Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Do We Spill Wine at the Seder?
While this custom is simple enough and pretty universal, its reason is far from elementary.
News | Jewish Community
The importance of Jewish education for girls - Letter No. 333: - Chabad
This letter was addressed to R. A. Horowitz.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
13 Facts You Should Know About the Book of Esther - Chabad
The biblical book that tells the story of Purim, reading it from a handwritten scroll is one of the four mitzvahs of the holiday.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
Bringing Purim Cheer to IDF Soldiers 18 Months Into War
24 years after a life-saving Purim miracle, Chabad emissaries continue to heed the Rebbe’s call to lift soldiers’ spirits
Miscellaneous | Judaism
13 Facts You Should Know About the Book of Esther
The biblical book that tells the story of Purim, reading it from a handwritten scroll is one of the four mitzvahs of the holiday.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
The Secret to Crushing Antisemitism
To battle evil, we first must understand its source, and then tread carefully so we are not sucked into the vortex of hate.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Master Another Yiddish Word Each Week!
Yiddish has a special place in our hearts. Even for those who are not as fluent in the language as our grandparents, Yiddish connects us to our people and our identity as Jews in a warm, homey way.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Chanukah Miracles - Chabad
Open your eyes. See the miracles and goodness in every coincidence of your day.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
8 Major Hanukkah Myths - Chabad
Let's bust some urban legends about this wintertime holiday.
News | News
UAE locates body of missing Chabad-Lubavitch emissary Rabbi Zvi Kogan, 28
"The murder of Tzvi Kogan, of blessed memory, is a heinous act of antisemitic terrorism. The State of Israel will utilize all available means to bring the perpetrators to justice," said the Israeli Prime Minister's Office and Foreign Ministry.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
More Than Just Commentary: Rashi with the Rebbe - Chabad
Go to any synagogue in the world and you will find numerous copies of the Five Books of Moses. Beneath the primary text on every page, there lies a subscript penned in an unfamiliar alphabet. This is Rashi - the greatest Torah commentary of all time. What
Miscellaneous | Judaism
11 Facts You Should Know About Kol Nidre
One of the most well-known parts of the Yom Kippur service, its haunting melody signals the beginning of the holiest day of the year.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Pray for the Safety of Those in Hurricane Milton’s Path
Our thoughts and prayers are with those in the path of Hurricane Milton.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
As Hurricane Milton Looms, These Rabbis Are Staying Put
Over the past week, Rabbi Fishel Zaklos has been stocking up on food and drinks, as well as connecting with the many members of his Naples Jewish community in northern Florida. Technically, this is what he does every year in preparation for Yom Kippur at Chabad-Lubavitch of Naples, the Jewish center he runs together with his wife, Ettie. But this year is anything but typical.
News | News
Former President Trump marks Oct. 7 with prayer visit to Ohel in New York
In many ways, it is the continuation of a family tradition: Before both presidential elections, his daughter, Ivanka Trump, and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, paid late-night, media-free visits there.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
What Can You Learn From the Letter Chet?
Before marrying my grandmother, Rebbetzin Chava Hecht, my grandfather, Rabbi Jacob J. Hecht, told her, “I, being a ‘Yanky,’ an old-fashioned American boy, will marry you only under the following condition: I must be the head of the house.” My grandmother responded, “You can be the head, but I will be the neck, and wherever the neck turns, the head has to follow.”
Miscellaneous | Israeli Opinion
Unhiding Jewish Pride on Columbia University’s Lawn
Jewish Culture Festival draws thousands of students and faculty members
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
Hamas Stole My Son, Not My Soul - Chabad
Eitan Mor saved many lives on 10/7 before he was taken hostage to Gaza, where he still remains captured. Hear his father's incredible message of faith, strength, and determination amid these most challenging of times.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
14 Facts You Should Know About Kabbalah
Kabbalah is Jewish mysticism, an ancient tradition of Divine wisdom.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Jews Don’t Run: The Rebbe and Lessons From Crown Heights
On the 30th anniversary of the riots, how Crown Heights survived to remain a thriving Jewish neighborhood
Miscellaneous | Judaism
17 Facts You Should Know About the Five Books of Moses
Dictated by God and transcribed by Moses, these books convey God’s instructions on how we can fulfill our life’s mission.
