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Jonathan Sacks z”l : Freedom Means Telling the Story KI TAVO

Jonathan Sacks z”l: Freedom Means Telling the Story KI TAVO Here’s an experiment. Walk around the great monuments of Washington D.C. There, at the far end, is the figure of Abraham Lincoln, four times life-size. Around him on the walls of the

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Jonathan Sacks z”l: Two Types of Hate KI TEITSE

Jonathan Sacks z”l: Two Types of Hate KI TEITSE It is by any standards a strange, almost incomprehensible law. Here it is in the form it appears in this week’s parsha: Remember what the Amalekites did to you along the way when you came out of Egy

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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Race Shouldn’t Lead to Racism

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: Race Shouldn’t Lead to Racism Our world has been infected by the idea of “race” for at least 200 years – the belief that various peoples are basically different. In its most insidious version, it goes further: some (or “

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Jonathan Sacks z”l: Making Poverty History RE’EH

Jonathan Sacks z”l: Making Poverty History RE’EH Listen to these stories. Behind them lies an extraordinary insight into the nature of Jewish ethics: Story 1. Rabbi Abba used to bind money in his scarf, sling it on his back, and place it at th

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Gabe Ende: The Critical Importance of Leadership in the State of Israel

Gabe Ende: The Critical Importance of Leadership in the State of Israel There are at least four intrinsic, “built in” factors that make it difficult to maintain Jewish sovereignty in Israel. The most prominent factor is that even within the pr

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Jonathan Sacks z”l: Why Civilisations Fail EIKEV

Jonathan Sacks z”l: Why Civilisations Fail EIKEV What is the real challenge of maintaining a free society? In parshat Eikev, Moses springs his great surprise. Here are his words: Be careful that you do not forget the Lord your God… Otherwise,

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RAV KOOK ON PARSHAT EKEV: HOW TO FEAR HASHEM FEARLESSLY In Parshat Ekev- Moshe Rabbenu continues to recount the tumultuous history of Israel and the significant contribution of the Torah’s ‘mitzvot-commandments’ in directing Israel in the path of go

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Jonathan Sacks z”l: The Idea that Changed the World VA’ETCHANAN

Jonathan Sacks z”l: The Idea that Changed the World VA’ETCHANAN It is one of the great stories of all time, and Moses foresaw it three thousand years before it happened. Here he is speaking in this week’s parsha: See, I have taught you decr

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Jonathan Sacks z”l: The Book of the Covenant DEVARIM

Jonathan Sacks z”l: The Book of the Covenant DEVARIM As we begin reading the fifth and final book of the Torah, I would like to discuss three questions. First, why does the book of Devarim have the structure it does: a mix of history and law, recoll

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Jonathan Feldstein Israel: Armageddon Notwithstanding

Jonathan Feldstein Israel: Armageddon Notwithstanding I’d be lying if I told you that things are not tense in Israel right now, nationally and personally. As always, one of the ways to get through it is with humor, even when the situation is far from fu

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Jonathan Sacks z”l: Natural or Supernatural? MATOT-MASEI

Jonathan Sacks z”l: Natural or Supernatural? MATOT-MASEI The book of Bamidbar draws to a close with an account of the cities of refuge, the six cities – three on each side of the Jordan – set apart as places to which people found innocent of mur

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Michael Oren: A Very Perilous Window

Michael Oren: A Very Perilous Window Thanks to Clarity with Michael Oren “In the Middle East, Iran’s axis of terror confronts America, Israel and our Arab friends,” Israeli Prime Minister declared in the first paragraph of his speech to the Joint Se

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Jonathan Sacks z”l: Pacing Change PINCHAS

Jonathan Sacks z”l: Pacing Change PINCHAS Embedded in this week’s parsha is one of the great principles of leadership. The context is this: Moses, knowing that he was not destined to lead the next generation across the Jordan into the promised l

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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: “Nowism” Against the Past Part II

