I am a programmer, web designer, and science geek.
I work as an IT professional, do consulting, and write Apps for the iPhone/iPad and the Mac.

Charles Haspel

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Funny Stuff | Humor

Humor | Funny Stuff

Damning Leak Reveals Matt Walsh Knew What A Woman Was This Whole Time | Babylon Bee

NASHVILLE, TN — A damning leak from the hacked emails of conservative commentator Matt Walsh has revealed that in spite of the question posed by his documentary What Is A Woman?, he has actually known what a woman was this entire time.

Humor | Funny Stuff

I made the Pufferfish Meme in Minecraft - YouTube

So I made the pufferfish eating a carrot meme in Minecraft, and added a few extra things. Just vibe checking, Peta don't sue me. " I made the Pufferfish Meme...

Humor | Funny Stuff

Aaron Paul Discovers Bryan Cranston Living in Breaking Bad RV // Omaze

To celebrate Breaking Bad’s 10th Anniversary, Bryan Cranston (Walter White, aka Heisenberg) and Aaron Paul (Jesse Pinkman) invite you to cook breakfast, not ...

Humor | Funny Stuff

My Dinosaur Is a Service Animal (with Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard) - CollegeHumor Video

Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard are just trying to take their Anxiety Raptor on the plane, and Raph is giving them a hard time for some unimaginable reason. Watch "My Dinosaur Is a Service Animal (with Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard!)"

Humor | Funny Stuff

If Your Boss Was A Cat

Cats are magnificent animals. They are smart, curious and independent. Maybe these qualities helped The Business Cat to reach business heights.

Humor | Funny Stuff

The Joker's Still Getting Away… Celebrating 50 Years of 'Jingle Bells, Batman Smells'

Why did “Jingle Bells” get this particular spoof? Spike Jones’s uptempo romp, Yogi Yorgesson (“Yingle Bells“), and the Three Stooges (“Jingle Bells Drag“) showed that “Jingle Bells” could be played for broader comedic effect. As writer R

Humor | Funny Stuff

Mtn Dew Kickstart: Puppymonkeybaby | Super Bowl Spot

When three friends decide to stay home for the night, a surprise visitor arrives with MTN DEW Kickstart on a mission to change their minds. #puppymonkeybaby ...

Humor | Funny Stuff

Teenagers React to Windows 95, Can't Imagine the Hardships | Digital Trends

None of today's teens were alive for the launch of Windows 95. Watch a few react to that operating system, and mid-90s technology, in this video.

Humor | Funny Stuff

10 Cruel Celebrity Cutaways From ‘Family Guy’

The meanest (and funniest) jokes 'Family Guy' has made at the expense of famous people.

Humor | Funny Stuff

Bank of Canada urges ‘Star Trek’ fans to stop ‘Spocking’ their fivers | Dangerous Minds

  Bank of Canada is pleading with Star Trek fans to stop “Spocking” its five dollar bills. Since Leonard Nimoy’s death, Canadian folks have been “Spocking” the hell out of the five dollar bill that features a portrait of Canada’s seventh prim

Humor | Funny Stuff

Incredible photo shows a weasel 'riding' a woodpecker

On Monday, birder Jason Ward tweeted out this crazy photo by east London hobby photographer Martin Le-May of a weasel "hitching a ride" on what appears to be a European green woodpecker, and the bird doesn't look too happy about it

Humor | Funny Stuff

The Chewbacca Defense

The trial begins and Cochrane uses the Chewbacca Defense, a technique so advanced nobody understands it. Chef s found guilty.

Humor | Funny Stuff

Mark Hamill Really Doesn’t Want You to Text During Movies

“I will unleash an entire secret service made up of insane clowns brandishing light sabers, and I will have them completely destroy you,” Hamill warns in the video.

Humor | Funny Stuff

Walter White returns in Super Bowl Ad - Business Insider

"Breaking Bad" fans don't have to wait for the premiere of "Better Call Saul" to get their fix.

Bryan Cranston reprised his role as Walter White in the Super Bowl commercial for Esurance.

