                                  As Raphael Warnock, the senior pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta – the same church where Dr. Martin

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                                                                                                                  Unions Force Chicago Schools to Hire People to Supervise Kids in Class While Teachers Work Remotely

                                                                                                                  The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) has decreed that their rank and file will not return to the classrooms with the

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                                                                                                                  FORENSICS REPORT: Dominion Machine Software, Like Those Subpoenaed in Arizona, Designed to Influence Elections

                                                                                                                  An independent forensic audit of the Dominion Voting System machines and software in the troubled Michigan county of Antrim revealed

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                                                                                                                  VIDEO: Oath Keepers Refuse to Recognize Biden as President, ‘We’ll End Up Nullifying And Resisting’

                                                                                                                  The Oath Keepers, which describes itself as a “non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders,"

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                                                                                                                  GEORGIA: 1.2 Million Absentee Ballot Requests, 85,000 Are New Voters

                                                                                                                  Despite over a month of outrage over Georgia's November election, there have now been 1.2 million absentee ballot requests for

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                  An irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. At every turn over the last 72+ hours two-thirds of the branches of our federal government and five rogue state executive and judiciary branches have screwed the American people. The time is coming in

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  RightMinded with Frank Salvato

                                                                                                                  An irreverent, raw, outspoken New Right podcast that focuses on current events, the culture war, political issues, and relevant topics to those who choose to be aware....

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  RAND TO THE RESCUE: Second Senator Leans Toward Objecting to Electoral College Certification

                                                                                                                  On January 6th, 2021 a joint session of Congress will meet on Capitol Hill to certify the votes of the

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  USEFUL: Georgia Sec of State Unwittingly Provides Legal Basis For Congress To Nullify State’s Electoral Votes

                                                                                                                  Unwittingly or not, Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R), cryptically provided justification for the US Congress to nullify Georgia’s

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  NJ House Democrat Calls 126 GOP Colleagues ‘Traitors’ for Supporting Texas Lawsuit

                                                                                                                  US Rep. Bill Pascrell (D-NJ) has labeled 126 Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives “traitors” for supporting the Texas

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  House Rep Calls For Ethics Investigation Into Swalwell Over Relationship With Chinese Spy

                                                                                                                  As questions swirl around the revelation that US Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA), had a years-long, ongoing relationship with a woman

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  POST-SCOTUS: Trump Legal Team To File Reworked Texas-Style Election Challenges in Individual States

                                                                                                                  In a move that seems to incorporate the direction that US Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito tacitly voiced in his

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  MEMO: Kamala Harris Implicated in Hunter Biden’s China Energy Company Scheme

                                                                                                                  In a story that received next to zero coverage in the mainstream media, an internal email/memo from Democrat presidential hopeful

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                                                                                                                  Barbarian Politics | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                  December 11, 2020 - The US Supreme Court has cowardly decided not to hear Texas's lawsuit against Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia for unconstitutionally amending their election law with legislating the changes...

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Pennsylvania House Leaders File Brief to Support Texas in Supreme Court Lawsuit

                                                                                                                  In a move that found many slack-jawed from coast to coast, the Pennsylvania House Speaker and Majority Leader filed a

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  SUPER SOLDIERS? Communist Chinese Altering DNA of Their Military Personnel

                                                                                                                  John Ratcliffe, the Director of National Intelligence, said the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is experimenting with “gene editing” to boost

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  PORTLAND: Autonomous Zone Stockpiling Weapons, Ammo, Now Has Armed Sentries

                                                                                                                  Just when the overabundance of violence seemed to be calming in the Rose City, a group of aggressive and violent

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  REPORT: Sen. Dianne Feinstein In Severe Cognitive Decline, Schumer Having ‘Serious And Painful Talks’

                                                                                                                  After several moments over the past months that have raised eyebrows among high profile Democrats, it is being reported by

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  GEORGIA: Coffee County Says It Couldn’t ‘Duplicate’ Election Results, Won’t Certify Election

                                                                                                                  One south central county in Georgia has executed the recounts and audits that Georgia’s Secretary of State has mandated only

