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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Bibi the Waiter

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Bibi the Waiter We all know the adage: “Better late than never.” Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu has changed that to  “better late, forever…”. For the leader of a country that needs decisive decision-making on a reg

Politics | Opinion

Netanyahu is right about Israel’s ‘deep state’    

Like the anti-Trump “resistance,” the country’s liberal establishment is waging a war against the prime minister as a bid to hold on to power, not an effort to save democracy.

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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Future Schlock: Bibi, Trump, and the Rest of Us

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Future Schlock: Bibi, Trump, and the Rest of Us “Future Amnesia”: a widespread ailment of human society. To put it more bluntly, our world is suffering from a paradoxical illness: the inability or unwillingness to think (and p

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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Bibi, Trump and Gaza: The Problem of Perception

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Bibi, Trump and Gaza: The Problem of Perception Let’s start with a question: of the two previous U.S. presidents – Donald Trump and Joe Biden – who ended their term in office with a net employment increase of 16 million jobs

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Steve Kramer: Netanyahu as Israel’s leader

Steve Kramer: Netanyahu as Israel’s leader Benjamin (Bibi) Netanyahu is Israel’s longest-standing Prime Minister, having served from 1996–1999, 2009–2021, and 2022 to the present. In this, he has surpassed the redoubtable David Ben-Gurion, who ser

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Netanyahu Enters Syria; Visits IDF Troops on Mount Hermon; 'I Was Here 53 Years Ago'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu entered Syrian territory on Tuesday, meeting with troops on the peak of Mount Hermon.

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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Bibi’s Offensive Against Defense (Ministers)

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Bibi’s Offensive Against Defense (Ministers) Here’s a not so trivial trivia question: What do these four Israeli politicians – Yitzhak Mordechai, Moshe Yaalon, Avigdor Lieberman, Yoav Gallant – uniquely share in common? Tr

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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Speech or Substance? Biden, Trump & Bibi

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Speech or Substance? Biden, Trump & Bibi Despite living in the age of internet memes, infographics, video clips, a flood of (mis)information, and so on, one form of political communication – the oldest of all – still holds rem

Politics | Israeli Politics

In first since Oct. 7, Netanyahu’s gov't wins outright majority in tracking poll

The gap between the right-religious coalition and the Lapid-Gantz center-left bloc stands at 61 to 49 seats.

News | News

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Hard Questions for Bibi & His Conservative Supporters

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Hard Questions for Bibi & His Conservative Supporters Last week I asked ten tough questions that media interviewers should be asking “Progressives” regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in general and vis-à-vis Gaza spec

Politics | Opinion

Netanyahu’s hour - Melanie Phillips

Congress cheered him to the echo, but that's not enough to save Israel, the United States and the west

News | Israel & The Jewish Community

Elder Of Ziyon - Full text and video of Netanyahu's speech

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Politics | The Left

This Is Who They Are: Bush, Tlaib Accuse Congress of Celebrating Genocide by Hosting Netanyahu as Mainstream Democrats Follow Squad's Lead in Boycotting Bibi Speech

Reps. Cori Bush (D., Mo.) and Rashida Tlaib (D., Mich.) accused Congress of celebrating genocide by hosting "war criminal" Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a Wednesday joint session.

News | Israel At War

Netanyahu slams Gallant demand for Palestinian control of post-war Gaza

"I am not willing to exchange Hamastan for Fatahstan," Netanyahu said in a video statement responding to his defense minister.

News | News

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Netanyahu a Tragic Figure? Hardly!

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Netanyahu a Tragic Figure? Hardly! In survey after survey, Israelis are voicing their opinion that PM Netanyahu is at least partly to blame for Israel’s Gaza mess and should resign – or at least call for new elections.

Politics | Politics

House Republicans mulling Netanyahu invite to Congress after Schumer snub | World Israel News

Senate Majority leader reportedly refused Israeli premier’s request to speak to Senate Democrats, but House Republicans say they may invite Netanyahu to address Congress.

News | Israel At War

Netanyahu: Israel will not cave to demands Hamas survive

The PM called out the international community's moral blindness, asking, "Is your memory so short?"

Politics | Israeli Politics

Poll: Domestic Support for Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu on the Rise

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s domestic support is on the rise as Israel’s war against Hamas advances, according to a poll.

News | Israel At War

Netanyahu calls civilized world to arms against ‘forces of barbarism’

"We will not realize the promise of a better future unless we, the civilized world, are willing to fight the barbarians," Israel's prime minister said.