History | Archeology
Archeological Echoes of David in Jerusalem - Part 3
In part 1 and part 2 of this series, we followed in the footsteps of young David before he became king and while he was on the run from King Saul. In this article, we will follow David to Jerusalem, future site of the Holy Temples and eternal capital of the Jewish people.
History | Archeology
Archeological Echoes of David’s Flight from Saul - Part 2
Follow David's journey as King Soul pursues him across the Land of Israel.
History | Archeology
The Archaeological Echoes of a Young King David - Part 1
Identify Saul's palace, armor similar to Goliath's, and the places that feature in David's youth.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom
How Jewish Mothers were the early adopters of health, education and everything else that's good for the world.
If you were an unborn soul making an informed decision about what sort of mother to be born to, in any part of the world, at any point in history, you would certainly choose to be born to a Jewish mother.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
The Sixth Millennium and the Age of Moshiach
?If we map time, will we see where it’s leading us?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
How a Texan, a Naval Officer and a Runaway Girl Met the Rebbe 30 Years After His Passing
A look at the Rebbe’s continued impact on individuals
Miscellaneous | Judaism
30 Life-Changing Stories of the Rebbe
Since the dawn of the Chassidic movement and before, telling and internalizing stories has had a special place in our culture and ethos.
News | Antisemitism Watch
Chabad synagogue in Oakland vandalized twice in two weeks
Oakland police investigating two different incidents in which giant rocks were thrown at the window of the Chabad Center in the city.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
We, the Jewish People, Are a Single Body
We’re human beings. How can the Torah expect you to not hold a grudge against someone who has hurt you?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Faithful and Fortified: The Rebbe and the IDF
The inside story of the Rebbe’s involvement in Israel’s security, as told by its defense and government leaders.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
The Jewish Story of the UNC Frat Boys Who Held up the American Flag
Images of a small group of students at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill holding up an American flag amid violent anti-Israel protests last week captured the attention of the nation. The boys were caught on camera struggling to keep the Stars and Stripes from falling onto the ground after the protesters sought to replace it with a Palestinian flag.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
Omer App Revolutionizes Sefira Count With Gamification of Ancient Tradition
How a savvy social-media type app helps Jews observe an age-old commandment
Miscellaneous | Judaism
14 Chametz (Leaven) Facts Every Jew Should Know
Learn something new about Passover's forbidden food.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Purim and the Betrayal of American Jewry - Chabad
Jews feel that Western liberalism has abandoned them. This has happened before. This is what the Purim story can teach us.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
How Do You Observe Judaism In Outer Space?
When to pray? When is Shabbat? What to do when time and space are not what they are on earth?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
When a Young Hero Dies - Chabad
There are long lives with little meaning. And there are short lives that never cease to shine.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
G-d According to the Jews - What are the traditional Jewish beliefs about G-d?
Nothing has to be. Existence has a deliberate cause. We call that G‑d.
Books | Books
New Book Sheds Light on the Origins of Chabad
This book has been flying off store shelves since its release in 2022, and its publisher—Sichos in English—has now made it available to our readers online.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
What Is 770 Eastern Parkway? - What to Know About Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters in Brooklyn
With its distinctive three gables, the red-brick synagogue at 770 Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn, N.Y., is one of the most iconic Jewish buildings in the world. Today, replicas of the synagogue, known simply as “770,” can be found in Israel and Italy, California and Melbourne.
News | Israel At War
“Every Shabbat, I Host Dozens of IDF Soldiers at My Home" - Chabad
Born in the Golan Heights, Batsheva Cohen was inspired by the teachings of Chabad. She established Chabad in downtown Chevron together with her husband Rabbi Danny, and literally "cooks for an army" as they host large groups of soldiers and civilians. Eve
News | Israel At War
“I Am Calling You From Gaza” - Chabad
Ezzy Morgenstern, serving in an elite unit of the IDF, shares how he and his friends feel after two months of war, and what keeps them going.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
The Prevailing Power of Holiness
A federal court’s ruling and the everlasting celebration of ‘Hei Teves’
News | Jewish Community
Meineket Rivka – The First Published Book by a Jewish Woman
Released posthumously in 1608, this work serves as a Torah-inspired ethical manual for social and spiritual conduct.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
How I Got a Giant Menorah Into Gaza
In the past seven weeks, Rabbi Levi Mendelson slept very little. His main concern? Aid and relief for soldiers, the wounded and the displaced, and the hostages and victims’ families.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
22 Facts About the Land of Israel Every Jew Should Know
1. The Land of Israel Was Given to Abraham and His Children
Miscellaneous | Judaism
What’s Special About the Fifth Night of Chanukah?
