I am a programmer, web designer, and science geek.
I work as an IT professional, do consulting, and write Apps for the iPhone/iPad and the Mac.

Charles Haspel

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Views 5.6M

Pokemon Go | Gaming

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go A Paldean Adventure, rewards and best Choose Path choice | Eurogamer.net

All of the A Paldean Adventure quest steps we currently know in Pokémon Go, including the best Choose Path choice for t…

Gaming | Pokemon Go

The Best Pokémon to look out for at Global GO Fest 2023 | Pokémon GO Hub

Good day, Pokémon Trainers! Pokémon GO Fest season is upon us and it promises to be larger and more exciting than ever before! But this brings up the ever-popular question, What are the best Pokémon to catch? Well, not to worry fellow trainer, I’m here to

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Exciting Dragon Pokémon Teased in Pokémon GO 7th Anniversary Art | Pokémon GO Hub

Trainers! The Pokémon GO 7th Anniversary art has been all over the internet because of its many interesting exhibits. There are loads to behold, from the Paldean starter Pokémon to some much-awaited Gen 8 Pokémon! But one simply cannot miss some really ex

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Starry Skies Special Research Guide | Pokémon GO Hub

The ‘Starry Skies’ special research is a new special research that enables you to encounter a second Cosmog, released during the Solstice Horizons Event. It is available from Friday, June 16, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. until Sunday, June 25, 2023, at 8:00 p.m. l

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO April Earnings Drop to Lowest Monthly Earnings in 5 Years | Pokémon GO Hub

April saw a lot of change in Pokémon GO, with the controversial remote raid changes coming into action, and many trainers being incredibly displeased with both the limit of 5 remote raids daily, and the increased cost, rising from 300 coins, to 525 coins

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global | Pokémon GO Hub

Pokémon GO Fest 2023: Global is a two-day digital event available to all Trainers worldwide from August 26 – 27, 2023 with the event running from 10:00 am until 6:00 pm local time on both days. After the exciting events of GO Fest Osaka, GO Fest London

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Sustainability Week - Leek Duck | Pokémon GO News and Resources

We’re putting the spotlight on sustainability during a week-long event! Sustainability Week will take place from April 20, at 10 am to April 26, at 8 pm local time.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

New Location Card Feature Launching at Las Vegas Hoenn Tour | Pokémon GO Hub

 A brand new feature is coming to Pokémon GO during the Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn Las Vegas, special location cards that will show where a Pokémon is caught! After catching […]

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn - Global - Leek Duck | Pokémon GO News and Resources

Pokémon GO Tour returns in 2023 for Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn – Las Vegas and Pokémon GO Tour: Hoenn – Global! Get ready to head to Las Vegas and have a chance to catch most Pokémon from the Hoenn Region of Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire— –

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Season of Mythical Wishes | Pokémon GO Hub

Welcome to the Season of Mythical Wishes, a new Pokémon GO Season that lasts from December 1, 2022, at 10:00 a.m. to March 1, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. For the first time more XXS and XXL Pokémon will be in the wild, and new bonuses will be in effect! Season

Gaming | Pokemon Go

How to add Pokémon GO Egg and Buddy Widgets to your Phone | Pokémon GO Hub

The Greedy Gluttons event brings with it a brand new sort of bonus for an event in Pokémon GO, half hatch distance for the first three incubated eggs of the event, BUT, only if they are incubated using the Pokémon GO Egg Widget. If like me you said… �

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Golden PokéStops, mysterious Coin and a new Pokémon appear in Pokémon GO | Pokémon GO Hub

Trainers are reporting that mysterious new golden yellow PokéStops are appearing after the Dratini Community Day Classic ends in their region. These new PokéStops seem to be connected to the Paldea region, and the new Strange Coin Pokémon recently discove

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Letters to Niantic: Let's talk about Wayfarer and how can it be improved? | Pokémon GO Hub

Hello Trainers,  Recently I’ve been thinking about the direction that Niantic is taking the Wayfarer program, and what could be done to improve it.  So I asked on Reddit, and we sent out a Tweet and got some interesting responses.  So let’s take s

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Complete Mega Evolution Guide | Pokémon GO Hub

A complete guide to Mega evolutions and Mega Levels in Pokémon Go!

Gaming | Pokemon Go

This Week in Pokémon GO: September 5-11, 2022 | Pokémon GO Hub

Coming this week in Pokémon GO, commencing 5th September, we have the Psychic Spectacular event, Deoxys Raid Day, Clefairy Commotion and more! We’re currently in the Season of Light in Pokémon GO. Trainers should be aware that event spawns will take

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Finale Event - Leek Duck | Pokémon GO News and Resources

This year, Trainers around the world have experienced four Pokémon GO Fest events—from the global experience that kicked everything off back in June, to the unique in-person experiences hosted in Berlin, Seattle, and Sapporo. But the fun isn’t over y

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Shiny Pokémon to Look Forward to in Pokémon GO: Part 4 | Pokémon GO Hub

We had some amazing suggestions on Twitter in particular, so I just had to keep this series going. Part 3 included some Mega Pokémon, so for part 4 we’re looking at some regionals, legendaries and more! Yveltal Shiny Yveltal Yveltal is an intriguing Po

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO Twitch Codes List - Pokémon World Championship 2022 | Nintendo Life

Gotta get 'em fast! - The Pokémon World Championship 2022 are taking place from Thursday 18th August to Sunday 21st Augus...