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                                                                                                                  BREAKING: Project Veritas Documents Democrat’s Hidden Plan to Pack the Supreme Court

                                                                                                                  Despite accusations of packing the court being a pivotal issue in the 2020 election, neither Joe Biden nor Kamala Harris

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Georgia US Senate Candidate Celebrated Fidel Castro After Communist Dictator’s Death

                                                                                                                  Just days after the death of Fidel Castro, a man who, along with his bloodthirsty compatriot Che Guevara, slaughtered tens

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Podcast | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                  An irreverent, brutally truthful, fact-based podcast. With Texas filing suit against the four embattle battleground states in the US Supreme Court and 17 states signing on in agreement, the angry Fascists of the Left, well, they're probably going to get a

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Soros Pick for LA District Attorney Sworn In, Immediately Ends Cash Bail, Pushes Back On Death Penalty Cases

                                                                                                                  The newly sworn in District Attorney for Los Angeles, who was heavily supported by Progressive billionaire George Soros, immediate embarked

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  China Launches Influence Campaign Targeting Biden, Team

                                                                                                                  It doesn’t really matter who prevails in the 2020 presidential race when you are the Communist Chinese government. The United

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  GEORGIA: Fulton County Won’t Provide Chain of Custody For Mail-In Ballots Until January 19, 2021

                                                                                                                  In a stunningly transparent and disingenuous effort to run out the clock on any challenge to the 2020 General Election,

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Georgia Senate Candidate: ‘The Marxist Critique Has Much to Teach the Black Church’

                                                                                                                  Aside from muddying the waters when it comes to the separation of church and state, Rev. Raphael Warnock seems to

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Texas Sues Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin In SCOTUS Over Their Unsafe, Broken Elections

                                                                                                                  While it is true that each state has dominion over their elections and their election processes, even in federal elections,

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  US Pension Money Flows into Chinese Companies: State Department

                                                                                                                  As the stock markets start to settle down after the tumultuous year that was 2020, many people are starting to

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Pelosi to Headline Mega-Bucks Fundraiser for Democrats Warnock, Ossoff

                                                                                                                  The run-off elections for the two US Senate in Georgia are first and foremost the election of representation in the

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  VIDEO: Warnock Refuses to Renounce Marxism in Debate Against Loeffler

                                                                                                                  Standing before a COVID safe crowd and the country, courtesy of CNN, two of the opposing candidates in the Georgia

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  WATCH: Pelosi Admits She Sold Out Americans, Small Business on COVID Relief for Political Purposes

                                                                                                                  If you ever wanted to gauge just how heartless and despicable Progressive-Democrats can be you need look no further than

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  SURPRISE: Absentee Ballot Chain of Custody Records Missing for Georgia County

                                                                                                                  In order to maintain ballot integrity, as well as the integrity of the entire election process, officials must be able

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  COVID-19 Vaccine Takers May Feel Ill, So The Government Is Issuing Them Covid Papers Proving They’re Safe

                                                                                                                  Even as the debate over the potency of the COVID virus continues to be had, Big Pharma – in collusion

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  DOJ Notified of a Pakistani Link to Nevada’s Election Email System

                                                                                                                  If worrying about Chinese, Russian, and Iranian interference in the 2020 General Election here in the United States wasn’t enough,

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Georgia Dems Ossoff, Warnock Campaign with Anti-Semite Who Compared Jews to ‘Termites’

                                                                                                                  If it weren’t enough that one Georgia Democrat candidate for the US Senate is an avowed Black Liberation theologian, now

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                                                                                                                  House Republicans Introduce Bill to Repeal Fraud-Prone ‘Motor Voter’ Law

                                                                                                                  Ask any Republican politician or election official what the most potent enemy to a sovereign election is and you will

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                                                                                                                  MICHIGAN: Judge Orders Forensic Review of 22 Dominion Voting Machines

                                                                                                                  In what can only be described as good news for the Trump campaign legal team, a Michigan judge has cleared

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                                                                                                                  US INTEL DIRECTOR: China Using ‘Blackmail, Bribery’ to Control U.S. Members of Congress

                                                                                                                  While Democrats and Progressives have harped on Russian collusion and the threats that nation state allegedly posed to the country

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                                                                                                                  Michigan Secretary of State Issues Order to Delete Election Data Amid Audit Calls

                                                                                                                  It what can only be seen as an effort to keep the facts from coming to light in the face

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                                                                                                                  RightMinded with Frank Salvato

                                                                                                                  An irreverent, raw, outspoken New Right podcast that focuses on current events, the culture war, political issues, and relevant topics to those who choose to be aware....