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: “Nowism” Against the Past Part II In my essay last week, I argued that emphasizing the here-and-now undermines our important ability to think about, and plan for, the future. Going in the other direction is also true: if we do

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PARSHAT KORACH: RAV KOOK ON the Dangers of KORACHISM “Now Korach, son of Izhar son of Kohath son of Levi, betook himself, along with Dathan and Abiram sons of Eliab, and On son of Peleth—descendants of Reuben—to rise up against Moses, together with

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Michael Oren: Israel’s Double-Edged Sword (Part III)

Michael Oren: Israel’s Double-Edged Sword (Part III) Clarity with Michael Oren This is the final part of a three-part series on the dilemmas posed by Israel’s Iron Dome Throughout the opening decades of its existence, Israel’s defense strategy cente

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Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Pursuit of Peace NASO

Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Pursuit of Peace NASO The parsha of Naso seems, on the face of it, to be a heterogeneous collection of utterly unrelated items. First there is the account of the Levitical families of Gershon and Merari and their tas

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Jonathan Sacks z”l Liminal Space BAMIDBAR

Jonathan Sacks z”l Liminal Space BAMIDBAR In English, the book we begin this week is called Numbers, and for an obvious reason. It begins with a census, and there is even a second count toward the end of the book. On this view, the central theme of

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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: The Problem (& Solution) of Homosexuality in Judaism

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: The Problem (& Solution) of Homosexuality in Judaism The annual Gay Pride event is coming up next week in Tel Aviv. Although a bit more muted than in the past, the ultra-Orthodox and most Orthodox are shunning the festivities with

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Jonathan Sacks – Judaism’s Three Voices

Jonathan Sacks – Judaism’s Three Voices The nineteenth chapter of Vayikra, with which our parsha begins, is one of the supreme statements of the ethics of the Torah. It’s about the right, the good and the holy, and it contains some of Judaism’

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Jonathan Sacks: Holy People, Holy Land Acharei Mot

Jonathan Sacks: Holy People, Holy Land Acharei Mot   I had been engaged in dialogue for two years with an Imam from the Middle East, a gentle and seemingly moderate man. One day, in the middle of our conversation, he turned to me and asked, “Why do

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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: The Seder: Adopting (from others) and Adapting (for us)

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig: The Seder: Adopting (from others) and Adapting (for us) For any religion to flourish for 3500 years, it has to have developed a strong survival system. Judaism, probably the world’s oldest existing religion, has several: diaspor

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Jonathan Sacks: Is there such a thing as Lashon Tov? METZORA

Jonathan Sacks: Is there such a thing as Lashon Tov? METZORA The Sages understood tsara’at, the theme of this week’s parsha, not as an illness but as a miraculous public exposure of the sin of lashon hara, speaking badly about people. Judaism is a s

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Steve Kramer – How will Israel Respond?

Steve Kramer – How will Israel Respond? At the moment, I’m writing while rockets and drones from Iran have just attacked Israel. The American president’s “Don’t” didn’t deter Iran from unleashing 300 drones, rockets, and missiles against

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Michael Oren – The Final Battle for the Holocaust

Michael Oren – The Final Battle for the Holocaust In Gaza, Israel is not only fighting for our future, but also for our past. Credit to CLARITY Along with destroying Hamas and reestablishing our security, the great unspoken objective of Israel in Gaza i

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Jonathan Sacks – Why Civilisations Die TZAV

Jonathan Sacks – Why Civilisations Die TZAV In The Watchman’s Rattle, subtitled Thinking Our Way Out of Extinction, Rebecca Costa delivers a fascinating account of how civilisations die. When their problems become too complex, societies reach wh

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Jonathan Sacks: The Dimensions of Sin VAYIKRA

Jonathan Sacks: The Dimensions of Sin VAYIKRA Our parsha, which deals with a variety of sacrifices, devotes an extended section to the chattat, the sin offering, as brought by different individuals: first the High Priest (Lev. 4:3-12), then the communit