This night is reserved for celebration and (extra) gelt. Here’s the reason why.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Add a Light Each Night of Chanukah?
The Talmud gives two reasons: to indicate the night and because we always ascend rather than descend.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Great Jewish Awakening Promises, Amid Darkness, Chanukah Filled With Light
War in Israel, antisemitism at home spur greater engagement than ever
Miscellaneous | Judaism
How to Light the Menorah - Chabad
Breeze through the Chanukah Menorah lighting with a step by step guide on everything from which menorah is kosher to how to arrange and light your own menorah.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
What Does HYD Stand For? - Chabad
The abbreviation, often appearing after the names of those who have been murdered, stands for Hashem yikom damam—may God avenge their blood.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
The Signature Element of Chabad Psychology that Few Understand
The signature metaphor in Tanya to describe all human activity, popping up in some form or another on almost every page, is clothing. Life, according to Tanya, is less about who you are and more about what you wear.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
21 Talmud Facts Every Jew Should Know
The bulk of the Talmudic texts contain analysis of Biblical verses and Torah law, but it’s interspersed with everything from medical advice to stories, from folk sayings to fabric dying tips.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Thanksgiving Meets Chanukah - . . . and they find they have a lot in common.
Hi, America, I’m Thanksgiving. And I’m also Chanukah. Hold my hand. Take a deep breath. Exhale. Now say, “Thank G‑d, we’re free.” Doesn’t that feel good?
News | Israel At War
A Chaplain’s Gaza Notebook
Morale is high. Our troops are motivated to root out evil and are not afraid to do what it takes to secure the safety of their country.
News | Jewish Community
I Left the Israel March With an Empty Backpack and a Full Heart
There was a sense of an innate connection. We were bound and connected by 3,300 years of history and a Divine mission to bring light to the world.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
Their Video of Jewish Pride went Viral
An interview with the Campus rabbi who didn't flinch in the face of an anti-Israel rally.
News | Israel At War
The World the Mother of a Hamas Hostage - Bring Hersh and All Our Hostages Home!
The Goldberg-Polins’ peace-loving son Hersh was last seen seriously wounded, being violently shoved into a Hamas pick-up truck near Kibbutz Re’im in southern Israel, with his dominant, left arm reduced to a bloody stump.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Largest Rabbinic Delegation to Visit Israel Greeted With Gratitude … and Rockets
26 Chabad rabbis from around North America insisted that they ‘have to be here’
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
Across 50 States, One Jewish Heart: America’s Nationwide Stand for Israel
Jews throughout US find comfort and inspiration with Chabad
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Israel: "I Am Captain of My Home Front" - Chabad
Following Major Ezzy Morgenstern’s report from the front lines, we contacted his wife, Michal Morgenstern, who is home with the couple’s eight children, director of a not-for-profit, and a force of goodness in a world gone mad.
Politics | Action Items
Israel Emergency Relief Fund - We must act now to help our brothers and sisters!
With over 1,000 murdered, thousands more wounded, and entire families taken captive in Gaza, the people of Israel need our help.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Psalms for Times of Distress - Chabad
"...if we only knew the power of verses of Psalms and their effect in the spiritual realms, we would recite them constantly." – The Tzemach Tzedek
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
I Am an IDF Fighter and My Faith Will Carry Me Through
God has handed us a mission, and with your support, we will do what we need to.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
7 Paradoxes About the Sukkah That Help Us Break Through Illusions
We depend on our touchstones: psychological security, a stable income, protection from crime. Clothing, food, warm shelter
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Worshippers in North Tel Aviv Not Deterred by Yom Kippur Protest
Hundreds of residents in upscale neighborhood attend Chabad outdoor services
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
Excuse Me, Are You Jewish?: The Lulav Campaign Turns 70
How the Rebbe brought the mitzvahs of Sukkot to the streets
Miscellaneous | Judaism
What Is Sukkot?
