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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Judicial Activism in Jewish History and Law

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Judicial Activism in Jewish History and Law Once again “Judicial Reform” (or: Judicial Revolution) is on the government’s legislative agenda – notwithstanding the continuing war in Gaza and Lebanon. Before Oct. 7, 2023, Is

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PODCAST | George Stephanopoulos Exposes His Partisan Constitutional Illiteracy

On a recent edition of ABC News This Week, host George Stephanopoulos abruptly ended an interview with US Sen. JD Vance (R-OH), because Vance wouldn’t take a knee to the idea that the Executive Branch bureaucracy has autonomy outside the pleasure of the

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Take It Easy…No One ‘Hates' Taylor Swift

I find myself sitting at my keyboard – stunned and incredulous – that I am writing about the over-marketed pop star Taylor Swift. Strange times, indeed, as they say. But the controversy brewing around Swift (or her manufactured persona) is starting to

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The Woke's Shallow Crusade Against US History Continues

Just when you thought the stupidity of erasing history had stopped, now comes news that the poison of wokeism is inside the gates at Arlington National Cemetery. That this story isn’t front-page news is disgusting. As Americans, we should be ashamed for

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PODCAST | Oh, You’re A Change-Agent Activist? (Yawn)

Before we get into this current segment of America’s Third Watch, I wanted to preface a point that we touch on, which centers on the obnoxious trend of everyone needing to be a change-agent activist.

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PODCAST | Raising The Debt Ceiling Is Still Deficit Spending

LISTEN NOW | We shouldn't be happy with the McCarthy bill that went through the House because it still raises the debt ceiling and it still spends beyond our means. We are nowhere close to spending within our means regarding the revenue stream that g

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PODCAST | A Final Visit With Chuck Wilder

Listen now (43 min) | Before we get into this week's segment on Talkback with Chuck Wilder – our last segment with Chuck Wilder on that program (he is retiring at the end of the month), I wanted to acknowledge his incredible career.

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PODCAST | Sudan: Afghanistan 2.0?

LISTEN NOW | I'd like to expound a little bit on the primary topic of that interview today and that has to do with what's happening over in Sudan. The Biden administration ensured that 80 government employees were evacuated from the US Embassy i

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PODCAST | Honestly Dissecting The Trans Movement

LISTEN NOW | I wanted to expound a little bit on what we talked about in the first two segments, which is an incredible article by Dr. Robert Malone titled, Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria. This article examines the transgender craze and breaks down the num

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‘The Whole World Is Watching’

In August of 1968, Chicago was the focal point for the apex of the antiwar protests during the Vietnam War. It was also the location for the Democrat National Convention. The two collided and erupted into several days of violent confrontations culminating

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PODCAST | The First Major Failure Of The Other Brandon

Listen now | I’d like to talk about an upcoming piece – “The Whole World’s Watching” – about the chaos and violence, and shootings in Chicago that happened over the weekend, April 15th, 2023. We need to address the ideological philosophies and

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PODCAST | The Transition of Spuds MacKenzie

LISTEN NOW | I wanted to double down on one of the points we made in the first story. I am on record, many times, as saying I don't care about your sexuality. I don't care if you're gay. I don't care if you're trans. I don't

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PODCAST | As One Country Mourns Another Seeks to Reaffirm Its Control Over Government

As the people of Japan mourn the assassination of their former Prime Minister, Shinzo Abe, the people of the United States stand with them in prayer for their loss. And at the same time, a movement is growing in a very potent way; a movement that seeks to

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The US Supreme Court Decision The Media Won't Cover

The mainstream media complex has shifted into high gear in its far-Left, ideologically anointed, social engineering propaganda campaign on the issue of the US Supreme Court’s ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. Regardless of the fact the ruling did not outl

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PODCAST | How Long Will We Allow Pelosi's Crew To Blatantly Lie To The People?

In the aftermath of the US Supreme Court's decision to return the purview of the issue of abortion to the states where it has always belonged, Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, AOC, and perennial reprobate Maxine Waters all took to the microphones to whip the

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The Left Is Using The Issues Of Guns & Abortion To Manipulate The People

With the recent US Supreme Court decisions on abortion and gun rights, the political opportunists and agendized media are doing everything they can to play on the emotions of the people. Both disingenuous (or constitutionally illiterate) politicians and s

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PODCAST | Do You Remember All The Times The Left Screamed 'Constitutional Crisis'?

With the US Supreme Court ruling in favor of the US Constitution and, specifically, the sanctity of the 2nd Amendment, it is a good time for the US Constitution. But the fascist Left is apoplectic that the SCOTUS would dare to have fidelity to the US Cons

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Federal Reserve Goes Woke; Threatens Financial Stability of Country

With the advent of the Obama-Biden Era, we have seen the continual politicization of departments, agencies, non-government organizations...

News | The News

BINGO! Women’s March ‘happy birthday to…’ earns slam-tastic response from Katie Pavlich – twitchy.com

"Women's March" keeps exposing what they're REALLY all about.

Entertainment | Entertain Me

Why Is Katy Perry's Sunflower Dress Causing a Ruckus?

Katy Perry, accidental political activist.