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                                                                                                                  AOC Gets Mocked For Condemning Capitalism While Running Successful Online Store

                                                                                                                  Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), has become famous for her bullhorn mentality in condemning the many benefits of Capitalism. That’s what makes

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  BATTLE: Mo Brooks Announces Plan to Challenge Electoral College Votes in Congress

                                                                                                                  Legislatures in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Georgia have all called for inquiries into vote fraud and ballot tampering in contemplation

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  POTENTIAL FRAUD: Group Linked to Democrat Senate Candidate Probed for Registering Non-Georgia Residents to Vote

                                                                                                                  State and Election officials from the State of Georgia have made it abundantly clear. If your intend to move to

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                                                                                                                  VIDEO: Another Georgia Republican Blames Trump for the Nation’s Anger Over Election Fraud

                                                                                                                  With Georgians facing the election of their lifetimes on January 5, 2021, some Republican election officials have taken to blaming

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                                                                                                                  Seattle Creates ‘Community Panel’ for Non-Violent Criminals; Taxpayers Pay Victim Restitution

                                                                                                                  Seattle has been under siege since the shooting of George Floyd and the city fathers and county officials have done

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                                                                                                                  WATCH: Georgia Senate Candidate Mocks Concealed Carrying Churchgoers

                                                                                                                  It was 2017, not that long ago, that 26 people died at the hand of a deranged gunman in Sutherland

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                                                                                                                  Democrats Create Anti-Trump Billboards Urging Republicans Not to Vote in Georgia Senate Runoffs

                                                                                                                  At stake is control of the US Senate and whether the United States will exist under one-party rule, and one

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                                                                                                                  DOMINOES: Georgia Announces Election Fraud Hearings After Pennsylvania, Arizona, And Michigan Bombshells

                                                                                                                  With a bevy of claims alleging vote fraud, ballot tampering, and non-adherence to legislated election processes, two critical State Senate

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                                                                                                                  Lawsuit Filed in Charges Michigan Illegally Counted or Ignored 500K Ballots

                                                                                                                  As the Michigan State Legislature works to move impeachment proceedings forward against Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer on a litany of

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                                                                                                                  New Lawsuit Seeks to Decertify Georgia Election Results

                                                                                                                  A new lawsuit filed in the State of Georgia seeks to decertify the 2020 General Election results in that state

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                                                                                                                  VIDEO: Georgia Lt. Gov. Pushes Back on Vote Fraud Claims Ignoring a Mountain of Evidence

                                                                                                                  To the amazement of rank and file Republicans and conservatives across the country, Georgia’s executive branch elected officials – Republican,

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                                                                                                                  GEORGIA: 17,514 ‘Voters’ Had Permanently Forwarded Out-of-State Mailing Addresses

                                                                                                                  Georgia state officials – all Republicans – are rallying the wagons around embattled Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger by taking

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  UN Declares Itself a ‘Trusted’ COVID Info Source; Seeks ‘New Social Norms’

                                                                                                                  In a move that leaves most of the world slack-jawed in disbelief, the United Nations is floating the idea that

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                                                                                                                  Progressive Voter-Advocacy Groups Probed for Illegal Registrations Ahead of Georgia Run-Off

                                                                                                                  Several Progressive and Left-leaning voter advocacy groups have come under scrutiny for the actions in the State of Georgia. With

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                                                                                                                  FRAUD: Native Americans Were Bribed With Gas Cards, Vacations To Vote Biden – Soros Money Involved