Sukkot is a Jewish holiday celebrated by taking off work, celebrating in a hut, and waving unusual bouquets. This video will give you the whole story.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
13 Facts About Sukkot Every Jew Should Know
Sukkot is a weeklong festival celebrated by dwelling in the sukkah, taking the lulav and etrog and joyous feasting.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Yom Kippur: What Is Kol Nidre?
Kol Nidre is the opening prayer of the holiest day of the year. But is it even a prayer? What is its purpose and meaning?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Can Prayer Really Change Your Reality?
Our very own Queen Esther teaches us that while practical actions are necessary to succeed in any endeavor, spiritual efforts have the real impact in drawing down God’s blessings.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Vandals’ Prank at UC Berkeley Spurs Kosher Awareness Event
Rohr Chabad Center seizes the opportunity to educate community about kosher
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Foundational Rosh Hashanah Text Released Online
Prepare for Rosh Hashanah on a spiritual front!
Miscellaneous | Judaism
5 Ways the High Holidays of 2023 Are Unique
The 2023 High Holidays feature a full week of Selichot, and Rosh Hashanah over a weekend.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Life
70 Years of Bringing Shofar to the Streets
In 1953, the first public mitzvah campaign to bring Judaism to individuals, wherever they are
Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom
What Can the Hebrew Word for “Parenting” Teach You?
The Latin word parente, the origin of the English word parent, means to bring forth, to give birth, or to produce, highlighting the physical role parents play in the creation of a child.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Rosh Hashanah: What’s It Really All About?
How the Jewish New Year is celebrated and what it tells us about every human being and our relationship to God.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
17 Rosh Hashanah Facts Every Jew Should Know
Brush up on basic facts, traditions, and more associated with the Jewish New Year.
India terror suspects said to have plotted attack on Mumbai Chabad House
Two men linked to local Islamist group behind efforts to kill Hindu leaders; Israeli intelligence said involved in probe, security stepped up at Jewish sites
Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom
I’m a Chassidic Woman, Here’s My Story
My life is a balancing act. I don’t see the two halves of myself as contradictory.
Miscellaneous | Miscellaneous
What Is Tikkun Olam? - What does Tikkun Olam mean, who came up with it, and how do I do it? - Chabad.org
Tikkun Olam: In Jewish teachings, any activity that improves the world, bringing it closer to the harmonious state for which it was created.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
How I Made it Through the Talmud - Chabad
It took over eight years, but I complelted all 2,711 pages of the Babylonian Talmud.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
What Are Tefillin?
What are we to make of this ancient Jewish ritual and what do they mean to us today?
Miscellaneous | Chabad
The Rebbe’s Lag BaOmer Message of Hope to Soviet Jewry
The 1980 Russian-language address that took the world by surprise and placed the Soviet regime on notice
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Al Jaffee, 102, Cartoonist Found His Inner Jewish Superhero
The illustrator’s not-so-secret identity was as creator of “The Shpy,” hero to generations of children
Chabad Hasid Ilan Fuchs Elected Mayor in Rockland County, NY
Three other religious Jews, Joel Grunwald, Ra’anan Zidile and Marc Greenberg were elected to the Pomona Board in the same election.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Q&A: How the Jewish Holidays Can Be a Valuable Tool for Growth
With the Season of our Freedom approaching, it’s a good time to remember that we have everything we need packed inside of us. We can leap over our hurdles and reach our goals—all we need to do is take that inner potential that G‑d gives us and expand it into all its possibilities.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom
It Took Years, and I’m Finally Proud to Be Jewish
I found out I was Jewish when a girl on my street told me I was a “dirty Jew.”
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Purim Isn't The Jewish Halloween
Purim tells a story of the victory of life. Halloween contains an awful lot of the opposite.