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Jonathan Sacks – On Jewish Character PEKUDEI

Jonathan Sacks – On Jewish Character PEKUDEI Pekudei has sometimes been called “The Accountant’s Parsha”, because that is how it begins, with the audited accounts of the money and materials donated to the Sanctuary. It is the Torah’s way of

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Jonathan Sacks Between Truth and Peace KI TISSA

Jonathan Sacks Between Truth and Peace KI TISSA Ki Tissa tells of one of the most shocking moments of the forty years in the wilderness. Less than six weeks after the greatest revelation in the history of religion – Israel’s encounter with God at Moun

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RAV KOOK ON MISHPATIM: THE ISRAELITE WAY OF LIVING LAWFULLY RAV KOOK ON MISHPATIM: THE ISRAELITE WAY OF LIVING LAWFULLY “וְאֵ֨לֶּה֙ הַמִּשְׁפָּטִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר תָּשִׂ֖ים לִפְנֵיהֶֽם:-And these are the la

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Jonathan Sacks – God’s Nudge MISHPATIM

Jonathan Sacks – God’s Nudge MISHPATIM First in Yitro there were the Aseret Hadibrot, the “Ten Utterances”, the Ten Commandments, expressed as general principles. Now in Mishpatim come the details. Here is how they begin: If you buy a Hebr

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RAV KOOK ON PARSHAT YITRO: BECOMING A HOLY NATION BY ESTABLISHING A HOLY GOVERNMENT “וְאַתֶּ֧ם תִּֽהְיוּ־לִ֛י מַמְלֶ֥כֶת כֹּֽהֲנִ֖ים וְג֣וֹי קָד֑וֹשׁ” “And you will be a kingdom of priests a

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Jonathan Sacks – Deed and Creed YITRO

Jonathan Sacks – Deed and Creed YITRO The parsha of Yitro records the revolutionary moment when God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, entered into a mutually binding agreement with a nation, the Children of Israel, an agreement we call a brit, a covena

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Jonathan Sacks – The March of Folly BO

Jonathan Sacks – The March of Folly BO There is a fascinating moment in the unfolding story of the plagues that should make us stop and take notice. At the opening of this week’s parsha, seven plagues have now struck Egypt. The people are sufferin

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Steve Kramer: Israel’s position in the world

Steve Kramer: Israel’s position in the world How are we doing? As good as one could expect under the circumstances (See Note below.)   Feeling paranoid about Israel’s current position in world affairs? If so, that paranoia may be appropriate. Jus

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David Lawrence-Young: The Grimmest 100 days in Israel’s History

David Lawrence-Young: The Grimmest 100 Days in Israel’s History I have just returned home after attending one of the many rallies that were held this morning throughout Israel. I was not a unique demonstrator. Literally, hundreds of thousands of us stop

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Jonathan Sacks – The Birth of History – VAERA

Jonathan Sacks – The Birth of History – VAERA The parsha of Vaera begins with some fateful words. It would not be too much to say that they changed the course of history, because they changed the way people thought about history. In fact, they

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Jonathan Sacks – The Challenge of Jewish Leadership SHEMOT

Jonathan Sacks – The Challenge of Jewish Leadership SHEMOT I used to say, only half in jest, that the proof that Moses was the greatest of the prophets was that when God asked him to lead the Jewish people, he refused four times: Who am I to lead? T

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Jonathan Sacks – Collective Responsibility VAYISHLACH

Jonathan Sacks – Collective Responsibility VAYISHLACH By any standards it was a shocking episode. Jacob had settled on the outskirts of the town of Shechem, ruled by Hamor. Dina, Jacob’s daughter, goes out to see the town. Shechem, Hamor’s son,

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HOWARD EPSTEIN: THE MIND AS THE ENEMY The human mind is infinitely fascinating: certainly those of the giants of history who invented everything from fire and the wheel down to the electron-microscope and Iron Dome. No less impressive are the thinkers: So