                                                                                                                  As if illegally programmed voting machines, ballot tampering, and corrupt election officials weren’t enough to steal an election for the

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                                                                                                                  GEORGIA: Democrat Senate Candidate Ossoff Pushes For One-Party Rule Citing ‘Pandemic Crisis’

                                                                                                                  The most important political contest in the United States will take place on January 5, 2021, in the State of

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                                                                                                                  DoJ Lawyer: US Can Kill Its Own Citizens Without Review

                                                                                                                  In an argument before a US federal appeals court, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) argued the United States government

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                                                                                                                  DOMINION: Eric Coomer Allegedly Bragged He ‘Made F**king Sure’ That ‘Trump’s Not Gonna Win’

                                                                                                                  A September 27, 2020, conference call between leaders of several activist groups found one participant so alarmed by a statement

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                                                                                                                  Stacey Abrams Recruits Hollywood Elites to Interfere in Georgia Runoffs

                                                                                                                  Georgians are set to go to the polls on January 5, 2021 to decide who they will have represent them

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                                                                                                                  New York Fire Department Won’t Require Medics, Firefighters to Get COVID-19 Vaccine

                                                                                                                  New York’s governor and New York City’s mayor have been two of the most ardent proponents of everything that is

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                                                                                                                  REMOVED: Johns Hopkins Study Saying COVID Has ‘Relatively No Effect on Deaths’ Is Expunged

                                                                                                                  A study critical to the narrative that COVID-19 is a deadly virus with the same killing power as smallpox or

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                                                                                                                  Wisconsin Supreme Court Petitioned to Declare All Drop-Box Ballots Illegal, Block Certification

                                                                                                                  With the vote certification process engaged, a new lawsuit is threatening to throw a wrench into the process; seeking to

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                                                                                                                  Forensic Computer Scientist: Up to 120,000 Questionable Votes in Pennsylvania

                                                                                                                  As the Third Circuit Court of Appeals rules against President Trump’s attorney’s in the matter of vote fraud and ballot

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                                                                                                                  WATCH: Whole Foods CEO Says Socialism Is ‘Trickle Up Poverty,’ Doomed to Fail

                                                                                                                  In an unexpected turn of events, the CEO of Whole Foods, long considered a darling of the Progressive Left, has

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                                                                                                                  BREAKING: Pennsylvania GOP Legislature Seeks to Reclaim Power to Appoint Electors

                                                                                                                  Pennsylvania is making a move that could open a path for other states to affect changes to the regular order

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                                                                                                                  MICHIGAN: State Will Hold Gettysburg-Style Election Fraud Hearing On December 1

                                                                                                                  In a move that mirrors state senate hearings that took place this week in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, a Senate committee in

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                                                                                                                  VENEZUELA: Socialist Government Now Preventing Doctors Without Borders From Entering Country

                                                                                                                  As the people of Venezuela suffer the ravages that Socialism serves up as a reward to those who blindly allow

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                                                                                                                  Facebook Engaged ‘Emergency’ Conservative Censorship Post-Election

                                                                                                                  Facebook, Twitter, and Google did a tremendous amount of damage to the nation in the run-up to the 2020 General

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                                                                                                                  House Democrats Seek to Resurrect Earmarks, Special Interest Cronyism

                                                                                                                  If there was ever proof that the elected class couldn’t care less what their constituents want this is it. With

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                                                                                                                  Ukrainian-Born Incoming Republican House Rep Warns ‘I Grew Up In Socialism’ And ‘It’s Not Pretty’

                                                                                                                  The fact that 70 percent of millennials say they would vote for a socialist and one in three view communism

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                                                                                                                  New York City to Have Thanksgiving COVID Checkpoints

                                                                                                                  If you are traveling in and around New York – and especially New York City – this Thanksgiving, you had

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                                                                                                                  COVID: Vermont to Question Schoolchildren Over Thanksgiving Gatherings

                                                                                                                  If you live in the State of Vermont, plan on having a Thanksgiving dinner with close family at your house,

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                                                                                                                  REPEAT: Georgia Sees 800,000 Absentee Ballot Requests For January Election

