The Ole' Buzzard intends to be among "The Last Men Standing." For more, please go here

Wayne Wickizer

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Politics | Politics

Politics | Politics

Whistleblowers Part 3

The ubiquitous Israeli MEMRI has co-opted, compromised, and corrupted U.S. Officials and other Luminaries.  All are the pawns of the Inter-Generational Organized Criminal Cartel called the Mossad.  See the list of officials below. Click on the arrow in

Politics | Politics


"Justice is Mercy, Justice is Equity, and Justice is what the Judge says it is."

Politics | Politics

The “Justice Dumpster” Named after Sen. “Opioid” Orrin Hatch

The “Justice Dumpster,” The Ugliest Building in Utah, Named after Sen. “Opioid” Orrin Hatch Surprise, surprise.  The ugliest building in Utah, the federal courthouse, will b…

Politics | Politics

Tom Lee, Utah’s Associate Chief “Justice,” Courts Bribery

Tom “Jazzy” Lee, Utah’s Associate Chief “Justice,” Courts Bribery After summarily dismissing an ethics complaint challenging “Justice” Lee’s behavior…