Politics | Opinion

Bibi’s Seven Presidents

Benjamin Netanyahu was elected the prime minister of Israel for a sixth time in November 2022—and by the time Labor Day rolled around in 2023, he had yet to

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Unasked Questions for Pm Netanyahu: a Professor of Communications Offers Insight in Foreign Media Interviews

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Tackling Netanyahu Overseas: How to Really Interview Israel’s PM For someone who knows how to speak very well to citizenry and media alike, PM Netanyahu disconcertingly almost never holds a press conference taking questio

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Howard Epstein – WILL BIBI INCAPACITATE HIMSELF? There are lawyers and there are great lawyers. Many of us occupy the first category; few the latter. One name that springs to mind amongst the few is Alan Dershowitz, yet, as we know, many idols (and

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Bibi, Levin, Rotman – and Putin: (Over)Confidence Men

Bibi, Levin, Rotman – and Putin: (Over)Confidence Men Putting Israel’s triumvirate leadership in the same title as Putin can lead to a misunderstanding, so let me be clear up front: there is no (I repeat: no!) moral equivalence between the Israeli tri

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Howard Epstein – A REPRIEVE FOR KING BIBI? Have you been wondering what the large weekly public demonstrations in Israel are all about? Can it be right, the protestors ask, for the government to control both the Knesset and the judiciary? Those who

Politics | Judea & Samaria

Netanyahu rejects Biden admin call to ‘pause’ Judea and Samaria construction

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken reportedly made the request during his visit last week to Israel in a bid to de-escalate tensions amid rampant Palestinian terrorism.


Benjamin Netanyahu Will Serve as Israel's Prime Minister for the Third Time

Benjamin Netanyahu has become prime minister of Israel for a record third time as interim Prime Minister Yair Lapid called him on Thursday evening to concede defeat.

Politics | Opinion

Israel: Jewish sovereignty is on the ballot

The real issue dividing Israeli society isn’t former premier Benjamin Netanyahu or the economy, but something far more basic: Israeli society is being torn apart by the issue of national sovereignty.

News | News

Steve Kramer - Netanyahu in the Dock

Steve Kramer – Netanyahu in the Dock Now that Israel finally has a government, a centrist unity government at that, Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu will finally face Jerusalem District Court judges, where he is accused of bribery, fraud, and breach of

Politics | Politics

Netanyahu’s victory is an indictment of his indictment

The silver lining for Netanyahu of not having an immunity request on the Knesset’s docket was that long debates on his status would not be at the top of the news in the weeks before an election.

Politics | Politics

A Clear Win: Israel Has Decided

Based on the early results, which point to Benjamin Netanyahu as the big winner in these elections, statements saying he

Politics | Opinion

Trump and Netanyahu: Both Being Investigated for Made-Up Crimes

The most striking similarity is that both are being investigated for actions that their legislatures have not explicitly made criminal. Politicians always seek good coverage and many vote with that in mind. Some even negotiate good coverage in advance of

Politics | Opinion

Will the Anti-Netanyahu Crowd Like Gantz?

Benny Gantz, head of Blue and White Party (left) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, head of the Likud Party. …

Politics | The "Squad"

Elder Of Ziyon - : .@IlhanOmar Issues Sly Netanyahu Death Threat

When Ilhan Omar said that Netanyahu's existence is contradictory to peace, was it a death threat?

News | News

Netanyahu: Israel used cyber intel. to thwart around 50 ISIS terror attacks

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that cooperation with the US is unbelievable and even better than ever before.

Politics | Iran Terror

Israel Warns Iran of Military Response If It Closes Key Red Sea Strait | Jewish & Israel News Algemeiner.com

Israel would deploy its military if Iran were to try to block the Bab al-Mandeb strait that links the Red Sea...

Politics | Iran Terror

Bibi Drops the Bomb on the Iran Deal | commentary

On the Commentary podcast, the hosts unpack what Benjamin Netanyahu's intelligence reveal says about the precarious state of the Iran nuclear deal.

Politics | Opinion

How Bibi Did It:
The West’s most successful politician scores again

Watching Benjamin Netanyahu win elections has become so customary that it is easy to miss the profound significance of his April 9 victory. When Netanyahu lost to Ehud Barak in 1999—the last time he was booted from office in an election—the Labor Party alliance won 26 seats.

News | News

Netanyahu lauds ‘incredible victory’ as results show clear win

Likud projected to win 35 seats to Blue and White's 34, have path to building coalition of at least 63 seats; Netanyahu vows to form right-wing government, 'be PM of all of Israel'

News | News

WATCH: Bibi Reaches Out To Iranians, Praises Their Courage In Facing Down Mullahs

On Tuesday, Israeli Prime Minister released a video aimed at the Iranian people after many of them had increased their protests against the despotic Iranian government run by the mullahs.

News | Israel/Jewish Community

Why Netanyahu Stood Up Obama

Obama’s final campaign against the Jewish State is underway.

Politics | Woke Insanity

Obama Pulled Kerry and Amb. Power From Netanyahu Speech

President Obama called Kerry and UN Ambassador Samantha Power into a video conference before Netanyahu’s UN Speech.

News | Israel/Jewish Community

AP, NY Times Fail to Report Absence of Power, Kerry From Netanyahu UN Speech

On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke at the United Nations. As described by George Jahn at the Associated Press, it was "an impassioned speech interspersed with bouts of dramatic silence." Jahn failed to report the absenc

Politics | Woke Insanity

Obama Won’t Congratulate Bibi — But He Congratulated Erdogan, Sisi, Rouhani … and Putin!

Obama has been more polite to dictators than to the leader of the only Jewish State.

News | News

Exit polls show Netanyahu well placed to retain leadership of Israel

Likud neck and neck with Zionist Union in TV surveys as voting ends, but better positioned to form the next coalition

Politics | POLITICS

Netanyahu’s zero-sum game on Iran - The Washington Post

The Israeli prime minister gave a powerful speech and raised the bar on an Iran deal.