                                                                                                                  As the most important election in Georgia’s history since the Civil War looms in the near future, questions of vote

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                                                                                                                  NEW NORMAL?: Students at SUNY Must Test Negative for COVID to Leave for Thanksgiving

                                                                                                                  In a move more appropriate for a 1960s Soviet gulag than a 21st Century American university, the Chancellor of the

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                                                                                                                  Minnesota Republicans Sue to Stop Election Certification, Claim Secretary of State ‘Illegally Altered’ Election Laws

                                                                                                                  With Democrat election officials across the several battleground states that still have challenges to their elections racing to certify their

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  NYPD Union Tells New York Subway Riders ‘You’re On Your Own’ Due To Anti-Cop Policies

                                                                                                                  New York’s mayor, Bill de Blasio, has made no secret of his disdain for not only law and order, but

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                                                                                                                  BERNIE’S OUT: Union Bosses Veto Sanders As Labor Secretary In Hypothetical Biden Administration

                                                                                                                  He wanted it. He quietly lobbied for it. In the end, though, failed Democrat presidential candidate, US Sen. Bernie Sanders

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                                                                                                                  Possible Biden Presidency Sees Surge in Illegal Border Crossings

                                                                                                                  The possibility of a Biden presidency is seeing a spike of illegal entries into the United States along the US

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                                                                                                                  Georgia Pushes Forward With Mail-In Voting Rule Changes Even As Lawsuits Question Legality

                                                                                                                  At the center of several of the lawsuits currently being pursued by the Trump campaign is this question. Can a

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                                                                                                                  House Democrat Seeks To Disbar Rudy Giuliani, 22 Trump Election Lawyers

                                                                                                                  In a wholly partisan move that is fueled purely by politics, one Democrat House member has filed Bar Association complaints

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                                                                                                                  Apple Lobbies Congress To Weaken Bill Banning Use Of Chinese Slaves To Make iPhones

                                                                                                                  Apple, a pioneer in the world of digital censorship and progressive virtue signalling, has dispatched a team of lobbyists to

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                                                                                                                  PUPPET: China’s Top Propaganda Paper Issues Orders to ‘Incoming Biden Administration’

                                                                                                                  The American mainstream news media may not want to touch the story about the Biden-China connection with a ten-foot poll,

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  CORRUPTION?: Ilhan Omar Paid Her New Husband’s Political Consulting Firm Nearly $2.8 Million

                                                                                                                  Progressives – and especially Marxist-Progressives – are always quick to castigate the Capitalist system. They always want to extoll the

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                                                                                                                  BLACKLIST: Harvard Students Spread Petition To Ban Trump Administration From Teaching, Speaking, Attending University

                                                                                                                  As if obstructing the investigations of the multitude of vote fraud and ballot tampering claims weren’t enough, now the Progressive

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  BLM Founder Tells Biden to ‘Abandon Police, Prisons, and Punishment Paradigms’

                                                                                                                  As the nation tires of the political opportunism and self-centeredness of the Black Lives Matter movement, one of its founders

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  California Exempts Hollywood Movie Studios From COVID Lockdowns, Restrictions

                                                                                                                  In the aftermath of getting caught red-handed violating his own travel and gathering restrictions, California Governor Gavin Newsom has exempted

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                                                                                                                  ILLINOIS: Chicago Election Board Provided Dominion Complete Access for 2020 Election

                                                                                                                  As the nation is focused on the lack of system security in the 2020 General Election, now comes news that

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                                                                                                                  World Economic Forum-Endorsed ‘Great Reset’ Seeks to Eliminate Currency, Private Property

                                                                                                                  With the results of the 2020 General Election soon to be discovered, the next great threat on the horizon –

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Yale Trained Mathematician Flags 100,000 Pennsylvania Ballots As Likely Fraudulent

                                                                                                                  As the days count down to the ultimate deadline – the seating of the Electoral College, a flood of evidence

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                                                                                                                  AOC’s Progressive COVID Solution: ‘Pay People To Stay Home’

