I am a programmer, web designer, and science geek.
I work as an IT professional, do consulting, and write Apps for the iPhone/iPad and the Mac.

Charles Haspel

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Computer & Coding Tips | Science & Technology

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How to use the Attachments Browser in Notes for macOS

Apple has added a few new features to the macOS Notes app for adding elements to text. Here's how to use the Notes Attachments Browser.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

The best antivirus for Mac is none at all | AppleInsider

The online world is still a dangerous place, but while antivirus providers are trying to sell you subscriptions for their wares, macOS is still secure enough for users to resist the products. The best antivirus for Mac is a combo of existing protections a

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Which disk image format? – The Eclectic Light Company

Plain read/write (UDRW), sparse image (UDSP), and sparse bundle (UDSB) compared for storage efficiency, performance, and convenience.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

How to Blur Your Background on a FaceTime Call in macOS Monterey

With ‌macOS Monterey‌, Apple brought several enhancements to ‌FaceTime, including the ability to blur your background on a call. It only works with M1, M1 Pro, or M1 Pro Max processors.

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Merging Folders in macOS

Need to combine many files in folders, keeping the newest and avoiding duplicates? Merging folders in macOS is a cinch with this tip.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Use Your iPhone or iPad to Record Video Directly on Your Mac

If you have macOS Yosemite or later, you can use your iPhone or iPad as a video camera to record directly to your Mac using QuickTime. Here’s how!

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

How to Build a Personal Dev Server on a $5 Raspberry Pi

Build a personal dev server by installing Git, Node.js, Rust, and Docker on Raspberry Pi! The cheapest option costs just $5. Learn how you can get a starter kit ($25) for free.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Your Mac Doesn't Want to Empty the Trash? Make It!

Ever tried to empty the trash on your Mac, only to be told that "Operation can't be completed because the item [file name] is in use?" Force it to delete!

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Here's how to Safely Clean Your iPhone's Charging Port | Digital Trends

If you are suddenly unable to charge your iPhone, your charging port may be dirty or blocked. Here's how to clean your iPhone's charging port using the most effective methods, while avoiding any accidental damage. Using compressed air or a wooden toothpic

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How to Downgrade Your iPhone or iPad From iOS 12 to iOS 11.4 | Digital Trends

Apple's iOS 12 may be the latest and greatest version of the mobile operating system, but perhaps it's not right for you now. If that's the case, thankfully there are some ways to go back to iOS 11.4. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to downgrade

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Be a Better Programmer with these 40 Mathematics Courses

But why we are so scared of Mathematics? Simply It’s because of our high school teaching systems and very less resource to learn from in our early ages. I saw many of friends didn’t understand and…

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

How to replace your iPhone battery: The ultimate guide | iMore

Need an iPhone battery replacement? Here's everything you need to know to DIY (do-it-yourself) replace a dead or dying battery in your iPhone!

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Tech 101: Preparing a Mac For a New Owner

There comes a time in the life of just about every Mac where its usefulness has become limited or it will be too expensive to repair or update, so you decide

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10 Mac Features You Probably Don’t Use But Should

Over the course of a few OS updates, it's easy for some very useful system features to be forgotten. That's why we're going to take a look at 10 features.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Cardhop will make you love contacts on the Mac. Dammit.

Cardhop isn't a contacts app, it's a connection launcher with powerful search and actions that'll fundamentally change how you interact with people on your Mac.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Create a Bootable macOS High Sierra Install Drive with DiskMaker X 7

In this article, we’ll demonstrate how you can create a bootable install drive for macOS High Sierra.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Apps with Known High Sierra Compatibility Issues

There's nothing like the release of a new operating system to put apps to the test. Unsurprisingly, some apps are not playing well with High Sierra.

