Recipes | Baking
11 Ways to Make Boxed Cakes Taste Homemade | MyRecipes
There's no shame in reaching for the box mix—but here's how to make it taste like you didn't.
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The Simple Formula for Flawless Cookies
Learn to make dough for any type of cookie by following this simple technique.
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Yes, You Can Make These Stunning Layer Cakes at Home
Pastry genius Natasha Pickowicz shares her best tips and tricks for baking, assembling, and decorating an impressive, multi-tiered cake.
Recipes | Baking
Pioneer Woman: How to Fill a Piping Bag
First, here’s my #1 tip for filling a piping bag. Ready? Don’t substitute a ziptop bag for one. The end. Alright, I actually have more for you, but please remember: no baggies. They’re unwieldy, th…
Recipes | Recipes
The Secret Ingredient That Makes Boxed Cake Mix Taste Homemade
We discovered it totally by accident.