                                                                                                                  It was Margaret Thatcher, the former Prime Minister of Britain, who famously said, “The problem with Socialism is that you

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Soros, Bloomberg-Funded Group Pushes Cash into Georgia Runoff

                                                                                                                  With the eyes of not only the nation but of the world focused intensely on the State of Georgia and

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                                                                                                                  SWORN AFFIDAVITS: Georgia Recount Plagued by Potential Voter Fraud, Ballot Tampering

                                                                                                                  In the most critical recount taking place – and not just for the presidential election, officials and observers in recount

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  PHILADELPHIA: Female Trump Lawyer Protected By U.S. Marshals After Receiving Death Threats

                                                                                                                  As the battle for the White House reaches the level of white-hot intensity, the Marxist-Progressive Left and power-hungry Democrats are

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  WISCONSIN RECOUNT: Out Of 176 Recount Workers, Only 58 Are Republican

                                                                                                                  In one of the most outrageous and lopsided politically partisan acts of the 2020 General Election, the Wisconsin Elections Commission

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                                                                                                                  Election Fraud Expert: Michigan’s Election Results Are ‘Physical Impossibility’

                                                                                                                  The claims of unexplained anomalies by Wayne County, Michigan, election board canvassers are validated by one renowned election fraud experts

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Anti-Conservative Censorship Spreads To Mailchimp, Hosting

                                                                                                                  At first it was just Facebook and Twitter exercising what just about everyone considered censorship. Some who protested too loudly

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                                                                                                                  LAWSUIT: Nevada Electoral College Members File ‘Election Contest’ Claiming Widespread Election Fraud

                                                                                                                  As Joe Biden’s campaign tries to float the false-narrative that he should be addressed at “president-elect,” a new lawsuit brought

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  California Democrats Ignore Their Own COVID-19 Travel Ban, Go To Hawaii For ‘Summit’

                                                                                                                  Hypocrisy reached a new and cruel high at the hands of California lawmakers who have decided that the travel restrictions

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                                                                                                                  AOC Group Pushes Biden Toward Socialism As More Fraud Allegations Surface

                                                                                                                  Even as Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden continues to preach unity and coming together as one nation, those with his

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Biden Appoints Reparations Activist to Treasury Transition Team

                                                                                                                  Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden has taken to shopping the idea of unity now that his team believes he will

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                                                                                                                  Biden Appoints ‘Anti-Free Speech’ Zealot to Transition Team Propaganda Post

                                                                                                                  With the election still far from over and not one state certified in the ballot counts, Democrat presidential candidate Joe

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  SUSPICIOUS: Biden Underperformed Hillary Clinton Nationwide, Except In Four Cities

                                                                                                                  The lawsuits are flying in states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin over a plethora of anomalies where ballots, vote counting,

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  VIDEO: Georgia Recount Auditors Call Multiple Trump Ballots for Biden

                                                                                                                  The date for state certifications of ballots is fast approaching amid a mountain of evidence that there was, indeed, mass

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Democrats Warren, Klobuchar, Wyden Wrote Complaint Against Dominion In 2019

                                                                                                                  Dominion Voting Systems is front and center in the news today because of “glitches” and flipped vote counts performed by

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Georgia Senate Candidate Ossoff Has Pro-Communist China Financial Ties in Hong Kong

                                                                                                                  One of the candidates in the January 5, 2021, run-off election in Georgia has quietly amended his financial statement to

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Here’s How State Legislatures Can Save a Stolen Election

                                                                                                                  The Trump campaign has ongoing litigation in four states, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, and Pennsylvania as recounts happen in Wisconsin and

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  LAWSUIT: Georgia Sec of State Signed Illegal Deal With Democrats Changing How Ballots Are Processed

                                                                                                                  As Georgia gets ready to execute one of the most critical elections in recent American history, questions about how election

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  WISCONSIN: Lawsuit Filed To Remove Nearly 800,000 Ballots Due To Illegal Votes

                                                                                                                  Wisconsin is one of the critical states that is still in flux where the 2020 General Election is concerned. The

