Wellness Flow

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The facts about abortion and mental health

Scientific research from around the world shows having an abortion is not linked to mental health issues but restricting access is.

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How to stop revenge bedtime procrastination and get better sleep : Life Kit : NPR

When your days are packed, it can be hard to find some "me time" time to unwind. You might find yourself staying up past your bedtime, scrolling on social media or watching an extra episode of your latest show, That's called "revenge bedtim

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Biden just declared heat pumps and solar panels essential to national defense – here's why and the challenges ahead

Other presidents used the Defense Production Act to boost fossil fuel supplies. Biden is now using it to boost clean energy. But just ramping up production isn’t enough to succeed.

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The Power of Having the Freedom to Choose How You React 

When you take responsibility for how you allow yourself to be treated, you will find that you have the power to choose differently.

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How to Reset Your Balance After an Unexpected Change

Have you ever started your day with good intentions, and then something happens that sets you off? Try reciting this prayer to reset your energy.

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Why Negativity Is Infectious

When we reframe negativity and instead focus on progress and positivity, we're all able to come together as a community.

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Small Ways to Take Care Of Yourself During a Stressful News Cycle

With the war in Ukraine on our minds, so many of us feel helpless. These tips will help you take care of yourself during a stressful news cycle.

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What is social capital and why can ADHD affect it? - The Washington Post

A lack of social capital can lead to a lack of friends. But there are steps you can take to build social capital.

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In Texas, an assault on trans rights takes a mental toll : NPR

Texas lawmakers have proposed dozens of anti-LGBTQ bills and young people have flooded crisis lines. "It's emotionally traumatizing," says Amber Briggle, whose 14-year-old son is trans.

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How to Talk to Your Kids About the Crisis In Ukraine

The Thrive Guide to helping your kids process the war, boost their resilience and reduce their stress.

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Helping adults and children with ADHD in a pandemic world

The pandemic era’s unstructured uncertainty has weighed heavily on those with ADHD, who struggle with planning, motivation, and attention, but psychologists are working to get them back on track.

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Navigating thorny topic in therapy

Clinicians and ethics experts share guidance on maneuvering disclosures about politics, religion, and other hot-button topics that can affect the therapeutic relationship.

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A stronger case for early substance use prevention

New research linking children’s brain development to neighborhood adversity suggests that efforts to prevent substance use disorders must start early and engage the whole community.

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How can we minimize Instagram’s harmful effects?

Psychologists’ research has shown that Instagram use is associated both with beneficial and detrimental effects.

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The Science of Heartbreak | WIRED

Death and disease increase after divorce. Journalist Florence Williams, mourning the end of her own marriage, investigates why.

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Manager Traits That Have Negatively Impacted Our Workplace Culture

With managers playing a key role in the Great Resignation, it is an important reminder that the people we work with can affect our well-being.

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Fighting fake news in the classroom

Psychologists are increasingly incorporating debunking and digital literacy into their courses to combat misinformation and disinformation.

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Why young brains are especially vulnerable to social media

The science behind why apps like TikTok, Instagram, and Snapchat impact your child’s brain in a different way than your adult brain.

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Can memes help people cope with pandemic-induced anxiety? – Research Digest

By Emily Reynolds. By making light of a serious event, memes help people reappraise negative experiences, authors suggest.

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Conflicting health information can compromise our attention – Research Digest

By Emily Reynolds. Participants who read inconsistent information about the benefits of whole grains later performed worse at a visual attention task.

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Shame and Mental Health

To overcome shame, you have to believe that it’s possible to heal. If you’re ready to get started, take that small first step in finding someone you trust. You might be surprised by how quickly you can find freedom.

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Is This the End of the Private Practice Therapist? - Mental Health Match

What does the growing "uber-ization" of therapy mean for private practice therapists, their clients, and the future of therapy?

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Symptoms of CIRS: Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome - Jellison Integrative MD

Recognize symptoms of CIRS and help your body fight back with this complete guide to recognizing, testing and treating Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome.

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Want To Boost Your Wellbeing In 2022? Here’s What The Research Says – Research Digest

By Emma Young. If you are thinking about how to boost your wellbeing, it’s worth knowing that some "good" ways of living have dark sides, too…

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We Seem To Treat Physical Warmth As A Sign Of Safety – Research Digest

By Emma Young. Holding a warm pack interferes with fear conditioning, the researchers find.

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How to fly safer this holiday season | CNN Travel

From choosing window seats to holding off on snacks, experts give their top tips on how to safely take to the sky for the holidays with the least amount of risk and stress.

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The Positivity Trap

Trying to be relentlessly positive is an exhausting and often useless pursuit.

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Embracing Our Imperfections

When we embrace vulnerability, learn from failure, and strive to be our best, we can truly and deeply connect with others.

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Constructive criticism that works

Psychologists are discovering how to increase the odds that feedback will lead to change, including categorizing strengths and weaknesses and creating a supportive work environment.

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How to Cope With the “Start-of-Workday” Blues

When you shift your perspective, you can begin the day on a positive note.

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Arianna Huffington On the Opportunity Cost of Outrage Culture

From climate change to racial injustice, there are real, urgent crises that need our attention more than the latest outrage of the day.

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How to Protect Your Energy in Times of Stress

Three simple tips to help you stay true to yourself and avoid becoming overwhelmed.