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Jonathan Sacks – Why Did Isaac Love Esau? TOLDOT

Jonathan Sacks – Why Did Isaac Love Esau? TOLDOT   Even before they were born, Jacob and Esau struggled in the womb. They were destined, it seems, to be eternal adversaries. Not only were they were different in character and appearance. They al

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Jonathan Sacks – Abraham: A Life of Faith CHAYEI SARAH

Jonathan Sacks – Abraham: A Life of Faith CHAYEI SARAH Abraham, the Sages were convinced, was a greater religious hero than Noah. We hear this in the famous dispute among the Sages about the phrase that Noah was “perfect in his generations,” mea

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Jonathan Sacks – The Binding of Isaac: A New Interpretation

Jonathan Sacks – The Binding of Isaac: A New Interpretation   It is the hardest passage of all, one that seems to defy understanding. Abraham and Sarah have waited years for a child. God has promised them repeatedly that they would have many de

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Jonathan Sacks – On Being a Jewish Parent LECH LECHA

Jonathan Sacks – On Being a Jewish Parent LECH LECHA The most influential man who ever lived does not appear on any list I have seen of the hundred most influential men who ever lived. He ruled no empire, commanded no army, engaged in no spectacular

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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Israel’s Tactical Calamity; Hamas’s Strategic Disaster

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Israel’s Tactical Calamity; Hamas’s Strategic Disaster “When the Gods wish to punish us, they grant our prayers” (Oscar Wilde). Both PM Netanyahu and Hamas are now learning that lesson. PM Netanyahu’s policy has b

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Michael Shine – To all of my Liberal and Left Wing friends and acquaintances

Michael Shine – To all of my Liberal and Left Wing friends and acquaintances To all of my Liberal and Left Wing friends and acquaintances, wherever they may be, who have already started their chatter about the poor Gazan civilians that will or are s

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Jonathan Feldstein – Why I Am Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles

Jonathan Feldstein – Why I Am Celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles The Feast of Tabernacles is how many Christians refer to Sukkot, the Biblical festival we are celebrating this week.  It is also a multi-day event known in shorthand as “the Feast

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THE LIGHTS OF RAV KOOK: SUKKOT JOY AND UNIVERSALITY THE LIGHTS OF RAV KOOK: SUKKOT JOY AND UNIVERSALITY “Radiant is the world soul, Full of splendor and beauty, Full of life,  Of souls hidden, Of treasures of the holy spirit, Of fountains of strength,

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Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Israel in the 21st Century: Back to Judea and Israel?

Prof. Sam Lehman-Wilzig – Israel in the 21st Century: Back to Judea and Israel? The Israelite nation started off as 12 tribes, somewhat unified – and then things went downhill, historically speaking. Is the modern State of Israel going down that s

Advice & Self-Help | Advice & Self-Help

Jonathan Sacks z"l - The Power of Praise Vayeshev 5781

Jonathan Sacks z”l – The Power of Praise Vayeshev 5781 Reuben is the leader who might have been but never was. He was Jacob’s firstborn. Jacob said of him on his deathbed, “Reuben, you are my firstborn, my might, the first sign of my s

Politics | 2024 Election

Melania Trump's Malpractice | National Review

This is simply grotesque political malpractice, bordering on sabotage.

Politics | Donald Trump

Trump’s Genie Is Out of the Bottle | commentary

An incident involving a speaker for Donald Trump illustrates the way the candidate's attitude has given his supporters a license to express prejudice.

Politics | POLITICS

Prager: Why I Am in Israel — and Why You Should Be | Truth Revolt

I want to explain why I am in Israel. I am in here with 450 American (and a German and a Canadian) listeners to my radio show. About 400 are non-Jews. We are here on a “Stand with Israel” tour organized by the syndicator of my radio show, the Salem Ra