Gaming | Pokemon Go

A Full PvP Analysis on Obstruct Obstagoon | Pokémon GO Hub

Hello, Pokefriends! Well, at least Niantic gave us over 24 hours before the start of Community Day in August to reveal the final cost for new move Obstruct: 40 energy. This is right in the middle of what I guesstimated back in July during my speculativ

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Guide to Lead Pokémon in GO Battle League | Pokémon GO Hub

Lead Pokémon are Pokémon that you send in first in Trainer Battles. It’s the Pokémon with which you start the fight, and very often it can determine the outcome of the entire battle.  Choosing a good (or a bad) Lead Pokémon can make a difference be

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Shiny Pokémon to Look Forward to in Pokémon GO: Part 3 | Pokémon GO Hub

We’re back with part 3 of our ‘Shiny Pokémon to Look Forward’ to series, with some really fun shinies! We had a lot of community suggestions for part 2, so we were excited to see what was suggested for part 3. Spritzee & Aromatisse Shiny Spritz

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Bug Out! Event August 2022 | Pokémon GO Hub

The Bug Out! event is here, and with it creeps and crawls a new Mega Pokémon, three brand new Pokémon, and a shiny drop! Get your best Bug Catcher outfit on, and be prepared for this buzzing event. Date & Time From Wednesday, August 10, 2022 at 10:0

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Hisuian Discoveries Event - Leek Duck | Pokémon GO News and Resources

A special event featuring Pokémon debuts and new adventures? You bet! Get ready for a to-be-revealed event that will take place from Wednesday, July 27, 2022, to Tuesday, August 2, 2022.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Galarian Birds and New Hisuian Pokemon in PvP | Pokémon GO Hub

Alright folks, after weeks of radio silence, Niantic is now bombarding us with new info. All at once, we suddenly have nine new Pokémon regional forms hitting the game, three from Galar and the rest from Hisui, representing one of the biggest shakeups in

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Niantic Campfire 1.27.0 APK Breakdown | Pokémon GO Hub

Hello Trainers! The PokéMiners have done a mini teardown on Niantic Campfire and found some interesting stuff. ???? Disclaimer: You know the drill by now, everything in this article is data mined, and therefore subject to change or not even being release

Gaming | Pokemon Go

We Need to Talk About the 'Social Changes' Coming to Pokémon GO | Pokémon GO Hub

Yesterday Niantic announced a swathe of changes that are coming to Pokémon GO over the next few months. The features are designed to do a few things: help bring people

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Complete Guide to the Updated Mega Evolution System | Pokémon GO Hub

Niantic’s update to Mega Evolution in Pokémon GO is the biggest change to the game we’ve seen this year, and up there with one of the largest mechanic overhauls in […]

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Let's Talk About the Changes to Incense | Pokémon GO Hub

It’s been a busy week hasn’t it? A whole ton of announcements about events, a new season, new Pokémon, a new region, and buried in the middle of them all, […]

Gaming | Pokemon Go

March 2022 Pokémon GO Event Guide | Pokémon GO Hub

March brings with it brand new Pokémon from the Alola region, along with a variety of exciting events! On this page Season of AlolaMarch Community DayUpcoming eventsWelcome to AlolaFestival of […]

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Someone Made a Pokemon FPS

In the 26 years since the first Pokemon generation released, fans have been treated to a number of spin-offs, spanning countless genres. Pokemon have appeared in strategy games, pinball titles, dungeon crawlers, and more. One genre the series has understa

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go Furfrou forms and Trim guide - Polygon

To change Furfrou forms in Pokémon Go, you’ll need to use Candy and Stardust. The Furfrou Trims available to you depend on what region you’re currently in. Our guide explains which Trims are available where.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Candy XL Updates are live | Pokémon GO Hub

Yesterday evening, Niantic announced that Candy XL mechanics are getting a substantial update. The official March updates blog post was updated to reflect this: Trading Pokémon will have a chance […]

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Kanto Tour Details Announced: Shiny Ditto, Masterwork Research, Collection Challenges | Pokémon GO Hub

Niantic has shared more details on the upcoming Pokémon GO Tour Kanto Event, including a Special Research quest line that leads to encountering a Shiny Ditto and brand a new type of Research called Masterwork Research. We got all the details below! On t

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go Lunar New Year event: How to complete each quest task and field research • Eurogamer.net

Everything you need to know about the Lunar New Year event in Pokémon, including how to complete the research quest and each field research explained.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO’s January Community Day Features Machop and Payback | Pokemon.com

Catch loads of Machop, evolve Machoke into a Machamp that knows a special move, and enjoy other superpowered bonuses.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

The Lore of Mew | Pokémon GO Hub

Mew is the original Mythical Pokémon, introduced in Generation I, the Kanto region. It is known as the ‘New Species Pokémon’ and is a pure type. It is number 151 in the Pokédex, making it the last Pokémon in the original Pokédex. Mew is incredibl

Gaming | Pokemon Go

What Shiny Pokémon Are Still Missing From the Kanto Region? | Pokémon GO Hub

With the announcement of the Lake Legends Event we have finally have shiny Goldeen being released into Pokémon GO, one of the last few remaining Kanto region Pokémon that haven’t had their shiny forms released yet. So what other Kanto Pokémon are we

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Rare Candy Tier List - Best Pokémon to use your Rare Candy on | Pokémon GO Hub

How many times have you looked at your rare candy count and thought: “Alright, I know I have to use them on something, but which Pokémon should be getting them?”. I’ve had this problem for a while and that’s why I decided to write this article. W

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon GO XP-rebalancing is now live worldwide - Here's what changed | PokéWreck