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  ‘Trump Accountability Project’ Blacklist For Trump Administration Workers Folds

                                                                                                                  The Marxist-Progressive Left, led by US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), launched an audacious project to amass a blacklist of every

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Anti-White Activist Ibram Kendi Says Term ‘Legal Vote’ Is ‘Functionally Racist’

                                                                                                                  If you use the expression “legal vote” to describe properly casting a legitimate ballot in a US election, then you

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  LAWYERS: Georgia Recount Is A ‘Farce’, Observers Only Present In 10% Of Vote Count Teams

                                                                                                                  In announcing that the State of Georgia would execute a recount of the ballots cast in the 2020 General election,

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  GEORGIA: Dem Senate Candidate Defended Obama Pastor’s ‘God Damn America’ Screed

                                                                                                                  One of the candidates in the January 5, run-off election for US Senator in Georgia was a stanch defender of

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                                                                                                                  Ticketmaster to Vet COVID Vaccination Status of Concertgoers

                                                                                                                  One of the world’s most widely used ticket-sales and distribution companies has big plans for how they will handle concerts

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                                                                                                                  WATCH: Former MI State Senator Says Detroit Tabulation Machines Were Illegally Connected to the Web

                                                                                                                  With lawsuits pending charging multiple instances of voter fraud in the State of Michigan, now an eyewitness has come forward

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  VIDEO: Ballot Integrity Expert’s Reports of ‘Glitches’ to Georgia Election Authority Ignored

                                                                                                                  A long-time ballot integrity expert noticed what he believed to be a suspicious anomaly in the vote count on Election

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  The Leftists New ‘Move to Georgia to Vote’ Plan Could Be a Felony Act

                                                                                                                  Several far-Left influencers are urging die-hard Progressives and other Democrats to move to the State of Georgia so they can

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  VIDEO: Fox News Cuts From Trump Briefing On Voter Fraud, Cavuto Says ‘We Can’t Report That’

                                                                                                                  Continuing its hard turn to the Left, Fox News cut away from a briefing by the Trump Campaign from the

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                                                                                                                  Getting into the Subject of the 'Uncensored'

                                                                                                                  In this episode of Underground USA I introduce Pete D'Abosca, an independent journalist and political guy with National File. Pete and I will be doing a 3-times weekly podcast for National File so we decided to shake it down here. Don't worry, U

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  ANALYSIS: 10,000 Dead People Voted in Michigan Using Mail-in Ballots

                                                                                                                  Analysis of the election data from Michigan shows thousands of people who are provably deceased voted in the November 3,

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  VIDEO: System ‘Glitch’ in Wisconsin Stole Over 19,000 Votes From Trump, Gave Them To Biden

                                                                                                                  As the Trump campaign litigates charges of voter fraud in several battleground states, a pattern has emerged in a series

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  US Senators Loeffler, Perdue Call on Georgia’s Republican Election Chief to Resign

                                                                                                                  The two incumbent US Senators from Georgia – both embroiled in run-off elections due to take place on January 5,

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  AOC, Progressives Pursue ‘Truth & Reconciliation Commission’ For Trump Supporters

                                                                                                                  At the genesis of every historical instance of oppression and totalitarianism there was the want to make a list of

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                                                                                                                  THE ODD COUPLE: McConnell, Biden to Work Together In Hypothetical Presidency

                                                                                                                  With the AP and NBC News projecting that Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden may, in fact, become the next President

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  REPORT: Wisconsin Election Clerks Tampered with Thousands of Ballots

                                                                                                                  Poll workers handling absentee ballots in Wisconsin received direction from election authorities to illegally alter ballots with missing information. The

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                                                                                                                  Graham Calls on DoJ to Probe Pennsylvania Mail-In Ballot Backdating Scheme

                                                                                                                  Senate Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said he will be requesting the Department of Justice and the Postmaster General to investigate whistleblower

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  VIDEO: Detroit Ballot Counters Appeared To Be Counting ‘Xerox Copies’ As Military Ballots

                                                                                                                  A Republican polling place worker who was able get past the election workers, who have sequestered close to 30 Republican