Miscellaneous | Chabad
The Tehillim App You’ve Been Waiting For!
Kehot Publication Society and Chabad.org have released a new app that makes “saying Tehillim” easier than ever.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
ARMED | The story behind the launch of the Rebbe’s Tefillin Campaign
A riveting and unprecedented cinematic experience, ‘Armed’ tells the fascinating story of the launch of the international tefillin campaign. Featuring newly ...
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
A Photo Worth a Thousand Years - A Chanukah Message
Rabbi Mendel Kalmenson is the rabbi of Beit Baruch and executive director of Chabad of Belgravia, London, where he lives with his wife, Chana, and children.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
‘Let There Be Light’: First Night of Chanukah 2022 in Photos - Menorahs great and small brighten the world
“The essential thing is the deed,” wrote theRebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—in his public Chanukah letter for 1973. “First and foremost must come the practical act, the first mitzvah of [Chanukah] being the lighting of the candles … .”
Miscellaneous | Judaism
12 Facts About Judah Every Jew Should Know
Judah was the fourth son of Jacob and Leah. Compared to a lion, Judah was the ancestor of the royal House of David. He made mistakes and rectified them, blazing a path for others to follow.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Antisemitism: Why the Jews?
Over the centuries, numerous “reasons” have been advanced to explain the phenomenon of Antisemitism. But perhaps there is no reason!
Miscellaneous | Judaism
6 Lessons From Jacob’s Wrestling With the Angel
We also wrestle with spiritual doubts and conflicts.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
What Does Jacob’s Ladder Symbolize?
Jacob’s simple ladder foreshadows the trajectory of human development.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom
My Strategy for Avoiding Drowning in Stress
When I leave the ark of my morning prayers, it’s a beautiful world—one that I can work with and add light to.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Elder Of Ziyon - The .@NYTimes mirrors its 1991 biased coverage of the Crown Heights pogrom
Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.
Miscellaneous | Sukkot
I Never Thought I’d Have My Own Sukkah - Sukkot, Hoshana Rabbah & Simchat Torah
That diffident child peering through the fence at her neighbors never dreamed that when she grew up, she would one day have the joy of sitting in her own sukkah year after year.
Miscellaneous | Chabad
No Barriers Before G-d: A Look at Chabad’s Dues-Free Communities
Yom Kippur will see record attendance this year at Chabad synagogues, where every Jew is a member
Miscellaneous | Chabad
Florida Chabad Rabbi and Son Rescue Orlando Family by Boat
The devastation caused by Hurricane Ian has extended far beyond Florida’s Gulf Coast. When Rabbi Yosef Konikov of Chabad-Lubavitch of South Orlando learned that a family of four was trapped on the second floor of their home in Kissimmee, just south of Orlando, and calls to 911 were not being responded to due to more urgent and immediate threats to life, the rabbi and his son Levi, a certified lifeguard, commissioned a boat and set out along flooded neighborhood streets to rescue the family.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
As Hurricane Ian Crashes Into Florida’s Gulf Coast, Chabad Rushes to Help
Category 4 storm expected to cause catastrophic flooding and damage
Miscellaneous | The High Holidays
Rosh Hashanah 2022 FAQ - High Holidays
Observed on the day G‑d created Adam and Eve, it’s celebrated as the head of the Jewish year. The central observance of Rosh Hashanah is blowing the shofar (ram’s horn).
Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom
18 Empowering Contemplations For Rosh Hashanah - Thinking about what it is and what we do with it - High Holidays
18 memes and contemplations for Rosh Hashanah. Illustrated.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
In the US, some fading Reform and Conservative synagogues go Orthodox to stay afloat
Chabad Hasidic outreach programs reverse decline and bring growth to congregations through a host of programming designed to foster a more traditional community
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Growth of Chicago’s Jewish Communities a Study in Chabad’s Broad Impact
New center in wake of Highland Park shooting part of a heartening trend in the Midwest Jewish metropolis
In the US, some fading Reform and Conservative synagogues go Orthodox to stay afloat
Chabad Hasidic outreach programs reverse decline and bring growth to congregations through a host of programming designed to foster a more traditional community
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Tales From Mariupol: A Devoted Rabbi and a Devastated Community
Desperation, death, and hope in a city under siege
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
25 Chabad Rabbinic Interns Dispatched Towards Ukraine Border
As soon as a river of Jewish refugees began streaming out of Ukraine, it became clear that Chabad-Lubavitch emissaries in Europe needed more manpower—and fast.