Humor | Funny Stuff

In Due Time

After failing to turn in an important history essay, Collin resorts to the obvious solution: A mysteriously acquired time machine. This film was made for my ...

Humor | Funny Stuff

12 Hilarious Passive-Aggressive Notes in the Workplace - T-Rex Taunting

The best way to handle a work problem is to discuss it directly. Unless you don't wanna. - T-Rex Taunting #office, #workplace, #notes, #passive aggressive, #work

Humor | Funny Stuff

21 Drunk Purchases That Were Totally Worth It

Are you guilty of SUI? That is, shopping under the influence? Because these Reddit and Imgur users certainly are -- and they have no regrets about it. Take a look at 21 of the finest items people claim to have purchased after imbibing a few too...

    Humor | Funny Stuff

    Toy Lightsaber

    We're back at our local Toys 'R' Us.

    Humor | Funny Stuff

    VERY PERRY: I'm a Worrier/ Crazy Medical Fears

    I worry about a lot of different things...especially insane medical problems! -Subscribe! https://www.youtube.com/user/VeryPerry1006 -Follow me on Twitter! h...

    Humor | Funny Stuff

    RadioShack - In With The New

    Out with the old. In with the new. Goodbye '80s. Hello future. It's time to reprogram your brain and learn what the new RadioShack is all about.

    Humor | Funny Stuff

    Cat Attacks Mail Man

    A cat does battle with the mail man over delivering the mail.

    Humor | Funny Stuff

    Art Vandelay

    ART VANDELAY The importer exporter

    Humor | Funny Stuff

    Breaking Bad Alternate Ending (Video)

    An alternate ending to Breaking Bad where Bryan Cranston wakes up as Malcolm in the Middle’s dad Hal Wilkerson, paying tribute to the classic finale of Newhart. via...

    Humor | Funny Stuff

    Old Spock battles New Spock in the greatest car commercial ever

    Sorry, Volkswagen Darth Vader Kid. This new Audi commercial, starring both Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto, has beat you. You've got two Spocks smack-talking each other, Leonard Nimoy cursing, and best of all, an impromptu rendition of the

      Humor | Funny Stuff

      Your Kids Are Ruined

      How to ruin your children.

      Humor | Funny Stuff

      Keep Portland Weird: Darth Vader In Kilt Riding Unicycle Playing Star Wars Medley On Flaming Bagpipes | Geekologie

      The title says it all. Whatever the title doesn't say is best kept a secret between you and I. You do know what I'm talking about, right? That thing I told you the other day that I made you...

        Humor | Funny Stuff

        Surviving Whole Foods

        She rings me up for $313. I resist the urge to unwrap and swallow whole another $6 truffle in protest. Barely. Instead, I reach for my wallet, flash her a quiet smile and say,

          Humor | Funny Stuff

          How I Met Your Mother - Ted's Kids Like You've Never Seen Them

          In a clip originally released for the Comic-Con audience, Ted's kids ruthlessly rag on him for telling the longest story ever. The final season premieres Mon...

            Humor | Funny Stuff

            Luke's Change: an Inside Job

            An examination of some questionable events and circumstances leading up to the destruction of the Death Star, through the eyes of an amateur investigative jo...

              Humor | Funny Stuff

              Captain Kirk watches Miley Cyrus performance

              USS Enterprise reacts to MTV's Video Music Awards with Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke. Try another channel Lt. Uhura. Set Phasers to overkill, Mr Chekov. www.f...

                  Humor | Funny Stuff

                  Pepsi MAX & Jeff Gordon Present:

                  Jeff Gordon and Pepsi MAX go to a car dealership where a disguised Jeff Gordon takes an unsuspecting car salesman on the test drive of his life. #GordonTestD...

                  Humor | Funny Stuff

                  Pet wig fashions

                  View the Pet wig fashions photo gallery on Yahoo! News. Find more news related pictures in our photo galleries.

                    Humor | Funny Stuff

                    He said his last girlfriend was the craziest bitch he ever met. I said, 'Challenge accepted.'

                    Free, Funny, Custom Confession Ecard: He said his last girlfriend was the craziest bitch he ever met. I said,