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How to Manage Cookies in Safari for High Sierra

One new feature turning heads in the web-marketing arena is Safari's new ability to prevent cross-site tracking using Intelligent Tracking Prevention.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Protecting Your Computers From ‘WannaCry’ and Similar Ransomware

(The ransom notice from the WannaCry ransomware -- May 12, 2017) It was enough to make tens of thousands of PC users cry. A piece of ransomware named

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Tech 101: How to Troubleshoot a Slow Mac

New Macs are a joy to work with, since everything seems so speedy! Give that new computer a year or two and you'll most likely experience the opposite of joy as

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Create a Bootable macOS Sierra Install Drive with DiskMaker X

Apple has made macOS installations (and those for Mac OS X before it) as simple as hitting a download link, but what if you'd like to have a bootable disk drive

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

The OS X Utilities Every Mac User Should Know

Whether you’re new to the platform or a seasoned veteran, there are some utility apps hidden away on your Mac that you should know about. These apps are all found in the Utilities folder that’s inside the Applications folder.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Tech Tip: Finding and Changing Your MAC Address in OS X

Every network card in your Mac, whether it's for Ethernet, Wi-Fi, or even Thunderbolt, has been assigned a unique identifier called a Media Access Control or

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Two-Factor Authentication for Apple ID

Enabling two-factor authentication for your Apple ID is probably the most effective way to keep your Apple products secure.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

How to Control Another Mac on a Network with Screen Sharing

One of the more useful things you can do as a Mac expert is to help others in your company or home who need assistance. There are a lot of third-party apps and

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Why Hard Drives Fail and Why You Should Backup Your Data | Other World Computing Blog

No matter what you do, all computer hard drives will eventually fail. That's why creating a backup is so essential to keep your data safe.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Tech Tip: Creating Reminders Based on Location | Other World Computing Blog

Apple's Reminders app is probably one of the most underused apps on both iOS and Mac OS X. Many people place meeting or personal reminders into Calendars,

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Quick Tip: Eight Ways to Force Eject a Disc from Your Mac | Other World Computing Blog

While Apple has slowly phased out optical drives from it’s Mac lineup over the years, you might still have a MacBook or desktop Mac with a disc drive. You m

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

How to Set Up Steam for Gaming on Your Mac | Other World Computing Blog

While Mac gamers today might take Steam and the amount of available games for granted, it was not always so accessible. Prior to 2010, Steam did not exist for

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Are Your Tunes Safe? Apple and the Curious Case of the Missing Music | Other World Computing Blog

Over the past few weeks, there’s been a lot of buzz about Apple Music allegedly and mysteriously removing tunes from the iTunes libraries of a small number of people. The Internet being what it is, this got blown up into “Apple Music is deleting iTunes libraries” and unnecessarily concerned a lot of people.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Track MacBook Battery Cycles to Measure Health, Lifespan | Other World Computing Blog

Last month, the Rocket Yard showed you how to calibrate an Apple Laptop’s Power System. But even with proper calibration and conditioning, all Apple laptop b

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

iTunes Magic Trick Frees Storage Space on Your iPhone | Other World Computing Blog

Nearly every iPhone user runs low on storage at some point. It’s not surprising considering that 16GB is still the base model storage across the entire iPhone l

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Yes, You Can Use One Drive for Time Machine and File Storage | Other World Computing Blog

We’ll take a look at how one drive can be used for both Time Machine backups and for storing your files.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

I installed Windows 95 on my Apple Watch — Tendigi Insights

With a 520 MHz processor, 512 MB of RAM, and 8GB of internal storage, the Apple Watch packs a lot of computing horsepowe…

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Road to NAB: Podcasting With an iPad or iPhone | Other World Computing Blog

Earlier this month, the Rocket Yard hoped to launch some podcasting careers with a post teaching how to get started with podcasting. Now, there are some readers who may not own a Mac of any sort but would still like to be an online broadcaster.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Bring iPhone Slo-Mo Videos Back Up to Speed

If you accidentally recorded a video in Slo-Mo mode on an iPhone or iPad Air 2, you can’t easily save a real-time version. Jeff Carlson shares a couple of workarounds using either the free Slow Fast Slow app or iMovie for iOS.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Friday Five: Apple Webpages You Should Bookmark Right Now | Other World Computing Blog

Each week, the Friday Five takes a quick look at a Mac OS X or iOS app or tech topic to point out five things you may have overlooked before.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Wi-Fi setup tips and tricks: NetSpot helps you find dead zones | BGR

So you've just set up your home Wi-Fi network but for some reason you're having trouble getting your PC to connect to the network. It could very well be that you've set up your computer in a Wi-Fi "dead spot" that makes connecting to the web ver

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

10 essential Mac utilities | Macworld

Whenever Kirk McElhearn sets up a new Mac, these are the apps he installs first.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

