Miscellaneous | Judaism
Why Is Chanukah 8 (Not 7) Days Long? - 13 answers to an age-old puzzle - Chabad
The 8 days are because it either took 8 days to become pure or to travel to Tekoa to get new oil. But why is the first day celebrated? Here are 13 reasons.
News | Jewish Community
How to Light the Menorah - Light Up Your Environment!
Breeze through the Chanukah Menorah lighting with a step by step guide on everything from which menorah is kosher to how to arrange and light your own menorah.
News | Israel & The Jewish Community
‘Let There Be Light’: First Night of Chanukah 2022 in Photos - Menorahs great and small brighten the world
“The essential thing is the deed,” wrote theRebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—in his public Chanukah letter for 1973. “First and foremost must come the practical act, the first mitzvah of [Chanukah] being the lighting of the candles … .”
Miscellaneous | Judaism
16 Menorah Facts Every Jew Should Know - Chabad
The word menorah is Hebrew for “lamp,” and generally refers to the eight-branched candelabra that we light on the Jewish holiday of Chanukah.