Trainers, As a part of the Pokemon GO Beyond, Niantic has introduced a new XP Rebalancing System worldwide and made a lot more easier to get XP to level up. Here are the changes in the XP observed in the... Continue Reading →

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO Level 40 to 50 Guide: XP, Level up Tasks and Rewards | Pokémon GO Hub

A comprehensive guide to levelling up from 40 to 50 in Pokémon GO. The guide includes all Level-up tasks, XP requirements and level rewards. At the time of writing this guide, the XP requirement and rewards for each Level are known, but the exact level-u

Gaming | Pokemon Go

The Many Forms of Vivillon and Where to Find Them | Pokémon GO Hub

Hey Trainers, with Gen 6 just around the corner, there’s one Pokémon that could be really unique in an AR game: Vivillon. With 18 regionally specific forms, Vivillon is poised to be the most widespread regional in the game! At least all it’s forms co

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO Beyond Update Guide | Pokemon GO Hub

Level 50, Generation 6, Seasons and a metric ton of quality of life updates is coming to Pokémon GO from November 30 onwards. GO Beyond update

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Shiny Slowpoke, Shiny Meltan from the Mystery Box, and more during the Pokémon HOME event! - Pokémon GO

In celebration of Pokémon GO’s integration with Pokémon HOME, a special event will be taking place soon! Activate a Mystery Box during the event, and you might encounter a Shiny Meltan.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

This AI-Algorithm Generated 3,000 New Pokémon

Using machine learning models, Matthew Rayfield let a computer dream up thousands of never-before-imagined monsters.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Best 'Pokemon Go' Teams For Battle League 5's Little Cup | Tech Times

Here are some of the best teams you can form and their movesets to help you win more rewards on GO Battle League 5's Little Cup.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Should Remote Trading be in Pokémon GO? | Pokemon GO Hub

Hi there trainers! In of the recent APK teardowns, there was a very small mention of a “trade ball” and this got me thinking about (surprisingly) trading. There has been absolutely no hint from Niantic or anywhere else that remote trading is being looked

Gaming | Pokemon Go

0.191.1 APK Teardown: XL Candy and Pokémon HOME discoveries | Pokemon GO Hub

0.191.1 is a small Pokémon GO update feature wise, but it seems to be a large one for the data mining community, as it contains a lot of code that has been de-obfuscated, allowing new findings and discoveries. Our readers should first read these articles

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go has its best year ever with more than $1 billion in revenue - CNET

The figure comes from app data site Sensor Tower which credits developer Niantic for adapting the game to the stay-at-home market.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Where the heck is Kecleon?! | Pokemon GO Hub

Trainers, there has been a specific Pokemon that has eluded the game world of Pokemon Go for a while now: Kecleon. This Pokemon was one of the first Generation 3 Pokemon to be revealed (along with Azurill and Wailmer) in the main series of Pokemon games.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

October Event Shiny Rates - The Silph Road

Our team of eager researchers spent the month of October fervently tracking down Shiny Pokémon and meticulously recording data. Let's take a look at what their efforts tell us about the various shiny rates.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Has Reddit Become The New "Hotline To Niantic" | Pokemon GO Hub

Trainers, I have witnessed something interesting that happens over at our good friends The Silph Road’s Subreddit page. On a few occasions now, Trainers just like you and me have made posts such as “What happened to the Mega-Houndoom Unlock” or “N

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go Investigate a Mysterious Energy quest tasks and rewards - every step to unlocking Victini • Eurogamer.net

Everything you need to know about completing Investigate a Mysterious Energy and catching Victini in Pokémon Go, including every quest task, challenge and reward explained.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Mega Charizard Y Raid Guide | Pokemon GO Hub

The best counters to tackle the new Mega Pokémon raids. This guide will help you build the optimal team for Mega Charizard Y.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Mega Charizard X Raid Guide | Pokemon GO Hub

The best counters for the new Mega Raids. This guide will help you build your best counter team for Mega Charizard X.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Mega Evolutions in Pokémon GO

Unlike regular evolving, which is permanent, Mega Evolving temporarily transforms your Pokémon, changing their appearance, improving their performance in battle through a significant boost...

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Niantic Shares details on Level 50 and Mega evolution | Pokemon GO Hub

Hello Trainers, Niantic has recently published a video interview with Matthew Slemon who is the Lead Product Manager for Pokémon Go.  Essentially, Matthew’s team is in charge of the roadmap for Pokémon Go.  He shared some interesting information about the

Gaming | Pokemon Go

At Pokémon Go Fest 2020, millions of players caught nearly a billion Pokémon | VentureBeat

Niantic announced that Pokémon Go Fest 2020 drew millions of players who caught nearly a billion Pokémon over the weekend.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

How to Achieve Greatness in the GO Battle League | Pokemon GO Hub

Want to make it to the top in GO Battle League by achieving rank 10? Find out here with our advanced list of tips and tricks that will boost your rank.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Data miners discover more information on the Team Go Rocket Balloons | Pokemon GO Hub

Hello Trainers, the PokeMiners have come through with some more details on the Team Go Rocket balloon, and how it functions. Let’s have a look! Previous data mining article: Pokémon GO 0.179.0 APK Breakdown: It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Team

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Mega evolution is coming to Pokémon Go - Polygon

Mega evolution is finally coming to Pokémon Go in 2020, which will inevitably make sweeping changes to the meta.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Niantic Provides guidelines for Pokéstop scanning | Pokemon GO Hub

Hello Trainers!! With the official announcement in late May that Pokéstop scanning was coming to Pokémon Go there have been a lot of questions about the process and how it works. Pushed Image for the Pokéstop scanning tutorial courtesy the PokeMiners User