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9 Spending Tips to Help You Save Money and Reduce Stress

Small changes to our spending and how we handle money can help set us up for greater financial stability.

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We All Use Our Phones Differently

By Emily Reynolds. Participants asked to wait around for 10 minutes used their phones in range of ways and reported varied experiences.

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Why We Should Talk to Strangers More - The Atlantic

So many of us have been raised to see strangers as dangerous and scary. What would happen if we instead saw them as potential sources of comfort and belonging?

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Speaking of Psychology: How to overcome feeling like an impostor, with Lisa Orbé-Austin, PhD, and Kevin Cokley, PhD

Lisa Orbé-Austin, PhD, and Kevin Cokley, PhD, discuss where impostor feelings come from, the repercussions they can have in people’s lives, and what you can do to address impostor feelings.

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10 Meaningful Questions to Ask Others to Strengthen Your Relationships

When we take the time to ask creative and purposeful questions, we create long-lasting bonds that are both deep and fulfilling.

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Self-care Rituals That Have Become Non-negotiables

Self-care rituals are often seen as luxuries, but should be seen as staples in our routines.

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Simple Ways to Discover Wonder in Nature

Small ways spending time outside can help inspire you and shape your perspective.

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10 Tips We’d Give Our Younger Selves About Communication

We learned a lot about healthy communication this year, and many of these lessons could have come in handy long before the pandemic began.

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How to Stay Calm When the People Around You Are Stressed

As we continue to deal with the challenges and stressors that come with the pandemic, here are some tips to stay calm.

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8 Ways to Feel Less Lonely and More Connected

After nearly a year of living through the coronavirus pandemic, many of us have dealt with bouts of loneliness. These tips will help you feel less lonely and more connected.

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Mental Health Day: How to Make the Most of It

Mental health days are important, but they can often be ineffective. Here’s how to make the most of your time off so that you return to work feeling refreshed and ready to go.

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How to Make Connections With Co-workers at a New Remote Job

Try these tips to bond with your new teammates at your job, even if it’s over Zoom.

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How to Make Connections With Co-workers at a New Remote Job

Try these tips to bond with your new teammates at your job, even if it’s over Zoom.

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Building Employee Resilience Is Key for Lasting Success

Reopening is an opportunity for employers to “reset” their culture to prioritize the well-being of their people.

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Arianna Huffington: This Is Our Opportunity to Take Action on Mental Health

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, this Mental Health Month, we have an opportunity to take steps to identify our signs, stressors and solutions.

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‘It’s a Miracle’: Helsinki’s Radical Solution to Homelessness

Finland is the only EU country where homelessness is falling. Its secret? Giving people homes as soon as they need them – unconditionally.

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Focus Ι Discover 7 Reasons why you are distracted

The ability to focus has become a skill set. Here are 7 reasons why you can't focus. Find the key to realizing your true potential.

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Pandemic winter dread is real. Here’s how to conquer it. - Vox

Psychology points to one simple principle that’s highly effective at improving our mental health and well-being.

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The psychology of 'stress baking': Why so many are making bread in 2020 - CNET

"It was a way for me to control something when my life felt otherwise really chaotic and out of my control."

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Sleep Hot or Cold? The Right Temperature Can Transform Your Sleep Experience

How the right temperature and the right bed can help you get the shut-eye you need whether you sleep alone or with a partner.

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How to Regain Motivation When Your Productivity Starts to Fade

When we’re struggling to stay driven, these tips will help you reset and regain motivation.

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How to Recover From Sleep Disruptions During the Pandemic | Psychology Today

An unstructured and unscheduled day may cause COVID-related insomnia at night. Here are some steps for returning to normal.

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7 Steps for Getting Enough Sleep During the Coronavirus Crisis and Beyond

Sticking to a bedtime routine and practicing mindfulness can help you rest, relax and stay healthy during the coronavirus pandemic.

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Want Better Rapport With Your Cat? Bat Your Eyes | Health News | US News

US News is a recognized leader in college, grad school, hospital, mutual fund, and car rankings. Track elected officials, research health conditions, and find news you can use in politics, business, health, and education.

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Why Prioritizing Sleep in the Time of Coronavirus Is So Important

As our routines change, setting consistent bedtime schedules can help us regain control and combat feelings of stress and anxiety.

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The Disguises of Depression | Psychology Today

It's National Depression Awareness Month. If sufferers of depression are going to be recognized, it's high time we deconstruct popular culture's stereotypes of the condition.

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3 Things Good Listeners Consistently Do | Psychology Today

If you want to improve the quality of relationships with your friends, significant others, and colleagues, find out what good listeners do.

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Do I really need to wash my recycling? – eteeshop

Rumor has it that recycling will be sent to the landfill if it’s not clean enough -- but is that true? And how clean does it need to be? Do I really need to scrub all of the residue out of my nut butter jars?

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Meditation for Mind-Control - Neuroscience News

Eight sessions of mindfulness-based awareness training give participants a significant edge in their ability to control brain-computer interfaces and the time it took to achieve proficiency over those who did not experience meditation training.

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Could Your Insomnia Be Related to Your Hormones?

Are your sleep, insomnia, and mood problems related to your hormones? This interview with Female Hormone Solution host answers your questions