News | News
In Ukraine, Jews Celebrate Purim With Muted Joy - Holiday goes on in cities under attack
Wearing a wide-brimmed sombrero and colorful poncho, Kherson’s Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Wolff, stood in the city’s beautiful renovated synagogue clutching a megillah.
Miscellaneous | Purim
Thousands of Ukraine Refugees in Europe and Israel Take a Joyous Break For Purim
Late on Tuesday, Miriam Moskovitz, a Chabad-Lubavitch emissary to Kharkov, Ukraine with her husband Rabbi Moshe Moskovitz, received a text from a woman in her community and a photo of fresh-baked hamantaschen.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
From Kharkov Subway to Hamburg Hotel, a Jewish Family’s Escape from Ukraine
Alona Dedovsky considers herself lucky. For nine days she, her husband, young son, elderly parents and even older great-aunt lived deep underground in Kharkov’s Prospekt Gagarina subway station.
Miscellaneous | Chabad
140 Refugees From Ukraine Children’s Home Arrive Safely in Israel
A group of 140 refugees from a children’s home in Zhitomir, Ukraine, —including 90 young children—arrived at Israel’s Ben-Gurion Airport, where they were greeted by Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and other cabinet ministers, ending a grueling, five-day journey through a deadly war zone.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Who Are the Jews of Ukraine?
350,000 Jews are served by 200 Chabad couples in 35 cities and towns
News | News
‘We Need a Miracle’: Jews of Ukraine Pray for Peace as Invasion Continues
Chabad rabbis are providing material aid and spiritual comfort wherever possible
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Sinai: Were the First Tablets a Mistake? - Guest Columnists - Parshah
Why were the first set of tablets given with such fanfare?
Miscellaneous | Chabad
Chabad in Beijing Provides a Kosher Boost at Olympics
A whopping 1,500 meals prepared for visiting athletes, coaches and journalists
Miscellaneous | Judaism
17 Facts About Moses Every Jew Should Know
Moses was born in Egypt during the enslavement of the Jews. His parents, Amram and Yocheved, were from the illustrious tribe of Levi.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
The Moses Connection - The Daily Dose of Jewish Wisdom
“Command” in Hebrew is tzivah, which also means “connect.”
News | Jewish Community
What It’s Like to Be a New Jewish Arrival in Utah
Entrepreneur Mort Fertel shares how he and his family have turned Salt Lake City into home
Miscellaneous | Judaism
13 Facts About Jewish Leap Years - Jewish Calendar
The Hebrew leap year ensures that the Jewish calendar remains true to the solar cycle
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Understanding After Doing - The Daily Dose of Jewish Wisdom
At Sinai, we declared, “We will do and we will understand!”
Angels descended from heaven and placed two crowns upon our heads.
Miscellaneous | Chabad
Bob Saget, 65, Comedian and Co-Host of Chabad Telethon in California
He is remembered as a warm, loving soul who gave back to the community
Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom
Women First - The Daily Dose of Wisdom
When it came time to give the Torah to the Jewish people, G‑d told Moses to speak with the women first.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Did G-d Smite the Firstborn? - Parshah
Our job is to find the divine sparks hidden within each person, each object and each event, and let that shine.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Do Jews Really Believe In Reincarnation?
Every descent of the soul into this world has a specific Divine purpose. This is the case whether it is the soul’s first descent or a subsequent reincarnation. There are many aspects of gilgul haneshamot—reincarnation of the soul—that are complex and intricate beyond the scope of this response. However, to understand the general purpose for reincarnation, we can look to the three reasons outlined by Rabbi Yeshaya HaLevi Horowitz, as provided by the Kabbalists, in his classic work Shnei Luchot HaBrit (Shaloh).1
Miscellaneous | Chanukah
Were the Maccabees Wrong to Fight? - Chanukah
When we kindle our Chanukah candles each year, the light that glows is the spirit of faith and determination of the Maccabees.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
My Father, My Superman - Health & Wellness
I watched my father, encloaked not in a red cape but in a weathered, white tallit, a joyful Chassidic melody on his lips.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom
Jewish Wisdom: Mothering Teens Is Harder Than I Thought - Vayishlach
On the one hand,
I saw myself traveling, working long hours, being busy with a busy career; on
the other hand, I always had this desire to be a mommy.