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Speculation time! Why are the Pokémon GO servers going down? | Pokemon GO Hub

Hello Trainers!! Niantic announced today that the Pokémon Go servers will be going down on Monday, June 1, 2020, from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. PDT.  This is a pretty significant occurrence, 7 hours without Pokémon Go.  Niantic was very vague in their a

Gaming | Pokemon Go

In-depth analysis of GO Battle League rewards | Pokemon GO Hub

One of the best aspects of the GO Battle League is the amount of useful rewards you can get. Stardust, TMs, Sinnoh Stones, Pokémon encounters and rare candies are all waiting for you if you can prove that you’re a good battler. We are now in the Season

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Throwback Challenge 2020: Kanto | Pokemon GO Hub

Throwback Challenge is a 36 part special research quest line that celebrates iconic moments from Pokémon GO’s Kanto, Johto, Hoenn and Sinnoh regions, with thematic quests along the way. According to data mined (and unverified) information, this special

Gaming | Pokemon Go

GO Battle League Season 1: Everything You Need to Know | Pokemon GO Hub

Trainers, attention! The GO Battle League preseason is coming to an end, and Niantic has…

Gaming | Pokemon Go

2020 Lunar New Year Lucky Trade Odds are around 9% now | Pokemon GO Hub

The Silph Science group reported that Lucky Trade chances for newly caught Pokémon have been…

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Buddy Adventure Guide: Everything you need to know | Pokemon GO Hub

Buddy Adventure is a new Pokémon GO feature that allows players to become best buddies…

Gaming | Pokemon Go

December 2019 Legacy Moves Update | Pokemon GO Hub

As a part of their recent Community Note, Niantic announced that select Kanto region Pokemon will be able to re-learn some of their legacy moves. We went through the newly available move sets and analysed their impact in PvP and Raids. Complete list of re

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO 0.161 Release Notes are live | Pokemon GO Hub

Trainers, release notes for the Pokémon GO 0.161 update are now live! The release notes were shared on Niantic’s Support web page.  For Apple Users, this release will show as version 1.127 in the App Store. Here’s whats new (officially at least): Up

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Rocket Boss Giovanni Counters | Pokemon GO Hub

Giovanni Pokémon GO Counters. A guide on how to defeat Team GO Rocket Boss Giovanni. Best Pokémon team against Giovanni.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

GO Field Guide - Pokemon GO Events, Countdown Timer, Raid Guides, Egg Hatch List and much more

GO Field Guide tool is made to assist you in playing Pokemon GO, It has up-to-date information for all Events along with local time, Raid Guides, Research task and rewards, Egg Hatch list, Checklist and much more

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon GO: PokéStop Submissions Guide | Pokemon GO Wiki - GamePress

Pokemon GO Wiki, Database, News, and Community for the Pokemon GO Player.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go Halloween 2019 event guide: field research, rewards, and Shiny Pokémon - Polygon

Until Nov. 1, Pokémon Go players will be able to catch some Pokémon wearing Halloween costumes, as well as more ghost- and dark-type Pokémon. There’s also special Halloween-themed research tasks.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Regigigas, Shiny Regi Trio and Shiny Skarmory are coming to Pokémon GO | Pokemon GO Hub

Trainers, this is a massive update so take your time to ingest all of it. First, Regirock, Regice and Registeel are returning to Pokémon GO – for a brief time! From November 1 to November 4, 2019 at 1:00 p.m. in your local time zone, Regirock, Regice,

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Rotom possibly teased in a mysterious tweet by Pokemon GO | Pokemon GO Hub

Pokemon GO official Twitter account has shared a peculiar tweet roughly an hour ago, hinting that Professor Willow’s computer may have been compromised! Maybe it’s too early, we think this is a clear hint for Rotom’s release in Pokemon GO. Here’s

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Best Lucky Pokémon for Trades | Pokemon GO Hub

A complete list of Best Pokémon for Lucky Trades is finally available on the Hub! The list covers all Gen 1 through Gen 4 Pokémon you should be spending your Lucky trade on. We will update the article with valuable Gen 5 additions when they become avail

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Mewtwo's Return As A Tier 6 Raid Boss Sparks Controversy | Pokemon GO Hub

Mewtwo has returned to Pokemon GO raids last night, but it’s return didn’t fare well with the general Pokemon GO player base. Mewtwo was expected to return as a regular Tier 5 boss, having 15000 HP and 54148 CP, and we expected that it will be slightl

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Generation V release teased with Snivy silhouette | Pokemon GO Hub

They just can't help themselves, can they? Niantic has teased next week's release of Generation…

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Shiny Hunting Methods In Pokemon Go - Part 1 | Pokemon GO Hub

Table of Contents A fore-word on ContentA Look at Shiny Odds as a WholeShiny Hunting ScoreMy AimTable of ContentsWild Shiny Pokémon“Typical” Boosted Event SpawnsReal-Life Event-tied SpawnsField ResearchGo FestNest HuntingSummary Of Part 1 Trainers, W

Gaming | Pokemon Go

New in v0.153.0: Gen V, VS Seeker, Route Maker, Unova Stone, Buddy V2 System, Competitive Play and more | Pokemon GO Hub

The latest Pokemon GO update is now slowly rolling out on Samsung and Android App stores, but data miners have already taken a look under the hood. I must admit, this is one of the most exciting updates in recent Pokemon GO history

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Jirachi Special Research - Leek Duck | Pokémon GO News and Resources

These are all tasks and rewards for the 'A Thousand-Year Slumber' Special Research. Completing this quest will allow you to encounter and catch Jirachi

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon GO Gen 5 Meta (Early Look, Part 1): Non-Legendary Pokemon With Meta Potential | Pokemon GO Hub

Pokemon GO’s Generation V could be right around the corner, depending on which rumor mill you subscribe to. We’re careful not to start the hype train, but with the latest leaks and rumors hinting that Generation 5 could be a mere month away, we were excited to take an early look at Unova region’s Pokemon line up. Which Gen 5 Pokemon will be worth the dust, candies and grinding? Which will be viable and which are Rattata equivalents? So many questions!

