Politics | Opinion
The Next Mutation of American Anti-Semitism
Just as generals are warned not to keep fighting the last war, we should not be monitoring the campus Hamas protest movement according to last year’s benchmarks. As the war
Politics | American Politics
Sixteen House Democrats vote with Republicans to codify Israel product labeling policy
The policy, implemented during the Trump administration, allows products produced in Israeli settlements in the West Bank to be labeled as made in Israel
Politics | Opinion
Elder Of Ziyon - Calling All Jewish Democrats: It's An Emergency
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Seth Mandel: Bad News for the Jews
Here are three pieces of news that have been updated with new information within the past 24 hours: 1. A Jewish student at the University of Michigan was assaulted by
Politics | Politics
The DNC's Muslim Brotherhood and Nation of Islam-connected imam
Why did the Democratic National Committee give a platform to a man linked to organizations steeped in hatred and violence?
Politics | American Politics
Elder Of Ziyon - The Democratic Party platform used to say Israel and the US shared common values and strategic interests. They removed that.
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | Articles By Me
Is this justice? Justice has been especially unjust for the Jews of America and Israel - Joshua Namm
One of the things that has become crystal clear since October 7, and the dramatic rise in antisemitism which followed, is that the “justice” system can be anything but just for the Jewish community. While there have been some successes, there are also recent examples which demonstrate just how perverse and unjust the legal system can be – both in Israel and America.
Miscellaneous | Diaspora
Elder Of Ziyon - American Jews are starting to defend themselves in response to attacks (The Tactical Rabbi)
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Los Angeles, you have failed us Jews
If your mayor wants to prevent anarchy, her government cannot be lax when it comes to those who commit crimes against the Jewish community
Politics | Opinion
Wake up, Americans! As northern Israel burns, your government is throwing the Jewish state to the wolves
Yesterday, northern Israel was in flames. An enormous barrage of Hezbollah drones set fire to numerous areas in the Galilee. You can see the massive scale of the conflagration from video footage here, here and here.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Elder Of Ziyon - Jews are being bullied out of professions. The days of routine antisemitism are returning to the US.
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Opinion
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: If You Vote for Biden, You Ain’t Jewish: Joe Biden and the Jewish Vote
With his latest perfidy toward Israel, Joe Biden has lost the Jewish vote. Will it matter to the outcome of the 2024 election?
Politics | Opinion
The Fight to Define Anti-Semitism
The race is on: Can Congress save the American Jewish community from destabilizing a rare plank of cross-ideological consensus? First, the good news. The House of Representatives ended the day
News | Articles By Me
We Deserve Better. Much better. - Joshua Namm
The post 10/7 Jewish world cannot be business as usual.
Politics | Opinion
Joe Lieberman and the Democrats’ abandonment of Israel and the Jews
Caroline Glick’s “In-Focus”
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Purim and the Betrayal of American Jewry - Chabad
Jews feel that Western liberalism has abandoned them. This has happened before. This is what the Purim story can teach us.
Politics | Opinion
Israel has become a partisan issue. Do American Jews care?
While Trump is impatient for a complete victory over Hamas, Biden and Schumer wave the white flag in their party’s civil war against Democrats who loathe the Jewish state.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
From Seinfeld to Ben-Gvir, Antisemites Attack Jews | The Caroline Glick Show In-Focus
Jewish businesses or anybody who supports Israel in any way are being attacked across the world by far-left and Islamist mobs. Is this causing an awakening a...
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Are American Jews Prepared for the Return of History?
Probably the most famous line from the HBO series True Detective is: “Time is a flat circle.” The line, spoken by Det. Rust Cohle (played by Matthew McConaughey) in the
Politics | Opinion
It’s time for American Jews to toughen up
We must teach our children to defend themselves by themselves.
News | Standing With Israel
Support for Israel is stronger than we think - The Jerusalem Post
Jews in Israel and across the world, are taking constructive action driven by our despair and rage. For now, the center holds.
Politics | Opinion
It’s time for an American Jewish rethink
We thought we were at home in America, but no such luck. Opinion.
News | Antisemitism Watch
1 in 4 hiring managers say they are less likely to move forward with Jewish applicants
A ResumeBuilder.com survey finds that 26% of hiring managers say they are less likely to move forward with Jewish applicants.
Politics | The Left
Going woke has endangered American Jews
Troubling poll numbers among young voters point to a future where American exceptionalism ends and Jew-hatred is mainstreamed.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Elder Of Ziyon - Two out of three young people believe Jews as a whole are "oppressors." Yes, 67% of young Americans have antisemitic opinions.
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Biden Administration/Congress
Elder Of Ziyon - Joe Biden just accused Israel of war crimes. Where is the outrage?
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
Elder Of Ziyon - Legally Varda (Judean Rose)
A legal change of name means a lot when you're a Jew in Israel, changing your legal English name to your true Hebrew name, for good.
