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Articles 78
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How to disagree well: 7 of the best and worst ways to argue

A classic essay defines different ways to disagree, from the worst to the best, with lessons that ring true in our divisive times.

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    Mental Illness, Mass Shootings, and the Politics of American Firearms

    Four assumptions frequently arise in the aftermath of mass shootings in the United States: (1) that mental illness causes gun violence, (2) that psychiatric diagnosis can predict gun crime, (3) that shootings represent the deranged acts of mentally ill ..

      Miscellaneous | Misc

      30 facts you NEED to know: Your Covid Cribsheet

      Kit Knightly We get a lot of e-mails and private messages along these lines “do you have a source for X?” or “can you point me to mask studies?” or “I know I saw a gra…

        Miscellaneous | Misc

        California Politics: There are so many Democrats

        California's biggest political battles are not between Republicans and Democrats, but rather, between factions inside the Democratic Party.

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          The Cult of Liberalism, From Someone Who Escaped

          I was a New York City liberal for years. My “friends” were all diehards. We were “smarter” than everyone else, even liberals in the “flyover” states. We were specia...

            Miscellaneous | Misc

            An Ugly (Media) Campaign against California’s Governor Recall Candidates

            I’ve had the privilege of advising some of the candidates running for California governor in the state’s recall election, including Larry Elder, Kevin Faulconer, and Caitlyn Jenner. (While I offer advice, I’m not a paid adviser nor do I make endorse

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                How fetal cells from the 1970s power medical innovation today

                It is no secret that thousands of laboratories around the world use cells derived from a fetus that was aborted decades ago to develop vital medicines.

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                  How to see what Google knows about you, and delete it

                  Google, like many other big tech companies, knows a lot about you. Here's how to find all that data, and delete it.

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                    'It feels unnecessarily difficult' | Part-time, in-person learning has some parents in a bind

                    Back-to-school isn't entirely back-to-school -- concurrent learning schedules have some parents juggling their kids' schedules.

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                      18 Reasons I Won't Be Getting a Covid Vaccine

                      A few friends have asked my thoughts on the covid jab(s) so I thought it was time to write an article on the topic. All my friends had not heard most of the details I shared, so I figured you might appreciate hearing some of what I told them. Knowing how

                        Miscellaneous | Misc

                        Targeting the Imbalanced Immune Response in COVID-19 | DataDrivenInvestor

                        Too much histamine or prostaglandin D2 signaling or too little interferon signaling lead to increased risk for severe COVID-19. An imbalanced immune

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                          The Pandemic Has Given Women a New Kind of Rage

                          As Gloria Steinem said, “The truth will set you free. But first it will piss you off.”

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                                The Miseducation of America’s Elites | City Journal

                                Affluent parents, terrified of running afoul of the new orthodoxy in their children’s private schools, organize in secret.

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                                  Supporting women and mothers in the workplace | San Diego Workforce Partnership

                                  By Shaina Gross, Director of Programs; Research by Daniel Enemark, Ph.D., Senior Economist @danielenemark Tweet this article U.S. women lost 156,000 jobs last month, while men gained 16,000.  When I f

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                                    Ahead of the curve: The psychology of contrarianism

                                    Sociologists are likely to see contrarian investors as deviants, while psychologists may see them as healthy, 'independent' thinkers

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                                          "I Won't Be Your Friend If You Don't!" Preventing and Responding to Relational Aggression in Preschool Classrooms | NAEYC

                                          Helping children understand their social world and develop ways to meet their emotional and social needs is a critical part of early education.

                                            Miscellaneous | Misc

                                            Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders?

                                            The real gender issue isn’t a lack of qualified women, but a surplus of unqualified men.

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                                                Tips for Navigating Public Service Loan Forgiveness

                                                This post contains affiliate links at NO extra cost to you. Please see the disclaimer for further details. This past Friday an article came out that probably has a lot of people who are enrolled in…

                                                  Miscellaneous | Misc

                                                  Nonprofit Pathology

                                                  Some people say — though never publicly — that the elephant in the room of the nonprofit sector is that people work in the sector because they can’t cut it in business. That’s not what this post is about. Allow me to introduce a br

                                                    Miscellaneous | Misc

                                                    Pope Francis suggests it’s better to be an atheist than a hypocritical Christian

                                                    During a homily in Rome on Thursday, Pope Francis said that if you’re a hypocritical Christian, one who exploits people, leads a double life or manages “dirty”

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                                                      The Exhaustion of American Liberalism

                                                      Shelby Steele writes that white guilt gave us a mock politics based on the pretense of moral authority.

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                                                            Cox Communications' anti-cord-cutting propaganda is as sad as you’d expect

                                                            Cox embraces FUD in a desperate attempt to discourage cord cutting.

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                                                                  How Bad Urban Design Makes San Diego Feel Unsafe

                                                                  San Diego is the safest big city in the country, but it doesn’t always feel that way. Subpar urban design can make safe streets feel isolating or dangerous.

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                                                                    The Underlying Psychology of Office Politics - HBR

                                                                    And how to manage it.

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                                                                          The Working Mom Problem No One Is Talking About

                                                                          Pundits, CEOs and columnists constantly debate whether women can “have it all.” But a large swath of working mothers in America have no choice, but to do it all: They spend their days toiling away at department stores or cleaning other pe...

                                                                            Miscellaneous | Misc

                                                                            Would You Do Volunteer Work to Pay Off Your Student Loans? Now You Can

                                                                            Amid the great music and movies (and, yes, parties) that will light up Austin, Texas, next month during the South by Southwest festival, a small nonprofit called will receive a community service award for finding a way to help college gr

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                                                                              Mathematics may be able to tell you if your relationship will last

                                                                              There's a new formula to help you find true love. But is it accurate? VIDEO

                                                                              Miscellaneous | Misc

                                                                              How to Travel Around the World for $418

                                                                              If you thought the lowest fares for flights listed on sites like Expedia or Kayak were the cheapest way to jet around the world, you're wrong. Using every trick in the air travel book, Steve Kamb flew some 35,000 miles across nine continents. It cost

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                                                                                181 Breeds Of Dog On One Awesome Poster

                                                                                It's enough to make you pet your computer screen! If you were into that or whatever.

                                                                                  Miscellaneous | Misc

                                                                                  Scientists Pinpoint The Age At Which Our Earliest Memories Fade

                                                                                  By very virtue of being human, everyone has experienced infancy and toddlerhood. So why can most adults not remember anything that happened before the age of 3?

                                                                                    Miscellaneous | Misc

                                                                                    What is the difference between women and men?

                                                                                    There are many funny differences between women and men. You can see them in everyday situations. Next time, when you have a fight with your couple, try to remember these...