Gaming | Pokemon Go

PkmnMasterHolly - YouTube

Hi I'm Holly! Join me on my quest to unite the Pokemon Go Community! Let's go on a Pokemon hunting & raiding adventure! Be sure to check out my Instagram pag...

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Team Rocket Invasions: Everything You Need to Know | Pokemon GO Hub

Team Rocket Invasions are upon us and in order to help fellow trainers, we collated all of the information report by our Discord members into one massive guide. Here’s everything you need to know about Pokemon GO’s new Team Rocket Invasion system. You

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Appraisal Rework, New PvP UI, Charge Mini Game and Team Rocket in 0.149.0 update | Pokemon GO Hub

Trainers, the new Pokemon GO 0.149.0 update is slowly rolling out on Android (iOS to follow soon after) and it’s one of the biggest surprises the Pokemon GO team has done to date. The update brings a vastly improved Appraisal process, a new UI for PvP bat

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Third Anniversary Event Guide | Pokemon GO Hub

Pokemon Go is celebrating its THIRD Anniversary and GO Hub has all of the event details, tips and tricks for you to get the best out of the celebration!

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go Fest 2019 Pokemon List | Heavy.com

Here's the updated list of Pokemon at Pokemon Go Fest 2019 in Chicago.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Sword and Shield’s limited Pokedex is a huge deal to fans - Polygon

Game Freak, the developers of the upcoming Pokemon game for Nintendo Switch, says that all 800 plus Pokemon aren’t coming to the Gala region. Fans are upset because they’ve spent years ‘catching them all,’ and because Game Freak’s explanation doesn’t quit

Gaming | Pokemon Go

The Secret Reason Why Some Shiny Pokémon Look Bad | Pokemon GO Hub

Shiny Pokémon are coveted collector items both in Pokemon GO and in the core game series, however it can’t be denied that shiny sprites of some Pokémon look rather bad. From mismatched color schemes, to simply unpleasing color palettes, we’ve always

Gaming | Pokemon Go

New in Pokémon GO 0.145: Jirachi Encounter, Charm, Giga Impact, Dynamic Badges and More! | Pokemon GO Hub

Pokémon GO 0.145 has been released for Android. Data Miners have found code for Jirachi, new moves in Charm and Giga Impact, and much more!

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go Burmy forms and evolutions: how to get Wormadam and Mothim evolutions plus Plant, Sandy and Trash Cloak Burmy

How to get all three Burmy forms explained, plus how to get Burmy's evolutions Wormadam and Mothim.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Armored Mewtwo redesign revealed in the new Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution trailer | Pokemon GO Hub

After months of rumors and speculation, we finally have a first glimpse at the fabled Armored Mewtwo! The new trailer for Mewtwo Strikes Back: Evolution highlights several nostalgic scenes from the upcoming remake, but most importantly, shows a first glim

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO and the April Fools’ joke that made billions | TechCrunch

It’s the morning of March 31st, 2014, and the Google Maps team is about to release its April Fools’ Day gag to the world. It wasn’t the first time this team had goofed around with an April Fools’ day joke. Google, as a whole, goes wild on April 1s

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Here Are All The New Evolutions And Wild Pokémon Available Now In 'Pokémon GO'

The end of January brings with it a bunch of new evolutions and wild Pokémon in 'Pokémon GO'. Here's everything showing up.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon GO Exclusive Shinies: a guide to Pokemon GO's rare shinies | Pokemon GO Hub

Throughout the past few months, Niantic has slowly been releasing shiny Pokemon into Pokemon GO. Most shiny Pokemon in Pokemon GO can be found at almost any time when you encounter them, but there is quite a few exceptions to this rule. These exclusive sh

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon GO Holidays 2018 event guide | Pokemon GO Hub

Winter Holidays 2018 is a special two week long event in Pokemon GO, lasting from December 18th to January 2nd 2018. Increased type spawns, a free Incubator every day and special baby Pokemon in 7KM eggs will be available through the entire event. Additio

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Let's Go: Lure Mechanics | Pokemon GO Hub

Pokemon Let’s Go lures are a new item introduced in the Let’s Go series of games.  A lure, when activated, will “attract” wild Pokemon to your location. Lures can be bought in any PokeMart location in the game. Lures work similarly to Pokemon GO

Gaming | Pokemon Go

How To Find And Catch Nincada And Ninjask In 'Pokémon GO'

Nincada and Ninjask went live in 'Pokémon GO' alongside Shedinja as research rewards: here's how to find and catch them.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon GO Generation IV Guides and Pokemon | Pokemon GO Hub

Pokemon GO Generation IV release: tier list, best attackers, cross-generation evolutions, latest news and leaks, complete meta and feature guides, Pokedex.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Niantic plans 'Pokémon Go' events in US national parks

In addition to being a fun and entertaining pastime in its own right, augmented reality games have also proven to be a decent way to make players more physicall...