Miscellaneous | Chanukah
How This Rabbi Built 30,000 Public Menorahs
A Chabad emissary in New Jersey has taken menorah construction to new heights
Miscellaneous | Judaism
Judaism: Why Is the Contemporary Prayer Book So Long?
During the days of the First Temple, no formal prayer was needed.
News | Jewish Community
An American Rapper and a Soviet Child: Parallel Journeys of Return
My childhood could not have been more different from that of Nissim Black.
News | Jewish Community
Avraham Fried: 'With a good word and a good message a singer can save a soul' - Israel National News
Watch: 'Real Talk' - with hasidic singer Avraham Fried.
Miscellaneous | Sukkot
10 Tips for an Amazing Sukkot @ Home - Sukkot & Simchat Torah
You can create an over-the-top joyous Sukkot at home, one to
remember fondly long after the pandemic has been relegated to the dusty annals
of history.
Miscellaneous | The High Holidays
14 Tips for an Amazing Yom Kippur at Home - High Holidays
Many of us will be celebrating Yom Kippur alone. Here are our pro tips to making your at-home Yom Kippur meaningful and memorable.
Miscellaneous | Chabad
5781, The Jewish Year in Review: A Year of Overcoming Adversity, Rebuilding and Recovery
The stories that shaped the past 12 months.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Why Do We Dip the Apple Into Honey on Rosh Hashanah? - High Holidays
Why not mangoes dipped in maple syrup, for example?
Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom
What My Mother, the ‘Mikvah Lady,’ Taught Me About Chassidic Feminism - Celebrating Jewish Womanhood
Celebrating femininity is celebrating the Divine.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom
Criticized by Family Members for Becoming Religious
They think that the laws are stupid and separate me from them. And sometimes, I think that they’re right! I feel so alone and it makes me question the journey that I am on.
Miscellaneous | The High Holidays
Why Is Rosh Hashanah Before Yom Kippur? - Is it possible we've gotten these holidays all wrong?
Maybe we’ve got everything 100% wrong. Because if we’re thinking the holidays are backward, it’s likely we’ve got their meanings backward.
Miscellaneous | Chabad
A Short History of Bringing Shofar to the Streets
The first mitzvah campaign to bring Judaism to the individual, wherever he or she was
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
Boston Chabad Rabbi Stabbed Several Times, Attacker Apprehended by Police
A Boston Police cruiser. Photo: Ben Schumin / Wikimedia A Boston-area Chabad rabbi was in stable condition after being stabbed …
Miscellaneous | Chabad
Glimpse Into Rebbe’s Holocaust Correspondence Discovered in a Basement
Leonard Holtz found an archive of letters in a shoebox. Then he and his wife gave it to the Chabad Library
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
‘The Almighty Helped Me to Survive’: A Marine’s Tale From the Pacific Theater
When Bernard (Baruch) Haller enlisted in the United States Marines in 1941, he had two goals: to serve his country and to survive. To accomplish these goals, he knew that he’d need the help of a Higher Power. And so Haller, known to friends as Bernie, vowed then and there never to eat non-kosher meat and never to miss a day of tefillin.
Miscellaneous | Judaism
13 Facts About Learning Torah - Mitzvahs & Traditions
Torah study occupies a central place in Jewish life, but how much do we really know about this activity?
Miscellaneous | Judaism
9 Facts You Should Know About Mount Sinai - Shavuot
Mount Sinai is where G‑d Himself descended and struck a deal with His chosen people.
Miscellaneous | Jewish Wisdom
Healing Body and Soul - Daily Dose of Jewish Wisdom
Your body and your soul fuse together as one. Nothing happens in the soul that is not reflected in the body. And nothing happens in the body that doesn’t deeply affect the soul