News | Articles By Me
Joe Biden’s Anti-Jewish “Antisemitism Strategy”
American Jews deserve better
At the beginning of summer, in a “private” letter to U.S. Antisemitism Envoy Deborah Lipstadt, Israeli President Isaac Herzog called Joe Biden’s plan to fight antisemitism (the so-called “national strategy to combat antisemitism”) “a historic moment deserving of recognition and gratitude. … The formidable language of the report contains a sound strategy, well-defined pillars and concrete, viable goals that will help create more tolerant and open societies.”
Politics | Opinion
Giving ‘progressive’ antisemites the benefit of the doubt
Both mainstream Jewish groups and their allies in the Biden administration are determined to avoid taking on left-wing Jew-haters and the ideas that drive them.
Politics | Opinion
The New U.S. National Strategy To Counter Antisemitism Reveals Ignorance About The Reality Of Antisemitism In America
On May 25, 2023, the Biden administration published the first-ever U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism,[1] a 60-page document full of calls to Congress and "Whole-of-Society" calls to action. Notably, the strategy includes several instances of
Politics | Biden Administration/Congress
Biden’s antisemitism program defends antisemites
More significantly, the administration made no commitment of money to this new strategy.
Politics | Biden Administration/Congress
Asking the wrong question about Biden’s flawed antisemitism plan
Cheers from failing Jewish leaders enabled the administration to pose as a defender of the Jews even as its policies enable a toxic ideology that spreads Jew-hatred.
News | Antisemitism Watch
New study: Visibly identifiable Jews most targeted by antisemites in West
On the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, a new report shows a sharp increase in the number of antisemitic
Politics | Media Bias
Guardian blames Amercian Jews for...fill in the blank
The Guardian's Chris McGreal blamed "far-right American Jews" for "enabling Netanyahu's court take-over" in a March 24th article focusing on the alleged
How Americans can save Israeli democracy
Israeli elites have mobilized to attempt to essentially overturn last November’s Knesset election results. Foreign friends who help them shouldn’t pretend it’s about democracy.
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News: The Secret Jewish History of "Gilligan's Island"
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | News
Elder Of Ziyon - New AJC survey: 11% of young Americans think Jews caused the Holocaust; US Jews are hiding their Jewishness (video)
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | American Politics
Jewish Dems defend Ilhan Omar following removal from House committee
Jewish Democrats jump to protest Ilhan Omar's removal from her House of Representatives committee assignment despite her history of repeatedly giving voice to antisemitic tropes.
Politics | American Politics
The Ilhan Omar vote is a turning point for American Jews
Partisan split on booting the congresswoman from committees is more than a symptom of political civil war. It illustrates the normalization of anti-Zionism.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Anti-Semitism worst among blacks and young adults in poll released ahead of MLK Day
The two groups were far more likely than Republicans or conservatives to believe negative stereotypes about Jews.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
82% of Israelis believe diaspora Jews should make aliyah
Israelis perceive antisemitism as a worse threat, as 82% believe that the safest place for Jews is Israel in today’s climate.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Number of Americans believing antisemitic stereotypes nearly doubled since 2019
Poll finds that 85% of people in US agree with at least one racist trope about Jews, while 20% believe at last six; 20% think Jews have 'too much power'
News | Antisemitism Watch
Podcast: 'Antisemitism is now a form of entertainment - and that's new'
Kanye West and Dave Chappelle are not isolated incidents of 'performative' Jew-hatred, says Prof. Alvin Rosenfeld, head of IU's Center for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism
News | Antisemitism Watch
US Jews battle 'mainstreaming' and normalization of antisemitism | The Times of Israel
After Kanye West voices 'love' for Nazis and ex-president Trump dines with white supremacist, Biden says 'silence is complicity'
News | Antisemitism Watch
Antisemitism should test America’s conscience
Antisemites appear to be “testing the waters” to see what they can get away with before upping the ante of hostilities in. America. Op-ed.
News | Jewish Community
How not to fight Antisemitism | Israel National News
Jewish organizations want to fight antisemitism but have they isolated themselves from the people they claim to represent. Op-ed.
Politics | Opinion
Dragons and dragon-slayers in Israel and America: Most Israeli Jews know which is which, most American Jews do not
Most Israeli Jews know which is which, most American Jews do not.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Alarming rise in US Jewish children’s complaints of antisemitism
Most of the Israeli-American community sends their children to public schools and this is exactly where the hate is coming from.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Why I think the Golden Age for Jews in America is coming to its end
The decline in the favorability of mainstream American views toward Israel has coincided with a rise in antisemitic violence, particularly in large metropolises, promoted by Islamo-Leftist groups.
