This is one obvious step we can take to lower health-care spending.
Something I HIGHLY disagree with. Leiden V Factor is a genetic gene mutation that increases risk of FATAL blood clots. Certain hormonal birth control methods are contraindicated for people with leiden v, including nuva ring, nexplanon, the depo shot, the patch and many others. If a woman cannot get in front of a doctor and have health background questions asked, we are going to see a MASSIVE uptick in YOUNG women dying from clot issues caused by birth control. Birth control also has to sometimes be adjusted in dosages, not to mention the havoc it wreaks on the thyroid and adrenal system causing long term infertility and miscarriages. I really can't believe the feminist twist this article took when this is very dangerous for women's health. It's true, a prescription isn't needed for condoms but if you look at statistics, they are less effective for actual birth control (95-97%)and more effective for STD prevention (99.99%). Those few points DO MATTER. Also, condoms don't have blood chemical altering hormones that enter the blood stream. It's NOT the same. Edit* The man who wrote this is a general surgeon. Of all people, he should know the harm of Leiden 5. This is infuriating.