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Weird new Pokémon with a nut for a head is a big mystery in 'Pokémon Go'

Something new is happening in Pokémon Go. A mysterious critter has appeared in the game, and it's something Pokémon fans have never seen before. It was first discovered when a programming-savvy fan found an image and a reference to "Pokémon 891" in the game's code.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Mewtwo's Mass Release and the Meta | Pokemon GO GamePress

Pokemon GO Database, News, Strategy, and Community for the Pokemon GO Player.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

S2 Cells: A Foundation of Pokemon GO Design | Pokemon GO GamePress

Pokemon GO Database, News, Strategy, and Community for the Pokemon GO Player.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Silver Pinap Berry | Pokemon GO Hub

Silver Pinap Berry in Pokemon GO: stats, effects, how to unlock, where to get, when to use and Silver Pinap vs other Pokemon GO berries comparison chart

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Eevee Community Day Guide 2018 | Pokemon GO Hub

Shiny Eevee Pokemon GO, Last Resort, Eevee 100% IV chart, search query, pro event tips, perfect Eevee CP 899, Eevee August Community Day 2018 event guide

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go: August Community Day Takes Place This Weekend, Here Are All The Details

Pokemon Go's next Community Day is right around the corner; here's when it starts and what special move this month's featured Pokemon, Eevee, will be able to learn.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go Lucky Pokémon - how to increase your chances of getting Lucky Pokémon • Eurogamer.net

Pokémon Go Lucky Pokémon is another type of Pokémon to look out for - joining Shinies and Forms such as Alolan Pokémon. While the aforementioned types…

Gaming | Pokemon Go

'Pokémon Go' cheaters now get three strikes before a ban

In a post today, Niantic provided details on its new three-strike discipline policy for Pokémon Go players. In most cases, players found to be cheating w...

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Here Are All The Secret Leaked Pokémon That Are Coming To 'Pokémon GO'

A huge number of secret Pokemon have been found in the files of Pokemon GO. You can check most of them out now, but when are they coming to the game itself?

Gaming | Pokemon Go

'Pokémon GO' Is More Popular Than It's Been At Any Point Since Launch In 2016

Well, I finally have a definitive answer to the question I often get asked about Pokémon GO, “People still play that game?" Yes, yes they do.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Quests - Field Research Guide | Pokemon GO Hub

Niantic’s recent announcement about the introduction of the new Research Feature (quests) in Pokémon GO (See our news coverage here) certainly made a huge impression on the Pokémon GO community! In light of this incredible announcement, we have creat

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Here Are Pokémon GO's 20 New Water/Ice Gen 3 Pokémon You Can Catch Right Now

Pokémon GO has released another batch of Gen 3 Pokémon into the wild. Here's who they are and how to catch them.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO's Gen 3 Update Arrives With A Lot More Than Just New Pokémon

Pokemon GO's Gen 3 launch is here, but there's a lot more to this update than just 50 new Pokemon to catch.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Introducing Weather and 50 Pokémon from the Hoenn Region in Pokémon GO!

Starting later this week, Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip, and several more Pokémon originally discovered in the Hoenn region

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO 0.79.2 data mine: Gen III is coming for Halloween!!! | Pokemon GO Hub

Trainers, it’s happening – we now have almost all of the required Generation III files in the APK! We’ve done a quick data mine and our suspicions were confirmed: Gen III Pokémon audio clips are now in the APK, but more importantly̷

Gaming | Pokemon Go

It's Unclear What Pokémon GO's Exclusive Mewtwo Raids Are Actually Adding To The Game

Pokémon GO continues its beta test of exclusive raid passes, and now they’re coming to more countries and non-sponsored PokeStops. But what are they adding to the game, really?

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Stardust investments: a guide to spending the game’s most valuable resource

Trainers farm many things in Pokémon Go: pocket monsters, candy, evolution items, balls, revives, potions, experience. Of all the things that trainers try to acquire, Stardust may be the most valuable of all.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Here's Everything That Can Hatch From Pokémon GO's Special Equinox Event Eggs

Niantic previewed a few Pokémon that would be popping up in the special Pokemon GO Equinox Event eggs, but the community has banded together to grab data from all corners of the globe to try and get something close to a full roster of what’s in these e

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Celebrate the Equinox! - Pokémon GO

With cool autumn nights quickly approaching in the Northern Hemisphere and sunny spring days arriving in the Southern Hemisphere, we thought it would be the perfect time to celebrate the coming equinox with an in-game event. New seasons mean new adventures!

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Can Niantic Take Back Its Biggest Mistake With Pokémon GO's Legendaries?

Pokemon GO has made a serious mistake with Legendary Pokemon from the start, but it may be too late to fix it now.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Introducing You To the Next Generation Of Monsters Coming To Pokémon Go

The third generation of Pokémon might be coming to Pokémon Go soon. Come meet your new friends.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO gets three new Legendary Pokémon that’ll move around the world each month | TechCrunch

Back in July, Niantic introduced a new concept to Pokémon GO: Legendaries. Meant to be some of the hardest to catch, Legendary Pokémon are ultra-strong,..

