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Articles 78
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History | History

History | History

Haley’s Hawkish Position on War Takes Center Stage in South Carolina Primary

From Gen. William Moultrie on, South Carolinians have been fighters, but average Republican voters aren’t embracing neoconservatism.

    History | History

    Whose Land Did Native Americans Steal Before Europeans Stole It From Them?

    We all know that history is not the left's favorite subject. Many times, it's just too inconvenient to their political narratives

      History | History

      The Obsessively Detailed Map of American Literature's Most Epic Road Trips

      I am a freak for the American road trip. And I'm not alone, as some of this country's best writers have taken a shot at describing that quintessentially...

        History | History

        'Less Than Human': The Psychology Of Cruelty

        In Less Than Human, David Livingstone Smith explains how dehumanizing people makes us capable of atrocious acts.

          History | History

          Are We in A Revolution and Don't Even Know It?: We are in the midst of a revolutionary epoch and probably most don't even know it. | Victor Davis Hanson

          In such revolutionary times, no one knows any more what is and is not a crime. Illegally storming the border when positive for COVID-19?

            History | History

            Media ignore racial attack on Larry Elder because he’s a black Republican

            Do a search for “Larry Elder” and gorilla on the CNN Web site and nothing comes up. Washington Post? Zilch. Nothing comes up on The New York Times site either.

              History | History

              Are We in A Revolution and Don't Even Know It?: We are in the midst of a revolutionary epoch and probably most don't even know it. | Victor Davis Hanson

              In such revolutionary times, no one knows any more what is and is not a crime. Illegally storming the border when positive for COVID-19?

                History | History

                Mob Morality and the Unvaxxed

                (A standalone Part 3 of a series. Part 1, Part 2) Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.– Joseph Goebbels We would like to think that modern societies like ours have outgrown barbaric customs like

                  History | History

                  The Obama Administration and the Press - Committee to Protect Journalists

                  Leak investigations and surveillance in post-9/11 America U.S. President Barack Obama came into office pledging open government, but he has fallen short of his promise. Journalists and transparency advocates say the White House curbs routine disclosure of

                    History | History

                    5 Ways To Help Your Child Not Grow Up To Be A Socialist

                    According to a study last year, 70 percent of millennials and 64 percent of Zoomers say they would vote for a socialist candidate.

                      History | History

                      Who Killed the Anti-War Democrats? - American Greatness

                      After three generations the anti-war tendency within America’s oldest political party has been thoroughly alienated from its leadership and rendered impotent.

                          History | History

                          How a Presidential Rally Turned Into a Capitol Rampage

                          We analyzed the alternating perspectives of President Trump at the podium, the lawmakers inside the Capitol and a growing mob’s destruction and violence.

                              History | History

                              Page not found | TruthNotes

                              I am a woman. I live in America. I did not attend a women’s march over the weekend, but I know people who did. These marches made front page news all across America and sparked lively debates on social media. It’s obvious that women in this country ha

                                History | History

                                The Rage Of The Cry-Babies

                                Should any of the liberal elite still think Trump is stupid, they will soon learn of their mistake.

                                  History | History

                                  12 Documentaries You Should Definitely Watch If You Liked

                                  Disclaimer: Dean Strang and Jerry Buting aren't in any of them.

                                    History | History

                                    Ever Wondered Why Americans of the 1930s and 40s Spoke with an Accent?

                                    Oh I do love it when my shower thoughts finally get answered. Have you ever wondered why Hollywood favourites like Katharine Hepburn spoke as if they only j

                                        History | History

                                        Naming the No. 1 rival for all 32 NFL teams

                                        Who is your team's biggest rival? It might not be who you think.

                                          History | History

                                          The Oregon Trail Generation: Life Before and After Mainstream Tech - Social Media Week

                                          We’re an enigma, those of us born at the tail end of the 70s and the start of the 80s. Some of the

                                            History | History

                                            "God's Garden"
                                            The Grossmont Art Colony

                                            by Kathleen Crawford San Diego History Center 1985 Institute of History Images from this article

                                              History | History

                                              What It’s Like to Spend 20 Years Listening to Psychopaths for Science | Science | WIRED

                                              Kent Kiehl has been interviewing psychopaths for more than 20 years. More recently he's acquired a mobile MRI scanner and permission to scan the brains of New Mexico state prison inmates. He talked with WIRED about what's different in the brains

                                              History | History

                                              15 Famous Landmarks Zoomed Out To Show Their Surroundings | Bored Panda

                                              This collection of photographs of majestic landmarks around the world do a great job of just how important framing, perspective and lighting are to a photograph. All of these photo pairs are of the same object, but the changes in perspective can make them

                                                History | History

                                                How did my fellow Irish-Americans get so disgusting?

                                                Stupid tattoos and New Age music on one hand, snarling TV right-wingers on the other. It didn't have to be this way