Politics | Opinion
The urgent need for Jewish leadership - Melanie Phillips
It's time Jews told their diaspora leaders to wake up
Politics | Opinion
History Lessons: America’s New Antisemitism Begins with Cultural Erasure of American Jews
As a Muslim woman committed to combating radical Islam, also known as Islamism, I research contemporary antisemitism, particularly Islamist antisemitism.
Politics | Opinion
Being Jewish in an Unraveling America - Common Sense
The bad guy was killed. The good guys were saved. But the reaction to the hostage-taking in Colleyville, Texas, should alarm American Jews.
News | News
Daniel Gordis – American Jews and Israel: Shifting Sands, Again?
Daniel Gordis – American Jews and Israel: Shifting Sands, Again? For years, the story has been about what American Jews were saying about Israel. Now, Israelis are talking about American Jews. And what they are saying may surprise you. Visit Daniel
News | Antisemitism Watch
How to - and how not to - fight antisemitism
This week there were two news stories that do not bode well for the American Jewish community.
Politics | Opinion
Ilhan Omar is a wakeup call for American Jews
A new generation is upon us; people who know and care nothing about Judeo/Christian values. They keep coming and are getting elected.Op-ed
Politics | Opinion
Faced with a tsunami of anti-Semitism, Diaspora Jews still cling to their bubble
A neo-pogrom is being facilitated by Western elites who, if they aren’t taking part in this war against the Jewish people either on the streets or in the media, are piously wringing their hands but not taking the necessary action to stop it. Op-ed.
Politics | Opinion
Elder Of Ziyon - The Poisoning of American Jewry is Complete (Judean Rose)
An encounter with the author's relative underscores the schism between American and Israeli Jews.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Rise in antisemitism dispels the myth of American Jewish exceptionalism
What has transpired so many times throughout history – pogroms and officially condoned attacks on Jews – never came about overnight.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Throwing Israel Under The Bus Will Not Save American Jews
Israel and her people support every Diaspora Jewish community always, no questions asked.
Politics | Opinion
American Jews Voted for This: The Story of a Nation, Amcha (Judean Rose)
A one-woman mantra campaign that aims to drive home the import of the Jewish vote for Biden.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Democrats and Republicans circle the wagons around their own antisemites. Jews are on our own.
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Leftists & Antisemitism
American Jewry's fateful hour
Almost all the polls say that US President Donald Trump is heading towards defeat at the hands of his Democrat
Politics | Opinion
American Jews should reject Joe Biden - The Jerusalem Post
Biden does not get to tell us what a Biden administration would look like; we have already seen it.
Politics | Politics
Jews who hate Trump and do not know why - Opeds
Some Jews in an act of colossal memory loss sponsor Antifa and BLM. Their ancestors financed the Bolsheviks, then faced firing squads.Op-ed.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Wake Up America, and Smell the Anti-Semitism
Americans of all races and political outlooks revile and attack Jews with unprecedented glee, while American Jews would rather talk about anything else
Miscellaneous | Diaspora
Elder Of Ziyon - The shtetl mentality is alive and well with liberal American Jews
European Jews were conditioned over generations to not make waves because of fears of deadly antisemitic responses to the slightest perceived provocations. This is the shtetl mentality, and it is one that Zionism worked hard to eradicate in Israel.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Too many American Jews are turning a blind eye to Antisemitism
No Jewish organization in the USA (exceot the ZOA) has the fortitude to publicly confront egregious acts of antisemitism. Opinion.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
You Know The Talk Black Parents Have With Their Sons; You Never Heard Of The One Jews Have
Jew In The City makes engaging and meaningful Orthodox Judaism known and accessible to Jewish people, reversing negative associations about religious Jews.
News | News
Victor Rosenthal - The 800-Pound Gorilla of American Judaism
Victor Rosenthal – The 800-Pound Gorilla of American Judaism I won’t write about Peter Beinart’s latest obscene appropriation of Jewish concepts in the service of putting an end to the third Jewish commonwealth and returning the Jewish people to
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Rather than drifting away, over two-thirds of US Jews feel tie to Israel -- poll | The Times of Israel
8 out of 10 survey respondents say they are pro-Israel; Netanyahu's support of Trump tops list of reasons Jewish Americans are critical of Israeli policies
News | Antisemitism Watch
Anti-Semitic stereotypes persist in America, ADL survey shows
Amid the worst outbreak of anti-Semitic violence in decades, a new survey released today from the Anti-Defamation League found more
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Should American Jews Speak Hebrew? – Tablet Magazine
Before 1948, David Ben-Gurion used to joke about Zionism’s future: How will we know when we have become a real country like the rest of the world? When Jewish thieves and Jewish prostitutes conduct their business in Hebrew—and Hebrew-speaking policeme
Entertainment | Television/Film/Books
Herman Wouk’s Calling Card | Jewish Week
What ‘This Is My God’ meant to traditional Jews in mid-century America.