Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Israel Is Not Very Good At Apartheid Or Genocide
Israel may be good at a lot of things, including exhibiting and reaffirming its ancient connection to the land, but it’s not very good at apartheid or genocide.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
How NGOs Fabricate the Legal Definition of Apartheid to Attack Israel
Salo Aizenberg is the author of Amnesty International’s Cruel Assault on Israel: Systematic Lies, Errors, Omissions, and Double Standards (2022) and A Threshold Crossed: Documenting HRW's 'Apartheid...
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Amnesty’s “Apartheid” Video: 15 Lies in 15 Minutes
Amnesty International repeatedly lies and distorts to sell its slur that Israel is guilty of 'apartheid.' If Amnesty had a good case, why would
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Elder Of Ziyon - More "Apartheid:" Israel helps free Israeli Arab anti-Zionist activist from UAE prison
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Elder Of Ziyon - More reasons the "apartheid" libel is utterly false and antisemitic (infographic)
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Apartheid slander is latest verbal weapon against Israel
Two reports, one by Amnesty International and the other by Human Rights Watch add to the slander accusing Israel of apartheid.
Politics | Debunking Lies
The myth of Israeli oppression
While so-called “progressives” and biased media in the United States level a relentless stream of accusations against Israel, these
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
The history of apartheid proves Israel is not an apartheid state
The apartheid defamation is another example of antisemitic demonization.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Anti-Zionists advocate a global apartheid
Those who accuse Israel of apartheid want to make the Jews second-class citizens of the world.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Why the anti-Israel industry is obsessed with South Africa - JNS.org
The apartheid libel isn’t just inaccurate, it’s an indefensible evil.
News | News
Elder Of Ziyon - 08/01 Links Pt2: In Israel, the Idea of Apartheid Is Laughable; Spinster Sisters Versus Nazis; How Israel and Its Neighbors Are Fighting to Save the Environment Together
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Elder Of Ziyon - One of the earliest uses of "Israeli apartheid" was a book that defended suicide bombings of Jews
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
The truth behind the anti-Israel 'Apartheid' smear
The Apartheid smear was not created to bring peace. Nor is it about human rights. It was explicitly created to deny Israel the right to exist
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Elder Of Ziyon - Newest "Apartheid?" poster: An Arab female Muslim major in the IDF
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Israel isn’t an apartheid state, but the Temple Mount is
Just look at Temple Mount
Politics | Politics
We Must Put an End To Palestinian Apartheid
In Israel, the world's only Jewish state, the rule of law treats all as equals.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Israel: Where's the apartheid?
In Jerusalem, I was surprised to see a Muslim man praying in Machane Yehuda market. How could Amnesty International accuse Israel of apartheid?
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Elder Of Ziyon - The Apartheid charge, the Abraham Accords and the "right side of history"
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Amnesty International’s Problematic Israel Report: Calling Israel an apartheid state is not legally accurate, but it’s strategically useful for Israel’s enemies.
The term “apartheid” evokes horrific images from nearly half a century of South African oppression. Given how charged a word it is, it’s imperative that those applying it to other contexts substantiate the allegation with solid evidence. A recent report from Amnesty International fails in that regard.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Elder Of Ziyon - From the beginning, the "apartheid" slur was meant as a rhetorical weapon, not as truth. And so it remains today.
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
News | News
Elder Of Ziyon - 02/01 Links Pt1: Why Amnesty’s “Apartheid” slander makes peace and two-states harder; Beyond Crooked. Meet the Amnesty judges and jury; US bans ‘Death to America” Iranian wrestler
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Elder Of Ziyon - Amnesty report has to pretend that Arab Israelis live under "apartheid" - so it has to lie. A lot.
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
There’s no apartheid in the West Bank
The policies that Israel has enacted in the West Bank are not apartheid and this charge is being used to delegitimize Israel.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
'Apartheid' Myth: The Improper Use of False and Misleading Claims Regarding Israel
Anti-Israel activists throughout the world are spearheading a full-blown assault on the Jewish state by disseminating outright lies.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Elder Of Ziyon - Somehow, a Jewish state is apartheid, but Arab and Muslim states aren’t
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | Opinion
The Arab Apartheid No One Talks About
"Not all of the professions will be opened to Palestinians under the new decree...." — L'Orient Today, December 8, 2021. Palestinian refugees in Lebanon "are socially marginalized, have very limited civil, social, political and economic rights, including
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
The Baseless Charge that Israel Is an Apartheid State, Again
Advocates of the Israel-apartheid libel hope that their campaign will lead to Israel's eventual replacement with a Palestinian Islamic entity. - The Baseless Charge that Israel Is an Apartheid State, Again
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
No, Israel Is Not an Apartheid State
As Hamas rains rockets down on Israel, members of the Squad in Congress and other left-wing enemies are using the occasion to amplify their accusation that Israel is an “apartheid state.”
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Elder Of Ziyon - The "Israel is Apartheid" lie, like all Leftist antisemitism, was started by Stalinists
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Israel Is Not An Apartheid State
HRW’s exploitation of the apartheid image in the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a cynical appropriation of the suffering of the victims of the actual apartheid regime.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
‘Our History Has Been Stolen From Us’: How South African Community Organizer Clive Mashishi Confronts Antisemitism, Holocaust Denial and Hatred of Israel
South African community organizer and Israel advocate Clive Mashishi. Photo: Cuerius Mosala. “Our history has been stolen from us,” Clive …
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
No one seems to criticize the Palestinian one-staters as “apartheid”
Yesterday’s “Day of Rage” demonstrations were ostensibly against Israel’s plans to “annex” parts of Judea and Samaria. The chants, however, told a different story: the message was to destroy Israel and replace it with a Palestinian state.
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
Do Arab Israelis Really Suffer From Apartheid? | HonestReporting
The claims of “apartheid” regarding Arab Israelis often heard in college campuses and parliaments around the world ignore just one point – the facts. The
Politics | Apartheid NO GO zones
I'm a South African Activist Who Used to Fight Against Israel—Until I Went There - The Tower
TSHEDISO MANGOPE had been an anti-Israel boycott activist until he actually visited the country.
Politics | Apartheid NO GO zones
Video: Is Israel an Apartheid State? | HonestReporting
College campuses and other organizations all over the world promote an annual “Israel Apartheid Week". They say they work to raise awareness of Israel’s
Politics | "Apartheid" State?
I’m a Jew of Color and Accusing Israel of ‘Genocide’ Disgusts Me - Opinion – Forward.com
The Movement for Black Lives is erasing the experience of Jews of color and the whole Jewish people’s connection to Israel, Philip Mehdipour argues.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
A Black South African on Israel and Apartheid - Prager University
Is Israel an apartheid state, as its enemies claim? Who better to answer that charge than a Black South African who lived through apartheid? Kenneth Meshoe, a member of the South African parliament, fits that bill. He examines the evidence against Israel