
Articles 256
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Mojave Trails National Monument Could Become A Dark Sky Sanctuary

Interns with the Women In Science Discovering Our Mojave, or WISDOM, program spent long pandemic nights measuring light pollution in the desert.

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The Growing ‘Second Amendment Sanctuary State’ Movement

Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts signed a proclamation designating his state a “2nd Amendment Sanctuary State,” moving the idea of nullification.

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Cartoon Network Urges Kids To View Each Other By Skin Color

Cartoon Network has released a new Public Service Announcement telling children they must “see color” and view individuals through a skin-color based lens in…

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10 ways to fight back against woke culture

I realize the faddish thing to say these days is that we live in the worst, most broken and backward country in the world and maybe in the history of civilization. It’s utter nonsense. I have a few…

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Orwell’s 1984 and Today

We can see today the totalitarian impulse among powerful forces in our politics and culture. We can see it in the rise and imposition of doublethink, and we can see it in the increasing attempt to rewrite our history.

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    USA Patriotism! ... Patriotic Photos - Polar Star Transits Chukchi Sea In Arctic

    The Coast Guard Cutter Polar Star transits the Chukchi Sea in the Arctic to project power and support national security objectives throughout Alaskan waters and into the Arctic.

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      25 Ideas For Mind Blowing Unusual Dates! | Gonitz Experts

      Whether you are in a long relationship and want to add some pepper to the relationship, whether you are at the beginning of a relationship and want to keep

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      Guy Who Reverse-Engineered TikTok Reveals The Scary Things He Learned, Advises People To Stay Away From It | Bored Panda

      Facebook got itself into a sensitive data scandal when it did shady business with Cambridge Analytica, Instagram confirmed a security issue exposing user accounts and phone numbers, but these apps are basically online security havens compared to TikTok, a