How To Make Any Song Your iPhone Ringtone

Love "Shake It Off" so much you wish you could wake up to it every morning? Don't waste money buying a ringtone from the iTunes store. Any song in your iTunes library can be made into a ring

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Firefox users, here's a security flaw you'll need to fix

This bug can upload files from your computer if you visit the wrong news site. But you can close up the hole by downloading the latest version of the browser.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Windows 10 Upgrade: First 5 things to do after Windows 10 download | BGR

Windows users, it's time to breathe a collective sigh of relief. After what seemed like an eternity trapped in the clutches of Windows 8, Microsoft's latest and greatest operating system is finally here to save us. Tech bloggers the world over have sung W

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How to Upgrade a PC to Microsoft Windows 10, Step by Step Instructions

The Windows 10 desktop. So the day is finally here. Microsoft today launched Windows 10 giving the millions of people who own Windows 7 and 8 computers a chance to obtain for free to the company's latest operating system. Now the questions that remain are

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

6 Common iPhone Keyboard Problems & Fixes

The iPhone keyboard has improved drastically over the last several years, but it's still not without its faults. Here are the five most common iPhone keyboard problems and how to fix them. Ideally,...

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

How to See If Your VPN Is Leaking Your IP Address (and How to Stop It)

VPNs are great for security, but one of the big reasons many people use one is to mask or change their IP address. This lets you get around location-based restrictions on content, or check if your provider is throttling your connection. Unfortunately, a n

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

OS X Yosemite update tackles 'surprise' Mac security flaws

You know those unpatched Mac security exploits that Google revealed a few days ago? You probably won't have to worry about them any more. Apple has relea

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

​Did the browser wars finally end in 2014?

After a decade, have the browser wars finally ended? My review of what's new for Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and Opera says yes.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Watching a USB Hack in Action Makes Me Never Want to Leave My Computer

Remember BadUSB, the pervasive and unfixable security vulnerability that turns every USB device into a vector for attacks against just about every computer? The one that's out in the wild now? I always knew it was bad, but this video really brought it hom

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Mark Zuckerberg: Facebook May Offer Something Beyond The Like Button

For years, people on Facebook have wanted something more than the Like button to express their feelings about the posts they see on the social network. Despite the clamoring, though, all you see to click on below posts is a thumbs up. That could change be

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Learn When to Use JPEG, GIF, or PNG with This Graphic

When working with images, certain file formats may be better than others, depending on what your goals are. This infographic showcases the best uses for JPEG, GIF, and PNG file formats.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Best Free iPhone Apps: 8 paid iOS apps worth $33 now free downloads | BGR

The week is almost over but the savings are still going strong. Yesterday we showed you seven nifty paid iPhone and iPad apps that were all on sale for free for a limited time — and some are still free if you hurry — and today we're back with another

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Never Lose Your Stuff Again: 6 Bluetooth Trackers Reviewed

The development of a new kind of Bluetooth radio system, Bluetooth LE (for “low energy”), has unlocked entire new categories of tech gadgets, including smartwatches, fitness trackers, and now, tiny tracking devices. Here are six of them compared... w

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

When to image a hard drive, and when to clone it | PCWorld

Imaging and cloning will both copy the contents of your drive, but the best way depends on whether you're upgrading or backing up. Here's when you should use each one.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Apple updates its website with more details on the Apple Watch

Keen to get the very latest official word on the Apple Watch? The Cupertino company has updated its official site to offer up a more detailed look of how the wearable's software works. 

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Here Are The Biggest Battery Draining Apps On Android | Know Your Mobile

Research has found the top 10 battery draining apps on your Android smartphone, here’s what to avoid

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iPhone-Only Apps That Will Make Your Android Friends Jealous

One of the best things about owning an iPhone is that you get a lot of the newest apps first before they arrive on Android.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Best Free iPhone Apps: $53 worth of paid iPhone, iPad apps now free | BGR

Black Friday week has everyone in deal mode, and we've got plenty of deals for you to enjoy here on BGR. We always share great paid iPhone and iPad apps that are available for free — a few from yesterday's batch as still free if you hurry — and today

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Better Battery Life And Faster Charging: 11 Tricks For The iPhone 6

So you’ve bought your iPhone 6 and your wallet is looking depressingly slim, but now what? The iPhone 6, together with iOS 8.1, comes with a range of new features that you might yet not be aware of. READ: iPhone 6: The 5 Best Reasons To Buy One Did you

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

This is why you can't use Touch ID to log in to your iPhone after rebooting

In the 14 months since Touch ID launched, it has become a standout feature of the iPhone and iPad line of devices. It makes paying for apps easier than ever, it's a shift toward enhanced mobile sec...

