Recipes | Recipes
3-Minute Pressure Cooker Butternut Squash
How to cook butternut squash in a pressure cooker in 3 minutes! This is a healthy and easy side dish.
Recipes | Recipes
Butternut Squash and Bacon Risotto Recipe
The classic risotto technique applies here, though with a frugal twist I blended the cooking liquid for the butternut squash and about half of the diced cooked squash itself to produce my vegetable broth The rest of the diced squash is folded in near the
Food & Drink | Cooking Tips
Peeling Butternut Squash Just Got Infinitely Easier, Thanks To Your Microwave
Butternut squash is one of the great joys of the fall, but peeling it is also one of the worst chores. The rock hard skin is basically impenetrable. Trying to slice through the squash and peel the skin off is so difficult, we're all too often tempted to just buy pre-cut squash at the store.