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  AOC Hints She May Quit Politics, Criticizes Unsupportive, ‘Hostile’ Democrats

                                                                                                                  As the 2020 General Election continues to be counted and litigated one election result is clear, Democrats lost big in

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Federal Government Won’t Help Biden’s Transition: ‘Ascertainment Has Not Been Made’ On Power Transfer – GS

                                                                                                                  The Biden campaign has started positioning itself as the winner of the 2020 General Election by talking a great deal

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  LEAKED ZOOM CALL: DC Antifa Have Planned Violence for Election Night

                                                                                                                  Several radical left-wing Marxist groups joined in a Zoom conference call to coordinate training and tactics in preparation for pre-planned

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Troll Farms in India Made Up Large Portion of Biden Following on Twitter

                                                                                                                  Just after the Biden campaign announced that Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), was joining the ticket, a large spike in Twitter

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  VIDEO: Philadelphia Poll Watchers Turned Away, Illegal Electioneering Caught On Camera

                                                                                                                  As Philadelphians head to the polls on Election Day, several instances of electioneering, illegal voter contact, and refusal access to

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Trump, Biden Campaigns Prepare For Lengthy Legal Battles Following Potential Mail-In Vote Disaster

                                                                                                                  In a move that may rival the debacle that came in the aftermath of the 2000 General Election, both the

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  VIDEO: DC Boards Up Ahead of Anticipated Violence in the Face of a Trump Victory

                                                                                                                  Downtown Washington, DC, looks like they are preparing for war and that wouldn’t be too much of an exaggeration. In

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  VIDEO: Kamala Harris Talks About the ‘Beauty of Marxism’ Just Days Before the Election

                                                                                                                  Just two days before the 2020 General Election, Democrat vice presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), posted a campaign video

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Bermuda-Based, Democrat-Tied Dark Money Machine Aids Dems In 2020 Election

                                                                                                                  A foreign-owned group based in Bermuda has been financing Progressive organization in the United States in an effort to transform

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  VIDEO: BLM in Philly Chant ‘Every City, Every Town, Burn the Precincts to the Ground’

                                                                                                                  Philadelphia experienced a second night of violence and destruction as Black Lives Matter activists continued sowing chaos in the streets

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Obama-Appointed Judge Rules South Carolina Vote Signatures Don’t Have to Match on Mail-In Ballots

                                                                                                                  In a ruling that came down Tuesday from a US District Court judge, Election authorities in South Carolina may not

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  COMPLAINT: Biden Center Received $22 Million In Donations From Unidentified Chinese Donor

                                                                                                                  As questions loom about the Biden family’s deep connections to the Chinese Communist Party, news comes that the Biden Center

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  Democrats in Congress Demand More Big Tech Censorship, Not Less

                                                                                                                  The hearings on social media censorship earlier this week saw Republican Senators, and some Democrat Senators, taking issue with Jack

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                                                                                                                  BOMBSHELL: Antifa Is Structured Like ‘Islamic Terror Cell’ – National Police Association

                                                                                                                  Antifa, the organization that Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden said was more an “idea” than anything else, has a structure

                                                                                                                  News | News

                                                                                                                  BIAS: Politifact, Facebook’s Fact Check Partner, Claims Pro-Police ‘Thin Blue Line’ Flag Is ‘Anti-BLM’

                                                                                                                  The scrutiny of Facebook and Twitter “fact-checking” organization has been front and center throughout the Trump administration, but Politifact has

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                                                                                                                  Colorado Referendum Would Remove State From Popular Vote Compact, Protect Electoral College

                                                                                                                  Voters in Colorado will have the opportunity to reverse a liberal policy imposed on them by a Democrat governor and

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                                                                                                                  Undelivered Mail-In, Absentee Ballots Found at Miami-Dade USPS Facility

                                                                                                                  Miami-Dade County State’s Attorney Katherine Fernández Rundle has requested an audit of every US Post Office facility in the counter

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                                                                                                                  In The News | Underground USA | United States

                                                                                                                  A daily summary of news items from around the internet with all the fluff removed.