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Griffin, Moshi, Seidio Apple iPhone 6 Plus case roundup: Wallet, kickstand, and metal elegance - Yahoo News

From Yahoo News: No other smartphone has an accessory market like the iPhone. Three new cases provide unique functionality and protection for the iPhone 6 Plus.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Revealed: 12 secret iPhone apps only Apple employees have access to

There are nearly 1.3 million apps currently available in Apple's iOS App Store. Spanning from media players, music streaming apps and mobile messaging solutions to email apps, calendars, news apps and everything in between, you can find an application to

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Anonymous Apple Store employee shares tricks for getting the best service possible

What does it take to get the best possible customer service when you go to the Apple Store? One anonymous Apple Store employee has taken to Reddit to offer its Apple fan community tips and tricks to make sure your time spent in the Apple Store is as enjoy

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Yosemite: Tweaking Safari's URL bar settings

Safari in Yosemite is a familiar yet new beast. Among the interface changes, I really didn't like the way the URL bar behaved. In particular, these things bugged me: Not being able to see the full ...

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

One pro photographer’s secret tricks for taking world-class pics with your iPhone 6

The iPhone 6 and 6 Plus have both earned wide praise for the quality of their cameras but they still won't help you take high-quality pictures if you don't know how to use them properly.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

8 Annoying iPhone Default Settings (and How to Fix Them)

Many of the default settings of the iPhone can be worrisome, imperfect, or downright annoying. Here's 8 to change.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

The best must-know Safari iOS 8 tricks

Many of us use Safari for a browser. But there are loads of little tips and tricks that you may not know about. You’ve probably accidentally hit a few buttons and something popped up. Thankfully, MacWorld put together a fantastic list of Safari tricks

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

How to avoid the horrible iOS 8 bug that could delete your files - Yahoo News

From Yahoo News: Apple has had one headache after another over the past few weeks, spanning from the media circus that is “Bendgate” to a buggy iOS 8.0.1 update that bricked about 40,000 new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus handsets. Among all of these issu

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Apple's Touch ID privacy flaw just got worse

When Apple launched its Touch ID fingerprint sensor, it had a troublesome flaw, but now that the company is allowing the sensor to be used by outside developers, that problem has potentially metast...

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Researchers hack Gmail app with 92% success rate

Three computer engineers say in a paper they can hack Gmail apps with a 92 percent success rate.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Apple releases iOS 7.1.2 update for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Apple on Monday released a new update for compatible iPhone, iPad and iPod touch devices. iOS 7.1.2 is available for download immediately and it brings with it several new bug fixes and other enhancements. Chief among them are iBeacon improvements, fixes

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

How to Stop Google Maps from Remembering Everywhere You Go, All the Time

This Google Maps data throws a wrench in that scheme.  That being said, this stuff is not being publicly displayed anywhere. The dashboard, as Google puts it, is meant to highlight “useful or interesting information from your existing location history.

Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

Microsoft Security Advisory 2963983 - April 26th, 2014

Microsoft is aware of limited, targeted attacks that attempt to exploit a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7, Internet Explorer 8, Internet Explorer 9, Internet Explorer 10, and Internet Explorer 11.

    Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

    Syncing to a "New" Computer or replacing a "crashed" Hard Drive

    This is for those of you who have no backup of your current iTunes library, and are replacing the computer your phone normally syncs with or are just replacing the hard drive. Again, no backup.

    By design, the iPhone will sync iTunes content with one computer at a time. Any attempt to sync such content with a second computer will result in ALL iTunes content being first erased from your phone & then replaced with the content from the second computer. This is a design feature and cannot be overridden. Because you replaced your computer, or hard drive, your phone will see this as a "new" computer.

      Science & Technology | Computer & Coding Tips

      How to Take a Screenshot in Microsoft Windows

      If you've got a problem with a program in Windows, you may be wondering how to show someone the errors you're receiving. Luckily, taking a screenshot of your current display is just a quick keystroke away. Follow this guide to take a...