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go Gym rework - Motivation, Gym Battles, Defender Bonus and how Gyms work in the new Gym update • Eurogamer.n

Pokémon Go Gyms are towering, spinning monuments found out in the wild, which can be captured from other Teams with gym battles, and defended by adding your…

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO's Latest Patch Reveals Hidden Data For 135 Gen 3 Pokémon

It’s time to start laying the groundwork for the next generation of Pokémon to make their way into GO, Generation 3, which has just arrived behind the scenes in Pokemon GO.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Mewtwo Coming to Exclusive Raid Battles Soon! - Pokémon GO

In the coming weeks, you, too, will have the opportunity to battle and catch Mewtwo with the new Exclusive Raid Battle feature.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Mewtwo released as a Pokemon GO Stadium Raid boss! | Pokemon GO Hub

Trainers, as we’re writing this article, an epic battle is taking place in Yokohama, at the Pokemon GO Stadium event. Mewtwo has been released as an exclusive Raid Boss for Stadium attendees, with a Boss Max CP of 49430. This release follows a stat

Gaming | Pokemon Go

It's Time For 'Pokémon GO' To Free Region-Locked Pokémon Permanently

What’s starting to grind my gears is what Niantic is doing with localized Pokémon GO events, official sponsored events in the US, Europe and Asia mainly that are giving out specific spawn rewards for simply existing and playing in the area.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go Legendary Pokémon - How to catch Lugia, Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres

Pokémon Go Legendary Pokémon have been hotly anticipated for some time, and are finally here. Fans of the classic games will remember them fondly - fro…

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go's Next Legendary Pokemon Zapdos, Moltres Will Be Available for Limited Time - IGN

Niantic details when players can expect the next two Legendary Pokemon to catch, as well as what caused some of Pokemon Go Fest's technical problems.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

What’s changing in Pokémon GO?

Note: The features discussed in this article are gradually being rolled out and might not be available just yet. Some big changes are...

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Make Time for a Pokémon GO Adventure | Pokemon.com

Pokémon GO rocks with extra Rock-type Pokémon during a week of adventuring fun.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Latest Pokemon GO update helps Unown catch process [and how!]

Before today, catching Unown in Pokemon GO was one of the most impossible tasks in the game - not least of all because of the scale of the breed. This Pokemon

Gaming | Pokemon Go

A 'Pokémon GO' Shiny Magikarp/Gyarados Water Festival FAQ

Shiny Magikarp and Gyarados are finally a reality in Pokemon GO, but fans have a million questions about the pair. Here are some answers.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Shiny Pokemon GO: all the details

As of mid-day yesterday, Shiny Pokemon GO monster are live - they're out there, released, in the wild! Today we're getting down to brass tacks on all the

Gaming | Pokemon Go

'Pokémon Go' Nest Migration? Niantic CEO Hanke hints at regional migration in the future

Could we be seeing a global nest migration for region specific Pokémon in 'Pokémon Go' soon?

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Next Major Pokemon GO Update Will Be A Complete Gym Overhaul

According to Niantic CEO John Hanke, the next major Pokemon GO update will be a complete gym overhaul with a huge focus on teamwork!

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Niantic announces three major updates coming to Pokemon Go in 2017

Earlier this month, Niantic CEO John Hanke confirmed to Waypoint in an interview that trading and a player vs. player battle system would be coming to Pokemon Go "soon," but didn't provide any specific release dates.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go egg chart: Every Pokemon you can hatch from Generation 2

Can't find that one Johto-region Pokemon you've been looking for in Pokemon Go running around in the wild? Maybe you can hatch it instead. As soon as the update rolled, Pokemon Go Hub began asking its visitors to submit their findings for Generation 2 e

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pikachu Parties in Pokémon GO! | Pokemon.com

Keep your eye out for a special Pikachu wearing a party hat to celebrate Pokémon Day!

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon GO: How to Use (And Find!) Evolution Stones

On iOS & Android: Old favorites get new evolution methods in the Gen 2 update for Pokemon GO. Learn all about evolution items and how they work here.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go Generation 2: List of Rare, Legendary, Regional

Now that there are more than 80 new Pokemon, which should you catch first? Here is a list of rare, regional, and legendary Pokemon from Generation II.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

How To Easily Evolve Eevee Into Umbreon Or Espeon In Pokémon Go

A naming trick will help you turn your eevee into one of its generation two incarnations.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Here are the Pokémon you should stockpile in 'Pokémon Go' before the 80 new ones are released into the wild

You'll want to save candies for certain Pokémon that are currently in the game, like Eevee and Seadra, that can evolve into unreleased second-gen creatures.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Our World Is Expanding—Over 80 More Pokémon and New Features Are Coming! - Pokémon GO

Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, and many more Pokémon are nearly here! Starting later this week, you’ll have the opportunity to catch more than 80 Pokémon originally discovered in the Johto region in the Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver video games. We’ve also implemented some new features to enhance your Pokémon GO experience.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO's Egg Hatching Got A Stealth Buff With The Valentine's Event

While Niantic will put something as small as “minor text fixes” in a Pokémon GO patch notes update, sometimes they can totally change something fundamental about the game and not say a word. That's exactly what's happened with a new change to egg hat

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Here Are All The Pink Pokémon You May Catch In Pokémon GO's Valentine's Event

Just a few hours ago, Niantic announced its Pokémon GO Valentine’s Day event which has just gone live as of 11 AM PST. Now, players are scrambling to figure out what exactly is going on, and what they’re about to be able to capture. Here's a comprehe

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Can You Still Hatch Baby Pokemons' Evolved Forms or Region-Specific Pokemon?| The Silph Road

The introduction of baby Pokemon species has caused many travelers to wonder whether the evolved form of Pichu, Magby, Elekid, Igglybuff, and Smoochum are hatchable. The Silph Research group has a definitive answer! Plus, a surprising finding about region

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon GO - The holiday season has arrived! Celebrate it with us!

As the year draws to a close, we want to give you a great way to celebrate the end of the year with Pokémon GO. For the next couple of weeks, you’ll have even more reason to explore the world with your friends and family while you enjoy our year-end event.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Look for these eggs to get new Pokémon in Pokémon Go

All the kilometers you need to walk for Pichu, Magby and more

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Here Are The Seven New Gen 2 Baby Pokémon You Can Hatch In 'Pokémon GO'

Within a few hours of the update going live, Pokemon GO's Pokedex is revealing what might be all the Gen 2 “baby” Pokémon you can hatch from eggs. Check them out here.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

More Pokémon and a limited edition Pikachu are coming to Pokémon GO

Professor Willow has discovered Togepi and Pichu hatching from Eggs! Starting later today, Trainers will have the opportunity to hatch these and several other Pokémon that were originally discovered in the Johto Region in Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver video games.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

‘Pokémon Go’ Gen 2 Update Announcement Coming Dec. 12

Niantic announced that more information on new Pokemon being added to 'Pokemon Go' will be released on Dec. 12.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go: iPhone and Android update release and changelog

Pokemon Go is rumored to receive some exciting features in the near future. Niantic already confirmed that players will be able to hunt 100 new creatures, while some reports say that Pokemon trading and PvP battles are also around the corner.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

'Pokémon Go' may get 100 new Pokémon this week

A leaked Starbucks employee manual hints at brand new creatures and partnerships for Niantic's AR game.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go could get a huge December update with 100 new creatures

Niantic Labs is reportedly planning a huge Pokémon Go update for December that will give players a lot of what they’ve been asking for.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Ditto is now in Pokémon GO

This post is going to be brief because I'm about two seconds from running outside to catch me some Ditto, but: Reports are pouring in left and right that..

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Ditto Is Live In 'Pokémon GO' And You Might Have Already Caught Him

The other day it seemed like Ditto was about to be released into Pokémon GO thanks to some newly mined data after a recently, seemingly innocuous update. But in the last few hours, it’s been confirmed that Ditto is actually live, and trainers all aroun

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go Gets Combat Power Changes

Developer Niantic says Pokemon like Gengar are getting a boost, while others will receive a decrease.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

'Pokémon GO' Is Probably Getting Shiny Pokémon Soon (And Ditto Too)

Pokémon GO's latest update seems to be laying the groundwork for both Shiny Pokémon and Ditto to appear in the game, both of which would help bring new life to the title. When might we expect them?

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Release date for Pokemon Go Generation 2 might have just leaked

Earlier this month, we learned that 100 new Pokemon from Generation 2 had been added to Pokemon Go. We weren’t able to catch them, but their names appeared in the code, which could only mean …

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokémon Go is adding daily bonuses

Thanks to a new update, Pokémon Go will now reward players who play the game every day.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

No one can find the last Pokémon in Pokémon Go

There's only one Pokémon of the original 151 — excluding Legendary Pokémon — that hasn't been found: Ditto.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

‘Pokémon Go’ Generation 2 Update: Stock Up On These Candies Before It Drops

The Generation 2 Pokemon are eventually coming to 'Pokemon Go' so before it does, you'll want to stock up on these Pokemon before their evolved forms appear in a new update.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

'Pokémon GO's Upcoming 'Buddy System' Is The Best Thing That Could Happen To The Game

Pokémon GO is getting a brand new feature that looks to be a total gamechanger: The ability to train specific Pokemon to reach higher evolutions and power levels.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go will let you trade Pokemon in future update

Pokémon Go has not long made its debut on smartphones, but developer Niantic is already teasing what's next for the location-based game. While the app enc…

Gaming | Pokemon Go

List of Pokemon (Pokedex) - Pokemon GO Wiki Guide - IGN

List of Pokemon (Pokedex) - Pokemon GO: This page contains information a list of all of the Pokemon found in Pokemon Go. This list includes details and pictures of each pokemon, the types o...

Gaming | Pokemon Go

'Pokémon GO's New 'Sightings' Feature Is A Tracking Fix That Actually Works

Niantic is testing a new addition to Pokémon GO called "sightings" that tries to fix its long-running tracking problem. Early testing seems to indicate that it may actually work, and wild Pokémon are trackable once more.

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go Guide: What is IV and How to Find it

Pokemon Go might seem like a very simple game. You run around, catching Pokemon, and sometimes use them to attack or defend gyms. Sure, that's the basic de

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go Type Chart: What Beats What

Pokemon Go doesn't force you to do a whole lot of fighting. Unless you're trying to take out gyms, the power and type of your Pokemon shouldn't really conc

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go Guide: Where to Find Dratini, Dragonair, and Dragonite

Pokemon Go is all about finding and catching those rare Pokemon that are scattered around the world. Some are easy to find, like Eevee, Pidgey, or Rattata,

Gaming | Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go Guide: How To Get A Specific Eeveelution From Your Eevee

The absolutely incredible popularity of Pokemon Go just seems to be getting even bigger as the days go on, and with each passing day we learn even more abo

Gaming | Pokemon Go

The Pokémon Go Trainer's Advanced Tactics Handbook

You’ve tossed a few PokéBalls, caught a few Caterpies, and spun your way to a few items at the PokéStop, but it’s time to take things to the next level. These tips and tricks will help you go from novice trainer to unbeatable gym leader faster than

Gaming | Pokemon Go

The most ridiculous places people are catching Pokémon Go

People have been finding Pokémon is some pretty strange and hilarious places and they’ve been posting pictures on social media for the world to see. Check out some of the awkward and hysterical places and share where you have found Pokémon.